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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  December 1, 2020 6:03pm-6:31pm CET

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and among them, from what we've heard, including from the minister president of the federal state, they are, they, there may be a child among the wounded is their driver being questioned? yes, the questioning is ongoing. at this point, the police said that the area appears to be secure. they have asked for anyone who may have been nearby to send in tips if they saw anything worth noting. but, but so far from what we know though, that interrogation is ongoing. and as i say, we expect to see a press conference in about an hour. do we know about the condition of the victims? well, and we've heard from nurses in a local hospital that some are very severely wounded. indeed, he was going apparently at a fairly high speed train porting there on that breaking news,
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a story in career where a driver crashed in to pedestrians. thank you so much on kovan 18 has dominated headlines this year, but there is another pandemic that still affects and kills millions of people around the world. the united nations figures show that 38000000 people were living with hiv last year, nearly 700000 look at that died as well, and as a result of their hiv infection. but prevention and treatment measures are showing promise. in the last decade, the number of new infections has decreased and so has the number of people whose death was caused directly by aids on or factors related to the immune deficiency syndrome. yet experts predict that trend will reverse this year because of the covert 1000 pandemic, and lockdowns causing a shortage of hiv medication. it's estimated there could be an additional $1400000.00 deaths caused by hiv as
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a result. and drugs are essential to manage hiv and they have helped many people live life to the full, but stigma still prevails. our next report takes you to ukraine, where 3 h.i.v. positive people told d.w. news how the virus has affected their lives. but i was going to have had a lot of news in my life because of my h.i.v. status about a lot about back asleep or at them. i thought hiv was something that only affect to trust the cheats and drug addicts. and that if you are quite normal, nothing bad could happen. the noise of what i think will go, it will never tell anyone about this. that was my 1st reaction to major positive test results. i've had a chinese since i was born. my dad died of aids when i was 7. a year later my mum told me i had a child. as a kid, you don't get what everyone else is thinking that your life is over,
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that you're going to die. but my mum told me i'd have to take pills and that was it . it was going to cost my partner became seriously ill and the doctors didn't have a clue. one day the man i was dating decided to tick of the condom without telling me a month or so. later i had tonsilitis and a rash. i just remember thinking, i know what this is. the pitiful i chatted enough of keeping it secret. so i decided to tell my classmates a college. yes, i'm a child. be positive. i ended up telling everyone, maybe i was just lucky but the reactions were great. and i ended up going out with the prettiest girl in our group, which creates a little bit of a challenge. but i'm telling what, what's in the 21st century age doesn't have to be a game changer. if everyone has access to testing and treatment, this disease is manageable problem with the official who visits, even though i get messages from other people with hiv. thanking me for speaking out
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about my status, they'll tell you that they've had hiv for 10 years, but only them others know what? so many people are giving up on themselves and their lives. they're convinced that they'll never have a serious relationship or a decent job. and they just end up cutting themselves off from everything. i try to show them that it's not the age of the status that's doing that to their lives. it's their fears that are the problem with. there's no reason to give up. because the child well, earlier i spoke to the university of bonsa, hendrika stake a who is an expert on both hiv and the coronavirus. and i asked him at the medical breakthroughs made while fighting 19 could somehow be used against hiv aids. i'm very glad actually about, you know, bringing attention to this age to be aids pandemic again, because indeed they have much concerns that the court 19 endemic ball pushed aside our amp for its age to be in aids prevention. now of course we don't know the
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impact yet that age would be aids, had all of it covered, 9 of them. it happened to be aids. but the estimates that when you have 6 months of lack of delivery of and to require a medication that you get up to in a year or so, which would push back there. i want absolutes almost a decade. so it does not seem to be as bad, but we only know next year when the new aids reports come out. now as you know, better than anyone that we've seen, a huge medical breakthrough said when it comes to fighting, covert 1000 and terms of developing a vaccine that the technology used for these vaccines be used in the fight against hiv aids. well, there might be some and hits that people have brought from the development of the m. 16. however, it takes a long time to actually generate
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a working vaccine and test this working for it seems so to give you an example of the big scene that we're currently that is currently being tested and so on. africa was started in 2017 in the phase 3 trial and be out waiting until next year. but this has shown us any kind of efficacies. so it's much slower than in the current pandemic. but i have some benefit from the cold ninety's. and i mean, in terms of new technologies, let's talk a little bit more about that because the 1st vaccinations against covert 1000 are expected to take place in a couple of weeks time. this is 4 decades after hiv was 1st diagnosed in the united states. you've outlined some of the challenges. i mean, are you just heartened by that? well, i mean, it's very modest compared to mine to pandemic, to invade. because 19 has,
