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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2021 1:45pm-2:01pm CET

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come from meat from chickens and also eggs you know. rented chicks started in the united states but it's catching on in many parts. of c.s. smith also rents to kindergarten schools and old people's homes. and trudy ilsa and mary however are for keeps but they also risk getting eaten when the time comes their designated dual purpose poultry giving eggs and meat but will their foster parents actually do the deed. is go about saying to you i don't think you'll ever be able to slaughter a chicken at least not any of our 4 if we call them by their names we couldn't do it we're very fond of them and. so these 4 birds and it up with softy is others aren't so lucky. another advantage of keeping chickens watching can be very very calming.
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like this something the germans are very serious about it's brit in fact german print is even on doing this course in a culture that had it interest but in recent years the franchise because have been growing at a few one in fewer traditional businesses the big coup in some parts of the country that a whole community traditionally because but help is on its way and it's called bread off expedition vehicle we join the one of the for the pandemic restrictions were put in place. and they can then leave. and his in the troops take heavy equipment into what they call the bread desert brandenburg their mission to supply this thinly populated region good decent great. moment bakery situation and brandon ferguson. serious more and more
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small craft businesses are closing down. that forces people to depend on discount retailers but they wouldn't say that the discounters threat is all that good. something had to be done. for. the objective today's decent a small town of just under 6000 north of even here freshly baked bread is a rarity this is a job for the bread as it expedition vehicle a mobile bakery once used by the military in neutral switzerland where the need was probably not quite as an agent. to try to help the swiss have 168 of these vehicles about one for every fatality and their army they were meant to supply the military in the field of course they've never been used since the army just exercised with them. in the early 2000 song all these mobile bakeries were decommissioned and sold. and i got hold of number 130.
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space in the expedition vehicle has to be used up too many it has an eating machine a water tank and a gas out and the rest is done by hand. eunice kennedy has listed german bread culture as an intangible cultural heritage over 3000 varieties of baked on a daily basis but the bacon is the work fully independently have to climbed over the past 60 years in germany from 55211000 big chain and in-store bakeries have taken their place often using ready mix dough with artificial additives fueling and dumbbell uses only water flour and salt his recipe for sourdough is a secret the lactic acid bacteria and yeast add flavor through fermentation that's the big big difference the acidification is hansen's the taste it's a totally different kind of bread a different. dumba go also owns
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a stationary bakery in villain but he never actually trained to be a banker for almost 20 years he worked in the just sticks in australia switzerland and points in asia. he also met his wife in asia in 2015 they decided to open a bakery together. i was really really surprised at how germans love to have great i was like wow if we do open the big 3 then you know that is fine then this is a different lifestyle is something where we can both work together because in a previous job he was always he was a great we know so now this like you know before all of us can do it together as a team the great desert expedition vehicle accomplishes its mission it's on the road in brandenburg from 70 to 80 days a year mostly at markets and festivals these are seems to appreciate the fresh bread service as well. no preservatives but rather fresh natural and regional
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ingredients that's the best thing you can do. with every foray into the bread as it slowed him down becca comes closer to his goal good bread for him. for many of us food is pleasure it's a part of our culture and history but can you imagine food without water access to clean water is still a luxury in some indian seduce been through in south india for example is quickly drying up and with more and more people who are going to the city the demand for water has increased multi forward fortunately for bending over a group of waterboarding this has been silently working on providing water security to the city one recharge well at a time. every morning because it's a tree outside his village. it's very special to him. the lake the.
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by that once knowledge that has just a cliche. in he keeps the tree alive because it provides shade to his late wife who is buried under. the sez i come every day to take care of this place. really almost died 20 years ago and i come every day to water it back i collect 20 buckets from the lake so my wife can rest in peace. and no one looks after it more than just me. if. i am belongs to the money over the community of well diggers. they live on the outskirts of bangalore city and have traditionally provided people with access to water in recent years this entire region has seen
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a dramatic drop in water levels. and the demand for welding has seen a corresponding decline. he says around 15 years ago there was a lot of work for us but these days there's very little of no one wants wells now they bore with machines that go deep into the ground and the demand for our services has fallen what kind of mess with. all the roads like this one once served as bangles main source of water. as the city developed it began to bring water into pipes from the river khalidi. but the supply is insufficient. to make up for the shortfall people began extracting water from aquifers underground with mechanized pumps. moreover the booming city is increasingly covered in concrete. rain water can no longer seep in and replenish
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the ground. the stress is immense. bangalore is predicted to become unlivable by 2025. and signs of this crisis are everywhere. want to export. believes of the money over the community and the city can come together to help one another. he started a project to build a 1000000 vici that use the community's skills but this time to dig wells that put water back into the ground rather than extract it. is a big 3 more from the rooftop. and push it into bangalore has been to. find solutions to problems one of the solutions which is. logical to get ready the quicker we get these 1000000.
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flooding we have the recharge we have in the. city so we'd be in a solution space where he would provide comfort to the sort of. people who like the idea have begun to high odama krishna and his need to build recharge wells in their homes or complexes. to gather the money for those 1st dig a pit that is 20 feet deep and line it with poorest cement rings. this will eventually fill up with rain water also office and on off which will percolate into the ground. the entire community benefits as the ground water is eventually shared by the city. he says recharge wells of the link between green and the ground water ground water. we love our work and no matter how tough it is all we want to do is build the dylan
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a model i only feel satisfied when the job is done. once when. i was walking in bangalore the owner of the complex gave me a bit of water walking on me when i was about to waste what i didn't need when he stopped me and asked me whether i knew the value of water act and if they're going forward that's how we need to be and learn how to save water to get them especially rainwater that is the most precious one in a district where the new. so far the money over the years have dug $113000.00 wells. they intend to dig 1000000. when the ground is really not wish they hope their livelihoods been flooded once again. look pandemic is proving to be a people with for nearly every aspect of our lives and food contradictory be excluded from this tell us about what changes one making to your 4 habits right
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into was an eco india a d w dot com a reach i was on in the post so she media handles i'll see you again next week until then stay safe and take good care of yourselves and your loved ones about.
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houser view of the world. where i come from but over that to get to cisco it's just like with chinese food doesn't matter where i am as a boy it was reminds me of home after decades of living in germany china's food is one of the things i miss the most but that taking a step back i see things i need to difference with knowledge benefits of person as an articulation that exists as a part of the war haven't been ever mentioned in china that's because i'm not
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a chinese people wondering if they're going to say that but if i have a right to learn how to read it is this is their job a job that of them how i see it doesn't why i love my job because i tried to do it except for maybe an hour a day by the name of the uninsured and i work added up to. 2 the score go by to shoot for food. cleek. separate draw and cook foods to avoid cross contamination. cooks thoroughly to kill microorganisms.
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keep food it safe temperatures cold to prevent bacterial growth. gives safe water and safe raw materials to avoid content. food producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food. but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases and all by plying the 5 keys to safer to use them you also have a role to play. this
2:00 pm
is d.w. news live from a british judge blocks julian assange just extradition to the us essential supporters celebrated outside the london courthouse the judge ruled the wiki leaks founder would have been of suicide risk if handed over to u.s. authorities. also coming up britain opens a 2nd front against the coronavirus the country begins administering vaccine number 2 by oxford university and drug maker astra zeneca. the us president recorded trying to change an election result.


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