tv Quarks Deutsche Welle November 25, 2020 4:30pm-5:15pm CET
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beethoven is for cars, is for claiming beethoven 202250th anniversary here on earth. we have a thought of investing in a space ship. you might need one some day because the future of business may well lie. in the vast expanses of the universe, someone who might be able to get you safely out of earth's atmosphere is a lot musk, the tesla bosses company space x. has already successfully delivered astronauts to the international space station
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and getting there isn't even that expensive. at least not compared with the early days of manned space flight masters apollo missions of the $960.00 s. cost nearly $330000000.00 euros a shot space x. round trip cost a mere $43000000.00. the economic boom in space is our topic today. here on made the business magazine on t.w. . now long before space was recognized as a higher dimension for investors. people saw the universe as a mysterious and often menacing realm. it was the origin of asteroids that frequently blaze across the sky and sometimes even 4 to earth causing huge destruction. now we know that these celesio chunks of rock are incredibly rich in valuable resources that are difficult to mine here on our planet. forward thinking, entrepreneurs are looking beyond earth because a lot of it out there. here's chris carter on mining metals in space.
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on the 15th of february, just on 13, an asteroid entered earth's atmosphere over russia. all 3 of them created a fireball brighter than the sun. hankie and its shockwave injured more than 1000 people from produce like these show why? asteroid suppose a great threat to life on earth, but they're also the reason why some see them as a golden opportunity. this clip was watched many years of times on personal computers and smart force. such small and powerful devices contain metals like gold, silver, and platinum. all the peace river sources are not just pretty damned. the most conductive and durable and in my lab,
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all of elements are highly important for magazine and aerospace and fafsa and technology. but the painting them is an ugly process and mining destroys entires. ecosystems displaces communities and greets toxic waste. and there's a tragic irony in a maze. used to make solar panels, hydrogen and wind turbines. the more the wall goes green, the more toxic mining needs our planet is not the only source of the special elements to spearing earth does have a stake in miami. may lie in the planet's ultimate threat. that asteroids this guy certainly is no longer living. his crysler weiqi.
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he was the co-founder in chief ostrog miner of planetary resources. the 1st company formed with the explicit goal of mining asteroids even of an asteroid named after him. so i'm very grateful to the wiki some of the celestial bodies close to where i am credible treasure troves old embarking on our very heavy and over time they sank into a private school. that's why they're so rain on the arse crossed. but again, because they asked for it don't have much gravity that didn't happen. i'm asteroids, and in some cases there are 100 times as much as a 15. for example, i'm not sure of the best close to our planet was this thing needed to have more plotting or it's ever been mined? the earth takes 16 cycles. which
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wald said to be worth $700.00. d. o. soft on the us until now and these were just your radical because space travel was just too expensive. but that's changing a seat on a space. x. walk at least 3 times cheaper than it was in the space shuttle started. then you have to rush in and to have larry page, the co-founder of google put his wealth behind planetary resources that you're after and you company joined the race to mine, asteroids interest in 17, nasa announced he would pay a visit to psyche you want him. she's in the i can stand and she's the, one of the leading side commission in the party. he was in the rubble but although the program is not about the asteroid mining, it could lay the groundwork for a more sustainable future. crazy
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as he sounds, mining asteroids might not only be feasible, but also much more sustainable that mining earth one which is interesting and is a researcher who has actually crunched the numbers actually turns out the answers seems to be yes. he estimates that there are fewer necessary to go and bring back one kilogram of plotting normally would release 150 kilograms of c o 2 into the earth's atmosphere. terrestrial mining generates 40000 kilograms of c, which you saw stored mining could be hundreds times less polluting. essentially, the main reason is there's almost no other substance you can mine, which generates that much greenhouse gas and outsourcing mining to space could
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decrease pollution on earth. but there is an economic problem long term as a gigantic in terms of economic problem. the problem, if you mine, like 5 times of the pattern, then you have on earth right now, means that the market prices were in the crash. you can some of the much more progress, which means you diminishing your profit margin. so you are bringing your infrastructure the loss, and that makes a very unattractive for investors. carbon taxes in new technologies could change this equation. but it would still take several years for space mining to become profitable. investors decided to not wait that long. the world doesn't quite support a business model that takes more than a $100000000.00 and more than 10 years to, to make a return on that investment. and maybe a trip if you just company field to tweeze enough funds forcing you to abandon its
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call of mining asteroids. just like in california, both flash space miners do not realize their dream of out of the small 12 planetary resources didn't succeed in their ultimate goal. to mine asteroids, but i think it succeeded in a lot of ways. the steps to get there. there wasn't much gold in california after all. yesterday said, there succeeded in something else in the rush to get to different period. they created the infrastructure that accelerated the development of the west. today space miners are doing something similar. we are as a world, a lot closer to using resources from space than we were when the company was founded in 2009 degree space mining. but we could make it there. and i think in some ways