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is that it's a virus, maybe have naturally unity and can form naturally immunity or be aids. there is no caves that me, that somebody can cure them of from a chevy. so it's much harder to actually find a big scene if the meter doesn't show us how to do it. so this is the one side of the token. so let's just generally hard to find a big theme against such a virus. on the other hand, it is true that not much and not not at the same kind of africa, has been put in place against hiv and aids that it was now for the covert, 900 demick. and in conclusion, as a doctor and a health expert, what message do you have for global health policy makers on now world aids day? well, i think the most important message we also have is that the age of the aids pandemic
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is far from being all work. and that every person who is infected with aids or be needs to be treated because a person that does that tested early and treated efficiently, cannot give the virus to another person. and it's not only saving life, but it's also helping to end the aids pandemic. professor hendrika streak at thank you for joining us. thank you. but as i know by some of the other stories making news around the world, pharmaceutical partners, a fighter and beyond tank, have submitted their covert 1000 facts seem to the european union for approval. the european medicines agency said it could approve the vaccine for use in europe within weeks. if the data in the application are sufficient. do you foresee that d. 4 states, the haitian, rather in brazil's amazon rainforest, has surged to its highest level and 12 years?
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that's according to official numbers. the national research agency says destruction has risen sharply under right wing populist president, jerry, your boss, and our own all this year alone, an area 7 times the size of london has been stripped. bare a chinese space probe has touched down on the loose surface according to state media. the cheney 5 mission will bring rock samples back to earth, so that scientists can learn more about the moon's origins. well, so far, only russia and the united states have successfully carried out such missions. like most countries around the world, peru has had to impose tight restrictions on public life to curb the spread of the corona virus. while these include a shut down of all non-essential businesses, which has been disastrous for business owners and their employees, well to vent their anger, thousands took to the streets, raising fears that the protests could cause
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a further spike in infections. paolo mccaslin of a knows what tallchief means, cupcakes, company was very popular in the capital, lima, but the business was not considered essential. when the lockdown, which is devastated, the peruvian economy began. polow move was among those who had to shut up shop. the pandemic began when we were growing as were many other businesses in peru, it surprised us. we figured we were going to close for a while, but we had to shut for 76 days. yet, it is affected all aspects of the business very deeply. the harsh measures brought in to curb. the coronavirus did not succeed in bringing the number of infections under control. but downtown lima is on recognizable,
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once busy and bustling streets are now nearly empty and eerily quiet. the crisis has left more than $2000000.00 peruvians unemployed. the victims some morrow was the health minister at the height of the crisis. he understands that drastic restrictions, although necessary, unsustainable in the long run. the carious ness of family incomes forced people to leave the conditions on the currency in were very difficult. no water, no internet, overcrowded homes, no banking, no money, state services that could enable people to stay at home were delayed. it was only bearable at the beginning, but could not be sustained over time. there is hope that the worst of the pandemic is over. the crisis that brought tens of thousands of people up to the
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streets to demonstrate some fear the mass protests have been super spreader events that will increase case numbers in the next few weeks. meanwhile, entrepreneurs like polo can only hope for an improvement in the business climate. thank you so much for the fight against the corona virus. pandemic has the rate of infection been developing. what does the latest research say? information and context? the coronavirus update. on t w. n. u, you may know here's, here's we're going to you in her last years german sausage there will bring you an angle out malcourt as you've never heard her before. surprised yourself with what
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is possible? who is medical really, what moves them part of who talks to people who follows her along the way, admirers and critics alike? how is the world's most powerful woman shaping public is joining us to metals last stops. as world aids day this year finds us deep in the throes of another. pandemic, tobit 19. the highly infectious novel coronavirus has swept across the world, devastating health systems and causing economic turmoil. not since the h.i.v. aids pandemic of the 1990 s. have countries faced such a common health threats around 33000000. people worldwide have died from aids
