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tv   FrauTV  Deutsche Welle  December 2, 2020 3:45am-4:16am CET

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country will end up underwater the question is closing firms like here in bury so could be developed across the country i wanted a bomb of this and you don't want them. right now bangladesh produces enough food to be self-sufficient but we don't have enough of a safe food food free of toxins and contaminants floating gardens make a valuable contribution because the farmers use a lot less pesticides because there are fewer pests on the water. at the local wholesale market sells his produce and also seedlings to other farm this. he says they used to grow just rice and that involves much less work but switching to farming on water has proved to be much more profitable. might be the sun are going to seedlings grown on land are weaker ours are more robust and look fresher. we sell more than lamb farmers.
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water seedlings are greater demand command higher prices you know and. more and more farmers in barrow sell are planning to switch to flushing cultivation and certainly no shortage of water. ok cheat. on their travels i reporters often meet interesting young people like this week's global scene from thailand. hi my name is playing i'm 16 years old and i go to the international school of bangkok i'm currently a junior and i live. here in bangkok thailand. i
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like to go diving because there's no other experience like being in the water it's just you and the water and you feel a sense of connection that nothing you can ever experience on land when you're connected to meet here on that level everything just sort of disappears and you just realize how amazing and connected nature is to you. i like to learn but i don't necessarily like. how schools are organized so i feel like it puts too much pressure on. getting good grades 6 better a instead of just the aspect of wanting to learn. my mom own a parenting seminar company called realistically degrees and my dad he just makes business feel. as of now
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i currently hope so work in the you and i think you'd be really cool to just. be in the middle of it all and try to make the world little bit more fair. or free in a world leaders. because i have no control over the decisions that they make is what it feels like and when those in power have their own political agendas. that's when things get really scary. but i think. i hope that in the future people become more sympathetic towards others and realize . how similar we are instead of focusing on our own self interests because of that and nothing can work without each other. and i hope that in the future we can all
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just come to terms of how everyone is different. yet we all strive for the same thing even if we hold different beliefs we all want the same thing. this weekend global ideas we look at the told farming takes on. millions of hectares of woodland have already been destroyed world winds to make way for agriculture. in a nature reserve in southern mexico more sustainable methods are protecting by its farm as livelihoods of the forests. it's daybreak and head to cut he is on his way to milk his cows he follows a path up the number you grew up a mountain in unless it were to biosphere reserve in southern mexico. legend has it
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that anyone who tries to take something away from the mountain will never return home. the slopes are shrouded in an almost primal mist there's been widespread deforestation on many of the other mountain slopes in the region farmers keep their cattle in the forests that remain. cows grazing on land that's fenced off to protect the woodland. if they're going to walk up with a gun i would want a couple wreak havoc in the forest they destroy everything contaminate the streams and cause ground erosion so if they run around the forest and it rains there be landslides. and of feral of their lover hector keeps 20 cows used to have many more but he got rid of half of them because he knows that traditional livestock farming is bad for the environment decades ago his grandfather switched from growing corn and beans to livestock farming because it
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was more profitable. 3 years ago hector joined the project to be opossums which promotes cattle farming that's sustainable and doesn't destroy diversity his income is starting to increase and the environment is gradually recovering. but it's been a difficult few years. on little ball leave the article i argued with my father that was the 1st obstacle i had to overcome hasn't been easy but i asked him to give me a chance. moment of what if you think that when i took the risk of my small farm i went through some hard times very hard times i milked my cows constantly but the yields were low. with a late. indigenous farmers traditionally let their livestock graze in forest pastures and also grew vegetables their methods were sustainable their
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expertise had largely been lost now their descendants are looking to revive it and save the cloud forest. jose antonio jimenez coordinates the bee opossums project in a state of chiapas right. meticulous planning facilitates the farmers switch to the climate smart livestock concept as you know is the region well and can provide practical support when necessary. the biggest challenge he faces is convincing the farmers to change the way they've always done things. the upper layer but not the most we need to work with the farmers to identify problems together we also need to work with them to find solutions where this process taking into account the expertise and experience of the farmers and their families it helps them to learn new things and then we must always factor in what the farmers know. protection through production that's the motto of
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the opossums farming practices don't have to entail force degradation some 1200 farmers in the region have joined the initiative most of them are cattle farmers. 1 pm in town still has a herd of cows. but he's also cultivating bananas and soursop trees on a section of his land. even though it'll be 5 years before the fruit provides him with a solid income he signed up with b.-o. pass us. that but a lot of people think we're crazy they don't know why we're planting small trees when we won't even live to see them grow. up my wife and i hope that even if we never get to harvest the fruit one day our children our grandchildren will benefit
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and they'll also benefit from improved air quality we'll feed them a long night in. an hour. a year ago 1 pm and housewifely at out was one of several local women in the village lost and has to found their own cheese dairy which they run as a co-operative they all used to make cheese at home by themselves now they've joined forces. the equipment is all brand new and was provided by bill passes. the women produce 5 varieties of cheese. and that will help if we went out talk a lot we say what we think it's good that we're making different kinds of cheese everyone knows different varieties so works permanent ng. life that if we women support one another or yam. the farming families used to sell
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their milk via a little man at a very low price now they're earning better. if the focus off going to money. that was one of the main incentives for joining the project and switching to sustainable production. center with all. the nico they pull. it allows them to diversify it means they can sell their produce at higher prices. is our aim was not only to teach them new technical skills but to support them in the whole production chain from the farm to the consumer. in the. hectare and rosa county you have also invested in a cheese press it's helped speed up the production process and they hope that in the long run it will secure them a steady income. that's all from us
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a global 3000 this week what did you think of the program write and let us know we're at global 3000 at d w dot com and check us out on facebook to d w global ideas and d w women see you next week by phone now. turning
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trash into treasures is a massive challenge even if we should know better the amount of electronic waste produced worldwide is greater than ever before and what could the solutions look like for a mouse ball we assume it's climate we're decided to come here to pick the household appliance so it's. time for.
