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tv   Wunderschon  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2021 2:15am-3:01am CET

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of the table with at oberlin the only one of the bottom 7 to 4 points on the board this weekend and watching t w news live from berlin coming up next doc film with a focus on tech giants by way don't forget you can always keep up to date on the latest on our web site c w dot com pre-composed and social media it's all for me take care. young moroccan emigrants. they know the police will stop glad. that the road is not a solution. to their flights could be fatal. but going back to using not an option shattered dreams starts turn you wearing 18th on t.w. .
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there's another glow for a while way with the arrest in canada of its financial director in another subject piece if you know soon enough it has sent the markets haywire and reignited the trade war between beijing and washington. we asked the united states to explain the reasons behind the arrest of main one soon and demand her immediate release c.g. shift on the job that you know. u.s. officials also suspect huawei of using its technology to help the chinese government spy. satellites of any alleged in this indictment goes back 10 years and goes all the way to the top of the company. december 28th the arrest of the daughter of the founder of well wait in vancouver on the request of u.s. mark the start of hostilities against the company. the 1st act of
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a deep crisis with china. if you would walk away without doing this or that and i really made the decision but we're not to do any business while we're usually doll made contact united states is fighting us with force and determinations we didn't expect them to hit so hard you push. how did it come to this how did the chinese telecom company while way find itself involved in new technological and geopolitical war. we're now in an era where technology artificial intelligence quantum computing telecommunications and cellphones are the commodities that are driving conflict at a global scale. the reason behind america's anxiety regarding one way is that its activity reaches much farther than telecommunications he who dominates will undoubtedly dominate a large portion of to moore's economy. a 5 g. network deep sea cables facial recognition cameras the cities of the future. is
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weaving a new technological web the covers the whole world. while away is something that's very dangerous you look at what they've done from a security standpoint from a military standpoint it's very dangers. this is the story of what way the symbol of china's success and the importance of the worst bits of the modern world. and. to assess the ambitions of the giant weiwei we had to suffer in china not far from the city of shenzhen. this isn't a brand new theme park the fast and majestic headquarters of war with an outsized
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nature of which is only equaled by the brands growing. time. having risen up a year ago the complex spreads over a 1000000 and a half square meters deep in the heart of the quandong hills. the architecture may seem familiar to you it's an assumed choice science is composed of 12 villages inspired by 12 different european cities. so this is the head of the front. and now we also have. to wait and see designs total a very italian style. that is paris and its architecture defined is. international university. in france and. spain and beautiful. and you have 23 and 27 years old respectively
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too young while we employees among the thousands that work here. the company holds its head up high with pride and ambition. but they can't ignore the tenacity of a special party now with ice cold water to cool its authors donald trump and his accusations of espionage picked up on by part of the west are on everyone's minds here. bill that. number down yourself something number down it's not fair it's you know all the time sometimes trade something everywhere and everywhere in the lord knows about. and one talks about it and everyone has the faith and. that's not happy about of.
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the great success stories of the 20 fish and. there's huge dome drum out music u.s. companies from doing business with the chinese from last week. about 3000000000 people in more than 170 countries use that product itself more smartphones than our point of fact that only a fan found in response in just one week this neighbors become synonymous with the trade war between the united states and china one way the chinese telecom giant huawei is accused of espionage by washington and threatened with losing access to american markets and technology. a few months ago just pronouncing the company's name was a challenge. since then while wave has made a name for itself firstly with the small phones 59000000 of them sold across the globe in the 1st quarter of 2900 long it's fewer than something more than apple with only 36000000 cell phones sold
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a 1st of the brand. huawei used is one of the biggest chinese companies it's grown exponentially over the last decade in pretty much every part of telecommunications they're building phones they're building wireless networks they're building all sorts of components and they're one of 4 mean suppliers of 5 g. technology which is going to be an evolutionary change the new world punctuated by technology wars and devoured by geo strategic tensions. at the heart of these new stakes is an announced revolution. and ultimate weapon developed by way adventure which is tormenting the west for 5 g. technology. 5 g. promises to change our societies forever a new world of connected objects unmatched power and speed of connections. the 5th
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generation of mobile communication is about to change our lives for better or for worse. the stakes are incredibly high and while we knows it. the chinese company is the world leader and it's estimated that it has a 2 year technological advantage over its rivals a good portion of that r. and d. has gone and the 5 james. second factor is that we started doing it earlier than most other companies we started investing in 5 g. in 2000 and. 10 to. the difference between 4 g. and 5 she is as wide as between a situ and a ferrari sort of from $2.00 to $3.00 to $4.00 g. improvements were made every time will you do your improvements if you like i don't get it whereas the 5 g. is a complete break because it involved brand new technologies eighty's and the americans developed 3 then 4 g. and sat on their laurels and they clearly did not suspect that the chinese that understood i mean if you you know they had lost the battles for 23 and 4 g.
