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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 29, 2020 9:00am-9:15am CET

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this is news coming to you live from berlin killing for doing their children doing their jobs dozens of journalists around the world died this year working to expose corruption organized crime and environmental degradation we'll speak to an advocacy group that says targeted killings is also coming up the voice of in the chinese city of blue han we meet a man who lost his father to cope with 19 and blames the government's lack of transparency for his death. sentence after fleeing persecution in myanmar are
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written to muslims yet again being forced to move against their will bangladesh says it's transferring refugees to an isolated island to relieve the crowding in the camps but rice proves. slow i'm terry martin good to have you with us at least 50 journalists and media employees were killed in connection with their work in the past year that's according to an annual report compiled by reporters without borders the group says most died in countries that are not even at war instead journalists are targeted for trying to expose crime and corruption one of the most dangerous countries is a canister. with a t.v. and radio. and had dried. were killed by gunmen in early december. and
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then so hard i'm there but i would have been i don't know no real madrid common knowledge she was that she was on her way to work and we had planned to do a show together i was on air when i got the news we had to stop the show as well but how about american or i don't want to go to all of this new reports for the word of a journalist and a woman in the spotlight 25 year old with a symbol of the new afghanistan a threat to fundamentalists and those she criticized them and i have 10 more daughters like my lai who could give their lives for a cause but i want the killers apprehended back in the know what is just not targeted killings of journalists like my one by gunmen or car bombs have become all too common in afghanistan despite the ongoing peace talks between the government and the taliban the country is still rated as one of the world 5 most dangerous places for journalists and with weekly reports of new attacks threats and intimidation local journalist groups are raising the alarm in november the afghan
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journalist safety committee wrote a letter to the un security council urging it to help reduce the violence. i don't think it's ever been as. scary as it is right now. because it seems that all journalists are threats. well only 6 weeks we have lost 4 johnson have all. joked you know are. targeted killings. so. and that's has created a sense if you're american journalist all over the country. just days after my one's death and almost 300 kilometers away another journalist from the to learn next hour was killed. shot close to his home i'm known gunmen next sat head of the local journalists union and reported for outlets like a.p. and al-jazeera according to. threats and inform the authorities about them but got
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the whole help. but an attack on journalists is an act of oppression in our society no one is more pressed than journalists i have to say let's question also and let's get united let's ask our leaders to explain why this cruelty happens and how long it's going to continue whether if. no call from the man or government affiliates the question of who is behind these attacks often remains an oncet good for those who continue to do their work as journalists and one thing is clear they should not have to risk their lives to do their jobs let's bring in christian mir here he's director of reporters without borders in germany mr mayor your organization has just released a report showing that 50 journalists were killed this year most of them in countries that are not classified as war zones what makes being a journalist so dangerous i mean what all of the cases that we kill
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journalists have in common. is that east journalists are journalists who have been investigating organized crime environmental pollution and people who are involved doing business others i'm buying pollution and so basically the profession of investigative journalism is it what makes it so dangerous and growing a dangerous your report also shows that 387 journalists are currently in detention in connection with their work what are the prospects what are their prospects of being released. i mean. first of all it's very sick we keep on talking about because we're part of the board is a global what sterger ynys asia and our experience actually is that how the press are so talking in interviews like these talking in behind the heinz is see in. the meetings means said mary all things this could lead to
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a release and that's what we are working on and when it has to remind that china actually is one of the biggest janus in these years and especially in this years when china has been really in head and got lots of attention because of the current outliers and lots of the journalists this year additionally imprisoned has been journalists who have been critically reporting about about the corona endemic and as a chinese politics how do you find secret of endemic ok just mentioned china we just saw a report on afghanistan where it's particularly dangerous what are the most difficult countries to work and as a journalist today. i mean 1st of all it's important to mention and this is actually a growing trend set actually it was a most difficult countries amazed dangerous countries ozzie countries which are not at war because traditionally you see about war countries where people and where
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general is get killed but really a growing trend this actually exists year is actually to sirt of the kill generalised has been killed in encounter east which officially are declared wasso as the cities are the countries mexico basically india pockets tani and syria where in all of these countries actually we have internal wars we do political interests to some extent maybe different compared to mexico where it's basically just organized crime committing most of the crimes against journalists and emeritus mr mayor thank you very much for talking with us that was christian man director of reporters without borders here in germany. see the look at some of the other stories making headlines today u.s. lawmakers in the house of representatives have voted overwhelmingly to override president veto of the defense policy bill they also voted to increase pandemic relief to struggling americans to $2000.00 the debate over defense and pandemic aid
