tv REV Deutsche Welle November 25, 2020 8:30pm-9:01pm CET
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and you know what? it's time old boy says the 77 percent talk about this is where 77 percent this weekend on d w no, no, you have to. if you believe hugo, you wouldn't want to clear poland's name. i don't care about the public perception . the e.u. is in crisis mode after poland and hungary vetoed the blocks, much needed new budget, and coronavirus recovery fund over a new rule to make access conditional on upholding core e.u. values. my guest this week here at the berlin foreign policy forum is polish member of the e.u. parliament, richard the gluco from the law and justice party. and the polish government afford to be at odds with the e.u. and its core about
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race. are the good go welcome to conflict zone. good morning, great, good morning to you. my pleasure being here. the e.u. is said to be more than just a single market, but a union of values including rule of law, freedom of democracy, a respect for human rights. poland signed up to those values when it voted to join the bloc, back in 2004. but now you're willing to veto the budget over an accountability, mechanism. so you sign up to the values when you join the e.u., but you don't want to be accountable for breaching the well, that's exactly what you're sad. first of all, the church is illegitimate. so the use of low
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lito has been used or has appeared to be you just admitted it comes before there is nothing extraordinary in the fact that this or that plea government is not going to be happy with the solution that is. but i think that your e.u. partners would, would beg to differ on that mr. the good go. and i just like to highlight some of what they have been saying actually about your actions. e.u. leaders say that the mechanism that they have put forward, for example, is about providing reliability and trust in the budget. for example, the prime minister of the netherlands marketa says that the e.u. will not watered down the rule of law conditions. the e.u. is a community of values, an overwhelming majority. 25 of 27 e.u. member states. don't have a problem with that. why is poland the exception? well, let me, let me say,
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if there is somebody who's acting against the rule of all law, it is not the polish government. it is the european commission. it is the european parliament. all the majority, all the european council and that you have presidents include the proposed rule of law mechanism, is violation of the cheat it's it's a shame violation. hold to cheat. article 2, which specifies the values of the european union should be respected by due to the union. but do you want close it? but do you not on a legal basis or do you oppose it on a principle basis?
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because because ultimately, let's have a look, for example, at the, at the, at the concerns that have been raised by the commission that they have been trying to take action on, on for years. for example, they've raised concerns about various aspects of your justice reform, which began when your party came to power. they have raised concerns for judicial independence. they've launched multiple infringement proceedings in 2017. even launched article 7 proceedings against poland. for clear risk of a serious breach of rule of law by poland. the independence of the court is of course, a cornerstone of rule of law. you're facing some really serious accusations, concerns that your party is taking over the body that selects judges appointing close allies to the constitutional tribunal attempting to purge the supreme court and regional courts. you don't want to face accountability over those accusations.
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you wouldn't want to clear poland's name, that's not true. what you're say, that's not the description of what was me actually, you program just your description all through the formal judiciary system. let me say that the cheat is specified only one way of accountability that is arkell so, and that's all there is to it article. so although the term clearing with the conflicts and the making, not elected bodies like doodle, p. and commission, homely by political to prosecute jocz and to read it exists. you should all, for the independent stay. this is simply, i want to really just,
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you keep focusing on the negatives about, let's talk about the substance of what is happening and call it just i want to finish the, our, the argument in 2014, when for the 1st time there was this idea of the rule of law american is legal services of counsel rejected it. so there is no legal basis whatsoever. it's in conflict with article 5, the principle of the conferral article 5 of the treaty of european union. that is, the european commission and all european institutions have only those competences know the words to become those who are confident of quantum explicitly and monitoring the judiciary system is not the competence of the european. so you don't want anyone to pay attention research writers. you don't know,
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it seems you don't want anyone to pay attention to what is going on in poland, but i'd just like to highlight this one example for you and get your response to it . because in your government, establish a disciplinary chamber which has the power to punish judges of our court rulings. the judges have been appointed by your party's leadership. you have in a landmark ruling just this past spring by the european court of justice. they've criticized this body heavily. they have said that this is not an independent court . they've ordered its suspension. furthermore, your country has passed what has become known as a muzzled law, which can be used to reprimand judges who call into question how fellow judges were appointed. in other words, you ordered to show all reforms. explain to me how disciplining or throwing out judges critical of your reforms. creates an independent judiciary in the country. i think would you say it's is the best
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basis of why we do not want this mechanism to go into the senate? it's not only that it's divine lation of the rule of law, but it's nice on lines or mis information or disinformation or disciplinarian change. this is not, this is judges for do routines. that is not what is, that is not what an independent polish judges association has said. that is not what freedom house has said. they've said dozens of judges are facing possible penalties on often frivolous grounds. the judges association says, disciplinary action so close after prosecutors and judges criticize questioned or appear to negatively comment on the controversial justice reforms that even cited
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somebody who was, who was reprimanded for wearing a t. shirt, which simply said an inscription constitution. how is that democratic? this is, this is all charges. why you won't read all those negative opinions. i conclude so you positivity in yours. just show me the text or those piece of legislation. only the number of the article how to grow up when it says explicitly that the judges will be punished or may be punished for their rulings. it's more the, their, the discipline to change is occupied with the cases of in charge stealing something from the supermarket or the judge that was called junk drudging. so that's misinformation of the world you use information number 2