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and then said ok now we'll invest in 5 g. and gain the advantage when i sang all the levels yeah ok i couldn't get it to. so what it is is an industrial robot supported by a very stable high speed high quality 5 g. wireless connection so ordinarily these robots would have cable transferring power to them and controlling them. but these are wireless. what we provide because it is the network that allows very high capacity transmission data for stable transmission data which means there's no delay a network that will support many thousands in the millions of connections.
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with the shontelle if when you click on your smartphone today you have what's known as lag times the eeg with 5 g. that doesn't exist anymore when you click the. age appears immediately what does this revolution offer realistically and i mean of which i thomas vehicles at distance medicine and the internet of things is of it and online real time gaming virtual and augmented reality c section done so we're going to see whole sectors of the economy switching to this network to do something that's why the geopolitical stakes are so high he who dominates it will undoubtedly dominate a large portion of to morrow's economy he could. go to have to if he did an operator equipped with 5 g. can gather data as it passes through its systems will possess a vast amount of information on everything going on all she developed if he then uses it for his own benefit then there is a real danger in the voice of dadagiri so we will need to ensure that he can't use
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it but if a government of a certain country were to gather and use it for its own benefit it could pose a big threat to other countries or was it. this is the fear of a number of western countries and that the heads of the united states. the american government fears that while way with it cements network could serve as a trojan horse and eventually help the chinese government to spy and gather data. 5 g. networks must be secure they must be strong they have to be guarded from the enemy you do have enemies out there. difficult don't see you need to understand that a telecom network has a heart with lots of little tentacles attendee that gather data if you're at the heart of this network and you have access to all this data you can collect phone numbers addresses consumer information etc so this heart is
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a highly sensitive subject. and a good example would be. the african union the african union headquarters was really a gift from the chinese government and all the telecommunications equipment in the african union. headquarters building was provided by the way and it was about 5 years into the operation of this facility the engineers discovered that every night significant volume of traffic was being sent back to china from the network which was presumably everything from audio and video from. the private meetings that were happening to the contents of their file server every night it's not clear that while we had any direct role in a building that certainly the p l a could have you know laterally and put software in place to do something like that . but large scale as you know is like that is the 2nd concern
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of always be used in an operational network's research faced with suspicions and accusations from america the founder and c.e.o. of one way spoke up in percy swearing that he had absolutely no intentions. to see your real home and this our company used back doors i can assure you 100 percent you know we do not use backdoor scotch and we are prepared to sign an anti back doors agreement with any government that requests. what way has always pleaded not guilty demanded proof that it states sure that its equipment is ultra securitized. but that barely reassures the trumpet ministration which fears on top of a spin on
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a large scale cyber attack coming from overseas. robert strang is the deputy assistant secretary of state to cyber and international communications policy. because there's so many more devices on these 5 g. networks there's going to be an expanded attack surface area if you will of ways that actors could seek to undermine our way of life we're also going to have opportunities because there's so much more software going over so much more code those will be also additional points of vulnerability for a concern that in china unlike you know western democracy there is no ability for a company to object to the commands it receives from the government itself or in china's case from the communist chinese communist party they can't go to an independent court for judicial review to object to it being instructed to acquire
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data or to disrupt that critical infrastructure that's going to be created by the 5 g. network. by 2025 they could be between 50 and 100000000000 connected on earth. machines and equipment running thanks to find and many of them open to attack. if they have access and they have the off switch and suddenly if there's a war if there is a conflict to in the u.s. and china it's the bad case scenario for the huawei is in your network maybe they can shut it down shut down your phones should done your calls shut down your power plants shut down your water infrastructure all these critical things. the president signed an executive order on wednesday allowing us to ban foreign telecommunications equipment and service that this is part of the white house the president's commitment to protecting information and technology there saying that
