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tv   Klosterkuche  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2020 7:30pm-8:01pm CET

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so you want to know what makes the dems lose their. love on banning them away from. i'm going to have to work my own car and everyone with lead a holes in everything. are you ready to meet the germans and join me right just do it on d w. this is news africa with a special best stop edition featuring stories brought to us by a correspondents coming up on the program the protests that brought down and i guarantee. corruption and violent tactics dated back to 1993 but will they and songs movements apparent success spell the end all these. at the dance performance counting the cost. feasted on their crops leaving nothing to eat nor solve. the jury is still out on whether those who bring. these south
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african farmers say good begins to spanish food and that it can help. them to this special edition of the program looking at some of the top stories of 20 twentieth's good to have your company now $22.00 weeks in october angry young people in nigeria tips to the streets to denounce police arrest meant violence and extortion they say the country's sause units will special and to robbery squad had itself been unlawful and demanded that it be disbanded that was the end saws but now the protests evolved into campaigns for police reform and an end to what was called bad governance in africa's most populous nation now the if it was laid on social media and was bolstered by any. since everything is across the world the
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government gave in on at least one of those demands but no one's really certain about where the true reform is coming. zob is one of the few people behind the october protest that brought a nigeria to a standstill tens of calderon's of portis us took to this treats to demand an end of police brutality they stood their ground despite our swords by anti-riot police and while he's proud of his fear of protesters we need to fight for our rights this is not him and you have to want this is not the police police force that we want this is not the kind of good men to be we have to keep that full comprehensible to nor to new the government special anti-roll but he scored was fast formed in 1902 and nigerians have been critical votes tactics from years previous attempts to force the government to scrap the police unit never succeeded but in nuri images
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the movement it much for 2 weeks in october and pushed the government of president mohamed dubois hurry to dissolve sas and see it will end police see the protests were organized on social media platforms. just give to get i will able to walk into the police less and mobilize and look let's meet you listen we did this 1000000 and those words when edward and a number of local and international celebrity is called for portis joined she says there's solace you need and how boyfriend and kept them at gunpoint and this special robot has scored robbed them of all their money it is a day she does not want to remember. it's been really hard. it's been really tough mentally i could still hear the sound of feet going cooking for a long period in my sleep on the day that the according to the government to count
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more than 100 people were killed in 2 weeks as a result of and styles protest a probe is ongoing to establish who is behind the violence the keatings. and she was just coming to terms with the assault by south i'm just hopeful that nigeria we can see a point where. we can walk on the streets and not be afraid of getting killed by blowing forcemeat. this you need to fall and taking in nigeria's capital used to be a symbol of democracy and free speech but when protesters tried to come in here there were asked to opt and where are the televised form in an idea and it's a symbol that democracy is eroding and it's a tonic to a dictatorship. the ongoing probe looking into the police retired to calm prince
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well i now see its findings are in next year but it doesn't need to faith into the process with this if you could think of the ways that people would not it would affect what is going to continue. and what hopes to be in nigeria that is free of fear of its own security forces. now these little beasts right ravaged the horn of africa of the sea a desert locusts destroyed vegetation resulting in huge economic losses several countries in east africa namely kenya ethiopia uganda and south sudan all still trying to contain what is the worst days of locusts invasion that the region has seen in over 70 years now despite governesses aerial spraying of pesticides to prevent breeding the locus just kept reading un has warned of a looming food crisis in february we visited some kenyan father as to try to find
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out how they had been affected by the 1st infestation. they were only there for one day in mid january burned up my congress from was invaded by desert locusts they ate everything from grains beans and even the entire field of watermelons but that's not all. look i do know grass of what. normally by this time they're ready for harvest. your raw. have destroyed them all. the flowers even the leaves. of the will to. glow could eat everything in their way in a day one square kilometers form of locusts complete as much food as 35000 people. at this time of year might come good grammar reason usually filled to the brim but now they're practically empty. you get
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to go. on what i've harvested is very little. expected to get socks of green grams 15 sacks of maize he didn't and i didn't get. all been destroyed. his neighbor is equally devastated and without the harvest he doesn't know what to do so. there's nothing left to harvest there's nothing else i don't know how to do it's just this farm that's where i get through it we're afraid my family and friends everyone because that's what i do i'm a farmer. this is the worst look at infestation that kenya has seen in 70 years farmers in this region have lost nearly all of their crops some of them have started planting again but they don't know what they will do if the locusts return . to step up the fight against the locusts kenya has started training its voluntary
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national youth service great well aerial spraying of pesticides is already being used to fight the i don't know just this use i mean this is a ground spray of younger locusts which conflict yet. for farmers like burnt out the government if it has come too late he doesn't know how he will make up for his lost crops and he only hopes that his next harvest will survive for a few more support. now in the middle of a coronavirus pandemic this year the medic actually president launched herbal covert $900.00. people infected now the race to find a cure for the corona virus spurred interest in herbal medicines although none has so far proved effective now but we sent our reporter to speak with a group of farmers in south africa who are cashing in at the time on the hype surrounding african wormwood. in south africa's eastern cape province farmer john abbott sally and his family are picking the herb african the
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war would. be. the everyone that's the truth in a moment also the. something between a david oh very important to me but i'll be very very important like. the family can pick as many as 10 backs at day. you can find the plant all over the place it has been growing here for a long time and the local farmers have been using it as a traditional medicine but now the demand is going up which is good for business here. back in the village they sell the plan for 4 years a back prices have increased along with the demand for the herb is the pitiful is you know we like many believe warmer which can protect them from the koran or viruses although there's no scientific proof. i give the fed some of these because
