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tv   World Stories  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2021 11:15am-11:31am CET

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i there was still the news live from berlin up next for porter looks at how the pandemic is affecting the world of opera don't forget you can always get the latest on our website that's d.w. dot com and follow us on twitter and instagram at news i'm obvious of thanks for joining us. people came for me. there
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are many reasons. there are many alternatives to. make up your mind. made for minds. common and corona. great opera with an orchestra sun waists and a quad in the time of the pandemic. the starts to answer in court forces taking quite a risk. but what about the audience. we have to protect people but also
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artists it's only going to feel we have to sing like this it's better than not singing at all and. starting from the overture will rather the whole piece look in cutting wherever courses and singers in question are not here. saying anything so let's begin if for no nov mario van zandt takes up the baton. as we're still scaled down to less reduced because it offers make it more subtle the other gets here. when the rehearsals began germany was under semi lockdown businesses were open schools and while other offenders were closed
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rehearsals were allowed for of a corona version of short the same opera common the orchestra for it is only home for the usual songs. allow find. the sutta waists don't wear masks they sing from behind plexiglass to prevent transmission of the virus. singing is thought to be especially infectious. thank you. everything's a bit too heavy especially for 10 in the morning they're trial lighter version ok fossum 31 yeah. the. missing outcast for the role of common is prevented from traveling by for coronavirus so yeah the understudy sings how our use of love and passion subject to the current hygiene regulations.
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was. the thing to dance all it can to ensure rehearsals can go on. it does this and this is an air purifier. i don't know what the professionals call it. this purifies the air is that we can sing god bless risk. without wearing masks as well i mean so that's my assessment plus that we mostly were hers with masks on anyway. and we don't know yet for sure how it'll be when we eventually sing on the stage with masks on v.m. it must you know we won't have the purifier that we can get ourselves tested before the performance. it doesn't solve the problem it's just an extra precaution that we'll be working with masks and distancing anyway so we don't know which passages will be doing at. the city office assistant a food is
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a terrible situation of ice if you and i john a lot yes of course i'm afraid it would be and i protect myself the best i can sophie and i get tested as often as i can. but it weighs on your soul. it weighs like a black talk on your cell says you'll need after seeing. but why are they even subjecting themselves to. the phantom was still. but at this time the performance was still hoping they'd be able to play to an audience in december . where they had no intention of being upstaged by the virus some collective fortunately i already had corona a few months ago i want my doctors say i've still got the antibodies but of course you always have to be careful of. others but i know what you go through with this
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virus. how was it for you awful i'm still tired. at least she's going to have a voice back. the orchestra is relatively small some of the instruments time the potential to blow the virus into the air others don't. brass players pose the least danger because we blow in here and the air goes through 2 meters of tubes before it comes out back here no aerosols come out. experiments of tested this and confirm that the brass buyers are the cleanest members of the orchestra. that's the real problem is with the singers they really project and it is not force.
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an entirely different kind of problem is that many of the orchestra members at the subsidized. are under contract but others are not freelance musicians many of whom haven't performed in months. when did it give you want to if the government or the freezers don't support those freelance performers we might just wind up living under a bridge by the time the pandemics over in. is going to be around because we have to survive somehow when done via the not quite a if you want to keep having opera you're going to have to help us now to screw up . the theater managers in coppers know that. the whisper down supply and become louder voices often start. with. this.
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is probably so he's only out on believe it or in a stage anyway to be honest but you never know what's coming how does it make you feel when you say the production might not make it on stage in this form. this isn't given for or used to toss in our plans from one day to other acts and making numerous and feel that we are pieces that might ever be performed or will get done differently or the on the self if there is then it is an enormous challenge for the 1st in a make no mistake this is an occupational therapy is the smart every time we are completely committed to the concept and the only for it to be overturned by even visiting so we're all season biog this up people can adapt in ourselves our imaginations to something different every time think up and still for believing and it won't matter i'm glad i'm a few hours afterwards came the next sent back the entire opera choir we're supposed to rehearse together but the latest figures for new infections are
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alarming the choir had to be cancelled for today it puts mario vans argo and director stefan mackie in a difficult situation coordinating the. image as the figures rise so do the individual fears and questions we have to deal with on a daily basis. i take those fears quite seriously and i believe we should take them seriously because. it's hard to rehearse with fear and they can because that's why we said ok not today. hard to morrow we'll discuss how we can deal with it again colonel instead of the choir they rehearse commons pot by itself. dance theory tenderly. that's missing is the others lasted a bit too trivial and it's so client. in bray step hold music leaking college.
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death whereas a mosque it's the only way the dancer winston ricardo amon can bring common under his spell. it is. now the choreography is sad but the big question remains. when is the premier. well that's a really difficult question. 2 weeks later than ready for a dress rehearsal the singer cast in the role of carmen has finally been able to make the trip. but the audience has not with cases of covert 9000 rising in
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concourse the lockdown was extended and the theaters remain closed. guarded it's up to the theaters to make things happen because there's no shortage of reasons not to do something in these carona times. if all goes well they can hold a real crimea once the pandemic so. over whenever that maybe even in the face of all these some sudden tears they giving it their all. this is that this is the job we have to deal for a musician since you are singer singer for the entire theater and everyone involved in that it is that's a sign of either of so they can perform to the best of their abilities and with the greatest dedication and their own this may be one of the most important jobs of my life but mine is levens. eventually they even rehearse with the choir.
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to help calm the singers fears the director didn't stand on a shoulder to shoulder on the stage but while spaced throughout the gallery. and then would stop at one let down of course is that we're not allowed to dance coffees or you can't put the choreography on the stage the way they worked it out and often. i. eat i. feel like an expectant mother waiting for her baby to arrive but not allowed to give birth. the . common and her lover don't force a will never even get to that point. the . in this oprah about love and
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passion hygiene regulations prohibit so much as in light case it may be heartless but at least it's healthful. common doesn't die of the pandemic but of a crime of passion. at a distance mario do you have anything young against i think you've all set an example for how to make music inspired at home and above it all and much more thank you for it and wish you all the best and most importantly that you stay healthy because of.
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john the germany. people love that cause don't want to let the. one trucks problem when. it's time to try something new was about self driving buses and goods distribution of power by us in the intelligence to read. next on details. sorry to. exploding cakes are just some of christiane s 3 boss creation. that. this spanish cooks up extravagant love and baked masterpieces that are not only delicious their unique cullen area experiences. bureau but.
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on d w. w's crime fighters are back left because most successful radio drama series continues from the whole episode are available online course you can share and discuss song w. africa's facebook page and other social media platforms crime fighters tune in now . in other countries i just heard it will be interesting. because it might be just how to go even because i'm not on the bike. just dirty like.
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germany is highways are overcrowded and traffic is only getting worse.


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