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tv   Kick off  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm CET

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what's the secret to this classic. this is the sound. or the story behind the music. or the. greatest. up us. beethoven's 9th. or the world starts to seem right on g.w. . you're watching news asia coming up today farmers in india have had enough angry at government plans to reform their industry they have protested for days and have now called a strike. plus in vietnam we visit one special shop where young designer has revived old attire from 2 centuries ago. and roping down to clean up will
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follow a trafficking crew on their terrifying tour of duty on a chinese mountain. i'm melissa chan welcome to g.w. news asia we're glad you could join us indian prime minister narendra modi is intent on what she characterizes as the modernization of the country's agricultural sector his party insists this will benefit farmers but the farmers are not convinced and they have responded in dramatic fashion with protests and now a strike this is all happening as the country slips into a recession after years of economic growth. farmers in the 10s of thousands in a blockade of delhi. 6 for almost 2 weeks they protested the new farm was on the outskirts of the indian capital. on tuesday they upped the ante
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launching a one day national strike across the country protesters blocked rail lines and roads and prevented projects from reaching markets. farmers' organizations called for the shut down after the modi government refused to budge on plans to liberalize the agricultural sector. 1 we are determined to win this fight this movement will go on until we defeat modi we will only go back after the laws are repealed gave up it down. until now india's farmers have been forced to sell through state run wholesalers that guarantee a minimum price. wars will allow them to sell produce on the open market including to supermarket chain. the government insists the changes will benefit farmers and boost their profits. but on the streets protesters fear the industry will be taken over by big corporations who force prices down. the projects
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we sold for $3000.00 indian rupees is now fiction is just $1600.00 and they say our incomes will be doubled these ministers have no idea about farming. for 72 years many governments of limited farmers independence is only for the ministers and bureaucrats 80 percent of farmers have not benefited in any way. by going to but not the only. other groups across india adding momentum to the protests agriculture supports more than half of the country's 1300000000 people any threat to their livelihood could be a major headache for modi's populist government. joining us. delhi mischa tell us more about the strike. members of the bomber strike well did he has support the bombers themselves are blocking well sides of the national guard
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in addition transport unions have announced this is all that it is apply sheens and there have been warnings to it and vegetable markets be hit on this day in addition bad unions as well as unions have gotten support families who went to work and say that this strike there or is only between the 11 can and should be handled and so asked to install an office that was not really busy this is a symbolic straight and important to emphasize their top test against these new laws and it was it will show in the sixty's and of dogs with the government tomorrow. that many farmers seem convinced that legislation will hurt their bottom line but there are experts who insist that's not the case so i guess i'm wondering is it possible the farmers are misinformed and are just afraid of change. well melissa this is what the government has been saying this either day one day
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you these thoughts of the promise to explain to them just how beneficial the new can be fought them finally does however go friended by this implication this and this is almost understanding in a fashion because they believe they don't know what they're talking about because it is there like it hurts now it isn't what i do not that the system of adama just trying to address. state markets have not have been fast on the firewall and on the system have been discussed in the last government as men and the government says the other dressing that and knocking out the middle match that ensuring the bomber is getting all but the let's go back to the prices back to healing these got injected markets and way to grind it because as that song was however records i didn't the dr irish in all of india lawful operates and grand plans to drive down prices and eventually problems he left in the lurch because the
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government has not mention the gatenby price it has offered to farmers so why instead democracy and this is true if the main argument that the bomb was awful the thing on begin these protests. and how have the other political parties taken advantage of this conflict. unless other political parties across the national less than a state level have come out and said all of it leaves the state that has gone to the had was that commented on the form of protests and the bust and hat one of the us government and i father is now the government has hit back on this i mean these protests will lead to good consequences all of these opposition parties expressing best at what the government says these opposition parties and the evidence are or when they were going to testing elections have actually proposed laws already follows a similar to the last of this gottman has had the garbage to get it out according to them however let david these opposition bite is now up and ready to the farmers
