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tv   Nahaufnahme  Deutsche Welle  December 22, 2020 3:15pm-3:45pm CET

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now an avanti says he's uncovered new details on the plot to kill him. on a video of a phone call he says he duped a member of russia's domestic security service the f.s.b. into revealing details of the plot to kill him. during the 49 minute call the alleged agent admitted that nabil chalk was planted in underwear and that if the flight had been any longer things would have turned out differently . in response the russian government said novell me is suffering delusions of persecution i mean f.s.b. said the phone call was a provocation and foreign security services were involved. despite that response and the valley says he will pursue legal action against the men who he says tried to kill him. because it.
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was on the ice. and back to moscow far more how has the kremlin responded there you know how has the kremlin responded to this interview recorded by me. well the main russian line over these poisoning accusations throughout this whole ordeal has been to deny russia's connection to the poisoning russian officials connection to the poisoning and today we heard a statement from the kremlin spokesman. who said that non-binding had delusions of grandeur or delusions of being persecuted and he also said that there should be freud in analysis into why viney is so obsessed with his own underwear he also said that. the he confirmed what the f.s.b. had earlier said. they released a statement yesterday saying that this video was an absolute fake that it was
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a provocation that was meant to discredit the f.s.b. on the whole and f.s.b. agents working for the security agency so certainly i think though this video which already has millions and millions of views on you tube will be a worry for the kremlin going forward because it's already made so many waves. that associate of nirvana is that we heard about has now been released but 2 employees who work for the on these you tube channel have now been arrested why is that. well apparently those 2 employees who were detained yesterday were questioned for disobeying police orders. it seems will be facing criminal charges essentially for breaking into that alleged assassins apartment actually it seems from her own live streams and from reporting from various journalists who were on the scene that she was just sitting outside of the apartment for most of the day
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kind of talking about the assassin she when she left her car she was then arrested it seems almost like this is kind of the beginning of a crackdown on various members of the news team i heard one russian expert today saying that perhaps we could even see a wider crackdown on other members of the opposition going forward after all next year here in russia is an election year there are parliamentary elections coming up and i think it's very important for the kremlin to stay in control of the situation here including when it comes to the opposition and the sherman in moscow thank you very much for that update. let's get some sports news now and world football governing body pfieffer has filed a criminal complaint against its former president sepp blatter and several of his associates 1st says it has found evidence of criminal mismanagement of hundreds of millions of euros for a football museum project. his lawyer says the accusations are baseless letterhead
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of people for 17 years he was suspended and later banned by its ethics committee after swiss prosecutors filed criminal charges against him in 2015. and organizers of the tokyo olympics will spend $900000000.00 on measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus in next year's games the tokyo olympics will cost an estimated $15400000000.00 a few 1000000000 more than originally estimated when combining the cost of the postponement and the covert $19.00 counter-measures these will include a testing infrastructure and a clinic japan's prime minister yoshihiko suka insists that he will host the games at any cost. of course empty stadiums have become a common sight since the outbreak of the krona virus and demick the absence of supporters has changed the match day experience dramatically for those watching at home technology does offer of substitute w. went behind the scenes at
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a recent bundesliga match to see and hear the enhanced stadium experience. there was those off hand chance but without actual fans in the stands. to lose faulkner knows exactly what buttons to push to make the bundesliga experience from home sound as normal as possible the enhanced audio operator can react to almost every action on the pitch with the 20 sound effect at his disposal it's all done on this magic pad to see if we have a really good sound and slurred follow through with something so they're making noise in the 3rd. go nice chances penalties. you name it operators like fox are ready for everything even for con to a tax write off so called attack we have this last i got here i like the one right now it's running across the across the page if there is something i can go past
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from reuters and all the schools i want the old i was but the. sky germany had to dig deep into their archives to replicate the noise as. each sound played as a match specific because everyone using a team has its own unique sounds in the stadium i was it was machines which we had to remove the referee whistles any bore noises as well as interjections from coaches and players for the bicycle audio copy it and then i would often which began i the sound is then matched with the life feed coming from the stadium. this is what a goal with the fan noise option for example sounds like on life t.v. if i can't hear the disappointment at in this chance. i have anything planned down to the smallest detail like my grand ole sometimes we have to add resonance to my to
