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tv   Kultur.21  Deutsche Welle  December 7, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm CET

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and you know i want to reach all of you boys women back home who are bones by their duties and social groups and informed and accorded basic rights my name is the about of people and they were beautiful. you're watching news asia coming up today a city under siege and under strain on kong has endured more than 18 months of unrest that's taken a mental toll on many of its residents. plus we'll see how far it is in rouhani the spawning ground of coated 19 are coming to terms with the city's darkest days. and it's not exactly a drive but a variation on the scene we go to indonesia and it's to them under the stars.
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i'm melissa chan and welcome to news asia we're glad you could join us hong kong has made headline news week in and week out pretty much ever since spring of 2019 we saw the start of a series of massive pro-democracy protests at 1.20 percent of the city took to the streets what happens when you deal with tear gas not just once but countless times over a stretch when you face off against police brutality again and again it takes a toll takes a closer look at the mental health of people of hong kong we start with the story of henry that's not his real name but a pseudonym speaking with journalists has become a liability in this once free territory. 22 year old protester henry struggles whenever he passes fire police station in hong kong it wasn't just stuff. station
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that he experienced police brutality 1st hand. one day when i went out 9 undercover police officers took me in a car to the police station and the interrogation room they tried to force a confession they took out the battens they hit me they pulled my ears and pushed me against the wall i asked if i thought anyone had ever died in the police station and threatened to be if i didn't sign a statement i was so scared at the time that i signed. 3 weeks after his release he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression every time i see a police car or an officer outside i tremble and feel the urge to hide i can't sleep at night because the flashbacks and sometimes i cry all night i used to be a very cheerful person but everything has changed henry is not alone in this battle with mental health since the start of the antigovernment movement last year one in 3 hong kong has displaced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. followed
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a degree of fallen since being much lower during the protests in hong kong compared to war so most studies have found that the long lasting political turmoil is causing a high degree of stress you know. the situation the way. traumatic experiences have not yet resolved i'll come to it and their situation is quite different because the stresses ever present long standing exposed to such dresses is more likely to put deals changes in the brain subsequent 3 will make his 1st as a bridge to his older. to address the collective trauma local artist ricky luke turns stories of police brutality into illustrations the book was in this exhibition describe the experiences of 100 protestors and citizens he and his team talked with me. but it's so powerful it's not going to change much in
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reality but at least people feel they are heard and we are all walking together you feel slightly better knowing you're not alone and this process itself is very important this small space is the only place they can find for the exhibition many found he was turned down their display in fear of possible political consequences and the stripping national security law imposed by beijing as the government has declared certain protests logans illegal curators send these out each booklet has to be carefully self censored when you know only one voice is allowed and it's the government's voice it's hard to mourn and address our trauma if we can't even speak about what happened but we should still try because that's the 1st step to healing and. henry still suffers from p.t.s.d. and depression but with the help of medication he's gradually returning to normal life i'm very lucky to have been diagnosed and given professional help early on
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people have been very supportive but the scars will be there for life and i think i can never go back to who i was it's impossible to truly heal unless justice is served for henry and other sufferers the road to healing were not to be easy as long as the political turmoil in hong kong continues. joining us is mary where journalist for quartz based in hong kong mary i want to hone in on that statistic mentioned in the report that one in 3 hong kong has have p.t.s.d. is that what you sense too in the territory. you know what my understanding is that these numbers are self recorded so of course it could either be all over reported but you know either way plus or minus a percentage point that still means hundreds of thousands potentially millions of people what the league with some kind of p.t.s.d. and i think that does a light with observations that we see on social media just from regular social interactions with friends colleagues families acquaintances and conversations that
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you may hear on public transportation streets that people all of the illegal with. that enticed spectrum of. depression and side see and the whole gamut of emotions that comes with having to deal with a society that is in turmoil where the present day reality can be very very different from one day to the next. and they imagine we're talking about a lot of the protesters and the journalists who covered them i mean you guys were out there week after week sometimes every few days for months in 202-2019 of course there's been plenty of stuff that's happened you know week on week month after month it's difficult to convey but give us a sense of the emotions and the exhaustion. i would say that covering the protests in 2019 was very much nonstop you were constantly checking your phone for
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updates on where the tear gas. protests are happening whether the latest going on and that itself is so fast pace that you really don't have very much time whether as a reporter or just a regular so listen. so absorbing them from a close that's that's you really don't have time to stop and think and check in with your own emotions and now fast forward to 2020 already at the end of 2020 now in december and the pace is change the law is what we're keeping up with now is not the way fight it's war while the latest arrests while the latest this isn't so far who have had to flee hong kong regular explore make those who've had to flee so so it's a very different pace but also a constant kind of drumbeat of updates that can often be very distressing. and it's not just the people on the frontlines ordinary citizens have been impacted what has made the environment stressful for those who have not had to face police directly.
