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tv   Expedition in die Heimat  Deutsche Welle  December 7, 2020 2:15am-3:01am CET

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stop your watching day w. news up next i don't film long both terrorism how outsiders become assassins stay tuned for that i'll be back with more news headlines at the top of the hour that's at the web sites there for all to go like this news and information around the clock to be found at www dot com until then american how to stay with us. good to parliament. despite coming from a poor family the pop star wants to become president and challenges him god doesn't want. to be a story. starts december 10th on.
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the internet has spawned a new brand of terrorism one seemingly without leaders. he said. it's sort of these perpetrators are called lone wolves but that only refers to the execution of the crime lone wolves always belong to larger packs ideologically speaking. lone wolves and those that support the most so for radicalizing online by the thousands they meet and exchange ideas on internet forums for violent far right ideology to use investigators in germany and around the world have been looking in the wrong places and completely underestimated the impact of these internet forums we need a huge increase in online policing by maybe a factor of 10 or 20 and we need this policing to have a bigger and more visible presence. as the threat. posed by these lone wolves
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increases so does the number of dead casualties he says a lot of things are streetwalkers to take out everything close to the same temperature while there are worst of societies or whatever they were for all the world. for white supremacists anders behring breivik is the original lone wolf and a major inspiration on july 22nd 2011 he killed 77 people in 2 attacks in norway after self radicalizing online then u.s. president barack obama stressed that islamic extremists were far from the only source of global terrorism the rest of that we're especially concerned over right now is the long wall of terrorist of the sort that we saw in norway recently you
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know when you've got one person who is during or driven by a hateful ideology they can do a lot of damage and it's a lot harder to trace those long wall operators he would be proven correct 9 years on these lone wolves and now responsible for more murders in the western world than any other kind of terrorism just as digital media is changing the world so too is terrorism with its many potential terrorists almost exclusively radicalized with the right wing propaganda from the internet and they likely are gemini's biggest threat to as governments still fail to properly understand this brand of terrorism . these lone wolves largely fit the same social profile white male and typically a recluse with no friends their ideology racism anti-semitism and hatred for women they're fueled by a dangerous mix of frustration and political radicalization these men tipping. they
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spend hours on end chatting with like minds on international online forums called image boards users here often present their hatred a satirical mock parade and big out trump each other image boards enable users to post pictures and text anonymously and they originally were created in japan to share manga images. probably the best known of these websites is for chan over the years the content posted here has become increasingly radical with bullying sexism and political extremism now the norm most of the service illustrated in the u.s. where precious little content is deleted. kristoff paid back a one of germany's few prosecutors specializing in cyber crime uses image boards in his investigations. to hold on just as all these are evidently people who essentially live in a bubble where they become emotionally desensitized and where certain demographic
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groups are portrayed as inhuman and where there is growing incitement against people of a certain background and so the end here bishan threshold is lowered and that could increase the danger of not just hate speech being disseminated on the net but also of crimes being committed in the end. as seen in the german city of hama on october 9th 2019 stefan bellyache tried to force his way into this synagogue intent on carrying out a massacre on the jewish holiday of yom kippur only the locked synagogue door prevented even worse horrors frustrated he instead murdered 40 year old lana lang outside the synagogue and 20 year old kevin in a kebab shop as barely a fled he wounded a further 2 people with his selfmade he also streamed his attack live online through his online community who could react in real time and share it with others but he himself is believed to have uploaded the material to just 2 forums. after
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seeing its potential. link to the biggest image board online for chan where it soon accumulated thousands of page views it then entered the public domain and found itself on smart phones around the world even victims as well as their family on the day of the attack we tracked down the original person that shared the video in germany a man who has since been charged with incitement to racial hatred he explains the attraction of anonymity on image boards. contact. with people we don't know. although it is exciting to talk to people you don't know and who would never be able to identify you. videos of attacks also serve as a badge of honor for their online community similar to a high school or in a video game perpetrators are eager to gain recognition via a high school or a victims and those schools are listed in insidious halls of fame particularly
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sickening are the bonus points for murdering children. stefan barely a was looking to add to his murderous high school with his attack of one of his final victims. just like in video games where cars can be used as weapons he deliberately accelerated in order to target 2 somali men who were just coming out of a street car. one of them with after tax break him. he came from the wrong side and really stepped on it i tried to run away but the car hit me here i went to the ground and lost consciousness and he just drove off with the perpetrator was even heard in a post soon afterwards complaining desperately that his guns had malfunctioned the impact of violent video games is something florian hutch lab has been studying in detail. his research produced what is now