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this is good for their own. failure to question of being in one child families for you to find. the parents all come flowing any apprehension you feel weightless see . who come clean near you. the rain of you know what the villagers also believe in warm words medicinal properties they've been using it for generations even though the village has no electricity no one here has been to the doctor for years one which is prized as one of the most powerful medicinal herb people here say it clears up a stomach ache and half an hour at a fever in 3 days all those letters in your body you can take it over to get a. bottle is a good medicine if you put your faith made plain mean i hope you are doing well you know. there's also a growing demand and. lizabeth an hour's drive from the village the corona virus is spreading rapidly and urban areas despite the lockdown. has been growing warm wood
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for the last year her grandmother has been taking it for now business is brisk. 20 bunches today for one euro each but she doesn't believe it can protect people against corona and i was i am this is going to back to them to the doctor and. i don't need a group of gay. men here there's good reason to investigate you have voted if you don't care. i don't go but go on. their peculiar. temp because they must been asking you as well what are you custom i say i'm sure you can move. them here but. feel safe from the virus is a daily cup of tea has a bitter taste but he reckons it's worth it he says helped his grandmother.
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because in the early. it's interesting i remember we did some fun just patients and we didn't have the punch to tell us that now was the time to explore some of these alternatives that is it for our special edition program. you can catch. the facebook page today will leave you with pictures of the stories. raising awareness of the continent. and have.
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cancelled concepts of closing cinema. and creativity changing out of what's possible. galleries where the actual and musicians a fool nonaligned the artistic world that culture can't be stopped no matter how hard it's. a look back on a challenging year today on arts and culture on d w. we speak different languages we fight for different
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things that's fine but we all stick up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom of choice global news that matters b.t.w. made for mines. a year of empty city streets and empty theater seats as the world went into lockdown 2020 brought out new forms of creativity. the social distancing concert for instance this arts and culture a look back at the year we weren't prepared for. the arts and culture people have called 2020 a hot mess of
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a year and worse and they're not wrong it's been a wild ride to put it mildly with artists and the creative industries hit particularly hard after many of us at the beginning of the year were naive enough to think the corona virus was contained far away it didn't take us long to realize how huge its implications really were for the whole world including for culture. 2020 started really well for some artists paris. while film and music prizes were being given in the u.s. and europe in 2020 parts of asia were in a state of emergency. in february went according to plan but the new coronaviruses already arrived in europe in berlin the golden bears were given out while the 1st quarantine signs were being established in north italy in march the w.h.o. officially declared the outbreak of the virus pandemic in many countries public life was shot down and james flung patients 1st lifestream concept from the empty
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philharmonie in hamburg. from now on nothing was the same everywhere in cultural capitals look the same empty streets and plazas. it is enough to close in some cities from one day to the next. going to hurry with the middle of her still we had a coffee cup on the table you know everything with still there. constraints once allowed to perform. clubs shots indefinitely festivals concerts all canceled. like this absolutely it was awful it was horrible i was ready to go on tour. it was a big shock i have to admit that i cried a long time. museums and galleries were empty for weeks
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for celebrations of the 150th birthday of the new york metropolitan museum was blown off and while some houses were able to open again in time the crisis will have a long lasting effect and big is a real step backwards it will probably take 2 to 3 years to get back to even close to where things work this day out on. joining me to talk about the impact of the pandemic on culture is did over his own scott roxboro scott you are our phone expert with such as how bad of a year has this been for the movie industry being catastrophic i mean you could almost say it's the worst year ever for the film industry i mean it's the industry this year has done worse than during the depression the great depression worse than the world wars i mean the 2nd world war there are bombs falling in london there are bombs falling here in berlin but the cinemas are still open this year that the cinemas down almost around around around the world and you've seen some innovation in theaters trying to make do i mean we saw drive in theaters have
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a real boom during the pandemic which was which was nice to see is a return to the drive ins but that's just not enough to compensate for really the billions that were lost in box office this year and i mean really since the start of cinema over a century ago the industry's never gone through this kind of crisis before it's almost brought to the point where people are saying the theater industry could be on the brink of collapse but there are still movies getting made there are still movies getting shown you went to the venice film festival for us this year which took place despite and make what was that like very very strange i mean it was interesting i mean you had the socially distanced red carpets you you had everybody wearing masks they took your temperature whenever you went to the theater and there is hand gel everywhere but it's still sort of felt like there are real festival and i was really hopeful after the venice film this could be a model for other festivals going forward but looks like they've kind of got lucky
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it was held in the summer when the numbers in new york at least were quite low and it looks like now for the winter months it might be much more difficult the sundance film festival takes place in january has already said they're going to do it mostly online and that could be the model going forward until we have a proper vaccine until things maybe return to normal. if you and we have to talk about the winners of the coven situation the streaming services they've they've done well during walk down the yeah it's been grammy night i'm sure it was like for you i stream like crazy during the lockdown. and i think a lot of people did and so yeah the strings companies are incredibly well and it sort of changed the model i mean big film studios like disney put their films online instead of taken to theaters warner brothers basically shocked everybody when they made the announcement that all the films coming out late in 2020 and all their films next year will go out simultaneously in theaters and online on their
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streaming service h.b.o. max so far this is only for the u.s. but big films like wonder woman 1904 will be an online premier in the u.s. that's never happened before people are already saying this could mean a paradigm shift that will see an end to movie theaters i hope that doesn't happen but it's definitely to be a rough ride. thanks so much. and walk over 1000 impact on the culture sector looks set to last there have been some glimmers of hope over this year and evasions that have kept artists and institutions creative and connected while the virus kept us apart. and holding the celebration in the middle of a pandemic sure if you go digital musicians from around the world went online to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of composer fun beethoven. museums like demarcus national gallery found a way around corona by offering 3 d.
