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tv   Ein Duft von Freiheit  Deutsche Welle  December 24, 2020 9:30pm-10:16pm CET

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soon. to be a good. discover the. lead. subscribe to a documentary to. cut . hello everybody. coming to you from kampala uganda it is good to again we hope to report from the. things that people are
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doing to address issues. in the micro prison in nigeria hey sandra it's good to see you again. thanks for tuning in today's program will take all the continents and beautiful gowns in about you can you rope off to shed light on some exciting you taught me how one man in god i went from coaching to protect you know. and printing and people making can be done sustainably find out how and i'm eco friendly a business idea for the pandemic you have a young south african on by. conservation is defined as the preservation and efficient use of resources when it comes to nature we humans can choose to destroy it but as you regular viewers know raising awareness is sometimes all it takes to convince a village a community always single person to commit to environmental protection he is an example from ghana. with.
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so gently and saying you know used to come to the forest to kill animals now he comes to protect them parts of the forest became a refuge and the poacher has become a ranger he and his colleagues are documenting the traces wildlife leave behind and any destructive human activities now that poachers traps like this one are being removed there are more antelopes here again. they look nice and this. is the last night that i've been to with the good. of the ice. the thanks. they've used to nathan is too. he said no to contend with. the documentation he
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works on enables inferences about which species live in the only pony endangered species refuge. jeffrey a failure has been working for the in geo her conservation gonna for 3 years and receive the regular salary equivalent to $55.00 euros a month and all they'll be. from here for a job in a. good job in. the. he's one of 100 local people trained by the n.g.o.s forest rangers for once a month he replaces the batteries in the camera traps. the photos will help with the creation of a more detailed census of the forests inhabitants. which only live in this region is one of several species here that are critically endangered but its population is growing much to the delight of the ngos founder.
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when we talk about how it's just basically like where you leave your house in your neighborhood the destroyed you cannot survive. the community was into this for 30 is how we resolved it one would become pains to reduce the consumption of this for us food and the 2nd thing that we've done so very well one will supervise boreholes sources of water for the people so that they don't need to come in boston wash a used this stream in a month destroy the high rethought of the flood. the indios team works closely with the people living in the area offering help and information jeffrey if a neo is a member of what they call the behavior change group every week they visit villages in the area including by jamie where he lives to talk about ways to protect the forest and its animals. they have. many angles commends and 30 general community awareness we use religious
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platforms to appeal to people. yes programs and all these things into tallied he has. to. in support of that people to put text biodiversity. the only pony endangered species refuge has recently been expanded by an area the size of $16000.00 soccer fields thanks to neighboring landowners and churches a significant achievement considering that ghana has lost 20 percent of its forest cover over the past 2 decades. first saw. the government's imprint damage might be taking a lot of attention these days but we still have to cope with the problems we face due to climate change for some communities on the coast of africa in particular feeling the impact of rising sea levels overfishing and loss of habitat that is
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indeed the case and that is why i say here in your own house $14000000.00 project to build resilience in a coastal community we visit the tata islands to see how the erosion is affecting people there and also find out how they are fighting back. just 2 years ago it was possible for the people of a island to walk along these streets without getting it but the rise in sea level has split one of sierra leone's tootle islands into. more than half of the island has disappeared the archipelago was once a bustling fishing community no 500 people have been forced to leave in the past few years because their homes we washed away by floods one of them. years already built 2 houses on the island even the 2nd one is through to by