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a standard work on this new form of terrorism the game if it came to stay here was there is a rising game of occasion in the terrorism seem. the platforms are changing. and the latest development is live stream where perpetrators are directly addressing their fantasies. and that's something you could see very clearly in the hollow there's an olive. this is the court room in the regional capital magda book that's been hosting the trial of stefan bellyache the terrorist attack on a synagogue in germany made headlines around the world the shooting raised fears of a resurgence in far right extremism. this was the scene as barely a was led into court on the 1st day of his trial amidst great public interest it's hoped the hearings will also shed light on the background to the attack. is met stake in the owner of the combat shop in holland almost became
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a victim himself he makes a personal speech outside the court. there was a life before the attack. and there is now a different life. we are survivors of the attack on october 9th 2019. taken as a company to court by his attorney. has experience of trials involving far right terrorism among his previous clients the victims of the n.s.u. terrorist cell and a racially motivated shooting in munich and 2016 in response of officers on the court i'm interested to see how the accused behaves whether his months in jail have given him a chance to soften his rhetoric or whether he's a hardened far right ideologist who will attempt to use this trial as his own state . but barely a was indeed eager to use that stage with no sign of remorse in court he would claim that he had been fighting for the survival of the white race streaming his
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life 50 overs in his eyes more important than the attack itself he's able to motivate others like cam and spread his message of hate that very video would now be shown in court to the satisfaction of. a crackpot with a crude philosophy yes. it was no surprise that he's anti sematic and islamophobia and a racist and that's just. and what also became clear is that he cannot discuss his beliefs or go to school. that crude philosophy was easy to expose but prosecutors had few insights into bally's radicalization online. with him had to get checked out who had he been chatting with and on which forums what kind of ideas and plans were being discussed what did he tell others and what does he know about those individuals to go to suppose these are the crucial
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questions not least because there are currently 4 very similar attacks being tried before courts in different countries the so-called lone wolves have very strong political motivations the. the attacks in 2019 bore almost identical hallmarks the perpetrators self radicalized on the same image boards right manifestos that borrowed from each other and wanted to stream their actions live online the terrorists from 29000 more frequent visitors to the 4 chan image boards and the even more extremist a chat and its successors they also use these chat rooms to announce them murderous plans and publish their manifestos on these forums the most violent tactics are honored and remembered as sainz. the 1st of these attacks and 2900 was carried out in christ church new zealand brenton talent stormed into 2 mosques murdering 51 people he was the 1st attack ad to post a live video like in
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a 1st person shooter game and he inspired a way for further deadly attacks 1st in california and texas followed by oslo in august and then finally in holland. dietrich is all too familiar with these image boards and far right gaming groups he monitors new extremist content being posted online every day and gives presentations explaining the danger emanating from these perpetrators in beijing as we live in this machine gun and the world they live in is not really are it's about some apocalyptic end of the world scenario they claim there is a white genocide taking place it's basically a death cult where the end of the world is not the end in germany to basically the end to germany that's coming any day now from an imminent attack on us by hordes of muslims or some other evil forces or end of days fantasy that people become
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obsessed with. the hate of muslims by these would be terrorists almost brought a bad shop owner is metate kin to his and. on the day of the attack he was on his way to work when the perpetrator fired at him it was only because of luck that he survived he said stand one wall of his restaurant into a memorial. and his combat shop assistant struggled to continue on which. that night you get nightmares. you think of this awful attack. how it happened and why. and why nobody could stop it. why did nobody do anything was the time. where the also routine is too slow to identify the attacker we're heading to isolate and one of the poorest towns in the country where stephan bellyache grew up here we meet some of the few acquaintances
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he had there what kind of person was he and did they suspect anything beforehand mike lang there remembers him occasionally joining him and his friends at their regular hangout by supermarkets he remembered much like many others how he made racist comments freaking foreigners and stuff people don't take seriously although you know it was just regular kids shooting their mouths off i say more a case of following the crowd than actually joining protest marches or whatever other crap he just wanted to along someone on board. this is mike lang they're celebrating his birthday playing drinking games together with value these private video recording seem to suggest ballet was a typical teenager for the area the young men would spend a lot of time driving around and generally had a right wing views and other acquaintances of his were also willing to talk to us they described the now 27 year old as an unassuming low now more the shy boy from