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new inventions can make space money and economical. just a few decades ago, the very technology you're using to watch this video seemed impossible. now we can use satellites to beam the internet everywhere on the planet. 101520 years, a lot can happen. one day, money goes from a bit like using candles to the top. you know, most such galactic business prospects will inevitably result in competition between companies and between countries. who do the many treasures floating around in the universe belong to my colleague and noise house has been looking into that question . and he's discovered that the matter has been regulated. so it's off
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who owns outer space. you might think it's easy. hop on a rocket land on some celestial body, plant a flag, and it's yours. or rather the country you work for. you think again, when neil armstrong planted a u.s. flag on the moon in 1969, that didn't make it american appropriating land in space is actually banned under international law. under the outer space treaty of 1967, more than 130 countries have signed the document. it says, all countries are free to explore space, but not to appropriated for themselves. outer space basically belongs to us all the treaty bans, weapons of mass destruction from space and says its use shall be the province of all mankind. that seems to rule out commercial ventures up there, but the treaty is not comprehensive and has been overtaken by developments. it was
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born of the cold war between the us and the soviet union. nowadays, china, india and the european union are all drooling over the economic opportunity space might represent. for now, there are no traffic regulations. there is no obligation to clear up space junk. there is no international space authority with flight control functions for rockets and satellite launches. each country goes its own way. the odd entrepreneur just ignores the outer space treaty. dennis hope of the united states says he found a loophole. and ownership of the moon he sells plots of land up there. 50000 square meters go for just $39.00 euros 90. you could get a nice certificate staking a claim is another matter. on the internet, you can also buy a house on mars for 890000000 euros, but you can't move in until 2060 real estate, natural resources,
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tourism business opportunities might soon abound. but what if some aliens turn up and say the entire cosmos is there? well, if there is life out there, you have got to wonder if we should bother getting in touch. the space around our planet is already pretty crowded enough without physics is from another galaxy. not only is there the junk left over by human space missions past, but it's also becoming overrun with satellites over the last few decades. that number has skyrocketed, if you'll excuse the pun. and 958, there were 2 satellites in orbit. in the year 2000, there were almost 800, but last year we crossed the 2 and a half 1000 mark. the number has been growing exponentially and it looks set to keep going. 3, to watch. the new era is dawning as commercial enterprises
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drive advances in space, technology with ambitious projects. elan musk of tesla wants to outdo nasa with his space x. company, and fly people to know not to move, but mars space technology and space flight are essential to modern life as electricity from the grid we couldn't do without them and their key to new and future technologies spoke in the european union, 10 percent of economic activity already depends on satellite navigation. the e.u. launched its copernicus program in 2014,
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that satellites observe the earth from orbit. it's a publicly funded venture. the data, the satellite sent home would enable the development of new applications. for example, software to enhance the fuel efficiency of ships. new jobs will be created. satellite data can be used to make marketable products. remote sensing solutions is a company based in munich that specializes in environmental monitoring. it's not exactly a high margin industry. copernicus has boosted revenues here, as its data are freely available to all. the company uses them to create valuable information. in the data are free or cheap, the entire process of generating information is cheaper and people are more willing to buy me a bit. so powerful clients include nature conservation groups such as w,
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w, f, and a number of governments. one focus of the company is what is monitoring the impact of land use and climate change on vegetation satellites can capture images of large swathes of land vegetation in the sun. hell can be tracked from season to season. the astronauts say they have a very different relationship to earth once they've been to the, i assess the view from a satellite is a bit similar. we can see how africa is doing or south america. the view from far away enables us to see connections more clearly by direction on the copernicus, satellites are big and heavy, they weigh tons, it takes years to build them and each is unique. many components 1st have to be specially developed that makes the satellites expensive. hundreds of millions of
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euros each week. unlike many satellites, they can be as small as a wine bottle. the advent of small satellites marks a new era. there are a lot cheaper, but still provide important services. planet labs is an earth imaging company in san francisco that already uses many satellites to photograph the globe. students throughout europe are learning to build the little devices. one class of small satellite nano satellites. a team at berlin's technical university devised the project to deploy 4 of them to enable faster transfer of large amounts of data. they were launched 2 years ago.
