tv FrauTV Deutsche Welle December 9, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm CET
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respects. this is g.w. newsline from from berlin deal or no deal that is the question of britain and the european union struggle to put together a post trade agreement it's time running out british prime minister boris johnson has flown to brussels for a face to face with the european commission president of the fundamental human how big are the barriers to a breakthrough also coming up tonight a passionate pandemic plein german chancellor angela merkel warns her country is
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losing its fight against the coronavirus the public she says has a choice except tougher restrictions for war logs will be lost and a dire warning about extreme climate change the year when says we are failing to cut greenhouse gas emissions but it's not too late to turn things around we'll find out pal. and bangladesh begins resettling thousands of earth into refugees on a remote island. the move has human rights groups concerned. i'm brink off to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin with a last minute face to face attempt to strike a deal british prime minister boris johnson and european commission president are slow. underlying are set to hold talks and aimed at hammering out
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a post breaks it trade deal and johnson left downing street earlier on wednesday afternoon to fly to brussels for the meeting several sticking points have kept the u.k. and the e.u. from hashing out a trade deal which they hope to do before the end of the year deadline after a phone call between sunday lion and johnson earlier this week failed to offer a breakthrough there's hope that an in person meeting will maybe get better results . earlier in the day boris johnson told the british parliament that he thinks there is quote a good deal still there to be done however the prime minister went on to say that he would not accept an agreement at any costs take a listen to what he said i must tell the house that offering our current offerings in the e.u. a currency insisting that if they pass a new rule in the future. with which we in this country do don't compile dilute
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followed suit then they will be automatic right to speak to punish us and to retaliate and secondly they're saying that the u.k. should be the only country in the world not to have sold control of its fishing waters and i don't believe it's because if there is a terms that any prime minister of this country should ask for is just in there let's go to barbara visa she's in brussels she's standing in front of the e.u. commission's building where the dinner between ursula funda and inboards johnson is taking place good evening to you barbara we just heard a rather combative for boris johnson in the house of commons speaking of terms dictated by the e.u. that no british prime minister should accept i mean that statement clearly designed for his home audience does this dinner with ursula fund a lie and does it fall into the same category. supposedly
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not because it would be a bit let's say unusual or maybe even a bit silly to play this sort of public performance again for the commission president the 2 of them are now sitting up there for war journalists have decided to call the last supper that is the last attempt the last throw of the dice across the dinner table to get this thing over the line to push it and shove it maybe so in the end there might yet be a deal so of course all sort of underlined there and she resides in the very top of floor here and she has a president's dining room there and it is also not dinner for why did this dinner fall fall because the to lead negotiators michel barnier and david frost will be in the room and will be eating was the others too so nobody is strays from the past of virtue and makes any cause concessions that sort of are not in the playbook it is
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going to be a difficult and awkward conversation and the point is that the 2 side sides have been rating each other for weeks now and with the one side telling the other you have to give in and yes who is going to do that who is going to blink 1st it's not very likely that something positive and something big will emerge here tonight we know the european union chief negotiator. has spoken of a very slim chance of reaching a deal is that what the mood is like there in brussels. pretty much so if you listen to diplomats here speaking off the record during the afternoon it was like inside and covered me that the irish foreign minister he was speaking openly and he said that don't get your hopes up now the e.u. diplomat just said an hour ago that what it takes. to save this to sort of get to
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a breakthrough a political solution between the 2 now eating up there it would take a miracle now miracles happen around christmas but still he was ready to light a candle in order to sort of speed the process up seriously the problem here brant is that the 2 sides have diag on the very principles of breaks it the british side says this is all about our sovereignty the us says side says ok we are also sovereign but this is about our single market if you want axis you have to play according to rules and if they can somehow bridge this divide nothing will happen this thing might very well go wrong in the end. stand by the dinner between the leaders of the e.u. and the u.k. is not the only top story in brussels today the 27 e.u. states are discussing the standoff over the 1.8 trillion euro e.u.
