tv ZDF Bauhaus Deutsche Welle December 21, 2020 4:30pm-5:31pm CET
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is this different trick mark. fantasy. to see the boy. i wish. secrets. starts december 25th. take you there stop keep your distance. for months now the coronavirus pandemic has forced much of the world to practice social distancing. just hanging out with friends or giving someone a welcome hug has become rare in times of lockdown and south isolating. what happens to us when we have to give up closeness and physical contact. keeping our
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distance yet staying in touch that's our topic this week on tomorrow today the science show on t.w. . his story moment in the fight to end the coronavirus. this is the news that the world has been waiting for for nearly a year several biotech companies have filed with health authorities to have their vaccines approved. it's one of the results of clinical trials sound promising they are records of more than 90 percent efficacy. how do the various vaccines compare. we've heard a lot about the african c. rates of covert 19 vaccines u.s. pharma. pharma dharna says it's covert $900.00 vaccine is 94.5 percent effective.
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pfizer biotech over 19 facts and has an advocacy of 95 percent and final trials. russia sputnik coronavirus vaccine trial shows encouraging results but they are low on specifics astra zeneca covert vaccine up to 90 percent effective data shows but what does this mean and like the history of pixie and let's explain the 1st ever vaccines for smallpox it was introduced in 796 the disease was then declared eradicated nearly 2 centuries later in 1980 and the vaccine was 95 percent effective in preventing small pox measles 97 percent effective but in spite of the strong maxime measles continues to spread looking at you and i think there's polio has nearly been there already kate it and the vaccine and 99 percent effective the flu vaccine is a tricky one as the virus mutates regularly so people have to get flu shots every
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year to help protect against the most common strains generally the effectiveness of the flu shot hovers around 50 to 60 percent when scientists started work on covert $9000.00 maxime's the world health organization said it would accept a vaccine efficacy of just 50 percent so with these recent phase 3 clinical trial results showing vaccines that have north of 90 percent efficacy we have what's to be hopeful about well yes but neither but just because the results have been good so far that doesn't mean we can instantly go back to life as we know it not everyone will be able to get vaccinated that includes people whose immune systems are compromised or weakened by existing conditions and it will take a while to get vaccines to everyone who can be vaccinated so masks and social distancing are the way it's going to be for a while yet. social distancing is hard for many people.
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touching others and being touched does things to us in the us. when touched the skin sends electrical signals to the brain that can cause the release of certain hormones and neurotransmitters. they're transported in the bloodstream around the body with they have many different effects. they slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure grieving becomes more regular. they really feelings of anxiety and stress which in turn has a positive effect on the immune system. and that's what we're missing now close social contacts cutoff. psychotherapists my rebuttal the mayor says people talk to her a lot about the pandemic their fear of getting sick worry about their friends and family and social isolation. and mentioned as if suddenly people have lots of time
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on their hands because their work hours have been cut or they've lost their job. and they have to find a way to cope with that and shapes our days while others are suddenly subjected to much greater stress trying to work at home while also looking after their children can have a toy. she works at the market plug institute for psychiatry and has thought about ways people can cope with the situation. at ascot their ass trying to food after the 1st step would be to get a sense of how you're really feeling right now if you can do it in writing keep a diary and answer certain key questions. she says it's important to acknowledge and accept whatever you're feeling. and then to think about what it is you really enjoy doing hobbies and pastimes and then do them if that's not possible because of the pandemic then look for alternative sources of enjoyment. i like to party food on
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a lot of clubs have set up online platforms platform i'm stunned of thought. instead of boxing at the box in school we got a rescue kit a small spot with all the necessary equipment like bandages and whites so we can shadow box alone 109 the shopping box if. we can't go dancing anymore so we watch videos on you tube my wife and i practice at home. or total mayo's also recommends remaining in gauged and maintaining social contacts if meeting friends isn't possible then talk on the phone stay in touch regular physical exercise is beneficial. what's also really helpful she says is to give your days a structure especially if work or school have fallen away at least a stab at is this man don't just fill your days with commitments to do nice things to me we often don't focus enough on what we enjoy and diaries are full of things we have to do and not things that are good for us an advantage to the i'm good to.