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a face buried in everyday life but the ones in people's minds. to leave their biggest handicap people with disabilities. unfortunately is one novelty in the modern profession. and not because they are less skilled. how to cultivate serious success stories made in germany. 90 minutes ago you. get to parliament. the nose bobby was despite coming from a poor family the pop star wants to become president and challenges or god doesn't want the bomb the flame audible story. starts december 10th on the job of. fighting against the coronavirus pandemic.
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how has the rate of infection been developing. measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus a. good. monday to friday on w. . frankfurt. international gateway to the best connections road and rail. located in the heart of europe connected to the own world. experienced outstanding shopping and dining offers and trying our services. allan guest. managed by for.
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his service delivery news live from berlin 5 people are dead after a car plowed into shoppers in the german city just. as happened in a pedestrian zone at high speed a baby as long the 5 people killed police say the attack was intentional but after the driver's motives are still unclear. also coming up the other big pandemic we'll take you to south africa where 20 percent of the population lives.
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i mean a phenomenon welcome german police have now confirmed that 5 people. have been killed after a car plowed to obsess train zone in the western city of tia and 9 week old baby is among the dead several other people are seriously injured the driver a local man is in custody but police haven't yet been able to save what prompted him to carry out the attack. investigators are hard at work and acting haven't. earlier the suspect's vehicle was taken away true here is a city in shock. that our thoughts are with the victims next of kin who have to mourn the death of a loved one people whose lives were extinguished from one second to the next by such a heinous crime among them is a baby a truly horrific thought that parents would have to mourn the death of their child
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it's just terrible as i thought. besides the child police say 4 others were killed when the 51 year old local man drove an s.u.v. for around one kilometer through the center of tree or hitting people at random authorities said he was stopped by police social media footage showed the man being arrested investigators said he had consumed a significant amount of alcohol. and i'm not going to talk to us we have no indications that the motive is of a terrorist political or religious nature. couldn't it escaped there are indications that there could be a psychiatric problem involved. to shock the ships it's. heap. as is the case across germany christmas markets have been canceled in trainer
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but the spike the quiet atmosphere police urged people to stay away from the city center on tuesday evening. earlier we spoke to our reporter louis sanders who was at the scene of the incident and this is what he had to say about why the authorities are not treating this as a terrorist attack. the word is they're saying look we're there's no evidence to suggest that there is a political motive behind this act however police said that it is clear appears clear that he had to use this vehicle as a weapon has used zigzag to intentionally target pedestrians as he was driving his vehicle through this area so while there is no motivation at a political level they are following leads on his psychological well being. and not just some of the stories making headlines around the world the u.s. attorney general william barr has set the justice department found no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election it's
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a bill to present on charms efforts to challenge the election results as he refuses to conceit to joe biden. an elephant depp's the world snowiest has arrived in cambodia for a new life in a wildlife sanctuary known as coward he lived alone for years and in pakistan the u.s. singer cher can't complain for his removal to the sanctuary where he's now settling in alongside several of the elephants one of the world's largest telescopes asked collapsed after 57 years in operation located in puerto rico attack been deteriorating since august and for p.f. words were deemed too dangerous the radio telescope featured in the 1905 james bond film golden eye and was used to track asteroids and study distant planets to prove where it was hard to use have had to impose tight restrictions on public
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life to curb the spread of the coronavirus while that may have saved untold numbers of lives it has been a disaster for businesses and many of their employees to vent their anger or thousands of true v.m.s. took to the streets raising fears that the protests could enter and cause a further spike in infections. paolo mccaslin ervay knows what hardship means her cupcakes company was very popular in the capital. but the business was not considered essential when the lockdown which is devastated the peruvian economy began polo more was among those who had to shut up shop. the pandemic began when we were growing as were many other businesses in peru it surprised us we figured we were going to close for a while but we had to shut for 76 days. yet it is affected all
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aspects of the business very deeply. the harsh measures brought in to curb the coronavirus did not succeed in bringing the number of infections under control. but downtown lima is on recognizable once busy and bustling streets are now nearly empty and eerily quiet the crisis has left more than $2000000.00 peruvians unemployed. the victims some morrow was the health minister at the height of the crisis he understands that drastic restrictions although necessary unsustainable in the long run. carious ness of family incomes forced people to leave the conditions on the currency in were very difficult no water no internet overcrowded homes no banking no money and. state services that could enable people to stay at home
