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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  December 3, 2020 7:15pm-7:30pm CET

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i find movie 2001 a space odyssey similar struct structure now has also been spotted in romania. all right that's your news update for now business africa is coming up next so stick around i'm glad iraq thank you so much for keeping me company. the crime fighters are back with africa's most successful radio drama series continues only disowns are available online course you can share and discuss along w. africa's facebook page and other social media platforms crime fighter 2 nino. what's the secret behind this classic. music the sound. or the story
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behind the music was passed before the. british. hot. beethoven's 9th symphony for the world starts to simmer nights on t.w. . coronavirus vaccines conked come soon enough the developing countries there may have avoided the worst of the health impact of the pandemic but not so the economic impact we'll hear from the u.n. also coming up. has gone and surpassed goes in the poll as we look at how the candidates plans that handle the country's coronavirus recovery. and distributing the vaccine will be one of the biggest logistical challenges the planet of the faced a look at town germany's flag carrier is getting ready. this is day to be business
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on robots and ben welcome to the program. some of the world's poorest nations are facing long term damage from the coronavirus pandemic the united nations conference on trade and development makes that point in its latest report tad is it's also a night and says the least developed nations may have so far been spared the worst effects of the health emergency and the economic impact of the pandemic has been dramatic it warns that years of progress toward sustainable development may have been wiped out and lasting damage done or. we're joined now by trade need for at least developed countries at tad thanks a lot for joining us on the program and what tangible economic changes have we seen in the least developed countries as a result of the pandemic we have seen 1st of all
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a very serious recession and it's the worst economic performance 50 countries are having over the last 30 years this means their years of very painstakingly achieved social and economic progress will be reversed as a result of the recession and of the economic crisis particularly this can be c. in terms of poverty it's the 1st time in 20 years that the poverty rate in the least developed countries is increasing and at the end of the year more than one 3rd of the population of these countries will be living in extreme poverty this means 31077000000 people living in extreme poverty and then you have everything that goes with it declining levels of education of nutrition and of social conditions yes are these the sorts of problems that countries can solve for
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themselves or are they reliance on the actions of the rest of the world after all it's the problems with the global economy that a largely to blame. exactly let's say that the crisis is that there are undergoing. partly it's the mystically generated it's because of the measures to combat the pandemic kristie have taken social distancing law down. restrictions to movement into circulation etc but much more serious and thence has bean the drying out of many of the sources of foreign resources like exports of goods exports of services capital to which these countries the receiver remittances of workers on which many of these countries are dependent so once you have had a very sharp fall in all of the sources of external resources this has a multiply the impact of all of the domestic condemning.
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mention that they have largely avoided the west of the health impacts of the pandemic they think could just very quickly tell us what do we know understand about why that's the case how these developed countries have managed to avoid the health emergency then what about countries of. well look 1st if you think particularly of the african countries rich african indices retreads the least effect. they have benefited from the shacks that they were touched by the pandemic after the regions we know that upon demick originated in asia they need to touch europe and then the the americas in off america but also south america it was only late didn't get the right enough to come which means that national governments had the time to prepare and to plan all the measures which the eventually took in order to come but for bringing them make this is one factor the other factor is that in
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many of these countries they have low population density so they have sort of a natural shoshu distance right so there's a space a graphical factors at play as well trigger from the un conference on trade and development thanks a lot for joining us on day to be a business thank you for having me now some of the other business stories making the news germany's financial regulator expects a major wave of credit losses at german banks next year following the pandemic it's especially worried about aircraft financing due to grounded planes another threat is hackers with many investment bankers working from home and using less secure i.t. infrastructure. china has edged past the united states to become the european union's biggest trade partner with 425000000000 euros worth of commerce between the 2 economies in the 1st 9 months of 2020 analysts say the pandemic is responsible
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for the shift in global trade lives. now getting coronavirus vaccines to patients around the world quickly is going to be a major logistical challenge and the fans is hoping to play its part the german flag carrier is confident its cargo on can provide the conditions needed to get the jobs where they need to go. the vaccine against covert 19 could soon be transported worldwide in these special containers the temperatures of minus 70 degrees celsius for months phillipe looked at beck has been preparing for this massive undertaking a cargo airline love tons of cargo he's the one responsible for the transport of pharmaceutical products the turmel containers can usually men 10 temperatures of up to minus 20 degrees celsius but thanks to a special procedure in which the vaccine is covered with dry ice