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raising want to. most of his belongings he says have already been carried out to some. having him live. 'd because this is where i grew up and i've lived all my life here it's where i built my house 1st the water washed away the last trees and then he took my house with not i built another house but the lord take that one too now i have left the island and settled on a larger one nearer to the main out of the 5 for life to us 5 or settle. suleiman cover couldn't afford to visit all the whole family on the mainland immediately his wife still lives on young guy and his children are with realities starting a new life is expensive most people here leave or no more than $0.10
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a day suliman carbonneau tries to save some of the money he makes from fishing so $1.00 day the rest of his family can join him now he leaves on share bow island but even then he is afraid of flooding the threat of rising sea levels is very real. if you years ago waves broke through the flood wall. in order to restore the damage says sure the municipality in the government found international partners to finance this large scale project and this time they want to do it better ses the mayor we are worried that if we are to take. this issue. to restoring the free swore to also assuring that we maintain our greenmount. it would be disastrous for our people or sabra island this new
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embarkment will be almost 2 kilometers long in one metre taller than the highest tide measured so far. but the east a long way to go. many islanders don't yet understand the danger of deforestation that tree cover would provide the island's a measure of natural resilience and would slow erosion. the authorities have started to involve the local population in measures to protect the climate and man grooves have been planted fishermen. looks in on the young man group plants nearly every day he say's the roots will bind the soil and protect it from being washed away in the rainy season or so these men groove roots who help the ground become stable again if we don't plant here the problems will remain houses will be lost and people will have to migrate again the mine grooves
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in the embankment project giving hope sees. but he knows that a lot more will need to be done to protect the homes and livelihoods of the thousands of people who still live on shareable and the smaller toll islands. children should come to terms. one giant problem and when you get in on it as. if. the teachers even if you meet. how well climate change affect us and our children. are at e.w. dot com slash water. i mean most are not only raised on hunted for the end meat but also for the hides colds keeps the ideal of a crocodile hunt but may be attractive to some but such things are being met with
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increasing criticism in europe vegan alternatives are in big demand one woman in france even to give up a job in law enforcement after signing the trend into a business idea here is this week's doing good. song designs bags and fashion accessories that are in a version of an environmentally friendly. or funky punky i'm vegan what looks like leather is actually cotton with a rather unusual coating. known and you decide you know. this material is made of cactus if it's there but it's cactus that's been dried and turned into powder. suba song lives in by you in northern france she only recently became
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a vegan she used to work in law enforcement with me but decided she wanted to do something more creative. she says business is good despite everything. yeah you had to go was this the crisis but i'm in a nice beginning and. and there's still demand for that. make it to see the movie. in europe demand for vegan fashion has increased more than 10 percent over 5 years with a very cool animal free bags cecile song is in vogue. and how about you if you are also doing your big tell us about visit our website or send us a tweet. hash tag doing your bit. we
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share your story. it is pretty obvious to all of us by now that the current requires us to make a lot of changes in the way we conduct our life but it is also giving us a new perspective on how so many thing. even the simple things new ideas are much ink that can really benefit people and the environment in these trying times. that's right sandra in south africa a young man came up with a great new business venture it's eco friendly and has been well received in his. young men in blue overalls cruising through the streets of longer in recent weeks the residents of the cape town suburb have gotten used to the sight. this is the man behind the bicycle armada.