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sound richer when a small team plays in a big stadium for example with them is missing and so they can sound on i was sound off. 10 noise is not exactly everyone's cup of tea and i but for fans watching the business leader from home during the pandemic they can choose to bring the match day atmosphere into their living rooms even if it's not quite the real thing. and christmas in the holy land is looking different this year across a virus crisis means there are no tourists and social contact has been reduced to a minimum but santa claus is still making his rounds injuries. well and he's just had to adapt like everybody else center is always on the floor in december so it's the 2nd system here the father christmas of the holy land though israel and the palestinian territories are gripped by coronavirus the jerusalem santa hopes for
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a festive season. this is centers house the work place of jerusalem st nick and also a sense family home it's december the busiest time of the year for santa and yet in 2020 the pandemic has changed everything it's very hard for us with this crazy situation what we have would govern nitin i try my best to have a b. c. . at the nursery school run by the daughters of charity center is to help decorate the christmas tree due to the pandemic he's unable to visit some schools or hospitals this year he and the children try to keep their distance from one another but it isn't always easy. you know who i am. at christmas though people look towards neighboring bethlehem which christians
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believe to be the birthplace of jesus the city is now in the israeli occupied west bank easter is on his way there to visit a family even center must be flexible and take a detour or 2 the direct route from jerusalem to beth and miss blocked by the israeli separation barrier and checkpoints. easter visit a family he knows the children anthony and andrea eagerly awaiting him though this time he can only go as far as their door not enter their apartment safety comes 1st . in bethlehem christmas isn't being cancelled it will simply be celebrated differently not as color fully and above all without any foreign visitors will never see christmas and all around where the record by one of the wire. rug. from
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the hotel. it's time for is said to richmond to choose. evening is falling on the city it's time to open the doors of centers house. in spite of the pandemic the circus to see it aids to fulfill his duties. and centers around the world are busy doing their duties as christmas fast approaches one santa in california was so eager to get his presence out to the kids if you got himself all tied up in some power lines and i got the shock of his life after flying his paraglider and the tables luckily some little helpers from the local fire department were on hand to get him down safe and sound they said that he uses reindeer next time. to interpret the top stories we're following for you the head of a german a drug maker byron tax says his company can produce
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a vaccine tailored to the u.k. coronavirus variants mean that just 6 weeks but over shaking also told you he's confident the biotechs existing would also work against the variant. and the european commission is advising member states to lift a blanket travel bans imposed on the u.k. over the new variant of the corona virus which has emerged their traffic is backed up at the port of dover in southern england airport and plunged into chaos. russian opposition leader alexei navalny says he tricked us by allegedly involved in his poisoning last august into revealing details about the attack of all needs a lawyer was then detained by russian please when she tried to confront the man. coming up next waiting for the vaccine we follow a frontline health worker in india facing the daily breast of the faction. and communities on china's yangtze river to
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a 10 year ban on fishing. that and energy on news asia of course you can always get the latest news around the clock on our website. all of us on social media ask you. if you notice ok richardson for me the whole team here in berlin for such fraud. blocked.
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most. picked up. in. the last minute christmas champion reclaiming the tulsa airlifts. christmas gift because a bad. storm suffers a major blow and loses to me absurd tricks. in 60 minutes on t.w.
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in mexico many polish old loves us old alma mold right now climb a tree because the story of the fishes watch list away from just one week. how much oil is coming. we still have time to. i'm going. to subscribe to the morning news like this. why are people forced to hide in trucks. there are many recent. posts there are many cancers. coke's. and there are many stories.
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make up your. claims. made for minds. this is due to a shot coming up the big vaccinations planned for the world's 2nd largest population. medical workers will be among $300000000.00 indians to be vaccinated against a couple of others in each month to. cover everyone on the frontlines and when we find a vaccine. and a plan to revive china's beating hopes the. pall of 10 year ban on fishing welcome back thousands of commuters who.