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is the european court of justice. i'm setting aside the problem where the european court of justice is entitle to deal with something that does not its competence, but those are good from the matter. did not suspended the disciplinary chamber. it was, it suspended the or put into the measures to be precise. all was just one small thing related to the question that was being asked, disciplinary action you ladies judges, you say that? yes it is that it's an opinion i got community i'd like to highlight. it's also the public perception in your country that the independence of a couple and i'm sorry, i don't think it's a area that you don't care about the public. you're not a democrat, i don't care. i don't care about the public perception because the public, they say that that resents knew that was in the eyes. it is reforms whether it's
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based on i think your pardon, i think the question was again their confidence in the judicial system has it was a priest by 11 percentage points since you came into power since you started implementing ice reforms such a dramatic i heard them not the faintest idea of the doing. so, what did they tell you from i have a different date. the, the confidence, judicious is the problem has been all times. no, that's why we decided to make so so 1st of all that you say this, this is our problem. this is an internal problem of problem. i've not interest here doing with the judiciary system. german, there is a lot of what i don't like in judicial this is that in germany, but that's not my problem. we're talking about poland and the message that i seem to be getting from you is that you believe that your courts are absolutely and
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completely independent. so then let me put it to you and ask you, why would the head of law and justice say the following? he said, quote, the reforms to the constitutional court were needed to ensure there were no legal blocks on government policies aimed at creating a fairer, a condom. he basically admitted your party does not want the courts to get in the way of what it wants. in other words, eliminated edition areas, check law and justice power. well, i would not comment on this. i want you to tell me if there is anything if the system actually existing that some words independence of charges they cannot be dismissed. they can look to be comfortable for the truly they are not responsible political will is this
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dependence. i can see reasons. i know that the whole problem with the constitutional call start target of the previous governments who don't know government is for the workers and pointed to fight. they consist in the divine. so there you heard the majority of the judge use money to block the policy of the so of the next government, then most, even before you are shoes, let's concentrate on the situation right now and i'm sure later 3, i'd like to move on to one other very important pillar of democracy and that is a free press providing an essential check on power. in fact, days after the election in july, in your country, a new media strategy of quote,
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re polarization. limiting foreign investors and polish media and deep concentration . limiting the number of media outlets that any one group can own was announced. reporters without borders says the real goal is to influence the editorial policies of the media. why should anyone believe that this isn't just an attempt by your party to tighten its grip? the media in poland are the most diverse in china, search of the very small pleurisy, pollution media, there in france, in germany, in belgium, in most of this country is the media are of one opinion in poland. that is why spectrum of me, that's point number one. point number 2 is that so in some 80 percent of the media
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companies, we don't come to see europe, which if that is true, look at what happens when your government gets involved in the media. for example, the public media in 2015, your party of pass legislation that allows the government to appoint or dismiss the executives in charge of public t.v. . and the radio broadcaster the s. c.e. has said now it fails to ensure editorial independence. it said that the public broadcaster, for example, in the most recent election, failed in its legal duty to provide balanced and impartial coverage. rather, it serves as a campaign tool for the incumbents. critics say the public media has become a mouthpiece of your government. is that what the country now has to look forward to under really pulling ization of the private media?
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there is as much truth as it was a bunch of comments on the judicial system was all based on disinformation. it's based on it's based on data from the o. s. c, e. it is based on data from reporters without borders. not the public media from the very beginning that is from $98.00 to $85.00, the public radio was rather supportive of the government. whatever the governments were there was whether the work of the communist or liberals all over. so there is nothing strange about it. the public in most european countries is out public media also support supportive of the coverage which does not mean they are not objective or they are not in portion. if you look at the media in poland,
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about 2 percent of the me are in, thai, government, and 30 percent are supply and by that you mean independent there. for example, even blair, but. 8 there is regarded as too much in all of the vicious do you want? poland to become like runs for example, when there is only one opinion and all new again mr. the good go where we're talking about it all and carol, no, no, we're talking about hugo. i would like to move on to and i miss you. let's talk about a domestic issue. women's reproductive rights. your country has seen its biggest protests in recent years. hundreds of thousands of people on the streets after the constitutional tribunal said, it would outlaw abortions in cases of severe fetal abnormalities. it's come under fire, not only because of its substance,
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but also because of the way that it was reached. your party pushed this measure through or tried to push this mother measures through the parliament years ago, but it was very unpopular. so now it's going through the courts. you've come under fire for a lack of a democratic conversation on the issue. did you think that you could just let this slip through, but this is the, in china, the national matter of moral issues are not the question of european legislation. that's, let's not go around them get let's, let's agree on that. you may dislike too, but it's not your business. 1st of all, i do not know what women's rights are. you could not find a women's rights in the universal declaration of human rights that it's not a good vote. well, women's rights are our human rights laws are going to show while they're not of huge we've been so rights are not indeed, conventional humor nonce women's rights are not in the charter of fundamental