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next door shortly after finishing high school he left his home town to do his basic military service before moving on to study chemistry. he then dropped out of his studies due to health issues and moved back in with his parents there he began assembling and arsenal of weapons drifting deeper and deeper into the ideological alternative world of these lone wolves the development mike lang now also noticed the fact he thought it evolved over time he was becoming increasingly withdrawn and eventually broke off all contact. the last time we were hanging out together the paranoid and kept talking nonsense about his own being tapped is. a little myth. a was now online practically 247 when he turned into a terrorist he had online discussions with individuals who remain unknown self
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radicalizing on you tube and american conspiracy theory websites as with most lone wolves he spent months preparing for his attack during subsequent interrogations by the police he was happy to provide all manner of information when that questioning turned to image boards and his online contacts however he stopped talking determined to protect his community investigate his remain in the dark as to who exactly he discussed his plans with and barely questioned him on the issue during interrogation. towards the end of 2018 the environment on the image boards was the coming increasingly violent then an attack in a synagogue in pittsburgh with the killer posting a farewell message on a channel. screener optics i'm going to. look out of the earth and wander through often image book because this was the 1st time we saw an image born of the clear majority of people posting there advocating over violence they were no longer
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saying it's not looking good for us. there was a breaking point where people actually believed that there were no political solutions and the only response was to take action and murder people and more. the degree to which the attackers of $2900.00 felt affinity with each other was evident during. interrogation when asked why he had fired another shot at young alang although she was already down he said he didn't want to end up like philip man's house the norwegian man who murdered his adopted chinese born sister he announced beforehand on an image board of his plans to see. my mosque but on his subsequent attempt he was overpowered by a muslim worshipper in court he claimed he'd been fighting for the survival of the white race he was sentenced to 21 years in jail. man's house used the trial as a platform that ok sign here serving as a gesture in support of the white power movement
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a gesture also supported by the christ church attacker in court and also found by the police in hull or on the computer of chef and bally. almost all of the terrorists in 2019 also used an online platform for buying and playing computer games which claims to have over a 1000000000 users they use the platform to play games and chat with other people around the world they also form groups and far right symbols are sometimes used in violent games 18 year old song bully was an active member of the extremist anti refugee camp on sting on in july 26th and he shot dead 9 people of non german origin in munich before killing himself there was substantial evidence pointing to a far right motivation somebody use the same terminology later used by the 2019 terrorists the 2 published a manifesto it's title i'm going to now kill every german turk.
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despite the far right motive the variant of dorothy's refused to see right wing terrorism as an issue it took until the end of 2019 for them to classify the attack as that of a far right extremist. attorney clowe d.n.a. or has been fighting for a comprehensive investigation into the attack she represents a number of the victims' families. and i find it hard to accept how it came to that initial assessment of her simply not acceptable i find it hard to believe or even call me to really meant to told this was a case of politicians deliberately playing down the issue. and not wanting to fix the problem but 3 years later that became inevitable also due to what happened in halla. for the parents of channel ala one of the victims of the 2016 munich massacre that knowledge in the far right ideology behind the attack is vital for them justice is also completely explaining the motivating
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factors in order to prevent further attacks at a far right terror in germany is a very present danger we've seen since our attack how many of us have happened. to go before and get wise or move on with however much evidence our attorneys provided it was always rejected you could see it as 9 people dead or you could also see it as 9 foreigners there before but in this case it was 9 germans dead one of the more usual one hot one that left a mark on us for your last. in july 27th team the right wing extremist who had supplied soundly with his gun went on trial attorney claudia near-sighted a range of quotes from steam groups such as the anti refugee camp there were clear indications that this group could produce further lone wolf attackers. as for vietnam after we found it in comprehensible curing and subsequent to the trial that
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when we bring up the existence of online targets lists a german court with checks motions of evidence opulent and as expected the next attack was not long coming one year old william actually sin opened fire in his former high school in aztec new mexico killing 2 students both hispanic actress and had chatted frequently online with the munich attacker. as we get back to we had already realized that the setting was right for another attack and it was just a question of time before something else happened as combust sadly it was no surprise when it did. and we saw the limits of germany rule of law and it's not a good feeling because albuquerque new mexico the stage for a criminal trial that could eventually see german officials also being brought to account. jamie latin is the mother of one of william actresses victims casey jordan marcus she wants
