tv Nahaufnahme Deutsche Welle December 22, 2020 3:00am-3:30am CET
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searchers. there are many reasons. and there are many military issued of similar. to. make up your own mind. d.w. made for mines. this is d.w. news and these are our top stories. prominent russian opposition figure alexina volley says he has spoken with one of the security agents allegedly involved in his poisoning last august he maintains the agent believed he was talking to a government official and revealed details about the attack the investigative website telling katz says russian security agents have been tailing of olney for
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years. the european union has approved the biotech pfizer coronavirus vaccine it comes after approval by the european medicines agency e m a germany italy in austria plans are vaccinations on december 27th inoculation is already in use in the united states and the u.k. it's said to be 95 percent effective against the virus. travel bans imposed because of the new strain of corona virus that has emerged in the u.k. have left trucks stranded in southern england long lines of stationary vehicles have built up on the highways leading to dover britain's busiest ports all passenger and truck crossings are friends are blocked and supermarket chains are warning of possible food shortages. this is news from berlin follow us on twitter on instagram at g.w. news or visit our website that's t w dot com. u.k.
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prime minister barak johnson is dealing with 2 of the biggest economic shocks his country has ever suffered in peacetime leaving the european union and the coronavirus pandemic the latest brac said the deadline passed on sunday the 2 sides are still talking britain was dealt dealt another blow today asked the e.u. and countries around the world to bands travelers from the u.k. because of a new mutant strain of corona virus i'm phil gale in berlin and this is the day. the new variant is out of control and we need to bring it under control it's not as though we can stop this getting into other places there's something there already i take great still. i can't go back home. because.
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to be viable how do i like not being able to fly freely around europe i think it's a little bit annoying for every country has the right to make the right decision if they think it's going to be for the safety of the citizens that the so i think there's just hope that maybe 2021 is going to be different now and. also on the day our german court hands down to life sentences to a right wing extremist after he killed 2 people near a synagogue last year survivors of that attack are still feeling its effects so does the world ever had a problem with the fireworks on new year's eve in the past but i noticed this year that they made me feel a bit. i wouldn't say they made me nervous but i really don't feel comfortable with the misuse of it. welcome to the day germany france india and saudi arabia are among about 30 countries lining up to
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impose a bans on travelers from the u.k. as britain battles and mutated strain of corona virus that is said to be much more contagious u.k. ports and airports have been thrown into chaos leaving the country effectively cut off from continental europe. entry denied trucks headed from england to the european mainland forced to turn back after alarms were raised over the new coronavirus strain the channel crossing to france is a crucial trade route truck drivers and their goods now stranded. young to law by new. law seems to be this is good to like it to this if you look at the next 2 days yeah. i think. they. travel at london's heathrow airport was also disrupted with some passengers left in limbo. confused
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at this time you can even out i appeared on board in december citrus and you see the situation is totally different it's hard time to. really put strain on a lot of people but. i think overall we're all just waiting on the opening up of all of the country. nonsense to see your family get back together. and the new covert strain has already been detected in mainland europe and as far away as australia experts say the newly developed vaccines should still protect against the mutation. well let's take a closer look at this mutation with john campbell he's an independent health i noticed an educator joins us from colorado in the north of england i welcome to day w. it's in the nature of viruses to mutate so why is this mutation got authorities so exercised. well they go to is that this new taishan all this variant form of the
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virus was more prevalent in areas where there is an increase in incidence of the virus generally so in london in the southeast for example there was an escalation of cases and they found out that this virus was correlated with that escalation in cases and then this went to porton down an important down the biological virological institute in the u.k. they did some blood based tests read the culture of the virus in the uk human cell cultures question 50 k. did experiments and the conclusion from their work was that this virus is more like this this variant of the virus is more transmissible so we seem to have a virus which is more transmissible than the previous forms of this virus is still the soccer virus too of course it's just a new variant but about 70 percent we think 70 percent more contagious and that increases the transmission ability by about by about $5.00 to point $8.00 something