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now moves to the republican controlled senate. hundreds of pro-life activists have rallied in buenos aires ahead of a congressional vote that could see argentina become the 1st latin american country to legalize abortion centered on tuesdays due to debate to build that was passed by the lower house earlier this month it would decriminalize abortion in almost all circumstances. thousands of pro have protested in montenegro over the new government's plans to alter a divisive religious law a law is meant to turn hundreds of serbian orthodox churches and monasteries into state property protesters say the government is undermining montenegro's split from serbia. and the australian government warns it may cancel the visas of visitors who breach coronavirus restrictions on public gatherings after footage showed large crowds partying near a sydney popular beach popular with tourists the immigration minister asked local
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authorities to report violations to these officials. year now since the 1st coronavirus cases were reported by officials in the chinese city of new hong the pandemic is now largely under control in china but stories are emerging of how people have paid the price for beijing's alleged lack of transparency over 19 reports on a chinese man who says he's angry with the government for not releasing more information at the time the 1st cases were recorded. it is almost as if nothing had ever happened here life is back to normal in the city where the corona virus 1st emerged china has brought infection rates down to almost 0 in an exuberant exhibition the communist party celebrates victory in what it calls its war on the epidemic with tributes to soldiers and medics who work themselves to exhaustion
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during the outbreak but 1st and foremost the party celebrates self and the general secretary xi jinping was hailed as the man who led the country to victory. this is hala china wants people to see its reaction to the disease and how many people do see it indeed but there are other voices in this city. john high is one of them he is on his way to the municipal government. isn't this the people's government taking pictures is not allowed. to look like the country by means of i think they should change their name from the people's government of one hand to the bureaucrats government of on one hand. john hi normally lives in the southern city of shenzhen but returned home to 100 in january
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when his father broke his hip the elderly man received free treatment at a military hospital this was where he caught cold and later time. john high says his father would still be alive if the authorities in one hand had not covered up the early stages of the outbreak he's trying to file a case in court against the government. i've been very upset since i came back to. i'm sad and angry at the same time. that's my current state of mind. i can't stand all this propaganda about the achievements in the fight against. all the people who died the innocent people who left this world have never been paid proper respect. but few people speak publicly about their grievances many others
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appear to have put the experience behind them night life is back on the streets specially young people enjoy their newly returned free to others. but many places in the woods do struggle with the pen dam in the city where it all began is moving on. to say look at now at some of the other developments in the found india has confirmed 6 cases of the new more infectious variant of the virus 1st detected in britain it was found in people who arrived from the u.k. in recent weeks south korea has reported its highest daily co of a dying 100 fatalities with the least 40 patients having died in the last 24 hours the deaths come amid a surge in new infections in the country bringing the total infected to nearly $60000.00 and spain says it will create a national register people who refuse to be vaccinated against kovan 19 authorities say the list will not be accessible to the public but will be shared with other
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european countries it's fun but has started moving a 2nd group of revenge of muslim refugees to a low lying remote. island in the bay of bengal rights groups have voiced opposition citing the compound's vulnerability to floods the island the united nations has urged the government to only move refugees willing to go to char island. bussed out to an uncertain future in a sprawling refugee camp of cox's bazaar a group of rwanda is dispatched to buy. an island off the coast of bangladesh. nearly 900000 live in camps around caught cispa zar after fleeing persecution in myanmar to many in the eyes of authorities they want to relocate 100000 pounds on chaar. some refugees welcome the move.
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i'm going to the island because i believe that my life will be more peaceful there whatever the government is doing i think it's for our benefit. others are worried mine is that we shouldn't go to the island because it's low lying and if a storm hits we will have no we're safe to go. to. our 1st group of rwanda was sent to the island earlier in december. while the camp here is better constructed than the slum like refugee dwellings on the mainland the u.n. and human rights groups have expressed concern over the resettlements. only rose above sea level in 2006 formed by silt from the ganges delta the low lying island offers little protection from natural disasters and has very little infrastructure . bangladesh insists the transfers are voluntary but human rights watch says it's already recorded instances of refugees being sent to the islands against their will
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. you're watching news from berlin i'll be back at the top of the next hour with more meanwhile you'll find all or stories online at d.w. dot com you can also follow us on social media at t w news i'm terry martin thanks for watching. why are people forced to hide in trucks. there are many reasons. there are many.


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