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small satellites have the potential to revolutionize earth monitoring, as well as global telecommunications. to start up, smart small satellite systems does what its name suggests. it's cube sats can exchange precise information about their orientation so as to point in the desired direction. they cost tens of thousands of euro's a piece in your tooth. it's the miniaturization of electronic components that enable such development to lytton satellites may be getting smaller, but that doesn't mean their overall performances are declining. one can deploy a lot of small ones for the price of a big one. but the company has launched 4 of its cube sat so far, they're flying in formation to test 3 d. typologies for scientific measurements. to do that, they have to communicate with each other,
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negotiate and organize their positioning autonomously. this test is a significant step towards creating intelligent 3 d. satellite configurations. one application could be mapping the ash emitted in a volcanic eruption that would be of great value to commercial aviation. small satellites often put together using standard components. so it's easy to make a lot of them and also to switch out components depending on the intended use of space, x. is planning to send 12000 small satellites into orbit as part of its starting project to provide internet to remote locations around the world. big projects like that, spur the automation of satellite manufacturing. it's comparable to what's happened in the auto industry. in this regard, us companies are far ahead of ones in europe. we in europe shouldn't just give up,
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but aim to be players in these markets of it's where the future lies. the economic and commercial potential is going to be huge. after he's put into the i got at sort analysts say the space industry is set for stellar growth. revenues in 2018 amounted to $360000000000.00. some forecasts say they could reach $2.00 trillion dollars in 2040. rocket factory obs bug once a piece of the expanding space pie. it's developing a launcher for small satellites. a party to rocket, specifically designed for that purpose. until now, small satellites have to hitch a ride if there's room. when big launches such as arianna set off into space, it's not very expensive, but the waiting list can be long. but
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in course launches a big launcher is like a bus, you have to wait till every onboard. a small launcher is like a taxi it to where you want to go more cheaply and efficiently. that's great for creating a small satellite constellation. about 100 companies are developing many launches. many will probably fall by the wayside. 3 are based in germany. rocket factory aims to offer affordable and flexible satellite launches. 10000000 euros a shot compared to 130000000 for an arianne. to keep costs down. its launchers will contain many standard components from the auto industry. but it's designing the propulsion systems from scratch and will 3 d. printing a lot of the parts yet
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big launches such as arianna, a very complex and post lots of expensive custom components. they take ages to build. by contrast, our f.a.a. aims to develop and deploy its 1st launcher within just 3 years. will be financially viable with one launch a month. but we want to see a launch a week. the whole thing should be so industrialised and automated that it's no longer anything special. flying between braman in munich is not a big deal, but it was a century ago. we want to see the same thing with rockets. and also small satellite launch vehicles are set to make getting into orbit more affordable, potentially opening up the heavens to a whole range of new ventures. the vastness of space presents another problem for any potential business activity there. the logistics of covering huge distances in a practical amount of time. if only there was some sort of system like
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teleportation that works in star trek because it works. in reality, my colleague has been investigating a long time ago when space ships were made of paper plastic and it snowed powdered alan minium jaring, the dimity realisation process. people and things were magically beamed about in star trek films. how nice would it be if we could pin ourselves around the globe teleportation instead of airplanes and c o 2 emissions? think about how beneficial it would be for the climate along into based physics. in fact, teleportation is no longer science fiction. i'm always surprised about all the weird things that happen for the money where your heart is
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a quantum physicist at the austrian academy of sciences. his excursions into space travel are just a hobby work. he explores the weird and wonderful world of teleportation of quantum teleportation to be precise. as a, having watched our trek, for instance, people imagine that you somehow beam matter or even energy, because that's how it's done on the show that people disappear in the transporter and then reappear on an alien planet. when the similarity is that the system rebuilds the object identity in another place, or what's more at the exact same time or instantaneously regardless of the distance involved. that's how the quantum world works via quantum entanglement. einstein thought it was pretty spooky transferring information faster than the speed of light. so does this mean travelling not only with 0 emissions, but also with 0 delay?
