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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  December 2, 2020 2:30pm-3:00pm CET

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it's a good bill yeah i mean just if. not a trace of oil. companies dream is like gold. oil thomas' starts december so. this is the wus a show coming up today military service on hold for south korea for almost. 2 years get to 2 years on mandatory military service a new rule gives exceptional case pop stars the option to dealing until the age of 13 so what's the message to the government is sending to south koreans. an indian comic book crusader is back on the women at the forefront of the fight against gold advantages we talked to the voice behind him. of course she has this
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message for her fans. to seek off your family and for the people who are already suffering through all the health issues please for them that a mosque take precautions. welcome to news asia glad you could join us billboard chart topping sensation b.t.s. will now be able to defer mandatory military service in south korea thanks to a new law passed by the country's parliament all able bodied south korean men between the ages of $18.28 must serve in the military but the im endowment in the military service act will allow k. pop stars recommended by the government to defer that to 30 years of age
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7. they may be a boy group but for their country's military not to mention many compatriots they are able bodied men. now with the new deferment for k. pop stars or the singing sensation's b.t.s. being unfairly advantaged were. all south korea's physically fit young men must serve in uniform a legacy of the korean war which started 70 years ago and technically south and north korea have yet to make peace. and the army life was quickly closing in on the group's oldest member known as gen just 2 days before he turns 28 the laws upper limit for beginning service parliament cleared the way for a 2 year deferment. other heartthrob didn't have that luxury in 20131
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of the country's biggest k. pop stars known as rein was discharged from the army after serving his time. in sports stars enjoy their own special rules son him in a footballer currently playing for tottenham hotspur was exempted from service because he'd won a medal at the asian games but he still had to complete basic training which he did last year when the coded pandemic conveniently interrupted the premier league season. so whatever they decide to do b.t.s. have 2 more years to set more industry records and break more hearts until their national service is supposed to begin and the music's over. john list frank smith joins me now from solo with mall frank how is military service viewed in south korea well it kind of has
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a mixed perspective of people here and so on the one hand it's viewed as kind of a rite of passage for young men between 18 and 20 to serve their proxima 2 years in military service here but at this same time it's used by many as kind of an interruption in young people's lives in careers a previous president of south korea no young even call military service a waste of time all right just to give you an idea you know what that interruption really means for for the younger generation of men here in south korea with this in the background exemptions were already available for exceptional sportspersons and musicians but in the case of b.t.s. here the government has gone in for a defilement what is the message that the government is giving out. well what is
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same with the passage of this law is that if you. are a popular musicians and entertainers now if you use this as a as a contribution to the country's so-called quote unquote national pristine beach if we look at b.t.s. right now they have 2 songs on the billboard top 10 number one is in use on the just entered billboard charts this week called life goes on in previous li there are some dynamite occupied top position billboard for a number of weeks earlier this year b.t.s. is also remember the number one act worldwide and here in social media are usually the most popular band in the world in addition quantity didley b.t.s. is generated $1400000000.00 in income for the country so its contribution to the country is really
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a unique thing that the government wanted to recognize here with this so-called e.t.s. law which will also 'd be applied to other popular entertainers and franco where was the public on this debate. well fans of course were vocal in their relief they had pointed out that previously b.t.s. it said that they were willing to do military service but i also talked to some young people here specifically young men that had already concluded their military service and they were a little bit resentful they suggested you know everybody should really have to do this every able bodied young man should young men should really have to do this and were a bit resentful that some were getting off and there's also this concern especially a political divide in south korea between those and you north korea as a serious threat and they say if you let you know young people off military service
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we're not going to conscript enough people into our military which is just 600000 almost half as much as north korea has 1.11.2 men military forces frank smyth and sorrow thank you so much for that. animated film about a young woman who fights going on about us misinformation is out today priya as mosque sees indian comic book superhero priya confront fake news around the pandemic and highlight steps people can take to reduce the risk of infection in india particularly unbent if i claimed that on the benefits of drinking water remedies and spices as a means to ward off the corona virus have spread rapidly on social media the animated film in addition to a comic book challenges these claims and does mall here's
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a small peek. it's so. that's my mom says a nice you know. you're my size took time for you to take care of those who need it because of the pleasure. i'm sure she misses you to know the great now. is the walk the spacious lead. drowning you know well known him across more now on top of the voice of the main character priya that's the young woman on the flying anti-government thank you so much for making the time now the cartoon itself is called a mosque is the message many about wearing a mosque during this pandemic or is there something more. you know yes of course it's about the pen to make it's about setting a mosque and it's about keeping ourselves in the love unsafe of this is beautiful
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line in the animated film that you would see that sometimes we have to be strong in order that you know people around us people who love us can be strong. this time was so difficult especially because of the cold with 1000 situation v have lost our loved ones of you have to be in inside locked up in our house not being able to meet our friends and family saw of pianist mosque is all about who would 90 minutes about educating the children because it's so much feel it is so much incite the the fear of our you know the fact that the khan needs friends they have to which he attended school so it's about it's a beautiful one. where you know we're just trying to make sure that the kids understand what who would 19 is all about how this pandemic has affected us and how. if they hadn't all this of the hero so mosque is all about
