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tv   Expedition in die Heimat  Deutsche Welle  November 24, 2020 2:30pm-3:16pm CET

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surprise yourself, with what is possible. cool. and talk to people who follows her along the way. my rhymes and critic now is the world's most powerful woman. coming up today, liftoff. china launches a vision to the moon that could make it only the 3rd country to bring back from its office. we ask why the mission is important and what's driving. and i was ambitious plans for space. religion proved a stumbling block for many marriages in india. we speak to an interfaith couples, all opposition to be with each other. and to rest in socially
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conservative south korea. choosing to become morticians. welcome to do that you could join us. china launched a rocket today to the moon seeking to bring samples of new no rocks and dust back to the john 5 name for the ancient chinese moon goddess. took off successfully from china. it's the 1st mission in 4 decades. and if successful, it would make china only the 3rd country to bring back samples from the morning after the u.s. and the former soviet union. and for more on this launch, i'm joined by mark mccall cohen, senior advisor for science,
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an exploration of the european space agency. mark, welcome rocks have been brought back from the moon before all. what is the scientific importance of this mission? well, as you know, the apollo missions and also soviet unmanned missions brought back rocks in the sixty's and seventy's. but the chinese mission is going is actually interesting. it's a much younger region of the moon than the previous missions have been to the top of a volcano, a very smooth, flat volcano, not a spike, but it's much younger than those other regions. and so that will actually tell us something more about the more recent geological changes on the moon, and that will then be able to allow us to connect into what we have done with rocks from other places. so i think it's fascinating that china has chosen to go to a new place wait with new science to do right from the outset, rather than perhaps going somewhat easy a way other people have been before. and china is, of course not the only nation sending missions to the moon that up plans being made
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in the united states as well. why is that so much interest in the morn? well, i think that's a good question and a lot of people see it as sort of going back to something we did 50 years ago. but we at the european space agency with nasa, with roscoe's and also the russian space agency. and in the wider sense we, china and other international partners. we see this is a stepping stone, partly to learning how to survive in space away from the earth. we've been in the space station now for 20 years, but we're protected there by the magnetic field of the earth. going to the moon and learning how to operate in what we call the gateway a new small, the ocean of the space station where astronauts from the international community will travel, including european astronauts. then perhaps going back down to the surface, putting humans there. and maybe the middle of this decade, he's a stepping stones to something we want to do for a long time,
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which is actually go to mavs. and we need to learn from operating at the moon, sort of part of the distance away from the earth a little bit more like a campsite, rather than in just in the back garden is somewhere out in the wilderness before you set out on the big journey across an ocean and go somewhere completely novel. so it's also that there are lots of private companies now involved in space flight in low earth orbit. and it seems right that the big agencies, the big civilian agency set their sights further afield. right. believe ever the timing with thanks so much for joining us, mark mclachlan. my pleasure. now for china, this launch is the latest step in an ever expanding and ambitious space program that began in the sixty's. but it's in the past 20 years that it's seen a real acceleration. china's space ambitions have been growing for years.
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in 2003, china secured a major breakthrough when it became the 3rd country in the world to send a man into space. 10 years later, china hit another milestone successfully landing an unpiloted spacecraft on the moon. it was the 1st soft landing since the soviet union success in 1976. more chinese cheers in january 29th teen in a global 1st, a lunar probe. touching down on the far side of the moon, boosting china's space ambitions. mars is also in china's sights. this year, beijing launched an unmanned probe to the planet. in july, it put the final satellite into orbit for its chinese navigation system. the, country's rival to us g.p.s., but this lunar mission to bring back material from the moon is one of china's most
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ambitious to date and one which beijing is determined will be another success. but what is the driving force behind china's plans in space? and is it purely scientific? we put that question to bludgeon bowen an expert for space warfare and space policy at the university of so when we talk about china's space program, it's important to think of it. exploration with a robotic or crude is maybe when program and many, many space programs in china. so i would separate scientific and civil exploration space program from the economic, commercial military and intelligence space programs as well. so are the moments now china has launched or has registered with and it states around $350.00 plus satellites and they provide all sorts of essential services down on it for military