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the world health organization recommends not reading or watching too much lose if it makes you anxious and getting information from reliable sources. that it's also a good idea to look on the bright side see how much kindness and solidarity people have shown in this crisis. enjoy the clean air during lockdowns we need to find ways to cope emotionally the pandemic is far from over. and social distancing is not uncommon in the animal kingdom. that fire bats like these are normally sociable creatures. but when some of them fall ill they maintain a distance from the rest of the colony. this was demonstrated by a study from an international team of scientists in belize. using tiny senses developed specially for the bats they monitor the mammals sexual behavior.
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that's given a substance that made them feel sick spent less time with the group then those who received. that helps prevent diseases from spreading through the colony. so by social distancing the bats protect their entire group clever creatures. to learn more we spoke to one of the all of this of that study. what gave you the idea of studying social distancing and balance. the. research group i work with investigates the social behavior of. these are quite distinct for most of the species. they exhibit very complex social behavior. like you see
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monkeys and apes doing in the zoo they share their food. only if that comes back hungry from the hunt other bats in the roost will sometimes regurgitate the blood they've consumed and share it. one interesting aspect of this research on social behavior is the question of how social bonds change when a disease breaks out how does that change a social network. that's really consciously maintain a distance when they're sick. but about. what we observe in vampire bats is what we call passive social distancing the animals become lethargic they don't issue as many of the contact calls that would initiate social interactions. proactive on the social distancing that we humans do when we're diagnosed with the disease and actively self isolated home to protect the group. you're going to.
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serve what makes this behavior interesting for research. i will not be a bit of noise and even though vampire bats don't actively distance themselves just exhibit this passive manifested in lethargy computer simulations show that a potential pathogen would spread more slowly through the social group so this change behavior would protect the group. how do you plan to use these research results. by aspect and as i'd like to mention 2 aspects. one is related to vampire bats themselves. we're doing the studies in latin america where vampire bats mainly feed on cows and other domesticated animals. and in this region the spread of rabies is a problem for farmers and also causes them financial losses we want to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of that spread. the other aspect is that we
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can use the same technique to study any other animal species that's our study shows that this kind of very high quality data could enable us to understand model and possibly prevent outbreaks of diseases in the future. x. rays revolutionize medicine and not just meds and x. ray scan is are used in many other areas. the images they generate provide deep insights into the body and a host of objects. x. rays give us a glimpse into the past they can tell us for example what foods the romans and. the x. ray machine inside this event could help to answer some tantalizing questions.
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and certainly exciting and a unique opportunity we have today i've never had one like this before with x. rays becoming an increasingly important factor in archaeology having this here on site is great really super. this small mobile device has been brought along today by patents from the found institute it looks. and it weighs 160 kilos most of that's due to the light shielding inside. the lead prevents x. rays from escaping the device has been brought to the limit named after the fortified border defense built by the romans in germany. the team at the museum is examining organic matter dating back to that time. you know. these are small fragments of what is probably carbonized roman porridge there's a cherry sitting from the roman era found in a well 4 years ago from and here we have a number of fly larvae preserved in the same place and some colleagues extracted
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them during their akio botanical investigation from. the features 1st up is the cherry picked. this one from different archy for the question is what does it look like on the inside and are there signs of germination something could have happened in the month of the well cherries are interesting because the romans brought them to germany and we've been growing them ever since the last 1800 years . here because we try to. cut is preparing the ancient cherry pit for the 1st analysis. and for these details to be really careful. sometimes i need to have gloves. i like now i'm using tweezers. you don't want to come into contact with greasy fingers that's why we take extreme casts. will the x. ray machine reveal any secrets from inside the cherry pit.
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and then i will start the x. ray and this thing that. the researchers. without having. discovered. 1905 by accident the german physicist realized that they could be used to make the invisible. x. rays are normally used to create an image of the inside of a human body or as in this case an archaeological find. other hidden structures are revealed. 'd generates the high energy radiation that passes through the body or object and
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forms an image as it hits the detector. the heavier the elements in the material and the denser it is. structures such as. in the case of the. issue such as muscles. and their. other areas with a lot of air. in a black image. back in the. the cherry. my 1st look inside. it reminds me of. this cherry stone is very impressive. to work with.