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what would you say to those people who. didn't are other who want to follow the rules it is wearing masks or keeping sort of distance i mean you see this in india all the time what would you say to those people yeah. i think we just need to be responsible citizen if you like people have whoever i meet on or on the streets of the not moving a mosque all all i do is i just go and request them if you could just peace with a mosque you may not join unity may be strong but you may have that asymptomatic go you may be asymptomatic but if you take the white house home it may affect your mom it may affect elderly people it may affect people who have underlying diseases so please please not for your sake just for your sake but for you for the sake of your family and for the people who are already suffering through other health issues
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please for them that a mosque take precautions and i'll talk over hoping that the taking of vice president of interior thank you so much thank you so much. india has recorded more than 9000000 cases of and it's the 2nd worst affected country globally but what is also driving up numbers is the spread of unverified seems to do with the transmission of the virus and how to stop it for the exercise goes under of news a fact checking website in india he explains the motives of those sharing misinformation in india. he does not know in down and i wouldn't suggest it is not very recent don't get this 201 this nationalistic thing about you know that there has to be some ingenious solution that has to come. from traditional medicine you know the sort of medicines that people have been using for a century is and there's a lot there is a solution in traditional medicine and you don't really have to depend on modern
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medicine that is one school of power where you know there's misinformation i mean from. the other is this insecurity around the pandemic where there isn't any about your yeah there are a few you know and they're out of there now in the market which some of which have been promising but there's not cures that creates massive insecurity in people in general and we just why these are claims of are going to have this and there's going to have that and this is one of the in court those kind of claims that circulated. because you know misinformation is dudek in deep do you link to your you know state and security and that is the other reason why it has been so widespread. and that's it for today there's more of course on our website did oprah dot com for slash live you know with the longer term of. your tomorrow or by. i wish we could go back in i used to go to the doctor. but now i beg.
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to be afraid i don't really know your friend and this. why do you sag mean. the fight against the coronavirus 10 damage. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update code 19. on d w. how does a virus spread. why do we have it and when we'll all miss trying to just through the tax and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you like and you get
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information on the wrong alarm or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. one slash science. how to be get infected with the coronavirus top anees researchers have used a few pre-computer to simulate how viral particles move their findings so how far even the smallest droplets can spread and how hot social distancing on to medicine impacts the spread of covert 19. their research suggests that the use of humidifiers may help limit infections in. doors during times when regular ventilation isn't possible. until vaccines are widely available doctors suggest
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sticking to the 3 w.'s what's your distance wash your hands and wear a mosque. to stimulate makes the invisible threats visible and could help people to evaluate risk of infection. this is doping is covered $900.00 special i'm kate ferguson thanks for joining me the united kingdom has become the 1st country in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine developed by germany's biotech us pharma giant pfizer brushes regulatory authorities say the job can be delivered in the coming days the vaccine which has been found to be 95 percent effective in trials uses m r and a technology to train the body to create antibodies against the disease. but until a vaccine is rolled out around the world the usual rules that wash your hands keep
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your distance where a mosque remain the only way to guard against the virus here in europe many countries are still struggling to deal with surging infection numbers in spain a nighttime curfew is in place across the country. reporter young philip schultz discovered not everyone is sticking to the rules. every week and madrid police have been knocking on hundreds of doors to shut down illegal parties meetings of up to 6 people who are not related but police have broken up parties of more than 200 who are keen as a business student in madrid he only wants to speak briefly and anonymously as he regularly goes to such parties he himself recently helped organize one. of them we just rented a place so we could drink and smoke inside just a few visitors even wore masks but that didn't last long honestly young people's biggest fear is having to pay
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a fine that's why this place is need to be well insulated so the neighbors and the police want to take anything that. bush wanted. who are keen and his friends seem unfazed by the statistics the 3rd of spending has become infected with the coronavirus at private parties police chief javier friend and this is especially troubled by the new business model being developed. bars that are actually supposed to be closed certainly do take money in exchange for letting people in there's a clear economic incentive for it apart from that we have discovered private homes that were charging entrance fees right at the front door this isn't just about a few friends meeting up psychiatry's diego figueroa is calling for more empathy with a young people even if you support strictly abiding by the hygiene measures experts are starting to acknowledge the consequences of such drastic restrictions on young
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people socialites right now we have finding out that young people's mental health problems have increased dramatically as a result of the springs locked down and suicide safe increased by 22 percent so far and attempted suicides have even increased by 35 percent on top of that there's been a major increase in the consumption of alcohol in psychoactive drugs young spaniards are now confronted with new rules all bars in madrid must close at 11 pm and curfew begins at midnight after a year of the pandemic has mess affiliate fact at the quality of life of young people all over the world at the same time experts keep emphasizing how dangerous partying can be in the current situation see if your d.m. ologist even directly with and asked them to refrain from parties at the moment. even so business students who are keen doesn't want to be forbidden from partying he says he can decide for himself what risky is willing to tolerate even if it
