tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle December 3, 2020 2:30pm-3:00pm CET
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we are working hard listening to keep you informed on all of our platforms we're only in the studio together make it. stay safe everybody. stay safe place safe please stay safe. this is the doctor coming up today and agreement on tata talked during talks. the taliban of the afghan government decide on rules and procedures for further talks about afghanistan's future but it took them 3 months to agree what does that mean for the future of the talks themselves. plussed needs pakistan's fast transgender lawyer. has talking discrimination and disadvantage to practice law what does success mean things have really improved for pakistan's transgender
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community. and is life changing exam during a life altering pandemic thousands of south koreans to mistake the national university entrance exams under the shadow of the coronavirus crisis. i'm british manager welcome to news asia glad you could join us for the 1st time in 1000 yeahs the taliban and the afghan government have come to a written agreement just 3 pages long it is a document that lays out the rules of procedures for negotiations between the 2 sides aimed at ending nearly 2 decades of war the development ends and impasse after nearly 3 months of talks in doha nato is one of a number of organizations to welcome the move saying there's no alternative to such
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talks. i'm not underestimating the difficulties on the risks for setbacks on disappointments onstream move forward but i'm absolutely certain that the only way it's on going into afghan negotiations and therefore we support them and knowing that it will be difficult from john but that is the only option for all of those who want peace in afghanistan. let's get more on this from journalist leave that the field joins me now from. 3 months to agree 3 pages should you be looking at this as a breakthrough or a sign of things to come in doha. i think it's more a sign of things you know calling it a big breakthrough was thinking giving it a little bit too much credit because just because they've agreed on say the framework and certain points really came down to diction you know how the 2 sides. were late came down to the really minute sort of points and at the end of the day
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as the government said the biggest issue that needs to go forward in these peace talks is the idea of a comprehensive cease fire so i think until we actually get some kind of a cease fire this is just still more part of a bureaucratic process speaking of a cease fire where do a levels of violence. reside in the country i mean is fighting continuing as these talks continue in doha. not only is the fighting continuing we're seeing the increase in the use of highly d.'s in motor in targeted killings in you know deliberate targeting. government buildings security forces and their apparatus and buildings and we're also seeing that facts that are absolutely killing civilians and we're seeing attacks in highly populated major urban centers all of these things were were against the agreement that initially
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signed with washington so again this is why i say calling it a breakthrough is giving it way too much credit until we can actually see some progress in terms of something that would resemble piece of the afghan people so given the violence on the talks in a sense continuing. and want all the people in afghanistan feeling are they confident that these talks. amount to something. that he will not want to sign they're frustrated right they they want the talks in doha to actually lead to something but at this point nothing has panned out you know there are agreements and there greenman survey sickly with the united states you know there. is someone someone made a really good comment recently they said that you know about a year ago when you saw us our foreign military convoy on the streets of kabul you trying to avoid it at all costs because they would come under attack. and now it's the opposite trying to chase after them because you know nothing will happen to
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them but the odds of civilians being targeted or out on officials are alfonse cutey course being targeted is very high so people are really really frustrated. that was journalist a little t.v. joining me from kabul to park his thumb next where despite laws recognizing the people as equal citizens societies treatment of them is anything but discrimination is right from access to a decent life with opportunities for career building virtually nonexistent but an exception to this general rule is lawyer michel row her journey to get where she is hasn't been easy to say have been used but you know has her sights searched on an even higher goal. has overcome a lot of obstacles to get to where she is today having run away from home at 18 she begged on the streets of karachi for years to survive and afford an education she saved up her income to pay for books and even classes eventually gaining her law
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degree this year she joined the karate association and she already has her next goal in sight. vision my dream is to become pakistan's 1st transgender judge. in pakistan most transgender people are treated as outcasts other than begging dancing at weddings all sex life are often the only ways to survive. it's a life on the edge of society that carries huge risks transgender people often become the targets of physical and sexual violence and rarely find recourse to justice. and 2018 pakistan's parliament voted to recognize transgender people as equal citizens and hospitalised to protect them from discrimination and violence. but in reality not much has changed
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discriminating attitudes and prejudice remain a fact of daily life. but ralph refuses to let such experiences stand and how way instead she uses them and how work it's the reason how many transgender clients have tried to hire. him in a case it is my case pertains to harassment as a working lady i face many difficulties. can understand my case better than any other law and it would be that despite recent progress in pakistan there are many challenges that persist for the transgender community. was hoping to overcome them case by case as a lawyer and perhaps one day as a judge jonathan is a transgender activist in pakistan and joins me now on the line from. john murtha good to see you what drives the discrimination that the transgender community in pakistan faces. and has so much for inviting me.