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like that so it is quite a significant increase in the degree to which the virus can be transmitted around and what that means is that if the virus has a particular biological tendency to to be transmitted we have to be even more rigorous without the courses with our hands faced space ventilation measures because the viruses that bit easier to catch so i think that's why people are worried about why there is evidence that is more transmissible so more contagious does that necessarily mean it's more deadly. it certainly doesn't mean that the particular mutation on this virus is called the n $51.00 y. now that is the 501st amino acid on the spike protein and that affects what's called the receptive binding domain where it actually fits into that is that to sell to cause the infection so we know it's a specific part of the virus which is specifically adapted to fitting into the
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receptor cell it doesn't seem to be affecting anything else in the virus itself so it's an increase in transmissibility and as well as that when we look at the n.p.t. me ology yes there's more people admitted to hospital in an area where this mutation is but that's because there's greater numbers of the virus all together so the virus does not seem to have a greater pathogenicity in this variant it seems to cause disease is the same as the other virus but it spreads and more people get sick all of the same time as the popular and we've only just started to vaccinate people i know the fact that asians have begun in the u.k. are already we have to have a fact things will still work against this mutant strain. so remarkably good question now the vaccines work in different ways especially on a vaccine like the oxford vaccine which we're looking at to the moment probably go to be accredited soon and we have research the reason i'm quoting the oxford vaccine is we have peer reviewed publications on where the fires are in the media
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and with more going by press releases but we know that the oxford vaccine will stimulate these neutralizing antibodies now they may be partly effective because the neutralizing antibodies stick on to the spike protein so it's possible they will be partly affected but the vaccine also generates a gluten ating out the bodies that clump a lot of the viruses together and the vaccine also stimulates cellular immunity which is probably even more important than antibody immunity so it stimulates a group of cells called natural killer cells which will kill virally infected cells it stimulates a group of cells court t. cytotoxic cells which again kill virally infected cells and it also stimulates cells that eat the virus called fungo sitting rounds such as macrophages and mutual feels so it's attacking the virus in many different ways so it might have a minimal effect on one aspect of immunity but the vaccine is still going to work overall because this vaccine is boosting immunity in so many different ways so it's
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a no win situation where countries all over the world a banning flights from the u.k. is that likely to be effective i mean is it is it already out there. this virus was definitely identified on the 20th of september now alarm bells were particularly running at that time because this and fiber one mutation was just one of actually 12000 mutations of this virus has been documented to have had since it left hand way back in january in the start of the year so it wasn't particularly worrisome if there is this new mutation but the so what was the question for. the question was was about a country of. banning flights from the u.k. is that likely to be a factor yeah yeah yeah this is a so because it's already been around from the 20th september you have the end of september all of october all of november and into december to spread around the
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world so we know it's spread around or pass of the u.k. we know it's all over wales for example the prevalence is not high yet but it's also in scotland do we know for sure spread to denmark the netherlands and the strain aliya and it may well have spread to other countries now i strongly suspect the robot caught institutes in the centers for disease control in the united states are frantically doing genomic analysis in as we speak to see if that drug there is already there i suspect it is certainly a risk that it could be good talking to as ever thank you so much that's very clear john campbell independent health analyst. thank you. well the european union has now caught up with the u.k. the united states and others by approving the corona virus a vaccine developed by bio tech and 5 germany and other say they'll start vaccinating within a week of britain and the u.s. have already authorized the drug which is manufactured in belgium with
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a european travel ban in place a british transport minister grant shapps was came to reassure people that u.k. access to supplies of the vaccine will not be affected most vaccine doesn't come by what's called row roll on roll off which is what we're talking about here in other words it's not usually accompanied by a driver by a whole year it comes on those containers and i just put this into context there are about 6000 vehicles we'd expect to stand in dover today probably i would say 4000 would have gone across from just under 2000 on the euro tunnel but there's probably something like $32000.00 units that will be in the daily total so the vast majority including. all of that scene actually comes by container and as you say there are good supplies and in the meantime so this well i mean bans on nation program that's the u.k. i transform into grant shapps and despite what he says the u.k.
