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tv   Ein Duft von Freiheit  Deutsche Welle  December 23, 2020 3:15pm-4:00pm CET

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for reporting by journalists and also freedom of speech the kurdish member of parliament ben this mom was sentenced to 22 years in jail for speech ek. this latest sentencing it will be a chilling reminder to independent reporting in turkey carries the minimal risk for someone on the line by the committee for protection of journalists which rank turkey is the 2nd worst jail in the world for journalists with $37.00 reporters in jail now is this the end of the line for the journalist or can't his lawyers appeal well the lawyers can appeal this but it's unclear what they will do they in fact boycotted the the verdict hearing saying that the trial was a sham they said that they had already been reached before the cases even started but that is open but it will open the. possible tensions between hunger will likely press for the extradition. is running a media operation into turkey with newspaper internet radio
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and a web page and turkey will accept pressure people have been very critical of germany they say are harboring people who are accused of not being convicted of terrorists offenses they touched on this that how will this sentencing a fact turkey's relations with its allies. well it's certainly likely to give further tension between turkey and the european union yesterday the european court of human rights calls for the immediate release of the former leader of turkey's main kurdish party selecting them attached saying that he should be released from jail without delay president one dismissed that saying that they are not bound by the rulings of the european court and accuse them of always siding with what he said are terrorists attacking turkey but beyond that this will lead to further demands within the european union for tougher action to be taken to coax circuit is growing concern over the judiciary and what they are opponents and
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critics said is being used to silence opponents of the government and on top of that there is possible to further pressure from the incoming president joseph biden of the united states has been very critical of turkey's human rights record so turkey faces the un envoy will be vision going forward in the next year both for the european union and washington going up against archy and calling for reforms i try and jones in istanbul thank you very much for your reporting. take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. a huge fire has broken out in a migrant center housing around 1200 people in bosnia local media reports say the fire began in a section of the camp near the croatian border where oil and generators are also stored it's not yet known whether there are any casualties. u.s. president donald trump has announced a wave of pardons including for 4 former government contractors convicted of
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killing an unarmed iraqi civilians trump also pardoned former republican congressman found guilty of corruption and if former campaign aide convicted of lying under oath julian vesta geisha into russian meddling in the 26th election. france has lifted its clone a virus a blockade of the united kingdom and will allow stranded truck drivers to return if they have a negative profit 900 test but the u.k. says it could take a 3 days to process the backlog and supermarkets are warning of possible fresh food shortages the military is to run a virus testy stations. let's turn now to a diplomatic route between germany and china after germany's ambassador to the united nations openly criticized beijing for human rights violations germany's membership of the u.n. security council ends this week in his final address ambassador christophe christ and called on china to free 2 detained canadians here's what he said. this council
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will lose its messy if you see this to be concerned about the fate of individuals about their protection and security their human rights and their freedoms their well being and their aspirations therefore let me and my tenure and the security council by appealing to my chinese colleagues to ask be doing pro release of might be might this favor christmas is the right moment for such a jester and that was the german ambassador and here is how china's security council representatives replied i should know by now wish to say something from the bottom of my heart good riddance ambassador hikes and or should i say farewell my hope without you the council will be in a better position to maintain international peace and security and next year. for more at let's bring in jazz next from a chancellor angela merkel's
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a cd you party has a member of the german parliament foreign affairs committee welcome what is your reaction it to that good about radiance comments well i have 1st have to say we are very proud 'd of that because the horse and entire team at the. mission in new york for the accomplishments of 2 years in the u.n. security council i think we are not in this up in the council to make also popular autocrats 'd and human rights violators 'd around the world it is our road to be outspoken when it comes to the. compliance with international rules role and with human rights and i think that is what we have done would be doing that because the host said it is there but we will continue to call a spade a spade all right and is it this just a diplomatic spat or is this going to have a serious impact on relations between china and germany. i think we see
