tv Antarctica Deutsche Welle January 4, 2021 10:15am-11:01am CET
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day 14 to round off the weekend. mines and dog and the full sport on saturday there were wins for leipsic at the berlin frankfurt when your own lean and. i book and also took all 3 points for watching v.w. news i'm terry martian thanks for being with us. can you hear me now yes we're going to need you and i love stands gemstones now i'm going to call and you've never had time to surprise yourself with what is possible who is mad cool really what moves and want. to talk to people. on the way maurice and critics alike joining us from apple's lifestyle.
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played antarctica a continent of mystery and natural wonders played covered with ice 4 kilometers deep place temperatures can drop to minus 93 degrees celsius. 75 percent of our planet's fresh water is locked up in its ice sheet and yet it's classified as the largest desert on earth lead this could be the only place in the world where diverse countries have rallied together in the name of peace and science to protect the environment the part about the ice and the temperatures sure but the part about
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peace and the environment it's hard to believe led not just because i'm concerned about nature but also because i lived in syria in 2009. so i don't have much faith left in peace leg or in the international community. but i'd love to be proven wrong place. we've come to point to i mean us where the polar research vessel is picking up a group of spanish scientists to take them to antarctica. and i'm already nervous you'll get used to it so it's no big deal. you know where i get your stuff off all. the
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stupid you know it's amazing i mean i've even got a window over the certificate of bank. is that of the fleet last night was rough and we went to bed early but i had a hard time falling asleep but i must have slept just 4 hours because i was so nervous about the trip to america. but i got up there and. i embarked on this journey to explore the myths of antarctica. after one day at sea we reached the end of the world. at the southernmost tip of argentina candidates will go is still a 1000 kilometers from the continent of antarctica this is the drake passage eddies and wind shear and freely here we're going up violent seas and one of the earth's
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roughest waterways. was unbearable for what he said and then the worst storm to date it is this year it was our 2nd trip back from antarctica if you say this for about 18 hours from south america when a severe weather system hit us from the star board side of it we faced 7 metre high waves and winds of up to 50 knots in what and i think when the us. every time the crew sails into the drake passage they have their mobile phones camera ready it's that one of those words that when it comes a monster wave. yes the bell could be told. these are the outlines of cape horn a notorious maritime graveyard that harbors the sunken wrecks of hundreds of ships even today the drake passage commands respect everyone battens down the hatches it wasn't so dramatic on our trip though. or for that one of them which luckily
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technology has improved a lot today before setting sail we can check the weather forecast to find the best window and crossing the drake passage this. adventure may not be as wild as it once was. but it's still beautiful. antarctica has been subject to territorial disputes for centuries the passage was 1st sailed by spaniards francisco they are says in 152550 years later it was discovered by the english explore sir francis drake and bears his name to this day
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. in the early 20th century 7 countries laid territorial claims to parts of antarctica the overlapping claims of the united kingdom argentina and chile cost tensions that erupted into armed conflict between britain and argentina in 1952 as the cold war set in the last thing the world needed was a new geopolitical flashpoint it was that realisation that gave rise to the antarctic treaty. many scientists were looking for where still quite. an actual shift as a core year 95758. worked out so well but there was this idea that there could be cooperation.
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face traffic there was a way and that's shown an article 4 of the trainee to set aside the claims and say that there would be a demilitarization but it's also as you may know one of the 1st arms control treaties so it was focused on keeping the peace in that respect as well. but none of that was the result of good will alone the extreme climate made it difficult to exploit the region economically and the u.s. and soviet union staked their territorial claims quite late in the game. 4 days after leaving point i mean us the reaches antarctica. everyone is excited we got up at 5 in the morning to catch our 1st glimpse of the coastline. what we hadn't expected was the fog.