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the president here is declaring a state of emergency a national emergency. just this once the u.s. president seems to be backed by a large portion of his country's elected men and women in his face off with one way and china in the corridors of congress in washington numerous sentences both republicans and democrats fire off rounds of the chinese company with no holding back a major risk is one once you have something built in your communication system that has a back door in it that means whatever is on your cell phone or whatever's in your communication can be intercepted by someone else and so people want their cell phone communication to be protective a don't want to be public they don't want some other 4 names or whether be an individual actor or foreign nation and they were actually your data well i think war way is a security threat not just the united states but to france to the west so i think it's very important that allies around the world. recognize that this
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is a long term security threat. the united states allies are also beginning to banish the chinese giant strain and now new zealand. and naturally donald trump's blacklisting is harming wildlife financially. its international smartphone sales have fallen 40 percent in 2 months. so cool and the americans are forbidding it is access to get the big 5 of google apple facebook amazon and microsoft set up. on the place will cause problems for wall ways because if they want to find a route they would have access to google maps if they want to video no you tube they want to send an e-mail no g.-mail anymore they want to send a message to friends on facebook they don't have it anymore all of these services
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are defacto excluded from wall ways smartphones legally for the way. in china that doesn't really matter because google is not allowed. but while he sells about half of its phones somewhere else a lot of them are sold in europe and some of the phones are some of the best phones in the world right now some of the best phones for the money but now a lot of customers will think well wait a 2nd if i can have all these google applications right the google apps tor google maps g.-mail google drive then i'm going to go ahead and buy another brand. donald trump a 2nd one way is another means of putting pressure on china destabilizing a competitor with a commercial shiela strength. for a long period of time china has taken advantage of touch $375000000000.00 in trade deficit came about year after year we don't want that not fair not right.
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for that see if i have no idea why donald trump is so intent on waging war on while way we have several theories. one is that he doesn't want foreign technology notably while ways to be better than america's technology ali that seems to be it will make one hot. second is that what weighs technology is so advanced and so secure it would prevent the united states from spying on its own people and on other countries in the way it puts it down on the edge about what he has made confronting china on trade a major issue for his administration and i think the wall way. problem is part of that if wall way was located in brazil it was an indian company it was a european company nobody would care but because it's part of this
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a larger picture of aggressive china a china that uses predatory trade practices and a china that is now the leading source of espionage against the united states put all that together and they've decided to go after the. fact that you could imagine these companies great destiny. how is it grown so quickly to become emblematic of an entire nation in time in its history. when one was founded in 1907 china was in full growth. 10 years beforehand the new leader thinks helping had launched his great modernization reforms with a single objective to elevate china to the rank of a world superpower. today's
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china is entering a new phase here we are now focusing our efforts on the modernization of farming and industry science and technology along with national defense so we can we do our country in a typically chinese way. in the 1980 s. when huawei was born when it was just getting started and. the chinese market economy was also in just getting started so the chinese government in beijing which is thousands of miles away in the north of china decided you know we're going to have a few cities where we're going to try out capitalism and we're going to try out in very small steps the chinese leader at the time a little small man named them shopping said we're going to just do trials we're going to cross the river is by feeling for the stones. among the places chosen to test chinese style capitalism. a small fishing village
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a stone's throw from hong kong. it was there that while we was founded. if the reforms put in place by deng shopping were very progressive it started with agriculture and giving farmers the opportunity to own some of their land and eels started to skyrocket 20. $8000000.00 plus so after that he extended them to industry mistake of. people in them began to think you know i can make some money i can become a company it was a change if you had a private sector it didn't exist before well it was all the family totally represents the rise of the economy of china a country that no longer produces low cost products and also the end of plastic objects and textiles made in china it now represents china as a technological power a force of innovation investing in r. and d. and that's why well way is the chinese symbol.