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a more aggressive behavior by 'd russia and china 'd if you look at ringback the willingness of the chinese government to leverage economic relationship with regard to disagreements on policy issues with a country like australia most recently i think we should be prepared for some. more difficult environment in this regard but i think this is also a preparation by russia and china for the upcoming return of the united states as a meaningful act in the context of the u.n. and the u.n. security council this is more going into. we call politics because. in a 19th century style even more so important that middle powers like germany or european partners like partners in the alliance for multilateralism ensure that the rule of law and basic principles are upheld in the united nations and around the world as this institution would otherwise lose its legitimacy they have to say that
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some critics have said that germany's economic ties to china have meant that it treads a lightly on human rights what was it about this particular moment that led the german ambassador to speak up at the un security council. i think we have been outspoken on a number of these issues over the 2 years. it was the. message of. the facets of it was that if of the security council as all term ends now we will reapply for $2728.00. but i think we will we will be seeing that especially redefining the u.s. china relationship is one of the core issues for international relations in the next 20 years and we will see some realignment in this regard i've always argued against coupling economies that is realistic doesn't work for
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so as it were for europe doesn't work for the united states but that we will have to be more vigilant. and resilient in terms of the leverage of moment and. other means of power in this relationship that's that's a phase that i think that's what we are all i right thank you very much andrea snake a member of the german parliament fine affairs committee thank you. for the u.n. is urging the central african republic to hold elections as planned this weekend despite an upsurge in violence armed groups linked to a former president are suspected of trying to stage a coup authorities insist the situation is now under control but some opposition parties want the poll to be postponed. these people will not be deterred. they've come to register and are determined to vote on sunday their hope is that this will at last and the violence and bring change to that country. are sure to
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revel i'm sure that i will vote. i know the vote will take place and that's a good thing for me. and a good thing for the country. over. the frontrunner in the poll is incumbent president to our dara he to say the vote must go ahead on sunday and that any disagreements between opposing groups should be resolved by peaceful means. skeet shooting must we take up arms to resolve problems must we take up arms to get into power i don't think so we have institutions of the republic that are in place we have institutions born out of the bondi forum which operational today. if you do you should. only have this week the president asked russia and rwanda to send troops to help the existing u.n. force the more than 12000 soldiers to put down what looked like an armed rebellion in the run up to the poll. is accuse former president of all castrating rebellion
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after he was barred from standing in the sunday's election because he's a in south ousted in 2013 denies the allegations. but for the people in the central african republic this is just the latest chapter in the tit for tat ethnic and religious violence that has been flaring sporadically for nearly 2 decades one most viewed as a vicious circle. is going to blow more can you really develop a country through war. in my opinion no if there are problems let's sit around a tables and discuss it well it was and in the negotiations of course each party agrees to win and also to loosen. the hope among the majority here and the international community is that such reason will prevail this weekend. and the other stories making headlines israel is that to have its 4th election in 2 years after parliament failed to meet a deadline to pass
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a budget prime minister benjamin netanyahu formed his current unity government that centrist politician benny gantz in may after 3 inconclusive elections. the u.s. justice department is suing wal-mart accusing the retail giant of fueling of the country's opioid crisis the suit alleges wal-mart filed thousands of invalid prescriptions handled orders irresponsibly and failed to report suspicious prescriptions wal-mart has rejected the allegations and asked a federal judge to throw out the case. a man suspected of killing a 3 police officers and wounding a 4th has been found dead in france officials say the suspect opened fire as police arrived at house central vision region they were answering a domestic violence call and president mohan has called the officers curios. and reminder of the top story we're following for you. germany has reported its
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highest daily death toll from the phone virus since the start of the pandemic 562 people have died from war with couvade in the past 2 to 4 hours the country is planning to roll out its vaccination program after the christmas holidays so. that's a news update at this hour i'm claridge it's an imbalance me an entire team a search for joining us.
