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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  December 31, 2020 12:45am-1:01am CET

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we weren't prepared for. the arts and culture people have called 2020 a hot mess over here and worse and they're not wrong it's been a wild ride to put it mildly with artists and the creative industries had particularly hard after many of us at the beginning of the year were naive enough to think the coronavirus was contained far away it didn't take us long to realize how huge its implications really war for the whole world including for culture. 2020 started really well for some artists. while film music prizes were being given in the u.s. and europe in 2020 parts of asia were in a state of emergency. in february went according to plan but the new coronaviruses already arrived in europe in berlin the golden bears were given out while the 1st quarantine signs were being established in north italy in march the w.h.o.
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fishley declared the outbreak of the virus pandemic in many countries public life was shut down and james blunt gave his 1st live stream concert from the philharmonie in hamburg from now on nothing was the same everywhere in cultural capitals look the same empty streets and plazas. theaters have to close in some cities from one day to the next. going to marry with the middle of a hurstville we had a coffee cup on the table you know everything with bill their. customers want allowed to perform. clubs shocks indefinitely festivals concerts all canceled. like this absolutely it was awful it was horrible i was ready to go on tour. it was
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a big shock i have to admit that i cried a lot of go by and. museums and galleries were empty for weeks for celebrations of the 150th birthday of the new york metropolitan museum was blown off and while some houses were able to open again in time the crisis will have a long lasting effect so they get a real step backwards it will probably take 2 to 3 years to get back to even close to where things work as they are at on. joining me to talk about the impact of the pandemic on culture is do you know what is on scott roxboro scott you are our foam expert let's cut to the chase how bad of a year has this been for the movie industry being catastrophic i mean you could almost say it's the worst year ever for the film industry i mean it's the industry this year has done worse than did during the depression the great depression worse than the world wars i mean the 2nd world war there were bombs falling in london there were bombs falling here in berlin but the cinemas were still open this year
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that the cinemas down almost around around around the world and you've seen some innovation in theaters trying to make do i mean we saw drive in theaters have a real boom during the pandemic which was which was nice to see a sort of nostalgia act returned to the drive ins but that's just not enough to compensate for really the billions that were lost in box office this year and i mean really since the start of cinema over a century ago the industry's never gone through this kind of crisis before it's almost brought to the point where people are saying the theater industry could be on the brink of collapse but there are still movies getting made there are still movies getting shown you went to the venice film festival for us this year which took place despite and make what was that like yeah very very strange i mean it was interesting i mean you had the socially distanced red carpets you you had everybody wearing masks they took your temperature whenever you went to the theater and there is hand gel everywhere but it still sort of felt like there are real festival i was
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really hopeful after the venice film festival so i thought this could be a model for other festivals going forward but it looks like they've kind of got lucky it was held in the summer when the numbers in new york at least were quite low and it looks like now for the winter months it might be much more difficult the sundance film festival takes place in january has already said they're going to do it mostly online and that could be the model going forward until we have proper vaccine until things may be returned to normal. if you and we have to talk about the winners of the coven situation the streaming services they've they've done well during walk down the yeah it's been grammy night i'm sure it was like for you stream like crazy during the lockdown and i think a lot of people did and so you have a stream of are incredibly well and it's sort of changed the model i mean you've seen big film studios like disney put their films online instead of taken to theaters warner brothers basically shocked everybody when they made the
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announcement that all the films coming out late in 2020 and all their films next year will go out simultaneously in theaters and online on their streaming service h.b.o. max so far this is only for the u.s. but big films like wonder woman 1904 will be an online premiere in the us it's never happened before people are already saying this could mean a paradigm shift that will see an end to movie theaters i hope that doesn't happen but it's definitely to be a rough ride. thanks so much. and walk over at 19 the impact on the culture sector looks set to last there have been some glimmers of hope over this year and of patients that have kept artists and institutions creative and connected while the virus kept us apart. actually holding the celebration in the middle of a pandemic sure if you go digital musicians from around the world went online the sheet to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of composer from beethoven.