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and economic and infrastructural purposes. the space science and exploration, that's very much about stimulating high tech industry. also as, as packing for techno nationalist purposes as well, which is not unique to china and sort of the propaganda and prestige, russian arms behind it as well, of demonstrating china's high tech space capability. so any last space program has a lot of motivations behind it, but it is important i think, to separate the space station, which is fairly benign compared to the more military elements of china's other parts of its space. program. india getting matter to who you want isn't all restraint forward amongst the many factors that determine a future union is religion. i've seen this myself, but marriage between a bride and groom of different religions is to front a pawn in many parts of india is specially so when it comes to marriage between
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a hindu and a muslim. the aversion is rooted instead of typical ideas and historic distrust between the communities. but more recently bias has been fanned by divisive national politics. they need to some a is an economics professor. she comes from an educated middle class family, but nevertheless, her parents were horrified 17 years ago when she announced she wanted to marry her husband tunde via benito's hindu temple is muslim. the struggle was in god when seeing them about who he was and in trying to raise the idea of a stereotypical muslim because our family and that includes me as well. we did not have many muslim fans, and we did not know many muslim people on social media like tanveer and they need to encounter hatred. muslim men who marry hindu women are accused of waging a love jihad, a holy war of love. insinuating the wedding as part of
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a strategy to islam is hindu women. the accusation is widespread. the family actually produced this society, so it's a reproduction of the same family. so that's what people want. so in india, of course, there is a problem and see it's an indian jewelry company experience this just recently in a commercial that showed a hindu pride being welcomed into her new family by him. islam mother and all just 2 after the clip was radical hindus shared with the company with insults and called for a boycott. of the jeweler withdrew the commercial to counter the problem. 5 indian journalists have now launched an initiative called the love project on instagram. where happy into religious couples tell their stories. some of the order couples who are mentioned on our project best stories is given by the children by their grandchildren are sometimes soft. that it makes you
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realize that that point of it wasn't acceptable at all, but there wasn't this kind of organized government opposition to it, tempi it, and they need to have also published their story on the love project. their families have long since my piece with their marriage. now they also want to help other couples. the reach is a little less, i'm not sure whether they will be able to impact a lot of people. but a good step in that, i bet it would be and they need to not getting that children a religious education. they've decided that children should make up their own minds about what to believe. in south korea, most general directors are men, but increasingly more women are taking up the role. and in doing so, they are not only breaking taboos, but also responding to a need from the market. park program is
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a rarity in south korea. she works as a mortician, an industry traditionally reserved for the country's men, but those traditions are gradually shifting. park has come to learn the families of many young female victims prefer that she prepares their bodies which in the biggest cause of death among young people is suicide. many of them are women and the bereaved families, especially when the death was due to suicide and the deceased is a woman, feel more comfortable if a female handles the body. south korea has the world's highest suicide rates among developed countries. the tragic statistic has been brought into sharp focus after the recent deaths of prominent k. pop artists such as suny from go band f.x. . that's helped break to blues with more women training to be morticians, determined to counter historic gender stereotypes. i have heard some shocking
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things from former students. one of them told me her mother in law said, how do you think of cooking my meals with the hands that have touched a dead body that was so shocking. for these students, majoring in funeral direction is about learning to show dignity and respect for the deceased. so while it's the law of the call, i sure wouldn't want a man to touch wash and dress my naked body even when i'm dead. i'm determined i should be the one beating these women a proper farewell, as was the kind of farewell preferred by many families in today's south korea. and that's a for today this morning. a website did i believe in i, with pictures of today's move launch from china and the reactions it's caused.