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information about the cherry which is very. museum director will now send the scan to an arche. who will hopefully get some insights into the kind of cherry and therefore the plant diversity in roman times. are these in conspicuous looking pieces. were found during a dig in the outermost for 15 years ago believe as authorities and i'd love to know if that's the case and ideally to find out which serial it contains one. half an hour later the x. ray scan was successful and the museum director is confident that it will bear fruit. and buy from him an audition something there are some relatively big pieces of mineral material and looking at it in detail i would say it does suggest
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porridge. the romans used to grind their cereals in stone mills and the volcanic rock would wear away. and. they might be very small pieces but they are clearly detectable which is evidence that this really may have been powerage. a 100 . this i was not here to they have to wait for the report from the archy obama nest it is the same color coding is falling from like never of imagine such a huge detail for such tiny pieces i assumed we'd have a far cruder resolution of this in the school doc. it's now up to the archaeal botanist to examine the scans and say which kind of cherry the romans grew back then near their forte and whether the morsels really were porridge. calling old stock check fans science fiction has a way of becoming science fact mr spock's communicator was the model for the 1st
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flipside. a tenant who as it appears could almost be one of today's bluetooth headsets. and the visor while they're still working on that. but leaving a bullet there is something very special happening in that area. a long time ago when space ships were made of wood and plastic. and it snowed element in confetti during the demon to realize ation precess people and things were being terran that in star trek films. how nice would it be if we could be in ourselves around the globe teleportation instead of crowds and airplanes and c o 2 emissions think about how beneficial it would be for the climate alone into
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base physics in fact teleportation is no longer science fiction. you can look at i never cease to be amazed at what strange things occur. manuel earhart is a quantum physicist. who is excursions into space travel are hoping. he explores the weird and wonderful world of teleportation quantum teleportation to be precise as a bus stop having watched star trek for instance people imagine that you somehow beam matter or even energy because that's how it is on the show people disappear in the teleporter and then reappear on an alien planet when. the similarity is that the system rebuild the object identical in another place. is going to turn future new science fiction it's often left open once someone is teleported it's not clear whether their entire matter is beamed up with them that's left open. on
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time cycling or has been a big name in quantum physics since the 1990 s. he and his team have demonstrated that quanta can form mysterious connections or quantum entanglements as they're known in experiments conducted in a bar or trees packed with laces crystals and detectors. and the minimum amount of physical energy involved in an interaction they can be after him select trans oftentimes. their heart is part of the team. or have a few pictures of the experiment. she was. the laser beam comes from the right side pulsing blue light. and passes through here. and in this little thing is the crystal where the entangled photon pairs are produced. and they're split apart and fly off in different
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directions. so the photons are produced untangled at the same time by a laser beam. it's like an invisible communication channel which they can use to teleport information. and fox news like a fax isn't it. the information is related but in this case the old fax is destroyed it disappears in the process. so the new fax looks 100 percent like the original new one looks like it's been beamed over. all things but it doesn't consist of the same atoms. you see nor you one is made of different items from the original going on with the thing that's rather strange because in our everyday world we can copy things we can do that very well we can produce the same item umpteen times. in quantum physics this is impossible you can never make
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a perfect copy of the state of a single particle in quantum physics this is just not possible that copying mission impossible and there are other things in the world of quantum physics that seem very with to us. via quantum entanglement information is transferred instantaneously regardless of the distance involved it could be kilometers or light years. einstein thought it was pretty speak this information must be travelling faster than the speed of light it explodes all our existing notions about space and time. well ok well the. quantum entanglement forces us to either give up our existing ideas about space and time and find new ones. or to give up our idea that everything we can measure and observe always gives us information about a reality that exists independently of ourselves. unseen for most young people and
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then we have to relinquish one of these 2 notions. any person hopeful rather i feel now that he thought about these things for such a long time that the change will probably be far more radical than we can imagine. any more feet out because. of the physics is probably the most experimentally tested and corroborated mathematical theory that humankind has ever come up with. there's no doubt about it it's correct. so quantum teleportation is real 3 photons are usually used to demonstrate the process and experiments protons 2 and 3 are in tangled. then photons one and 2 are in tangled. now what piece of data this is contained in photon number one can be
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transmitted to number 3 via number 2. that is instantaneously deleted from the 1st 2 particles. ok event couldn't i just split myself into quanta and so their information to another and tangle of quantum cloud i mean that i would just need to be reassembled correctly right if you want them for you not a simple as that it's not just a question of being dismantled you use new information that defines who you are and who i am is not just information stored in items there's also in the information on how the source are arranged in relation to one another how they interact and so on and. so this is far more than a case of disassembling something into its constituent parts and then reassembling them this is the most amount of information involved is so gigantic there's no point in contemplating how it might be possible today. to think.