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which is a very important word in back now this has been going on for quite some time now daisey a way out of this deadlock well it's been almost 2 weeks now and the bombers have congregated around the borders all day and have stuck with them for tests what's important to note that $5.00 of talks are already happened and the 6 dollars going to happen tomorrow the dead not has listed because there is one crucial distance the pharmacy the only that lost bay news all are bad these laws and guy pete got one saying the binocular back he's got so one side or the other need to back down to stand up to dissolve one possibility out some express believe it's in the government get issued in trading and they will ensure that that minimums of portrays will get the price and offer it so far in the markets will continue to lead off the farmers the money does however have said on the sidelines that this is
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not surprised that the laws must be a doormat so it can do this debt not so far as bayh hard to predict such as well thank you so much for joining us. everything old is new again that's the spirit behind the work of one vietnamese fashion designer who has tapped into the consumer in the style just for a retro retro 900 century that is. good to see. this 28 year old is an up and coming designer but he doesn't have his eyes set on creating new trends on the contrary his mission is to inspire a revival of 19th century vietnamese clothing knew. our purpose is to bring ancient costumes back to life for our target audience is young people who have new thoughts and new viewpoints and can approach old ideas in
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a new way. he darted. block and his hanoi base camp for largely reproduce imperial style outfits from the new end in a state which ruled vietnam from 180-2883. at the time the ruling class for extravagant and brightly colored designs embellished with symbols of power such as dragons. the creation of such costumes it's a time consuming process aladin expensive. because some form. for our product cheap because we want them to have a certain standard i don't want them to be anything like the low quality ones that are available on the market. vietnamese ancient costumes worn must be of good quality and we took them one time and we didn't you know. just by the hefty price tag young people have started to take note of the designer's creations and where
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the outfits with pride. those who can't afford to buy them rent them for a photo shoot. a little payback they think it was well for me. ancient style costumes bring out the traditional beauty of vietnamese people and they are part of vietnamese culture that we need to preserve and on a more normal. creator of outfit passionately. you agree with that statement is gold is for every will drop in vietnam to one day contain the traditional cost team from the 19th century. people produce garbage a lot of it the world dumps at least 3 and a half 1000000 tons of trash every day and much of that is as litter what i mean is that is that people are not putting things in trash bags they're just tossing it on the ground everywhere including in some of the most beautiful places
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a tourist destinations like china's tianmen mountain someone has to clean that up even if doing so is scary and risky. on a rock face like this even the tourists sky walk is daunting. but for some the job starts on the other side of the railing fung figure who collects the litter that was thrown from this breathtaking height perhaps just to watch it fall young has to follow the same path as they say just don't look down. your door when their water bottles plastics tissues much less than before. the cold war. somehow young has gotten used to working on the
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edge of a cliff. i have no fear i've got used to it or i was a little afraid before when i just started doing it but now it's nothing. to young and his colleagues have collected 2 tons of trash this year alone that's less than half their annual haul earlier but still a sad testimony on tourism today. even in a place like this. for. that's it for today there's always more and d.-w. dot com for slash asia and we are on twitter and facebook as well before we go
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mount everest is officially taller today and paul and china agreed on the mountains elevation which is now $8848.00. meters that's 4 meters higher than china's previous official figure thanks for watching see you next time and. the for. why are people forced to hide in trucks. there are many reasons. there are many
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answers. and there are many stories. to. make up your. claim up. job you made for mines. and. grammy award winning entertainer chilli gonzalez may not be the guy you'd expect to put out a christmas album but i mean you're 2020 he could be just the right person for the job. i'll be talking with charlie about has a rather melancholy christmas album
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a very chilly christmas coming up on arts and culture and later on the show. some call it the comedy of the year another round the danish movie about danger in going and the male midlife crisis but here from our film expert. first canadian musician jason back aka chilly gonzales felt that this year christmas needed a different soundtrack west cheerful less commercial so he got to work putting together his own album for the holidays a record that sounds more like christmas 2020 most of the songs are familiar but the sound is more intimate at times dissonant even longer. very chilly christmas. the album opens with a dramatic rendition of silent night one thing is clear this isn't going to be your
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usual christmas album. and why should you think it's not a normal christmas this year then surely comes out this isn't a normal musician. from classical to jazz to hip hop for decades he's made them all his own. you probably. think we'll. take. that came to a good thing as a base because the pace of change. now he's giving classic christmas carols such as jingle bells some minor key changes. the album also features collaboration's with the singers jarvis cocker and leslie fice. here to tell us more chilli
