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tv   Wunderschon  Deutsche Welle  December 31, 2020 5:15am-6:01am CET

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that's it from a finale don't forget you know was visit our web site d w dot com for more news at any time and you can also follow us on such a media as well to handle their own social saves at a d w news now doc film is next and a look at how all of my studies cars have become work courses in different parts of the world i'll be back with more news headlines at the top of the statute. my 1st vice was a sewing machine. where i come from women are bound by this notion to even something as simple as learning how to write a bicep those isn't. since i was a little girl i wanted to have a bicycle off my home and it took me as them until it. finally became bob invented by me and i say there's been 3 times the sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apt procreate goes than writing i'm biased as now i want to reach out to those
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woman back home who are down by their duties and social rules and inform them of old dead basic rights my name is the amount of people home and a war at some point a. big battle that. putting lipstick on a pig krrish critics bashing historic investment pact between the e.u. and china it aims to rebalance economic ties but opponents say it misses the mark on chinese labor rights. the pandemic has created i have and have no to cultivate those who multiplied their wealth and those who've been sidelined. and it took a deadly explosion to reveal the hazardous material support of the port of beirut and finally a company's cold in true grit the hopper of that toxic cult. been fizzling let's do
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business the european union and china have struck a deal on a comprehensive investment agreement it comes after 7 years of talks the e.u. hails the accord as a major win for automakers and other european companies seeking to do business with beijing but critics accuse brussels of ignoring human rights concerns and risking a rift with washington the deal still has to be finalized and ratified a process that could take several months i asked for more for his take on the deal he's director of the asia and china program at the european council on foreign relations a padded european think tank. i think it's business rather than critics it's a product of the trade and it's a product of the german presidency by chancellor merkel who prioritize really. the industry issues and maybe that should be right for us mindy of the only problem is
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and in china everything is political nothing is purely economy so my main worry when i look at the supposed draft of the deed nobody has the final text by the way and even today is not the final text the tears still have to be written in one run a look at i worry about what's the section make it isn't what's the very thick ation mechanism there are lots of restrictions put on by the chinese side and you know depending on the depending on the capacity. a lot of accent on the mystique row and we know what that is in china very little on arbitration mechanism in fact what passes as rb tradition is often top level reviewed by both parties meaning the e.u. and china an eventual difficulties which means a process that should be legal and straightforward runs the risk of being very political one way or another will tell me more about that because only. because an
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illegal mechanism is something that is it is extremely important in this sort of investment deal i mean look at examples like tech talk t.j. i while away said to me all of these chinese companies that have caused a lot of controversy and tense relations between the us and the e.u. what's going to happen. on the one hand there's nothing to prevent either the e.u. or china from performing a so-called investment screening according to their rules and therefore forbidding an investment on national security grounds or something that passes national security or because other runs that's the positive side is that the hand of the e.u. is not hampered by the deed but what i worry about is how do you saul's quarrels in the implementation in the implementation of actual investments you don't see a court of arbitration an international court of arbitration you see
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a lot of recourse again to the dumbest close of both parties into eventual negotiation on top there is going to be a review mechanism twice a year for example about this but to me it's not a legal process and as such it's a dangerous process to manage the safety the security and investment and that should concern investors whatever the opening looks like it is. at the beginning of the crisis economists told us to look forward to a v. shaped recovery bounce back as quick as a felt well it's turned out to be a little trickier than that analysts are now calling it a case shaped recovery the divergence of 2 legs of that k. one moving up one. the crisis has become a de the struggle for hosting a palmer from bolivia she relies on handouts to feed her family. what is that money
