tv Macht und Machenschaften USA Deutsche Welle December 19, 2020 4:15am-5:00am CET
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up next on d.w.i. is the code 19 special with kris kobach and a look at the emotional and physical struggles of health care workers in the u.s. stay with us if you could. the phone against the coronavirus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update 19. on t w. how does a virus spread. why do we panic and when will all of this. consider through the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you
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would like any information on the prong of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. ford slash science. physically draining and emotionally exhausting. health care workers on the front lines of the pandemic are being pushed to the brink. too often their work is only fleetingly acknowledged the w.h.o. says there is a global shortfall of some 6000000 nurses it's an especially big issue in poor countries because qualified workers tend to move abroad for better opportunities. but even in richer nations the worker isn't as. actually well paid in germany for
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example nurses earn 20 percent less than the average wage. the coronavirus has brought their experience and faces to the floor. how big a toll is the crisis having on health care workers. welcome to your corporate 19 special. the already tough job for healthcare workers has only become more challenging in the pen demick regardless of which part of the world here is the w.'s all over salads with this report from the u.s. state of south dakota. south dakota one of america's least populated states but yet the virus has spiraled out of control here like nowhere else in the u.s. . in the city of sue false a mask mandate was put in place recently without sanctions many citizens remain defiant i think it's
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a good idea that people wear masks but it but some people ball get the idea of being told to do so i think with some of the shut downs are doing and the picking and choosing that they're doing is making it a lot of businesses like muslim people nowadays like even ehlers are not right now but i think it's for the best like there's happy. south dakota now sees the highest hospitalisation rate of the u.s. and there is no relief in sight here at the vera mccann in hospital the intensive care unit is at capacity patients are dying from cold on a daily basis putting a big strain on nurses and doctors who are increasingly overwhelmed by the amount of patients they're seeing every day. out of schroeder is one of them he and his colleagues are working 12 hour shifts trying to save those who are at the brink of death. a task which comes with the personal toll we deal with a lot of dying right now unfortunately not everybody is recovering you know we'd
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like it a little harder every day people are coming in typically requiring much oxygen a lot of them end up getting a breathing tube. and from there you know it's just a battle for their life you talk to their families we do that's one of the tougher things right now is especially for colored patients we're not allowing visitors so . talking with families on a daily basis updating him on what we're doing and how the patients doing that's a really big thing right now are going to see him at his weekly press conference mayor paul 10 hakan of the republican party updates his community about the latest developments the mayor has been criticized over his handling of the pandemic has its head in the 1st place with a mask mandate why is it such a challenge for you to convince your sentence and necessary in this part of the
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country i think there's a fierce independence a lot of people have made the mistake of calling a cowboy country at one point and people didn't appreciate that but the point of that term meaning we're independent we don't like people telling us what to do. christina bjorkman wishes for more government action against the pen demick in october she lost her husband took over at 19 after a 30 day long struggle at the hospital her ordeal. where. she says his death could have been avoided with stricter rules. the whole mask mandate got political and should have never been political and should have been a medical thing. and i think it just got so blown out of proportion and. i think maybe it came from our president he started it. christina bjorkman is pinning her hopes now on the president elect and
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a nationwide mask mandate once he takes office before then thousands more could die from cold at 19 in south dakota and around the rest of the united states. now one indicator for how prepared a health system is to battle the coronavirus emergency is the excess ability of intensive care here's a look at the mail ability of i.c.u. beds in selected countries germany has 33.9 critical care beds for every 100000 people in the united states there are 25.8 and 10.6 intensive care beds for every 100000 people in korea in india that number is at $7.00 and finally mexico $3.00 beds the number of intensive care beds is only one factor having excess capacity is less helpful when there aren't enough personnel to tend to them and that's exactly the problem in many cases let's talk to someone familiar with
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the challenges fund's lagna is the head of the german nurses association he joins me via skype welcome to w. now the germany and europe are stuck in the 2nd wave tell us about the experiences that nurses and other caregivers are reporting back to you. nurses and all health professionals in germany have a heavy vote in the throw pillow these days because of that and they make it has reached unprecedented levels and they have to chair take care of many many patients seriously ill patients we know that many patients die violence they have to be admitted in i.c.u. and in particular at the nursing homes the residents are severely ill quite often and many of them have tonight and this is puts a lot of pressure on all health professionals and in the on the nurses in particular. here in germany there are complains that there are not enough nurses to handle the rising number of covered $1000.00 patients and could one also argue that a pandemic simply is such an extraordinary event that hospitals would be