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we're back tomorrow at the same time. about the fight against the corona virus pandemic has the rate of infection been developing the latest research information and contacts virus update on t.w. and jim, and if at any time i believe any place names yet, i don't like the quite cool song to sing along to you from super looking
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for those interactive exercises. everything is online and interactive. and jim interface with the w it's the stress of the coronavirus pandemic is taking its toll on all of us. there's the ever present fear that you or a loved one, could catch the virus on top of the strain of having to work and learn from home with normal ways of relaxing and socializing on hold for. now, scientists are starting to study the emotional impact the pandemic is having on people everywhere from the oldest to the youngest
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is 5. ringback children perhaps can't fully comprehend the unusual strain that this pandemic is placing upon them. is not normal times for anyone and the impact is being felt strongly by those who would normally need the most help. the elderly are among the 3 friends have met up to play cards in leipzig, germany. they are between 70 and one over 90 years old. they all still live in
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their own homes. they regularly to exercise classes together and meet up in a restaurant on sundays. so how do they feel about the contact restrictions? i don't want to take any risks. i prefer to follow the recommendations. i won't take any risks, says michelle. and of course, this is stressful because you become really isolated and very alone. and you need a bit more at least i personally need a little bit more company just nursing homes have had restrictions for a long time. visits are now limited to half an hour each day. one of this homes residents is lucy, a little man. she is 99 years old, has 4 children, and she's a grand and great grandmother. they mention the cell and go to sleep. humans are meant to be social. you can have a good life when you have closeness, when you can hug things that aren't possible now. and how think you have to think
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in the end, i don't care to shake hands with the children. that's not what you're supposed to do. and that's the hardest part. the see a little man has experienced a lot in her life. escape from war illnesses and great upheaval. so you know, the lesson. all we can do is stay calm and accept whatever comes our way and the impact of when through come. the only thing we can influence that is by being considerate to each other. the impact of the coronavirus on the mental health of people of all ages is something that's being studied very closely. we can all speak to professor christoph corral from the sherry tate medical school here in berlin. he's conducting a major international survey called the collaborative outcomes study on health and functioning during infection times or co fit for short. and i think we need to show version of that. thank you very much for joining us professor. i mean,
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what's the aim of your study? yes. when a cool fit actually cool, it hits the worlds we were stunned by it on myself. and marcos only did cool and we thought we need to do something to learn from it and feel fortified. so the idea is to state and be fit cool fit during the cool bit and then mc and up and mix trying to understand who are the people who are at highest risk of having poor outcomes from it. and one are coping strategies to actually do well during the pandemic, so that we could learn from individual minda vigils for individuals, but also do something like that in space. governance, that's politicians and society could learn from what kind of strategies to deal with. pandemic health. both physical and mental wellbeing or actually make it worse . so what sort of thing is asking people so are asking many things that's it's
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a long survey that's a little bit of weakness about 30 minutes for of adults and adolescents and about 15 to 20 minutes for all children age 6 to 13, we're asking them obviously where they live, how they live, where they know someone who has been infected or they've been infected themselves if they're in karm, teen right now or not. but also do they have a physical or mental illness already? and what is the help seeking behavior during the pen demick, they getting the medication or they can have a need. and then we are asked symptoms, looking at not full validated scales, but we drew out single questions to b.s. trans diagnostic as possible having as many mental domains and physical domains we want to cover. and then we already saw that having drawn out just a couple of questions, always on 0 to $10.00, how much you feel it is true knowledge that you're anxious, lonely or angry. and how it was that the 2 weeks before the
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pandemic hit in order to see a change. and then we also ask about coping strategies, what works the best? and then we want to see people who do well, what kind of coping strategies they use versus those that don't. so that we can actually recommend certain strategies to people who may not use them appropriately . they're already send theories on the impacts that their pandemics been having on mental health, all the specific ideas that you know, trying to either challenge all or prove with this. so i mean, we're looking both at not modifiable risk factors, which are basically socceroo definitions and modifiable risk factors. so can we do something that we want to change? so for example, how much people go outside, how much they are in contact with other, is it just personal contact or what about also online contact that is already
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pretty good. but what about telemedicine? that supplements for in person visits and can still maintain well being. so where we're testing a couple of also resilience factors. it doesn't resilience change over time, or is it something that you're born with into the endemic? what about altruism and altruistic behavior change and thereby also improve outcomes? these are all, some of the questions we're asking with in looking on the program and specifically the impacts for young people and older people. are there specific groups that you are expecting to see the pandemic having a lot to impact on? yes, so we're looking at it 1st of all, this is an anonymous for the general population, but we're very interested in subgroups migrans, pregnant women, women in general, the young, the very old, the people who live alone from plant health care workers. all of these will be
