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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  December 25, 2020 6:30am-7:01am CET

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greta i don't think was a difficult client or how he was constantly scrapping plans your suddenly deciding rome should be different would go all newly built walls might have to be torn down close and. those people are surprised to learn that the council is built of bricks. and clad with rocks for me if i quite. to fail is all the mold cliff face and the walls are made up of the same materials it's a very sophisticated construction built from materials that come from the local area so it really organically blends in with its surroundings people in food. not only the construction but also the restoration in the last few decades were
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technical logistical and physical challenge. because the king was always impatient with the world cup they couldn't progress fast enough for him it's understandable anyone who works in construction will get it you always want to see progress and it's always too slow as it was a challenge for everyone involved levitical. including the local people at the time a chronicle written by the village teacher back then whose name was left is still preserved in this funk archives the man recorded the ups and downs of the construction every day right from the start. in 1985 he wrote. and violence 100. on the 23rd of april at 6 o'clock
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in the morning mr hare hauled in the foreman at the king's castle the works and how it shrunk out and he took his own life with a bullet through his heart and in the way they say he had suffered a mental breakdown and is buried and by the hoffman who from becoming. the foreman heinrich harold who laid the foundation stone of the castle on the 5th of september 869. some people saw this as the case of noise funch on the giant trunk checked in the mountain pushed those in charge to the limits. saluting the construction business keep from reality ever since germany had had a kaiser the bavarian tin had filled supply for us but he still had his will a fantasy. be a little gun and we all like to dream we all have ideas but to also have the courage to realize them and in his case to fight against all odds for them but that
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shows he was blocking it that's what i like about him i'm certain partition that. you think it made history may come true. the throne room it takes you to the past. to the noble knights. of the heroic battle. the hollow keane's. and everything under the watchful eye of divine guidance. the king by the grace of god. he sent him torn so are. we now in the throne room of the interview which was sort of religious the lunatic the 2nd and by at all it's a space dedicated to kinship without this bill and well read as he was he designed
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everything himself it was. this throne room came to symbolize the interviewers had monarch. no audiences were given here no coolant was held there isn't even a throne in the room the combination of splendor and solitude is particularly stark in this space. time not everything is how it seems a source inside when you step into the throne room can you might think the columns are made us porfirio but it's actually stuck on marble that was itself stuck on to cast iron columns oil and that was necessary for construction reason when this. everything is for show. much fun stein is the perfect symbiosis of the latest technology and medieval statics the king's wishes challenge the
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creativity of the architects. the throne room is a modern construction. a masterpiece of engineering. the head of administration of the council johann hensel is giving disappear behind the curtains of the mock middle ages the roof construction of noise france time castle. the area is not open to the public. we have given no ones and we are now above the throne room since this is the done a self-supporting construction there's a ball why is this technique was innovative at the time arctic gilding with on land or with these large ion girders eyes that we also see downstairs in the throne room
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and the ones i'll see and it was revolutionary at that time it when i got it. a little on. the modern construction of ion teens can be seen beneath the throne room. when it came to technology good big the 2nd was mainly interested in what you could do with us it went on for and his very high demands started on science driving it forward for here quickly. the king was fascinated with technology and aware of the latest innovations in construction. sophisticated technology from the age of industrialization can be found throughout the castle. to superior you know we now
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in one of the boiler rooms for the warm and heating system which was cutting edge back then it was still extremely uncommon in buildings used mainly for private purposes or a castle like face symbols on them and it was included here to meet the king's special demands for luxury the 2nd wanted a comfortable version of the middle ages from his childhood on he had always had a low tolerance to cold and so a warm air heating system was ideal of thoughts of whether we should be are there. the boiler for the unfinished nightspots was installed it has never been in service . everything was the finest quality for the key north of closers. battery operated bills a.t.t. found a brand new item in the collection
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a telephone am the entire construction tailor made for one man in a. was that ingenious was simply crazy and for work we think of a madman as someone who has no idea what he's doing just salutes and looks like this 2nd knew what he was doing all the way. living in a world of his own closed off from anyone is a different story to big this 2nd created a world for himself that had a logic of its own no that was coherent in itself was often done but that world was not meant to be open to others so if. the price was loneliness. he's big chain because your way to the tragic love story tristen assumed.