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cloudy deliveries is the name of color because he's nearly found it business it in every service on bikes the 1st one in the township. he starts every day with a team meeting. with the group discuss his goals and customer service practices. the idea for the business stems from his own experience. and something from. me and. so i think. the delivery fleet is heading out. on him cause he doesn't have time to do deliveries anymore there's too much admin work to get done. since the 22 year old started cloudy deliveries in january 2020 it has grown steadily and the coronavirus pandemic boosted the business even more today the team has around 20 delivery rides
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we follow one of them on his shift. this busy customer has lost 19 year old who took his easy causa to buy groceries and a cell phone cover for her. i'm working from home so it's very convenient for me because i don't have time to actually go to the store and i have to. make it as long as you took is easy cause a is heading to the supermarket the custom is pay $9.00 rand to pay delivery roughly the equivalent of $50.00 us sends the delivery rider gets 3 rand delivering the remaining 6 rand goes to the company. youth unemployment in south africa is extremely high and the pandemic has only made things worse until police because i just finished school he wants to continue his studies one day but for now he's happy working as a delivery driver. led much of because i do it for. helping people around. me and. back at the headquarters the calls us still
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coming and every cyclist does $45.00 to liveries per day with many people forced to stay at home during the lockdown cloudy deliveries is filling a huge gap in the township and the township residents like the unusual news service . you do get feedback from. 0 to. con him cause he's next goal is to expand his fleet and to open his own online shop to benefit the environment he plans to use only paper packaging to set an example that he hopes other companies will follow. our way of doing things is reaching its limits and that's something we often hear
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in our days when it comes to the stewardship of natural resources it is certainly the case the radical rethink is needed we have to protect its forest rivers. and plant and that will require coming up with ways of making on using things without creating which. here are some impressive examples. of minutiae astrid boots in spends much of her free time thinking about wild plants. her motto is you protect what you know and she's on a mission to get people to know the wild plants around them better. than the lion and that's why she created the game not to a memo a memory game that you teaches people of all ages about plant life. and i think dan dusty did france and i would really like wild plants to be part of
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our lives again in fact i'll even go one step further i'd also like to see them on our menu because wild plants contain so many important nutrients that are often missing from the culture of vegetables we eat nowadays. she made sure not to a memo was produced to a standard called cradle to cradle. but the cradle to cradle standard means more than just come possible it also means that during decomposition little to nothing is released that could harm the environment printouts loci is the 1st in germany that prints to this standard. inherited the company from his father and has transformed it into a fully green operation. recently i think it's the responsibility of a company to make sure that its products don't harm the environment. we need to make a profit so that both our staff and the company can make
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a living. but we're not looking to make a profit at the expense of people and nature. of course. this means making every step of the process the stain of all the printing machines provide climate control for the building which he uses for. water every circulation system the machines are also c o 2 neutral and the paper and printing colors both carry cradle to cradle certification making the change from a conventional printing house to a sustainable one was an easy decision fellow kite. it's not going to mentally much more expensive. but you do need to be willing to reorganize things because when you rethink production. a lot of things need to be completely overhauled you need a whole new approach. this is the challenge facing the entire printing
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industry more than half of the paper thrown out 12 wide ends up in landfills and more paper is produced every year paper can take up to 20 years to break down and that process releases c o 2 and me thing into the atmosphere alcohol and other chemicals from the printing process also see from the paper into the environment catapult magazine founder benyamin freight began printing on a different sort of paper to save trees. this is the magazine issue where we changed over from normal paper to recycled paper. here i calculated how many trees were filled with normal and on the back with recycled paper if publishers would simply switch from normal paper to recycled paper it would be a huge step. sure it would be so much less damaging to the environment. not to. it's a viable solution for big publishers the search is simple and catapult says it
