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tv   Europe in Concert  Deutsche Welle  November 29, 2020 4:15am-5:00am CET

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remain hot on byron's heels in 2nd you're watching daily news live from berlin after a short break, reporter tells the story of a woman struggling to get back to normal. after suffering from severe case of covert 90 more headlines for you at the top of the hour. up to see that in the light of climate change conference, most of what's in store for them is to come for the future to come to africa, to go city to the multimedia insight. please enter. how does a virus spread? why do we parent? and when will all this just through the topics covered on
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a weekly radio show is called spectrum. if you would like to me information on the coronavirus or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast. you can get it wherever you get your podcast. you can also find us at slash science. these patients had coronavirus more than 6 months ago. to this day, they have not recovered their health. besides, it was like a switch was flipped and my body was replaced with the healthy one was taken away and i was given a sick one officially medical experts say they've recovered. but many continue to suffer from the effects of the disease before the virus they were fit and healthy. i didn't really think that the virus posed
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a threat to me personally. the stomach, i should have. the highly going down clinic is located in northern germany on the baltic sea 40 patients suffering from long term complications because of coping 1000 are being treated here. peggy grain is 48 years old and contracted the virus in march. she barely noticed the illness as she had so few symptoms. she's only begun to suffer from the effects of the disease recently. confident that i only became really ill months later in june. when yeah, at the time i thought that everything would eventually be fine. but things didn't improve as a whole. i was extremely ill for many, many weeks, which turned into months and i never got better give easel and what
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a nice located directly by the water surrounded by salty sea air. the clinic in highland dam is one of 3 in germany that treats people with corona related diseases. peggy grain is still struggling with the aftermath of the illness. so i'm torn my primary some terms of physical weakness and total exhaustion. body aches and desireless. in that i've had this for a very long time, extreme dizziness and poor concentration. and in some cases i have cognitive difficulties, fast and i experienced poor hearing vision and i couldn't follow conversations. well father sigrid straub is 49 years old. her diagnosis was particularly severe.
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she barely survived a 3 week coma. i being unable to recall anything of this period in her life is particularly distressing for her. i wish i was just by the fact that i was so seriously ill. and when i woke up from the coma, i had to realize i'm lucky, i was to be alive a little bit. it says, and i said, i feel so different from before the illness. because my muscles a week from lying down for such a long time was a cold, the cut off. it's taking a lot of effort to rebuild my whole musculature. again. it's an assault. and moving from me. i thought i also won last time on this mission and
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i think many postcode patients say that doctors aren't taking their symptoms seriously. they're suffering from stigmatize ation. peggy grain has also experienced this several times. this is very difficult for doctors to understand when they look at me. i look healthy physically, i'm reasonably strong. at least i appears to me and then you get dismissed very quickly. they say her mind is not ok. dr. your does from hold is the chief physicians in the rehabilitation clinic. she's actually a specialist in pulmonary diseases, but she knows that many patients suffer for more than that. this is a bit of lead
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on their desk that as offensive as you think it's one of the i think a doctor from hold with secret regularly to discuss her progress. i guess i'll start as they talk about how secret is responding to various forms of exercise and therapies. how she's adjusting to medication and changes in her sleeping pattern is much actual polls has fluctuated while she was on an exercise machine. but at the moment it's nothing to be too concerned about. that sounds modest actually, and it helps to remember that compared to the rest of the world, germany already has a very capable rehab system. we have more treatments available to us, but the facilities that we have here don't exist in other european countries or the rest of the world. we can do high quality medically selland rehabilitation. the most important thing is to recognize the rehab needs of our patients. and to match
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them to the appropriate treatments. twenty's who buys at the moment, see greed is on a small dose of medication that appears to be working well for her. and thankfully her mental health is also improving. once again, as he does, she tells dr from hold that one of the major attractions of the clinic was that patients can meet to discuss how they're all progressing. after living with a long term effects of the disease. conversations like these are validating because patients can understand and empathize with one another and see great finds it extremely beneficial as it this was a trick aside. patients have gathered for another session to talk about their experiences. just go for it.
