tv Die Anstalt Deutsche Welle December 9, 2020 9:30pm-10:30pm CET
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so that we can get into that but it's not just the animals of all suffering it's the environment we went on a journey to find ways out of the machine if you want to know how one click to the priest i'm a hunch was strange stuff doesn't need to he says listen to our podcast on the plane lands. for months we reported on germany as a role model for how to keep the pandemic under control tonight germany is in crisis the corona virus is spreading almost out of control 6 weeks of a partial lockdown and still covert 19 deaths are at an all time high today german chancellor angela merkel put it bluntly is up to us either we protect the ones we love or we don't either we ensure that our grandparents lived to see another christmas or this christmas may be their last golf in berlin this is the day.
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see them to be on a distance of perhaps the decisive face of fighting the pandemic and one side of the number of people requiring intensive medical treatment and the number of people dying from the fires is growing. and the conclusion is simply that the number of contacts is too high and. the to be good but if we have to pay the price at $590.00 people dying every day that's just not acceptable in my eyes and we must take action. against the terrorists. also coming up the truth about turkey and the pandemic in a major switch the government is now reporting all positive coronavirus to us and
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the numbers there confirming the worst fears but now the authorities have stopped it's already staked out on the number of all new insights and every day and many are realizing turkey is one of the worst affected countries in the world. as you our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all of our viewers around the world welcomes we begin the day with emotional. heartfelt viola from a leader known more for her rational cerebral state of mind today german chancellor angela merkel stood before parliament and made an impassioned plea to the nation to finally go all the way with a walk down a 6 week partial lockdown has not worked on tuesday germany's daily death toll from covert 19 hit a record high 598 there were 20000 new infections reported yesterday now there will most likely be no easing of restrictions over christmas as have been
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planned for the chancellor the aim can no longer partly be about saving christmas it is now all about saving lives and hoping that everyone will make it to the next christmas uncle americal has spoken in parliament on countless occasions but this time was different she framed the decisions now facing germany as a matter of life and death in one of the most impassioned speeches of her life there are 14 days to go on to christmas 14 days we have to give a role to ensure that we don't end up back in exponential growth if we have too much contact with others before christmas and then it turns out to be to very last christmas without grandparents and this will be a terrible failure. medical's message it's time to act shops are still open and even some traditional christmas stands a serving mulled wine out on the streets medical says this has to change. well so
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how does how does this see i know how much love gets poured into those christmas stands and i'm sorry from the bottom of my heart but if we have to pay the price so 509000 people dying every day that's just not acceptable in my eyes and we must take action and. accept our best player has decided this is a. battle also condemned the protest movements casting doubt on the science behind this so-called lock down light currently in place she made an unusually personal reference to her background as a scientist and her earlier years living under a regime with no respect for the truth thank you very much university nice gemini i decided to study physics i probably would not have done that if i had lived in the west i did it because i realized that many things could be undermined but not gravity or to speed of light and other scientific thank you thank you for medical the facts are clear
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a tighter lockdown is needed right now her next challenge is to persuade not only parliament but also the german people and the only important leaders of each german state without their consent tougher actions won't be possible but if today's speech is anything to go by merkel is ready to put all her political power on the line. my 1st guest tonight is helga live a member of the german parliament he also sits on the committee for interior your fears and homeland security mr linden's good to have you on the day with us this evening you are a key advocate of legislation designed to promote and strengthen democracy here in germany why does the country need a law to do that well i think. intense crisis of democracy it's not a fundamental crisis but we have a lot of enemies strong anime's during the corona pandemic and also
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there's the structural problem of racism an extremism from the right wing partially from the left and islamism jedis been so we have a multidimensional at tack on democracy and we have not only to defend democracy but to promote democracy and to to strengthen the people fighting for democratic measures you see that democracy is under attack in germany what about the country's democratic institutions its checks and balances do you think that they're too weak or can they not resist these attacks i think it's good that they are not too strong to be honest because it's the quality of our democracy that its own orrible its its quality but we
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know that. we were not strong enough we were not a really well fortified state against extremism especially extremism from the right wing and so we have to find ways to reload to make the upload of democracy but not to ground but to regain the democratic ground talk to me a little bit. about the effects of this endemic defect that they've had. on democracy in germany you know people watching us around the world they've all been through this pandemic what has happened here in derby that has made democracy weaker. i think we have to accept the doubt many people not the majority maybe 20 percent of the german
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population who are critical about the corona covert 900 strategy of our government and of all parliament and they have the right to be critical and they are not extremists they are not enemies of the democracy because of being critical and we have to defer them from the real enemies and from the people from the quick danke us from the people from right in parties who want to instrument tyler these feel this. essential problems of our economy of people having fear being an angel to use them and they are free to weaken our democracies so we have to be smart and we have to be rational and i'll answer is that your biggest fear that the groups are going to take the fear and the insecurity that people feel with this
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pandemic and use it to chip away their trust in democracy in the government and to tear it down. yeah i think it's exactly the problem we have we we deviate the people to rely on democracy and that we need population supporting our government and having the feeling that we are willing to discuss about strategies and we see that some of the old school conspiracy theorists. thinkers of conspiracy myths they take this chance and they want to use this climate for their negative ideas for their extremist targets and what about support for this legislation that you're backing to protect democracy how much support or are you sensing who are.