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related illnesses in the last 40 years. it's taken expertise, collaboration and dedication from all levels of society to track understands treece, and prevents the illness. although aids, i.v., aids, hofmann's, been eradicated. the global response is an example of what can be achieved when countries people work together. 1000 special. i'm kate ferguson. thanks for joining me. once upon a time, hiv diagnosis was seen as a death sentence. those days are now gone with advances in treatment allowing people to live long lives. but challenges do remain, especially amid a global pandemic. that's seen the supply of hiv drugs in some parts of the world severely disrupted around the world. there are some 38000000 people living with
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hiv. last year alone, 1700000 new infections were recorded and 690000 people lost their lives to the disease. people living with hiv are especially vulnerable in sharing this pandemic. for one, they are more at risk of falling severely ill with covert 19, but perhaps even more crucially of the coronavirus economy is down. many sufferers have not been able to access medication. it's a very welcome arrival. employees of the north star alliance delivered drugs to the god while the settlement west of johannesburg. the risk of becoming seriously or even faintly ill with covert 19, is twice as high for hiv positive people. many are avoiding overcrowded hospitals for fear of infection. however, interrupting treatment can have serious consequences. un aids expects up 214-8000
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additional h, i'd be deaths related to the coronavirus pandemic by 2022. especially in poor regions of the greatest number of people with hiv live in africa. more than $25000000.00 in sub-saharan africa, twice the rest of the world put together c bungle a zoo. new is a single mother of 4 children in johannesburg. her clinic run out of drugs during the hard lockdown in the spring. on top of this, the 47 year old lost her job for 2 months she had to do without half the medicine she needs. she's now receiving support from a christian aid organization. north star alliance is trying to get close to the needs of the most vulnerable people using mobile clinics . this kind of assistance helps save many lives, but the world health organization says more is needed more financial aid. but also
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the commitment that the battle against hiv aids is fought with the same determination as the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. let's speak to professor york and store president of the european 8 clinical society. he's joining us today from don fetter. locke's whole welcome along. how disruptive has the kobe 9000 pandemic been for people living with hiv aids? yes, i think it's very different from country to country and surveys in various parts of europe to just get at least 50 percent of the physicians are involved. if you care also matched the code patients, so obviously they have 2 diseases to serve in a such trap and destructions. in our own clinic, we closed the clinic for 2 months in april and may and just sent out prescriptions . i think the biggest challenge has been for testing services because of the issue
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. you can't go and have contact. other people also locked off. people were not able to assess the usual testing frequency, and that's one of the big worries around missing. it should be diagnosed because people do not go to the adequate testing circuses. and how dangerous is covert 9000? a felt for hiv patients. so that has been an ongoing discussion because obviously people with h.l.v. have often meant efficiency depending on their level of c. 4 count and as such may be at an increased risk for any kind of infection. and so there was some worry that they may have a different course of disease. the 1st case reports though, from north america, china and europe suggest that that really the outcome is very similar. so doesn't really look as if the mortality was enhanced or increased. there has been a more recent, larger cohort nonces, and i think that's one of the issues. if you only look at small patient numbers, you may miss something because the patients average were much younger than some of the patients who had a more unfavorable disease outcome. and in africa there was
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a 2.6 fold higher mortality. there also has been ireland tadi report for each of the patients from the u.k. around $1.00 hold higher. so i think in summary, looks as if in general it's pretty much the same outcome. but if you have a low c. for cumple 0200 in your severely new compromise, i think that's where you may have more increased risk. but overall mortality is low and i can say from my own clinic, we've seen 10 patients with code 19 in h.a.e. . and none of them was admit intensive care. none of them died. so i think in general, in the younger patient population, not so or some, but if you are older with coma biddies and as an h.g.v. patient you have a higher risk for come of it in these. then i think that there is a somewhat increased risk. ok, now we're very close now to have a vaccine against kovac 19. why if they still no vaccine against h, i pay yes. so 2020 was unfortunately your were
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a vaccine which had showed some promise in the tide vaccine trial where there was a 33 percent reduction new infections. and now this improved vaccine was tested in south africa. and i, fortunately the trial will stop because of lack of sleep. and i think the reasons is that they should be employed to shield technology and the virus is costly changing that shield to protect itself. and these changes to have made a vaccine attempts. so it's not so easy to target the that's a little different than some of the other viruses have much less changes surface so, you know, the united nations has set itself the goal of ending the aids epidemic by 2030. do you think that's realistic? well, you know, on a more positive side,, if you look at some of the recent numbers from the u.k., you can see that actually they're very close to ending the epidemic because they have more than 95 percent of their patients are diagnosed. we have age of the at least in the london region, they have more than 95 percent on treatment and they have more than 95 percent.