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virtual tours. performers took to social media actor patrick stewart cited shakespeare sonnets. the pianist. well that peter's an opera houses like those here in new york stream the performances around the world. cup's the 2 or found new safer locations to party like this gig on a berlin church rooftop. musicians found a way the dresdner symphonic orchestra performed on the roof of an apartment block . held picnics performances with socially distance blankets and the music piped in through headphones. there were even super exclusive concerts
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with a single musician and an audience one. of ours didn't stop the salzburg festival which went ahead as planned albeit with fewer people social distancing and new safety measures. this would have been ashamed of our timidness had we cancelled the festival last year because our festival was founded in much more difficult times shortly after the 1st world war when there was great hunger and need. during her own of the berlin state opera held massive open air concerts for free. i can't wait to share this great music again record. good streaming is quite nice because sitting in peru you can be part of the live experience being there live. this year thousands of publishers from around the world came together online for digital edition of the frankfurt
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book fair it was the 1st such literary event of its kind but everyone hopes it will also be the last. staying connected in the time of social distancing 2020 showed us in so many ways and you don't have to be a famous artist to get creative people and walk down spend. hours and even days of reconstructing and posing as their favorite paintings here are some of the best posts we found on instagram. into the wiring actors showed us that the plays of shakespeare make even more sense inquire into you with the hash tag share your shakespeare.
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and steps from angola set to a south african beat this was the dance craze that spread through the web and the world like wildfire the jerusalem up. to. a year of walk down of dance challenges streaming films and concerts and 2020 was also a year of losses here are some of the great entertainers who left us. we said goodbye to multiple film legends cut douglas died at the age of $103.00. marks fun sido also died with one of his final big appearances in the series game
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of thrones. and now the one who left us the french actor michel. the italian film composer and. i and the british director alan parker i run. he made history as the 1st james bond so sean connery died at 90. but he never really liked his role as the iconic british spy. connery made some of his best films just off the 100 in his double a 7 badge among them the epic adventure the man who would be king like yourself too and that is our film test for the years and bloody mark. can you forgive me. hasn't survived to see his last plans put into action the amazing christo he won't
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ever be forgotten by germans to his covering of the rushed out building in 1905. what. these voices to will have stopped forever in 2020 goodbye from the french club of singing juliet who was married to michel piccalilli for 11 years. the rock guitarist eddie van halen died at 65 with cancer he influenced a whole generation of musicians many songs that he beautified with his solos are milestones in pop music. equally influential bancroft's lost one of its founders in 2020 call florian schneider a slave. played flute and later concentrated on
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a stop watching the trademark cross talk sound. we've almost made it through 2020 and we hope that you'll let us be part of your new year thanks for watching arts and culture for use in.
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flicks you don't hear a lot about it in europe these days but for more than 2 months follow gary compulsed finance you corruption and government demonstrations my guest this week from sofia is the need for such about ministers. almost like she contributed the books mistreating its most vulnerable people they should have it's human rights organizations like the folks who seem. to own. or not to whoa. whoa what about assuring a cut instead. the change in thinking is changing the economy to create something new. the economics magazine made in germany. in 90 minutes w. extraordinary
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personalities story that. looks like the best of our t.w. reporters and analysts the. destinies of. both models. people we'd like to meet again live. long d.w. . every journey begins with the 1st step and every language but the 1st word published in the book. rico is in germany to learn german why not learn with them simple online on your mobile and free to sap d w z learning course nikos fake german made easy. basics
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you get the news of life from berlin. london and brussels signed off on the bracks it trade deal u.k. prime minister boris johnson risks the agreement just hours after it gets the necessary signatures from the e.u. leaders to court seals. ukraine's new relationship with the e.u. goes into force on new year's day. also on the program a grim new record for germany officials report more than a 1000 cope with 19 deaths in a single day highest total since the began.


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