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rights. can you show a signal out of that up to something about women's rights in these 3 basic documents? let's bring it back to what's, what's happening there? because what good is not it is nothing there now has nothing to do inside i saw. so i do not know exactly what do kids i went through told abortion bullshit. abortion is not a question of the european or international law, but i'm talking about the democratic process in your country on this issue. approval for your government is dropping dramatically. as we mentioned, protesters on the streets just government has not published the ruling, which would bring him back in a worse that's a calling card into polling data from cancer. in the past couple of weeks, the government appears to be stalling when it comes to implementing the decision. i
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mean, it was, if you disagree, now you're back tracking this. if you're now, if you're, if your resistance to accept information and you really can't hold, talk with you because it makes no sense. my point worse, that even if you dislike this law, it's not your problem. it's not your problem. and it's not going to be your problem . it's a whole problem. the verdict was announced by the constitutional cardinal. i thought the ruling of the constitution chandran should be to respect it. but apparently not. some readings can be accepted to another who thinks must not be yourself. so let's be consistent, mr. the, have congress of the constitutional tribunal to be respected, not how about don't scale or you want to see the argument. the reasoning behind the legal
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argument that refutes the reasoning behind disability. let me tell you there the previous presidents of the cons, show you more. well, russia agreed with dissolving because they thought it couldn't be disproved. mr. look, i want to get this issue of the should look good in again, be honest, we're talking about the democratic process as you know, and i want to get to one more. yes, year for we have to go to europe. you would probably should go bananas. but they cannot change this holders with the polish law constitution. any other? mr. goodbar temporary. mr. google, how about the rights of people also in your country? a president do that has called the l g. b, t, movement and ideology. more dangerous than communism of the election, who signed a family charter of proposals including pledges to prevent
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a gay couples from marrying or adopting children? and to ban teaching about l. g. b t issues and score the human rights of l. d. b t . people in poland. do they not matter? well, it's the same story over and over again. the conversation is absolutely no, i'm serious because you're out with your food already get all those hot. so those 2 cliches and i would perfectly ok, well how about how about the words of, of politicians that are in your law and justice party. for example, you're now education minister said on the campaign trail. stop listening to this idiocy about human rights or equality. these people and by these people, the l.g.b., t. people are not equal to normal people who said it, that's sorry. you don't know. you know, it's, it's,
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it's out of the complex. it was first of all, can you give me a single example of a homosexual person who has been persecuted or discriminated against because he is homosexual, or she's a homosexual? well, you have about a single example, mr. goodnow, you have about 100 towns in the region across, across poland, early a 3rd of the country that have passed resolutions declaring them free of l. d. p t . ideology there clashing with the e.u. because you have the or so the funded line saying l d b t. free zones are soo man of the free zone. they have no place in our union. is it your government's duty to stop and ensure the safety of all of its citizens, including minorities isn't? isn't that what fundamental values are for? this is becoming more and more hopeless. we've been afraid to rate several times. there are no o.g.t.t.
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free zones in poland's. european parliament has passed dozens of resolution against. they'll be duty free zones in poland. osu law from the lion. g.b.t. free zones in poland. read my lips. there are no o.g.t.t. free zones in poland. how can i? why is it so difficult for you guys to accept the simple fact? what is the problem? the problem is, the only thing that happened was that one of the aged between activists took pictures, which he sort of made up right and distributed all around mr. the good go to national media. you could see this is an age of beauty for of zuma. so the good up, he explained it was an artistic performance. this is a good example. you are accusing me and my government because of this art homans
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briefly before we go, i'd like to ask you. we've addressed protests on the streets. we've talked about how poland is at odds with the e.u. over values and, and just briefly tell us, are you concerned that your government is putting poland on the path? so isolation, i'm concerned about their european union, which is suffering from a serious disease. probably a deadly disease which is called children of the of the majority is becoming more and more close. and it took to run your coal in cold utterance. systemic of the value leeching, the value and it's on the cheaters. and so they're trying to impose some kind of despotism and we let it go. we have to leave it there. richard the good go. thank
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he challenges america doesn't cost the credible story of bobby wind. bomb starts december 10th on t.w. . bob. what's the secret behind this classic? is it the sound? as soon as you hear beethoven lose your mind, or the story behind the music was for need ages. british law. odd ag, beethoven's 9th symphony for the more it starts to simmer down on t w.
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much. i'm being bold as come prove that since you want to look good. no school you want to be useful. put on a loved. when you see the doctor, when you fall in love, they won't mind. you don't have children for fear they'll be invisible to knows. when you die, there's no every 10 10000000 people in the world this think they have no nationality and told they don't belong and that everyone has the right. everyone has the right to say
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this is g.w. newswire from berlin. tonight, the world of football in mourning the football legend, diego maradona as di, the soccer superstar who led argentina to victory in the 1986 world cup, suffered a fatal heart attack. will look back at his life and legacy on and off the pitch. also coming up tonight, the coronavirus crisis in germany, deadlier than ever on to say the daily death toll to hit a record high. the answer may be tougher restrictions than a nationwide lockdown.
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