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it's taking on more areas of society. artificial intelligence. options. words health. is an eternal life a start to be possible. to see and psychiatric future market but what are the limits. in the journey. 60 minutes. if you. look closely.
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listen carefully. don't look to soon. to google. to discover the i. subscribe to the documentary to. tarrytown. i. i i i was the same. trick monarch. i love fantasy. ah. the scene.
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i. see because it starts december 26th. caught. coming up today the ground 0 of the cold of august. amidst a joy and the contempt for spain and plenty of an ounce of questions also coming up . a tent city would start instead of an overseas holiday would be gold clamping. airport plus.
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christmas. join us it's been almost a year since the outbreak of the. make a global health emergency that has changed. at the end of. the. pneumonia like illness in the city of fort followed was an unprecedented response to contain the deadly outbreak the city and its people from the outside world. history.
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remarkable scenes but. that city's outside china can only dream shops are open people are out and about and confidence in the communist party . but under the surface and all it isn't as it's made out to be. it is almost as if nothing had ever happened here life is back to normal in the city where the coronavirus 1st emerged at the time the government reacted with one of the most severe lock downs in human history now old and young enjoy outdoor activities children are back in school with their grandparents waiting to pick them up. what i don't cite is mine still have the virus but will have people done to a.o.s. because they govern well during lockdown. china has brought infection rates down to almost 0 in an exuberant exhibition the communist party celebrates victory in what
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it calls its war on the epidemic with tributes to soldiers and medics who work themselves to exhaustion during the outbreak but 1st and foremost the party celebrates self and the general secretary xi jinping was hailed as the man who led the country to the. cutter to not go home i'm very moved by this exhibition i feel that the people who buy a province the government and all its organizations have shouldered a lot. of. this is hala china wants people to see its reaction to the disease and how many people do see it indeed but there are other voices in this city. john high is one of them he is on his way to the municipal government. but isn't this the people's government taking pictures is not allowed. to look like a country by music i think they should change their name from the people's
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government of one hand to the bureaucrats government of on one hand. john hi normally lives in the southern city option but returned home to one hand in january when his father broke his hip the elderly man received free treatment at a military hospital this was where he caught cold and later died. john high says his father would still be alive if the authorities in one hand had not covered up the early stages of the outbreak he's trying to file a case in court against the government. i've been very upset since i came back to 100. years or so i'm sad and angry at the same time you know food and all that's my current state of mind body and.
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soul that i can't stand all this propaganda about the achievements in the fight against cove it was just what out of all the people who died the innocent people who left this world have never been paid proper respect. so you will go to the wall and government has never apologized given them what you don't know you got. the week without it. but few people still speak publicly about their grievances many others appear to have put the experience behind them night life is back on the streets especially young people enjoy their newly returned free there's. almost nothing else what do you feel energized me stored up energy for almost half a year i've been exercising and taking care of my health every day i feel healthier and more alive than ever before what do you. think i didn't feel the need to rested on with your we had a rest that was way too long there's no excitement
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a high not even a reading young life but many places in the words 'd to struggle with the pen dam in the city where it all 'd 'd began is moving on. singapore's changi airport is often counted as one of the world's best and if you flown from your tip to southeast asia you've most likely passed through this important. but like most airports around the world passenger traffic through here plummeted this year due to the pandemic just over 11000000 passengers up to the end of november for comparison sake last year the airport handled more than 68000000 passengers the difference in numbers bad news for the 50000 people who work here but the airport hasn't given up and has come up with a novel offering to new all people back to the tunnels the key word here glenn being part of the top floor of the airport now houses luxury tents for that luxury