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understaffed in any case. both is true to a degree but primarily it's that we do not have enough nurses to take care of patients in normal times outside and then make compared to other european countries we have a much higher workload some more patients per nurse than others and in of course in a situation like this now and then they grab we have extreme situations this shortage reaches and you will level and. verse and by that. and where is this short it's coming from. for many years our governments haven't invested in more nurses so we had cut off nurse positions in nurses in the hospitals over the last 15 or started 15 years ago with a new way of financing hospital cost and that has never been revoked and we have
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been arguing for more than 10 years that we would need more nurses and we have in addition we have an aging workforce so many nurses are going to retire within the next to tell them to the grave years so nobody listens to blades and we hope this will change now some say it's all about the pay which is too low for such a demanding job what more money solve the problem of there not being enough health care workers money alone wouldn't be the solution if we ask nurses what they want most is that they say i want to call the so i want to reduce my workload and then of course on the 2nd or 3rd place in what they want is a better salary we have variation between salaries in germany a difference between regions and different between hospitals and nursing homes for example so an increase would be good and our association. is asking for $4000.00 euro as a starting salary for each nurse during the 1st wave of the pandemic people start
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on their balconies and applauded frontline workers we don't see any of that right now does that bother you. not really because you know it is a pleasant pleasant sign or a symbolic gesture. getting some applause but applause but to be honest the votes have more benefits if you get better payment more positions for nurses so this is only a kind of a token evens and sounders is there really and up by that because they said oh yeah now in this situation where you're afraid you're getting up close but then in every day when we have difficult situations when we are complaining about clothes we don't listen we don't hear anything from you from talking out of the german nurses association thank you for your insights. time now for your questions about the coronavirus here's our science correspondent to require. can we achieve higher demeanor see if you can get every in fact it. there are
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plenty of questions about this pandemic where we still don't have really clear cut answers like when your immune memory of the virus wanes so much that you could catch it again that's happened to a few people but as far as we can tell not really very many so far another of studies now indicate that at least in most of us the average amused response to sars cove 2 remains active for for at least 6 months which is positive because the average duration of immunity in individuals either after they've had covered 19 or have received a vaccine against it that will play a defining role and health fast we reach herd immunity however even if we do begin seeing greater numbers of re infections relatively soon it would make herd immunity impossible to achieve just harder because it's going to take years though to pin
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down the average duration of immunity i'm discussing it now means that you have to make some assumptions if we assume for instance that the duration of immunity and someone who's vaccinated is is short say just a year or 2 then herd immunity will be a lot tougher to reach to get there we'd have to vaccinate populations really really quickly and on a wide scale because without a booster shot many people will start getting sick and transmitting again pretty quickly experts say in that scenario if coverage doesn't advance fast enough then sars who too could become endemic and seasonal like the for. lou but at least in some places if we assume a more positive scenario though that the duration of the munity provided by about seeing is much longer and and importantly also that vaccinated people can't
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transmit the virus to others then herd immunity will be easier to reach because in a manner of speaking once people have been backs and needed they'll stay vaccinated . that social thanks for the company stay safe and seal so. the science fiction fans wouldn't feel if we could finally be ourselves around the world. physicist anton's howling and his team have been researching the quantum world for years and they have experimental proof that teleportation actually works could become a climate friendly mode of travel. tomorrow today. next on d w. and conflict 19. what
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a am i to see another one a tribal areas shared secrets because it starts december 25th. ah. ok you said stop keep your distance from us now the coronavirus endemic has forced much of the world to practice social distancing. just hanging out with friends or giving someone a welcome hard has become rare in times of lockdown and self isolating. what happens to us when we have to give up closeness and physical contact. keeping our distance yet staying in touch that's our topic this week on tomorrow today the science show on d w. historic
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moment in the fight to end the coronavirus panda. this is the news that the world has been waiting for for nearly a year several biotech companies have filed with health authorities to have their vaccines approved. results of clinical trials sound promising they are records of more than 90 percent efficacy. how do the various vaccines compare. we've heard a lot about the efficacy rates of crowfoot 19 vaccines u.s. pharma pharma dharna says it's covert $900.00 vaccine is 94.5 percent effective. pfizer biotech over 19 facts even has an advocacy of 95 percent in final trials.