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like most thought let's just say that right now we don't know of anything that would fundamentally rule out teleportation. i with more money to make it happen we would be completely different set up than the ones we build nowadays. other than if i could build a device that could do this and you'd asked me whether i would put myself inside it i'd say no. so mr spock will probably have to go. up in a glittery shower like in the old days. starship enterprise was pretty eco friendly how it turned hundreds an engine with not even a whit if emissions. by the way a piece of trivia for you the words you me up scotty were never said precisely in
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the u.s.s. . or 1st. open go up from us. and that was to land thank you oh. my gosh. we're now on our own. there has salmon and warner. and the cold war and. i will say we'll come and get them to let us. all in the deal my eye was. full of way arming the galley only the jalil know what i did with them. what i meant or was this shit out of. each. hand saying that. lately.
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with. the daily news line from berlin a green lights in europe for the biotechs fines are covert backseat a year regulators to approve the lifesaving shot now of for formal approved. by the european commission with infections and deaths mounting how soon can vaccinations be can't also coming up. the poisoning of bollix say no to the russian opposition leader himself now says he knows how it was done now bonnie claims he tricked a russian spy into revealing details about the attack that nearly killed him last
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summer. nickel for the heat welcome to the show a u. regulators have approved the coronavirus vaccine developed by biotech and pfizer for use in europe it's the 1st covert $1000.00 vaccine to be authorized by the european medicines agency germany is set to begin vaccinating elderly people in care homes on december 27th the shot is already in use in britain and the united states the agency says there's nothing to suggest the vaccine will not work against the new mutant strain of the virus which has emerged in the u.k. the european commission must still rather stamp the decision before the an occupation can be rolled out across the 27 e.u. member states. it earlier we spoke to t.w. brussels correspondent max sunday and asked him when we can expect the vaccine to
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be rolled out across the e.u. . may has given their approval now it's up to the commission to decide if they give the green light for the vaccine this is likely going to happen later tonight that's what the commission president from the line said already and then it's up to the member states to start with the distribution the european commission came up with a vaccinating plan. according to this plan vaccination since should start across europe on december 27th 28th and 29th the a.m.a. as one of the last big medical approval agencies to give the vaccine the go ahead why has it taken so long. well it did take a bit longer than the u.k. and the us for example but these countries went for the emergency approval although in all the email improve all went quite fast they decided to do a more. close to it to decide to take
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a closer look at the at all the data and the upside here is that they know what they have more confirmation they have confirmation most aspects regarding safety and effectiveness and they have more time to review the evidence and this will actually also help convince people to take the shots at the end of the day now the question is of course why did the e.u. would not go for the emergency approval there's many reasons to it one and most of the most important reason is that this would not break the dynamic of the pandemic because even if we had started vaccinating a week or 2 weeks earlier there still wouldn't have been enough vaccine to cater to everybody and the e.u. has come under a lot of fire not only for taking quite long but also for not buying and often doses of the vaccine the commission bought house of what biotech pfizer offered them why is that and how could that affect immunization efforts. there are many reasons for this the e.u.
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. decided to secure doses of vaccines of many different kinds of vaccines months ago at the beginning of the pandemic to make sure they would have. the vaccine ready for the for the member states so they made contracts with the individual companies 6 of them now back in the day it wasn't clear which vaccine would prove would prove. it would go through fast as with their approval which would prove effective and this is one of the reasons why they also spread out also another reason is that this pfizer biotech is the most expensive one quite expensive compared to us because in a car for example another meant one to many factor of vaccines that is due to get approval at the beginning of next year and. some of the european union states particularly the eastern european states decided to push for the more cheaper versions are in mexico and brussels thank you very much for your analysis.