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a full investigation into the virtual network behind the anti refugee club linked to the murder of her daughter and also into the failures of little storage she's involved i think it's worth it for her voice to be heard. how things were overlooked health things were. out there things could have been done to prevent this and it was and. i think it's important for my daughter's name sake to do something to say something to take action which is. and the family is still suffering even now but support a network behind the attackers will not turn out her beloved daughter to rest in peace members have even posted casey's autopsy reports online jamie latin has tried in vain to have it taken down i was very shocked i mean i've heard of the dark web before heard of these kind of forms before but i never understood or realized how big it really is. it's disgusting that
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there's individuals that troll for these kinds of things they look for these kinds of things they idolize these kinds of things my daughter's crime scene crime scene photos are all over the internet i've had many many sleepless nights because of that. so the next step is to handover the litany of official failures surrounding the attacks in munich an aztec to louis rubble as one of new mexico's highest profile attorneys despite available evidence us nor enforcement likewise failed to determine the virtual background of the man behind the us tech shooting. had the f.b.i. simply done their job and looked through the on line you know gallery of statements that were being made had the f.b.i. actually looked at the asphyxiated school file they would have realized that he
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was serious about competing in the crimes of ultimately he committed they knew how to identify it and they just simply didn't do it in this case. and in germany to the authorities had clear evidence pointing to the far right network but despite witness testimonies describing william actress and as a potential attacker that information was not forwarded to agencies in the us. it is our mission to hold those accountable who allowed this tragic event to occur and if the german authorities are in fact at fault for this they should be held accountable and we would consider pursuing litigation if the evidence supports it it would be a horrible thing to find out and again an actionable thing in my eyes if the german authorities chose not to inform the united states you know all it would have taken
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is a phone call. troublous is now waiting for the f.b.i.'s files on the case and will be working with german attorneys to finally get the full picture on the links between the 2 attacks this international online network of killers has so far escaped full investigation we set out to track down a former member of the anti refugee club in germany. arrested prior to the execution of a planned attack and is subsequently undergoing therapy he provided the authorities back then with information about the new mexico shooter william actually said i came across acheson because he was apparently the best player anywhere of hatred on steam his name was natural selector i found that impressive. and he then introduced me to the munich attacker. we asked him what he thought about the german authorities refusing to admit
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a connection between action and song billie that's just stupid. we also asked how he ended up in the terrorist community. i wanted recognition in a social group i came to it through instagram where i look for past attacks most of the people are young around 16 but some believe he was 18. i didn't have any friends at high school i was mostly just at my computer and didn't understand the typical daily life of others so i felt understood by these people when i posted stuff glorifying attacks i get 200 likes for one of those photos. in the case of the munich attack the german authorities failed to investigate the anti refugee club with serious consequences and even in the wake of hull a steam does not appear to be a significant focus for investigators gemini's domestic security agency was asked to assist with investigations but told the police they only had limited access to
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the publicly available steam id software. we use that software to find further steam friends of the heller shooter but they do not feature in the court files what's more despite the perpetrators excessive gaming behavior police interrogations did not ask him about his contacts on stage in a large proportion of lone wolves or regular players of hyper violent on. mind games. as part of an international venture involving journalists from 4 countries we managed to identify the steam profile of the christ church terrorist brant tarrant the profile is still active and is given a superior status by supporters with bonuses and the upgrades they buy yet another online hall of fame games glorifying attacks a publicly accessible on steam and enable users to express their murderous fantasies this game simulates an attack on
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a gay pride parade the guns used by the shooter that remarkably similar to those at the christ church shooter as is typical for steam games here are not subject to germany's networking force mentor facebook acts steen is not required to monitor content and stores only a minimal proportion for the purposes of criminal investigations our request for comment from steyn went unanswered for thomas gabriele ruediger one of a small number of german cyber criminologists who has published works on the topic it's an unacceptable situation. most people imagine an indoor playground where streamers it's an all age groups meet together with rapists and children involved and those kids are exposed to rapists and extremists. how long do you think it would take for the government and police to realize you know where we have to take protective measures but that doesn't happen on the net. it's just a small group of gamers that radicalising to lone wolves but it's
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a group that exists. and there's no discussion about the game of the occasion of terror here. which is also probably due to lobbying by the gaming industry and women on think he said it but once you bring it up you're accused of resorting to the old violent video game argument i fifty's or a killer shoot it up to. and as you see even the law what's missing is a discussion about ultimately these terrorists having been excessive gamers. ecstasy for came up on. and in many cases this kind of online perpetrator is acquainted with other terrorists. yes $50.00 that's what i mean give one of us if there's a tendency to group all far writers together and is from the n.s.u. to the murder of walter luka and now hala or. so and
