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tv   Sambia  Deutsche Welle  December 28, 2020 10:30pm-11:01pm CET

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everyone with everything. are you ready to meet the devons. featuring stories.
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restoring. the. special edition of the program it's good to have you with us. for years the rising water homes and businesses. of the high 2020. you see them behind me lake. lake bull gloria they have grown so much in recent times that their marriage to get. big. league.
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the provide drinking water most people will be. mete. out to reports. lake bulgaria so swollen from rising water levels of the shoreline changes every day. we see this early on in our trip when the access road unexpectedly becomes part of the leak. here by we find. who's just arrived to open her bar and restaurant but there's been a dramatic change there's water this water just came in with a new one day so it came slowly and slowly until it got to this level so without any notice you have to demolish within just a few seconds china got has already been forced to move her business once it's inevitable that she will have to move again and she's not the only one the structure we're looking at is an entry point that was erected by the kenya wildlife service after their original gates were submerged by water ice on it took 3 months
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before the lake eventually caught up with this one and we can clearly see that this water is unrelenting what we can't see but we can certainly smell is this similar rigs that's also being brought to be this because obviously people here use trains and all their contents are now under water and the water is clearly unrelenting because all around us the ground a soggy and these little all over the place. the extent of the flooding can be seen clearly from neighboring lake marin go the freshwater lake has expanded by 60 percent in the last 7 years this year has been by far the worst. folks our tour guide grew up on the shores of the sleek work has been scarce as most of the hotels are now underwater. he leads us to one of many flooded schools in the area so even though you've seen all these decaying buildings.
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but our last story is the most significant for folks i grew up in my foster in 2 years of life are spent each year this was my playground it's quite sad to see it drop going through and i don't know what i'm going to tell my kids. scientists are warning that freshwater lake baringo and salt were totally bulgaria could merge the cross contamination would destroy the balance in the ecosystem. to understand what is happening to the lakes we head to the forest home to the rivers that feed the lakes in the rift valley mo forest is recovering from years of deforestation. david weston has been a conservationist for more than 50 years he says the destruction of the catchment areas is just one in a series of linked problems the pastoral people are settling down and staying in one place so what that means is every single day you have heavy grazing and that is really prominent around the baringo basin up in the hills on the side so all of
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that erosion has been washed off routinely so in 2018 we had rainfall which was the equivalent of el nino in 1908 then followed last year by these extraordinary rains which has continued for a whole year so that means there gratian huge amount of runoff and siltation and it's the combination of those 2 that have made the rift valley lakes and even other areas like amber sally just lift 10 sometimes 15 metres. back in bulgaria the storm brings. its short thanks for the ocean. cienega is visibly worried and soon how worst fears are realized the water level has gone up again this could be her last day on this land. there's one cafe that i would like to visit one day it's in uganda and it's the 1st of its
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kind because all off it stops. now the company says it wants to see the death and also create jobs for this marginalized group the sign language coffee was launched in august and as you're about to see its clientele is growing. roy has a customer. rose that is dave so he uses sign language to communicate he's worked as a barista at this coffee shop in compiler for 2 months now when i make good coffee and i serve the customers order perfectly and i get a positive feedback that makes me really happy especially if it comes from different customers. russo graduated from university 3 years ago but since then he's had real difficulty finding a job uganda has one of the world's highest youth unemployment rates resources that being dave makes it even worse. i would apply for
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jobs write letters send evils and all of that but whenever i mention that i was deaf they became afraid of working with me either and they wouldn't give a chance they wouldn't hire me. workmates had left too but that doesn't stop them from offering great service to their customers and by employing them the owner of the company a wants to help break it down styria tapes i guess the death. we want to inspire the ever companies and employers out there to employ give people because we are capable and want to use these people here as role models. according to official figures uganda has 1800000 different people that is about 3
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percent of the top of the nation the activists see that this number could be higher . ses that different people are often not taken into account by the government he cites the recent to distribution of free fish musts which the cities did you not put into their special needs into direct consideration. with that there was a lot of lip reading you see what i say without a face mask but when i cover my lips your formation is missing facial expressions are hidden by the mask mr seeds that people often misinterpret is just as he says he has learned to live with the 8 but on the mix he is really home i'll tell you he's a deal he still hopes that someday that might change for the better. now what you see here is unmistakable it's a little rusty