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going to wait until now half miles away and you can't see anything. a few hours later the fog lifts and at last we can see antarctica. the s.p.d. does 1st stop is king george island the spanish team is delivering supplies to the world lyon station. antarctic cooperation is running smoothly. in and so therefore what a few of us will feel of the antarctic treaty is very effective. under its terms this location is devoted solely to science or slate a key role in getting all countries to set aside their other interests. at least publicly and it's been that way for
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a very long tylenols from the only. one fortunately the same is not true in other parts of the world where usually economic interests take precedence over scientific cooperation of this level of service not of infinite you come up with the most of this model be exported beyond antarctica. in a system that will now that's a good question it's something many on the planet would support and most of those that was the brunt of it all. because king george island offer is the easiest access to antarctica it has the greatest concentration of stations on the entire continent. there are facilities here belonging to europe why russia chile argentina brazil china poland peru ecuador the czech republic south korea and bulgaria the end arctic treaty regulates how many new stations can open so that it doesn't get too crowded. it's always better to co-exist peacefully with your neighbors and get along the 1st thing we did was to establish good relations with
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all our neighbors cooperation is vital in antarctica. when there are tensions between the united states and russia that's a to hectic opposition and atika i wouldn't say there's no effect but by and large the cooperation has continued. that doesn't mean that those tensions aren't in some respects in the background somewhere but at least in terms of the antarctic programs and the arctic programs and the work of the scientists together by a large that that continues. in 2004 russia imported wood from siberian pines its national tree to construct a small orthodox church here in antarctica. critics say it's a sly way to stake a territorial claim. the
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chilean station has its own church too it also has a school for the children of soldiers stationed on the base year round. it's the closest thing you'll find to a settlement in antarctica. in the 1970 s. argentina's military dictatorship sent pregnant women to give birth in antarctica to underscore its territorial claims to land dictator augusto pinochet copy the tactic but it was widely viewed as provocative and after the birth of 8 argentinians and 3 chileans both countries ended the policy today more subtle strategies are used to cement territorial claims as seen on chalayan television. dryland will be overcast with cloudy skies whereas chad and i talk to. clients and i talk to be mostly sunny. what are chileans think about their country's claims to
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antarctica. i would rather say. to be honest there isn't much public debate on the topic daughter when i was little people did talk about it. but later on the political discourse subsided. a day people primarily associate it with environmental protection. that's the trend i've observed especially among young people. in this and it be said in the corner where look you have said about i mean by julian's my age hardly discuss the issue. for us it's simple we sing and talk to do is a place where many nations come together they don't work there's no reason why we should be more entitle to it can anyone else with it so they get a grip on what do you think we can save antarctica if we fail to do the same in other places. i think it's exactly because we made so many mistakes in other places that we have a shop or saving antarctica. spain
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has 2 stations in antarctica its national research center operates the one carlos the 1st station on livingston island it was built in the late 1980 s. and remodeled in 2008 into a modern facility that looks a bit like a space station. this station is used in the summer it doesn't need to withstand the harsh conditions you'd expect to encounter in antarctica.
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there is hardly any wind but 2 days ago we had gasoline in 14. 80 kilometers an hour which drives the wind chill factor down to minus 15 or 20 degrees celsius that . you. don't even know pass and his team study the continent's geology which they say is a central importance to the rest of the planet and dark to go affects the whole world's climate doesn't it follow together for your know if the planets called factorial for you know a lot of it's really cold in the arctic too but not to the same extent that there's a lot more ice in antarctica than in the architect of. the light arctic deep sea water because as far as the iberian peninsula and continues to circulate around the northern hemisphere these waters sometimes flow all the way up to the arctic where they cool back down again a motor driving the circulation is antarctica. one of the most important
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projects at the one carlos the 1st station is its study of the herd and johnson glaciers. would be recent is moving value at this stage of the mass balance of then time. and found the gains of us have been greater than the losses of laziness but any excuse dot of the proverbial today with the exact opposite is the so is it getting colder in antarctica. then for the end that yes it is getting colder but our measurements and emitted to the last 15 years following. scientific studies need to examine a pew different least 30 is if we'll close so we can see that it was a gradual temperature increase 15 years and a temperature drop in the subsequent fish dinis but globally the trend is towards only.
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on our trip we didn't see much snow but the year before there was so much snow that the 2 metre high stakes used to monitor the glacier disappear to find them the spanish team had to dig. and dig. and dig. located next to livingston island is half moon island. we made a discovery in this miniature sized antarctica the weather here changes very suddenly .