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is looking increasingly isolated it leaves the european union its biggest trading partner in less than 2 weeks and no deal on future trading arrangements has been struck at britain's office budget office of budget responsibility projects that leaving the e.u. will cost the country between $1.00 and a half and 2 percent of g.d.p. and $300000.00 jobs so add to that the economic and social costs of the curve in pandemic and this latest european travel ban unknown at 10 downing street is likely to be having a happy christmas so how is boris johnson's government coping with these body blows u.k. analyst quentin pill is an associate a member of chatham house so welcome back to t.w. let's start with bracks it sunday was supposed to be the latest deadline for a deal between the e.u. in the u.k. does it matter that another deadline has been missed. i think it does i think the whole uncertainty that this is creating really throughout british
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business and british industry is very bad news the. business is coming out again today begging the government to give them clarity about how to plan the government is shouting at business to say get on get ready for it and they say well get ready for what we don't know if we're going to crash out without a deal or we don't we whether we're going to have a pretty modest deal but at least no terrorism no quotas which makes a huge difference to the red. ok how do you then read this that this latest step a new travel ban and that because of its newton coronavirus training do you see this as a necessary precaution or perhaps a piling on the bracks impression. i think it's the former rather than the latter because but it does make it very clear that the bricks this is an this is really an early taste of the sort of chaos that i think we're going to
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see up to january the 1st particularly if we have no agreement i don't think that the e.u. has been as you say piling on the pressure i think that mainly it's just to find a landing space for both sides to be able to come out of the door and say oh well we did all right we got a victory the trouble is that the british side and boris johnson in particular have been saying all along this was going to be so easy we could have our cake and eat it we could get a good deal just like. it's proving to be much much more difficult so both on the kelvin side and on the bricks side boris johnson is looking to be somebody who is living in fantasyland i did want to ask you about other missions countries have spent a year going into and out of economically destructive lockdowns and back again but we have some national leaders like i'm going to maclin just into our dan who have
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seen their popularity sort despite this as boris johnson fairing. not well at all and there was a recent poll done by a conservative party website which suggested that party activists his own supporters confidence in boris johnson was 2.9 percent in contrast to confidence in his chance of the exchequer his finance minister issues in act which was over 70 percent so boris johnson is really suffering quite badly from being perceived to constantly hope for the best on coded hope for the best on rexx it and then having to retreat or do you and i think what is problem is really it's a problem both with british voters and with his fellow e.u. leaders or is former fellow e.u. leaders i should say that he's losing trust they don't actually believe what he
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says one victory for boris johnson's government has been that it was one of the 1st in the world to approve a vaccine and begin a vaccination program that hasn't helped him. not a lot i mean it is the only bit of good news is that there have been these at least 3 vaccines we know of that seem to have come up with good results and be usable now the brits rushed through the process of actually getting the 1st of the vaccines approved for use and distribution of course we can't forget it most of the vaccine developed in britain it was developed in germany an. american l so this sort of great british drive was actually just about rushing through the validation process but having said that it was good news i fear that it's already almost evaporate he won boris johnson won last year's the l action with the conservatives 1st
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convincing majority for many years at the at a lot of conservatives do have a lot to be grateful a to him for but the conservative party is also a notoriously ruthless about holding on to power is he now a liability i think he's looking pretty frail actually i mean it is an extraordinary situation that was a tremendous election victory only last december but he's been weakening ever since i feel part of it is built into the man this is a man whose real no claim to success has always been to be full of optimism full of good cheer funny guy doesn't really matter if he doesn't do the detail and he's suddenly been faced with this nightmare of a pandemic on the one hand and delivering very complicated bricks it on the other which do not play to his strengths he's not a details man and that's why he's in
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a mess so on that point as you say it was always going to be politically fraught and then we had covert has punished also just being unlucky. i think it's worse than that actually i think he's very badly qualified for the job i think that he played his cards quite cleverly to get the job if you remember he ruthlessly undermined the previous prime minister to resign may and he won the leadership of the party but this is a man who has never been good at choosing the right people to surround him i don't think he's got people who warned him against be overoptimistic i just for one example remember that he said the brits were going to have a world beating test and trace man it was quite out their sincerity to make exaggerated nationalistic claims for it and it's been
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a pretty good disaster so he's just been the wrong man in the job at the wrong time quite impale from chatham house thank you. amnesty international is accusing spanish health authorities of effectively abandoning residents can bring back often 19th pandemic and one of its most serious allegations its report says many people in facilities for the elderly have been denied access to hospital care the w.'s young from a shelter reports there is just time for a coffee before they are all has to go back to his care home in a month that it suburb now at least the 81 year old can leave the home for a short while in spring when the pandemic began it was different for months one was imprisoned in his 10 square meter room at the same time every hospital in the city was told not to admit any walk home resident. says she not of course i heard about
