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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  December 26, 2020 9:00pm-9:30pm CET

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well you. this is the w. news live from berlin in germany a 101 year old resident of a care facility has become the 1st person to receive a kopek 917 in the country and this as an unprecedented mass communication campaign gets underway across the e.u. . later in the show we'll be taking a closer look at survivors of coping 19 were left struggling with long term side effects their symptoms range from burnout to dizzy spells all the way to chronic pain.
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i'm going to look up welcome to the program germany's mass vaccination campaign against the corona virus has begun a 101 year old woman in a care home in eastern germany was the 1st to get the shot along with fellow residents and some of their care workers this happened on saturday a day ahead of the coordinated start to vaccination across the e.u. as shipments of the beyond tech pfizer vaccine start arriving in germany and across the block germany's health minister has expressed optimism about the roll out at the same time he's warned about the coronavirus not being beaten yet. this is the biggest vaccination campaign that modern germany has known army and medical personnel have been enlisted to ensure all goes well the 1st doses of the biotech pfizer vaccine are being given in care and nursing homes they'll also be
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distributed to the special centers set up all over the country for mass but voluntary vaccination german health minister against spahn said the immunization campaign meant there was every reason for optimism. and the vaccination centers are ready to go as the teams are ready and everyone wants to success of the biggest facts a nation campaign a history of federal germany us. this is federalism is at its best when it suited us and naturally so on we also say that tomorrow is too little too late to european but i would like that tomorrow is seen for what he teaches an extraordinary day for germany an important day for the battle against a pandemic of a century and in a survey of the german population you gov poll reveals that 32 percent of respondents want to receive the vaccine as soon as possible another 33 want to wait
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until they see how the vaccine affects other people with 19 percent of those asked unwilling to take the jab and 16 percent undecided so this is just finished and i think it's a problem. we need it but it's important at the moment. i don't know i'm thinking about it but it causes an allergic reaction and i have allergies and i have asthma i don't know. of course we have to i'm afraid of corona. one vaccine as some everybody tried before me i don't want to be the 1st to try. the german health ministry has promised over a 1000000 doses of the vaccine will be delivered before the end of the year the vaccine raises hope for many but the health crisis is far from over germany neared 1000 daily deaths just before christmas and many worry that festive family reunions
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could result in a catastrophic 3rd wave in early january. it's turned over to our chief political editor michelle or krishna for more irish about what more can you tell us about these 1st vaccinations that started today on saturday here in germany. yes well actually the official start to sunday but of course the 101 year old quoits. became the 1st to be vaccinated along with dozens of people in a nursing home in the eastern state of saxony on health a that appears to be a way to get a fast entry into the history books but also with officials there saying they didn't want to wait a single day don't go because every day could potentially cost lives at the same time one thing is for school this simply won't be enough vaccinations are ready to stop this pandemic right now $1300000.00 expect until the end of the year with the health minister again spawn promising that there will be enough vaccinations for
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those who want them by mid summer to ensure we don't go into another when to of a pandemic so for most people you wouldn't be not much full chains a tool at this very moment in time but those most vulnerable now have a chance of being protected so how big of a challenge is that distribution question going to be not just in germany but across the whole of the e.u. . it's a big challenge but here early on the federal states were told to have those vaccination centers ready already in mid december and there was a lot of impatience also from the health minister when it took so long to get the vaccination cleared by the european agency that has the say so over all 27 countries now we're seeing a slow work but largest scale rollout with the minister himself admitting today
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that there simply isn't enough vaccine available yet not for the coming week weeks not even for the coming months and he speaks of this whole thing being over life being able to return to normal some time the 2nd half of 2021 so yes this is an important historic start but this is nowhere near the end of the pandemic so let's get into that a little bit more what does this mean then for the general population. well it means that the general population if you're kind of middle age here in germany like myself and you don't really have a specific condition that brings you up to the top of the line waiting for vaccinations you will still have to stick to those rules you'll probably stay working from home and the big question mark is whether there will indeed be a 3rd wave we are already seeing all stria the neighboring country going into what
