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tv   REV Spezial  Deutsche Welle  December 23, 2020 6:03pm-6:31pm CET

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not so much because i've already spent some time in jail because of this new story i was shattered into a key i came to exile. my assets were confiscated and you know. more than 2 prices so. i don't think that that's new one new punishment would change anything in my life so i will keep on reporting from germany. are you and your team planning to appeal the decision yes we will do it but still i mean the judicial system is totally almost almost totally under the control over at once government so 'd there's no hope for the for the appeal courts but we will go to the european court of human rights and i hope they will certify that this is not the act of terrorism but acts of journalism all
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right so you do it live here in berlin do you think that germany is doing enough about human rights abuses in turkey. i mean a clerk calling germany of the german public and german media there they've been really supportive especially today i saw it too much salt from the german media and german public but the german government of course supporting media freedom everywhere in the including turkey but at the same time they don't want to in or at all in the government because of different reasons for refugees deal you know trade with key arms they like cetera so they don't want to put much pressure on government than specifically what actions would you like to see the intake and by germany that. yeah they should be more in solidarity the forces of democracy is struggling to a key there's
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a huge people's resist those the opposition is kind of in there you know realize that they. they should be more in touch with them. but fortunately they're mostly dealing with their own government trying not to see the other to keep. right thank you very much for speaking to us until. germany has reported its highest a daily krone virus the death toll since the start of the pandemic $962.00 people died from or with the virus in the last 24 hour period of on national lockdown has been in force for the last week and with many planning to travel and visit family for christmas health managers are worried that the worst cribbing yet to come. normally train station will be buzzing before christmas this year it's nearly empty but some are still travelling despite government appeals to stay home and shop at
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this i hope dr bond has done enough to ensure there is no risk of infection or make sure i don't come into close contact with strangers but no contact that says that i mean here i think it's important to see the family. many germans have been taking graphic cars tests before the holidays but the experts say they could create a false sense of security the government is warning that reducing contact with others is the only way to stop infections and relieve pressure on hospitals. we live in get a lot of people talking about how they're going to celebrate christmas if it's a care is would be a good king not celebrating and so my message to you is how you spend your christmas will directly affect what the intensive care ward will look like after the holidays to reduce social contact even if it's difficult for many christians are also having to make hard choices these here with jim and in fiction number
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still high they were growing calls to abandon traditional christmas services some congregations of already cancelled and they're offering tavi or online broadcasts instead. of political correspondence lay on if and how much diana joins me now we heard it yet to spawn they're appealing to germans to think of how their actions affect others especially intensive care workers what does this tell us about how worried the government is going into the christmas holiday. well the government is quite worried about the situation in germany i mean we saw it in the report that there are over 5000 people are being treated in german i.c.u. units at the moment many hospitals are sounding the alarm for example the berlin hospital is a ready announced that it is only doing emergency procedures over the holidays in order to keep beds free for coronavirus patients and this is because transmission picture injuries very diffuse at the moment and thirty's are no longer able to trace the chains of infections which obviously is key to stop and to curb the
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spread of the virus and and we see a lot of clusters in nursing care homes in homes for the elderly which means vulnerable populations are at risk and that explains in part why the number of covert related deaths is so high you said it set a grim record with 1962 people who died today so authorities are warning that people should reduce contact as much as possible as that's the only way to stop the spread of the virus we want to give us a sense of just how different christmas will look in germany this year. it certainly will look quite different usually christmas is a big family event and if you go and visit your grandparents you meet the whole family but this is exactly what authorities are concerned about and they warn people not to travel to their families to stay at home to do christmas differently this year that's why there are strict restrictions and plays people are only
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allowed to meet a certain number of people the closest family circle is allowed to gather over the holidays it's also a big religious event usually there are $40000000.00 christians in germany many of them. see the only time of the year they see a church from the inside is on christmas eve and that's the look differently this year too many church stuff canceled their services or doing them online or have very strict hygiene rules in place singing will not be allowed in churches so there are a lot of measures being taken and everybody is sounding the alarm that that people should spend christmas differently this year in order to prevent another wave of infections coming just in the coming weeks political correspondent and if one has died thank you very much here's a look now at some of the other developments in the pandemic drugmakers buy on tech and pfizer are to supply the united states with an extra $100000000.00 doses of