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russia sputnik the coronavirus vaccine trial shows encouraging results that they're low on specifics astra zeneca covert vaccine up to 90 percent effective data shows but what does this mean and like the history of sexy. let's explain the 1st ever vaccine was 1st smallpox it was introduced in 796 the disease was then declared eradicated nearly 2 centuries later in 1900 and the vaccine was 95 percent effective in preventing small pox measles 97 percent effective but in spite of the strong maxime measles continues to spread looking at you and i have actors polio has nearly been there ready kate it and the vaccine as 99 percent effective the flu vaccine is a tricky one as the virus mutates regularly so people have to get flu shots every year to help protect against the most common strand generally the effectiveness of the flu shot covers or. around 50 to 60 percent when scientists started work on
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covert 900 axioms the world health organization said it would accept a vaccine africa see of just 50 percent so with these recent phase 3 clinical trial results showing vaccines that have north of 90 percent africa see if we have lots to be hopeful about well yes but neither but just because the results have been good so far it doesn't mean we can instantly go back to life as we know it not everyone will be able to get vaccinated that includes people whose immune systems are compromised all weekend by existing conditions and it will take a while to get vaccines to everyone who can be vaccinated so masks and social distancing are the way it's going to be for a while yet. social distancing is hard for many people. touching others and being touched does things to us in the us.
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when touched the skin sends electrical signals to the brain that can cause the release of session whole moans and neuro transmissions. they're transported in the bloodstream around the body with a have many different effects. they slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure reading becomes more regular. they really feelings of anxiety and stress which in turn has a positive effect on the immune system. and that's what we miss when our close social contacts are cut off. psycho therapist no reply tolomeo says people talk to her a lot about the pandemic their fear of getting sick worry about their friends and family and social isolation as am some i mention to him as if suddenly people have lots of time on their homes because they work how us have been caught or they've lost the job. and they have to find a way to cope with that and shut. the days while others are suddenly subjected to
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much greater stress trying to work at home while also looking after that children can have a time listen she works at the marks pluck institute for psychiatry and has thought about ways people can cope with the situation. i would ask it to atlanta food after the 1st step would be to get a sense of how you're really feeling right now and you can do it in writing keep a diary and answer certain key questions. she says it's important to acknowledge and accept whatever you're feeling. and then to think about what it is you really enjoy doing hobbies and pastimes and then do them if that's not possible because of the pandemic then look for alternative sources of enjoyment. and. i like to party for a lot of clubs have set up online platforms but i'm standing far box in the bookstore instead of boxing at the box in school we got a rescue kit
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a sports bar with all the necessary equipment like bandages and whites so we can shadow box alone on her mind chatter box if. we can't go dancing anymore so we watch videos on you tube my wife and i practiced at home. for total mayo's also recommends remaining in gauged and maintaining social contacts if meeting friends isn't possible then talk on the phone stay in touch regular physical exercise is beneficial. what's also really helpful she says is to give your days a structure especially if work or school have fallen away. but don't just fill your days with commitments to do nice things to me we often don't focus enough on what we enjoy our diaries are full of things we have to do and not things that are good for us an advantage to the i'm good to. the world health organization recommends not reading or watching too much lose if it makes you anxious and getting information from reliable source. it's also
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a good idea to look on the bright side see how much kindness and solidarity people have shown in this crisis. enjoy the clean air during lockdowns we need to find ways to cope emotionally the pandemic is far from over. and social distancing is not uncommon in the animal kingdom. that bats like these are normally sociable creatures. but when some of them fall ill they maintain a distance from the rest of the colony. this was demonstrated by a study from an international team of scientists in belize. using tiny senses developed specially for the bats they monitored the mammal sexual behavior. that is given a substance that made them feel sick spent less time with the group than those who
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received a placebo. that helps prevent diseases from spreading through the colony. so by social distancing the bats protect their entire group clever creatures. then we spoke to one of the that study. what gave you the idea of studying social distancing and balance. the. research group i work with investigates the social behavior of. a quite distinct from most of the species. they exhibit very complex social behavior. monkeys and apes doing in the zoo they share their food. only. that comes back