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well it's one method one measure is to explain explain even better our decisions about corona and our limitations even infringement of fundamental rights we have to see at the moment we are while eating fundamental rights and the people are allowed to be critical on the other hand we we need to support projects n.g.o.s fighting for democracy fighting against new nazis fighting against right wing populists and they need our support and they need legislation once the vaccine has been given to everyone in the country and that once the pandemic has subsided. what do you think will happen to all of these extremists you know these conspiracy theorists will they will they simply go away then. no i think
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they are there's a certain amount of traditional conspiracy myth and they just kind of weeded out at state at the very moment and they will find new topics fold their targets. once upon a time it was the migration crisis now it's corona owned a veil find new topics so it's not corona it's just reinforcing these. structural problem of racism and extremism in germany mr helgeland member of the german parliament and also sits on the committee for interior affairs and homeland security is through and we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you we're here in germany the coronavirus crisis has given fresh impetus to many groups who were already as we heard skeptical of the state and the role that he plays in their lives many of them have
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been turning out at protests like the one you see behind me with no mask no social distancing the umbrella movement which is called clear dinka attracts many from the far right so much so that it is now being observed by germany's domestic security agency. freedom instead of corona virus that's a wish that millions of people would probably sign up to in this pandemic but most don't share the rejection of politicians and firearm legis that germany's fandango movement does the word means someone who thinks outside of the box in this case the box they're protesting is germany's state ordered coronavirus restrictions. than dangers are on my hard to hear but a very loud one a swiss study found that they were mostly supporters of the greens or the post communist left party or the far right call turn it of for germany.
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coronavirus deniers concerning middle class families followers of conspiracy theories anti facts or occultists peace activists they all demonstrate alongside the far right neo nazis and so-called citizens of the right to reject the modern germany and its constitution and it is from this corner analysts fear that the entire crowd danka movement is being radicalized more and more from the right. it began under the name fat dank and 711 and stuttgart in april founder michelle bond that never tires of distancing the movement from the far right saying this is all about defending important aspects of democracy like the right to demonstrate yet recently he met a leading light of the citizens of the movement pay to fit 2nd a man who has declared himself the king of germany the office for the protection of the constitution in a region where caddick and $711.00 began thinks the degree of radicalization is
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enough to put the group under observation so soon there may be some moles from the local secret service alongside the rest of the fandango. and now for the truth about turkey and the pandemic the country has reported more than $33000.00 cases in the past 24 hours the. it's the highest since the start of the pandemic after months of pressure by health experts and opposition politicians the turkish government has finally changed the way the decals corona virus infections now that's brought to light a much worse situation than previously thought our correspondent julia this report recommitted all of us are that either is celebrating her birthday she turns a 2 day or 2 biggest wishes harry potter cake and meeting her best friends.