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their coronavirus vaccine the u.s. government is hoping to immunize $20000000.00 people this month france has lifted its blockade against truck drivers returning from the united kingdom provided they test negative for coke at 19 britain says it could take up to 3 days to process the backlog and the united arab emirates highest islamic authority has ruled that vaccines are acceptable even if they contain pork gelatin there were fears of some muslims might avoid the shot because pigs are considered cleek. millions of people around the world are lining up to receive the approved coronavirus vaccines after clinical trials showed them to be effective and safe but would you be willing to get infected with the actual virus for the sake of science that's what one a team of researchers in the u.k. is hoping get of your reporter charlotte chel some pill met with a young man who's prepared to battle 1000 forth a greater good but just 18 years old alice does volunteering to do what many of
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us would find unimaginable he wants to be deliberately infected with the coronavirus he's campaigning to take part in a human challenge trial to test facts seems to cope with 19. the challenge charles have the potential to do an awful lot of good for an awful lot of people with. a significant a minimal risk myself and well it's a risk the docs and nurses take on pretty much every day like on the on the front lines of the pandemic and have been doing for quite a while now in traditional vaccine trials volunteers may never be exposed to the virus in a challenge trial scientists hope to study infected volunteers in clinical condition isn't rooms like this one but we could be about to see a wall of bust volunteers deliberately infected with the virus of course as. well it is what we quarantined here for up to 2 weeks with safety measures in place like
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trace insistence to stop the bars from spreading. trial services company h b they already runs challenge trials in the u.k. but they have to be approved for 19 so you can see we have all the moon sequin that you'd expect. across trawlers pool to make the trial as safe as possible scientists would 1st establish the smallest dose of the virus it takes to become infected. and the pet will be put just inside the nostril and very slowly just putting small droplets of of forests into the nose it would offer a unique opportunity to examine the virus in its very early stages cause these trials being set up primarily to test vaccines but a lot of learning benefits that will come out of these trials as well not just about how the forest interacts with the immune system in the human body that would be the really important to be able to improve axing is an approved therapies but
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also about the disease course itself about the viral or how quickly it records how quickly it can be cleared from the body or these can really help the management of patients going forward with vaccines already being rolled out h.p.v. says challenge child and now more important. never warning that traditional vaccine trials will become harder as more of this are immunized. because they're excellent vaccine candidates but don't solve all of the answers to the world's problem of vaccines so we're going to need a way of testing the next generation roxanne's challenge studies will still be able to be used to test very effectively the vaccine is working because they can be conducted irrespective of how much is going on the community. these trials need ethical and regulatory approval with a decision hinges on key ethical concerns you want a select group of people who are very healthy they are low risk group they are true volunteers so there's no pressure put on them or no. rivalry in terms
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of. do something that they're really not. only 18 to 30 it would be eligible and volunteers will have to be carefully screened before they are approved but not all risk can be eliminated for the long term consequences way significantly. on my mind definitely definitely something to consider as part of making an informed decision about whether you know i want to participate in a challenge sure but i think for made the benefits of challenge trials so outweigh the risks and i mourn have to take the risks on you know for more vaccines more quickly. alister isn't alone tens of thousands around the world have expressed interest in challenge child in the hope that the risk of the few will benefit the many. now here's a last minute gift idea that might put a sparkle into this a coronavirus christmas a goldsmith in turkey is selling face masks plated in goals as you might expect
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they aren't cheap the 18 carat gold model costs more than 2000 euros cheaper option you can go for a silver mask costing only 200 euros only for the craftsman behind the classy face coverings that says becoming coated 19 a vaccine is more precious and is it silver and gold asks. its use update at this hour stay tuned for our code at $900.00 special and richard's investment mean entire team thanks so much for watching. the fight against the coronavirus tend to have much. as the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus up to. 19. on t.w. . guy calling me old and james did you know that
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17 trillion landed on them or killed worldwide so that we can include but it's not just the animals at all suffering it's the environment we went on a journey to find ways out of the ignition if you want to know how old one cliff to the priest and the cultures train still doesn't seem to listen to our podcast on the green. now more than ever it's important to stay as healthy as possible having a balanced diet is kind of how. the world health organization suggests easing a variety of. food from different nutritional groups including plenty of fruits and vegetables. the w.h.o.
