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tv   Fit gesund  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2020 4:03pm-4:29pm CET

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they i was speaking to the public was speaking to the press a number of media reports started appearing that so the day it was to be changed the health minister said he wasn't quite sure about those had no independent information for those then why the press conference was going on the day it was in fact confirmed and they thought even moved forward by 2 by by 2 extra days as you say so there seems to have been german pressure involved certainly but it's in fact the whole of the european union all 27 or 26 other countries who are waiting for this decision with bated breath so why has it taken the europeans a so long to get to this point britain and the united states have already begun actually vaccinating people. because both britain and the united states chose to do this on their own and to have a emergency approval of the vaccine in other words a speeded up process that that was something that germany decided not to do in fact
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every other european country could have done that but the other european countries decided that they were going to follow the normal procedure to do this together for 2 reasons the one reason the german health minister fit in for size today was to get as much approval in the public for this vaccine as possible as a result of a normal process of approval of the vaccine so that as many people as possible could be persuaded actually to be vaccinated that's clearly very important the other reason is that no country in on the european continent wanted to go to learn i think partly because of what happened early in the pandemic when locked on this happened country by country each country imposed its own rules and there was chaos within the european union this kind of chaos where wants to avoid well wants to move forward together and to overcome the spend make as a european union in union you know the delay at least gives german authorities time
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to be ready to start vaccinating us in a z e m a gives the green light how are those preparations coming along there they're basically complete at the vaccination centers all over germany these are large large centers in the soccer stadium or in. holes on fair grounds and the sort of trade fair grounds that sort of thing hundreds and thousands of people are going to be vaccinated very quickly test runs have been done and as the minister said everything's ready as soon as the vaccine arise the vaccination itself can start. talking to you thank you w politics correspondent. now let's get a view from brussels and speak to you to a power loss is a german member of the european parliament and the green party she sits on the parliament's committee on environment public health and food safety welcome to the view of the european medicines agency had does appear to have responded to german pressure by bringing this meeting forward to the 21st of december your thoughts on
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the. well actually i'm not sure whether it was german question which was the reason behind for what it off the meeting because actually what they put in their press release was that they had. some questions and they wanted more data and they received the data yesterday so what they did is ok now we have the data now we can scrutinize the data and have a decision early but unless you have to date or you cannot say when you will have the meeting on the end of your actions of course that might have played a role also because people are going to look at this and think well vaccinations have started in the u.k. they've started in the united states of people are dying or while these people whites to go to their meetings. what should they be doing what should they are you happy with the way that the a.m.a.
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has handled this. well actually i believe the crucial issue the next in the nation is not whether you have a stamp or off on your city ific it on the 21st or the 29th or even the 4th of december the crucial issue is how fast can you rollout the vaccine to your population how fast little you get the population vaccinated at the end of the day and how well you create sufficient trust in the population to actually achieve herd immunity by vaccination and therefore i think it was prudent by the e.m.e.a. to say we will have a public hearing on the 11th of december where are all questions can be addressed where independent scientists can come forward with their concerns and where the public can have their say and therefore we can create the trust which we need we are seeing now that the companies are saying well we do not know whether we can
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supply sufficient that x. in those us to x. in it of population very quickly so that might be another bottleneck which we don't see yet so i would not put so much pressure on a regulatory authorities who are really working day and night in the coke was in the committee last week assuring us that they are doing this but i would put pressure actually on our public health system to ensure that everyone who wants to be vaccinated can be vaccinated and that we have a. plan to ensure that the risk groups the elderly. the people with diseases are vaccinated as soon as possible good talking to thank you so much for joining us on your to palos from there your. thank you. during the 1st wave of the pandemic germany was praised for keeping infection numbers dramatically. from the start of the crisis the southern german city of
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tubing has stuck to a simple formula when it comes to protecting them are still vulnerable i with astonishing success has been to find out more just under 100 senior citizens live at this care home and to being in southern germany and they're all highly vulnerable to the coronavirus to keep infection out visitors including reporters like me must follow strict rules on hygiene and in recent weeks visitors have also been able to take advantage of a free on site coronavirus test especially trained cara takes the swap in just a few seconds. at the moment they carry out 30 to 40 tests a day but that number is growing a few minutes later you get the result and can go ahead with your visit. the town council pays for the testing programme and despite the overall increase no one was tested positive for weeks that's a big relief for the managers and residents alike. it
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means we can say that after a negative test visiting can go ahead. it's crucial for the wellbeing of the residents to keep up their social contacts we know that it could psychological stress on many of them when visiting had to stop earlier in the year. as a feeling. and it's not just in care homes but also in the rest of the town that extra measures are being taken to protect the elderly secular gated shopping times help senior citizens to avoid contact with others subsidized taxis and free masks are also available for those in high risk groups that's a deliberate strategy they may have came in for criticism at the start of the pandemic for speaking out in a way that many saw as a just the town has since spent how often 1000000 euros protecting its elderly people. as