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the latter is more difficult to organize since trick to coronavirus measures have come into force in turkey young people under the age of 20 are only allowed to leave their homes for 3 hours a day. i know that like i used to be able to go outside whenever i wanted it that was much better but i also miss school now everything is done why assume and it's so annoying. ok let me get to the other says mothers trying to organize life as best as she can between work and curfew she's often surprised how quickly the children have adapted to the difficult situation. to declare musky you know you don't know the kids where their math without complaining even when they're playing they got used to it only when we look at old photos of the do we notice that a mass weren't always that the government can be then you're going to get all the. curfews for children are not the only new anti coronavirus rule in tokyo those
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older than 65 can also only go outside at certain times public transportation is forbidden for young and old people and on weekends everyone with few exceptions has to stay at home. it looks pretty bleak these days in istanbul's usually. very busy neighborhoods restaurants bars many shops closed. until recently the turkish government only publish the number of call that 19 patients showing clear symptoms and that's why many people here thought turkey was surviving the crisis relatively well but now the authorities have started to release data on the number of all new infections every day and many are realizing turkey is one of the worst affected countries in the world. but the government now reports about $30000.00 new infections per day. many of us are angry about how the government is
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managing the crisis but there's nothing we can do. the government is concerned with its reputation they want to look good that is why there is no transparency almost publishing the need to but they should have informed people much better right from the beginning then everyone would have known what to expect and how to act if you could read it. and record in their deals with many covered 19 patients he's a family doctor and belongs to the turkish medical association he says the authorities are still hiding the true extent of the crisis. we still have a lot more cases then the government says according to our estimates we have about 50260000 new infections per day while our doctors and hospitals are at the absolute limit we have to urgently take radical countermeasures.
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illust things the current restrictions are already plenty tough parties over the kids have to go back inside next year she hopes for a birthday with out the coronavirus. well there. could be trouble between germany and the united states in the pipeline yet again the u.s. house of representatives on tuesday approved a pentagon budget bill that also expands sanctions against companies building the german russian nord stream to pipeline and the bill passed with an overwhelming majority of both democrats and republicans far exceeding the 2 thirds supermajority they have would be needed to override a presidential veto the bill must now go to the u.s. senate where it is expected to easily panels. u.s. opposition to the pipeline it goes back to president obama's 2nd term president
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trump surprisingly agreed with this foreign policy position that he inherited from the obama administration now work on the pipeline stopped a year ago under pressure from the u.s. but it's due to restart any day now germany has rejected u.s. calls for a stop just as it has rejected any notion of sanctions yet is can't you know what our position is on north stream 2 and possible sanctions that we reject them because we do not consider extraterritorial sanctions to be compatible with international law. and is made in fact at this time this is not changed and. my next guest says that russia is trying to sell nord stream to you as a done deal which it is not i'm happy to welcome benjamin schmidt says the show served at the u.s. state department as a european energy security advisor he's now a research fellow at harvard university benjamin it's good to have you back on the
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program before we talk about what's happening in washington and in congress tell me what you mean about russia trying to convince the world that there is no stopping of nord stream to. hi brant it's always a pleasure to be on voice of ela great to be back let's start with the situation at hand right now today i just wrote a piece for the center for european policy analysis in washington this morning and i'm looking at the situation as gas problem reprising it's december 21000 disinfo playbook in order to make nordstrom to look unstoppable with the intent of dissuading passage of these targeted congressional sanctions after all if the project can't be stopped why even bother passing them well that's not true we've seen gas prominent allies over the past few weeks state in the media that the project is moving along a pace companies are fully committed in spite of sanctions but just 24 hours after
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some of those headlines came out the biggest certifier for the pipeline d.m.v. g.-l. a meter. technical provider that would be needed for this project to be completed left the project and this was followed by an announcement last week that project construction would start in german waters on december 5th last saturday but there's a little detail there this is only 2.6 kilometers of the pipeline and it's at a shallow depth that's not even targeted by the n.b.a. sanctions so with all of that russian vessels including fortuna an academic charity which have been reported on have headed back to at least in terms of the charity to kaliningrad in russia so why are you saying then that that's all propaganda that it's not true that construction is restarting. well one of the biggest stories was that the charity the economic church he would be the main pipe player and that nestle never even made it to german waters it sat in the polish exclusive economic zone over the weekend well a lot of media reported on this and then it headed back to russia just just
