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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  November 25, 2020 1:00am-1:31am CET

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don't lose the use to the game. discover who subscribe to documentary this is d w. news, and these are our top stories. u.s. president elect, joe biden has named key members of his cabinet. former secretary of state john kerry has been named climate voyage and veteran diplomat. anthony blinken will be secretary of state president. trump has agreed to allow the transition process to
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begin, but he hasn't conceded defeat germany's coronavirus measures. it looks set to be ramped up in the coming weeks. regional leaders have drafted a proposal to tighten restrictions in a bid to then relax them over the holiday period. restrictions on hotels, restaurants and gyms are to remain in place. a final decision will be made later this week. international donor countries are at a conference in geneva, have pledged more than $10000000000.00 euros in aid for afghanistan. the money will be delivered over the next 4 years, but some of it is conditional on progress made on human rights. and peace talks with the taliban. this is d.w. news from berlin. follow us on twitter and instagram, or you can visit our website, w dot com
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for 3 weeks after the us election, the transition of power from president trump to president elect biden has officially begun the dal for the 1st time ever hit 30000 points, a jubilant wall street, while main street hardly noticed, trump continues claiming that the vote was rigged. 70 percent of republicans believe him. 70000000 people voted for him. can joe biden change their hearts and minds? is he bipartisan enough to bridge these divided united states of america? i'm burnt off in berlin. this is the day the country is genuinely divided. how much damage has the president on? how much damage can't do that preceded donald trump?
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but it certainly was accelerated by his presidency. well, i think he has definitely set back the democratic norms here in the united states. stop be abuse. we can invite people to bridge the differences that divide us. stop this division. let's begin that work to heal, you know, to heal and unite in america as well as the world. also coming up when are you planning to travel again, by plane? the pandemic has grounded air travel now. the australian airline quansah says it knows how to protect your health and the health of the entire industry. if we are looking at changing or tam's, the contentions to say, for international travelers. at that, we will ask people to offer nation before they can get on the aircraft
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but to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with the kind of american exceptionalism that no one is bragging about. according to pew research, the pandemic has revealed how uniquely pervasive and deep the divide in american politics in society is 90 percent. say a victory by the other political party would result in lasting harm to the us, but it is not only politics here, religion, trust in science, respect for government, race relations, national identity, attitudes towards the media. these are all areas where people usually debate, but in the us they have become markers of a toxic, tribal and buying mary system that gives you 2 choices. you're like us or you're like them. it is this demonization of each other that president elect. joe biden has promised to address biden is the closest to a bipartisan president. americans have known in a long time, a centrist,
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yet his ability to bridge the divide may depend on what voters in the u.s. state of georgia decide in january. he doesn't use washington bureau chief in his poll has more tonight on a nation deeply divided in the heart of one of the most divided counties in georgia. nice. the town minutes with half of its population is white and 48 percent to south africa in america. in an antique shop in downtown, we find many items that reflect the time when milledgeville was told, just the state capital. that was during the civil war. when the confederacy including georgia, fought to keep slavery. some elements of that time still seem relevant to shop owner in their youth and seems to be stuck in the past. there is never, never going to be a quality in race. he has
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a grim take on the current political situation now, and i don't think the republicans and the democrats are going to maybe only a level playing field. floyd griffin has been doing his bit to level george allen's political playing field for decades. he was the 1st democrat to have been elected from this area to the georgia senate, and also served as milledgeville is mayor. the bottom line is ratios on here and in america, the present majority of white community are going to be in a minority here pretty soon. and they fear that the black and brown people are going to take over. the divisions here in milledgeville broadly reflect those of the whole of the usa bringing together people who feel as differently as floyd, griffin, and, and teak, shop owner,
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larry hughes didn't do is a major challenge. but they need to work together on the many problems in the country and in the town. stephen hall was or has some ideas. he is the director of the local library and helps organize the initiative on the table. it brings people together to discuss local issues in a constructive way. he approaches low drama and encourages everyone to get involved . i think the biggest issue for us is what is america? we've had a lot of changes in the last couple years and a lot of the norms that we've had for better or for worse and gone away. and i think we're looking at a future of what is our value? what are our ideas of how we should behave toward each other and what is the common purpose that we have? i think we've lost a little track about and i'd love to see that come together in the future for that americans have to start listening to one another and stop shouting over each other
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or you just fall just returned from georgia. she is back in washington d.c. tonight. she joins me from our bureau there. good evening to you, enos. you know, i enjoyed watching your story and i wanted to ask you, did you get the impression that voters in georgia? are they fully aware of the weight of their votes in these 2 runoff elections for the u.s. senate you know, political acts of people most definitely are. and there has been a lot of voter outreach and voter registration programs, especially actually from stacey average because that they hope that they can bring more voters out even after the 6 trini contentious election cycle. and unfortunately when there is no president on the ballot, there's usually less voter turnout, but these are kind of the politically active people,
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the average people. they kind of tired of going out and vote. it doesn't seem very democratic or failure for one state to decide the fate of the u.s. senate or maybe even the biden presidency. how many times did voters in georgia tell you the political system needs changing? yeah, i mean they have always been complains about how the 2 party system is set up. i mean, if you are able to hold your own, the left 2 options and people do come play in about that a lot. even. so i mean right now in this very divided country, those who are still strong trump supporters, they don't want any other party. they just want to be able to vote again for donald trump if you ask them. yeah, we know georgia which for joe biden in this year's election or voters in georgia.