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or the environment itself in hong kong has changed so completely that even without having been on the streets you do feel the ramifications of the of the drastic changes that have rolled through phone call society with kind of this understanding that perhaps the rule of law here in hong kong is not what it used to be that basic freedoms are not protected and the assumptions that you can make about what your rights and freedoms are. thank you so much for joining us. it's been almost a year since the khurana virus 1st gripped the city of ruhani where the world's 1st recorded victims of coke in 1000 died following one of the largest public health lockdowns ever seen the chinese city has largely put the crisis behind it but in music graffiti even comics who had artists are still jawing on their experiences during those dark days of the outbreak.
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the sounds of parties pandemic. trio hardcore rabies and t. is captured the city suffering and rebirth in the music and words. virus and. we all survived. when. the lyrics weren't written to raise an issue. they were just to say that people in 100 made a sacrifice for the nation and the world with the lyrics simply to express our feelings. the soldiers are full of eyes held and then they got. the song $120.00 twentieth's the talking track on the band's debut album written while the band was separated under lockdown. and the new face on this album is very different from a past. during its creation now band members were very traumatized psychologically
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or. things in the trunk. know of the city is so deeply connected to the coronavirus. one was ground 0 of the outbreak the pathogen emerged there one year ago before becoming a global pandemic almost 4000 people died on a large. population of 11000000 put under the largest lockdown in history. during those $76.00 days graffiti artists tagged the city with social comments on the virus. one was a homage to leeward a young doctor who tried to warn about the outbreak but was pressured to remain silent he later died of the virus himself. painted speak righteously and remember this forever outside the womb central hospital. not to commemorate lee when young as a person but to commemorate his actions. was gone the next day it was inevitable
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because it was always going to be a sensitive subject. is now largely back to normal but the city's still processing the pandemics painful memories. around the world people have had to adapt to social distancing measures and businesses have faced economic uncertainty in indonesia one outdoor cinema has opened in the capital of west java province it's called cinema under the stars 7 and offers a safe and fun night out. when the day comes to an end here the tents come up as darkness descend and the big screen lights up the night. of the movies are usually watched indoors in a room but now we have this outdoor cinema with this view we've been doing city where we can see the city and what's more interesting is that they used tents here
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so i wanted to give it a try that if they didn't think it was for about $15.00 to $3.00 people can gather in a tent equipped with fluffy pillows blankets and snacks and disinfectant with cinema under the stars as it's called the founders have come up with what seems like a rarity these days something that's lots of fun and pretty safe. and what i warn of them we have of course the pandemic is our concern. we started this business during the pandemic and we brainstormed about how to attract visitors. right people really want entertainment in times like these. we thought about ways to bring them comfort and security and we're happy to be able to open a place like this. i'm not worried about coded here they've got health protocols such as hand sanitizer disinfectant and wearing masks. and if the movie isn't that
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great you can just switch off the light and enjoy the darkness. that's it for now is sure to check out our other stories on com forward slash or on facebook and twitter thanks for watching time and goodbye. i'm skilled at the volume or that's hard and in the end it's a me you're not allowed to steal any more we will send you that. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers we're alliance of the what's your story ready. i'm with numbers and women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your story you are trying it all with and the stand this new
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culture. you are not a visitor nothing yet you want to become a citizen. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. for any of fish in the sea not for undine the legend of a mermaid score it gets a modern twist in the way this film by director coast town petzl and. one of the frontrunners at this year's european film awards or on that in a moment here on arts and culture and also coming up. german. brings her country's traditional recipes to the whole. and weaving and