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what happens with quantum teleportation? is that really just that you want them information in this system is transferred to another place onto another identical system. with the matter itself, atoms, or photons, or whatever it's made of does not get transferred, so it doesn't disappear. i think what it does disappears the information it gets destroyed. so if 2 quanta are connected this way, they can exchange information without a moment's delay. but not the matter. it really is just the information ok event, couldn't just split myself into quanta and send their information to another entangled quantum cloud. i mean, then that would just need to be reassembled correctly, right?
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let's just say that right now, we don't know of anything that would fundamentally speak against it, but it would have to work in a completely different way. but we'll need completely different set ups than what we're creating now. other than if i could build a device that could do this and you'd ask me whether i would put myself inside it. i'd say no. so mr spock would probably have to get beamed in a glittery shower of aluminum grey. like in the old days. and don't forget the enterprise at least sped through the universe, powered by an anti matter and hydrogen engine with not even a whiff of emissions. by the way, a piece of trivia for you, the words you me up, scotty. whenever said precisely in better form in the star trek, sirius, maybe other work was being me apart.
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completely. because if i'm a softie, it's in my comments where i come from rajoy remains an important town for me. soft transmitting meals and form ish. and when i was young, my concert was drawing each home from the more prominent people. most people would cause a problem. tragic to see it was my job to turing one off the lot of
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just god save souls. not everyone in the column for the missing toes. again, if nothing has been friends of my long codea into a month or more of them so long, even thought i caught us, i was a twit and all my choices discarded because given their way toward transmittance, the choice when in the crash my much and i did have a new happiness . yes. for everyone, schuman penises are very different from primates. you know, we have a totally ridiculous sized view of nature. and they're saying that this is climate change, brags that sex happiness in your books. you get smarter for free, you know, where you books. but on what it
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is, you know, i mean, you're monotonous and going. yes. most of them are going to be sending us all with only about a vision of getting it on when it this, you know, i mean, mean human noticing what ink i put this on a moment to notice what i'm focused on in the sort of what i'm with what an organizer, i know what is a term is, you know, i mean when you're minorities ingrown you are getting in. when you go, you don't want to be number one and unanimous should go because as you trade, yes, it's a question. i cannot only safe but i thought going on with her being fun to conceive because as you say, i said the
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book the at this is, you know, we use life for a girl and as the cold, the crisis deepens, can germany save christmas? well, that's what chance on the america is aiming for with a raft of new coronavirus restrictions ahead of the holiday season. plot to record 410 covert deficit. just the past 24 hours. authorities say tougher measures are needed to fast some task. a chance of slowing the spread of infections. that announcement is due next couple of minutes. very warm welcome to all of you. german chancellor angela merkel and regional
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leaders are meeting right now via video conference to consider changes to the partial lockdown that went into effect at the start of november. well, they're looking for an approach that could allow the country to ease restrictions ahead of the coming holiday season. on the number of new covert infections has leveled off this month. but health departments have reported it record 410 covert related deaths in the last 24 hours. when reports indicated, the warden's could extent the partial lockdown until just before christmas. we're expecting an announcement from chancellor merkel any moment now and of course we'll bring that to you live when it happens. but before that want to turn now to do that, he's a political correspondent brought to talk a little bit more about this. so the chancellor hans has already made her pitch to regional leaders. she failed to convince them last week. do you think today they will close ranks and present a united front? they need to, if they want to impose these new measures,
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there needs to be some sense of, you know, the unanimity of some sense of coherence between the measures that are imposed at the various regional levels. but this has been a relationship of tension for a couple of months now, i'm going to mexico and the central government feel that the measures should be imposed more severely that there should be stricter rules than we have had so far. while the regional leaders tend to be more reticent about stricter rules, they feel that from one region to the other, the rules should be applied differently. because obviously this situation isn't identical in all parts of germany. so this tension between the regional leaders and i'm going to america and at the central level has played several times to the break up of talks. as you were just mentioning the last time they met. they could not agree, and in a sense, i'm glad michael sent the regional. it was back to their offices to try and find a common position. that's where they are now. all but whether there will be full agreement, we don't know yet. at the moment we don't know at the moment 3 hoped to know in