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has been since up endemic my children and i have had to go back to living on the streets. just like millions of others around the world. covered 1000 that painted our lives and plunged the world into suffering and grief. poverty inequality and hunger are rising jobs are disappearing and depths are mounting. but the coronavirus isn't stopping the rich from getting richer record stock exchange highs this week highlight the widening wealth gap tesla shares rose 700 percent this year big tech got even bigger while countless small businesses went bust. and have not economy so who are among those that are the habs those are people who are benefiting from the strong housing market record low mortgage interest rates a booming stock market which really disproportionately benefits the wealthy and those who are the have nots or those that have already been sidelined or lost
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income those who would be working in leisure and hospitality ours in restaurants retail the list goes on economists say a great reset is needed that will require a total rethink of how we do business the united nations secretary general has urged the world to make next year a year of healing healing from the impact of a deadly vitals healing broken economies and societies healing the visions and starting to heal the planet that must be our new year's resolution for 2021 well over to our longtime wall street correspond against he's in new york for a stance can you explain this rapidly widening wealth gap because i thought governments al governments were doing something about it. well i mean this problem has so many layers but let's look at a few points and here i mean 1st of all the widening of their wealth gap already started in the mid eighty's and it has not changed the tests increased no matter if
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the president was clinton or bush or obama and the frustration with washington grew and that's probably also one of many reasons why donald trump has so kind often anti establishment guy got voted for president 4 years ago and one problem that we for instance also have that unions hardly exist anymore so there's no pressure on big companies for instance to increase wages and then you didn't mention the stock market to play the stock market when thier need money is so it's clearly the wealthy profiting and what we've seen in the past couple of months so many parts of the economy are still in meanwhile wall street is reaching one time high after another so making the rich even richer so yes is there any sign that once this crisis passes things could change. well i mean there's always hope but specially in the past couple of not just months but also 8 years but let's
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just look at the pandemic washington through billions or trillions of dollars at the problem so all the debts that we're seeing here in the united states be it on a government letter of level let it be on a on a personal and a household level is just huge and to make systemic changes you do need money and so i just wonder where this money is supposed to come from and then also i mean the administration that just got elected the new administration coming in generally is not necessarily the most a progressive one so let's wait and see how bold those actions will be for me by the way that will be the last report of 2020 and i would just say see you on the other side they put this sign up here at the movie theater early in the spring and i couldn't imagine how long it would take to actually get to the other sites or happy new year oh my goodness i thought that was just a new year's eve that tragic story in itself you had scored
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a 1st. it's this is massive explosion in the port of beirut claimed a $119.00 lives and injured thousands more it was disaster waiting to happen corrupt officials allowed highly poisonous liquids to be stored in rusty containers at the heart of a decade's elephant from abroad is taking on the time to clean up the place. but there's a dangerous surprise in every container some of them have been stored at beirut harbor for up to 20 years there's no paperwork and no one knows who they belong to let alone what's inside the contents are jumping out now forming noxious puddles the german company can't be left is now working to clean up the harbors toxic legacy. list very very important for us that we have an overview of all and to make test of the different kind of substances because it's not a complete elated over saying so if you mix some things and it could be that with
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a blast him. sulphuric and hydrochloric acid acetone and now banned pesticide methyl bromide are just some of the chemicals they found here in the bay report authority wants to get rid of the containers as quickly as possible but it's not easy. to structurally they cannot sustain a lot inside the containers and the container is falling apart we can with leave that we can transport them. all in all there are 52 toxic containers here. in a cordoned off area of the port the dangers liquids are pumped into special tanks which are then shipped to germany for recycling. it's a costly process which the lebanese port can't afford but in association of lebanese and german businessmen brokered a deal. we tried to squeeze those remarks in mom.