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his wash basin reminds you of that move front the cup the histories brush a community john. this is imposing is the quiet stools in a good thing to. do is when you walk around no i shan't time you realize very quickly that it was not built for practical purposes this could kind of there are no guest rooms to focus as you noticed straight away that this is a fantasy made real to me it's more like walking through a film so that you realize you're not in the house you're in a dream with the sun called. searching for the holy grail. alongside the numbers this one.
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new pre-suppose thinks buildings are unique and that they're not about showing off prestigious dynastic functions he voted not to shraddha as they were spaces. where he turned his poetic world and his world imbued with literary arianne trickle influences and to architectural reality there's nothing like this anywhere else on earth. style a tight grosso in the middle of the castle belongs in that world to. a secret door leads to a staircase which is normally hidden from view. it was built especially for the servants to use. the stairs take you from the access road all the way to below the rafters that means they run through the whole building
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that's available you can see that the stairs are relatively wide and well equipped so the servants could do their work properly has to do you know. this was because the king insisted on fost in discrete service the monarch's behavior was starting to become increasingly odd he was drill into him self the entire castle is laced with staircases big and small riddled with hidden doors. in. this scene his whole. bag this is the 1st extensive restoration but since it was built experts who moved to stone and paintings have been at work throughout the castle for several years.
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as a business part of us what's so special about the paintings hearing is they are incredibly high quality of execution taped to my door and you can see that from the fact that they've scarcely been damaged in this white exertional cation village and the high volume of visitors was torm he she hadn't been getting sent. to see new civil artists personally. exquisite craftsmanship was always more important to him than an artist's unique signature or style. play. it was simply because something if it's what i want it was only for a total of about $200.00 days that he really lived in the castle at a time when the artists were still working up there and he would show up now and
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then have a chat with the foreman for example their job and hand out cigars he gotten for that as it was standard back then were not when the monarch was satisfied with your work you get a cigar as a reward for life because without. looking must have made a lot of cigars because he had other construction projects to my head in choosing the palace is modeled on for something in france. was a time i am willing to work palace in the mountains near a tile is built in the star of a french summer residence. on castle is his almost to the german middle ages and the world of germanic legend expensive dreams of a keen who love to build ai and blow rumor that will probably never die is that the big the 2nd bankrupted the state treasury 5 building. that's completely wrong to by
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law he received a sum of money annually which he used to pay for the court and. the maintenance of other castles in what a box numb from borg and many others would spoil the stamp had to be paid for a court date or had to be paid for commutable and at the very bottom of the list whatever was left he used that for his own building projects etc as one of our congress to act. states were private from 871 on was he received yearly some 830-0000 marks of an oppression mr president bismarck taken from so-called reptilian phones or slush funds. it was a little thank you gift for handing of the title of concent to william of prussia was a word nish to this what's incorrect is to call it a bribe for i prefer to call it a gift action then when he had already given up some of his sovereignty and accepted this great personal risk stricken of his powers in trend he could well be given a little financial benefit that often and so long to be our mccoy. and yet even
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with his financial allowance from the north the king was still very short of money . his ministers are asked him to limit his building projects on nutrition good big clearly said and also wrote i can't escape building is my greatest joy in life i hope to live in sats how he put it formally or undeterred he continued to order chandeliers with exquisite nickel place in furniture and sculptures to bill show his obsession with details. on stein cost approximately 6000000 marks that sequent of about 42000000 euros today. also taken loans from foreign banks which was a big mistake on those foreign banks were not obliged to be loyal subjects to him and so they insistently pressed for repayment they even threaten to seize his properties size this comp the printer was torn and. the building
