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tv   Die Narcos- Erben  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2020 4:15am-5:01am CET

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unlike the use original this one is not bolted to the ground they need some monolith which disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared captured the imagination of many with its references to the classic film the 2001 a space odyssey. that's the news for now. and this is news stay with us. against the coronavirus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing. the latest research. information and contacts. on t w. w crime fighters back africa's most successful radio drama series continues. the stories focus on hate speech color of prevention
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and sustainable production. are available online and of course you can share and discuss on g.w. africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. writers to news. now more than advert it's important to stay as healthy as possible cutting a balanced diet is can help. the world health organization suggests easing a variety of food from different nutritional groups including plenty of fruits and vegetables. the w.h.o. also recommends eating a diet rich in whole grains knots. limiting your intake of sugar salt and 5. practicing good food hygiene to avoid becoming sick.
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and limiting your consumption of alcohol. research shows improving nutrition helps of course bump tomorrow immune function. so if you can't cope with 19 your immune system may be better equipped to fight. this. 1000 special i'm kate ferguson thanks for joining me the past few months have been tough living in constant fear of getting sick or losing your job can make you feel like you're not in control one thing you do have some agency over though is your diet and as our next report shows good nutrition can have a major impact on health outcomes. good number 2. if you really like hospital food but it's more than just
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a question of taste. most clinics and hospitals pay too little attention to a well balanced diet. dr viola andresen from hamburg has been dealing with the effects of poor hospital nutrition on patients for 20 years so i should mention these people simply are more at risk of being in the i.c.u. for longer of having to stay in hospital longer of increased complications and are even more at risk of dying from their disease. geriatric physician dr martin ville calm has many weak patients and he sees the dangers of poor nutrition every day. even on balance a diet especially in the elderly causes them to lose weight quickly and lose substance the body can no longer heal wounds as quickly people get dizzy they fall over problems flare up in days and weeks when the food on liquids are not balanced and above all not sufficient and.
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missed. the doctor's experience is borne out by a major swiss study. 2000 participants with already poor nutrition took part in the study 1000 were given regular hospital food the other half were given a healthier alternative within the group that received the superior diet outcomes were significantly better with 15 percent fewer complications and 27 percent fewer deaths a few days of hospital food won't harm most people but the very ill have often already lost weight and strength before hand here at the israelites hospital in hamburg a specialist nutrition team takes care of these high risk patients selecting them for special attention as soon as they're admitted in a 3 day period 21 of 53 newly admitted patients were noticed by the experts. there are various methods for measuring malnutrition this device measures how much strength there is in the hands. or how much muscle and fat tissue is on the back of
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the hand. or even how is body tissue composed a special scale shows the proportion of muscle and. of course blood values is there a lack of arn sodium potassium or protein. patients who are malnourished are given extra care special nutrition filled shakes with cucumber or beetroot an extra protein or sweeten group unama and chocolate to improve strength and charge the batteries for recovery. protein helps to heal wounds for example zinc serves to ward off infection. the key to making a full recovery is freshly prepared food rich in nutrients if clinics pay proper attention to nutrition a lot can be achieved through normal diet sometimes it only takes
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a little extra effort with nutrition to achieve great results here. let's talk now to professor anika wagner from the institute of nutritional scientists at the university of guessing who had survived the study we saw in the report just now really reiterated what an incredibly crucial role in nutrition it plays in our general health and as well our ability to heal do you think this issue is getting enough attention during the pandemic. i think the effect of nutrition on our house in the context of the current pandemic is underestimated a high number of people suffer from different diet dependent diseases such as obesity diabetes type 2 and hypertension and we know that these patients have a significantly higher risk for severe courses of 19 that means sped through a sustainable change of unhealthy dietary habits towards a healthy well balanced diet will improve diet dependent diseases and similar tenuously would decrease the risk for severe course of the kovac $99.00 faction
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however as a change in our nutritional behavior is a long term goal long term concepts need to be established and strongly promoted which is currently not the case i really want to zone in now on obesity which you mentioned it is of course a major risk factor for becoming serious lee ella from covert 1000 why is that exactly so obesity is the main risk factor for the development of several co-morbidity so that predispose forcibly of course of a convert $1000.00 infection that includes especially hypertension type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases which out well known to be responsible that people get seriously ill but also in the absence of these co-morbidities obese people are at a higher risk for a severe covered 90 course as most obese persons are in a state of a pre-diabetes that also increases the risk of infection. and it's also been some focus on the role that basement d.