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too. $3000000.00 euro subsidies which is was city born $6000000.00 this was the lowest we could do. the insistence of mr bus. casey who is the president of the. board. he said look i got a 4 and a dormant. copy lift is paying the initial cost itself while the port authority tries to secure a grant from the european union to stump up the remaining $1600000.00 but to rid the poor and dangerous and destructive chemicals that's a price worth paying. before we go a look at how far the world of robotics has come the engineers of boston dynamics have been planning this 2020 failed well before it is it should be generated it's
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the real thing and these guys on just good dances they're experts at remote inspection and sensing and if the comic strip be flexible and accurate in their every move even on the dance floor japan's high on day recently snapped up most of that imax out of the company and over a $1000000000.00. to now. one continent. 700000000 people. with their own personal stories. we explore every day in life. what europeans fear and what they hope for. is next on d w. jack polished becoming
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a mystery man. one in 3 u.s. citizens gets on the big ones dreaming about a life of luxury. but everything good in south broke how do people cope with unexpected well. the cooks of the most serene. in the city. w. . in these difficult times this is especially important to us to wish you all a happy new. year on the lines this comes as a mom from family and friends all here and it's easy to assume along essentially during this holiday season we want to tell you my dear when you really want you for
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the long run you want to come here in the morning this is you. i mean you come in you. leave the song and you happy new year everyone you and yours and. a warm welcome to focus on europe with me liz show today we'll bring you people who are impressed and moved us in 2020. because they are different and wants to be respected that way because they produce something that makes the world go crazy. they stand up for the law even though it's tough they dare to do something even
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though they are still young. or they are old and can offer us wisdom. but 1st let's start with the sweet things in life honey it's used across the world to sweeten food and drinks it's also a well known home remedy against symptoms of the common cold like a sore throat or a cut the honey of beekeeper has. is known his home on the turkish black sea coast because it's supposed to have special powers and here's a warning this honey can mess with your head. hassan coup to artist mother suffers from high blood pressure making her an ideal test subject it's time for him to measure it again pass on to 2 auto claims to have found just the right medicine for it a spoonful of this honey. he tells his daughter to eat a spoonful to he's convinced this honey boosts the human immune system.
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it's just such a small amount of only lower blood pressure a little bit more would have a bigger effect but if you want too much of it you can fall into a coma. good luck as honey is that this is healing properties and more it can also have an intoxicating effect hence the name. turkish from that honey could do what it takes orders for it from all across turkey and sometimes even from abroad but his bees produce this honey extremely sparingly. based on a lot of the dark in the center his chest not a loss of money you need a light heart for in the eyesight is my honey. this honey has gained a sort of school wide fame partly because of the sherlock holmes movie adaptation of transistor the stern look is what's wrong with the last match for me to see. they could do a lot of family lives in the wild landscape of turkeys black sea coast every day
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they drive up into the mountains to check on their beehives the medicinal or intoxicating effects their honey can have on people can be traced to the flowers of the pontiff rhododendron it thrives in this area it's flowers and leaves contain substances that can have toxic effects when consumed. and someone eats too much of it they can start to see black and stagger around. their head and ears get hot and her pulse slows down or. in fact the emergency room of the nearest provincial ha. spittal regularly treats victims of mad honey. good she's good with a puppy if you talk to dave a call out the clock because some of them start seeing double i can cause heart attacks or even cardiac arrest in that in most cases of delhi pal you just monitor the patients for 24 hours and then send them home you know once the post has stabilised fulfill love isn't
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a political jab at the video. yet the honey is not prohibited beekeeper his son to to law to naturally into sizes kids beneficial qualities he's willing to climb to the treetops in pursuit of it the only place the highs are safe from the beach and spares around 16 years ago he surprised a bear waving his hives and almost didn't survive a counter so it was out of here attacked me right away. we were close to a steep slope and both rolled about 20 meters down into a creek. where we started fighting each other. on the boat i tried to keep him at a distance with my hand in his mouth you see here are the scars from. god i actually i you but the bear was quite. drunk for money eventually if you let go of me. local people can vouch for the story