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yesterday now the fortuna is making some motion this morning in the. outside of the port of the smart germany but it hasn't really started this this pipe playing that was supposed to start several days ago now and we ask about the u.s. opposition to this project we know we dates back to the obama administration then vice president joe biden he was vocal with his opposition he is now about to become president congress stands with him do you think all of this this monolith of opposition is it going to be enough to ensure that this pipeline never goes online . i think it is i mean i think this project my colleague tom o'donnell spoke on your own news this week and said the project was dead i think it's close to death to be honest if these pass and they look like they will but you know let's let's just step back for a 2nd let's be thankful for the opportunity that the end of the trump administration has provided to improve trans-atlantic pi's especially with berlin i
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have no doubt that the biden team will be committed on this front both biden and congress have been spoken i've spoken out against from spurious trade disputes and threats of pulling troops out of germany in particular but this is separate this is about energy influence projection from authoritarian nations we look at this from a trans-atlantic security standpoint that russia and china are using technology in large scale critical infrastructure to do things like elite capture we see gerhard schroeder working for this in germany we see a number of other nations working on you know this sort of front so we need to stop this repeated corruption what role does the change at the white house play here or will it be easier or more difficult for a german chancellor angela merkel to tell a president job i know she knows she's not running for reelection next year and she has nothing to lose here and you know you and i have talked about this before she has tried to separate nord stream to business from geopolitics.
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well unfortunately the russians haven't haven't separated their state owned enterprise projects like nordstrom from their own geopolitics when you and i last talked it was in the wake of the nerve only poisoning in the position of berlin of the government was to to back off of this project should russia not come through and actually help on that well they certainly did not but yet we're having this conversation just a few weeks later so i really think that it is possible that that merkel will make this sort of pitch but i think there are bigger things that need to be fixed in the transatlantic relationship that will be easier certainly under the bided in a situation. we've got a minute this pipeline we know that it bypasses ukraine. if you were to take ukraine out of the equation here european economies also are turning to renewable energies put if you put that together this pipeline that really does seem to be that needed it's not as threatening as it may be it would
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have seemed 5 or even 10 years ago do you do you agree with that. i think it's not needed because it's not aimed at bringing new gas to germany or points west only 9900000000 cubic meters of that 55000000000 cubic meter project are built to do that so it's not about this energy then transition to renewables that some project supporters are trying to say this is a massive hydrocarbon and it's something that. the. environmental n.g.o.s spoken out against at length it specially in the past few few weeks so this is something where we see upstream in the russian federation european space agency satellites seeing methane plumes from the the upstream in the midstream pipelines that feed. into so this is really not about you know climate change addressing climate change and so that it's unfortunate we're out of time always good to talk with you. this
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story will have some longer legs on it than we thought originally and come back and talk with us again good seeing you sound good any time think some of. the things almost on the conversation continues online every member no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see the never.
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. in the army of climate change. the to a radius of. a mock. up seems to be. the be going to use to they have all their future. cut. deep w. dot com. for comic asserting his filmmaking to get a. clear cut answer. from ghetto to parliament. every man god knows probably why i thought. despite coming from a poor family the pop star wants to become president. and can jesus god doesn't meet. our needs to. become credible story of bobby white. 50. stores december 10th on the w. .
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this is g w news live from berlin deal or no deal that is the question britain and the european union struggling to put together a post right sit trade agreement with time running out british prime minister boris johnson has flown to brussels for a face to face with the european commission president 1st live on the island how big are the barriers to a breakthrough also coming up tonight a passionate and to make clean german chancellor angela merkel bourne's her country is losing its fight against the coronavirus the public she says has
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a choice except tougher restrictions or more lines will be lost. i'm wearing golf it's good to have you with us we begin with a last minute face to face attempt to strike a deal british prime minister boris johnson and european commission president find ally and are set to hold talks aimed at hammering out a post brights it trade deal johnson left downing street on wednesday afternoon to fly to brussels for the meeting several sticking points have kept the u.k. and the e.u. from hashing out a trade deal which they hope to do before the end of the year deadline after a phone call between funded lyon and johnson earlier this week failed to bring a breakthrough there's hope that an impersonal meeting will bring better. yes.