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claim. i'm british welcome to. glad you could join us india could begin coronavirus vaccinations for its people from january next year the government says it's hoping to knock on it around 300000000 people by august that's roughly the population of the united states to be vaccinated within 8 months india has yet to approve any vaccine though there are a least 3 candidates in the fray and based on available guidance so far elderly persons and frontline health care workers will be 1st in queue but whether that covers people such as under chaudhry featured in our next report is as yet. 21 year old undercharged he has not taken a single day off from work in over 5 months now. he says he loves what he does
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but he had never thought it would put him on the frontline of fighting a pandemic winding. down of what was a lapdog mission working in a private by politics in delhi his main job is to conduct r.t. p.c.r. test counted as the most reliable test to determine whether someone is called it positive every day he was it how does a potentially infected people to collect this wop samples. and he understands that every day his work what so much risk of getting infected himself. in the beginning when i started doing this test i used to be quite scared. there was a lot of fear but then slowly i got used to this if i let fear take over. i think. the modern thing i have to take care of is that i should not get infected and if i am infected i should not transmit it to anyone that is why
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the whole process involves proper sanitation from start to finish. and well this is one of the thousands of frontline health workers in delhi struggling to control the spread of the writers. as india works towards developing the covered $1000.00 vaccine these health workers are likely to receive it on a friday basis as the eye to higher risk of contracting the widest due to regular exposure. did governments are preparing lists of people across the country identifying the health workers who will be the 1st ones to get the dose. and above says he is not show when he will get the vaccine at least to take months to come. so he has to ensure that he protects himself with well at all tight. technicians like me get the vaccine we will be less worried while doing our job believe you it will also help us keep our family safe haven and above understands the importance
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of as he says he is motivated by his desire to do his bit to help to deal with the pandemic writing and i remember one gets quite dieting i start my day at 8 in the morning and the world goes on too late i don't even get the time to have a sip of water on sundays as i have back to back sample collections i have been suffering from dehydration for the past 3 months because of that but then if you don't work regularly boards and the did. the patients won't get dead people could hold it and stand. right under that is timely horror deadly via vaccines so he says he knows he may be carrying out these tests for a long time to come. let's bring in he's a researcher in bioethics and global health policy and has been following india's vaccine development plans closely he joins me from the pope in india dr bond welcome now the indian government says vaccinations could begin as early as january
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next year but india has yet to approve of the vaccine what does that happen so i think i want to be. companies have put in applications but they have been told that they need to come back more beat up it's likely that this will be an ongoing process the fact that many other dictators and countries have started to believe maxine is going to be a factor but it's also the case that you don't actually like bodies that are more than more difficult given the law just because i mean does it cost that you know access which are easier to use that would be to do it is storage have a higher reference but we don't do we need to make the final decision and then it would be i don't know what is this father government has said that health care and frontline barker's will be among the 1st to be vaccinated now does that include people who work outside of hospitals as well as such as diagnostic labs all funeral homes for example. then to think that that would be an independent
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a lot of this is left at the state of provincial level to decide payments have been given about health workers being 1st and then frontline workers and all of these individuals given that this get asked of transmission especially by virtue of the book that they do certainly qualify and i think it would be certainly the case that they would be good order and this is up to also the states to ensure when they do that industry or as part of the privatization existing is a crucial question though is that a once of vaccine does become available once it has been approved by the indian government we people have to go through the government and through government vaccination centers or will they be able to get themselves vaccinated privately as well. yes or the companies seem to be suddenly interested in the private market as you know we have a mixed health system in india every also have huge meticulous and upper class which would be just rated by accident if they were to be able to foresee it i think those question is going to be one of equal if you have
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a prior to an exercise in the garment sector and you have to go to that janitor and wait for you are done and you actually skipped that queue by going to a private market and getting a vaccine and i think that's an equal division which the government would have to teach will be what i lobbied for private cd there might also be the case that there might be some vaccines which are only available in the private market because they are not something which can be degraded into the government program given cost and logistics concerns but i guess they don't wait for a. gun to somebody will it and then companies can decide and governments to allow for the. based on what the government is saying got into dr bon government wants to vaccinate roughly 300000000 people by august next year i'm wondering if that means that from september 2021 roughly the pandemic will be manageable already of an over in india. yeah one would hope so but i guess we all know from prior