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could play in helping to protect against the virus what can you tell me about that . so for a well functioning immune system becoming day is of course essential size of the timmins and minerals and therefore in adequate supply with my to mindy is also essential to protect us against invading pathogens and also the against infections like with sascoc 2 there are currently some discussions about daily supplementation with vitamin d. to support our immune system in the fight against cope with 19 ever if we look into the currently available study says no evidence provided that a high dose vitamin d. supplementation. prevents from a soft cover to infection of would help to recovery from an infection indeed what we should definitely avoid is state of item in d. deficiency in case of in a proof item in d. deficiency of course it would have me do should be supplemented and in case people
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would like to supplement vitamin d. although as i mentioned evidence is currently missing they should make sure that they not exceed the recommended daily upper limit of 4000 international units. ok and that of course they all have different dietary needs but what general advice would you have for a posting and it's a turing test time. so that our immune system will work roya well i recommend to stick to a plant based diet containing high amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables that provide high amounts of essential vitamins and nutrients and i recommend also to consume whole grain foods when it comes to syria or bread and also include pulses in their daily diet as they have favorites and for them all suggest to stick to vegetable oils with high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids and what we should do is to lower the consumption of for example sugar sweetened beverages and streets
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and also we should limit the consumption of meat. ok and finally this is a question that's come up a few times is there any risk of being infected with the coronavirus through food. so the data that is currently available does not show any case where an infection occurred through contemplated truths however when we prepare food we should stick to the hygiene rules this means of course we should remember secularly wash our hands keep our fingers away from from the face and also if we prepare meat we should make sure that it is true all good tips professor anika 5 now from the institute of nutritional finds us at the university of jason i thank you so much thank you. time now to answer one of your questions about the coronavirus over till i find correspondents derek williams. what impact is the parent to make having on
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the hunger crisis. predictably cove at 19 is making it a lot worse according to the united nations world food program which is the organization that was awarded this year's nobel peace prize the number of people worldwide who suffer from crisis level hunger could almost double by the end of this year it also says that the region hit hardest so far is latin america that's followed by central and southern africa and and oxfam estimates that if we don't do more to limit the social and economic impact of the virus up to 12000 people a day could soon be dying from the effects of undernourishment just to compare even on the very worst days for mortality so far in the pandemic there have never been more than 10000 taps attributed to the virus in 24 hours i think that the most
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this u.s. aspect of this crisis is that with the exception of a few countries food is actually available in many of the places that are suffering most of famine isn't being only driven by a lack of food but also by the simple fact that people no longer have the means to buy it the hunger crisis is not only expanding rapidly because of disruptions in supply chains although that's certainly contributing to the problem it's also due to dropping income and many of the world's most vulnerable the poor who simply can't afford to buy food for themselves and their families anymore and the crisis isn't just limited to regions that face problems before the pandemic began covert 19 is now also impact. food security for people in the middle and high income countries from from india to brazil to the u.s.
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. and if you have a question for derek you can email feedback dot english dot com using the word expert in the subject line for me and the team it's goodbye and take care. of the face beers in every day life but the ones in people's minds are usually is their biggest handicap people with disabilities so. unfortunately it's still a novelty in the modern profession. and not because they are less skilled. how do you cultivate cheerless success stories made in germany.
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to the point. opinions clear positions international perspectives. can the fragile peace just declared in ethiopia the great profits be sustained ethiopia's prime minister i'll be op ed from the nobel peace laureate to more that's our topic on to look. to the point of. 60 minutes on. sleep. carefully you don't know these symptoms. to get.
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subscribers. documentary. over a 1000000000 people in the world live with some kind of a disability and yet we've barely seem to talk about it today on made we're seeking to change the us by showcasing stories that challenge us to think afresh about an issue that affects 15 percent of the global population and we want to zoom in specifically on one topic disability inclusion in the workplace let's be honest
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housing a disability often means encountering obstacles in areas like social inclusion transport education and of course the world of work but barriers are made to be overcome and in our next report we'll see some spectacular examples of high technology is helping people to realize their full potential despite or even because of their disability. when humans and machines become one mind control devices are taking off. is about 2 pilots a car in a virtual race that cybertron a tournament for people with disabilities his team is made up of computer scientists from the university and fan talked. it's
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a new experience it's really exciting. he's also studying computer science and wants to become a game's developer has been largely paralyzed since he suffered a spinal injury in an accident when he was 15 controlling a device 3 opens up new doors for him this kind of technology is known as the brain computer interface or b.c. i feel sure it registers neural signals in the brain and translates them into control commands or devices. it takes practice and concentration to be able to send motor signals that are as clear as possible and the software has to be able to filter out irrelevant signals. in this sort of thrown event drivers have to keep their vehicles on the winding track and go as fast as they can.