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a couple of minutes time. why do we need to be taken right now? well, we have tried this. what's what in germany came to become the became known as the locked on life restrictions that were imposed early in november. which basically meant that normal life to a large extent was allowed to continue. anything that had to do with, with fun, with, you know, entertainment was prohibited to theater, cinema, sports club, sports events, that kind of thing. but the shops are manned and offices remained open. people went to work and especially schools remained. kids went back, continue to go to school. all of this has led to some leveling off of the number of cases in germany. they are now at a constant, fairly constant level of a rough if the last 7 days or so. but at a very, very high number of cases, we constantly at this plateau, things have to actually go down to give some relief to the health system. and
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that's what they're trying to do. so the restrictions actually have to be most of us so that the numbers actually get reduced. where did it all go wrong? because obviously during the 1st wave, when the pandemic broke out, germany was praised and lauded around the world for its handling of the pandemic. and yet it seems to have taken a turn for the worst there in the 2nd grade. yes, i think what's happened here is what's happened elsewhere in the world as well. one has not imposed the kind of absolutes locked on that was imposed. 6 months ago. in other words, businesses continue, it was continued. it was not a total shutdown of the economy. it was not a total shutdown. in fact, one tried to apportion of the measures. so that most necessary processes in the, in the society could continue such as i was just mentioning businesses, schools and so on. but the discipline possibly was not quite as
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good as it was in the locked on. also because there was some uncertainty about exactly what restrictions applied, where people were somewhat less strict about sticking to these to these measures. so i think that was part of it. the other part of it is obviously that we're now moving into people are no longer outside as much here in the northern hemisphere. things are a lot more difficult because people are inside and more likely to affect each other when they get close to each other. and it's going to be so much harder to go along . don, you know, with this type of weather, it's not somewhere obviously. thank you so much on so we'll be catching up a little later once that press conference gets underway. but for now, thank you. now among our european countries, finland is top of the class when it comes to coronavirus containment, managing to keep its new infection rates under reasonable control. restaurants and bars are open for business and stores that were closed. but there are fairly tight rules aimed at keeping the virus outside its borders. how has finland managed to
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keep the coronavirus said big during the 2nd wave. it's not due to harsh restrictions on citizens because there aren't any masks or recommended but not required in most places. all stores are open. restaurants and bars are 2 orders for alcohol and at 11 pm is director of the national coronavirus strategy. he explains. it relies on a sense of personal responsibility. near recommendations wouldn't work everywhere, but here they do start court obedient in the sense that they are suggested to maintain distance and avoid a lot of gatherings of a lot of parties. many people intend to work with the way it is suggested. says many finns are working from home and surveys show in person. social contacts
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have been cut by 2 thirds. so while the situation in finland is very good at the moment, compared with the rest of europe, health authorities warn that this requires constant vigilance. so while they are not making mass wearing mandatory, they put out friendly reminders like this one on city hall. but it's a very good idea if pins want to maintain this way of life. but the number of new cases has started to rise. so now the government has ordered students over 12 to wear masks in school, and limited the size of social gatherings in the helsinki area to 20 people. it also extended until at least mid december, a ban on all non-essential travel into the country. finnish officials say in the summer, half of new coronavirus infections came from abroad. that's dropped to 6 percent. now that tourists aren't allowed in. the european union is pressing governments to restore open borders as soon as possible. finland is grappling with whether it can do that and stay safe, but it's something that a little bit worried