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to face and then it got to just ended i meant and it's. been trying to like and now we have to protect you know you know all this in 2018 but the problem is the limitation will be have the problem is it's not implemented in the way that you wanted it to be and you meant so discrimination and . it's fine that people aren't getting. it is that i don't know why. you talk about the implementation of the role of the post boss by the government how should it be implemented. it was actually this boston federal level after it didn't have a man now everybody is just fun it's very funny it's they drive the. dam and they want to visit and say it couldn't be at the same time. you know
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a mutant diminished and so now they are moving ahead and anticipation so busy we're living in the harmony and going to present the billy. in coming so again it's going to be a new build something better job so he and i are trying to govern the gaps there's a government that is not baking c.d.'s i mean that was then and again you know it's not gender night or men by the ministry of information so people are going to bed about guns and they're not there i don't know i didn't get a bike. so these are the basics attitude and they don't if it gets into i think by innate education good bike and. and on and on then had it so he need to check and balance on back or that you know it was an ego bending them unleashing mechanism so these are the same problems do you think that from the time that you decided to come out as
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a transcendent fossum since then to know if things have improved for other people in the community. yes of course you know harry but i have a less educated i have to 1st time standard was who started the writing is that i have to find out 1st transplant which happened after busting the law i guess i was there i can as a and share person of the 1st transgender by that is not so good these are the new things and people like me and my senior don't get is we are trying to make history is not maybe only steps these little steps out of it it is even if you aren't. taking it as good and it seems bent you're so giving our fingers crossed and all the best to you gentlemen thank you so much for joining us. thank you. hundreds of thousands of south korean students today start for the country's national college entrance exams called. its results can make or break careers for
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students it is the day all that education up to that point has been for this year though there was the added stress of the coronavirus spend demick a fact not lost on their parents or the rest of the country. they navigated the cameras in attention like a pop star's wading through paparazzi. it was probably the biggest day of the year for the country's top students for many the biggest day of their lives so far. higher than the korean society makes you study your whole life up to liz point for this one exam i'm quite relieved it's going to be over soon. then there were the equally nervous parents offering last minute encouragement their offspring had endured a year of coronavirus restricted study. the exam itself was postponed
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once and many were relieved it hadn't been postponed again. i think you get a good if the exam was further delayed then students would feel much more psychological burden and much more inconvenience. than and they. beyond the socially distanced lines to enter there was the technology used to check students in and check whether they had a fever for thermal detectors seemingly everywhere. then there was the scenario for several dozen students taking the test after already testing positive for cope at 19. this practice run was done in a tightly restricted space in an ultra clean environment that might otherwise be a soothing quiet room for a patient not taking the most important exam of his or her life. in the more crowded hopefully coronavirus free test rooms only the teachers spoke.