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is seen as the 3rd down so when know when you return to normal and many parents across the country already can see that won't be returning to school anytime soon and we've also read you know that they will be staying at home until at least the 10th of so while there is this is story breakthrough is the light at the end of the tunnel visible there's a very long road to any kind of back to normal here in germany and across europe a long road ahead for us all thanks very much michelle for covering that. hunger has also begun vaccinating hospital staff with the new tech pfizer vaccine after the 1st shipments of nearly 10000 doses arrived in the country the government is pirate ties in front line health care workers for those jobs the 1st worker to be given a shot was a senior physician at budapest central hospital
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a mass vaccination program is planned for early 2021. and for more on this let's turn to journalist on balls in budapest stuff and hungary is starting as vaccinations ahead of many other e.u. countries as germany has we've just heard what's what's behind that reasoning. behind it recent in the area prime minister viktor orban who has been criticized by the opus ition over his perceived leckie in the coronavirus been demi but he wants to show that he's still a cultural and i think it's also. europe. very tense relationship with the european union and he wants to show them that hungary can stand its own and we can care for our people now the same time of course the time running out that critics say. there are almost 9000 people
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reportedly diets or in the. population of nearly 10000000 people. behind the door reasoning for the prime minister. to nights and today it's also not the 1st time that hungary has been in the news about in fact the nation plans when it came out that hungary was actually go a different way from the e.u. not wait for that beyond pfizer maybe go with the chinese or the russian vaccines as well what more do you know about that. well what i know is. already sold russian. vaccine arrived here in hungary to be testing it and if it's up to the hunger ariens day will rule out very soon to say they are saying about the chinese that seeing as well and as hunger is there is nothing wrong with doing that now for there are people who disagree including the european union they say these
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that seem to be tested to much better but of course there is a loophole in the legislation also we see in europe and this i think will be used by the prime minister to bring more vaccines and perhaps even new york behind me in . the box in what's been the public reaction there to these various kinds of vaccines to people seem like they're going to want to step up to get it when they can well it's you pending on. the speaking with several areas and they say i don't want to be vaccinated they are very concerned about it to be honest but of course if you speakers elderly people they might appreciate it i think. here today on rivers they are very happy that the vaccines arrived they say many of those were infected to infect. and that's also in part i have to say that there is some. grief so. i think many people are not.
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passed thanks very much. the vaccines that have been approved so far are expected to protect against infection whether you've had the virus or not now those who have suffered from symptoms of cover 19 know all too well how damaging the sickness can be some struggle with long lingering a facts and their road to recovery is long and difficult. piccy is one of 40 covert survivors here suffering from long term effects of the illness germany's baltic sea coast their symptoms are being treated at a rehabilitation center after the virus piggy felt burnt out she suffered from dizzy spells and chronic pain. in some cases i also had cognitive difficulties that my head wasn't functioning
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properly i couldn't hear at povich and couldn't follow conversations well they're. often covert patients like peggy say their concerns aren't being taken seriously by their doctors. it's very difficult for some doctors to understand when they look at me i look healthy physically i'm reasonably strong at least i appear to be and then you get dismissed very quickly they say her mind is not ok. i'm not afraid but i still wonder if i will ever be the same again. as a covert survivor peggy has officially recovered from the illness but she says it feels like corona virus has stolen her healthy body and left her with a sick one in its place. already has been here for 2 weeks
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now her main goal is to get her mental health back on track. let's take a look at some other headlines around the world police in nashville tennessee are investigating more than 500 leads after a motor home exploded on christmas day 3 people suffered minor injuries and at least 41 buildings were damaged authorities say they believe the blast was intentional but have not identified a motive or a target. in afghanistan 2 police officers were killed in an explosion in kabul when a bomb attached to their vehicle blew up officials said a civilian was injured in the attack a separate blast in the afghan capital left 2 more police wounded no one has claimed responsibility. the israeli military has bomb targets in the gaza strip israel said it hit a number of sites including a rocket factory after missiles were fired from gaza into israel the palestinian militant group hamas which oversees gaza condemned the strikes and accused israel
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of hitting a children's hospital. and a reminder of the top story we're following for you countries across the european union including germany are launching a massive anti coded vaccine campaign the 101 year old woman was among the 1st to receive the jobs in germany. and a quick reminder you can always get news on the go just download our app from google play or the apple app store i'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news if you're part of a news story you can download the app and use it to send us photos and videos of what's happening where you are. up next we have world stories and always there's more on our web site www dot com and get the latest from twitter and instagram at g.w. news from williams to crawford of course have more news for you at the top of the