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they've nicknamed. the bear wrestler. back to the bees and the alleged healing effects of the mad honey 10 minutes later to la to checks his mother's blood pressure again he finds out it's dropped another percentage point the honey seems to be working but now his daughter isn't feeling well. i feel about my head. who can i just want to sleep. the son already has iran. at the ready to counter the side effects then he finishes up the next time all part of the method to his mad. 1000 pandemic was without a doubt the dominating topic of 2020 millions of lives have been massively affected
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by the coronavirus people have lost their jobs their health their loved ones 10 year old lorenzo knows all too well how the virus can change a life instantly he lives in a belgian town that was the cleared a hot spot back in march and 1 of the 1st people to die from the virus was lorenzo's grandfather his death left the young boy deeply scarred. before corona didn't know loneliness now. every day and sleep here. in years. and it's just not right with the 10 year old misses his grandfather luke they were inseparable grandpa was the best you know pretty happy yeah i was happy lorenzo lived with his grandparents for years and they took him everywhere luke was always the one typically renzo up at school but when his grandfather got coated 19
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in march and became the 1st known victim of the virus in their hometown of st truman lorenzo was left confused and angry. i if corona wasn't here i'm. nothing of this would have happened his grandmother janine is still pained to recall how difficult it was to explain to lorenzo luke wasn't coming home from the hospital. and i have to say that. he was so. good that. while janine had to deal with her own grief her daughter's and her grandsons lorenzo was troubled he'd never gotten to say goodbye these were grasses and those are all the names of. people that want to see him again. but then a chance arose for lorenzo to say farewell when his city's mayor decided to create
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a memorial in a local park around the theme of the flower forget me not. in a sense from the beginning i want. from a little child who lost his grandfather off of grandmother the mayor asked lorenzo if he would like to speak at the dedication he declined because life they were gonna laugh at me why but. i don't know. i just think something. that i set that and. that when i said something about my grandpa i was going to cry. well the little free. maybe you can do it for grandpa. oh yes i will do it for him so. at the ceremony with his mother nellie beside him lorenzo poured out
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his heart and touched everyone else's evil dear grandpa i miss you very much i am mad about corona mad about what happened you were to bastogne always are going to be the best investment but and. while you were standing up there and people were listening in to hear what you think they were thinking. he's a brave boy. and no longer he realized and angry boy i was happy that i did it that night that for all would l. out. was happy. everyone was. grandpa. and in the spring in
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this corner of the park where lorenzo throughout his sadness will be filled with little blue flowers each blossom a promise to those who are gone we won't forget you. spain is also struggling with the effects of the pandemic the country's economy has taken a massive hit given that it highly depends on tourism in cities like barcelona and many hotels bars and restaurants remain closed the economic decline also means that more and more people don't have enough money to pay their rent and that's why bailiff's like martina's are working around the clock his job of carrying out evictions can be both emotionally taxing and dangerous really he's a bearer of bad news. we have a court warrant will you open up. this works in barcelona's last detail at
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area his job is to even people the coronavirus pandemic is a busy time for him more and more people slip into poverty and can no longer pay their rent we have a court ruling you have to leave today. we told. him here now you must have been given plenty of notice them and if you. know. the owner of the apartment wants them out and he has the law on his side. i want the government back. for my son. so that he can live here. the locks are changed to straight away courts are cracking down especially on behalf of private owners when apartments belong to banks or companies decisions can take longer. our. landlord has the final say if he's willing to give them another 2 days then that's what happens and if he wants them out today they're out it's up
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to him. as you go to. the apartments was owned by a bank it would be one thing. but the owner is someone who worked for decades to buy property it's different. i have no sympathy for them. spain's housing problem is nothing new high rents low incomes during the financial crisis several years ago many people couldn't pay their mortgages and many homes were repossessed by banks now the pandemic has ushered in the next crisis. people who were struggling before are now at rock bottom they had precarious work contracts and now they've lost their jobs so they stop paying their rent. the chronic housing crisis is on full display at his next appointment the building