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way has created $160000.00 jobs worldwide and posts a record turnover of $100000000000.00 because it has discreetly taken advantage of china's opening up to the global markets. by the way why was founded by mr van with a mere $21000.00 u.n. about $5000.00 at the time and a handful of employee. yes there was a huge need for telecommunications on the chinese market because nothing existed so he seized the opportunity. to found a big boss and while waiting. for the months of chinese ambition and success. wrenching for a visionary warlord. his military past with the chinese people's liberation army is at the heart of the west's fears on the current trade war.
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we do know that the founder has a military past so he was with the people's liberation army at the start reportedly news reports suggest that they had an early contract with the people's liberation army so they might have helped them was becoming a contractor with the chinese government and the chinese military. there's a significant concern that the people's liberation army the p l a could use those connections to either get access to walk away equipment or always source code or have the ability to insert malware and huawei products. or something pulled a history and served in the engineering corps of an army with millions of soldiers so if you follow the logic of our detractors it means that these millions of people are still closely linked to the chinese government or to him and well what else can i say to prove that mr wrenn has no such links he's just an ex army engineer who
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became something else once his tour of duty was over the west should be able to understand that while ways history shows that it's a product of a china which has reformed and opened up in order to strengthen competitiveness and bring prosperity to the chinese economy so that it can enter into global markets how much. well wait also promotes itself as being a totally private company. with 0 shares owned by the chinese state. a lot of a lot of our founders owns about 1.4 percent of the shares so the company is almost completely run by our $90000.00 employees visa media. that's very rare in china i'm also a shareholder albeit a very small one but every year the dividend is shared out among us all.
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to demonstrate its technological lead well wait exceptionally allowed us into its laboratories in warehouses in southern china. they stretch out as far as the eye can see. these immense concrete hangers spew out thousands of brand new smartphones ready for export across the globe. to enter special clothing is it bigotry the phones are assembled on the last section of the production lines 30 hours is required to manufacture a single unit. or a few employees most of the work being performed by robots. beyond the production lines the true pride of the chinese brand is hidden on either side of these corridors. and austere and mysterious mood reigns.
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these are the labs of the wildly research and development center. this engineer for example is developing 5 g. and 10 i capable of withstanding the worst weather conditions. to disprove the water on just this past life at home but it's a common culti common. and this is what. the water was. get accumulated on the surface so while we are developing this technology and you know that. signal is a millimeter wave it's transmission abilities kind of weak so when. especially some called places you know for us to go into it's also kind of call it maybe because of the way is that 6 layer of snow we developed this special called in technologies to stop water ice accumulation on the surface so there was b.s. to claim that. there. is a company which is filed the most patents in the world 542-0188 record
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that's twice as many as mitsubishi and intel who trail in 2nd and 3rd place inventions dreamed up by young scientists like the 32 year old tundra 2 which were developed for further studies in germany and think only the 1st team to use the weaver chambre because now other companies are using it hence we are this is a plan for. inside job and water so especially where you play games you can feel your increase in temperature into corners. to get where it is while we started out like many chinese companies drawing on western inventions through forced technology transfers. a company wanting to operate in china i love must surrender its patents and
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transfer them to the chinese. all of you don't need that we've seen this in aeronautics and in manufacturing. you're obliged to transfer your patents and explain your manufacturing processes horses with of me just what's more china also obliges you to help build their plants and set up the whole process from a to z. little. illegal practice for sure but one to which all too often companies and even theft of intellectual property already. showing the end of the trick is a bit like the original sin of all chinese companies while we started by copying the big western brands even at the origin of their base products which were network components was on high so i spoke with an engineer alcatel who told me they
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discovered products that were identical to theirs in china. china sea aircraft manufacturing china's high speed train which was very much like a german high speed train it's part of how they built their industry stealing technology has been part of china's opening to the west since the beginning when done shopping said china would now open its markets to the west. the us unveiled weeping charges against chinese tech giant huawei on monday formally accusing the company and its affiliates of stealing trade secrets to keep doing this a while away employees undertook a scheme to steal team mobiles robotic technology named happy employees allegedly took numerous plan authorized photographs of tapi and secretly removed part of it