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examined. we conned if 110000 people across the world, 147 countries, 6 continents to participate. we need more people to understand it better. but what we've learned already is that women seem to be at the brunt. they have more stress, more angry, and they also feel somewhat more lonely than males. and particularly it seems those that have to do triple time asking their home, running the household. but they have to do home schooling and maybe also do a home office kind of work and it seems that they are much more affected all the more open and honest about it. because also more women participated in the survey saw will be interesting to see which groups to turn out to be the greater effective professor christoph corral from the sheraton medical school and the co fit study. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me. and you can take part in the survey by
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visiting fitz dot com, they want people from all over the world and it's available in lots of different languages. and you can help create a better understanding of the human impact of covered 90. now is the part of the program where we put one of your questions submitted through how you chip channel to our science correspondent, derrick williams. i would like to know why the pfizer vaccine needs to be kept. so very cold, especially since it presumably has to be warmed up prior to administer a sion to answer this i 1st have to go over a few basics of cell biology. the vaccine developed by biotech and pfizer is what's known as a messenger r.n.a. or m r n a vaccine m r n a is a chain like a molecule that fulfills a very important function and cells that it contains codes to make proteins and it
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acts as a messenger between the cells control center and its protein building machinery as hence the name. but the protein, this particular m r n a vaccine that codes for isn't a human one. it's a protein that's made by the corona virus. and when the m r n a is injected, it causes your cells to begin making that viral protein, and that provokes an immune response, just as if you caught covert 19 sending in the pretty simple quick to produce more of a code molecules to make these, these complicated proteins and getting the body to do all of the work of producing them, this business, elegant solution to, to a complex problem. but of course, it can't be all easy. we've been trying to produce these kinds of vaccines for decades now. and one of the major hurdles has been keeping the m.r. in a stable long enough for it to accomplish its task. after all, messenger r.n.a.
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isn't built to last in the cell that's supposed to break down again after it's proteins have been produced, not hang around because that would cause all kinds of problems. so lots of the research in the field involves keeping this pretty fragile molecule stable. and one way to do that is to code it in a, in a specially designed molecular envelope and then, and then fine or use it at all to low temperatures. when he thought back out again, the more n a begins to degrade, but not instantly. the best description i've heard of the process compared these vaccines to chocolate covered ice cream bars with, with the coding, hoping to retain the integrity of the ice cream to some extent, even as it slowly melts. pfizer and by on tax say that they are vaccine. if refrigerated remains stable for up to 2, about 5 days after thawing and maternal, which, which makes the other m.r.
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and a vaccine can do that, making headlines at the moment. it says that it's those says have a refrigerated shelf life of, of, up to 30 days. just as a comment on you ship channel, so for must stay healthy. body
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clocks in for the top of the deceased's hashim in the clay single of the big top banks to get a mindset stop 1st when the season comes to minutes on d. . w.
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is a master of arms confrontation. this is no fun. come back yard client, be disputed champion a political talk, trying to try to keep herself from coming from the other side to suffer through the cause. click zone and join tim sebastian, as he holds the powerful to account is the fix for your whichever way you like to spin the conflict zone folds or d. w. . how does the virus spread? why do we panic? and when we'll all miss just 3 of the topics covered in the weekly radio show is called spectrum. if you would like and new information on the program virus or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast. you can also find us at twitter, dot com for inside science in the army
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of climate change comes from most of us. what's most people? what ideas do they have? their future of g.w. dot com for their grocery, the making to give us a clue cutter to know that 77 percent of plastic are younger than thinks of pot. that's me and me and you and you know what's, it's time all voices from the 77 percent to talk about the issue. this is where you cut the 77 percent this weekend on d w.
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this is the w.'s life will grow in corruption and the covert. 19 crisis activists show d.w. evidence that hungary is misusing pandemic funds will take you to budapest to meet the critics fighting, to call out corruption at the highest levels. but many of them fear they will soon be silenced. also coming up, let the transition begin. u.s. president elect joe biden gets the green light to formally kick start his administration. after weeks of stalling president, trump authorizes the official handover process. woodbines team plus
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a story of trauma and triumph in colombia. a former child soldier who was wounded in a bomb blast is now a champion cyclist with his eyes on glory and the upcoming paralympic games. are thank you so much for your company. while we start our broadcast right here in europe with deepening divisions over coronavirus relief, funds hungry and poland have been refusing to approve the 2 trillion dollar relief package. they object to a plan that would tie those funds to rule of law criteria. but critics in hungary allege that prime minister viktor, or bonds, government is rife with corruption regarding pandemic spending. some of these dissenting voices now fear the could be silenced.