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a mathematician i looked at the figures and even in april it was clear that people over 70 were most at risk of dying so we had to take action to protect them and that would also stop the intensive care units from becoming overloaded. the strategy seems to be working so far and older people say they appreciate this preferential treatment. i think you might need a movement of course everyone has to take responsibility for themselves but in general i think that the measures that have been taken absolutely right she hadn't fallen for good and. to my mind it's all being done very well i used the transport service when i need to. type it is in my spirit and i'm wearing this mask that mr palmer sent me in the post and i keep it in the car so that i don't forget it and it's a good president that the sec even 2 older people and the $800.00 a few hours later a couple of senior citizens to get tested positive one of them in the care home we
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was that it earlier so going into the strict national lockdown is something both this it is residents and it's mayor except it's necessary because we aren't perfect into being in and we didn't manage to improve our contact tracing either so if there's got to be a lockdown it's got to be the same everywhere otherwise everyone would just come here to do their shopping it's got to be a lockdown that applies to everyone. the town has also come up with its own christmas plans instead of having festive market stalls they're setting up a testing station where everyone can get a free test before they go and visit their family over the holidays. and take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world now british and european negotiators say they are making. are making some progress in their present negotiations according to sources a close of the talks germany's e.u. ambassador says a trade deal could be possible by the end of the week previously pressley go satans
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appear to a stalled with a deal looking increasingly unlikely the current deadline for talks is the 31st of december. an explosion in afghanistan has killed 3 people including the deputy governor of the capital kabul the interior ministry says unknown assailants attached to bob to my. vehicle no group has claimed responsibility. the president of ivory coast the other side a watcher of ouattara has been inaugurated for a disputed 3rd term amid a continuing outcry from opposition parties or 300 people attended the ceremony were in which the presenter called for a national dialogue and scores of people died in the election related violence. there is no mr militant group boko haram has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of more than 300 schoolchildren in nigeria and a voice recording sent to a nigerian newspaper the group justified the attack saying there you have both
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saying that boko haram rejects western education gunmen stormed the school in the northwestern city of calcutta on friday night and many of the students were able to escape but the families of the boys who were taken the still waiting to find out what has happened to them. waiting for news of her child her son one of the boys snatched from a school on friday. if this government is just then we want them to rescue our children because they have the power to do sorry this slow to take action because it's not their children who have been taken they've put us in the situation where parents and grandparents are in absolute confusion they've stopped us from having peace of mind we're totally devastated. by. the missing pupils were boarders at this school in kids who know they were taken in a balanced attack by dozens of gunmen with assault rifles while they were asleep in their dormitories. sama is one of the lucky ones he managed to escape the
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kidnapping. i did i was about to sleep the only thing we've had the boys who were able to escape into the bush and those ones in the bush are coming out however the ones that have been kidnapped by the men we haven't heard anything about them nobody knows what condition they are in and if they will be released and what is the government doing to get them back. but the government has said that the. we the kidnapped however nigerians are not really really colvin by that you have to understand that this is a country where there is a very low trust in the government the government has promised all done over and over again several times that they were going to end. terrorism in fact this was
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one of the major things that made a campin from this president who are you me 5 years it will be 5 years later we have seen least on the terrorist attacks he won in his own home state of the zeeman northwest and share i'm doing. government incompetence or is it just a very tricky to deal with these people. well the truth of the matter is. nobody knows exactly what the situation is because the nigerian government has not been transparent over the time we've been around people so it's difficult to say whether it's government's incompetence or if it's just a difficult situation to deal with now they have come out again like i said before to say that boko haram has been ended they said they've been technically defeated and yet to see attacks over and over and over again it's obvious that.
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they are not able to handle the situation although just lying to the nigerian people flourish in lagos thank you so much. a new media investigation has found that a group of russian special agents of followed zisha leader alexei novelli for years before he was poisoned this summer the report says the agents from russia's security service the f.s.b. were part of an intelligence team specializing in the use of toxins and nerve agents. in independent thorough investigation of a crime that the russian government refuses to consider investigative website belling cat reveals a story about a specially trained team of russian agents with the goal of poisoning dissident alex a new colony with a deadly nerve agent. so. high it's novelle me i found out who tried to kill me i know where they live and where they work i know their real names their
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fake names and i have photos of them. belling cat worked with russian news organization the insider german newspaper spiegel and u.s. broadcast to c.n.n. to map out evidence that novell me was being followed by the russian security service the f.s.b. well before the incident and even reviewed previous attempts to poison him. that you thought this is a story about a secret group of killers from the f.s.b. which includes doctors and chemists it's about how they tried to kill me several times and once nearly killed my wife you won't hear about this on t.v. especially that the one giving orders to this group is russian president vladimir putin. that used publicly available flight logs and other information to back up their claims. and we did this we found that there were 3 people who got the same areas that. they were really surprised that we looked more of these people and we noticed these people were going to get our colleagues had fallen about only for over 30 trips 2070 practically every time around russia because it was