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hour join us then thanks for joining us now. my 1st vice like most sewing machine. where i come from women are almost by this notion for. something as simple as learning how to write a by sight of those isn't. since i was a little girl i wanted to add love by setting off my home and it took me me as the months i. finally gave up and mentioned buying young guys like this but returns because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for those than writing i'm biased as knowledge i was only
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a child's voice woman back home who are bound by the duties and social norms and informed them about the basic rights my name is the about of the hook and i wore zita. this week on world stories lakeville gloria drives out residents in kenya who did 19 increases poverty in spain but we begin in the canary islands increasing numbers of refugees from africa are using ground an island that belongs to spain to reach europe officials are overwhelmed from here journalists can go no further
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some 2000 african migrants are being housed in this camp in the port of more gone gone gone gone now they are 5 times as many as was expected aid groups have spoken up squalid conditions but it's impossible for d w news to find out. j my son tom now works for the island's refugee council his colleagues have been inside the camp. and put another minutes when everyone sleeps on the floor some intensity and some knowledge in the open we've been criticizing this from day one but we didn't think it would get this bad most of the it would mean a bad 2300 people in the camp and then numbers that are growing every day he gets in the only internet persona. the crossing is dangerous but the coronavirus pandemic has cut off about migration routes. the government has started to taos in new arrivals and hotels near the camp human
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rights activists say they are not getting a fair shot at the asylum system. these migrants from san diego fear that they will soon be deported. so don't believe the government far down the road rabbi journalists are not welcome here either g.w. knew was just told to leave in mid conversation may know is angry at the spanish government but also feels abandoned by the european union. yet i know has that i'm disappointed with spain and with europe this is shameful a lot of politicians and representatives have come here recently but we have no clue what the government's strategy is to deal with the migration crisis on the canary islands. and. spain's government refuses to relocate the migrants to the mainland critics say
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this has turned the island into a prison. the spanish government has now started to procure further accommodation for the migrants many fear that this housing will fill up before long. in kandahar the residents are suffering from droughts but rather from too much water the rising levels of make progress are forcing people to relocate. like bulgaria so saw and from rising water levels that the shoreline changes every day. we see this early on in our trade when the access road unexpectedly becomes part of the leak. he didn't find. who's just arrived to open her barn restaurant
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and he's been a dramatic change. this is what this water just came in with in one day i cloud came slowly and slowly until it got to this level so without any notice you have to demolish within just a few seconds china gets has already been forced to move her business once it's inevitable that she will have to move again and she's not the only one the extent of the flooding can be seen clearly from neighboring lake baringo the freshwater lake has expanded by 60 percent in the last 7 years this year has been by far the worst. folks our tour guide grew up on the shores of the sleek work has been scarce as most of the hotels are now underwater. he leads us to one of many flooded schools in the area so even a year you've seen all these decaying buildings. but our last story is the most significant for folks i grew up here my foster and tales of life
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i spent a year this was my playground it's quite sad to see it drawn to ruins but what i'm what i'm looking for scientists are warning that freshwater lake baringo and saltwater like bulgaria could merge the cross contamination would destroy the balance in the ecosystem. to understand what is happening to the lakes we head to the forest home to the rivers that feed the lakes in the rift valley mau forest is recovering from years of deforestation. david weston has been a conservationist for more than 50 years he says the destruction of the catchment areas is just one in a series of linked problems the past where people are now settling down and staying in one place so what that means is every single day you have heavy grazing and that is really prominent around the baringo basin up in the hills on the side so all of that erosion has been washed off routinely. back in bulgaria the strong brink's
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that's short for the ocean. is visibly worried and soon how worst fears are realized the water level has gone up again this could be her last day on this land . many countries are relying on drastic measures and lockdowns to fight the corona pandemic but it's costing many people in spain their incomes the number of people there were lying on aid is on the rise. seemingly endless queues for food in madrid working class district of my gosh some people have been regulus at this food bank at a church for here's what others are new. the been demick has brought them here. that people here have been waiting to get minimum state subsidies for ages. and that people who apply for furlough in march and still haven't been paid. hit by one of