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unusual mark on the canvas the art of. well in true 2020 style this year's european film awards are pure digital affair with no live audience they're being held on line with the prizes for europe's best films given out over several days your film experts scott roxboro topics. with covered 1000 shutting down cinemas a few fans got to see the best of european film in 2020 movies like danish comedy another round about high school teachers who become committed. just. missed or polish drama corpus christi in which a former criminal impersonates a priest tells a small town in need of spiritual salvation. the 2020 european film awards want to
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shine a light on movies that got overlooked or ignored in the year of the pandemic the european film industry has been hit hard by the pandemic we need to do everything that we can to demonstrate the european film industry that it still exists and it's on mission to promote position european cinema as best we can. in place of a physical ceremony starting december 8th will be 5 nights of live stream to events highlighting the best of 2020 including czech war film the painted bird. and italian period drama martin 8 it. looks. like it looks like germany is a strong contender this year berlin alexanderplatz bonnie's update on the literary classic. and pencils mythic love story are both nominated for best european film. the winners of the 2020 european film awards will be announced december 12th. some
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headlines now netflix has rejected a call to put disclaimers on its series the crown that would label the show as fiction the demand came from britain's conservative culture minister who says the show takes too many liberties in its portrayal of the royal family especially the marriage of charles and diana he fears the show could give the viewer a bad impression of the monarchy while universal music has bought the rights to bob dylan's entire songwriting catalogue more than $600.00 songs spanning the artist's 6 decade career most of which were still in the artist's control until now the deal's estimated at around $300000000.00. and german sportswear brand i do you does unveiled what could be the 1st $1000000.00 sneaker the shoes made of hand painted mice and porcelain took half
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a year to make they're going on auction next week in new york where the proceeds will benefit art education. german cookbook author and t.v. chef that is bringing her love of her country's cuisine to the rest of the world in english or a new video series cook it like a german premiered this weekend on the d.w. food you tube channel. interested in german cuisine this is the show for you. and i had to cook it like a german. cook felicis presents some of germany's finest dishes to foodies from around the world. needs to be done this. time. traditional german failure prepared easy to follow steps from the savory to the sweet sweet get it all. cook it like a german. d
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w food. and for the 3 times 10 is here with me now congratulations on your new series like a german this is not light crazy and it has to be said it looks like some pretty heavy stuff yeah it is i mean german cuisine can be very heavy and a lot of meat but it's delicious as you are you certainly make a fine speaker a lot of meat there's a lot of meat there's a lot of potatoes i think it's i think it's kind of funny personally that the i don't know what you mean because of your videos now and far out of park and one is . this is prepared kate the german word i always thought this was funny the german word means both start and strength yeah i was so there was a maybe coincidence maybe it's not a coincidence cooking it like a german you cook with international guests from all over the planet rhodes it been like teaching them how to cook german and is very nice because they're out and they tell me about their food culture and we compared to each other and. what's been
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your favorite so far my favorite guest on my favorite dish give me both. i had a lot of fun with rachel was really funny. but i think i like them all because they were so different and also i think one of my favorite dishes was shots at a kiss toss it because i don't make cakes a lot and was very special for me too and it worked out very well so we were really proud of each other so we've we've got a clip of you this is not the black forest chocolate cake i'm sorry it's actually maui southern german ravioli here's your cooking with my jihad from iran. no wonder what's new it's like. they could also make it with like everything.