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airport safadi you always wanted. they call it clamping in the clouds but this camp site is a firmly on the ground with the coronavirus putting a stop to nearly all air travel singapore's famed airport has swapped takeoffs for 10 years a much needed reprieve for some of the many families stuck at home this holiday season i mean usually we we go out of the country every day but busy travel my full body so i thought you know why not do something different what if you're good and i think the enjoy being ideal is that. anyone who's missed a flight knows all about overnighting at the airport but here you get to do it in such style as the name suggests these glam has a kid out queen size beds temperature control and even festive christmas lights put
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it more than $250.00 u.s. dollars a night it's not for the budget traveler i mean you really right here that the man was when he was like you know you could have fit for a potbelly. or staycation. detents a book down until the end of the month but organizers hope that even after the pandemic clapping at the airport will take off. and good luck to trying to airport on that front now christmas this year friends different from nearly everyone across the world and also an issue we wanted to know how so we asked our correspondents in the region to tell us this is what they sent us. in is a country in which celebrating christmas decorations in many of the launch markets and especially off was from hotels and restaurants the christmas delicacies and special christmas dinner as the christians at a very small minority in india and they're looking forward to celebrating christmas
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mass in churches like this one but one lady i spoke to said there's nothing to celebrate there's been so much of deaths so much of misery during the pandemic but understand this is the time for fruits and healing a time to express gratitude for what they've overcome and to pray for a better world each. leaf. plus another one of the laws passed that these us here in the hall call justice usually smaller rallies most of prophecy like this one usually have customers like then there's that grace but this year is downstairs that must be what you all unexpected the celebrate christmas outside because hong kong is now imposing its most thankful destructive. baath party room there was. also is that people will spend their christmas in small groups in the open
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a. ton of time he's had to blow hard for many hong kong lives because of the pandemic and also that we think let's hope one money holds out not only can they remove the mosque but also this show the happy face says soon that. least. so korea had dealt with the covert $900.00 pandemic pretty well early on but cases have recently reached over $1000.00 per day prompting the government to implement stronger social distancing lockdown measures for christmas that means churches law. the one behind me will be holding their services mostly online but christmas in south korea is also something of a romantic date night couples that i spoke with are going to get together privately in order delivery or takeout food as restaurants have reduced their capacity due to
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the government restrictions also small businesses and so 3 have been having a tough time with holiday shopping of course way down but the government has said that they're going to offer you know some rent relief to those small businesses and even some tax credits to small business landlords there may be more help coming soon no with south korea's prime minister announcing sunday that they will be ruling out a vaccine here in february or march of next year. christians here in malaysia tell me they look forward to spending time with their families however in many cases these reunions will be smaller than usual the government allowed interstate travel to resume here just a few weeks ago christmas services are allowed in churches that are in communities that do not have high case numbers of coven 1000 however the number of people out
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inside has been reduced and services are limited to 90 minutes however the archdiocese of fallen pours playing a cautious and has announced that it will hold christmas mass on line local catholics tell me they will participate in the mass from their homes and they will not let the pandemic for their christmas local shopping malls i've seen increased foot traffic in recent days as stores try to learn customers what holiday sales malaysia is a muslim majority country but people of all face often travel during the final weeks of the year. and that's it for a regular shows for this year and what do you know it's been watching did up to for some special editions of news in the run up. 2021 for myself and the whole news asia team thanks so much for watching we leave you with more snapshots of christmas from across many christmas to you all and see you sort of by.