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countries from germany and france to india and saudi arabia have imposed travel bans on the u.k. that's as britain battles a new strain of corona virus that said to be much more contagious the measures are already causing havoc at airports and other travel hubs in the u.k. which is now effectively cut off from continental europe. entry denied trucks headed from england to the european mainland forced to turn back after alarms were raised over the new coronavirus train the channel crossing to france is a crucial trade route truck drivers and their goods now stranded. young to law by new. glossy shoes this is good to get to this is what you have to live for the next 2 days yeah. i
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think. they. travel at london's heathrow airport was also disrupted with some passengers left in limbo. confused this time you could even argue on board in december citizen says the situation is totally different it's hard going. through but for you know a lot of people but. i think overall worlds where. the opening up of the country. not sense to see your family your back to your. new covert strain has already been detected in mainland europe and as far away as australia experts say the newly developed vaccines should still protect against the mutation from more or less spring and painted elisa he's with germany c b use an m.e.p. and the health spokesperson for the largest political group in the parliament the
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a.p.a.p. mr elisa welcome let's talk about this new travel ban affecting the u.k. because of this new virus strain could we see enter european borders closing again like we saw back in march. yeah we have a difficult situation because the coroner is already very dangerous many hospitals are at their limits and now we have the information from the u.k. that this new which. is 70 percent more infectious so we did to be careful it's good said to u.k. draw consequences but also other countries need to dog consequences i think it's important to stop all flights now but then to have a coordinated and serve we need to limit travel it's much as possible at the same time it's important that lifesaving goods like the vaccine will still be able to cross the borders and that also doctors and. medical
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staff for example that work on an intensive care unit they need to go to their jobs even if they come from the outside the u.k. or from the u.k. to the main continent so i think that's important but the most important is that we all take it serious because it's obvious that they knew why was it already it's a continent so all the measures that are in place are even more important now. how effective can these measures really be though experts say the new strain has probably already spread across other therapy in nations out we've heard about cases reported in the netherlands denmark and italy. where where is this taking us. yes that's exactly why i said the measures that are in place need to be. in coast and taken. seriously by all of us much wall it's not only
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the measures at the border when the virus is at the continent closing the border made necessary but it doesn't solve the problem we can all of us we need to take care and of course it's here to the groups but also everybody should think twice if we really need to go as far as the rules allow and i think it's important for example when you want to visit someone or so over christmas can you believe all sides can you go for a walk and you have for coffee or tea with one closeness in the garden then the virus doesn't spread so easy so consequences for the boss is one thing but consequences for all of us is the other side's according to lisa thank you very much. let's now take a look at some of the other stories making headlines at this hour a 28 year old extremist has been jailed for life for one of germany's worst
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anti-semitic attacks since world war 2 the far right killer shot dead 2 people in a for that attack on a synagogue in the eastern city of hollow last year. talks between britain and the e.u. unopposed threats of trade deal are expected to continue on monday after negotiators failed to meet another key deadline for compromise the european parliament had warned that it would not vote on a deal secured after midnight on sunday it's believed significant differences remain on fisheries. 2 men have been found guilty of killing 39 men women and children from vietnam who suffocated in a sealed truck near london the driver and another man were convicted of manslaughter deaths 2 years ago exposed and illicit people smuggling trade. russian opposition activists says he has spoken to one of the security agents alleged to have been involved in his poisoning earlier this year the agent was
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named in a recent report led by the investigative website belling cat it said chemical weapons experts from russia's f.s.b. had been tailing the ball me for years what we're about to play to you is an excerpt from the conversation i've only had with the agent mr not only posing as a high ranking security official ask the agent what went wrong with the operation the try to kill him on a flight to moscow. they landed you know what i mean right he took off then they landed the plane there you go the situation ended up not going in our favor that's what i think if it had been longer then things could have turned out differently. should be what had been wrong. konstantin responsibility you see if you've been trying for a long. well yeah maybe if it had been flying for longer for example if they hadn't suddenly landed and someone maybe then things could have turned out
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differently. didn't use moscow correspondent and was sure one has more emily dramatic revelations there can you give us any more details about their conversation. well there was some dramatic new information coming to light in that conversation including the fact that the f.s.b. the alleged f.s.b. operative that nobody seems to be speaking to there said that the poison that was used to poison the viney was actually put on the in seams of his underwear so far there had been questions about how and where exactly he had been poisoned ahead of his flight in siberia and the agent also confirmed seem to confirm that the f.s.b. agents on the ground later collected his his clothing and washed it several times in order to destroy any evidence of that poison he also see said this we just saw in that clip that he seemed to think that the emergency response both of the pilot
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of the plane and of the emergency doctors the responders on the ground were actually what saved nobody's life has there been any response from russian authorities so far. there hasn't been any response from russian aust thora to you so far the authorities here in russia have denied that russia has anything to do with the poisoning of me and they've even gone so far as to say that perhaps nonviolent was actually poisoned after he landed for treatment in germany russian president vladimir putin last week at a press conference said that yes of course russian security services had an eye on me but he said that if russian officials had wanted to poison me then they would have successfully done so and now this conversation seems to point again to the fact that that f.s.b. alleged f.s.b. operation was botched which of course could be a huge embarrassment to the f.s.b.