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the station is run by the spanish army. wait didn't we say the antarctic treaty bans all military activity that most of us because they're dead or not the laser due to the islands difficult terrain and the danger posed by the locking of it was decided that the army was best equipped to operate the station but it but us all and our. our mission is to make the visiting scientists feel that it was a little longer that they come for a very specific time period to work on research take samples do experiments and collect data. i think and i said our job is to ensure all the logistics are in place also they can concentrate on their work. and don't they so there are no weapons here you know not that i know what. deception island is home to a large colony of chinstrap penguins. and they spot a bossa has been studying these animals for 20 years. i specify what if they were
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no other species like the penguin those populations have decreased dramatically on the antarctic peninsula by about 60 percent the chinstrap penguin is also threatened by extinction. but other species like the gentoo penguin have profited from present day conditions it's populations of increased by about 15 to 20 percent that's basically what's been happening over the course of 4000000000 years on our planet you know it's cold evolution. and the whatever it is and if there are species that thrive under positive conditions then they vanish and are replaced by others or others. fundraising installed a camera to monitor the penguins all year long the images track the birds and their offspring as they gradually flee beyond set of colder temperatures. we see seagulls fly by. the drifting icebergs.
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the arrival of storms that bury the camera in snow and then blow it free again. in the long lonesome winter. the formation of sea ice. the sunsets that no one else sees. in october the penguins return soon they begin to lay their eggs. and a few weeks later chicks are born. one of the spanish natives tasks is to map the undersea topography of around these islands. drive a deeper. than 08 seats.
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and forth and back because the antarctic coast is so immense less than one percent of the area underwater has been properly going to go but if. i go there on a day for example you have to change your ships because of an iceberg it can be dangerous to leave the zones for which there are accurate data. so we need to produce more maps to prevent shipwrecked oil spills or other accidents. not just to protect human lives but also to prevent damage to the environment here so the effort in but doing nothing we really have lots of work ahead and it will take. every country with the ability to cooperate should pitch an army record and i think . the british captain william smith made the 1st recorded landing in antarctica in 1819 an accident after he was blown off course by powerful winds spain claims the honor forgot because dia who it says discovered the continent in 1603 though that's never been proven. it's
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probable that seal hunters set foot on these islands before william smith but they kept quiet about their discovery so as not to have to share its treasure trove of further. made up a number of us. photos of organisms from the weddell see a nobody knows what family genus or species they belong to they have yet to be classified. which is true of lots of completely different types of animals but i'm very standoffish. despite its remote location far removed from almost all human life on earth the southern ocean is a vital and precious region of the planet. that team of modern day explorers has been dispatched to the region by the university of barcelona.
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like this about south africa people thought that because it's so cold with few resources in terms of food there would be little phone on the seabed that's not true. but all the muslims adapt to the ecosystem sudan tactic of the oldest on the planet so species have had a long time to adapt and there are species that are in fact unique to the ecosystem here. do you feel a bit like explorers. and what will yeah i do. explorers of antarctica today and in times past.