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also recommends eating a diet rich in whole grains snobs. limiting your intake of sugar salt and fast. practicing good food hygiene to avoid becoming sick of food borne disease. and limiting your consumption of alcohol. research shows improving nutrition helps of course optimal immune function. so if you catch covert 19 your immune system may be better equipped to fight. this. 1000 special i'm kate ferguson thanks for joining me in the past few months have been tough living in constant fear of getting sick or losing your job can make you feel like you're not in control one thing you do have some agency over though is your diet and as our next report shows good nutrition can have a major impact on health. thank you number 2.
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if you really like hospital food but it's more than just a question of taste you tradition is vital in most clinics and hospitals pay too little attention to a well balanced diet. dr viola under asen from hamburg has been dealing with the effects of poor hospital nutrition on patients for 20 years so i should mention these people simply are more at risk of being in the i.c.u. for longer of having to stay in hospital longer of increased complications and are even more at risk of dying from their disease. geriatric physician dr martin ville calm has many weak patients and he sees the dangers of poor nutrition every day. and eating in on balance a diet especially in the elderly causes them to lose weight quickly and lose substance the body can no longer heal wounds as quickly people get dizzy they fall over problems flare up in days and weeks when the food on liquids are not balanced
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and above all not sufficient and. also give all want. to doctors experience is borne out by a major swiss study. 2000 participants with already poor nutrition took part in the study 1000 were given regular hospital food the other half were given a healthier alternative within the group that received the superior diet outcomes were significantly better with 15 percent fewer complications and 27 percent fewer deaths a few days of hospital food won't harm most people but the very ill have often already lost weight and strength before hand here at the israel hospital in hamburg a specialist nutrition team takes care of these high risk patients selecting them for special attention as soon as they're admitted in a 3 day period 21 of 53 newly admitted patients were noticed by the experts.
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there are various methods for measuring malnutrition this device measures how much strength there is in the hands. or how much muscle and fat tissue is on the back of the hand. or even how is body tissue composed a special scale shows the proportion of muscle and. of course blood values is there a lack of arn sodium potassium or protein. patients who are malnourished are given extra care special nutrition filled shakes with cucumber or beetroot an extra protein or sweeten group a non and chocolate to improve strength and charge the batteries for recovery. from protein helps to heal wounds for example zinc serves to ward off infection. the key to making a full recovery is freshly prepared food rich in nutrients if clinics pay proper
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attention to nutrition a lot can be achieved through normal diet sometimes it only takes a little extra effort with nutrition to achieve great results here. let's talk now to professor anika back now from the institute of nutritional science is at the university of gaythorne who had survived the study we saw in the report just now really reiterated what an incredibly crucial role in nutrition it plays in our general health and as well our ability to heal do you think this issue is getting enough attention during the pandemic. i think the effect of nutrition on our house in the context of the current pandemic is underestimated a high number of people suffer from different diet dependent diseases such as obesity diabetes type 2 and hypertension and we know that these patients have a significantly higher risk for severe courses of over 19 that means sped through a sustainable change of unhealthy dietary habits towards
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a healthy well balanced diet will improve diet dependent diseases and similar tenuously would decrease the risk for severe course of the kovac $99.00 traction however as a change in our nutritional behavior is a long term goal long term concepts need to be established and strongly promoted which is currently not the case i really want to zone in now on obesity which you mentioned it is of course a major risk factor for becoming fairy asli ala from covert 1000 why is that exactly so obesity is the main risk factor for the development of several co-morbidity so that readers post forcibly of course of a convert $1000.00 infection that includes especially hypertension type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases reach out well known to be responsible that people get seriously ill but also in the absence of these co-morbidities obese people are at a higher risk for a severe covered 90 course as most apiece persons are in a state of