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works had to be halted time and again much to the king's shagger and. in the middle of the council courtyard the outlines of some foundation walls tell us about luke biggs original vision for the construction. the plan was the plan was to build a castle keep here right where we're standing at which would be noisier bunch guns tallest tower by far off the middle of the it was modeled in the medieval fashion it would have housed the castle chapel on the ground floor and above it would be a keep about 45 meters high it were for her to me the whole kit off the back for it . that would make a total height of 90 meters the last bastion for the king. his inspiration came from a set design for record far across lone cream a fortified tower rising above everything else ideal in the middle ages for
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spotting approaching enemies but some were obsolete after the invention of the telephone because insurers no other way to put it. castle is like a torso rather than a whole body almost it doesn't look the way ludwig the 2nd planned it for that's especially because the central deep is missing it said is it would have completely changed the entire look of the castle hoot for in that. speech and remained an unfulfilled dream. just on the moon by this time the 1st suits had begun to be filed against him by craftsmen who hadn't been paid by a car and $885.00 it by only became clear to ludwig's ministers that something had to be done to cause majesty simply refused to take their advice was used and.
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the claims for payment were overwhelming the king was bankrupt painters brick layers and builders no. longer receive their money. the debt soon totaled 100000000 euros in today's money you know how to swim and he got himself into a very difficult position personally because a king and that is also a problem for the state and that. a monarch is supposed to hold office for life unless he's certified as insane as an ancient some of the guys think views on ludwig the 2nd state of mental health still differ greatly to this day when he was certainly very unusual and you can certainly say he was eccentric and in his later years he did suffer from let's say mental abnormalities in here as it is a more recent theory speculates that he might even have had a neurological disorder and some early signs of dementia. thursday june 10th
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1886 a government commission from munich of arrived at the council to remove the king from power. but instead the monarch took the men into custody. 2 days asia. the 2nd finally accepted his fate. most your majesty this is the unhappiest studio i have ever had to perform to you are hereby deposed for reasons of mental illness isis can i now ask you to follow me because we are taking you to bear castle on lake stanback. the last acts of the tragedy. the king was taken away. he would never sit on his castle again. declaring him of unsound mind was a legal gray area and that was clear to anyone there was no constitutional provision for the ruler to be declared legally insane and dethroned but they did it anyway it's the me just toss them to my heart.
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do you think it was placed under house. raised at least on bag. no one knows what really happened. conspiracy theories abound one plausible sequence of events is that you'd think went into the water talked to fund couldn't tried to help and they both drowned when the desperate for making began to struggle with his would be rescue team would lead the 2nd was just 40 years old when he died. it was a shock to everyone. was that an accident suicide or murder. a myth was born because any attempt to explain the dead invites a new theory to our tourist in los and used to swim there across the aisle to say
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pyramid along its 4 kilometers long and see as the king was a very very good swimmer yakker the curious that he drowned. curious. it taking simply trapped. in al gore hardly anyone can or wants to believe that the king died of natural causes. as it was from and also you know i know from my grandfather he was 14 when ludwig died and he never believed the story that the king was murdered as this is an old family legend of the body in his coffin was a wax dummy of a very popular opinion throughout bavaria at the time that the most of bio in fact everyone believed he had withdrawn to a mountain hot somewhere it's all because ludwig was just 40 years old when he died it was unimaginable that a man so young would just die but does so in europe ensure if a. group of those who still doesn't drink that's right the indian secret antony's
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going into the lake was an escape for losing i know for menacing from a. the unbearable situation namely the 1000 initial spat it by that i mean his detainment in the bag and the fact that he is a monarch who was incredibly conscious of his majesty suddenly had to obey the orders of doctors and nurses. and the life of a mentally ill person even under absolutely the best care was not unfamiliar to him . due to the fate of his brother who was clearly mentally ill and. please younger brother also displayed abnormal behavior from early childhood and was diagnosed as mentally ill. was locked up from the age of 23. today it's issues he suffered from psychosis resulting from schizophrenia.