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means partying in private homes until 6 am for the duration of the curfew. let's bring in professor lydia murawski from the science and engineering faculty at the queensland university of technology in brisbane professor oscar welcome to the show you've been warning about the dangers of airborne transmission of covert 1004 months now how does that make you feel to hear the young man in the report we just saw say he simply doesn't want to be forbidden from hurting something which i come truly understand that at this stage of pandemic someone can say something like this of course that person can individually take up take a risk and say i'm going to be infected it's my business but it's not it's really a super responsibility top consider this if you are in picked it and you are going to go around infecting others who potentially died because of this it's not just
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your personal issue now at the beginning of the pandemic the prevailing advice that's just wash your hands and keep your distance but you are among those early on who recognise that this may not be enough to prevent infection what's the latest research telling us. everybody's asking about their latest research about is this is not about what was just discovered it is something which we knew all i mean sundays for a long time and seems science one we've been warning that something needs to be done in terms of proper or accommodations and proper record nutrition of the risk of transmission and it's not just called not just the pandemic but all respect or ear infections transmitted this week somehow no one was interested to listen to you during australian or internationally so when this pandemic came we really put all
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our what to bring this mode of transmission into ford focus. we're certainly listening now let's talk specifically about a distance we've been told to stay one and a half to 2 meters away from each other but these small airborne particles they can travel much farther than that. well of course if you are close to somebody somebody who is infectious and somebody who is a source of this mall particles smaller bigger part that goes of course in the proximity to the person you are likely to incur a lot and particles of all sizes smaller because. bigger particles will then try to drop on the ground big enough but the smaller one will stay india will linger india like see about smells cigarette smoke smoke of. some snow. particles from cigarette smoke are smaller than the particles we still barrels but nevertheless develop spartacus can stay in the pore long time and trouble long
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distances so it's not enough to be a way that we don't have from somebody infected it can be. neat-o. tens of meters or even hundreds of meters away from the that that person were developed latent particles linger in the air and can be inhaled and smells are really a perfect way to explain how this works now people who oppose strict coronavirus measures argue that everything in life involves taking a risk how do you personally weigh up the odds of being infected versus say the need to maintain social contact and a relationship with the outside world. this is true that every of us think involves 36 but the reste in getting infected being in a place where people aren't poked at a very high and i often say for example this kind of risks were related top car travel would you jump into the car if you all had their risk of being in it being
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having an accident off if you burst sent you would sink about this twice this can become per top day or east sweets we are taking or not or not taking so way no risk is. a risk which would you don't quite understand can't quite quantify your really have to take all possible precautions to avoid taking this risk and i certainly wouldn't jump into that car professor maraca from the university of technology in prison thank you so much for your expertise thank you for having me on the program. time now to answer one of your questions about the car on a virus over to our science correspondent derrick williams. what's the expected protection period for a new m r n a vaccine how long does it need to be for herd immunity we don't yet know how long
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these new vaccines will protect people who receive them because not enough time has passed since large numbers of people have received them trials have only been going on since the end of july we know that that when you catch other coronaviruses it provokes an immune response that lasts for anything from for months to a year or 2 both but we've never developed vaccines for those coronavirus so we don't really have anything to compare these new vaccines to or or a yardstick for guessing how long they might provide protection add to that the fact that if they do receive emergency use authorizations then it will be the 1st time that m.r.i. in a vaccines have ever seen widespread use and it all becomes even more of a guessing game but almost all the experts i read do say they don't expect them to provide lifetime protection the question of how long the period of protection needs
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to be to provide herd immunity is trickier because it could easily turn into a moving target the most estimates you read say we should have the situation under control when 60 to 70 percent of the population acquires immunity through through vaccination or sickness if one of more vaccines provoke long lasting immunity to cope at 19 say say 10 years and that would be fantastic basically because it would give us the time we need to vaccinate large chunks of the population and trust that they wouldn't be in danger again for a. for a good long while but if that scene provoked immunity as much shorter say just 6 months or a year it makes the logistics of large scale vaccination programs a lot harder because in addition to trying to get everyone their 1st shot we'd have
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to also start giving people who got them that booster shots and in pretty short order so a lot will hinge on the question of of how long the various vaccine candidates protect people. and not follow from us for the latest on the pandemic go to google news dot com slash coded 19 until next time for mean that if they buy and take and.
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be phased in every day life but the ones in people's mind are the ones who leave their biggest handicap people with disabilities. unfortunately novelty in the modern profession is. and not because they are less skilled. how do you because it makes you success stories made in germany. 90 minutes on t w. in the army of climate change. conference
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going to sit. ups nice to people. what ideas do they have of their future. cut. g.w. dot com for megacities the melting against klitschko counter. the use crime fighters are back ever goes most successful in radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech color of prevention and sustainable charcoal production all of a sow's are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms for. crime fighters to mindanao.
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get. good. candidates for the procedure for zuma. and those smaller smaller. billie's oh the rules. is no use no love for go with it. oh you mean the. oh i can't sleep. couldn't sleep.
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this is deja vu newsline for brewing a historic 1st in the fight against the corona virus pandemic. next week we will start the program all fascinating people are getting closer to 19 here in this country while britain greenlights think beyond tech finds are a vaccine and credits brigs it for allowing it to move faster than the european you .


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