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earlier in the day boris johnson told the british parliament that he thinks there is quote a good deal still there to be done however the prime minister went on to say that he would not accept an agreement at any costs take a listen to what he said i must tell the house that offering our current offerings in the e.u. a currency insisting that if they process a new rule in the future. with which we in this country don't compile don't follow suit then they will be automatic right to speak to punish us and to retaliate and secondly they're saying that the u.k. should be the only country in the world not to have control of its fishing waters and i don't believe it's because the days are times that any prime minister of this country should ask for is just in there let's go to barbara visa she's in brussels she's standing in front of the e.u.
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commission's building where the dinner between ursula funded lion and boris johnson is taking place good evening to you barbara we just heard a rather combative for boris johnson in the house of commons speaking of terms dictated by the e.u. that no british prime minister should accept i mean that statement clearly designed for his home audience does this dinner with ursula fund a lie and does it fall into the same category. supposedly not because it would be a bit let's say unusual or maybe even a bit silly to play this sort of public performance again for the commission president the 2 of them are now sitting up there for war journalists have decided to call the last supper that is the last attempt the last throw of the dice across the dinner table to get this thing over the line to push it and shove it maybe so
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in the end there might yet be a deal so we of course also fun to live there and she resides in the very opposite floor here and she has a president's dining room there and it is also not dinner for why did this dinner fall because the 2 believe negotiators mischa barton yea and david frost will be in the room and will be eating was the others too so nobody is strays from the past of virtue and makes any cause concessions that sort of are not in the playbook it is going to be a difficult and awkward conversation and the point is that the 2 star sides f. in the rating each other for weeks now with the one side telling the other you have to give in and yes who is going to do that who is going to blink 1st it's not very likely that something positive and something big will emerge here tonight we know the european union chief negotiator. he has spoken of
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a very slim chance of reaching a deal is that what the mood is there in brussels. pretty much so if you listen to diplomats here speaking off the record during the afternoon it was like inside and covered me that the irish foreign minister he was speaking openly and he said that don't get your hopes up now the e.u. diplomat just said an hour ago that what it takes. to save this to sort of get to a breakthrough a political solution between the 2 now eating out there it would take a miracle now miracles happen around christmas but still he was ready to light a candle in order to sort of speed the process up seriously the problem here brant is that the 2 sides have dagg on the very principles of bricks it the british side says this is all about our sovereignty the u.s. says side says ok we are also sovereign but this is about our
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a single market if you want x. is you have to play according to rules and if they can somehow bridge this divide nothing will happen this thing might very well go wrong in the end. stand by the dinner between the leaders of the e.u. and the u.k. it's not the only top story in brussels today the 27 e.u. states are discussing the standoff over the 1.8 trillion. e.u. budget hole that in hungary have to veto the entire budget. it was them against the rest of the. polish prime minister yet he and his home garion counterpart the top bot. both opposed to clause linking the release of e.u. funds to the rule of law and we made washington yeah we say arrest sounding oh no they got to all the mechanisms that punish us just like naughty children is which treaty holding another member states of european union with an equally inept or
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a strong go through when you want to pay for. a power move that put a lot at stake specifically the carefully crafted 1.8 trillion europe package on the blocks future fine insists that includes a trillion euro e.u. budget for the next 70 years and they 750000000000 euro rescue fund to boost ailing european economies something vital for member states hit hardest by the pandemic in . hungary and poland have repeatedly been called out for rolling back democratic freedoms that had vowed to veto the entire budget a crucial test for the e.u. to do what we must be determined very vigilant very committed but now it looks like a last ditch attempt by the german chancellor to resolve the issue has succeeded just in time for the new budget to kick in from next year with the current of our spending make far from over. and barbara is that the case i mean are we are we