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rarely are logically suppressed. so they're doing very well and the new numbers are falling really quite dramatically. and it's really great to see that with the tools we have to end the epidemic if you can use them, that's all working very well. but if you turn your eyes a little bit to the east and you move to russia for example, which obviously has a much higher patient burden with over 800000 individuals and only probably around 55 percent receiving after all therapy. there remains a large pool of people who are either not diagnosed or replicating kind of such infect other patients. so the question is how can we get all these tools we have implemented everywhere in the world? and obviously also now in the covert epidemic where there is suddenly a struggle for resources from one side to the other. positions are engaged in services for 2 disease at the same time. disruption of services on many different layers. stock out of air be happening in many african countries. will obviously put
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a big hazard to the goals which have been set up and the congressman's although theoretically at least they're good examples. going to practice. were these cool seem reachable from hope that getting a bunch of president of the air p 8, the chemical society? thank you very much. as your time now to answer one of here, questions that i coded 1000 over to our finance correspondent ed length. what makes ours kovi? 2 different from the sars virus. is it the same pathogen just stronger? no, although this common question shows how much power there is in a name. the international body that's responsible for naming newly discovered viruses decided to call the one that causes qubit 19 sars cove 2 because it's fairly closely related to the one that caused the respiratory disease
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. sars back in the early 2000. but although there are similarities and some of the symptoms that the 2 pathogens cause, they're not the same and sars could have 2 did not arise from the virus that causes sars and genetic analysis has placed both in a group of what are called, lineage, be better coronaviruses which also includes a number of other coronaviruses that are found in bats. a major characteristic that better coronaviruses share is that they infect mammals, which means they exploit the similarities that all memel cells have in common 2 to invade them and make more copies of virus. and sometimes they jump from species to species 3 better coronaviruses that have jumped to humans to cause recent outbreak . so the pathogens that are responsible for sars and murders and covert 19, they've all caused respiratory symptoms and fevers. but in other ways,
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like the timing of the disease that they induce and, and it's overall lethality that differs widely. sars was much more deadly than coded 19 for example. but, but because people who got it only began infecting others after they started showing symptoms themselves. it could be contained more easily. sars go to is not stronger than the virus that caused sars and it's not the same. it's just a cousin that's turned out to be a lot better at spreading in human populations. and though it can also be deadly. if you catch it at 19 is actually a lot less likely to kill you than sars was and finally, they call them of that covert why our ear is in india's capital, delhi civic authorities are donning colorful helmets, depicting the coronavirus to spread awareness on what precautions people need to
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take, they go through market areas, unfair affairs, posting flyers and education people on what to do. authorities in delhi have also quadrupled to fined for not wearing enough and not far from us for all the latest on the pandemic. check out our website, e.w. dot com slash code 19, and on next time for me and the team i'm secure, that's my work. that's hard. and in the end, this is a me, you're not allowed to stay here in war. we will send you back. are you familiar with this with the smugglers reliance of what's your story. 'd on the numbers of women, especially of victims of violence, take part and send us your story. you are trying to already understand this new
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culture. saw you are another visitor, another yes. you want to become a citizen. in so migrants your platform for reliable information give us your country, the world will make you rich. people will provide you with jobs. the oil will take good care of my sister. they will suffer too cold on the west coast to come out in 2000 server. system but years later, reality looks very different. later she's drinking in shanghai. so i guess that is
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a crime. in this case, it happened to come a stream of black gold oil. thomas' starts december 4th. this is coming up on the program, talking a pandemic doing 20 percent of south africa living with hiv. and it's not easy talking in student of covert 19, but a new preventative treatments may help stop the spread. also coming out they were forced to flee the country 5 young going well in ethiopia, seagrave egypt. now in saddam's complete stranger is doing all she can to help themselves.


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