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costs them less than one percent more to use recycled paper and if people opted for the same high standards as asked to put in completely sustainable printed products become as common as wild clumps. are measured poor. takes us to senegal many of the country's 15000000 inhabitants live beside the atlantic ocean where the sea level rise of course why climate change is making the existing problem of costly russian worse 4 decades ago a forest was planted in the northwest of the country to combat the problem of shoreline retreat. that is right near to and changed the lives of farmers and fishermen there but now population growth and other a putting a strain on the forest communities are now walking together in order to maintain or given to prove the forest hill. with a bound to fall harvest of all eggplants that's not something that pharma monny so
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take for granted. here's one of over 20000 farmers living in the ne i use region of northwest in senegal many live close to the coast and still potentially face of threats of erosion and sandstorms. but a belt of trees is helping to protect them. almost 200 kilometers long it's 500 metres wide at its narrowest point the forest was planted 40 years ago as a shield against wind and coastal erosion. from city of reminded me sabra brown writes here when we had no was once not seemed that was and he is is known for his leaving duties in the default histories we have plenty into. we do believe in cause and we should like that they call that much money disease and here in the other
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culture a see the things they've made it impossible for the foremost to succeed and here it was. proved to be that. today 60 percent of senegal's vegetable production comes from the news region. an estimated 225000 tonnes of produce here only. it has become the country's food basket and it was a pine trees that allowed farmers like a small to suit it creates their fields. if you really want to because we were given. this was only after the trees were planted that were able to live work the land. at 1st they could only put up temporary shelters because everything in this. thing sort of pine trees are stable and because of that you have a fertile forest and beautiful homes i can cultivate vegetables want to. talk not
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a model. it's a delicate balance though the farmers need the trees for protection but the growing population means the demand for timber for feel and fulfilled in fairness is also growing and. the solution the father as has been divided up into some $200.00 plus mohnish by different i would cultural and forestry groups. each group decides which trees can be felled according to strict. something's up sounded to replace and each reason to chop down this and there's reason even some planes to fund those all over the coast. the holy book plainly. as you can see it's because of the abundance of pine trees that we have for thailand so maintaining the forests essential to the work of our
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association it will be in order to do the washing we have to plant and replenish trees went before it's all crucial to sustainable development one again but that's a good one a dog what the young trees are wanted in their plastic sheets to ensure the absorb as much moisture as possible then the plastic is cut away to let the tree take root over $50000.00 trees are planted each year and hopefully they'll also protect future generations informant's from inclusion sand and rising sea levels. it is good to be reminded of that and looking after the environment can really pay all that is only help me today thank you for joining us it is a goodbye from me but we know we are here in comp until next find things to buy new to buy fun else it was the pleasure of co-hosting the show with you and to our viewers out there remember you can find out more about environmental protection on
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sustainability on our social media platforms but for now i'm now it's signing up from abuja in nigeria see your game. though. the be. the be.
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the be. the. it's taking in more areas of society. you out of the show intelligence. world health. is an eternal life the spot to be possible. to see and psychiatric future might get but what are the limits. made in germany.
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30. 6 in the us the sense of freedom. there was a success story behind cars. and to deal with the social emancipation of the maya out the color of an old idea and enduring strength the elderly the small scale coffee farmers to withstand the most of. difficult circumstances. in 75 minutes on t.w. . personalities stories that. look like the best of our decade w. reporters. the. destinies of. both models.
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people we'd like to meet again. this. story of prejudice and propaganda. they were called the rhineland bastards. their mothers were germans living in the occupied rhineland their fathers soldiers from the french colonies the phase after german children had a hard time and because they were a reminder of the german defeat. they grew up in a climate of national pride and racism to follow the european population felt that it was important to be mighty and to stay in line ties. exclusion and contempt culminated in forced sterilization under the nazis. this documentary examines the few traces that remain of their existence. the true.