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who broke the latest news in 3 minutes. cooper radio is the popular station in budapest and one of only a few media outlets that are critical of the government. but their license expires in 3 months. and the authorities have so far refused to extend it. then to the vast majority of the hungary and media slave, usually follow the wards of the government for a lot of hungary. and it's the only side of the argument that they hear. clock radio does not communicate like this. we are so to speak, an obstacle to the complete domination of the hungarian mind. they called us and their voices seem to be needed now more than ever. with the coronavirus pandemic raging through the country. hungry as prime minister, viktor orban, is using the crisis to seize more power. his critics say, daniel and operating word for the hungry and civil liberties union. the n.-g. o.
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recently published a report showing how the pandemic has led to more corruption in the country. one example is the purchase of ventilators by the foreign ministry. ventilators were purchased in huge quantities and significantly overpriced. only some of them are likely to be used in intensive care and protection against the epidemic. and that's another concern on top of a fact that they were wired at an inflated price, a strain that was for you or into some other shop trigger sort of stick as this man's mission is to uncover corruption at the highest level and to call it out because had, has he is an independent member of the hunger in parliament. he tells me that all banks government is plagued by corruption. and that it's high time for the e.u. to take action. volumnia more door and ask some how this has to be resolved. the government cannot continue to steal or spend your funds uncontrolled. all uses this
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money to pay his people. this is how he maintains this fraudulent system. but viktor orban deflects and criticism and is challenging the use plans to tie funding to respect for the rules. we wanted to speak about this with his spokesperson, but he canceled the interview at short notice. they have going to government accuses brussels of trying to think should it for political reasons. but the country's civil society and the opposition. hopefully you do stand its ground. they fear backing down now would embolden big to oban and encourage other populous in the europe to join in this a clue grigio hoping for international support. and they are determined to continue their work, if necessary, by streaming their shows. the internet. that however, would mean a much smaller audience. all right, i'm joined now by ditto views. burch, if in brussels, alexander von nominee,
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who you just saw reporting there from budapest, alexander, i want to start off with hungry and poland. obviously they are not the only countries in europe with corruption and rule of law issues. i mean it's well documented, multiple garia romania also allegedly suffering from similar issues. so don't the leaders of poland and hungary have a point that they're being singled out for what they call political reasons. well, i don't think so leyla big to all been claims that his country is being targeted for political reasons in particular because of its hardline stance. on migration, but there is no evidence of that. and he also claims that he's government actually respects the rule of law. so the question is here, why is hungry so afraid? this new mechanism? why is hungry fighting against that? now basically this is a political route that is deepening. will the e.u.
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stand its ground with regard to poland and hungary? well the people that i spoke with in budapest, there are certainly hoping for that. but we also have to say that the european union has been always interested in finding a compromise and having older members on board. and there are many areas where you need older members to get their approval. for example, when you dealing with the budget or with foreign policy decisions, how were over or meanwhile, some e.u. members, for example, didn't neverland's are saying it's important here not to give in to hungry demands . because then we will lose all our credibility and they also points to the fact that there is a lot to stake for hungry, hungry has been profiting from its e.u. . membership has been receiving billions of euros. so it's also
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a lot of at stake for them too. so when push comes to shove, the other e.u. member stations go ahead and get the coronavirus fund on track without the backing of poland and hungary, well actually actually that it's possible according to you treaties they can do that. they can go a had by and hans corp, the best example of that that this is possible is the euro, the european currency,, and the all the e.u. not all e.u. members have the euro, if they don't fulfill their conditions. so it would be possible for the 24 e.u. members to put it, i'm sorry for the 25 you members to, to move forward without hungry or without poland. and just, you know, tell them you think about it and let us know if you are ready to join. but we understand that there are still behind the scenes efforts underway to diffuse. the
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tension is what would happen or what could happen if the e.u. doesn't manage to defuse the situation. come december. while at the moment, all eyes are on medical, germany holds the council's presidency and she is in touch with the prime minister in hungary, or in poland. trying to find a solution to this crisis on a phenomenal reporting from brussels. thank you. as ever germany's government is optimistic that the country might begin vaccinating people before the end of this year. but in the meantime, leaders are eyeing an extension of the current partial shutdown. of his numbers have plateaued since a limited long down began, but remain high, rising by over 13000 in the past 24 hours. following a meeting of the leaders of germany's 16 states, a draft proposal suggests extending current restrictions until at least december