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are they in love with joe biden? or do they love the fact that he is not drawn? that's a good question actually, and it's good to ask the whole united states. i mean, we have to keep in mind at the end of the day, georgia is an incredibly red, conservative state. by all measures. there has been a mixture of pro biden and anti trump voters. i mean, i think what is really different this time is the democrats were able to get large turnout from democratic voters and new waters that's different from 4 years ago. and it's not just about what can one, we know that it's also about democrats and republicans in the it's about this deep divide in the united states. how divided is the wider country at the moment?
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it is a very divided, i was able to travel the united states from one side to the other just before the election and we experienced that this country. and this also appears in the little piece we just saw, kind of has lost the ability to talk with each other to talk to discuss really complicated topics like abortion rights or gun restrictions or health care for everybody or the question, how much taxes people should pay but the problem here right now is that facts for many people don't really matter anymore. and that opens really the doors to conspiracy theories. so yes, georgia is very divided, so is the whole united states here before we run of time. just ask you is if georgia returns to republican senators in this runoff election in january will, will that mean that the democrats will have to reach across the political aisle
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even more if they want to get anything done? absolutely, i mean, if the senate stays in favor of the republicans, which actually many expect to happen biden will most certainly have to reach out across the aisle, which actually he is able to do. that's kind of his political gift. but the real concern for him is how the liberal wing within his own party will then react. i mean, if, if he has to really reach out to conservatives, he might see some serious, serious political fighting within the democratic party. you know? yes. well, we'll see what happens in january. january will be the month when much is designed to in his poll our washington bureau chief in us, thank you. it was
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late on monday when us president elect joe biden finally received the go ahead to start the transition process, but biden, he's been preparing for weeks now. on tuesday, he presented to the people he plans to nominate for critical national security and foreign policy positions. it's a team that will keep our country and our people safe and secure. it's a team that reflects the fact that america is back ready to lead the world. not retreat from it. once again, sit at the head of the table, ready to confront our adversaries, and not reject our allies ready to stand up for our values. in fact, in calls from world leaders and i've had about 18 to 20 so far, i'm not sure the exact number in the weeks since we won the election. i've been struck by how much they're looking forward to the united states. reassert its historic role as a global leader. well,
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joining me tonight from washington is karen de young. she is senior national security correspondent at the washington post here and it's good to have you on the day you coauthored a piece in today's post that caught our eyes. the headline reads, biden's nominees have pushed policies that trump used to fuel his rise. we have an excerpt, we want to show our viewers here. you write that democrats are worried about biden's pick so far. how they try to govern this time will be a major test of whether biden feels the need to respond to the anxieties among supporters of trump. whether he views his election as a sweeping mandate to shift in an entirely different direction or whether he settles somewhere in the middle. who among biden's picks have triggered soul searching and worries among democrats. hello. well, it's good to be here. you know, it was interesting, bernie thing,
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anders who obviously represents the progressive wing of the party, put out a tweet today saying, where in the progressives in the cabinet, people that if they are, there are very, very traditional people who have all worked for biden or with biden, for many, many years. now, these are only the people who, who are going to be doing foreign policy and national security. i think what sanders and the progressive the party care much more about are the people who are generating our economic and, and financial think so it remains to be seen who by it is going to, who by them can pick up that it looks a surge and you know, and it's going to be the treasury secretary, probably have the federal reserve, and i think that is not something that will make a progressive wing very happy. you know, that's true. we did see the dell go over 30000 points today on news of yellen being the nominee. who would you, or who would be a good choice in your opinion, to send
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a signal to trump, voters that president elect biden is thinking of them too. well i think that, you know, they have everything he said during the campaign other i don't think many, many trump supporters were listening at the point at that point. and certainly president trump, in his own campaign, was sort of describing biden's platform in a way that wasn't necessarily completely true. i think that biden, you know, he said, look, my 1st interests are solving the problem of the coronavirus. it's righting the economy. and i think that that's one thing that democrats have said whether they're moderates or progressives have said, look, we learned from the last time we did let manufacturing jobs go overseas. we didn't