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it's intense after 2 and a half weeks. i feel like i can greens more deeply. it's not clear why mr. death has anyone ever explained why it is so difficult for us? lasik, people like us to do things like go up the stats or up hill, particularly when it comes to going up the status quo for my party hats attacking our must see a path explained it to me. when your pastor is relaxed, the whole chest area is compressed. so you only breathe in certain areas and not with everything. and we slowly have to learn the correct posture to breathe. it was a guy. i know. i'm getting better at going up the stairs. i used to have to take a break on the 2nd floor. i live in the 3rd floor, and now i can get there without taking a crack at a snail's pace. but so what you have read your review hearing and cognitive abilities affected me and lots of good read. i begged my husband's
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birthday cake during the summer with only half of the required ingredients. cox look at this one back to me. i wondered why the cake didn't rise. there was nothing in it, maybe half of what was needed, and i'm very experienced. i bake cakes every weekend of my life. let's just an example. i've also been experiencing extreme bouts of dizziness and i've had vertigo. for months. i was even dizzy in bed, but i think i will have to accept that they will be ups and downs for a while on our journey is far from over. i'm not afraid, but i still have this question in my head. will ever be the same again?
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this is shawn, it's always there. so this is so that's my greatest wish to become more mentally stable again. to feel that this is the internet. this is where i inhale. i ingest the sale and solution for 10 minutes almost every day and it loosens the mucus membranes in the risk, pretty tract, which makes it easier to cough up when i'm done. it feels like here in my throat, just as i'm all that breaks up the mucus more easily, so to speak. it feels good. so it sounds to the patients, families are not allowed to visit the clinic for hygenic reasons. so secret straub calls her family regularly, only her daughter is home today. sigrid tells her about the agenda for the week.
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aquatic exercises, breathing exercises and functional training. she learns that the weather is nice on the baltic sea, but back at home, life continues as it normally would hear her daughter's father result riding his bicycle see greeds kids are going to school and preparing for their exams. while they wait for their mother to get better or worse, despite being in the best of care, it's difficult being away from home. peggy grain has been in highly going down for 2 weeks. her therapy will last for 3 more. her goal to be able to get back to her daily life again. you live your life. 5 days that were weekend and so on for days
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to come and my life might be more intense than it was before us. on the one hand, i would like it to be like it was before after and on the other hand, the world is just falling apart because of the pandemic right now. at the moment, life is dramatically different for everyone. and maybe i can still manage to get a lot done. i'm sure that my recovery will allow me to my mother's and i think i will be a different person than i was before. but that's ok. this is national when i think of the, my view on life has changed a lot because of this terrible illness. a near death experience changes your perspective a lot and makes who appreciate the simple things in life that events i, family and friends are very, very important. and so is healthy. it may sound mundane to others, but stay healthy and when you've been so close to death,
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you learn to appreciate life in a completely different levels. and you begin to value the importance of family and friends even more and wonders if i believe that i will carry around this year's experiences with me forever. and i can't imagine how i could just forget something like this. but i hope that these negative experiences which are still weighing heavily on me, will fade with time and eventually that more positive things will replace them with one. i am still alive and i'm still here and i can still enjoy life. i'm going
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to do it. lewis, hamilton and michelle, she says chinese formula one world champion, but there's only room for one team, spirit, to touch it harmonious, a play, a crucial role throughout our lives. they are the most important chemical messengers in our bodies. the role of hormones playing and how they influence our emotions. just someone the wrong sure. you know who they have moods. glitching. 30 minutes on d. w. happiness
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fears for everyone schuman penises are very different from primates. we have a totally ridiculous the size, view, nature and this is climate change raises sex, how freeness employees books. you get smarter for free, you know, be books on forgotten other than the name of the little boy and hadn't been moved. i don't know, but we are living during the most extraordinary time. here st. francis ford coppola for the electric. but it might have that next rev,