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putting. the fight against the coronavirus 10 damage. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update. on t w. in the. climate change. comes from a decision. to. do
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years do you think the future of. global dot com africa mega city. could. cause. now more than ever it's important to stay as healthy as possible cutting a balanced diet is can help. the world health organization suggests easing a variety of food from different nutritional groups. including plenty of fruits and vegetables. the w.h.o. also recommends eating a diet rich in whole grains and snarks. limiting your intake of sugar salt and fast. practicing good food hygiene to avoid becoming sick of
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food borne disease. and limiting your consumption of alcohol. research shows improving nutrition helps of course bump tamil immune function. so if you catch cold it 19 your immune system may be better equipped to fight. this. 1000 special i'm kate ferguson thanks for joining me the past few months have been tough living in constant fear of getting sick or losing your job can make you feel like you're not in control one thing you do have some agency over though is your diet and as our next report shows good nutrition can have a major impact on health outcomes. documented you should. if you really like hospital food but it's more than just
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a question of taste you tradition is vital and most clinics and hospitals pay too little attention to a well balanced diet dr viola andreessen from hamburg has been dealing with the effects of poor hospital nutrition on patients for 20 years so i should mention these people simply are more at risk of being in the i.c.u. for longer of having to stay in hospital longer of increased complications on or even more at risk of dying from their disease so. geriatric physician dr martin has many weak patients and he sees the dangers of poor nutrition every day. eating and on balance a diet especially in the elderly causes them to lose weight quickly and lose substance the body can no longer heal wounds as quickly people get dizzy they fall over problems flare up in days and weeks when the food on liquids are not balanced and above all not sufficient and. also. missed. the doctor's experience is borne out by
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a major swiss study. 2000 participants with already poor nutrition took part in the study 1000 were given regular hospital food the other half were given a healthier alternative within the group that received the superior diet outcomes were significantly better with 15 percent fewer complications and 27 percent fewer deaths a few days of hospital food won't harm most people but the very ill have often already lost weight and strength before hand here at the israel hospital in hamburg a specialist nutrition team takes care of these high risk patients selecting them for special attention as soon as they're admitted in a 3 day period 21 of 53 newly admitted patients were noticed by the experts. there are various methods for measuring malnutrition this device measures how much strength there is in the hands. or how much muscle and fat tissue is on the back of
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the hand. or even how is body tissue composed a special scale shows the proportion of muscle in fashion. out of course blood values is there a lack of iron sodium potassium or protein. patients who are malnourished are given extra care special nutrition filled shakes with cucumber or beetroot an extra protein or sweeten group an almond chocolates to improve strengthen charge the batteries for recovery. protein helps to heal wounds for example zinc serves to ward off infection. the key to making a full recovery is freshly prepared food rich in nutrients if clinics pay proper attention to nutrition a lot can be achieved through normal diet sometimes it only takes a little extra effort with nutrition to achieve great results here. let's talk now
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to professor anika wagner from the institute of nutritional science is at the university of geese in professor reich that the study we saw in the report just now really reiterated what an incredibly crucial role in nutrition it plays in our general health and as well our ability to heal do you think this issue is getting enough attention during the pandemic. i think the effect of nutrition on our house in the context of the current pandemic is underestimates it's a high number of people suffer from different diets dependent diseases such as obesity diabetes type 2 and hypertension and we know that these patients have a significantly higher risk of the a course of 19 that means sped through a sustainable change of unhealthy dietary habits towards a healthy well balanced diet will improve diet dependent users and signal tenuously would decrease the risk for severe course of the covert $900.00 facts however as
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a change in our nutritional behavior is a long term goal long term concepts need to be established and strongly promoted which is currently not the case i really want to zone in now on obesity which you mentioned it is of course a major risk factor for becoming seriously ill it from covert 1000 why is that exactly. so obesity is the main respective for the development of several come up into t. so that predispose force of the course of a convert $1000.00 infection that includes especially hypertension type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases which out well known to be responsible that people get seriously ill but also in the absence of these co-morbidities obese people are at a higher risk for a severe covered 90 course as most obese persons are in a state of a pre-diabetes that also increases the risk of infection. and it also being from focus on the role that measurement d.