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and students wrote trying to ignore the thermal cameras the plexiglass in their faces and the thought that a poor grid might prevent them realising their dreams. and that's it for today there's more in our website a bit over dot com. we're back to more of the same time it's about. the fate of the coronavirus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context around a virus update 19 special. on t.w. . the new year menard yes yes we're going to you in her last years german sausage there we'll bring you i'm going to back your idea of never carto
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before the surprises so with more disposable cold reading what moves them what. to talk to people who followed her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the world's most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles law stops . now more than average it's important to stay as healthy as possible having a balanced diet as can help. the world health organization suggests using a variety of food from different nutritional groups including plenty of fruits and vegetables. the w.h.o. also recommends eating a diet rich in whole grains and knots. limiting your intake of sugar salt and fast. practicing good food hygiene to avoid becoming sick of
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food borne diseases. and limiting your consumption of alcohol. research shows improving nutrition health support. tamil immune function. so if you can't cope with 19 your immune system may be better equipped to fight. this. 1000 special i'm kate ferguson thanks for joining me the past few months have been tough living in constant fear of getting sick or losing your job can make you feel like you're not in control the one thing you do have some agency over though is your diet and as our next report shows good nutrition can have a major impact on health outcomes. thank god not to. few really like hospital food but it's more than just
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a question of taste you tradition is vital and most clinics and hospitals pay too little attention to a well balanced diet dr viola andreessen from hamburg has been dealing with the effects of poor hospital nutrition on patients for 20 years so i should mention these people simply are more at risk of being in the i.c.u. for longer of having to stay in hospital longer of increased complications and are even more at risk of dying from their disease. geriatric physician dr martin volcom has many week patients and he sees the dangers of poor nutrition every day. especially in the elderly causes them to lose weight quickly and lose substance the body can no longer humans as quickly people get dizzy they fall over problems flare up in days and weeks when the food on liquids are not balanced and above all not sufficient and.
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the doctors experience is borne out by a major swiss study. 2000 participants with already poor nutrition took part in the study. 1000 were given regular hospital food the other half were given a healthier alternative within the group that received the superior diet outcomes were significantly better with 15 percent fewer complications and 27 percent fewer deaths a few days of hospital food won't harm most people but the very ill have often already lost weight and strength before hand here at the israelites hospital in hamburg a specialist nutrition team takes care of these high risk patients selecting them for special attention as soon as they're admitted in a 3 day period 21 of 53 newly admitted patients were noticed by the experts. there are various methods for measuring malnutrition this device measures how much strength there is in the hands. or how much muscle and fat tissue is on the back of
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the hand. or even how is body tissue composed a special scale shows the proportion of muscle and. out of course blood values is there a lack of iron sodium potassium or protein. patience or amount nourished are given extra care special nutrition filled shakes with cucumber or beetroot an extra protein or sweetened with a non and chocolate to improve strengthen charge the batteries for recovery. protein helps to heal wounds for example zinc serves to ward off infection. the key to making a full recovery is freshly prepared food rich in nutrients it clinics pay proper attention to nutrition a lot can be achieved through normal diet. sometimes it only takes
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a little extra effort with nutrition to achieve great results here. let's talk now to professor anika back now from the institute of nutritional sciences at the university of geese and professor wagner at the study we saw in the report just now really reiterated what an incredibly crucial role in nutrition it plays in our general health and as well our ability to heal do you think this issue is getting enough attention during the pandemic. i think the effect of nutrition on our house in the context of the current condemning is under estimated a high number of people suffer from different diet dependent diseases such as obesity diabetes type 2 and hypertension and we know that these patients have a significantly higher risk for severe courses of over 19 that means that through a sustainable change of unhealthy dietary habits towards a healthy well balanced diet will improve diet dependent diseases and similar tenuously would decrease the risk for severe course of the kovac $99.00 faction
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however as a change in our nutritional behavior is a long term goal long term concepts need to be established and strongly promoted which is currently not the case i really want to zone in now on obesity which you mentioned it is of course a major risk factor for becoming seriously ill it from covert 1000 why is that exactly. so obesity is the main respective for the development of several come up into t. so that predispose force of the course of a convert $1000.00 infection that includes especially hypertension type 2 diabetes mellitus and. reach out well known to be responsible that people get seriously ill but also in the absence of these co-morbidities obese people are at a higher risk for a severe covered 90 course as most of peace persons are in a state of a pre-diabetes that also increases the risk of infection. and have also been some