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the audio and mobility show that mobility can break down social barriers and 6 perience by lebanese muslim taxi driver rana. but it must also be that what the limo going to clear up with the lemon is so much snake that the how levels are mobbed. the road mobility comes in all shapes and sizes. much to the delight of rev contest or christoph road. lot of money for a lot of civilians. but don't forget this. imagine a, we need a more wider measure of independence is an extra for free. extreme nobility takes a lot of effort but gets you to places you've long dreamt of. we have no but my dad for jobs just to keep out of sight to move formal and mobility has taught german carmakers like v.w. playing catch up to mr. verified them a chance for us to improve it. all electricians are all high. these potency
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includes it's one office in a couple of hardwood. so argument against your latest mobility boost with ram. right now. i'm not going to, i'm going on the foot on the home or off. we are all mothers. oh mother. but i must tell you that other nominees can levels while you while the ones you've been in. if you get another job as the freak out, the details, the men will have love, not all of them. and probably really just mom and take much of a walk or run
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and that my god has him on the south that's been filled with you. oh so you can evoke all of them apart and i'm no without them. and those of this that i've been through doesn't know how they are not just political, that i may be able to get the most should get a man with some of his love of all of them are enough. he, her father commercial or let her cut out a bit on most who are most affected by it, imo, but a woman i'm going to, i'm not a kid because i'm on the bus. what are you doing? and i love a little of that. let's look at the bottom of all of them through
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on monday and then we'll sort of what are you give us some i want to live until i'm not, i'm just so new to all 100 kids. i mean, have it up to you along with them and i was really fun. it took her by her. don't even know the only one on my thumb been gone, but the most out of that she had both of them all sequels. if they i did, and i'm among them, it's may be that way. i am one of the disney associate. what i'm just a baby she who had the show was going to go out
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hard to see you know that in the name of jihad and all that said, with an israeli, you know, with 2 books that have been seemingly on and off in the fall with more thought that if you've done that, than if you don't limit the set of these to do with that so much that i would buy the i love the new suv through. i mean, to have that important because that would be all that would only
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reduce the hunger that i could give them. i'm going to call my, what's been the salvia within minutes. a wish i had of it, i could just write should i make? that's right. but how come the shuttle isn't it sort of has to let us have an old life because they don't like, i don't belong like you develop a lot of looks on my but it most. so some of the more thought the so you've got to stick with it on the other $101.00. what's neat about that? i love you, sam. i'll fight on the cosmic all of the stomach on this because the fog
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at the surface of the 1st a lot of christmas light of last night is how many of us have a leaf out of something, something that no please. and i want another one. how much of it on some of them must the look on the court at monaco to move it out on that and then let's home you know how we'd feed you become a vulture, global warming bowl champion? cigarettes for him? well, that's what i live. that's what i live my whole life for. this is what i woke up and trained for just this trip has been think you should get off that you don't
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because it's all, it's what defines progress to you. and i presented today 2 guys who just become champions for 7. talked to several just going through 7 sky. took it. he cooked my kitchen. well that's record would be the most successful drama on so many but who is really the best rock? i know them both. so let's stop. i love he started carving in 9093 when it was 8 years old. and this is family was quite cool. you got a lot of support from racing is such an expensive school. and we had no money. my dad for jobs just to keep me out of sight, to win more more more when my 1st british championships in my 2nd year and then i met ron dennis on us and that was when i was 10 and met one dennis braun. then it's
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also said mcleod formula, one team he picked came his mentor 2007, he offered me the coffee in this effort, the reigning champion for not the world to be made to lose their milk because of my plan. from the start of the 1st race, louise challenged alone. so quite successful. this is steve learning curve for me, but i'm enjoying it. as i said, i love it. we were so far, really good. you know, if you should price everybody. if i told you my secret, then it would be next year lewis hamilton was his 1st championship leaving it was the last lap to last. i just kept pushing the whole way even to the last that even the last lap i was in position 6. and i had to
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finish 5th and right up to the last corner i just kept going and believing. and i overtook some guy the last one and i won the championship so it's never over until it's over. and how did michael schumacher win his 1st time? not having as strong promo, playing his back. took him a little bit longer. but michael schumacher came to formula one, the 99 he was so it was a bunch of really great drivers. are you saying? i love bulls. t. nigel mansell. all the heroes were right to plan a conflict is still young and true to kids 3, but say he wants a championship 2 times in a defeated, but that i guy for us, you know that you're much better young,