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from a laboratory in washington state. all sorts of charges expose was always brazen and persistent actions to exploit. american companies and financial institutions and to threaten the free and fair global marketplace. while it has a bad track record when it comes to intellectual property a great example of this is the pending lawsuit between the u.s. government and wall way around a team mobile testing robot called happy and tapi is a device that is used to test smartphones joint began a blog they stole a robot arm during the visit and gave it back the next day with an apology as if they had left with the arm by accident and 24 hours later suddenly realized they
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had it only what's this doing here made on you already do maybe i'm exaggerating but still they gave it back to avoid being accused of stealing a british good boy during the night they had totally disassembled and taken photos of all the parts to get all the info they needed. he's the indictment issued by the us justice system dated january 29th regarding the team obama case in the united states versus white signed by a federal prosecutor. meet the 28 page document lays out in black and white the e-mails that while i engineers on american soil exchange with the head office in china. i went once more to the a.t.m. most mechanical arm testing laboratory engaged in overall understanding of the environment i summarized and please take a look. once again we can't get any further information about the t.m.o. robot system from t.m. oh they've complained to us a lot about this because we asked them too many questions about the robot on h.p.'s
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request t.m.o. said to me that if we asked them again such questions they want to allow us to use their robot lab. she gets accepted but it's a classic case it's a part of their technique but don't let other countries do exactly the same thing. this is where we have to be careful because when it concerns our allies we tend to look the other way but when it's our enemies there's an outcry one interesting allegation that was part of the indictment was that while he has essentially a bounty program where any employee who is able to compromise an electoral property of a competitor will get a bonus from the company if they access that intellectual property and post it on an internal server at wa way accusations of industrial espionage denied by way the lawsuit is still ongoing and no judgment has yet been made by the u.s. court. when ways spokesman insists that the company
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legally purchased foreign technologies but nonetheless admits to posterity. we collect royalties on our own i pay and we pay a lot of loyalties on other people's i.v. i believe each year we pay about $300000000.00 and we're in royalties for various forms of technologies that we license you will hear some people say sometimes oh woe is a chinese company chinese companies cannot innovate they are copycats all they do is steal other people's technology and other people's ideas there may have been a time when that had a lot of truth to it but things have changed and huawei is at this point i think the 5th largest investor in r. and d. that gives us a lot of our own intellectual property that we want to protect so we protect our own ip and we respect the ip of other companies.
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brackets wise h.q. in shenzhen in southern china. a megalopolis of 20000000 inhabitants. in. the city is considered to be the new silicon valley and on its own accounts for 10 percent of china's g.d.p. . and like in the rest of china the local authorities rely on an ultra high performance network to operate it smart surveillance cameras and. the symbol of a modernizing china sometimes excessively. here if you jaywalk across the street your face and full name appear on a giant screen. and you receive a text on your smartphone and. these cameras are fitted with facial recognition.
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system widely accepted in china where respect and order a key values. technology to set security. video surveillance to sort of connect to dissipate. the video surveillance network developed in china is called skynet. it comprises 500000000 cameras installed in urban rural areas by a number of chinese companies most of them are fitted with facial recognition capable of identifying human faces and detecting suspicious movements on the street . in the long term the system will be able to scan the entire chinese population of a 1000000 and a half in one second. in this whole well in world while weight is creating safe cities that will be entirely futuristic connected.
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and won't be. one part of business and always and that a lot of people know less about is in surveillance technology so the company calls it safe cities and they probably talk about this when you go to hallway headquarters they say one of their areas is safe cities and they talk about it in a very in a very nice way. and safe cities are kind of an extension of smart cities and smart just means basically connected to a network. our technology can recognize the license plate in the car in case there is a criminal element car our company has employees facial recognition technology in case you have criminals in your city there are cameras that are basically connected to a network and what they do is they allow police to project.