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belongs to a bank it's now being occupied illegally palko calls for assistance. police back up illegal occupants aren't opening the door. we've been threatened with knives and someone turned on the gas to try and cause an explosion or article it can get dangerous that's when we call in the police officer. poco knows a lot of the police officers well. how's it going the bad guy again. the police go in ahead to check the situation. one of the squatters is still there he's sick the others have fled to be. fed up of living like this of course the father the mother i've lost everything. so
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presumably i think i'm on the side of justice there's always someone who gets the short end of a stick a lot but that's the way it is after all a judge has made a ruling that's the way the law is i don't have a guilty conscience or morgan. this squatter won't leave so he's taken away. those he's a lot of misery in his job which makes him even more aware of how lucky he is the 52 year old lives with his partner in their own apartment and he is mortgage free. a few streets away he's called on 2 of the day young woman from the dominican republic who gave birth just 2 weeks ago. when mark i'm not doing well where am i supposed to take my child. home or longer thelma group of activists are here to support her all parco can do is try to get her more time everything depends on the landlord the woman's last hope is
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a phone conversation with him. her through you know the welfare system doesn't function right now. the only way to get another apartments would be. bbq office a few. more degrees to let the woman stay another 6 weeks but after that she has to go situations like these. even after 12 years in the job. there have been many occasions when i've had to grit my teeth and get on with it if it were up to me i'd cave in on humanitarian grounds. but when you've been told you're being evicted 4 times and you haven't looked for a new home at some point you have to draw a line. pago has been called to 8 at the actions today in his district alone he knows that number will keep rising the longer the pandemic
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continue. living your life the way you want so that's saturday if stuffy of the dream and his home country russia he faces hate on a daily basis members of the l g b t q community risk being rubbly or physically attacked in public the perpetrators and not held to account homophobia is widespread in the russian society but these risks don't subset a gay from following his past and of being a drag queen on high heels and dazzling makeup he is living life to the fullest. just saw. her. giving everyone se releases say anything like as to whether the name is miami or miami drag queen motion in miami to.
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27 year old sag a name yes miami the films that scream monkey agape out in mustang. it's well he makes his living even if his job cache is with it to feel in russia. to have a 2nd face for face i.d. it doesn't recognize me i did a good job on the makeup today. i don't know she's that kind of woman i know but it's my 2nd personality i mean i would i don't think it's an illness in the inch data but it isn't yes. this is an x. axis one stage at the top the track winfield's competent and you see outside the club has 50 ways provokes a different thread she's good at it i don't want to see that. but yes
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just makes me want to vomit. sends him into the army not just for one year he ought to serve 3 was. the one time you could have got your head torn off for that. sag a works hard on his act developing the choreography is himself step by step in 2015 he came to moscow from a little village in western russia he felt liberated but only within the safe confines of the club you know the best. with my wigs and high heels i don't fit the image of the russian male. i can't walk down the street as miami has it's not because i don't want to become a star but because i'm afraid. afraid for my life and for my face freeze that.
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there are good reasons to be afraid in russia it's very dangerous for a man to appear in public wearing makeup and women's clothes as seen here in moscow's metro homophobic groups may quickly turn violent and deep bass their victims say gays well aware of the danger and never leave the club in drag even so much as posting about his act on the internet without including an age limit could land him in court on charges of homosexual propaganda in such an environment saggy says it's dangerous to come out as gay even to one's own family. i haven't had any contact with my father for about 10 years ago once i got drunk and messaged him saying father i'm bisexual i'm not bisexual i'm gay that's how i put it i thought it be easier for him that i have nothing against girls but i also like boys he's never called me since. my stepmother called me from his telephone and
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said what if you don't you know we raised your speed. but sag doesn't intend to stay hidden away forever sewing his outfits in secret. he has dreams of a grand career and he's invested his creativity and about 11000 euros in fabrics makeup and shoes. which is that me i'd like to be in the media and appearing in movies and shows so people will be scared of us that i'd like to be able to walk the streets by armies and not have people you know things up me like who places in the cemetery there's. such things frighten saguenay but he's not giving miami up he'll carry on as the dazzling drag queen but maybe not in russia sank in his dreams of a life in another country. for centuries we as human beings have been trying