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and in that sense an embarrassment to vladimir putin himself who used to head the speech so that's very personal to him in some sense but i think it's unlikely that we'll see that the russian narrative on this will change i think that will see denials over the poisoning going forward as well quickly before we have to go what could be the implications of this for the security agencies and the. well i don't think that we're going to see any response like firings in the security services because i think that we're going to see denials going forward and if if for example heads were to roll within the f.s.b. then that would be an admission of guilt from the russian authorities right emily showing in moscow thank you very much. coming up next business news with my colleague kate ferguson and more from me at the top of the hour until then you can
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get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site that's w dot com you can also follow us of course instagram and twitter there you'll find us under at the news on call for at least for me and the entire news team here in berlin thanks for watching. you know that 77 percent. are younger than. me and need. to know what time all voices. this 77 percent talk about the issue. for all parties to flash
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from falsely to top this is where it was. welcome to 77 percent. this week d.w. . new strains of the coronavirus prompted countries around the world to impose travel restrictions on the united kingdom on signs africa our reporters speak to passengers whose travel plans how clean affected by the new rules. also coming up germany's pretty christmas locked down is a major blow to retailers will they survive was that the usual holiday spending spree. this is the double events i'm craig ferguson thanks for joining me. 2
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new potentially more infectious strains of the corona virus have been identified one in england and the other in africa it's prompted fears that the next wave of the pandemic could be worse than originally feared it let's talk 1st about the new strain in england its emergence prompted a number of countries to impose travel restrictions in and out of the u.k. the netherlands was the 1st to impose a flight ban on sunday morning belgium followed suit later in the day as did germany but fears over importing this new virus variants are growing elsewhere to france arland switzerland spain and denmark are among the countries who have also since banned flights to and from the united states has forced thousands of would be travelers to abandon their holiday plans. rushing to catch one of the last flights to britain many passengers here in madrid
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were hoping to make it before the midnight deadline on sunday the start of the flight ban a lucky few made it on time to spend christmas with their families others were not so lucky. i was really scared because they had a flight on tuesday but i don't know if they're going to cancel all of them in the end sideboard the last seat on this flight to manchester right now. i'm on your feet a lot i mean i'm just a shame that it's not going over christmas you know this is a sham. we can go and see family especially over christmas time many countries have also imposed a ban on flights to and from south africa which has announced a new variant of the virus different from the one in britain is driving a resurgence of the disease there. some european travelers are luckier than others . we have the fortune of being pensioners in south africa is our 2nd home so if we
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only get stuck there then it isn't a drama i think it's better that they start early although i wanted to go to their kids about it but unfortunately. we can't any longer so that's but. airports worldwide are now trying to accommodate passengers affected by the restrictions many truck drivers are also stranded france has barred ferries to prison and shut the euro tunnel only unaccompanied freight is allowed to cross the borders the ban is in effect for 48 hours from sunday night it's a major inconvenience for companies on both sides of the english channel many have been trying to fill their warehouses for weeks out of fear of a hard brecht's it taking effect on january 1st. here's how our financial correspondent who isn't assess the impact the new travel restrictions could have on the broader economy. the baron on flights from the united kingdom to europe this is
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what makes many people here concerned what if more travel restrictions are imposed more borders closed will the situation eventually develop like during the 1st corona lockdown in the spring when closing borders restricting travel where the beginning of a huge economic slump the development the mutations of the coronavirus are impossible to predict and this is why people businesses markets are extremely nervous because. and as you mentioned earlier england is not the only country to have identified a new strain of the virus that appears to be spreading more easily scientists in south africa have made a similar discovery to find out more about that let's talk to the reporter alice gallagher she is joining us from cape ted hi alice good to see you now this is a different strain from the one that's been found in england bring us up to date on what we know about this one yeah exactly it is
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a different mutation although the scientists you're saying that it looks a lot like the mutation are you saying you kate and. you're also saying that now 90 percent after grown a cases in east africa might is new and they also think it is spreading. although they don't put a number on that yet so they're still researching of course how fast is it spreading and also of course one important thing is is this one more deadly than the previous strain of. ok so a lot of open questions there but what about travel restrictions in and out of south africa are most of the flights still running. you know we're seeing now that countries are imposing travel bans on south africa israel for example or germany turkey and as many other also european countries that are still deciding if they are going to close airspace and also here i mean cape town where i am this is devastating to be hoped that at least this december they could make up