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a little very rustic maybe but it's a classic. unmistakable official. but isn't clinics in france because a hobby for mostly rich old men to get rich but yeah that may be true christine to some extent but all men in south africa are. to create a nice business with now the 38 year old with some help from their husband will say restores vintage cars in the eastern cape province and all corresponded address and creech paid her a visit. this 947 pontiac is no simple hold with so on as bright and joy she bought the vehicle for less than 200 euros so far she spent about 2 years and around 2000 euros renovating it. for. the 38 year old
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renovates vintage cars which she later than either runs out all sells for a nice price of property in the middle of nowhere on south africa's eastern cape looks like a cross between a scrap yard and take our museum. i don't have so much equipment i knew was inclined to remove the mast you know. 7 years ago when most people saw a documentary on classic cars that sparked your interest. her husband works for them and it's a policy but it's also a gifted comic cannick together they found at a company now they have 3 employees. i used to pray god to give me. a lady like that like that now of course it from court. very very proud when i'm sitting here on my. yeah the gum but you know i mean i'm getting hit
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pretty used to call me the mother of the broken. sometimes they don't they tell me with a negative when that's just listing time with is cause. claes be when i finish that point that they do so i go on to say no no no no let's continue. today they are off to look at another potential project an hour's drive from their village they travel as you might expect and the classic car. appeared. they looking at a 963 japanese pickup truck that the quality is ok. everything the it's. not ok to. play think that was around 300 euros. this guy he is more than 50 years old and you can see it's a lot of work needs to be done but most people either outspend hope that if they do
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a good job they'd be able to resell it for up to 7500 euro. but 1st to get the vehicle ready to be transported. i believe this i love this. this inside my heart i'm going to do with the old gold cross i'm going to invade i'm not going to say from my end of the street. but that is precisely the issue now. has been there for taking the old pickup to heart which means it won't be easy to say goodbye to it when they come to sell it on. there just absolutely well that's all for this special edition of africa and today we'll leave you with the song that had everybody. that said nothing that we could not exactly. because my psyche hundreds of millions of you to show i watch a few 100 of the other things by you i'm. curious to see. if
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the. team. just. know. how. to. kill the. heart and in the end this i mean you're not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers who alliance. what's your story ready ready.
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i was a women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying. to understand this new coach or. another visitor. you want to become citizens. in full migrants your platform for reliable information. to. be age of artificial intelligence is upon us even in the arts machines that make abstract drawings computer programs that compose music with what sounds like emotion but is it really are and does that matter.
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welcome to arts and culture with a look at artificial intelligence now one fear a lot of people have when it comes to ai is that robots might put people out of a job but could that include artists well it might depend on how you define art and creativity already ai computers and robots are producing what some people would consider art like these pictures made by a robot and england. behind the old bulls of this 16th century man i just outside london that lives a robot that drools. this machine with a human face is named. she's a robot with the mannerisms of a real artist. a. courier. wrecker. their. agent has been drawing and painting since 2019 last
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year her work sold out as an exhibition at oxford university and it's estimated that collectors have paid more than $1000000.00 pounds for where x. . gallery owner aiden miller came up with the idea to create a down. believe that once you try. showing every $30.00 the current is ready go. together with a team of computer scientists robotics experts and design as miller developed in his own words the world's 1st robot artist programmed for creativity. major draws with chalk and paints with acrylic. but is this real arts or is it just a grand technical achievement. we've heard. from different artists thinking oh my
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goodness what does that mean for my own ability of the actual we very much believe the rise of ai and. within the art world is very much similar to the rise of the camera in the 18 fifty's and sixty's that people were very threatened by this camera that it was the end of painting age of raises the question whether human artists will be competing against robots in the future. the idea that artificial intelligence could replace humans isn't new for a long time filmmakers have been stoking fears about the potential threat of ai will be chatting with the film expert in a moment 1st here's a look back at in films starting with how the murderous computer and the classic 2001 space odyssey. doors oh.