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they want to. know you know. ok making fun of german cuisine lots of meat is there anything for vegetarians there will be a i mean there was and there is a case and it's very funny because the whole team is going to vegetarian so it's always a lot of leftovers for me and my friends so when when for you it's certainly not necessarily people think of german cuisine as very heavy and it certainly is but there are a lot of people here who eat other things in fact let's talk about german food in the world because it's not italian food or chinese food in the sense that it's not as internationally popular as an expert you know we could talk about india and mexico the list goes on what do you think is special or unique about german food is it your feeling or a flavor i think it's very comforting and everything reminds me of my grandma and i think it kind of makes you feel at home you know like you can eat pasta everywhere
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but german food is something that was your favorite recipe from from your childhood . i like that part of things because i grew up in various so i like potato dumplings and i like sauce you know german food is always about sauce you need your potatoes and you need to dip it in something so you need enough stuff speaking of sauce we saw your pork in a little bit of your pork knuckle that's the 1st episode that's been put on a german cuisine doesn't typically have a lot of garlic and you know my experience living here is that people are actually kind of afraid of garlic almost like vampires if you know you start cooking with garlic and people say they come they say oh i would love to buy. i can't there's someone i have a meeting next week people are going to smell me so we cannot i'm not afraid of garlic tell me about that. in my private life i'm kind of afraid of god like it's not wrong what you say but sometimes i have a little extra kick off i think it's like feeding the twisted so even it's not
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original i like to put it. all right wolf and it's a does tim thanks so much for coming on our show you're a series cook it like a german is out on the d w food you tube channel and we're all looking forward to the moment. when artists fit every copia thread and i was studying at the art academy in a row she always signed his works with the date then one day he came up with the idea of making a tie i am the central component of his art how does he do it but take a look. federico love italy doesn't use brushes and uses stamps and pads. he creates his images with an ordinary office date or. ringback he presses it on to his ringback canvas thousands of times until the. ringback shades and textures simple.
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because it was. confined to chapter time. and. the funny gallery in our perception of time is the artist's dominant theme he takes him up to 2 months to complete a picture. with a course that. both examination of the work with below which parts of it created. because he will i worked on this picture for instance was more slowly i'm going to tell you there's a street long walk to a bridge. is the. sushi the bears are in was also referred to on. a neutral tool you know if it. has been using to produce his artworks for about 20 years now he shows them in exhibitions all over europe. he was raised in rome where he
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studies the academy of fine arts the eternal city provides no end the subjects that street scenes. and nature within the city he reports for his works on his. alters the photos on his computer the contrast and color temperature are just right to be turned in. image. he'd like his art to prompt 'd the viewers to think about their concept. of 100 years. that the it's. got to be able to. capture. the.
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very particular date time. speaking of time 40 years ago in 1980 singer songwriter john lennon was murdered outside his home the dakota apartment building in new york city to mark the anniversary of his untimely death will leave you now with a song here today a tribute written by his beatles band's mate paul mccartney a few years after lennon's death mccartney recently said he still misses john lennon. and if i say. i really. don't want to read some of these. few leaves each day.
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knowing. romney saying we're carrying the beauty of a. pen . but as for me i am. currently.
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guy and i'm game did you know that 17000000 land on the moon was killed worldwide i'm sure so that we can get into but it's not just be animals of all suffering it's the environment we went on in germany to find ways out of the question if you want to know how old weightlifter the priests and the whole trust has changed up as an atheist those who listen to our podcast on the green comes. from the ghetto to cover. everyone. those poppy why. despite coming from a poor family the pop star wants to become president. she's got this elite. credible story of bobby war. 1 starts december 10th d.w.
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. in the far north. beyond the inhabitable world. it's lonely. barren. and breathtakingly beautiful. the arctic. powerful expanse of bitter cold. and the sound of global warming. take a journey around the north pole. profiteers and talk with people experiencing a changing environment. for the ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating. our future depends on what happens here in most of the most fragile ecosystems on earth. northern lights. arctic circle starts december 21st g.w.
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. this is it every news life or world when it's the last throw of their dice crunch time for bugs the talks they get in a race against the clock british and european negotiators may. again today to try and seal the deal but talks are at an impasse and with the brakes a deadline just days away the threat of a new deal divorce is mounting also coming up germany's along down lights is not enough current corner of ours measures work to get us through the winter he says now our chance on the american she's pushing to bring in tougher restriction.


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