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and so his leaving rather would be things why such a life was certainly unbearable for load vague and he wanted to escape it. whether he consciously intended to do so by means of suicide or he simply wanted to flee this place i'd say that's open to interpretation to him the whole philosophy. he left behind both apostle and a dream no more realized in bricks and mortar. in the following decades to reason flourished at noise from. this is the 1st color footage dating from the 1930 s. the council is the focus of 2 scammers. adolphine live visited noise french
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tynecastle in early 1933 on the 50th anniversary of record fatness death records white by chance the 2nd had something in common with hitler with a great admiration for wagner does have a pretty offices naturally led to hitler's own interest in this castle to oversee a town. but he too wanted to be the greatest master builder of all times himself rather than standing in the king's shadow. visited the casa grounds. through the docks and i was annoyed don was in fact a problem for the nazis because of the man who. commission down by and in the thirty's and forty's who had stood with the 2nd was still known as a mad king of its with a not so great reputation involving home eroticism etc through good noirmont that didn't exactly fit in with the nazis ideology doing to its most hang ashamed. about
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something they didn't realize before the end of the 2nd world war is noise from stein's remote location. this made it safe from a brain no one was living there and the council had a lot of space. ringback ringback ringback to think for had new should. comes through the whole of southern germany was famous for its hiding places for looted art spent reticular objects stolen by the nazis from france from paris the north wants to annoy was the largest storehouse of them all because it's well known that the so-called rothschild treasures were kept and noise francia died out water . april 19th when she finds. american troops reach knows french time council. the so-called monuments men confiscated the loot taken from france by the nazis during the occupation traits of skull chews jewelry and paintings the ids are
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only a few of the $23000.00 pieces of art found by the american troops here on the bottom . floor. 600 crates of irreplaceable works was sent back to paris alone. and come from lucre admits it's lucky the castle wasn't misused by the nazis for ideological purposes swan's and that means that after the end of the nazi dictatorship and the 2nd world war. was able to present itself as an untouched treasure untaet gave a boost to terrorism. from noise from stein became the symbol of a different germany well disney took inspiration here from his famous fairy tale castle. soon the council was on the list of must see attractions the u.s. military stationed in germany. that south asia graphs of the variant dream found
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their way into the living rooms of many americans. this wall is full of thoughts if until 30 or 40 years ago north bunched on was dismissed as kitsch this was also those actually no one from this area visited knowledge on china's luncheon because it was just kitchens and it most cheap go when a relative was visiting and you'd have to pay a courtesy visit to flee clothes because who who knows once i'm on. the guest list for such courtesy visits includes former us 1st lady barbara bush. the queen thailand. and former soviet president mikhail gorbachev. named and. every year one and a half 1000000 visitors from all around the world come here to be in chanted by the casals magic. those who do are rewarded with press taking images from
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another world. by counting everything. you love more as little one knows that the lady is the source of her strange sickly light has a love like god 7 love god. my lord she said long as his feet carry her across the water. she lives some good. news or lives. hell africa.
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to environmentalist geoffrey of fan mail has made up his mind. to killing my. visits rural areas every week for the conservation gonna initiative and sensitizes the lessons for the protection of the forest and the. d.w. . to suborn join the problem and nearly in no limit has she. decided. to lay fuel economy. how will climate change affect us and our children. dot com slash water.
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above the but . this is life from the long awaited european union take trade deal is that e.u. leaders say it's fair and balanced the british prime minister gordon a small christmas present also coming up. germany's president from belgium styled my essays there is light at the end of the sandal will have more on what he had to say about the coronavirus pandemic it is traditional christmas address. last christmas eve mass with social distancing in broomfield francis holds.


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