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i'm sorry. i'm afraid i can't do that computer how is an intelligent beast but with the emphasis on beast think you know what the problem is just as well as i write this mission is too important for me to jeopardize our intractable how doesn't think much of people speaking there's no reason to since this is so liable to breaking down. in films intelligent machines usually run amok though a few strive to be human sometimes even more humane than their from models say that the robot in steven spielberg's ai even wants to build real relationships they are way out there. but is david as harmless as he looks. so i think there's going to murder me in my state. in one of the red comedies about ai the robot may not look human but he's
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a real body. is have. you ever had a dream neo that you were so sure was real. in the matrix trilogy i ike controls an entire parallel universe one in which people are clearly not welcome. to. chance this planet i mean. how to choose. the terminator is sent back from the future to correct the course of history he's a killing machine guided by ai because humans could endanger robots in the future they're deemed expendable. but later it's machines against machines and everything ends in chaos yet in most cinematic confrontations with. if the humans come out on top. that's probably because but
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now people are still watching scripts. trust me. so are the robots coming to take away our culture reporter scott rocks for is here to talk to me about it scott our movie safe is a i'm going to take over the film studios or can or you can rest assured that that's going to be a human pursuit i for now i think we're safe i mean there have been a few attempts to get. to work in the in the movie industry there are a few years ago there was a film that was entirely scripted by ai the producers took dozens of science fiction screenplays and they fed it into this program called the benjamin and then asked benjamin to spit out a script which they then shot as a real movie. thomas middleditch we might know from muscle com valley started this film it's called sun spring and i think we have a clip take a listen and not write like. well i have to. go
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to the skull and. the dialogues completely dodd said circle it's kind of hilarious actually and the plot jumps all over the place i mean it makes absolutely no sense interesting thing about this film is the only thing that holds it together are the human actors who actually try to convey some real emotion as they're speaking out this gobbledygook so at least for now i think we're safe benjamin's no danger of winning an oscar anytime soon ok but let's assume let's assume that the ai does get better and make something that you know looks like art sounds like art smells like art will it be art if it's ok by humans yeah i think it's almost a philosophical question i mean. is are about intention i mean do you have to want to make art in order to be an artist and if that's the case then ai which is programs can never be artists if they can only be the tool used by artists i mean i think of like button artists like you know jeff koons or any warhol who sometimes use these arc factories where they got other people to. actually do the physical production you know the painting or printing or whatever it was we still considered
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them the artist because it was their idea was their intention to do to make the r. and so far at least a i can't have intention ok we can't computers produce something that seems at least original yeah i guess i mean spring that's pretty original kind of entertaining i think it's interesting if you look at some forms of art like like music is an interesting example because you can program ai to copy certain styles of music and maybe make compositions that have never been heard girls who are original i mean there's example the symphony of beethoven's tense and he was unfinished they programmed computer to finish it by giving it you know teaching him how to play beethoven style music and the music is actually quite good and it sounds coherent a lot more coherent than the script that we just heard but is it actually art i don't know music is a lot about math and computer stuff that we can do. better than i can it's got rocks for a 3rd so much. some of his most impressive artistic achievements if you can call them artistic have and the realm of sound media artists composer and coder. uses
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computers to analyze nature and then ai transforms the data and dimensions of the landscapes into music. music composed by river scape over to put it more precisely the rivers many bends analyzed and transposed into notes written to sit by the forces of nature. and use. when the river has lots of bends or has a more complex visual structure than the musical structure is also more complex and when the course of the river changes then you also hear that as acoustic feedback as a kind of live ranter potations based on the data acquired by the. algorithms to fit with countless examples which teach the ai and sounds into music it can then
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see just what theme the melody could embark on next. music may mathematically is it creative is it art. it's another approach him and that's the way you need to imagine it and i'm going to belong to a whole generation of new composers and also artists who have grown up with technology and with algorithmic methods. mission metod and what ai has now opened up or machine learning to put it more precisely as a kind of sparring partner this sparing. partner that helps in the composition process and reacts to suggestions. for 9 years musician ali nick ryan has been developing a program to write sophisticated compositions was this written by a man or a machine it's impossible to tell.
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he's big breakthrough came with a program which can compose pieces in the style of everything from mozart to shall pass. so there is an st in the listen to a piece of music that is composed by an ai since it is able to examine responses because of the exact day i says and does not understand our emotions. classical pianist glenn gould performances were emotional and unconventional though he died in 1902 his style is still alive and well. thanks to ai. so what we're doing is we're analyzing audio recordings to see how he interprets a given piece of music and try to teach to an ai system so that i could play expressive style of. bringing going all back to life. it's as if glen gold's ghost
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is sitting at the piano those who knew him a star. christian knows it doesn't just want to imitate human creations he wants to explore unknown to mentions through his art with the help from ai he's collected some other will be signals. are. going to. become very rich as we take this great unknown outer space and we try to capture radio signals from space and then we have our manmade scan it to look for patterns which we wouldn't be able to find on our
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own fin transcriptions from space interpreted by using familiar harmonies it's a bit both a bit bizarre yet somehow sublime. and it's been so blah i'm talking to you through this robot controlled studio camera thanks for watching arts and culture remember to follow us on facebook and twitter at d.f.w. culture all the best for me i'm a courier here and when i see you next time. every
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tell us. it was the century for an intricate monarch. this. tragic. plane. secrets because. the 15 minutes of t.w. . ordinary personalities stories that. looks
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like the best of our t.w. reporters the. destinies of. old models. people we'd like to meet again. belonging to one official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans here in colombia legally and illegally. i'd return to venezuela. to visit friends but i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. with this global news that matters. made for mines. what secrets lie behind. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore
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world heritage sites. w world heritage 368 get kidnapped now. this is to give you news live from berlin the outgoing u.s. president backs down signs a huge crowd of virus relief built. back means millions of cash strapped americans will get government payments albeit a late. trump changed his tune. also a warning for critics of china's coronavirus narrative citizen journalist branded a troublemaker for reporting on the one hand i'll break pays the price for speaking
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