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a presidential candidate i'm sorry in 2017 these people had the exact same travel itinerary to. an anti corruption. activists in kremlin critic felt dangerously ill on a flight from siberia to moscow. he was later flying to germany's capital berlin for treatment and was in an induced coma for 2 weeks. german french and swedish laboratories have determined he was poisoned with the soviet era nerve agent the chalk. has long held the kremlin responsible for his plays any accusations moscow has repeatedly denied. straight to a moscow than where we join d w correspondent our until today well what's the kremlin saying about this at this investigation . well actually rather surprisingly they seem to be keeping mum when it comes to the specific investigation we have seen pushback from them in recent days regarding
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the international attention surrounding this alleged poisoning alexina all the but when it comes to these specific allegations they haven't said anything thus far it seems to have caught them a little bit on the back foot president vladimir putin speaker dmitri peskov actually canceled 2 press conferences he was scheduled to hold both today and tomorrow and said he was going to comment on the allegations thus far and also we haven't really seen the media take the allegations so far so it seems like these allegations brought back billing cat seem to have caught a little bit unawares and they're kind of struggling to find a cohesive response thus far let's see there's a russian citizen who was poisoned in russia how does the kremlin justify the lack of any official investigation. well some people i've spoken to point to the fact that moscow supposedly offered berlin and and germany to open a joint investigation when alexei navalny was originally flown to berlin for
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treatment and they actually said that election of all he refused to work with russian investigators now that's probably not entirely surprising i mean given the fact that he accuses of the russian the russian government of attempting to organize his death and arrange for his assassination but their perspective really is squarely that there isn't enough evidence for them to open an investigation just because they don't know that he was actually poisoned russian doctors have repeatedly said that this could have been cause or his medical condition could have been caused by a number of different things maybe a metabolic disorder maybe dehydration maybe something to do with certain types of drugs so they say there just isn't enough evidence to for them to open an investigation of course that flies in the face with what international observers and investigators are saying you have to remember a german boards where he said that they found evidence of novi chunk of that soviet era poison in his system and those results have been backed up by results of between from swedish laborde tori's french laborde tori's and also an independent and i can look at weapons groups but that type of evidence doesn't seem to have convinced russian authorities thus far so is there any action that alexei.
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will there does seem to be some he spoke to on the. screen that's a radio station based here in moscow earlier today and said that he actually file a complaint on filing a criminal a criminal complaint with both the police and also with the f.s.b. and now he kind of laughed it off and said there's a certain irony there that he's going to file a criminal complaint with the security service that he chooses trying to kill him but he said that there really wasn't any other legal path open to him and so if he wants to get justice if you want to get some type of relief in the situation he needs to complain to the very people he said attempted to kill him out until today in moscow thank you. today marks exactly 25 years since football transfers change forever little known belgian players on mark barden went to court to argue that footballers who were out
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of contract should not be traded for transfer fees he won and this slew of top players including munich's top star have now taken advantage of that ruling. was an unremarkable player and it is impact on the game of football was enormous the belgian challenge for transfer system and the european court of justice ruled he was right players should be allowed to move clubs for free at the end of a contract. bosman paid the price for his court action club shied away from signing him and legal costs left him with financial and then personal problems today he says he just wanted footballers to be treated like over employees. secured using ruby years earlier in the song from 1905 players could leave their clubs because they were seen as workers. postmen ruling represented freedom full stop.
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he opened the door for a host of big names to move clubs for free was probably the most famous bozeman signing being robert let. the left open for buy in munich at the end of his contract in 2014 and has never stopped scoring since the former general secretary of world play union 5th row says football owes bozeman a huge debt. the freedom at the end of the contract for a player was of course for all the players in the world. a gift and that was only because the marbles won at the guts to stand up against schieffer at that moment and i think that we have to these very thankful to him. because to be honest after that it never happened again john mark bosman never won much on the field but off it he changed football forever. i'll straightness famous gold coast has become home to unusual spectacle stormy weather
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has whipped up sea foam that's covered beaches along the queensland coastline in usual phenomenon was a hit with younger residents who quickly took to the sea for a foam bath experts say that it's not dangerous and slightly made of from degraded organic matter not that in turbulent waters australia has been battered by storms as last year's wildfires in white to tropical cyclones and heavy rainfall this summer. now yet you can always get a d w news on the go just download from google play from the app store i will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news. story you can also use it to sentence photos and videos of the action. it's a chill up today up with talk of the hour coming up next i'm going to sleep the show kick off with the weekend good.
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she comes. to see enjoy it men's have enough. the democrats against stuttgart was not without consequences. moods much merrier in the labor comes in with 4 goals against johnson hind the rhine lame to shoot their way to the top of the table chicken pox. on d. w. . o. . emerges then you know what you have to do to fight it. the sharp microscope that
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have been fed the doll there will come better and better and better over the years we will and the. want to see what's going on the knowledge of the bad ol for example of the bible in fact of the bald molecular detail and therefore a lot of the bottom of the pie did much more easily i wanted to speculate about what's going on in 2050 i can't imagine that people in the data call the cut much better and then reduce the number of cancer cases there is the opportunity to live a much more fulfilling life because many defeated shortcomings call this of aging and the counter act at the large degree ethical but they held for long a period in the life.
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i. match day 11 was full of surprises for starters dome and historical trancing which led to the rapid dismissal of coach sam fine.


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