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could play in helping to protect against the virus what can you tell me about that . so for a well functioning immune system becoming daily is of course essential sides of the 2 mins and minerals and therefore in adequate supply with my to mindy is also essential to protect us against invading pathic genes and also the against infections like with sask up to there are currently some discussions about daily supplementation with vitamin d. to support our immune system in the fight against cope with 19 ever if we look into the currently available study says no evidence provided that a high dose vitamin d. supplementation. prevents from a soft cover to infection of would help to recovery from an infection indeed what we should definitely avoid is state a fight i'm in d. deficiency in case of in a proof right i mean d. deficiency of course you would have me do should be supplemented and in case people
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would like to supplement vitamin d. although as i mentioned evidence is currently missing they should make sure that they not exceed the recommended daily upper limit of 4000 international units. ok and of course they all have different dietary needs but what general advice would you have for a big thing and minute best time. so that our immune system will work roy well i recommend to stick to a plant based diet containing high amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables that provide high amounts of essential vitamins and nutrients and i recommend also to consume whole grain foods when it comes to cereals or bread and also include pulses in their daily diet as they have fiber rates and furthermore it suggests to stick to vegetable oils with high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids and what we should do is to lower the consumption of for example sugar sweetened beverages and
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streets and also we should limit the consumption of meat ok and finally this is a question that's come up a few times is there any risk of being infected with the coronavirus through food. so the data that is currently available does not show any case where an infection occurred through contemplated truths however when we prepare food we should stick to the hygiene rules this means of course we should remember accurately wash our hands keep our fingers away from from the face and also if we prepare meat we should make sure that it is to prove all good tips faster and come back now from the institute of nutritional finds us at the university of faith and i thank you so much thank you. time now to answer one of your questions about the coronavirus over till i find correspondence derek williams. what impact is the
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parent to make having on the hunger crisis. predictably cove at 19 is making it a lot worse according to the united nations world food program which is the organization that was awarded this year's nobel peace prize the number of people worldwide who suffer from crisis level hunger could almost double by the end of this year it also says that the region hit hardest so far is latin america that's followed by central and southern africa and and oxfam estimates that if we don't do more to limit the social and economic impact of the virus up to 12000 people a day could soon be dying from the effects of undernourishment just to compare even on the very worst days for mortality so far in the pandemic there have never been more than 10000 tatts attributed to the virus in 24 hours i think that the most
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this has aspect of this crisis is that with the exception of a few countries food is actually available and many of the places that are suffering most famine isn't being only driven by a lack of food but also by the simple fact that people no longer have the means to buy it the hunger crisis is not only expanding rapidly because of disruptions in supply chains although that's certainly contributing to the problem it's also due to dropping income among many of the world's most vulnerable the poor who simply can't afford to buy food for themselves and their families anymore and the crisis isn't just limited to regions that face problems before the pandemic began covert 19 is now also impacting food. and security for people in the middle and high income countries from from india to brazil to the u.s. . and if you have
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a question for derek you can e-mail feedback dot english dot com using the word expert in the subject line for me and the team it's goodbye and take care. of.
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the folks. it's taking lives in more areas of society. artificial intelligence. world health. and eternal life to start to be possible. to see and psychiatric future my guess. what. the limits. in germany. 30 minutes she doesn't.
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need to know that 77 percent clapping are younger than $35.00. that's me and me and you. know what time off boy says what happened on the 77 percent talk about the stock market up from one point to flash from housing boom boom top this is where they are. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend r t w. the story of producer and propaganda. they were called the rhineland bastards born after the 1st world war. he was an illegitimate child
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there were many of them even from. their mothers or germans living in the occupied drying land their fathers soldiers from the french colonies. of production please afro german children had a hard time and because they were a reminder of the german defeat. they grew up in a climate of national pride and racism. thought the european population felt that it was important to be white and to stay right by sublight. exclusion and contempt culminated in forced sterilization under the nazis for. this documentary examines the few traces that remain of their existence we call them to children. storage january 11th on d w. this
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is d.w. news live from berlin and germany reports its highest daily death toll from the corona virus since the start of the pandemic and one of the worst affected parts of the country it's not just hospitals that are working to capacity crematoriums in the eastern state of saxony are struggling to keep up with the search efforts also coming up on the show the pandemic makes its.


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