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deciding to sort so there's a 014 but we need to differentiate between the place in society of far right extremists who are active in the analog domain. and that of gamers who have nothing to do with the local scene and belong to virtual subcultures and communities even ties in phone via twitter. and that distinction is not being made here for any it's not an issue that needs addressing by academics in their ivory towers and then of this is this is then about the capacity of security agencies to take action this is the bit. so work needs to be done to prevent a repetition of the many mistakes of the past. well we need a huge increase in online policing by maybe a factor of 10 or 20 and we need this policing to have a bigger and more the visible presence that's what we need are experts who are familiar with gaming it's an issue that crops up all the time we need legal reforms
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to cover these online structures otherwise these changes won't happen we need to talk about the responsibility of local law enforcement because it just doesn't make sense anymore because there's practically no prevention and ultimately we have to talk about how this affects things globally. there needs to be a world wide solution as radicalization is happening online with regularity and in the u.s. there are lone wolf attacks on the most and we keep. pulled be cannon used to be a high ranking official in the u.s. department of defense. he now works as a security consultant in new zealand he assisted. in the aftermath of the christ church attack. western security agencies have been late to the party they spent so much time and effort in the last almost 20 years now looking at extremists is not
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that they haven't paid enough attention that was going behind the internet walls where white supremacist perhaps was a biological a biological opposition to the islamists have organized very thoroughly their way ahead of the security authorities up until you know the last 3 years the issue of white supremacist was considered a local law enforcement problem it was not a national security problem and this is for the entire western liberal democratic world now we know that that in fact it's false. it's an international front means to be combat as an international phenomenon. the fight against. tech and the far right community is considerable in scope and scale they often are . operating behind the scenes of these lone wolves are a number of far right online organizations who have now flooded the internet with
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propaganda videos underlaid with techno music and these groups are also taking over image boards and messaging services like telegram with their ideology sporting openly aggressive names one of them alone at home no nuclear weapons division has been missed school for at least 5 murders alone and its propaganda videos were found on the computer of the hollow synagogue attack these groups are fueled by far right ideologies and their ultimate goal is to overthrow society the manifestos posted by the attackers of $21000.00 more repeat with similar if not identical philosophies and steam where the very same kill is publicly posted is where groups like the atone baffin division have been recruiting their lone wolves clear. most european democracies that their biggest threat right now are white extremists and there are many reasons for that but the point of the imminent threat is coming from the right and they reacted
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a part of the thing is their technological catch. is still lag. when compared to the ability of this ruse to get into encrypted platforms and then move once they are detected a few months ago one such online neo nazi group was shut down in an international police operation c.c.t.v. captured any and member of the foyer. placing a bomb outside an international office building in vilnius failed to detonate a similar bomb plot by another member of the same group targeting a synagogue in las vegas was thwarted by the f.b.i. the german recruit with the alias hydration the same name as a notorious s.s. leader in the 2nd world war was arrested in connection with yet another planned attack. we gained access to otherwise private chats among the where create division where lone wolves like gravy and talent celebrated as heroes they even received
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letters of support in jail but at the same time the f. k. d. wanted to create computer games where users could reenact attacks in order to attract teenagers as potential new lone wolves those recruits had to prove their commitment in tryouts a few years ago kevin from the eastern german stage of syringes joined one such chat group this was after being introduced to far right ideology by a family member but that mindset only a sea of divine and i mentioned due to online exposure. these groups have tests of courage that you have to pass as proof of your loyalty i was basically just a recruit a beginner i was a. but kevin did not want to remain a beginner he yearned for recognition and finally found it in the leader of his online group who then incited him to commit violent attacks. 25 i wanted to rise to the ranks and show what i was made of i wanted recognition. that's why i
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did what i did i beat someone up i reported to the main leader with a picture of what i'd done for confirmation that i belong to the group they were my family and i do anything for that little of all. kevin since i quit the online group and is now going back to high school he's become disillusioned with radical champions. and next stop is a stone here where the leader of the fire division was arrested we want to know who the individual is who incited young men to undergo trials and then prepare plans for terrorist attacks. we approached estonian intelligence while they did not agree to an interview they insisted that we would not continue our search for the young man in question because he was just 13 years old. senior investigator and this explains the challenges involved in