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budget hole that it hungary have vetoed the entire budget. it was them against the rest of the e.u. . polish prime minister matteo small have yes he and his home garion counterpart viktor all bought. both opposed to clause linking the release of e.u. funds to the rule of law and we made bush one yet we say are a sounding really got to all the mechanisms that punish us here like naughty children which treaty hold in another member states and european union with an equally and that there is wrong go through when you want to pay for a power move that put a lot at stake specifically the carefully crafted 1.8 trillion europe package on the blocks future fine insists that includes a trillion euro e.u. budget for the next 7 years and a 750000000000 euro rescue fund to boost ailing european economies something vital for member states hit hardest by the pandemic like italy. hungary and poland have
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repeatedly been called out for rolling back democratic freedoms that had vowed to veto the entire budget a crucial test for the e.u. who does what we must be determined very vigilant very committed but now it looks like a last ditch attempt by the german chancellor to resolve the issue has succeeded just in time for the new budget to kick in from next year with the current of our spend and make far from over. and barbara is that the case i mean are we are we close to a deal or what's holding us back. we're not we're close but we're not there yet because the other 25 member states are no mulling over what market has put on their desks this very afternoon and ambassadors here in brussels so we're sort of moving the heads and saying we cannot decide this we don't even want to talk about this it's in the capitals that they will have to figure out whether they like it there's
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some countries who have really hard on this new rule of law making is in the netherlands are one of them for instance and other scandinavian countries and they say if they now poland and hungary a get get away was this sort of get out of jail card this is something that we might not like so there is going to be more talk it's not that easy poland hungary have really gone out on a limb and say they are ready to come down but the others have to consent that the compromise compromise is palatable to them and in the end there will be something to hold them account to account if they continue breaking the rule of law if the european union. in brussels barbara as always thank you german chancellor angela merkel she is no for being called under pressure a cerebral crisis manager today we saw another rare of signs of marital chancellery
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delivered an impassioned plea for tougher restrictions to bring down the country's high coronavirus numbers the. death toll has a record daily high on tuesday of 590 where than 20000 new infections were reported here is a very worried and moved speaking today before parliament. uncle americal has spoken in parliament on countless occasions but this time was different she framed the decisions now facing germany as a matter of life and death in one of the most impassioned speeches of her life there are 14 days to go on to christmas 14 days we have to give our all to ensure that we don't end up back in exponential growth if we have too much contact with others before christmas and then he turns out to be divinely last christmas with our grandparents then disk will be a terrible failure to. miracles message it's time to act
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shops are still open and even some traditional christmas stands are serving mulled wine out on the streets merkel says this has to change. the heart does just as hard as disease i know how much love gets poured into those christmas stands and i'm sorry from the bottom of my heart but if we have to pay the price of 590 people dying every day that's just not acceptable in my eyes and we must take action and accept i was made of this desert and this is a. miracle also condemned the protest movements casting doubt on the science behind the so-called lockdown light currently in place she made one usually personal reference to her background as a scientist and her earlier years living under a regime with no respect for the truth to that university needs gemini i decided to study physics i probably would not have done that if i had lived in the west i did it because i realized that many things could be undermined but not gravity or to
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speed of light other scientific. theories for a miracle the facts are clear a tighter lockdown is needed right now her next challenge is to persuade not only parliament but also the german people and the all important leaders of each german state without their consent tougher actions won't be possible but if today's speech is anything to go by merkel is ready to put all her political power on the line. but he is not alone here turkey has reported more than 33 cells and told that 1000 cases in the past 24 hours that is one of the highest daily counts in the world after months of pressure by health experts and opposition politicians the turkish government has changed the way that it reports coronavirus cases and it has confirmed the worst of our correspondent yulia haw filed this report. recently
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also that it was celebrating her birthday she turns a today for 2 biggest wishes harry potter cake and meeting her best friends. the latter is more difficult to organize since try to coronavirus measures have come into force in turkey young people under the age of 20 are only allowed to leave their homes for 3 hours a day. i know that like i used to be able to go outside whenever i wanted it that was much better but i also miss school now everything is done why assume and it's so annoying they are ok let me give you a good theater says mothers trying to organize life as best as she can between work and curfew she's often surprised how quickly the children have adapted to the difficult situation. to declare muskerry or you don't know the kids where their
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masks without complaining even when they're playing they got used to it yet only when we look at old photos of the do we notice that in the last war and always battling the figure make me believe you're going to get all the. curfews for children are not the only new anti coronavirus rule in tokyo those older than 65 can also only go outside at certain times public transportation is forbidden for young and old people and on weekends everyone with few exceptions has to stay. it looks pretty bleak these days in istanbul's usually very busy neighborhoods restaurants bars many shops closed. until recently the turkish government only publish the number of calls at 19 patients showing clear symptoms and that's why many people here thought turkey was surviving the crisis relatively well but now the authorities have started to release data on the number of all new infections
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every day and many are realizing turkey is one of the worst affected countries in the world. the government now reports about $30000.00 new infections per day. a ridiculous many of us are angry about how the government is managing the crisis but there's nothing we can do. the government is concerned with its reputation they want to look good that is why there is no transparency almost publishing them it's about they should have informed people much better right from the beginning then everyone would have known what to expect and how to act if you could read it. and are clear in their deals with many covered 19 patients he's a family doctor and belongs to the turkish medical association he says the authorities are still hiding the true extent of the crisis.