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europe's worst coronavirus outbreaks is spain's economy has been left chanted people know incomes migrants and casual workers have suffered the most maria work as i had reza for the past 17 years that was until they've been damaged now she her husband and their 5 children have hit rock bottom up almost as no not made of money before but we always had food never in our lives did we imagine we'd end up like this. movie i was entitle to ply for furlough payments that she has had to waste to long for the money to come through. is that a lot for me i should think about the families we don't have food please don't forget us the system is at a standstill and house situation is very bad i'm one month one month the government says it will extend the furlough scheme it has rolled out a basic income program but the process of getting benefits is highly bureaucratic
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and lengthy. that warehouse on the outskirts of madrid supplies 70000 kilos of food every day that's mainly paid for by government and e.u. aid these schemes have been extended and a recent campaign for donations should ensure that the warehouse doesn't run out of store back at the church father going santa needs more volunteers to fill the many trolleys and reduce waiting times they go from empty to full within seconds before they get to the waiting hungry. they have confessed that on some days during the economic i thought i'd make it home look as though i was looking at a speed of a person who had aged 40 years of the years but that doesn't stop him. one fool try. contains food supplies for a month including treats that families cannot afford. i've got it all done and the children see the cocoa are tracking it's a very happy meal at the end of it but i think that because i can only buy the
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essential not just the pandemic has it spain's already battered economy hard it's unlikely it will recover quickly enough so people may have to rely on food handouts for some time to come. then see all of the filth the dying wishes of the terminally ill. he and his team take them to places they want to see one last time. we accompany him on one of his make a wish trips. with frank fans lowe and his assistants are ready whenever a terminally ill person in northern germany would like to go for riot bitters are free of charge the stuff volunteers he has a zone specially fitted and says their mission is to fill a dying person's last wish southern oil and has been a hospice for several weeks the 55 year old has turned cancer. the doctors say her
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choose an operable because it's too close to the spine. today she'd like to return together with her son and his fiance to the town where she grew up them on it even past the happiest time in your life some place that it's just nice to be back there again and to be quiet to just breathe to feel. we'll manage just fine won't we. novins hometown is just half an hour away she was given morphine for the pain a man who trains paramedics for a living vents low tries to fulfill his passengers every wish he and his colleagues had out up to 2 times a week he's even driven all the way to the north cape. sylvia's chosen the church as their 1st stop. the attendants were throw the stretcher kerf lee over the
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cobbles. every bump is painful for the patient. sylvia with the church here when she was a little girl today the memories so how comforting. how fitting. for many relatives a last journey like this is tougher to bear than it is for the dying person themselves. that 1st sylvia newman son says he feared the emotional stress of the trip. but now he is glad he came along the trip continues on a ferry across the visa river. for sylvia it's another childhood memory. she wants to see it's mostly waters one more time. from france low reserved a special place for her with a view look there's a white house in the background on the short walls of the v.a.'s are follows in the
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middle of the waterway the ferries captain circles the boat a few times especially for sylvia norman but she wants to take another look at her grandparents owned neighborhood watch her thoughts on the coming days pretty relaxed i think you know i was back here again and that's really beautiful the turn lasts for hours then it's time to go back to the hospice frank friends though hasn't counted how many last wishes he's fulfilled he says as passengers shouldn't be reduced to statistics. then it's time to say farewell to the passenger. and like every time it's goodbye for good.
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any other time it's been the implicit strike non-drug telepathic conducted the best musicians she. could run a pandemic main to. the search. constant. exclusive on our tax. man and animal living together and unspoiled nature nelson all a rain co-founded natural life the only african wildlife conservation center run by the mass i communities but since the coronavirus pandemic they have faced many more challenges than yours. i mean a part of them shipped in the conservation movement to find out. how to turn it into eco for. him 60 minutes am.
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used to it is pulling those 1st girls to get over no level i'm sure that of us as we are also some of the you must serve people including the most in support of. what's a big what civil guard avoids a. degree but. i was imagining what it would be an orchestra to have an artist to have the world's best soloists. it's a current project obviously it would have never happened if it wasn't for the situation. as a single i think you have to learn to adapt and the situation and that's.


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