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to find the secrets to a long and healthy life is it about diet getting enough exercise does it have to do with your genes well the answer may be found on the greek island of a carry out a surprisingly high number of people living there reach a very old age researchers are trying to find out what their secret is and i can tell you one thing i believe it has to do with the breathtaking beauty of the island. here in a sea of turquoise lies the island of korea. it's famous for its namesake icarus from greek mythology and for the adenike it's been ages. but these days it's mainly renowned for the long gadgety of its residents and is known as the island of centenarians. demetrius crusie is one of the centenarians actually he's 100 in one. his wife is
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93 when crusie was born there weren't any streets electronic aria poverty and hard work to influence his lifestyle and diet but to this day he only sees his doctor for routine checkups what's the secret to his good health. good eats a lot of fish. do in after all i was a fisherman myself. i eat meats twice a week at most. you are to. and i really liked lentils. maybe that oddly got on like here my wine doesn't agree with me it gives me a ration of that's why i only drink beer. is close to a 3rd of a korea's 10000 residents live to be older than 90 finding out why this is has been keeping countless greek and foreign researches busy for years. many
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cost kalimba here says pleased that a korea centenarians have attracted international attention however he's also concerns that the elderly could soon be the and only ones left on the island because of it you can if you want to we have to improve our infrastructure so young people will stay on it korea would be like shit we need to make investments in health care education and transport position. in a better ports roads to make british political what you seem like condition our streets are a. minority national grid where you're always having to slalom. if. we took one of the islands better roads to speak with someone who should know more about why people in korea live so long. a couple of the islands resident docs are in the us larry addis suspects that genetics play a role but he also thinks it carians love lives have something to do with it.
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always with the case actually hoard them here you have all the records that's for a good sex life a positive attitude of sense that what the proper healthy body and soul are from lots of social gatherings is the brief monday of celebrations that was your you and then the overall recently a 92 year old being to my practice and said it with dr spite of my age i can still do everything well the way you put it would i ask god what do you mean by everything know him and for those of us at the replied when i say everything i mean with everything. one man familiar with this is fun gillis kettle known as the james dean of a career now a 90 years old he's been married twice but he says women just get too jealous that's why he's now living on his own on his farm with his all if we've been. there but his energy is boundless his next project to drain the well on the hill behind his house. we have clean air and clean water.
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that's the main thing you know. 95 sauces still fighting fit and making plans for the future. because. if you've been married twice then you could always try adjustor time. but you can't know especially not on a career. life on this stunning island in the i.g.n. see is full of passion and free of stress and strife. and pressure that is the secret behind the long given t. of a career is serious. i should think of moving there when i retire or at least the visit the island for an extended vacation well with that we've come to the end of today's show thank you so much for watching the team and i would like to wish you all the best for 2021 and of course we'll be back next week with more stories
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from across europe until then.
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do. you. mean the jack koch becoming a mushroom. wanting to free us citizen gets on the big one dreaming of a life of luxury. but everything we know ends up broke how do people cope with the unexpected well. jack call it the curse of the mockery. of 15 minutes on d w. board.
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of the morning. i can't sleep because you know war isn't love. him most war to swallow the. loonies love the as long as. there's no use no love. for the wicked. gaza under no one gives me the. love. bug shirts new. cars. are
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killers. every day. for us and for our planet. a little ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation plays how do we make cities screamer how can we protect animals and their habitats what to do the following waste. we can make a difference by choosing reforestation over the forest should recycling over disposable smart new solutions for overstating the setting our. earth is truly unique and we know that that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive why do you does the environmental susu global 3000 on t.w. and going on.
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this is think of all the news live from perth the e.u. and china open then markets brussels and beijing seal an investment deal after 7 years of talks but is that you putting business before human rights also coming up signs and seal the new trade deal with the european union becomes. a news chief says it's time to put brakes it's a hospice. and a kenyan boy a strike south against police brutality in nairobi taking a legal fight from the court heard.


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