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we still have a lot more cases than the government says according to our estimates we have about 50260000 new infections per day our doctors and hospitals are at the absolute limit we have to urgently take radical countermeasures. illust things the current restrictions are already plenty tough policies over the kids have to go back inside next year she hopes for a birthday without the coronavirus. president 76 year old nona who has won a 2nd term in office the country's electoral commission says. one over 51 percent of the national vote that figure puts the incumbent ahead of his predecessor and old rival john muhammad while the vote was largely peaceful police said at least 5 people were killed in the election related violence moring what
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observers said was they will organize. are going to bring in now. our correspondent in the capital of gone then it's good to see you are the incumbent president gets reelected but it was a really close result wasn't. it was really close it was fast asleep between the 2 leading kind. of cars they incumbent president to manage us we're not getting to the result that way dk by the electoral commission chaired by it was really close and you could see that it's really in their results for the parliamentary seats where we see at honk parliament which will mean that they can come bank president will have to really wait closely with the opposition a few ones too as acute some of his policies in
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a 2nd tenure i mean this means continuity for the country but what does it mean beyond that is forgotten. what a comeback dick president-elect has already spoken about and in and you 19 the country to forge ahead because the result shows that a country is really divided even though we not in he mean he needs to bring the country together and also to size and show that be able to work together cost us a government and also i was people who i knew it was fishing to move the country forward so yes he said continuity by you has to do a lot to united a country moving forward all right our correspondent. in. with news of the reelection of the incumbent there as you thank you. thank you in bangladesh the government has transformed the 1st room hinge of refugees
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from their long time camp that conks is bizarre to a new island location it was a unilateral decision made without the cooperation of the u.n. refugee agency and it has been criticized by human rights groups. the world's largest refugee settlement. for the rohingya who live here bangladeshis decision to relocate 100000 of them to beslan cha only adds to their uncertain fates. for some it's a chance to escape the squalor of the camp. the person in charge here told me we'd have a room on the art and lucky's office that's why i agreed to move there. and the. others have doubts over starting a new on a place known as the floating island i don't up with anything we came here after so much torture in myanmar even if we're shot 2000 times we won't go to beslan child.
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we feel safe here in the camp we don't want to go to beslan charge. more than 1000000 refugees a squeeze on to 26 square kilometers near the bangladesh myanmar border. the bangladeshi government says its relocation plan will ease the pressure on the crowded camp. according to the country's foreign minister a.k. abdul moment ranger if you g.'s won't be taking the best sunshine forcibly only those who are willing to go will be going there voluntarily. but some refugees say they're being given no choice. no we did it 1st my father was arrested by the police they beat him badly he was put in a dark cell for a day and a night and they asked him to choose between death or going to best and sharia.