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in 1900 norwegian explore row. amundsen of norway and britain's robert falcon scott race to be the 1st to reach the south pole and once in triumph to well scott's team perished trying to return though his expedition ended in tragedy scott was celebrated as a hero. on his way back scott had picked up a fossil from a tree also found in south america and india. to find support of the theory that the continents were once joined and had drifted apart. so the race to the south pole contributed to a better understanding of our planet's evolutionary history. the remnants of an old whaling station can still be found on deception island long ago the location was referred to as bread day because of the blood stained water or
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stinking day due to the stench of rotting meat and processing oil. it was shut down in 1931. and international ban on commercial whaling came into force in 1980 sex. japan was allocated a quota for scientific research purposes. it was long suspected of violating the terms of this quota by pursuing commercial whaling in antarctica. we support sustainable use we'd like to see ways. it was not the only way so it's you know it's also you know it's. to have any
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to have. all of the animals in nature and culture. in 2014 the international court of justice in the hague ruled against japan's whaling program that called concludes in a special permit granted by japan for the killing taking in treating all whales in connection with the 2. are not well purposes of scientific research i stand to articulate but i got one of the convention japan complied with a court decision. but only for one year after which its ships were back out whaling in the southern ocean again. whaling is not the only problem we should be concerned about. the patagonian tooth
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fish is an antarctic treasure it's subject to cash limits but amid high demand poaching is a lucrative business. says poachers ignore quotas and then moves on fishing to. mandate the use of a long line and people which allows for a selective fishing obviously the coaches use children drift nets and indiscriminately kill tonnes of other fish as well. in 20142016 spanish police interpol and the new zealand navy took joint action against the data my daughter has a spanish company accused of illegal fishing when it went off on me and. it was a milestone internationally because spain issued a public acknowledgement saying we admit this is a spanish pirate fishing company and we know that there are many others but this story didn't have a happy ending. dollars appealed a lot of hits conviction the supreme court decided in its favor ruling that the
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this is the argentinian station. the primavera station is run by the army. unlike other stations has a system of raised walkway s. so we have oil trampling on fragile plants including moss and algae as to cause the least possible to see. why is it that international cooperation works here but not of the you when. you know much about it i'm not a foreign policy expert so i can't say but the antarctic treaty works very well. if you ask me why i can't really say it just does. i wish the rest of the world this way but probably there is more egoism in other places. of the mind. there is there cooperation between argentina chile and the united kingdom to. yes
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yes in fact i arrived with the phrase station there's no problem in that respect. here in antarctica it works perfectly i'd be happy to show you a bit more of the station. 2 the commander mentioned the phrase station which is chilean but nothing specific about the u.k. it may just have been coincidence or maybe he was avoiding a sensitive topic. in 1902 argentina and britain went to war over the falkland islands. for many it left wounds that never healed. and for days we watched otherworldly scenes unfold before our eyes.
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during those weeks we discovered and arctic as infinite beauty and one of its biggest threats. and that you know that we saw all right called president numbers in 20082009 with some 46000 tourists the financial crisis hit the tourism industry numbers dropped to below 25000 recently they were back up again 246000 is one of the numbers keep rising. if we don't know what will happen i think numbers will increase but these trips on cheap of course they will cost between $5.10 euros per trip you.
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know i'm not a lot of people can afford such luxury of any of them. for every researcher in antarctica there are now 10 tourists it's a business that rakes in some $400000000.00 euros per year. to you a few years ago and opened a muse. i'm here inside a british station dating from the 1950 s. . there are rules of conduct of visitors but more needs to be done and it would help if tourists were required to make a monetary contribution to regional conservation opera it's currently only 10 of the 521-0000 euros they will pay for their trip going toward raising their footprint but on goes to conservation management. often it's the tourists
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themselves who found complaints against the tour operators who found regulations. do you think tourism have a negative impact because personally you know we were we were able to have a lot of time to walk a child and us and a lot of time walking around the island and so far we found some trash which is very surprising in a way because you know in our my at least in my mind i thought an article be a very pristine and remote location would be untouched but they're looking at you know a milk carton from china and chinese i can read that and looking at different water bottles and ways. it's shocking in a way. it's not just tourism any human presence in antarctica can pose a threat. that they were looking for aliens.