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focus on the role that mr mehndi could play in helping to protect against the virus what can you tell me about that. so for a well functioning immune system becoming day is of course essential sides of timmins and minerals and therefore in adequate supply with my to mindy is also essential to protect us against invading pathic genes and also the against infections like with sask up to there are currently some discussions about daily supplementation with vitamin d. to support our immune system in the fight against cope with 19 ever if we look into the currently available study says no evidence provided that a high dose vitamin d. supplementation. prevents from a soft cover to infection i would help to get a recovery from an action indeed what we should definitely avoid is state a fight i'm in d. deficiency in case of in a proof right immunity deficiency of course it would have me do you should be
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supplemented and in case people would like to supplement vitamin d. although as i mentioned evidence is currently missing they should make sure that they not exceed the recommended daily upper limit of 4000 international units. ok and that of course they all have different dietary needs but what general advice would you have for a boosting immunity best time. so that our immune system will work roy well i recommend to stick to a plant based diet containing high amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables that provide high amounts of essential vitamins and nutrients and i recommend also to consume whole grain foods when it comes to syria or bread and also include pulses in the day diet as they have fiber rates and furthermore it suggests to stick to vegetable oils with high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids and what we should do is to lower the consumption of for example sugar sweetened beverages and streets
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and also we should limit the consumption of meat ok and finally this is a question that's come up a few times is there any risk of being infected with the coronavirus through food. so the data that is currently available does not show any case where an infection occurred through contemplated truths however when we prepare food we should stick to the hygiene rules this means of course we should remember secularly wash our hands keep our fingers away from from the face and also if we prepare meat we should make sure that it through all good tips professor anika wagner from the institute of nutritional science is at the university of east and i thank you so much thank you. time now to answer one of your questions about the coronavirus over to our science correspondent derrick williams. what impact is the
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parent to make having on the hunger crisis. predictably qubit 19 is making it a lot worse according to the united nations world food programme which is the organization that was awarded this year's nobel peace prize the number of people worldwide who suffer from crisis level hunger could almost double by the end of this year it also says that the region hit hardest so far is latin america that's followed by central and southern africa and and oxfam estimates that if we don't do more to limit the social and economic impact of the virus up to 12000 people a day could soon be dying from the effects of undernourishment just to compare even on the very worst days for mortality so far in the pandemic there have never been more than 10000 tatts attributed to the virus in 24 hours i think that the most
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this has aspect of this crisis is that with the exception of a few countries food is actually available in many of the places that are suffering most of famine isn't being only driven by a lack of food but also by the simple fact that people no longer have the means to buy it the hunger crisis is not only expanding rapidly because of disruptions in supply chains although that's certainly contributing to the problem it's also due to dropping income many of the world's most vulnerable the poor who simply can't afford to buy food for themselves and their families anymore and the crisis isn't just limited to regions that face problems before the pandemic began tobit 19 is now also impacting. food security for people in the middle and high income countries from from india to brazil to the u.s.
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monk without a sign of life. the crew of 2 italian fishing boats. disappeared after a caution with the libyan militia. they were off to sea to earn a living and got dragged into a power struggle which is about a lot more than just filling the. nets focused. 90 minutes on t.w. . ghetto to parliament.
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knows bobby was just despite coming from a poor family the pop star wants to become president. of challenges or god doesn't really. fit the bill story. starts december 10th on the d.w.p. . what's the secret behind this classic. is it the sound. as soon as you hear beethoven lose your mind. or the story behind the music. was a hit for the ages greatest. last beethoven's 9th symphony for the world starts to simmer down on t.w.
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this is you have a news line from berlin germany in the grip of covert 19 the country's public health agency warns the virus will claim many more lives with an increasing number of infections among elderly people daily events this week reached their highest level since the start of the pandemic meanwhile countries around the world are preparing to roll out mass vaccination programs to.
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