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20th, with a potential relaxation of limits over the holiday period. a final decision will be made at a meeting which chancellor angela merkel on wednesday. let's take a look now at some developments in the corona pandemic of the european union says it has reached a deal with us. a biotech firm or durant out for the supply of up to 160000000 doses of its covert $900.00 vaccine candidate. the deal will be formally approved on wednesday, the australian state of queensland has announced that it's opening its border with new south wales on december 1st. it comes after a new south wales, which includes sydney reported no new transmissions for $28.00 days. so we don't, has introduced a set of new measures to contain their rapid growth of new infections. public gatherings are now limited to 8 people. sweden adopted a less stringent program to fight the virus than many of its neighbors. and
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malaysia says it will close some factories of the world's biggest rubber glove maker. as more than 2000 of its workers have tested positive for covert 19 we turn our attention now to the u.s. 3 weeks after the u.s. election. president elect joe biden has finally been given the green light to start the transition process. president trying treated on shoes say that he was directing his administration to cooperate in the handover process is the closest he's come to conceding defeat. meanwhile, biden has pushed ahead and begun announcing nominations for his own administration . president elect joe biden has officially revealed his picks for the top positions of his cabinet, making a clear shift away from trump's america 1st dog train. instead, a lot of familiar faces from the obama administration signaling biden's intention
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to return to a more established approach to interacting with other countries. biden's choices of policy veterans like his longtime adviser, anthony blinken, name to secretary of state. he will be tossed with steering the country back to what the paris climate's agreement, the world health organization and the iran nuclear deal. the best known of the nominees is former secretary of state john kerry, poised to become biden's climate change envoy. former federal reserve chair janet yellen is to service treasury secretary policy, if confirmed she would be the 1st woman to take over this pivotal role and would face a difficult task of shaping u.s. economic policies at a time when the country is facing a pandemic. and the ensuing recession, for the area by dint appears to be making good on his campaign promise that his cabinet will reflect america's diversity. with his picks for the u.s. ambassador to the united nations and the department of homeland security.
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he also named the 1st woman to become director of national intelligence wise. but many of biden's cabinet picks will require confirmation in the senate where republicans still hold a narrow majority. for now, at least with the transition process officially underway. some of the uncertainty and type ilands of the past weeks seems to be settling down our want to turn now to a heading at reka of the german council on foreign relations to get his reaction. to these latest developments, mr. reka, a very warm welcome. the way has been cleared now for the president elect to start finally, the official a transition process. is there a sense of relief here among the european allies? of course it's a relief because they understand that will open a new page on transatlantic relations. but it's not so much of
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a relieve with regard to the outcome of the election. not that many people doubted that it's a job one has won that. but with regard to the now lengthy ordeal might be what might be not necessary with the protests and possibly street violence in the dallas to the, to the democracy. so it might help actually healing starting now, which is also important for america's foreign policy. and the mystery president elect, i should say it joe biden has made it a some history making appointments. what to focus 1st on the national security nominees, some veteran diplomats among them. what does that tell us about how foreign policy is going to look in the next 4 years? i think it gives a clear sign that one might say traditional or conventional style of foreign policy making with the diplomacy of the home with the winning over
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a partners with international organizations is also the paradigm of the president elect. that doesn't mean that the topics that they cover all special the fact that we now have the high ranking, representative for climate with john kerry with the john kerry sort and really makes kind of it is a bore. it will also be interesting to see how progressive kind of this will play a role with the cabinet this fall and might also have an impact on the international law of the united states. but it shows clearly that biden is looking for partners trying to, to tie together the democracies to, to rebuild american leadership with allies. and this is something that this is very much at the heart of the europeans as well. mr. erykah, please stand by. i'm going to put you on hold for just a 2nd because we asked germany's defense minister how she believes relations in terms of transatlantic relations will change. take
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a listen to what she told the incoming u.s. administration office and a big opportunity for something at the same time. we have to face up to the fact that our capabilities he was in europe still don't match up to our own ambitions. us still in the same book on the abyss. cellphones do we fix not building up our own abilities, the more we will be a serious partner for the united states, a partner and they think on this inside. and that's regardless if he was president, even after joe biden, that it's a president and his remark. and that was germany's defense minister now mr. meek. and we heard a lot recently about how europe just needs to step up to the plate and do more on the global stage that we just heard. minister come qanbar also, you know, taking that line with a bite in his administration. no. starting in january.


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