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congress from the hunt other bats in the roost will sometimes regurgitate the blood they've consumed and share it. one interesting aspect of this research on social behavior is the question of how social bonds change when a disease breaks out how does that change a social network. that's really consciously maintaining distance when they're sick. what we observe in vampire bats is what we call passive social distancing the animals become lethargic they don't use you as many of the contact calls that would initiate social interactions. as a proactive on the social distancing that we humans do when we're diagnosed with the disease and actively self isolated home to protect the group. so what makes this behavior interesting for resetting. all when you play them or
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isn't even the vampire bats don't actively distance themselves just exhibit this passive version is manifested in lethargy computer simulations show that a potential pathogen would spread more slowly through the social group so this change behavior would protect the group. how do you plan to use these research results. by aspect and then as i'd like to mention 2 aspects. one is related to vampire bats themselves. we're doing these studies in latin america where vampire bats mainly feed on cows and other domesticated animals. and in this region the spread of rabies is a problem for farmers it also causes them financial losses we want to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of that spread. the other aspect is that we can use the same technique to study any other animal species that's our study shows
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that this kind of very high quality data could enable us to understand more and possibly prevent outbreaks of diseases in the future. x. rays revolutionize medicine and not just meds and x. ray scanners are used in many other areas. the images they generate provide deep insights into the body and a host of objects. x. rays give us a glimpse into the past they can tell us for example what fits the romans 8. the x. ray machine inside this event could help to answer some tantalizing question. and certainly exciting and a unique opportunity we have today i've never had one like this before with x. rays becoming an increasingly important factor in archaeology having this here on
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site is great really super. this small mobile device has been brought along today by cutting from the from hoover institute it's heavy looks. and it weighs $160.00 kilos most of that's due to the lead shielding inside. the lead prevents x. rays from escaping. the device has been brought to the limit named after the fortified border defense built by the romans in germany. the team at the museum is examining organic matter dating back to that time. you know. these are small fragments of what is probably carbonized romany porridge there's a cherry statement from the roman era found in a well 4 years ago from woody and here we have a number of fly larvae preserved in the same place and some colleagues extracted them during their akio botanical investigation missing from. the fees are the 1st
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step is the cherry pick. the question is what does it look like on the inside and are there signs of germination is something that could have happened in the most environmentally the well cherries are interesting because the romans brought them to germany we've been growing them ever since the last 1800 years. writing. is preparing the ancient cherry pit for the 1st analysis. to be really careful. because sometimes i need to wear gloves. i like now i'm using tweezers. you don't want to come into contact with greasy fingers that's why we take extreme cafe. will the x. ray machine reveal any secrets from inside the cherry pit. so now i'll start the x. ray this thing that. the
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researchers. without having to. 30 minutes time. were discovered by. an 895 by accident the german physicist realized that they could be used to make the invisible. x. rays are normally used to create an image of the inside of a human body or. an archaeological find. other hidden structures are revealed. the x. ray devices generates the high energy radiation that passes through the body or object and forms an image as it hits the detector. the heavier the elements in the material and the denser it is the.
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structures such as calcium rich therefore show up. in the case of the. issue such as muscles. and therefore. other areas with a lot of air. in a black image. back in. the cherry pits. my 1st look inside. it reminds me of using. this cherry stone is very impressive enough for an expert to work with. be able to give us some more information about the cherry which is very.
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museum director will now send the scan to an arche n'est who will hopefully get some insights into the kind of cherry and therefore the plant diversity in roman times. are these in conspicuous looking pieces. remnants were found during a dig in the outermost for 15 years ago believe it's hard and i'd love to know if that's the case and ideally to find out which cereal it contains when off. half an hour later the x. ray scan was successful and the museum director is confident that it will bear fruit. there are some relatively big pieces of mineral material and looking at it in detail i would say it does suggest porridge. the romans used to grind their cereals in stone mills and the volcanic rock would wear away. and so. they might be very small pieces but they are clearly detectable
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which is evidence that this really may have been powerage. a 100. this i was not here to they have to wait to see for the record from the arche obama nest just getting color coded is a from the from i can never have imagined such a huge detail for such tiny pieces i assumed we'd have a far cruder resolution this isn't just a duck. it's now up to the archaeal botanist to examine the scans and say which kind of cherry the romans grew back then near their forte and whether the morsels really were porridge. calling all stop check science fiction has a way of becoming science fact mr spock's communicator was the model for the 1st flipside. to tennant who as it appears could almost be one of today's bluetooth headsets. and the visor well they're still working on that.