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or delay. it was only bearable at the beginning but could not be sustained over time. there is hope that the worst of the pandemic is over. the crisis that brought tens of thousands of people up to the streets to demonstrate some fear the mass protests have been super spreader events that will increase case numbers in the next few weeks. meanwhile entrepreneurs like polo man can only hope for an improvement in the business climate. when 1000 has dominated headlines this year but there's another pandemic that still affects and kills millions of people millions of people around the world united nations figures show that 38000000 people were living with hiv last year nearly 700000 died in south
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africa one in 5 people are positive and there's a new drug that's raising hopes for more effective prevention. for almost 2 decades the nonprofit organization hope has been an important point of contact for those living with hiv like here in the cape town township of guilt. to 2 years ago luis morris worked in a textile factory but then her life took a difficult turn an accident left her unable to work out all problems followed and then she became infected with h i feel. like. maybe it on my my family didn't want to have anything to do with me after my hiv diagnosis. they cut off contact and even now if my neighbors knew that i have a chevy they would only say hi from a distance they wouldn't invite me to their homes it means i also keep my distance is not easy being a hiv positive you have to somehow accept that people behave in
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a certain way towards you i find it sad. dr hughes on rainy could is used to hearing similar stories. at least half of the community has a family member that somebody that they know that they can be positive but it's but it's so common here but people don't speak about it. they people are basically not open about it they might speak to us about it and i might speak to the service providers about it but they will they finitely not speak they they're not open about the status they worried about discrimination although stigma still a massive problem in many communities south africa has made mess of progress in the fight against hiv aids over the past years most people the vast majority of those living with hiv know their status and are on medication and just recently researchers announced possibly for the good news the preventative drug prep has
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been available for several years around 90000 south africans protect themselves against hiv infection by taking a daily tablet now a study into a similar preventative drug that needs to only be injected every 8 weeks has found it to be even more efficient. women particularly have challenges with taking a pill a day the issues of the habit of taking a pill but also people experience a lot of social pressures so women are judged as living with hiv if they're taking pills that look like antiretrovirals they may have judgments about their sexual activity and partners may feel that they are wanting to be unfaithful so there are many barriers to taking a pill a day and what the injections were able to do is overcome some of those challenges by being discreet and convenient independent researchers also see the injection as an important development but further research is necessary to find other options to prevent hiv in women young women are the hardest hit group in south africa and deal
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with my too hard sometimes. you know so no jews are not. there. hopefully in capetown also believes the injection could be a great help but it may not be available for a number of years in the meantime more argent issues remain due to the covered spend their make few a.j. patients are going to kleenex as a result the number of new infections a new born says on the rice a worrying trend after all the hard work to stop the spread of the virus. move rocks may be coming back to earth for the 1st time in over 4 decades and this time aboard a chinese spacecraft china's space probe of space probe has touched down on the moon surface on a mission to collect a logical specimen so that scientists and learn more about the moves origins it's
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a journey a successful it will mark a giant leap for beijing's space program. and soon champions league football defending champions by munich already set to advance their 15 game winning streak in the competition come to an end after drawing with. 121 and $1.00 as the. were defeated in germany in a 5 goals by into the last bits the german side chances to advance in jeopardy in portugal man city and even against portugal both teams have to brew grass elsewhere the 2900 champions liverpool squeezed past i.x. one nil to guarantee a place in the round of 16 and out of the mystery surrounding a metal monolith in the us state of utah the object was discovered in the desert 2 weeks ago by
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a helicopter crew who were counting sheep but now it is suddenly vanished leaving some wondering if it was put there and removed by other worldly visitors. like something from another world a metal moan a live hidden away in utah's red rock desert and landscape that resembles that of planet mars. for a pretty explorers go down through investigate. early in life or. it was spotted by a helicopter crew from the utah department of public safety which was conducting an animal count some might suggest that discovering this 3 metre high structure was a welcome distraction from counting sheep. it's certainly got people talking and investigating even though local authorities had tried to
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keep its location secret so is it solid. not solid it sounds a little bit like a cardboard box. sigh find q.c.'s have linked the object to the film 2000 i'm gonna say so to see in that 968 stanley coupe right movie and alien monolith becomes a recurring symbol. that i've heard everything from did this fall from the sky you know did it and kind of implant itself there is it otherworldly you know without looking at a close and seeing that there are in fact human made rivets that are used to gather you could definitely let your graduation for a while. imagination said definitely running wild now after news that the monolith has disappeared altogether the work of extra terrestrials mom
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let's just say it's being taken by an unknown party. you're watching did i mean yes i want our son and so much of. the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. as the rate of infection in developing what does the latest research. information and context the coronavirus update. on t.w. . and you hear me note yes yes we can hear you and how last year's german chancellor we bring you a map call as you've never.


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