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both just has to move his hand in his mind for his prosthetic hand to remove the way he wants it to. he's a farmer and lost his hand in a work accident. i took a lot of practice to learn to control his 1st thesis. and turn learns the movements he typically the forbes. list of eyes does not read signals in the brain but registers tiny movements in the muscles in what is left up beyond. when bubble wants to lift his hand the corresponding muscles in the arm contract and the press these is performs the intended movement. of the. brilliant you just imagine opening your hand when your hand opens your margin closing it on the closes same for rotation you don't have to think much about the signal the
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prosthesis just doesn't. but can bow or can now do a lot of their work. himself. modeling for statics are impacting a range of. people without disabilities as well. exoskeletal devices provide support for heavy lifting with trials underway there are brand new opportunities for the 1st place it's industry. we're talking to companies to get a sense of the potential market. there's a lot of scope we're talking about the auto industry railways just sticks for ship builders and many others. being able to operate all kinds of machines and devices just by thinking it would open up a new horizons imagine you could put on a robot and suddenly have superpowers. and what if computers really learn to read more of our minds with that it can be a good thing as it is that is all
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a long way. to mention human brain contains 86000000000 neurons linked by a sign ups. and each neuron sustains about a 1000 connections. with complexity and the signaling is extremely complex the signals we not only have to be registered individually but also interpreted before such technical advances could be considered. and so we're nowhere near that kind of practical application. he came in 2nd in the race he's delighted and so are the team he says he hopes b.c. i will help people with paralysis in the more independent lives. having a disability is no laughing matter except well sometimes it actually is maisons i.
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told a movement disorder that affects around 17000000 people worldwide it's a permanent condition that has no cure but that hasn't stopped her from making it and then a tory asli come petters a world of comedy. my name is maysoon zayid and i am not drunk but the doctor who delivered me was he caught my mom 6 different times in 6 different directions suffocating poor little me in the process as a result i have cerebral palsy which means i sheikh all the time look. it's exhausting i'm like shake your shakier meets my homie dolly. around 17000000 people worldwide live with the cerebral palsy yet disability is often an obstacle to finding a job. may soon be on screen and on
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stage in the ted talks he has been viewed millions of times she has shown the both how to succeed in working life with a disability i got 99 problems and polls he is just one. if there was an operation olympics i would win the gold medal i'm palestinian muslim remail i'm disabled and i moved to new jersey. i imagine the acting business can be pretty brutal if you're not a tall skinny blonde woman or have times changed hollywood is about fantasy and perfection and it's very very of disabled people every time i did a scene from a glass menagerie my professors would we but i never got cast finally in my senior year a.s.u. decided to do a show called they dance real slow in jackson it's a play about
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a girl with c.p. i was a girl with you on how observable thank god almighty i'm free at last i didn't get the part. he didn't think i could do this i said excuse me if i can't do the stunt neither can the character. people with disabilities are the largest minority in the world and we are the most under represented and true taman but also brown people another way so in addition to the fact that i heard. that you know. girl i'm also athletic i'm also disabled i'm also over the age of 21 and all of those things are downfall in hollywood but not in stand up comedy stand up comedy is where the weirdos go to shine my father taught me how i walk when i was 5 years old by placing my heels on his
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feet and just walking. another tactic that he uses he would dangle a dollar bill and front of me and have the case that. my inner stripper was very strong and bright i. also teach and universities and there's a class called vice you don't want to hear what is advice that disabled people don't want to hear my advice for disabled people in the workforce is you have to do better than your mom the single counterpart so sorry they're just gonna hold you to higher standard you have to be clear and have no fear about asking for accommodation if your disability means you can't sit for 8 hours straight up front with your coworkers and your boss and find what works for your body do no
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work for free don't let anyone came into that exposure who are training or whatever blah blah blah they're trying to work it and have solutions so if you can't so so something that's certain right your job don't just say i can't do it say i can't do this but here are 3 different solutions for it and put everything in the e-mails don't have phone calls because later when you need to soothe. more in fact that i know it's exhausting to be your own drink at all times but no one else is going to do it for you my big break came in 2010 i was invited to be a guest on the cable news show countdown keep it and they shuffle me into a studio and seat me on a spinning rolling chair. so i looked at the stage manager and i'm like excuse me can i am i know their chair and she looked at me and she went 543.