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museums like demarcus national gallery found a way around corona by offering 3 d. virtual tours. performers took to social media actor patrick stewart cited shakespeare sonnets see. the pianist go live it gave life. to that theaters in opera houses like those here in new york stream the performances around the world. clubs the 2 or found new safer locations to party like this gig on a berlin church rooftop. musicians found a way the dresdner symphonic orchestra performed on the roof of an apartment block . held picnics performances with socially distance blankets
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and the music type through headphones. there were even super exclusive concerts with a single musician and an audience of one. the crowd of others didn't stop the salzburg festival which went ahead as planned albeit with fewer people social distancing and new safety measures. this would have been ashamed of artemis had to cancel the festival this year because our festival was. and in much more difficult times shortly after the 1st world war when there was great hunger and need to. bring her own of the berlin state opera held open air concerts for free. i can't wait to share this great music. good streaming is quite nice because sitting in peru you can be part of the live experience being that.
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this year thousands of publishers from around the world came together online for a digital edition of the frankfurt book fair it was the 1st such literary event of its kind but everyone hopes it will also be the last. staying connected in the time of social distancing 2020 showed us in so many ways you don't have to be a famous artist to get creative people and walk down spend hours and even days reconstructing and posing as their favorite paintings here are some of the best posts we found on instagram. and hiring actors showed us that the plays of shakespeare make even more sense in
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quarantine with the hash tag share your shakespeare. and steps from angola set to a south african beat this was the dance craze that spread through the web and the world like wildfire to jerusalem up. to. a year of lockdowns of dance challenges streaming films and concerts and 2020 was also a year of losses here are some of the great entertainers who left us. we said goodbye to multiple film legends cut douglas died at the age of $103.00.
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max fun sido also died with one of his final big appearances in the series game of thrones. the one he left us the french actor michel because. the italian film composer and. i am the british director alan parker i run. he made history as the 1st james bond so sean connery died at 90. but he never really liked his role as the iconic british spy. connery made some of his best films just off the 100 in his double 07 badge among them the epic adventure the man who would be king like yourself too and that is our film test for the years and the mark. can you
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forgive me. he hasn't survived to see his last plans put into action the amazing christo he won't ever be forgotten by germans to his covering of the rush the building in 1905. these voices too will have stopped forever in 2020 goodbye from the french club of singing surely at who was married to michelle piccalilli for 11 years. the rock guitarist eddie van halen died at 65 with cancer he influenced a whole generation of musicians many songs that he beautified with his solos are milestones in pop music.
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equally influential bancroft's lost one of its founders in 2020 call florian schneider a slave on initially played flute and later concentrated on a stop wishing the trademark cross clock sound. we've almost made it through 2020 and we hope that you'll let us be part of your new year thanks for watching arts and culture listen. to. the east.
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conflict zone you don't hear a lot about saving your fees days before more than 2 months fall gary combust financial corruption and the government demonstrations my guest this week from sofia has been made so such about ministers and social of spiders she contributed in the book it's mistreating its most vulnerable people they should it's human right so. good so for. the. jack. becoming a love story 1000000 and. one in 3 u.s. citizens bets on the big ones dreaming of a life of luxury. but every good winner ends up broke out of people coqui than expected well. jack politics because of the last.
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in 75 minutes on t.w. . story of prejudice and propaganda. they were called the rhineland bastards. their mothers were germans living in the occupied drying land their fathers soldiers from the french colonies the fleas after german children had a hard time and because they were a reminder of the german defeat. they grew up in a climate of national pride and racism. the european population felt that it was important to be mighty and to stay bright like. exclusion and contempt culminated in forced sterilization under the nazis. this documentary examines the few traces that remain of their existence. because of them trying to
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change the starched 11th on d. w. . the fact that. the be. the be. this is state of the news live from berlin the e.u. and china open then markets brussels and beijing seal an investment deal after say the gears of talks but is the e.u. putting business before human rights also coming up deadly explosions ripped through. women's i think airport lockley target of plane carrying the country's newly formed unity government and signed and sealed you can promise to bars johnson
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and e.u. leaders put this signatures to the post brings a trade.


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