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gonzales we welcome to arts and culture one really fascinating thing about this album is actually your own relationship with christmas you grew up in a secular jewish family you've said that you actually don't even like christmas so how did you end up making a christmas album. well i don't like what christmas has become which is you know when it when i think you are jewish family celebrates christmas it's not to convert to christianity is to assimilate to you know as i say it's not jesus it's santa claus it's about gift giving it's about consumerism and about capitalism and you know my only way into christmas as a kid was at the piano to lead a sing along and then i could believe in it and that's why i made this album to kind of get back to that very intimate way recorded here at home on my upright piano with my musical family jarvis cocker and feist because i feel that's missing
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i feel those songs have become corrupted by their use and you know soundtracks for commercials and cynical entertainers cashing in year after year i want to try to provide a bit of an engine joke to that but i've always had mixed feelings at christmas because of the gap between a kind of dream that were sold and what reality and so i made this christmas album for those like me i would say i don't like christmas but i have very a cocktail complex emotions and say what i want to my albums are ok so let's talk about the songs themselves a lot of christmas classics that people will recognize what what is special about these songs for you why did you want to record them. well the carrolls on one side which is the bulk of my album there are folk music that means that it comes from a time before the culture of the individual it's when music really had a social role to play that's why the songs tend to be very easy for kids or you know drunk people to sing along with they usually are based on scales like the 1st no well.
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you can hear it just like a staircase going up or joints or the world is famously just a descending scale. that's inclusive christmas music then fast forward so you know the eighty's and ninety's i want to make sure i had some modern christmas classics on there as well last christmas by wham and all i want for christmas is you buy mariah carey and as you'll see physically how my handle is all over the keyboard this is a virtual 6 on and a drunk person just can't keep up with this even if they sing into their beer bottle as a fake microphone just watch how different is it. wants to jump. to geno's. time stuff to things that's not the thing about for most of us certainly not for me. well there you go so i needed to take those pop songs in a way turn them into trolls and you take mariah's strident hair dryer of
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a voice and sort of remove it all i want for christmas so that you can sort of get a clear shot of what the musical material is the play last christmas on the piano very simply. you don't have the synthesizers drum machine or the amp priest keys what is that they're wearing in the video where they're having a snowball fight all of that is gone and you're left with just right hand melody left hand harmony and in a way i tried to take the individual out of those pop songs and turn them into those kind of selfless carols christmas carols don't have the word i and that's what i think is so fascinating we've lost a lot of that because our music now is much more about the glorification of the artist but by playing things on a piano you can sort of divorce or a sort of you know you know surgically remove the personality of george michael or the towering persona of mariah carey and the songs can maybe be you know considered
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folk music modern day folk music in that setting right gonzalez you really turned mariah carey and 0 almost a solemn christmas song that people can enjoy at home maybe by themselves this year i think it's a very different christmas for a lot of people thanks so much for coming on arts and culture thanks for having me . and a few headlines and now the mystery is growing around a series of unexplained metal monoliths that have appeared in several countries now with no explanation hikers found the latest one in a dutch nature reserve and park rangers don't know how it got there similar structures have already appeared in the u.k. and romania where this 4 meter monolith appeared and a few days later disappeared before naaman on started late last month in the united states where the 1st of these sculptures appeared in the desert in utah before it was also mysteriously removed. how about
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a date with the mona lisa the louvre museum in paris is auction off the chance to see her famous 500 year old smile up close during the paintings annual check up the museums trying to raise funds after shutting again due to the coronavirus the movie expects this year's revenue losses to total as much as $90000000.00 euros. while the front runner at this year's european film award is a midlife crisis comedy from denmark another round by director thomas vinterberg the movie starts with a potentially dangerous philosophical premise one that the characters a group of bored high school teachers decide to put into practice here's the scene the defeats in the last few the soft shoe gate. was a bit and i for one was so vital that they ask for those dipping. them in good night he says and the meat not minced the food meant him for me to feel it's. ok
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and then i'm on the scent. after all as if i don't even go in and on the ceiling and he leading a. pleasure to me as a 2nd step towards india put it ahead of the me look at me as this comes up like. yeah. and paphitis pull at nomen hot and definite headed immediately so i do get letters and p.s. need me i'll slap in the. hot and the see case. sydney . did over you so my experts got rock springs here with me now ok so we just watched the set up of the film for teachers try to start decide to try a day drinking in order to revitalize their lives kind of how does that go yeah initially it works out great these start they start well why do you keep your day.