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a lot of back and his colleagues can also guarantee temperatures of minus 70 degrees. you happen to know that this pre-prepared airtight container will be delivered to the pharmaceutical manufacturers just like this it's back to the manufacturers plant and when it arrives it look tons of cargo it's already at the right temperature it's then shipped to its final destination it's also sent to the recipient's farm or warehouse where it's finally opened at the correct temperature wise we don't know what. the temperature of the container is monitored throughout the entire journey whether it's taxiing in frankfurt in the belly of a plane or even on another continent. for this to work of tons of cargo c.e.o. peter gaber set up a worldwide network. this invite we're going to we could start tomorrow we've been working on this intensely for months and the task force comprised of our experts as well as experts shippers and producers take our deliveries of insulin for instance we're now capable of transporting and delivering it to brazil in 18 hours it will
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also work for this vaccine. but by the balcony. with that close collaboration among shippers from all over the world it would probably be impossible to guarantee a chain of transport in which temperatures of minus 70 degrees can be maintained. by a lot of components have to work together in concert we as an airline and the shippers work hand in hand in a thermal container has many checkpoints and we test whether the temperature is still in the right range if there's still enough dry ice and if the battery still properly charged. this is old especially important with regard to the corona virus vaccine because it can spoil so easily. the 2 and a half tons of medication that fit into each container aren't just expensive they're also expected to be in hot demand where they're delivered whether in africa asia or south america. and to africa now where go on
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a and go to the polls on monday with president hu for alto and former president john muhammad among 12 candidates for the presidency gone is loaded as one of africa's stable democracies and is also considered a regional beacon economically the west african country is rich in raw materials chiefly or oil and gas but also gold and cocoa and in recent years it's seen consistent growth g.d.p. with levels as high as 8 point one percent but the coronavirus pandemic is expected to push that growth down to just one and a half percent this year the pandemic is also swelling garners already enormous debts to over 76 percent of g.d.p. ghana has applied for international aid credits to help with that well going to has registered success in combating poverty it still has a way to go and not to according to the world bank around 23 percent of the
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population still live on less than the equivalent of a $1.90 per day in u.s. dollars on this let's speak to our correspondent collette see who's joining us from the gun and capital accra great to have you on the program so election coming up on monday have we got any idea which way it's going. well so we have 12 kind it is that are running for president but we have 2 leading candidates a convent and a nickel for i do and therefore my president john muhammad is a closer race. because we know in that previous election john muhammad was an incumbent and he lost and so anything can happen by is too close to call this morning. we've just been talking about some of the economic challenges poverty level. and of course we know about what do we know about the candidates approaches to those. so the incumbent government has
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largely focused on industrialisation trying to build factories across the country is yet to really make is yet to really fourfold the promise of good in every district about that is the intent of the government currently the candidate has full course also want to restructure in the financial sector so that has been basically a train for the current government and also trying to ensure that. bring some technology to the economy of how to run the economy. has largely been this campaign on creating jobs and also allowing low cost to business is. this really is the difference between the 2 candidates are going to decide on monday. and just quickly isaac if you can how big a role has the impact of coronavirus on the gandhian economy played in the run up to this election. because it has actually affected growth and it has got in the current government to borrow actually to try as much
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as it came to rebuild the economy so it played a key role because growth has reduced and obviously the opposition is actually picking up on that and saying that the current government is just not capable of running a good economy and it's not even necessarily because of the coverage really has brought some difficulties to the economy and and the parties really are trying to build up on that to see we have to really realize you know what i'm afraid we're running out of time thanks a lot for bring it up to date here on the 2 of you business. thank you.
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blood. to the point. the paintings clear positions international perspectives. can the fragile peace just declared in ethiopia great profits be sustained ethiopia's prime minister i'll be op ed from the nobel peace laureate to mount more that's our topic on to the coming. to the point. of 60 minutes on d w. with the different languages we fight for different things
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that's fine let me all stick up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press . giving freedom well for us global news that matters. made for minds. this is the news africa coming up on the program the survival of journalism during it on demick as the media industry deals with the hotshots all the calls are biased and that makes one that gets old media house in south africa is out of print but as about the rights movement also coming up. it's a life threatening journey on water from africa to the come our.


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