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identifying these online neo nazi groups usually those kind of cases. overcome. by means of concentration. to find always behind all those. factors but the person is very young and the surprise. so young people are capable of having such influence on all of those he cannot be prosecuted about so i think there's a lot of work to do. for the family and of the school system to. be a sunni and boy has since been placed on a watch list like him many of the perpetrators in the virtual groups are extremely young. he said you're going to mention the consequent creep of these young people chat in a very concrete terms about potential targets and then to me. and they're astonishingly
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political. that's a new development we're seeing come to be but it's good to you and you can talk about whether this is a strategy or a plan deploying or activating young people. because in many cases they're too young to be prosecutable of call disorders frequently teenagers a groomed behind the scenes by seasoned any announces in the case of the a stony and boy the trail leads to russia if you look at the history of those organizations were there getting things be rationed. that they start from russia. or something i'm going to just create those other times of thinking and there are manifold indications of activities by online the n.r.c. groups in russia one current example is right now they're not sorrow allegedly a former f.b.i. agent and a known white supremacist lives in st petersburg where he works as
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a security consultant he's also the leader of one of the next most radical far right organizations the base serves to provide a bridge between groups and lone wolves. the b.b.c. obtained and broadcast a recording of right now though not sorrow talking about the group's plan. for you. there's no signal system change the best weather for us is to see it. all clash. kind of growing up there. a few months ago a number of leading members of the base were arrested in the u.s. on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack that sarin himself continues to live undisturbed in russia he's been using the internet to recruit minors from across europe for his group's so-called armed struggle conducting interviews for potential inductees
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a large number of teenage boys in europe have already been groomed by the base young people are being increasingly exposed to far right ideology online with a growing number now popping up on the radar of the all summer teams in many cases they still haven't formed their own view of the world to come. here we have also identified very internet savvy young suspects in some cases they have no awareness of these acts being of a criminal nature can cite for we've also seen a lot of hallmarks of band organizations where we have then found out during interrogation of those accused that they were not driven by nazi ideology tonight it's illustration of the total state of. the christ church attack of became a hardened neo nazi after years of radicalization on the internet. muslim communities in new zealand had been threatened with a series of attacks without the all sorts he's responding and jim rahman received
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several such threats via the internet following the christ church massacre new zealand's prime minister just in the ad and other world leaders initiated the christ church called summits aimed at preventing future lone wolf attacks. i went to new york last year for the christchurch coup. leaders dialogue meeting with a report of big it still seemed to me even after the christchurch to take that major focus is on muslims and. that's not acceptable but there's how do we get the international community to say this is the series 3 and we peaked too much it took years for governments to take the threat of lone wolves seriously they've now promised adequate funding and international cooperation is another question is whether they have the right strategy. we have mentioned.
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you need young people don't know these online communities and are familiar with the symbolism in them they have to be involved in police investigation work otherwise we won't get this phenomenon that is becoming increasingly more common under control. and this one crucial challenge resulting what is now a global problem increasingly the lone wolves are able to take refuge behind one of the foundations of western democracies. white supremacy has used the internet platform to actually plan to prepare and check ups of the lone wolf of small cell types ever use encrypted platforms a hard bargain freedoms of speech so you take advantage of what many see as an achilles' heel of liberal democracy which is the protection of offensive speech. there is often a fine line between defending freedom of speech and prosecuting insightful hate speech. appalling footage of mass murder flowing unchecked into online forums
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another growing factor in the radicalization of uses. as government simply lease forces around the western world struggle to find a solution to this good lone wolf terrorism time is of the s. r. indiana. berry has what it takes to become a super food budget current while struggling the president resent action atop a debt his modest plan has been underestimated home on time and today farmers are harvesting nutritious berries and thanks to modern marketing they're providing
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additional income equal to the. next on t.w. . the truck in good shape people who don't play has nothing to laugh about it is important for us to keep training for the brain of senior citizens and it's good for children to cause a form civil behavior and it's a lot of fun where designers of the play come from bands while a little bit of fun is much more than just a childish pastime good. 30 minutes on the tone. or. in the far north. it's lonely. and breathtakingly beautiful.
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the arctic of mali take a journey around the north pole reach profiteers and talk with people experiencing a changing environment will be ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating our future depends on what happens here. northern lights within the arctic circle starts december 21st g.w. . this is news and these are our top stories. voting has ended in venezuela's parliamentary election boycotted by opposition leaders polls is expected to tighten president nicolas maduro script on power by giving his party control of the national assembly at being the last.


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