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police protection essentially. you know position china is obsessed with controlling society and one of the tools needed to do that is to see every. things like this 5 years ago there were already quite a few cameras but it was an excessive but in recent years in every chinese city you can see them everywhere everywhere all along the sidewalks there are posts with cameras to capture every pedestrian addictive and some are fitted with lights to take pictures at night yanna so these are clearly cameras for the facial recognition of citizens the people. we help the city governments use digital technology to manage the city's better one aspect the better management is safety. only supplies it safe cities to the chinese government. but it exports its model across the globe. there are now 236 cities in the world in 40 different countries.
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much capital cities in africa central asia and central america have deployed the what way system but also belgrade in serbia and gelsen creation in germany city on its website the company also promotes its city of the future. with everything needed for video surveillance a complete package to see and scrutinize everything which way is your junk province of china traffic behavior has changed tremendously after using bali for camera. once more and ai enabled camera can look into certain details of each image specifically for example it can detect if someone is wearing a seat belt or not now the challenge is not just what the chinese are doing to watch that the other chinese people is that this chinese technology is being spread out to other parts of the world to to watch people dalglish's facial recognition for to check the entire chinese population but if you installed all that in
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european cities to morrow it would be exactly the same thing is she is in some ways worried about political stability is. already feels fragile and so they have communications surveillance facial recognition other kinds of espionage and some countries say this is a track a lot depends on what your government so if you have a government that respects the rule of law and respects human rights using one way technology by itself doesn't mean you're in a police state but if you have a government where those are a little dicey you might want to be careful it's designed to control populations. and. in the case of surveillance cameras like 5 g. once again it's the presumed connections between while away on the chinese government the people question. what would happen if
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beijing which ask why wait for its foreign users data. wolf a video footage filmed by its cameras across the world. well we swears that its information will remain entirely confidential. to chinese law on intelligence and passed in 2017 you sowing the seeds of doubt. china passed a law in 2017 a national intelligence law that says essentially no chinese company and refused to cooperate with the minister's security every chinese company must meet with the directives of them and strip states and this isn't like america you know tim cook the head of apple decides he doesn't want to work with the f.b.i. and it goes to court and there's a lot of squabbling and all this in china you decide not to cooperate you're going to end up harvesting turnips and mongolia if you're lucky. he said meaning to hell
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with the u.s. has exactly the same law faddle so we need to be fair it is a little patriot act apply. just gaffed them to give the government their user data when there's a risk of terrorism or national security to secure we can assume that it's of the chinese merely passed a law that already existed in the us but there is nevertheless a difference if in the us i'm involved in a trade dispute i can file a lawsuit if it's a civil dispute i can file a lawsuit whereas the chinese justice system is political it belongs to the communist party and. the only presence of the chinese think. proof that technological dominance has become a major strategic issue. with 2 rivals washington and beijing have made artificial intelligence the next absolute priority the winner will depend on who invests the most. robotics biotechnology 5 cheat and
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60 networks space weapons quantum satellites the high tech races on the war for technological superiority has been declared. in india. protecting the sci fi movie magic in such a poor that been prepared for delicious current urban farmers are preventing the rare spices from feeling for god in. the desert and spawn man down possible or to put on a single drop of water is wastage and barren land quickly turn free into it. ought to tell you. in good shape how many cope with adversity
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some people simply break down others to stand up against. rhinestone to overcome the trauma how to the depths in a psychological crisis is called resilience resilience helps us overcome crises we can also learn to become more resilient and tons better perpetual hard times in good shape. in 30 minutes on w. . story of producer and propaganda. they were called the rhineland sterns. their mothers were germans living in the occupied rhineland their father's soldiers from the french colonies. take up in
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a kind of. pride and racism. this documentary examines the few traces that remain of their existence. the children in chain. stores january 11th d. w. . this is deja vu news and these are our top stories a recording has emerged of u.s. president donald trump pressuring a georgia election official to overturn his loss to joe biden the washington post 1st foppish the phone call between from bonds in georgia secretary of state fraud ruffins berger during the cold trump urges rothenberger to find a enough votes to tilt the election in his favor or face legal consequences.


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