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a pre-diabetes that also increases the risk of infection. there's also been some focus on the role that this woman could play in helping to protect against the virus what can you tell me about that. so for a well functioning immune system becoming daily is of course essential timmins and minerals and therefore in adequate supply with vitamin d. it's also essential to protect us against invading pathogens and also the against infections like with sask up to that accurately some discussions about daily supplementation with vitamin d. to support our immune system in the fight against cope with 19 ever if we look into the currently available study says no evidence provided that a high dose vitamin d. supplementation. prevents from a soft cover to infection of would help to recovery from an action indeed what we
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should definitely avoid is a state a fight i'm in d. deficiency in case of in a proof right i mean d. deficiency of course you would have me do you should be supplemented and in case people would like to supplement vitamin d. although as i mentioned evidence is currently missing they should make sure that they not exceed the recommended daily upper limit of 4000 international units. ok and of course they all have different dietary needs but what general advice would you have for a big thing and munition this time. so that our immune system will work roya well i recommend to stick to a plant based diet containing high amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables that provide high amounts of essential vitamins and nutrients and i recommend also to consume whole grain foods when it comes to cereals or bread and also include pulses in their daily diet as they have fiber rates and for them all suggest to stick to
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vegetable oils with high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids and what we should do is to lower the consumption of for example sugar sweetened beverages and streets and also we should limit the consumption of meat. ok and finally this is a question that's come up a few times is there any risk of being infected with the coronavirus through food. so the data that is currently available does not show any case where an infection occurred through quantum united truths however when we prepare food we should stick to the hygiene rules this means of course we should regularly wash our hands keep our fingers away from from the face and also if we prepare meat we should make sure that it is to prove all good tips for faster on a comeback now from the institute of nutritional science is at the university of jason i thank you so much thank you. time now to answer one of your
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questions about the coronavirus over to our science correspondent derek williams. what impact is the parent to make having on the hunger crisis. predictably cove at 19 is making it a lot worse according to the united nations world food program which is the organization that was awarded this year's nobel peace prize the number of people worldwide who suffer from crisis level hunger could almost double by the end of this year it also says that the region hit hardest so far is latin america that's followed by central and southern africa and and oxfam estimates that if we don't do more to limit the social and economic impact of the virus up to 12000 people a day could soon be dying from the effects of undernourishment just to compare even
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on the very worst days for mortality so far in the pandemic there have never been more than 10000 tatts attributed to the virus in 24 hours i think that the most vicious aspect of this crisis is that with the exception of a few countries food is actually available in many of the places that are suffering most famine isn't being only driven by a lack of food but also by the simple fact that people no longer have the means to buy it the hunger crisis is not only expanding rapidly because of disruptions in supply chains although that's certainly contributing to the problem it's also due to dropping income and many of the world's most vulnerable the poor who simply can't afford to buy food for themselves and their families anymore and the crisis isn't just limited to regions that face problems before the pandemic began pope at
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19 is now also impact. food security for people in the middle and high income countries from from india to brazil to the u.s. . and if you have a question for derek you can email feedback doffing they shot t w dot com using the word expert in the subject line for me and the team it's goodbye and take care.
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w.'s crime fighters are back with africa's most successful radio drama series continues from olympus opens are available online in the course you can share and discuss song w africa's facebook page and other social media platforms to crime fighter to me and now. how does
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a virus spread. why do we have it and when we'll. just through the tap. and. the show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the cloning virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you go your podcast you can also find us at. science a. bit of that but. this is day to every news africa on the program today to say the season but it won't be as johnny told 19 dampens christmas celebrations across the continent. because the recent days no more and no markets days seem. to be unable to sway traders are struggling with the effects of the pandemic. and that.
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filling up with people trying to get to their villages for the holidays but it's fear.


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