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good team and need to growing and that's why she put thinking about to get a good potential that i've bought into my house, which was 1st time, was much more challenging to pay up to leave time to luis. he had a very long way to after his 1st time, before you chase the spot was still for young people. i want to be the best one driver there is. and to do that, i have to the best team. you have to be with people that want to be the best. he told the seed to term and teams had invested a lot to succeed in full cost as a right serious and promptly euro recent change to hybrid engines to sell the team. and having the success you quickly became champion in terms of full team and the resulting 50 and they get michael schumacher sway to his next title was less time. he moved to
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fill the italian team hadn't won the championship in 20 years. so by good besides friday, he started to rebuild city. for example, he posts waded through all sprawled as a technician for the bandits and team, showing lots of drivers a fast loading. many drivers are bigger than any drugs and still want to have a collection of skills and abilities or years after a 5 year. he's paid to buckle one 1st championship team. so i do so say he, let's have another and retire full on him and see all the business off the boat to see and see how things going to be just
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as the snow and on the walk. the dog is a whole season. just india. it's time to give him a police time and the winning his 1st title lifebook is to make the call spread and ball pressure of the pressure on him and started to make the state champion on the go to the great job this kind of not i know why? but i want perhaps a but do great job. i'm in the sixty's focused championships with mostly these only trying to be popular postmistress botha and haven't worked. 7 year old
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with feeders to those tend to those. well, that's a side of my kids would love to have told them i'm successful comeback. it's just an old city. his childhood friend, louise and that's a key position. crazy other live and i must ride. since that's enough. i may have best of my nuts, which i might him go cause once you know what up the floor game between, i'm just going up and you know, i'm going to wash them off and i just august might invest all this. no one d.v.m. fought us all the if you want to get is this enough to win the championship equals good for me. when i see who is the right guy to be seen with is really the best brought to his beloved piece and that's with it. smelled like like a squished that's not enough or that i know as much as i know it's because i'd left with a then. yes. well that's michele off that other side to this all rounder. but
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it's a good typist and had its good side of team spirit. shaft and team it off to the north for abuse or for us to lose as well to all. enjoy the folks who she's going to have a few feet off, but the core was split had left louise had no serious problem. i think for little, i mean this sub feel we have to save as time goes through things from week 3 to be more relaxed enjoying sunday driving he became champion in 278-200-1200 extension 0 when it seems so if you go even some more taco centerville, old what might drive
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a year old with respect so the time i got on the track and i could see michael ahead of me and i was like, wow this is, this is pretty cool. that's michael schumacher head. and then you push really hard to catch him. no. he's a legend, he's won championships so far, so it's quite a credible achievement. so you feel quite privileged and honored to be his presence at least. and it's cool when you're racing him. he possum. suppose you better read some of the several recent, both political. i think michael schumacher it's an old company a while back and forth you can try fine. you can build up in the you can keep the team spirit up and you develops a car pretty close. so he's able to win, even when the competition level is very hard. so maybe some of his
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championships called you more than the one who's going to look good at the challenge. and someone who stands by lewis hamilton seems to have the chance to discover a lot of other aspects of life. he manages himself as a social media stuff, and he makes music to be a pop star. you have to be a singer. so i did in music, but i mean, i'm all over the world. i'm traveling the travel a lot more than any other racing driver and i probably work a lot more than any other person driver. he also gets involved and come feigning sustainability just founded the feed to be environmentally friendly or a serious street. this amazing deafened do so while raising awareness of the
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climate process and fighting for political and social issues like to collect life's made up nice, has himself also experienced a lot of hardship, his life, and in that sense from racism. so it's difficult to put yourself in his shoes. so we use really is the most thrilling guy, michael schumacher or lose him to be on earth. why pepe is there? that's a chance to meet some books. and what i learned from seeing scalise movies expressed it in some quite simple if you have a goal and you have a dream of doing something, don't let anyone tell you, it's not possible.