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a little bit for all the income lost and i think actually so far i've not received that africa panicking about this new strain but now that other countries are basically blocking air travel and from into south africa i do see that people are getting rest of this and kind of realising that this is a big worry and as briefly if you can what about plans for a vaccine rollout in south africa there's no data here yet hope is that will come somewhere in the through. the next year but the south africa has a big problem and that is that they don't have the finances to secure a preorder vaccines like the western countries they need to compete with them on the world markets and they just can't sell here that's also still. when and when that is going to come and it's probably can take maybe years for the whole of south africa to be vaccinated. thank you very much. now to some of the
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other business stories making news german trade union verde is calling for a strike at 6 hours on locations in germany become pain would last until christmas eve the goal is to pressure on into recognizing collective wage and workplace safety agreements during previous disputes of this kind continued to deliver parcels. the european commission has given the green light to a planned merger between italian american carmaker fiat chrysler and francis p s a the merger is expected to go ahead in the 1st months of 2021 it would create the world's 4th largest automobile group behind fog sparking randomness on mitsubishi and toyota. to the united states know where after weeks of wrangling congressional leaders have reached an agreement on a $900000000000.00 stimulus package both on the deal are expected later on monday
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it will be the 1st federal aid package since the keris act back in march the stimulus package includes $600.00 direct payments to individuals and an additional $300.00 per week in unemployment benefits here's what the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell had to say. more help is on the work. moments ago in consultation with our committees look for leadership and i. thought it was an agreement it will be another major rescue package for the american people. to continue babbling coronavirus this holiday season there will be flooding along. here in germany nonessential businesses have been closed for almost a week as the country struggles to contain rising in section number as the decision coming in the middle of the all important holiday shopping season is an especially big blow to retailers on
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a ready highly difficult year. these days local residents here in dusseldorf only go out to buy groceries or perhaps pick up some flowers the rest of the stores have shut their doors due to the lockdown shopkeeper done the l a p has followed suit even so she comes in almost every day and she still sells some of her sustainable clothing and other products on line chaps as i toss and zips in an online shop so i've had an online shop since 2017. luckily i didn't have to start from scratch this year so that helped that it had it would go but that doesn't make up for the losses incurred by a lock down shot it. one order has arrived this morning by email the customer will pick up the perfume later online shoppers are mainly locals. but an online shop at that i've noticed that many people i know from the area visit the online shop. typhon none of the customers come from
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a hamburger frankfurt. almost all of the retailers are in germany's most luxurious shopping street the could examine and dusseldorf have closed their doors shopping centers are nearly deserted. but there is still work to be done at least for this jeweler sonya kies is designing a piece for a client the pandemics global impact has hit her business especially hard her family shop creates custom made jewelry. i don't need unique gems which we carefully select in person as uncut stones at the mines but i can't get over there so i can't fulfill my orders now i just. need a fooling her husband shows images from the last trip to a sri lankan mine in march. they've already cut this stone. but more are needed for the order luckily the client is patient an exception to the rule. people she
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modicum our industry isn't great distress many of us are down 30 percent. overall retail sales are down 14 percent in 2020 which is why the industry's trade association is urgently calling for help. we're experiencing a lack of liquidity that simply must be compensated if that doesn't happen it really looks as though up to 50000 shops could soon close. dunya appears at least was able to sell the perfume before noon the customers stopped by that's how many retailers are operating right now she's prepared should the lockdown go on for longer at least until the end of january. and finally we take you to finland snowy far north where visitors would normally be flocking to visit santa claus under the current travel restrictions however crowds in the lot farms town over
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avani anyone have a 20 leaving the winter wonderland looking abandoned but santa too has adapted to working from home he's been communicating with children via video instead quite the business savvy individual he's been charging 79 euros for a 5 minute cold front's he'll hopefully use to help his elves weather these turbulent times. and that wraps up our show or you can visit our website r t w dot com slash business or on social media as well for me and the team if i am to care .
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measures are. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus update the code of special monday to friday on. this is due don't need use a shot coming up today the human trafficking tragedy facing an already prosecutes of people. hundreds of roaming job in smuggled in boats destined for southeast asia but along the way they're facing beatings starvation and death what is being done to stop the people smugglers. but not all people surviving journey's end in tragedy beneath family me. despite tremendous all.
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