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close to a deal or what's holding us back. we're not we're close but we're not there yet because the other 25 member states are no mulling over what has put on their desks this very afternoon and ambassadors here in brussels so we're sort of moving the heads and saying we cannot decide this we don't even want to talk about this it's in the capitals that they will have to figure out whether they like it there's some countries who are really hard on this new rule of law making is in the netherlands are one of them for instance and other scandinavian countries and they say if they have now poland and hungary a get and get to wait was this sort of get out of jail card this is something that we might not like so there is going to be more talk it's not that easy poland hungary have really gone out on a limb and say they are ready to come down but the others have to consent that the conference compromise is palatable to them and in the end there will be something
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to hold them account to account if they continue breaking the rule of law of the european union. provisional the story for us tonight in brussels barbara as always thank you for here's a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world gone as electoral commission says president. has won a 2nd term in office officials say that he won over 51 percent of the vote putting him ahead of his predecessor and old rival john muhammad the result following contentious poll which led to widespread protests involving the ethiopian government has rejected calls for an independent investigation into the conflict and its growing region the un human rights chief has said the situation is worsening and volatile humanitarian workers say aid cannot reach the region and thousands of people have fled the fighting. officials in india are seeking the
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cause of a mystery illness that has hospitalized almost 600 people in this state of undress pradesh doctors have found traces of lead and nickel in blood samples of those of flint affected the authorities have ordered an inquiry into these source of the met it's. the united nations says that the earth is on course to warm by more than 3 degrees celsius by the end of the century after greenhouse emissions reached a new high last year the united nations says the impact of this year's dip in pollution due to the pandemic will only be negligible without a comprehensive and rapid shift away from fossil fuels us. german chancellor angela merkel is known for being calm under pressure a cerebral crisis manager today we saw another rare side of america the chancellor delivered an impassioned plea for tougher restrictions to bring down the
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country's high coronavirus numbers the cove of 19 death toll hit a record daily high on tuesday of 590 more than 20000 new infections were recorded here is a very worried and move speaking in parliament earlier today. uncle americal has spoken in parliament on countless occasions but this time was different she framed the decisions now facing germany as a matter of life and death in one of the most impassioned speeches of her life there are 14 days to go on to christmas 14 days we have to give all to ensure that we don't end up back in exponential growth if we have too much contact with others before christmas and then it turns out to be divinely last christmas with our grandparents then dis will be a terrible failure to. miracles message it's time to act shops are still open and even some traditional christmas stands are serving mulled
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wine out on the streets merkel says this has to change. well so how does because i ask how does this see i know how much love gets poured into those christmas stands and i'm sorry from the bottom of my heart but if we have to pay the price of 590 people dying every day that's just not acceptable in my eyes and we must take ox and accept audibles by don't just decide to listen to. medical also condemned the protest movements casting doubt on the science behind the so-called lock down light currently in place she made an unusually personal reference to her background as a scientist and her early years living under a regime with no respect for the truth that occurred at that university nice gemini i decided to study physics i probably would not have done that if i had lived in the west i did it because i realized that many things could be undermined but not
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gravity or to speed of light and other scientific thank you thank you for medical the facts are clear a title locked down is needed right now her next challenge is to persuade not only parliament but also the german people and the only important leaders of each german state without their consent tougher actions won't be possible but if today's speech is anything to go by merkel is ready to put all have political power on the line if . force is now in champions league soccer recent jim on both europe and the match officials have made the statement against racism they all took a neat before the restart of their suspended match the game was halted a day earlier after allegations that a match a visual used a racial slur a new refereeing team was in place as fears g 151 thinks to a neymar hat trick they go through as group winners. be.