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and i didn't write so i had to grip on to be. anchor's that's so but i wouldn't roll off the screen during the sag now. and when the interview was over i was livid i had finally gotten my chance and i blew it and i knew i would never get invited back but not when we did mr min and. he made me a full time contributor and he taped my trailer. you are a woman muslim and you have a disability there are people out there who think these things are disadvantages i do sometimes in riyadh the world or even. i remember those of people who are not deceive people of color i am furious and very sick i may have put up with the world because i cannot for the life of me comprehend how in 2020 violence against women is still being stream acceptable and that we still. 2 are
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killing people depriving people of color because of the color of their skin. 3 times as likely as. can approach the insult that this is how we must do better mining is maybe soon and if i can can you can get. one in message now they say necessity is the mother of invention and that's certainly true when it comes to making life easier for people with disabilities around 2 decades ago a ph d. student named wayne westerman was struggling to type his dissertation because of repetitive strain injury not one to give up he teamed up with a nother developer to create a touchscreen that required far less pressure for the fingers problem solved audiobooks for a similarly simple solution for visually impaired lovers of literature and in fact
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anyone who is on able to read innovation something we all benefit from is just one upside to disability inclusion as wealthy in a moment being disabled friendly pays off financially to. need to be visibility of this event if you're not you're missing out on over $1000000000.00 customers worldwide. hi i'm jill houghton. president and c.e.o. of this ability end of global life profit that empowers 215 last night out not brand to achieve disability inclusion and equality i'm going to share with you how to make your company disability inclusive in 3 steps step what do the math.
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if you need. what is going to cost how is this going to positively impact most. and d.d. says that on average accommodations are less than $500.00 companies that i wear ties disability inclusion and outperform their peers i average with things like 28 percent higher revenue 2 times the net income and 30 percent higher economic profit margins so you have to ask yourself if you want your company to be innovative because in fact many innovations were designed for and sometimes by people with disabilities. the bottom line is that it pays to be a disability inclusive step to build the roads if you're trying to be inclusive
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you need tools that are includes the to everybody do your marketing materials include people with disabilities so that people with disabilities can see themselves in your marketing materials one in 59 p. . people are on the autism spectrum companies like as a.p. for example actually consciously works to include people who identify as being autistic in their workplace and as a result that made their competitors come out of the woodwork and want to learn what they're doing and now we come to the final 3 leverage your people you need to identify a champion within your business that's going to drive this this suffered and ideally that's a senior leader who openly identifies as being a person with a disability and in the disability community we say nothing about that without us
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and the other important part of leveraging your people is your employee resource group the greatest resource you have within your company are your people google how as an employee resource group for their employees with disabilities and their driving you know their driving things like have. a lot of what comes out of employee resource groups actually drive the bottom line training is critical there is bias that exists in our world around people with disabilities so it's important to provide training because we want to build inclusive cultures not just where we can attract talent but we want to be able to retain and grow talent we've got to work together to tear down that bias to what are you waiting for gets
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started. don't get started is a great message but it's often easier said than done especially in the area of entrepreneurship but it is possible to succeed my colleague mr schmidt met a man who refused to let his physical condition stop him from running his own fitness. a lot of people think if you have a physical disability you have a mental disability. and they prefer not to have to engage with people like that. about my disability since i was 6. somehow it gave me strength. when people said something is impossible i'd say it's possible it can be don't watch me who it. is the boss and co never scuffle in company he's used to navigating
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a construction site on crutches. for months and. when we took over the business 19 years ago i was the only one of the company with a disability. i was about 40 i spent 10 years as the company's managing director. so in general banks are cautious with people with disabilities and they're concerned that if they take out a loan they won't pay it off. lot of people i know who have similar disabilities to mine are now in wheelchairs banks tend to have doubts that they'll be able to pay off a long term loan. the initial years kono were a struggle she could be an intimidating boss. i used to be a tyrant 2 of my employees. disposed of. the
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problem was that i felt i had to assert myself how i felt i had to show my staff who was boss. will shake me. to some extent i regret that. i would go around my spirit level checking that everything was straight. if i found something that wasn't just then someone paid with their job was done so tough i was it had a lot to do with the way i was raised since. my parents didn't believe in me they talk about my disability they tell me i couldn't do things about it i always had to prove myself and show i call it. these days his 40 employees have nothing to fear. stephen melendez he became successful. he's a. able to admit to past mistakes. screwing up was an important part of the learning experience. and admitting that i made a right old mess. we had