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the fully electric folks are going to id 3, goes from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in just 8 seconds, starting at $36000.00 euros. this compact car boasts a range of 360 kilometers and a top speed of over 200 kilometers per hour. last, this promotional video showcases the tesla model 3, the company's most inexpensive model, which is heaps baster and has more range, but costs $7000.00 euros more than the v.w. with the id 3 and other models. bostock and is aiming to catch up with tesla which currently leads the electric vehicle market in sales and the eastern german city of speak out v.w. has refitted an entire factory to produce electric cars. this is where the id 3 and,
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the new electric id for sport utility vehicle are made. for v.w., it's a worldwide offensive. but is it already too late? isis on what it seems to s.u.v.s people asked the folks back in the group on chichi late and i think we were just right back down. the technology was mature and the many models help just develop faster among those who went in because this plant alone can produce 300000 electric cars a year. it could soon overtake tesla's total production. volves book, the headquarters of the world's largest car maker. produces the id for the fast growing s.u.v. market. the compact id 3 is intended for customers with a more modest budget. it's the answer to tesla model 3, but at a lower price. yeah. it was known for its combustion engines. but will the company
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be willing to convert more factories for electric vehicle production? we're already planning our next factory and in will also produce electric models like the i.d.f. . so we still have some breathing room in china. it will be extremely fast as always. factories will be springing up like mushrooms, modular construction of many car brands under one roof has been a key driver of b.w.'s worldwide success. the company's been making combustion vehicles using modular systems like this one for a long time. now it's using that system to produce electric cars to be the same, to be climate neutral by 2050. when the going gets tough, you need a tough call. it's a toyota, one of the most
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a car in the world. the reason why it's so fascinating, this car makes you dream. dream is that adventures and wilderness highlights is one of the last we'll expedition cars out there. the european market for pickup trucks is growing in 2015 around 250003. now it's 200025001 this in germany. the high looks a 968, and since then they've produced 19000000 units that makes it the 2nd most built after the colac and twice as popular as the japanese carmakers legendary off road vehicle. venerable land cruiser, that has been in production since 951, and it established toyota's reputation for your ability and reliability.
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that says cult status was celebrated in an episode of the b.b.c.'s top gear show when jeremy clarkson and his team tried to destroy one in almost every imaginable way and failed miserably. the tour. and so we put the highlights through slightly gentler test several times over the years. it's become something of an old friend when it comes to telling challenges the highlights, set the benchmark, but one minor right in the past behind looks was on the outlook for this week. point to others well to point 3.5 times, but this has changed all highlights was for driver no 3.5 times if there which is missing here. but most of the innovations in this latest
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incarnation are found at the front. besides new design elements, there's also a new engine made the engine in a real displacement up from 2.5 to 2.0, a big or 2 above chacha on. and this also comes to 200 false power instead of 150 before the power grid makes itself felt in a much more controlled experience in the 6 speed, automatic transmission harness system leaders of the park, impressively delivering more than enough power at any speed. if for some reason he wanted the old 150 horsepower engine is still available. if you are now expecting figures from like average fuel consumption or space of the trunk department, you might be disappointed at a higher looks. there are other figures that matter. for example, spring travel ground clearance, the high looks,
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has about 310 millimeters macis benchmark in his class. all this one, a real off the work cost needs latch approach and departure angles to get you out of difficult situations. the highlight says 29 degrees in the front and 26 degrees in the backside, that should be enough. so last check on the car. and i can see a massive lead a frame. and i have a rigid the axle with a leaf springs. that's how it should be. with this latest version of the highlights, toyota seems to have kept the good bits and it proved the rest, getting many components and operate. even the infamously rough ride has become almost comfortable. as for the interior of the infotainment system and connectivity are up to 2020 standards. prices in germany started 23000 euros and this invincible
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edition will set you back around 50000. a lot of money for a lot of steam. but don't forget this imagination of freedom often while, unless of independence is an extra for free at every ride. with a look from soul, whatever road you may take, wish you a safe journey home.
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good shape. homeowners, a play a crucial role throughout our lives. the most important chemical messengers in our bodies are all hormones playing. how they influence our emotions. just someone who are uninsured in a bad mood almost, a good show. coming up on t.w.,
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cosmopolitan, downslope, vicious. the brilliant has never been a sex scene as it was in the golden 20 the subconscious stage in a sense out of finance. traces in the city to absorb, have fun with our little to do the little good mornings. 30 minutes on the boys. from the ghetto to parliament. every man going god knows bobby why. despite coming from a close family, the pop star wants to become president. and the challenges are guns as elite audiences. the credible story of bobby warm body
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starts to simmer. tell m g w give us your country. people will make you rich. people will provide you with jobs. people will take good care of my future. used to think we prefer too cold on the west coast of going up in 2007 and investors made big promises. but years later, reality looks very different later choose good drinking water shortage in employment
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before you go away from this david not a trace of oil, but want to go on a stream of black gold oil. thomas, it starts december 4th, this is day to weigh in news, and these are our top stories security forces and demonstrators have clashed in paris during protests against a proposed security bill that would restrict sharing images of police officers. the issue came into focus after footage emerged of police beating up and racially abusing a black man opcode, say.


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