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well that's fairly in the sense of species that didn't exist in the region before they arrived check out the local conditions and if they meet their ecological requirements they settle in propagate. we want to identify the invasive species that have displaced local populations. see last bit of good if the temperature rises even slightly species that would previously have been unable to some fine. propagate can invade and occupy the habitats of native species and supplant the need or point to how did these invasive species reach antarctica why not they arrived through different natural channels either on the wind by sea or tree trunks little or other floating objects or on animals but natural roots are the main source of invasion it's human inadvertently carried on vehicle we also. many species die in the harsh conditions but other more hardy ones become invasive
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it all. i got what i mean by you. that's why we were required by the spanish polar committee to carefully vacuum each one of the items we took with us to antarctica. he will tell you solve this problem alone as long as that's what i'm going to know what the great thing about it arctica as the cooperation between the many countries active here or what if employed a good example is our success in eradicating an invasive species 2 years ago good or not good enough it was a coordinated effort of the spanish british and argentine polar communities. and that despite the fact that britain and argentina have a history of conflict i'm eligible to go and read a case of the invasive species and it actually does a lot of. russia call us all of maybe ecologists of the earth doctors now we have diagnosed it is yes. now the onus is on society to follow the
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doctor's orders medical. after a week on the galusha straight yes but he does makes its way back to the spanish station from there it will return home. but i couldn't leave antarctica without investigating the world single biggest threat to peace and the environment to the argument that i'm part of the voter culture and without a doubt there are mineral resources and an article on your hand there is oil. and they're not just tied to companies in the form of a natural gas and petroleum but also minerals like nickel gold and silver i think that some recent allegations even report findings of the time he broke my heart the diamonds. gallery with my 5 if they're coming creasing the easier and cheaper to reach at arco there could be minerals here with a value so great that my justify their exploitation of even in such
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a remote location and hostile environment but if the 1st brought a feeling of a lot of power i know it when i'm going to. do any death that i witnessed the prestige oil spill firsthand we conducted research to determine the spill's impact along an entire coast of northern spain and the findings were devastating massive. massive oil isn't just hard to remove it's impossible and i think we take off the upper layer but the rest stays stuck. with it is the be an oil spill in the antarctic or on the scale of the pristine which would be a total utter catastrophe. if the only less impact on the ice sheet would be far more dramatic than any of the effects you can have in other regions yes it is like this but why. did you 1st of all because it would be impossible to reach all of the affected areas in a 2nd here. when it freezes the oil gets trapped inside the ice so if the much harder for marine kills it disappears into other areas. well yes that is the best.
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in 1909 signatories of the end arctic treaty were poised to open the door to limited oil and mineral prospecting that had new countries lining up to join the club. but then once again a miracle happened and there were 3 that got him out of the day we saw the signing of the madrid protocol and one of the agreement aims to protect the environment of it arctica the only remaining pristine territory on our planet when the video market said to stay in force for the next 50 years. or so often the world's most powerful countries were divided many more around erupted between the more environmentally conscious mostly european nations and the united states soviet union china and britain for the millionth of what i remember. in the end all agreed to a 50 year moratorium on the exploitation of mineral resources the ban can only be
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lifted with the unanimous agreement of all signatories which is virtually impossible but i would prefer the protocol was a compromise between the interests of the 2 sides and the exploitation of resources that could of course severe pollution and irreparable damage to antarctica but it failed to impose a permanent ban last year of. the madrid protocol will be subject to review in 2048 what happens then. achieving consensus on anything is a very hard thing to do so as long as you haven't convinced all of the countries the change from current policy is needed then the current ban on mining continues as all we do matter. that may be. but some are still tempted in 2007 britain asserted new claims to a vast area of the seabed off antarctica is set forth and there's
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a reason why countries go to great lengths shifting resources and people to open stations talk to. you or yes they will know they want to ensure they will be there when the continent is david. even if no one will say so. as a researcher do you feel you're being exploited for that and. no but i'm not not at all but. i have always believed it is better to join forces with your enemy. to take advantage of all there is also. see the best the of course say you more if through our research we can obtain data it will help protect antarctica a lot of weight up i guess i believe best option. for me that your point about avoid this the other day.
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and so the spanish researchers and military personnel take leave of the southernmost continent. shortly before we reach the mainland we receive footage of the penguin colony on the section island. the chicks were born 20 days ago. the embryo in this egg is dead its parents can't lay another until next year. it's hard for them to let it go. you mean kind it also tries desperately to protect the things it loves. and science
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they were called the rhineland bastards. their mothers were germans living in the occupied rhineland their fathers soldiers from the french colonies. from the german children had a hard time and because they were. minder of the german defeat. they grew up in a climate of national pride and racism. the european population felt that it was important to be mine and to stay by. exclusion and contempt culminated in sourced sterilization under the nazis. this document examines the few traces that remain of their existence. on.
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this estate of your news live from berlin the us president recorded it trying to change an election result and there's nothing wrong for saying that you know. 2 that you break out your name. donald trump presses an election official in the state of georgia saying he needs to find more votes the president still refuses to concede the election that his democratic rival joe biden want. also coming up german chancellor angela merkel's government under fire for its coronavirus strategy.
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