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their last 16 spot real madrid are meeting much and bloodbath now in another design. well here's a reminder of our top stories british prime minister boris johnson is in brussels for trade talks with the e.u. commission president ursula fund and other top officials they're trying to hammer out a deal to govern britain's trading relationship with the e.u. after breaks it but big barriers remain and in an emotional address to parliament german chancellor angela merkel has demanded tougher holiday measures as coronavirus cases fail to drop germany's death toll from govan 19 has hit a record daily high of 590 state leaders are considering a strict lockdown through the christmas holiday season. here's a quick reminder that you can always get the w. news only go just download our work out from google play or from the app store that
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will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and if you're part of a news story you can always use the app to send us photos and videos of what's happening. is up next with business stick around to be right back i'll see you tomorrow. in the far north. and the inhabitable world. it's lonely. barren. and breathtakingly beautiful. the arctic. to take a journey around the north pole meet profiteers and talk with people experiencing the changing environment. or the ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating
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our future depends on what happens here one of the most fragile ecosystems on earth . northern alliance. within the arctic circle storage december 21st. the us federal trade commission is suing facebook it says the social media giant has abused its dominance to snuff out competition action could force facebook to sell instagram and. the program time is running out to secure brecht's that deal by the end of the year but e.u. leaders are insisting an agreement. just. vaccinations against the coronavirus are underway the german companies keeping the doses safe at
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ultra low temperatures. this is due to. welcome to the program. the us government is suing facebook saying the company broke trust law the federal trade commission accuses the social network of using its dominant position to crush smaller competitors is calling for facebook to be forced to divest instagram whatsapp both of which if they were up and coming rivals coalition of states have also joined the trade commission's legal action. along this let's cross to our correspondent in new york. could we really see facebook being forced to get rid of instagram and what. well i mean 1st of all clearly not quite the holiday gift mark zuckerberg was hoping for then and 2012 when facebook bought instagram for 1000000000 dollars if you look what became of
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instagram that was quite a steal and then 2 years later facebook bought what's it for $19000000000.00 there's been quite a controversy why facebook was allowed in the 1st place to buy those 2 companies big ben under the obama administration but coming to your question facebook and mark zuckerberg clearly won't go without a fight if they might lose their might actually appeal and if you look on wall street well they seem to be quite relaxed when it comes to divesting those 2 companies facebook shares did drop by about 2 percent but overall the nastar called was it was also the down by about 2 percent if you look back at the history of the united states it doesn't really happen that often that a company gets broken apart but it did happen if you look at standard unoiled early in the 20th century or then also in the eighty's when actually. big ben almost had a monopoly on the telephone market and then eventually they got broken up into the
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so-called baby belt so it's not so there is a blair is a precedent that if i would have to bet i would say it's not that unlikely at the moment. thanks for joining us. now to some of the other business stories making the news says indoor dash have risen 8 percent after going public for the 1st time today a frenzy of interest means investors value the company as a total of 60 $1000000000.00 far more than expected is the largest business in the u.s. market. the u.k. says a 25 percent tariff against boeing when it leaves a transition period at the end of this year and moving the e.u. is part of. british efforts to press ahead with the u.s. trade deal. the boeing 737 max has officially returned to commercial service brazilian airline gold has become the 1st to use the model for one of its flights
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since the max was grounded for 20 months following 2 deadly crashes. of the u. says it's preparing what it calls very specific contingency plans for a no deal brecht seems to maintain connectivity in critical sectors u.k. prime minister bars johnson has travelled to brussels for talks with the commission president on the line with the aim of breaking the deadlock in the trade negotiations if no breakthrough is found the u.k. trade on the route to rio terms from january the 1st. but chancellor angela merkel has told german m.p.'s that the european union is willing to accept a no deal outcome if no agreement can be secured. is good enough if there's still remains the chance of a deal i don't think we will know by tomorrow whether we have succeeded or not that i can promise but we are working on it we are however prepared for a scenario in which we cannot accept the conditions if there are bridges conditions
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which we cannot accept then we will take the path of you know deal one thing is absolutely clear the integrity of the e.u. single market must be preserved and. let's bring in our reporter daniel wynter on this daniel how significant is what chancellor merkel saying that well it's all quite explosive it's more the drip drip drip of water torture in the u.k. government the pressure is building on them now to do something to change their stance but the thing is what i'm talking about is the so-called level playing field principle so what's stopping the u.k. just pouring its money into particular industry or company and then bouncing out the competition inside the e.u. taking advantage of that free market access all that's what the e.u. doesn't want and so the difficulty. though of course the e.u. is accustomed to pushing the go see asians too as of late as possible but british businesses are under pressure right now because they've only got 3 weeks to get everything together and they don't know what's happening here and this really can