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and they're using breathalyzers to check to see what they were blood alcohol level is so they can keep it at a constant level and so initially as i say they start start doing this they have rules that only drinking during the day and it goes great there i think i'm better teachers become more engaged to really enjoy life. again and they think well this is working up really well so being a little bit drunk feels good what used to drive a lot drunk and and then the movie progressed from there wow ok so am i to understand that this is a pro alcoholism film no definitely not i mean this films from thomas been he's known for socially critical dramas this is a comedy but he knows how to go dark and so we do see as they start to drink to excess we do see things start to get ugly we see how excessive alcohol can can you know ruin relationships can ruin lives i'm so we see all that and in the film but
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really despite the premise of the movie this isn't really a movie about alcohol it's actually more boat i don't philosophy of life i talk to thomas than to the director and he said that. he feels that everything that's worth experiencing in life whether it's with great art or even falling in love is all about giving up control and embracing the good and the bad in life and he himself is a father of 3 kids and he said he worries that young people today like the school kids in this film there are too worried about not giving up control that they're there they have they have great anxiety or they have to get good grades like good job if they don't get a good job to fall behind and so forth and so on so that they think they're really worried about taking the risk of giving up control as in the missing out so much in life by not giving up control and so being drunk in this film is more a metaphor for for giving up control and embracing the good in the bad the sort of the risky business of life itself where it's really notable. this film is coming
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out now when we're all trying to control ourselves so much with the pandemic and doing things right yeah it's actually i think it's really really interesting is right now we are so cold we have to be you know we you know can't can barely go out if we go you have to wear a mask we have to keep distance we're under so much control right now and so i seen this movie really shows us what we're missing and i think all of us you know when this pandemic ends we just want to be able to do this again to you know embrace life to get it and give up control with with or without alcohol but until then we do have this movie ok so this movie a time for losing control when we can't lose control scott roxboro thanks so much and that's almost it for this edition of arts and culture and i will leave you now though with the latest work by italian artist and former farmer daddio gumby in or used his tractor to plow a portrait of composer need to open or in 250 years ago this month thanks for watching.
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family telecast. it was the century for the centric monarch. this was a tragic. one chance to sequence the cast starts to seem a chance to cut up. w.'s crime fighters are back to africa's most successful in radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable truckle production. all of a sow's are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's
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facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now. get. good. candidates because you know for years and. in those polls smol over. as low as lows. it's no use in the love of a horrible with. doesn't know your kids read a book or. a chance.
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or good story. are killers. you. know. this is it every news life or role in a landmark moment britain rolls out the biggest nationwide vaccine program in its history a 90 year old woman got the 1st dose but the vaccine switzer approval by a british regulators as some people has a test the next challenge will be ensuring kids we choose those who need it the most also coming up still no greg says breakthrough e.u.
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chief result andrea lyon invites british prime minister george johnson to brussels for a last ditch breaks it talks of both sides admit it could soon be.


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