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a contract in 2010 and miscalculated the budget 530-0000 euros. as a result between 20122014 we completely overhauled the company. these days the company has specialized in scaffolding solutions. she's a role model for others as an entrepreneur who hasn't left a disability hold him back. doesn't mention the pain. i feel that people with disability should be more in the public eye. range how often do we see anyone with disabilities in the headlines. or on t.v. almost never. a problem to some extent they don't dare put themselves out there draw attention to themselves and say ok i have this problem but i'm smart enough to have built up a business or you know. stupid has an optimistic outlook he shrugs off the discrimination he's experienced because of his disability. it's
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happened yes and sometimes it was severe. but i don't dwell on it i'm over 60 now i'm noticing that i no longer remember some stuff. i can forget some of the all important stuff. going. on here in germany nearly 3 quarters of people who are blind or seriously visually impaired don't have a chop that's a whole lot of talent that society is missing out on and our next report 3 women a physiotherapist a lawyer and a disability rights activist share they found ways to thrive in their profession in spite of what others might view as a disadvantage. let me know when it starts to hurt can you still speak. and breathe. out period i have retinitis pigmentosa it's a genetic disorder and causes tunnel vision my eyesight was quite good until i was
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30 or 35 i could still ride my bike. been on the far. right most of my patients don't even know. when i tell them i'm legally blind they say they don't believe me. that was quick. there is a fetus if you can cover up a lot you become a champion in covering it up of course i have trained my coworkers to never put things in the wrong place. i get so mad if i have to spend hours hunting for something if i reach for it and it's not where it's meant to be and i have to start looking for it. my parents always supported me they never said you won't be able to do that. but lynn is very noisy very crowded and people just a leech other a lot it's
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a challenge. i see light in dark and contours here in this hall i can make out the windows and the round lamps that look like bright patches. so i can orient myself quite well. i locate the steps with my stick i know the courthouse building very well with all its corridors and corners. sighted people often get lost here and can't find their way out without help. in my case given that i can't see i don't judge people by their exterior because i can't that also means i don't get distracted and remain focused on what people tell me. but that's isn't mean i'm entirely free of preconceptions they're just a bit different blind people might not like the sound of someone's voice or the way they shake your hand. i'm not
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a living lie detector but i am pretty sensitive to what people are telling me whether it's true or whether they're lying. but i'm going to think well if you can't imagine a blind person can climb a flight of stands you won't believe that a visually impaired person can hold their own in the workplace. in a digital world technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time there are some websites we can use easily but far too many are not excessive. going to your house coming towards you don't got the app will tell me. upfront.
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it's just not so good the bus is just arriving till. it's done but that can't be recognised by the app so it says the next one is delayed coming in 10 minutes it doesn't show the one that's just come and. gone the. live in town because there's good public transport that lets me get around. that if self driving cars ever become available and i can afford one i might consider moving to the country. for that cause the world her eyes stare and on that no that brings us to the end of this edition of mate it's been a pleasure having you along the shore to join us again next time until then for me in the entirety here it's goodbye and take.
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the be. the be. the bigger.
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the be. true the point. the being a clear position the been turned actually perspective slaves can the fragile peace just declared in ethiopia the great prophets be sustained ethiopia's prime minister be op ed from the nobel peace laureate to mao borg that's our topic on to look like . the bottom of the points above the bottom t.w.
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abbas your country. will make you rich less interesting take the best post of coming to sell soda in the streets. this is but years later reality looks very different from the drinking water shortage on unemployment. oil it's obvious it's. been 75 minutes on d w. how does a virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll all miss them. just 3 of the topics covered and eye weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the chrono marash or any other science topic you should
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really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at d.f.w. dot com forward slash science. in the far north. beyond the inhabitable world. it's lonely. barren. and breathtakingly beautiful the arctic a powerful expanse of bitter cold. and the sound of global warming. we take a journey around the north pole meet profiteers and talk with people experiencing a changing environment or the ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating take a cherished the last years have been smelling roughie. makes it hard but.
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our future depends on what happens here in one of the most fragile ecosystems on earth. northern lights life within the arctic circle starts december 21st w. . this is deja news and these are our top stories. the united states has recorded its highest daily death toll since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic over 3000 people died on wednesday hospitalizations are also at a record high as cases surge nationwide ahead of the national health agency has warned the next few months could be the most difficult time for public health in the country's history.


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