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pay enough attention to people in so-called, red states who were losing their jobs, who were unable to, to adapt to a service economy to a high tech on elite. so i think that that's something that he's going to be stressing. he did stress during the campaign, but again, i think that not many times, bush listening to karen, you know, biden says that he wants to help heal the soul of america. he wants to and americans demonization of each other. i mean, when you hear words like that, i mean, you can't get much more centrist than that. can you? no, and i think he's serious about it. i mean he's, he, if he feels like his task over the next 40 years is, is to unify america, which is, which is as your previous speaker was saying, you know, it's just extremely divided. and so i think that he does view that not only out in the country, but certainly in congress, you know, as,
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depending on what happens in the georgia runoff, an in january, i think that he's either going to find himself faced with a, with a very, very narrow majority or with no majority at all in the senate. and that's going to make it harder. he's hoping that he can use relationships that he built over many, many years and sell at dealing with republicans to bridge this. divide him essentially get something done. and he's also hoping that a lot of these republicans in congress and senate are people who were secretly not very happy with trying but, and of were afraid to stand up against him. and that now that the election's over that perhaps they'll be more amenable. i'm not quite so sure how good a bet that is. but i think that's his intention. i said at the beginning of our program that joe biden seems to be the most bipartisan president that the united states has had in a long time. doesn't that mean that he is maybe,
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uniquely equipped and positioned to do to bridge this tremendous divide that exists in politics and in society? i don't think that that. i'm not sure that's a fair characterization. i think that if you look at certainly bill clinton, george bush, obama, they all started out saying, you know, when america unity, president of the americans. and i think that the, the divided government where you, in many cases have had, have had a congress at least one house, if not to a different party than the president has made that kind of governing more and more difficult. certainly, i mean, is in a better position than others to, to make that happen because he served in the senate and because he was known as the
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kind of guy who would reach out in the senate. and he was certainly like that as a bomb. as far as president, i mean that was one of the roles played was to reach out to, to the public into except for the beginning of has 1st term were in the majority of the senate. today's press conference with biden's picks. we were talking about in the newsroom. it was amazingly calm, not boisterous, and even downright polite. i'm wondering for 4 years, americans and the world have been hooked on donald trump. and his style of politics . we hear now from americans that they want the temperature in the bar, you turned them down. do you believe them care? most of them want that. there are some who are not going to give up who are not going to turn the volume down, but i think by and large,
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people are exhausted. it's been a very tumultuous. 4 years. people are tired, people are tired of conflict then i think that's partly what, what biden is counting on. and that's why he hasn't been quite so fiery in a way that will with jenna be even more true supporters. i mean, you can forget the fact that 73000000 people voted for donald trump. that's a lot of people. and many of them have been out of the streets. i think these divisions are going to last for a while, but there's no question that you know, this sort of waking up 1st thing in the morning and see what crisis or disaster, or conflict or contentious situation is going to dominate the day or even have today because sometimes it turned over in the middle of the day. i think, march, there's a big relief, and that will give biden some points at the beginning. not a whole lot, not for
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a long time, but it will give him a chance, at least overwrites karen de young, senior national security correspondent at the washington post. there we preach, signify, i mean, your insights tonight. thank you. you're welcome. thank you. largest airline kwanza. this is suggesting that it could make a coronavirus vaccination, a requirement for all international air travelers. the flag carrier is the 1st major airline to suggest that such rules could become commonplace in the air travel industry. and the news comes as the international air transport association is announcing that it's developing a digital health pass that can be used to record in fruit coded 19 tests or back to the nation. this is what quantas c.e.o. alan joyce said about the vaccine require. it. we are looking at changing our tam sic conditions to say for international travelers. at that we will ask people to