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it and it made me think i asked myself what happens if i'm sick then that be no one to help me anymore that makes you scared to be 3 months alone with these thoughts at least i could speak to my family but it was all very heart. one says his little drawing strife away the dark thoughts one in 5 residents in his care home has died of covert 19 states ignacio fuck this wrote a report for human rights organization and is the international un spain's and laying off the pandemic in his view the country violated several basic rights of elderly people. there is no way that a human rights violation can be the solution for a problem we're talking about on the this is what happens here these people couldn't go to the doctor couldn't go to see the doctor or go to the hospital this is an acceptable because this is cremation against a specific group and
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a group this case. in madrid and barcelona particularly at least people's rights were being abused still hopkins said about spain. health minister. also came under criticism i am aware that there are some investigations stationed. they cannot make any. before the right body to. make a judgment an. appropriate investigation. it was a clear. instruction from the u.s. he go and measure the vote of the e.c. . describing the kind of discrimination. more than 30000 care home residents in spain have died off covert 19 though the situation has got better recently doctors representative say many cases would have been avoided both at the care homes being better equipped. with christmas just around the corner spain seems
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to regain some optimism infection rates are falling some restrictions are being relaxed however the discussion regarding the violation of basic human rights of elderly people during the pandemic will certainly continue after an hour outside must make his way back to the care home he likely won't leave even for christmas the risk is that parents leave too high and he'd rather be alone in his small room he says than see a return to the conditions of spring. here in germany a far right extremist has been sentenced to life in prison for attempting one of the country's worst anti-semitic attacks since the 2nd world war the 28 year old was convey bill to kill more people at times chiffon be smiled as the judge read out her verdict she called his crime cowardly and said he will spend the rest of his life in prison. had he succeeded in his attack it would have been the deadliest
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hate crime in post-war germany but his attempt alone convinced many in germany that anti-semitism has become a problem that authorities do not have under control. it was 2019 on yom kapoor the holiest day of the jewish calendar that more than 50 community members and guests were celebrating in the synagogue in harlem. at midday stephon be heavily armed attacked the synagogue. he fired shots at the door and threw hand grenades. but the synagogue solid wooden door withstood the attack and it saved the lives of those inside. among them was max prevert ski chairman of howlers jewish community the experience has left him traumatized. as a desert bird ever had
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a problem with the fireworks on new year's eve in the past but i noticed this year that they made me feel a bit. i wouldn't say they made me nervous but i really don't feel comfortable with . it because i associate them with the attack in that doesn't mean these are moms look. when he failed to enter the synagogue the right wing extremists shot a woman who had spoken to him while walking by he then storm to a snack bar and opened fire killing a customer. he filmed everything on a helmet camera streaming the attack live on the internet a sign in the window commemorates the 2 people who were killed. next perverts he has twice found paper swat stick as left in front of the jewish community office. once he saw a police officer quietly removing a swastika he finds this unsettling. among kind.
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of bullets when you can't feel completely sure that you can trust or depend on police or security authorities for standing. calm down that's a bad thing. politicians in hala and throughout germany stressed that combating anti-semitism is their highest priority all the same many jews and holler so they are afraid to show their religious affiliation in public the synagogue door which saved their lives has been replaced with a new one that is even stronger. germany has seen an increase in anti semitic attacks over recent years so we asked the government anti semitism commissioner felix klein what was behind this well there are many factors that have. led to that situation one is the radicalization and brutalization in the internet also will be the perpetrator is a good example for that he was radicalized. quickly and to such an incredible
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extent but also other factors the attacks of populist politicians against our remembrance culture and the fact that so many taboos so many red lines are being crossed and people don't want. don't hesitate to do that anymore so so that has led to a rise of. of the crimes because many of them are committed in the internet cause distortion holocaust denial. but also incitement of the people and now we have to find all the means possible as the state but also as a civil society to counter that. but that's it's after a day. because
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a winning team and then returning to normal life. meaningless like deflation the struggles of long term side effects they don't know if their symptoms will never go away. controlled studies hoped. for life after the. close. and 60 minutes t.w. . story of producer propaganda. they were called the right mind basterds. their mothers were germans living in the occupied drying land their father's soldiers from the french colonies set. up in a climate of national pride to end racism. this
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