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experience over the last many months that you know the vaccine and the pandemic is a bit unpredictable vaccination is one important component of that is sponsored but it's also going to be a fact of if you are seen a 2nd wave of any kind what is the kind of distribution of our vaccine and also if there is any doubt of the addition which is a cause for concern etc so it's likely that the laxity she will be an active part of that as sponsors and going into the next few months hopefully that would help it would. you know any kind of besides of the disease with the last few weeks we have seen a decline in the number of cases it's that it getting treated and it's important for us to keep you know working to ensure that that continues there's every indication that it's going to be to shots of a vaccine that is going to be acquired i'm talking about 300000000 people to be vaccinated in 8 months odd enough those is going to be available yes or the government has announced that the atlanta into. organized for that
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number of those is and you know they have to find the finances for that we would also probably find out a little bit more in the forthcoming budget on how that financing is being organized but it seems to be the case that these for that the $100000000.00 population that is i don't think that the government is going to do it big active role in finding the funds to pay for those vaccines and then also ensuring that goes out and mr intruding into my remote locations across india just one final question dr bond when these new vaccines whichever they made me will be effective against new strains of the vitals such as the ones that are evident in the u.k. and south africa. yeah so one would hope so i mean i think that's a concern but so far the indication is that it actually should hopefully be able to cover these streets we ought to have an actual experiment happening in the u.k. because you have obviously these new strains and also vaccines already either into
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any contracts already being administered at last kids or if there is a concern it should come through in the u.k. don't survive experiences there over the next few weeks and that your flag issues i don't know if it gets the and street companies but that is also something that india will have to keep a close watch on as will genomics the winnings to public health effects to it so that we are keeping track of those who are vaccinated and we are proceeding if it is on the ground thank you so much for speaking to us. as of overfishing have taken their toll on china. longest waterway to the plan to start speeding has introduced a 10 year fishing ban starting next year that's forced many communities along the river to adopt. at this river sides junkyards what could be a scoop of fortunes mate and lost these fishing boats once roamed the coastline of the young sea river in a trade that's gone on for centuries. but since beijing announced
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a catch ban fish meant like young have had to adjust to a new life. their own desire to have here on the young the river my family has fished for generations. you know margaret we don't have any other scale of those living on a mountain that live from the mountain those living near the water left from there with. beijing wrote out the 10 year fishing ban in 2020 in an attempt to reverse g.'s f. was the fishing and massive pollution. to replace lost income young has turned his home in the chongqing province into a guest house and deems pala. the 52 year old also bought a ferry to carry passengers and the ok she no sack of carrying but fishing was much more profitable. than make a living from
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a hotel or transport boats alone the government's policy is good we got subsidized for giving up our fishing boats but as i invested so much money on this transport boat if there are no tourists here on the weekends it will be very hard for us. like young through a chunk tens of thousands of other fishermen have also lost their licenses their fishing boats to have been grounded by authorities the fisherman missed their old lives but say they understand the environmental concerns. over harvested young sea bass and once accounted for 60 percent of china's fishing output that's now shrunken to less than one percent. what i missed was the happy feeling when i caught the fish there's a lot. of what we have to protect the mother river and protect the ecology of the young. you can break the law. and so
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young leaves behind the profession he's had for to take aids and begins the next chapter of life with this new fairy this way his connection to the river won't be completely lost. that's it for today we're back tomorrow with you about. the fate of against the coronavirus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and contacts the coronavirus update nineteen's. on t w. x can inspire the changes be to people making a small girl africa fantastic. join them as they set out to
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save the environment learn from one another and work together for a better future. many thanks to you all for tuning in for go. on d. w. . since the beginning of the pandemic numbers are playing an even larger role in our day to day lives which is better standing 1.5 metres apart or 2 meters what exactly is the all right do i have enough masks and how long can i wear one for. numbers in form decision making how many kids can be safely in one classroom or how many people should i be allowed to meet with. but with new and
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changing numbers coming to us every day what's important and how do you keep your head from spending. but so many statistics associated with a coronavirus pandemic is imposed was give on top of them all or even to understand them well if all these numbers on leaving you know allow us to help you out by explaining a few of the key ones. the 7 day incidence indicates how many people tested positive within one week measured per 100000 inhabitants for example let's assume a city with 129000 inhabitants has this number of positive tests in one week we add up all the positive test results. and then the 7 day incidence is calculated for.


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