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11th on g.w. . the be. the big. this is the line from after a year of negotiations and missed deadlines britain and the european union reached a last minute trade agreement european commission president. describes it as fair and balanced and says britain will remain a trusted. british prime minister recently did a fantastic news that well and uncertainty bring you full analysis from the month
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of brussels. and a new twist on entertainment in russia. i. guarantee virus free have the frost and putting a smile on the faces of thousands of children this christmas. i'm phil girl welcome to the program after months of uncertainty of britain and the european union to finally struck an agreement on a post the brics its trade deal the 2 sides patched up their differences and be out of its encroaching crisis as the end of the 12 months transition period approached . just days before the january 1st deadline britain is set to leave the european union with a trade deal after months of wrangling the 2 sides finally agreed to the terms on
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which the e.u. would be allowed to continue fishing in british waters the last piece of the puzzle to fall into place before the deal could be announced both sides are selling the agreement as the best deal for their positions. british prime minister boris johnson said it would benefit greatly part of the u.k. . a deal that will protect jobs across this country if you allow goods u.k. goods and components to be sold without tariffs and without coaches in the e.u. market to do which will if anything allow our companies and our exporters to do even more business with our european friends over in brussels the e.u. chief said it was time to look to the future. we will continue to cooperate in with the u.k. in all areas of mutual interest for example in the field of climate change and actually security and transport to get there we still achieve more than
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we do in a part of the deal needs the approval of both the british parliament and the e.u.'s 27 member states ambassadors from countries will meet on christmas day to start reviewing the deal the british parliament will debate and vote on the deal on december 30th. of this agreement comes into effect on the 1st of january means they'll be no tariffs on trade between britain and its biggest trading partner the european union a fishing rights emerged as one of the last barriers to a deal the e.u. has agreed to give up a quarter of the fish catches in british waters no hard border between island and northern island which is part of the u.k. they said been another big sticking point irish prime minister may have martin described the outcome as a good compromise but britain's final departure from the a new means an end to free movement conditions will apply for residency and
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travelers will face restrictions as more detail on this from v.w. correspondence a challenge to a ship chelton pale in london and alexander phenomena in brussels welcome both let's start with you xandra in brussels a britain is going to be out of the block in 8 days can 27 countries ratify this deal so quickly. well i think they can if they want to and we have to say that we are talking here about the governments of the member states not about their problem instead would be a much longer process and so we also have to add that judging from a reaction so far most leaders are happy with that compromise so the chances of rejection of the deal are slim. merkel the german chancellor has already announced that there are her cabinet is going to decide on the deal on the 28th of december so in the next few days and if all the e.u.
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members follow suit that would mean that the european commission can move forward and provisionally implement the deal before of course the european parliament is able to decide on that and that is going to be in at the beginning of january and short of what about british lawmakers will they have to go their christmas holidays to ratify this a will they actually go for it. well you heard the e.u. commission president sort of underlying a short time ago saying relief is how relieved is how she felt that certainly something that is being echoed on this side as well that boris johnson fabrics it is the promise of delivering a deal on bricks it has been fulfilled and for those who who never supported bricks it were never in favor of it i think there is relief that at the very least there
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is a deal in place with the transition period ending. next week the threats of no deal was feeling incredibly real so it's for that reason that the levy of the labor party eg the opposition party kids storm has said that his party will be backing at the deal when it comes into parliament he was saying that the threat of not having a deal was far worse than supporting it he was clear to say though that any of the possible negative implications will be the responsibility of the conservative boris johnson's party that the opposition they have party won't take any responsibility but what we've learned from that is essentially that this will pass through parliament particularly with boris's boris johnson's majority that will that christmas is be disrupted well this deal has been done in time for christmas the optics of which will look very good for boris johnson and we know that parliament
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will be recalled on this thursday of december i was under a hoodoo to kate if there is a dispute in this deal as it's implemented. well we know that for the european union it was essential to establish a mechanism to make sure their to future disputes can be resolved and of course from the european perspective it would be the best to have the european court of justice to play a role in all of that according to the u.k. there is no role for the european court of justice instead both sides seem to have agreed on or are independent arbitration an independent panel that would in the future decide if there is a breach of the deal and if there has to be penalties or compensation but of course please let me add that you cannot rule out that one of