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be coming it's a time could yet apart from all of this getting ready for brakes it british ports are suffering right now there's a huge bottleneck that at the moment now they're saying this is due to you know the coronavirus also the christmas rush but getting their customs checks into into order before the end of the transition period so the likes of honda in the u.k. say that they're pausing production because they can't get all of the parts that they need to carry out their business as normal and this is all due to these ports having difficulties right now but beyond that supermarkets like tesco let's say have said that prices will likely rise in the event of a no deal bricks and they already stockpiling along with many other british businesses so the pressure really is on right now yeah and just briefly if you can any closer to understanding what a no deal breck's is going to look like well it's going to be huge should be problematic and disruptive for all kinds of industries so we're going to see of course tariffs applied to a lot of things like foodstuffs which is why tester is going to have to increase
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its prices toyota the car company on top of hundreds well says that their factories will not be competitive if there is a no deal breck's it so of course it's going to change the business models change industries until a deal can be found so if a no deal breaks it happens then there is the weight is there going to be off of that any further negotiations or the continuation or is that going to be it is the u.k. going to be trading on w t o trade organization terms with all the tariffs that implies with its closest trading neighbor that would be shuji problematic for the british economy at a time when it needs to recover from the coronavirus crisis because i've been saying it for ages but the clock really is taking his i salute you into thanks for joining us for. now the 1st covered 19 vaccines have been greenlit for use and more approvals are likely on the way now distributors are in the spotlight they'll have to start moving drugs within hours of approval but some vaccines need
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to be transported and stored at extremely low temperatures 2 german companies are at the forefront of keeping them code safe and effective. would close like the if you could survive at the north pole but the man bracing himself for freezing temperatures is here in germany still it's as cold as the north pole here. the temperature in this container is an arctic minus 70 degree celsius. low temperatures like that are the specialty of the german company vacuum. founder and c.e.o. joachim kuhn builds thermal containers in boxes thanks to their special insulation these containers developed to preserve the newly developed covert 1000 rank scenes can't keep the maksim viable for 5 to 10 days when smaller containers and boxes work like giant thermos bottle is all we have vacuum super insulation in the walls
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then we'll use either a cold storage or a warm storage material inside with 5 to 10 days' time we can land anywhere in the world even at difficult destinations like in africa or latin america the line. coon guarantees that it will remain cold enough inside even if the container is sweltering outside under the african sun. a container like this one full of vaccine is definitely worth millions but if they transport the vaccine in its pure form yet well the value of one of these containers can go up to 100000000 will all contain up on get just a 90 minute drive away shot glass in minds is working at high speed aiming to get the vaccines around the world as fast as possible these glass vials can handle the extreme cold without a problem but years of experience are needed to produce them. this is
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a so-called silicate glass the glass has the special property that none of it defuses into the drug simply put the drug doesn't get contaminated by a comment. like that shot has $600.00 active production lines around the world the company is not expecting any production bottlenecks construction continues at the vacuum factory additional machinery will be arriving in a few weeks it's needed to produce smaller cooling boxes according to a recent study some 15000000 of them will be needed worldwide. finally christmas this year just won't be the same partly because the pandemic will frustrate families plans but also the toys this year a going to look a little different this toy store in madrid shows how companies are getting into the spirit of a viral holiday season there are several dolls incorporating the pandemic theme this year complete with face masks and for budding scientists there's even an
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antiviral that kids. now remind of our top story the u.s. government is suing facebook saying the company broke antitrust laws the federal trade commission accuses the social network of using his dominant position to crush smaller competitors and is calling for it to be forced to divest itself of whatsapp and instagram both of which is code. for me in the business team here in berlin to check out our website www dot com slash business.
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with him had a big gun because others were lying if i had known the boat would be that small i never would have gone on a trip i would not have put myself and my parents in the time dangerous part of the game with a little bit of it a flavor with. that one little bit of the even though i had serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there with that much we're going to. want to know their story in full migrates fair fight and reliable information for margaret's. closely. listening carefully. to soon be sure. to didn't. actually. discover who.
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subscribe to the documentary on you tube. this is state of the news africa coming up on the program if you are fires of the us. government insists they did not need it b.b. said in mileage in the humanitarian crisis in the region also coming up. defiance in the field so he cracked down on our planning demonstrations on terror state to demand better.
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