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a little bit terrified also that we have have to have very good model to work with the border if you have to the situation here in finland, one government proposal is the travel restrictions could be eased by making it mandatory to be tested on a rival is deputy mayor of where the airport is located and he's responsible for security there. he says his city doesn't have enough medical professionals to carry this out. communicated to the government that if you lift restrictions and if you make the law that forces our staff to move over to the airport. the situation is so that we cannot treat our finnish people anymore. like difficult decisions lie ahead for finland as it tries to figure out how to continue blocking the virus, but not visitors. let's take
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a look now. at other developments in the coronavirus pandemic, france is relaxing its restrictions on drop in new infections, nonessential shops, movie theaters and museums will gradually we open. for large gatherings will remain banned. australia's most populous state, new south wales, has east social distancing measures and allowed companies to bring employees back, to work. and in the u.s., a restaurant dining ban comes into effect today in los angeles. the 3 week order comes as the state of california faces a record number of new infections. today marks the un's international day for the elimination of violence against women. and i'm at the corner of i respect demick reports of domestic violence are surging. our un data shows there has been a 30 percent rise in reported instances of abuse in countries from france,
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cyprus and singapore, as lockdown measures, forced people to stay home. or even before cover 1000 hit, a statistic showed that one in 3 women had experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time during their life. on the islands against women is also a human rights violation. in kenya, a sexual assault is a daily reality for many women and girls. activists say isolation during the pen, demick is making women even more vulnerable to these abuse. it is mocked, are sent us. this report from nairobi about women, determined to help and heal survivors. eliminating has never depended on anyone survive except herself. together with a group of women she makes and says been a part time to feed her family of 4. but this is no time to lose 5 years ago, when she vigil spoke up a book to touch up into our office here,
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then she had been assigned in survival group and domestic products were going to the media. but i was right by my stepfather's employee when we went to visit a family relative. i was young then and i remember my mother taking me to the court where i was also to identify the perpetrator. later on i was shocked to see the guy released seeing the perpetrator latino's left with a permanent one. but she kept it self afraid of stigma and being shamed. something that is common in her village. i was always wary of boys after the incident. i didn't want to see any man, not even my brothers my grandma really helped me through that journey, supporting me through the process. now years later, in an unlikely place, she has found solace in
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a group of women who have all experienced a similar predicament of being sexually violated. in the last 12 months, 243000000, women and girls across the world have been subjected to sexual or physical violence by an intimate partner in neighborhoods like these sexual mystics. but one woman who is willing to change the norm by sharing her story. one can join the victim of sexual violence. she's now using her experience to remove the stigma and help survivors axis, ecological and legal help, informal settlements across kenya. i went through a traumatic experience. i was a rift in the challenges that i faced during that i think is what informed their establishment of one book and a foundation. looking at how the community looks at us and was been affected,
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we shifted their billing as being very limited instead of instead of calling them perpetrator. one believes the number of women affected through domestic and sexual violence could be well above 5 percent. fueled by the pandemic in very wide, to work towards something that is hard and their figures will change. because also they should all maintain. pandemic has actually created an environment where cases of increased. now she's hoping to change the narrative one to help these women sit a peanut butter business and the place to openly talk about their issues. when we all meet at the center, one thing we have in common is that we were all raped or underwent violent heat when it we're paying a come. as you see we can talk about this and support
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each other's businesses. maybe it's a decision and others like and come bridge, shoot or mind now of our top story, this hour german leaders are set to stand and tighten the law down measures ahead of the holiday season. but it expects it's expected that restrictions will be loosened to allow for holiday gatherings. there washington news live from brolin stick around my colleague, kate ferguson. what is up next with news business and more headlines at the top of the hour. in the meantime, as always, our web site is only dot com. you can also follow us on instagram and twitter on my lower back and on behalf of the entire new state. thanks fortune.
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