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have a fax nation before they can get on the aircraft. and what do you need that domestically? we'll have to see what happens with copa 90 in the market, but certainly for international visitors coming in and people leaving the country. we think that's in the says city. and my colleague joins me here at the big table at the sea. i'm not completely surprised by this. i mean, what's at stake here? i guess what's really at stake is the future of the airline industry itself. i think we're seeing the 1st signs of what we might all have to live with. if we want to get back on board the airplanes, the elon industry has lost over $100000000000.00 us dollars. so far this year, as the australian carrier has lost $2000000000.00 us dollars, they have laid off 8 and a half 1000 staff members already. they've grounded $200.00 airplanes, and of course this is the same across the industry. we've seen bankruptcy, virgin australia, brazil, fly. be in the u.k. . we were also norwegian air, which is on the brink, karen,
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in europe. so the airlines are really doing whatever they can to make sure that they can get people back on the planes, but also for to assure that people feel safe once they're there, the body that oversees the airline industry. they are, as you said, introducing this digital health pass, which will keep all your testing and vaccine information. and as we've said, will require vaccinations for international travelers, the ones that become widely available, you know what's to become widely available. what's been the response from travelers to? well, this mounting social media campaign now to boycott cleansers and it's not just coming from the so-called antivirus nation movement that we've seen long before covered 19. we have a few tweets that we've been looking at. we have one from the british, the cheek travel agency, they say we have made a company decision today to not sell any quantas flies, even on a code share following their announcement of no vaccination,
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no flights. we've also got one from an australian columnist and t.v. contributor. she says that this could have gone with any number of options, rapid testing proof of negative test on flying, but it's attempting to force a medical decision on customers. i'm not anti unvaccinated. i'm also vehemently anti corporate bullying under the guise of health . of course, other people are supporting this move. many people are saying that they would feel safer knowing that everyone on board their plane. i mean, it is an individual decision if you're, if you're vaccinated and you know, you don't have to worry about catching it. what do you think this is going to mean though, for all passengers moving forward? but i think of course, a lot of people are eager to get back on those planes. you want to go visit our families. we want to go on holiday. it is some time away before a vaccine is rolled out. but there are questions that really needs to be on if,
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if you know people accept this, if this becomes seen is not a new idea. many countries, for example, demand that you have a yellow fever vaccine if you have visited areas. so if you look at the broader implications there might be opening up a can of worms. here, we already have governments saying they will not demand vaccines from anyone. the german government has said that legally speaking, could a company start demanding vaccines. that's, of course,, depends on where you are in the world, in the u.s., for example, a company is allowed to demand from its employees, for example, that they get vaccinated. ethical questions are really or also in the here are we creating by doing this to tear society really where, where people with vaccinations have broader rights than those that we've heard the final word on this. that's for sure. thank you.
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finally, it's not yet december, but after a year of walk downs and shutdowns for some christmas cannot come soon enough. the city has turned on the christmas lights along the famous go 1st in shopping boulevard, or due to the pandemic. the tradition took place this year with the usual ceremony in crowds. stores are of course quieter than usual, but shoppers who are out do not plan to let the pandemic. they say they're cheap. well, the day's almost done, the conversation continues online. you'll find us on twitter either at the news or you can follow me at t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then, tomorrow is another day we'll see you then of
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engine strong to infinity. business model that companies are sensing uncool to rush danger. isn't fuchsia markets with massive potential in space? science fiction seems made in germany
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d.w. they're fighting against a sexual assault in the congo international. dr. gleason, the schneider nobel peace prize winner didn't need new claygate, are traveling through a country ravaged by sexual violence to support women in crisis. helping rape survivors in the deep are seen in 45 minutes. w. with him how to be done, because others were lions. if i had known that the boat would be that small,
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i never would have gone on the trip to be i would not have put myself and my parents. you know how dangerous the thought of the game to give a flavor would love one sunday because that one little bit of the give them i had serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there. but what i'm going to want to know their story and for my favorite stir fried chicken for the information for margaret's we have a thought of investing in a space ship. you might need one someday because the future of business may well lie and the vast expanses of the.


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