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that's when my father agreed to go down even though not yet or an. international rights groups have also published evidence of forceful relocation. we are concerned that you know we want island which is off limits to everyone including the journalists and the rights groups it poses serious concerns about human rights monitoring and for that to be overcome i think the court issued. create that framework they should be sure that the refugees able to take free enterprise informed consent they would give those be able to take voluntary decisions to be able to get. a 1st group of 1600 refugees were taking bets on child last week the island is 34 kilometers from the mainland in the by have been goal
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formed by silt less than 20 years ago bangladesh has built flood protection barrier is barracks hospitals and mosques. but international aid agencies fia a big storm could endanger thousands of lives. on the un which was excluded from the relocation process once more consultation and access the un high commission of refugees from grandy said he's concerned by reports of ranger if he g.'s being moved to beslan cha he wants access to see conditions on the on himself and the transfer he said must follow a voluntary informed decision. granger refugees are urging dhaka and the un to focus on repatriation rather than relocation they still want to return to myanmar but only if the muslim majority rohingya a recognised as citizens of the united nations says a brief dip in carbon emissions during the coronavirus pandemic has not been enough
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to impact the rate of global warming the latest report from the un's environment programme found that the world is on track to heat up by 3 degrees celsius by the end of this century now that's a whole degree more than was pledged under the paris climate accord but researchers say there is one thing that could turn things around a commitment to a green recovery from the pandemic. my colleague environment reporter your own john he joins us now on the question what would a green from this pandemic look like so it's hard to imagine now as the report says that wealthy to shave off 25 percent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 with a green recovery dimension is now one of this memo normally when we were covered when governments recover from a crisis like
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a pandemic like curren by that because they pump money into the economy to get a kick start if this investment i mean to meet the climate targets they would need to invest this in green jobs and infrastructure this would include everything from building wind turbines solar panels true things like reforesting degraded areas that need some of these solutions on a new atoll things like that but scientists have been saying for a long time to stop subsidizing fossil fuel companies as a way of bringing our emissions down to a level where we can actually achieve a climate target the problem with this isn't really happening and it's not happening and it's not happening after we have spent almost a year staying at home changing our behavior doing less so after a year of doing less doesn't even actually matter if we if i change my behavior. it's a good question and i think the key thing have to put it in context so often this
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entire year where flights were grounded the skies were clear areas where i didn't eat people were buying less and so the global economy slowed up all of that according to the made un report because emissions to dip by about 7 percent. compared to last year that now that's completely not enough to actually really achieve the kind of the scale of the emissions reduction is needed to achieve top climate targets and what this report really stresses is that systemic change and behavioral change they describe as 2 sides of the same coin so that means if viewers are watching this show on t.v. is that a pop by the christian from princeton was it people like you taking goods without realizing that the meat of it actually able to keep our station in the rain pressed on the other side of the well one of the thing to think what governments can step in and help people make the correct choices that the client and i now wonder yet how quickly does all of this need jayne's we know for our viewers watching on
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t.v.'s that president elect joe biden says that the u.s. will rejoin the pirs climate accord to me that's good news but is it enough to really make an impact. so a lot of governments have put in pledges of the last couple of months that really raise the ambition of what they're trying to achieve by getting emissions down to net 0 by nobody by the middle of the century but to grilli be enough i mean i think people 1st need to really understand what climate change is scientists often compare it to rip off and events like the current advise and demick just tightening the tough of all the emissions that flooding out but to actually get to and then 0 to actually achieve a temperature targets that requires turning the top off and the late governments leave it to act on climate change the more they can have to clean up when things get loaded as this report shows we're on track to that's right the more we procrastinate the harder it will be just finally take action and he runs and from the environment desk thank you and you can check out more of an analysis on our
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was. fantasy. sooner one of trans. secret accounts starts december 25th. 2 w.'s talk show. strong opinions clear positions from international perspective. every week we get to the point on a current topic. open controversial come it is right. to point. out on. friday and i'm game did you know that 17 trillion them down and killed worldwide
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sure something we can include but it's not just the animals at all suffering it's the environment we went on a journey to find ways out of the machine if you want to know how one cliff to the priest i'm hopeless changed as many things as listen to our podcast on the screen. for months we reported on germany as a role model for how to keep the pandemic under control tonight germany is in crisis the corona virus is spreading almost out of control 6 weeks of a partial lockdown and still covert 19 deaths are at an all time high today german chancellor angela merkel put it bluntly is up to us either we protect the ones we love or we don't either we ensure that our grandparents lived to see another
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