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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  November 25, 2020 12:30pm-12:46pm CET

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many push all gloves on, thrown out in the world right now. climate treaty the very hot story. this is life . leslie went from just one week. how much work to really get it? we still have time to work. i'm going to subscribe to a war in the us, like we haven't thought of investing in a space ship. you might need one someday because the future of business may well lie. in the vast expanses of the universe,
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someone who might be able to get you safely out of atmosphere is a lot musk, the tesla bosses company space x. has already successfully delivered astronauts to the international space station and getting there isn't even that expensive, at least not compared with the early days of manned space flight, nasa is apollo missions of the $960.00 s. cost nearly $330000000.00 euros, a shot, a space x. round trip cost a mere $43000000.00. the economic boom in space is our topic today. here on made the business magazine on t.w. . now long before space was recognized as a higher dimension for investors. people saw the universe as a mysterious and often menacing realm. it was the origin of asteroids that frequently blaze across the sky and sometimes even fall to earth, causing huge destruction. now we know that these celesio chunks of rock are incredibly rich in valuable resources that are difficult to mine here on our planet
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. forward thinking, entrepreneurs are looking beyond earth because a lot of it out there. here's chris color on mining metals in space. and if she gives off a bridge or doesn't 13, an asteroid entered earth's atmosphere over russia. all 3 of them created a fireball brighter than the sun hanging a end of its shockwave injured more than 1000 people for good. just like these show white asteroids was a great threat to life on earth. but they're also the reason why some see them as a golden opportunity. this clip was watched millions of times on personal computers and smart phones. such small and powerful devices contain metals like gold, silver,
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and platinum. all these resources are not just breaking down and the most conductive and durable and my level of elements are hiding important for medicine and for aerospace, fatha and technology. but the painting them is an ugly process. mining destroys and by years it was systems displaces communities in green stocks waste. and there's a tragic irony is used to make solar panels hydrogen in winter bins. so the more the wall goes green, the more toxic mining meets our planet is not the only source of the special elements and the key to spearing earth deserve a state in my mail. i am the planet's ultimate threat. that asteroids
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this guy certainly is no longer the limit of his crystal reeky. he was the co-founder in chief asteroid miner off planet. are yourself since the 1st company formed with the explicit goal of mining asteroids. he even have an asteroid named after him. so i'm very grateful to have some of the celestial bodies close to work. i'm credible treasure troves. hold them flocking all are very heavy and over time be sinking to a private school. that's why they're so rare and yours cost. but again, because the actors don't have much gravity that did that, but i'm asteroids, and in some cases there are 100 times as constant which doesn't fit in. for example,
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i'm not sure the best close to our planet was this thing needed to have more profitable than it's ever been mined to earth. take 16 cycle. which wald said to be worth 700000000000 soft on the us. until now, these were just your practical because space travel was just too expensive. but that's changing a seat on a space x. walk at least 3 times cheaper than it was a space shuttle started. then you call to rush in and 12. larry page, the co-founder of google, police wealth behind planetary resources. if you're after and you company joined the race to mine, our stories in 2017, nasa announced he would pay a visit to psyche. what if she's in the i can stand, she's the one eating 1000 steps, a commission, an important thing to thank you,
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wash in the rubble. but although the program is not about the asteroid mining, it could lay the groundwork for a more sustainable future. crazy as he sounds, mining asteroids might not only be feasible, but also much more sustainable demining earth one, which is interesting and yes sign is a researcher who has actually crunched the numbers actually turns out the answers seems to be yes. he estimates that there were fewer necessary to go and bring back one kilogram of plotting norm would release 150 kilograms of c o 2 into the earth's atmosphere. terrestrial mining generates 40000 kilograms of c, which you saw stored mining, could be hundreds, thousands less polluting. essentially,
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the main reason that there's almost no other substance you can mine, which generates that much greenhouse gas and outsourcing mining to space could decrease pollution on earth. but there is an economic problem long term in terms of economics, it's not profitable. the problem, if you mine, like 5 times of the platinum you have on earth right now, means that the market prices were in the crash. you can, some of them are much more price, which means you are diminishing your profit margin. so your operating your infrastructure, their loss, and that makes a really unattractive for investors. carbon taxes in new technologies could change this equation. but it would still take several years for space mining to become profitable. investors decided to not wait that long. the world doesn't quite support a business model that takes more than a $100000000.00 and more than 10 years to, to make