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but leaving a bullet there is something very special happening in that area. a long time ago when spaceships were made of wood and plastic. and it snowed element in confetti during the demon terry allies ation process people and things were seen terran that in star trek films. how nice would it be if we could be in ourselves around the globe teleportation instead of crowds and airplanes and c o 2 emissions think about how beneficial it would be for the climate alone in today's physics in fact teleportation is no longer science fiction. you've been looking i never cease to be amazed at what strange things occur. manuel
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earhart is a quantum physicist. who has excursions into space travel are hoping. he explores the weird and wonderful world of teleportation quantum teleportation to be precise as a bus stop having watched star trek for instance people imagine that you somehow beam matter or even energy because that's how it is on the show people disappear in the teleporter and then reappear on an alien planet when. the similarity is that the system rebuild the object identical in another place. and future new science fiction it's often left open once someone is teleported it's not clear whether their entire matter is beamed up with them that's left open. on time cycling and has been a big name in quantum physics since the 1990 s. he and his team have demonstrated that quanta can form mysterious connections or
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quantum entanglement as they're known in experiments conducted in a bar of trees packed with laces crystals and detectors. at the minimum amount of physical energy involved in an interaction they can be after electrons or photons. their heart is part of the team. i have a few pictures of the experiment. she was. the laser beam comes from the right side pulsing blue light. and passes through here. and in this little thing is the crystal where the entangled photon pairs are produced. and they're split apart and fly off in different directions. so to photons are produced untangled at the same time by a laser beam. it's like an invisible communication channel which they can use to
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teleport information. and fox news like a fax isn't it. the information is related but in this case the old fax is destroyed it disappears in the process. so the new fax looks 100 percent like the original new one looks like it's been beamed over. all things but it doesn't consist of the same atoms. nor you one is made of different items from the original going on with the thing that's rather strange because in our everyday world we can copy things we can do that very well we can produce the same item umpteen times. in quantum physics this is impossible you can never make a perfect copy of the state of a single particle in quantum physics this is just not possible you know. copying mission impossible and there are other things in the world of quantum physics that
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seem very with to us. via quantum entanglement information is transferred instantaneously regardless of the distance involved it could be kilometers or light yes. einstein thought it was pretty speaking this information must be travelling faster than the speed of light it explodes all our existing notions about space and time. well ok. you know. quantum entanglement forces us to either give up our existing ideas about space and time and find new ones not all to give up our idea that everything we can measure and observe always gives us information about a reality that exists independently of ourselves or unseen for most young people and then we have to relinquish one of these 2 notions. any person hopeful
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rather i feel now that he thought about these things for such a long time that the change will probably be far more radical than we can imagine. it was 20 feet of a car listening. to music is probably the most experimentally tested and corroborated mathematical theory that humankind has ever come up with. there's no doubt about it it's correct. so quantum teleportation is real 3 photons are usually used to demonstrate the process and experiments protons 2 and 3 are entangled. then photons one and 2 are in tangled. now what piece of data that is contained in photon number one could be transmitted to number 3 via number 2. just instantaneously deleted from the 1st 2 particles. ok event couldn't
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i just split myself into quanta and send their information to another and tend of quantum cloud i mean then i would just need to be reassembled correctly right if you want him for you not a simple as that it's not just a question of being dismantled as you see information that defines who you are and who i am is not just information stored in items there's also in the information on how the atoms are arranged in relation to one another how they interact and so on and. so this is far more than a case of disassembling something into its constituent parts and then reassembling them. the amount of information involved is so gigantic there's no point in contemplating how it might be possible today. to think. like most thought let's just say that right now we don't know of anything that would fundamentally rule out teleportation. i want more but to make it happen we
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would need completely different set up than the ones we build nowadays. maybe of the. other way than if i could build a device that could do this and you'd asked me whether i would put myself inside it i'd say no. so mr spock will probably have to go. up in a glittery shower element like in the old days. starship enterprise was pretty eco friendly how would turn 100 an engine with not even a whiff of emissions. by the way a piece of trivia for you the words you me up scotty whenever said precisely in bad form and serious maybe other work with me apart.
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everything revolves around christmas. cheer in a dream in village famous for its handcrafted toilets candle arches incense smokers much more. we find out what magic it's all about. the. 30 minutes on t.w. . has a virus spread. why do we panic and when we're almost trying to do through the tax cover and the weekly radio show is called spectrum and if you would like any information on the crown of virus or any other science topic you should really
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check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at twitter dot com and slash science. the story of producer and propaganda. they were called the rhineland bastards born after the 1st world war the monkey was an illegitimate child there were many of the new from. their mothers or germans living in the occupied rhineland their fathers soldiers from the french colonies. off of ice and please afro german children had a hard time and because they were reminder of the german defeat. they grew up in a climate of wounded national pride and racism to fight the european population felt that it was important to be white and to stay right by supply. exclusion and contempt culminated in forced sterilization under the nazis.
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this documentary examines the few traces that remain of their existence we call them the children of storage january 11th on d w. this is news and these are our top stories the u.s. food and drug administration has approved a 2nd covert 19 vaccine it's expected that the medina vaccine which can be stored at temperatures similar to a normal freezer will be used in rural and harder to reach the cations the u.s. start of vaccinations with the.
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