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the parties or maybe a company can go to court if it's things that it's necessary. we'll leave it there thank you both alexander phenomena in brussels charlotta johnson pill in london well here in berlin chancellor merkel says she's confident the braggs deal is a good outcome in a statement she said with the agreement we are laying the foundations for a new chapter in our relations even from outside the european union the united kingdom will continue to be an important partner for germany and the e.u. the german cabinet will meet on monday to discuss the country's position. we can get more german reaction from political correspondent julia deleo welcome to q. and a let's start with german reaction and so what else are we hearing from germany oh definitely seeing some relief here in germany at the news that a deal has been achieved we've seen the statement from and get a message she said that this is a historic deal of historic importance that she is pleased that the deal has been
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reached she has detailed what is going to happen now in germany so the government is the cabin that's going to get together to decide whether they accept this deal as it is and she says she is confident that the deal is a good one we've also seen a reaction from germany's foreign minister heikal mass he has said that it was worth it in the end to push ahead and try to get a deal through even at the at the last minute and he said that germany as the holder of the current presidency of the e.u. council until the end of the year is going to try to do everything in its power to get the deal implemented provisionally by january 1st he said it's going to be challenging it's going to require flexibility from all sides but he is confident that this can be reached course that chancellor merkel probably very most influential of european politicians what what role if any does she play in these negotiations if we look of a lot of the british press lately there's been a lot of talk of macca being the power force behind the negotiations in recent
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months but she herself said when asked at a press conference that she has all given all trust to michelle and his team and that she has no direct role in the she had no direct role in the negotiations it was certain that merkel and her government really wanted a deal to happen she has said only recently that if the deal had not been reached it would send a bad signal and obviously with germany being at the head of the president you council presidency it was a goal that the country really wanted to push for and wanted to achieve with with america at the head of it. you for the political correspondents that you decide for we'll take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines the 1st case of a new coronavirus variant spreading rapidly in the u.k. has now been identified here in germany in fact the person flew into frank for example from london 5 days ago and felt at home in south west germany.
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moldova has a new president pro europe former prime minister maya sunday has been sworn in after winning last month's election although there is split between supporters of russia and those favorite closer ties with europe the son do is the 1st woman to lead the former soviet nation. austria has reopened its ski lifts for christmas winter sports are underway at $400.00 alpine learn cations despite the imminent start of a 3rd national lockdown the government argues that as an outdoor sport skiing is safe under strict conditions mountain restaurants remain closed for. pope francis a celebrated the traditional christmas eve mass from st peter's basilica in the vatican this is service started 2 hours earlier than usual in order to comply with its least 10 o'clock lockdown in the congregations also much smaller because of social distancing rules christmas day we'll see more changes when the pope gives his traditional or by the. blessing from inside st peter's robbed from the
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balcony overlooking the square. and countless families of course being kept apart at christmas by the pandemic but most parents are determined not to let take over it really in the most magical time of year for the youngsters in russia let's open the door to a new type of children's entertain for. it's the holidays in the russian capital but with the pandemic still raging here many families are worrying that father frost could leave more than just presents under the christmas tree. that's created a booming market in children's entertainers who have recovered from cope with 90. i mean and have the antibodies to prove it with at least a temporary immunity to the virus the promise to bring only holiday cheer to their clients homes. of and of our actors by trade but come december they transform into. father frost or death mottos and his help. after recovering from covert earlier this year we decided that
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even a global pandemic shouldn't dampen the holiday spirit. the 1st snow fell and the holiday season started and i said to olga let's do it but if we both already recovered without any symptoms why shouldn't we work the kids will be safe and so will we. keeping hope alive is the best gift of this holiday season. but i think everyone needs this celebration and it is the word says that everyone has been waiting for it we all hope this will and next year it's just 2020 the year was just bad bad bad i really hope it will get better but. the. visit from father frost at the right holds thanks to a healthy dose of covert anybody's. contactless games the holiday spirit is alive
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and well despite the coronavirus endemic. to those that refuse everyone blow air kisses because we can't hug each other. finally some furry a festive chia courtesy of the burdens of the animals in the german capital have been treated since the early sox of presidents and there was even a little something under the christmas tree for the black bands 2 of the zoo's styles are its own event patter and tanya weave into better training for a swim after their feast. and that's it you're up to date on more for you there will be more feel at the top of the hour kate ferguson has more now on the economic implications of the brics and to deal in a business news update oh she's coming out now. and it will not be new norcia the website that's d.w.
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adoptive company have a good day. where i come from we have to fight for a free press and was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one t.v. shadow and if your newspapers when official information as a journey i have worked on history for many candidates and their fault.


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