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a return on that investment. and maybe a trip if you just company field to tweeze enough funds forcing you to abandon its call of mining asteroids. we just like in california flash space miners do not realize their dream of out of this water 12 planetary resources didn't succeed in their ultimate goal to mine asteroids. but i think it succeeded in a lot of ways the steps to get there. there wasn't much gold in california after all. yesterday said they're succeeding something else in the rush to get to different period, they created the infrastructure that accelerated the development of the west. today space miners are doing something similar. we are as a world, a lot closer to using resources from space than we were when the company was founded in 2000. you know, you know how to get a degree,
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but we could make it there. and i think in some ways the future has, the new inventions can make space mining economical just a few decades ago. at the very technology you're using to watch these video. cindy, impossible. now we can use satellites to beam the internet everywhere on the planet 101520 years. a lot can happen. one day. money goes from a seem a bit like using candles to the top. you know, most such galactic business prospects will inevitably result in competition between companies and between countries. who do the many treasures floating around in the
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universe belong to? my colleague. house has been looking into that question and he's discovered that the matter has been regulated. so it's off who owns outer space? you might think it's easy. hop on a rocket land on some celestial body, plant a flag, and it's yours. or rather, the country you work for you think again, when neil armstrong planted a u.s. flag on the moon in 1969, that didn't make it american appropriating land in space is actually banned under international law. under the outer space treaty of 1967, more than 130 countries have signed the document, it says all countries are free to explore space, but not to appropriated for themselves. outer space basically belongs to us all the treaty bans, weapons of mass destruction from space and says its use shall be the province of
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all mankind. that seems to rule out commercial ventures up there. but the treaty is not comprehensive and has been overtaken by developments. it was born of the cold war between the us and the soviet union. nowadays, china, india and the european union are all drooling over the economic opportunity space might represent. for now, there are no traffic regulations, there is no obligation to clear up space junk. there's no international space authority with flight control functions for rockets and satellite launches. each country goes its own way. the odd entrepreneur just ignores the outer space treaty . dennis hope of the united states says he found a loophole. and ownership of the moon he sells plots of land up there. 50000 square meters go for just $39.00 euros 90. you could get a nice certificate staking a claim is another matter. on the internet,
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you can also buy a house on mars for 890000000 euros. but you can't move in until 2060 real estate, natural resources, tourism business opportunities might soon abound. but what if some aliens turn up and say the entire cosmos is there? well, if there is life out there, you have got to wonder if we should bother getting in touch. the space around our planet is already pretty crowded enough without visitors from another galaxy. not only is there the junk left over by human space missions past, but it's also becoming overrun with satellites over the last few decades. that number has skyrocketed, if you'll excuse the pun. and 958, there were 2 satellites in orbit and the year 2000, they were almost 800. but last year we crossed the 2 and a half 1000 mark. the number has been growing exponentially and it looks set to
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keep going. 3, to widen. a new era is dawning as commercial enterprises drive advances in space, technology with ambitious projects. elan musk of tesla wants to outdo nasa with his space x. company and fly people to no, not the moon, but mars space technology and space flight are essential to modern life as electricity from the grid. we couldn't do without them and their key to new and future technologies spoke in the european union, 10 percent of economic activity over ready depends on satellite navigation.
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the e.u. launched its copernicus program in 2014. it satellites observe the earth from orbit . it's a publicly funded venture. the data, the satellites send home will enable the development of new applications. for example, software to enhance the fuel efficiency of ships. new jobs will be created. satellite data can be used to make marketable products. remote sensing solutions is a company based in munich that specializes in environmental monitoring. it's not exactly a high margin industry. copernicus has boosted revenues here, as its data are freely available to all. the company uses them to create valuable information. regarding the data are free or cheap, the entire process of generating information is cheaper and people are more willing
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to buy me a bit. so powerful clients include nature conservation groups such as w, w, f, and a number of governments. one focus of the company's work is monitoring the impact of land use and climate change on vegetation. satellites can capture images of large swathes of land vegetation in a site. hell can be tracked from season to season. the astronauts say they have a very different relationship to earth once they've been to the eye assess the view from a satellite is a bit similar. we can see how africa, or south america. the view from far away enables us to see connections more clearly angry by the vicks on the copernicus, satellites are big and heavy. they weigh tons. it takes years to build them.


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