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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  January 5, 2021 11:00am-11:30am CET

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this is deja vu news live from berlin dueling a election rallies with the balance of power in washington hanging in the balance joe biden tells voters in the state of georgia they can chart the country's course for a generation by letting 2 democrats to the senate and donald trump repeats unfounded claims calling for a republican victory so big the democrats can't steal it. also coming up germany gets ready to extend its coronavirus lockdown as leaders seek
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a safer path through the pandemic. israel leaves the global fight against coated with 15 percent of its population already receiving shocks now it's adding another weapon in its arsenal the moderna vaccine. and being smaller has advantages how these homebound cooks turned their limited operations into big business during the pandemic. i'm serious it was kind of good to have you with us u.s. president donald trump has repeated unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud on the eve of a crucial senate runoff election taking place in the state of georgia trump made those claims at an election rally in dalton georgia he was there to do support for the true republican incumbents who are trying to fend off a strong challenge by democratic rivals u.s.
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president elect joe biden also campaigned in georgia he told voters they could set the. interest course for a generation by electing 2 democrats to the senate's. now tuesday's a special election will determine president-elect biden's chances of pushing his agenda through congress democrats will soon hold the white house and the house of representatives but it's republicans hold control of the senate they will block biden from pushing through many of his policies so let's take a look at the balance of power in the senate right now where republicans have a 50 of the 100 seats democrats and 2 independent allies they hold 48 seats you see republicans have the advantage right now so democrats need to win both of the georgia seats and with vice president elect come away harrison's tie breaking vote in the senate that would effectively create a majority of 51 well let's take a closer look at the contestants in that georgia runoff you have the 2 democrats john asaf and raphael warnock and the 2 incumbent republicans david perdue and
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kelly. all are salad reports from georgia on this crucial vote. it's people like julius hall who the democrats are no pinning their hopes on because among thousands of activists getting out the vote across georgia. african americans might be the decisive force in this runoff. and they are trying to get there by the get out and vote we've been behind so long in this country. so when you get a sense of you're own the raw things are happening where we are there is some inclusion and then you give the crown that takes office for 4 years which is donald trump now we get rid of him and we feel like we can over again. john also as one of 2 democratic candidates it's a race the 33 year old senate hopeful must win for the democrats to gain control of
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congress. now. in american history the stakes are high and so are his goals for. establishing health care as a human right in the united states investing in clean and renewable energy to create jobs and solve the environmental crisis passing a new civil rights act to secure equal justice for all regardless of the race the runoff is a big corporate unity full democratic hopeful john also in his attempt to unseat the republican incumbent david perdue but the runnels remain a neck and neck race and georgia has been a republican stronghold for decades and john also knows the fate of the biden presidency lies in his hands yet on the republican side senator ted cruz wants to stop congress from certifying biden's victory he's under fire from democrats for
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his push to throw out the election results and he's rallying for turnout in ga. ga . ga i've got faith and confidence in the many women of georgia i think the people of georgia believe in common sense values they believe in low taxes low regulations and lots of jobs and i think the people of georgia want to see a check and a balance on the extreme left wing. former trump campaign manager cory $11.00 he took the stage among several other big republican names like former senior white house adviser kelly and connolly was the spaces remain half empty after weeks of baseless claims about voter fraud some conservatives are skeptical about the electoral process all of us are concerned that is our event going to count doesn't matter because i really do believe that that just like with the
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national election there's a chance that they are going to be able to you. manipulate the dominion software machines again here in gwinnett county georgia right now i've lived here for 30 years and there is no way on god's green earth that this county will democrats in the general election. less republican turnout old more democratic turnout old a scenario that activists julius hall is hoping for on election day. reporter stacy bivins is with us she's part of our u.s. elections team hi stacey thanks for joining us what impact has president trump and his popularity among republicans in particular have had on the stretcher race well so far in georgia donald trump's popularity has been clips by his rhetoric and not in a good way he has tried to bully the secretary of state and to finding 11000 votes
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for him and he has threatened to campaign against the governor and a year and a half these are 2 people who are part of his party but he's angry because they're not giving him what he wants and what he wants is a victory in georgia and so. republicans are trying to decide are going to have to decide really are they going to stick with trump because they are interested in getting being able to tap into his base or they're going to say look enough is enough we've had an election the election is over it's time to move on and now it's time to focus on these very key senate run offs and donald trump has been kind of a distraction with this with everything that he's been trying to say so but for the for the democrats he's been a boost there energized they are slightly amused some of them to hear him trying to strong arm the secretary of state so he might boost support among democrats but then suppress the vote among republicans who are having doubts based on what he said that their vote will even count yourself key runoff races why are these 2
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senate seats so crucial because they'll determine how successful joe biden is as president biden would be in charge of the white house but if he was also had the support of democrats in both chambers of congress if they had both control control of the house and the senate it be easier for him to achieve his agenda when it comes to cohabit health care the economy the environment and even when it comes to his cabinet picks because those aren't set in stone yet he has made nominations but he needs senate approval in order for that to happen so a lot depends on how these races go right so this really is about whether president elect biden can get through his agenda you know you mentioned this really has been a republican stronghold for some time georgia what makes democrats what at least optimistic that they could win these 2 senate seats but i think it's hope and i think when you look at the election at the map the democrats were able to flip some
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red state some get from some red states to blue and so that's heartening for them but also when you look at the candidates these are very important for them. john also was a protege of the late great civil rights john lewis. the where i've read raphael warnock is very popular in georgia he's an activist he's very well known and he's a minister at the church where dart dr martin luther king jr was also a minister so he has very strong ties to the community so there is hope among democrats that bs 2 candidates can win both of these senate seats and then it would tie the senate and come harris as vice president would cast the deciding vote making joe biden's life in the white house much easier if they see difference from our u.s. elections jeanne thank you very much you're welcome. ok now to some other stories
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making news around the world the head of the far right group known as a problem boys has been arrested in washington police say enrique taria was involved in torching a black lives matter banner taken from a church during protests last month he was also charged with possessing a legal high capacity ammunition for firearms. police say at least 4 people have been killed in flash floods of swept through the streets of the bolivian city of. after torrential rain and hail hit the city local media reported that the storm lasted only about 30 minutes. the u.s. justice department says it will appeal after a british court rejected a request to extradite we keep leaks founder julian assange the judge said a songe was at extreme brisk of suicide he faces asking our charges in the u.s. for publishing a trope of secret government documents a decade ago. iran has rejected accusations that it seized a south korean tanker to pressure seoul to release billions of dollars money that was frozen as part of u.s.
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sanctions over tehran's nuclear program iranian troops stormed the vessel in the persian gulf on monday claiming it was polluting the water. chancellor angela merkel and germany's regional leaders are expect. to extend germany's coronavirus lockdown as infections remain stubbornly high schools are currently closed the current restrictions were originally due to expire next week now parents are bracing for yet more home based learning. students in germany have not yet returned to the classroom after the christmas break most schools will stay close until january 10th while others are offering virtual lessons germany's federal and state governments now have to decide on the way forward as calls grow for schools to say closed even longer or to only open partially in berlin opinions on the matter very . like you know that i have 2 children myself one in high school and one in elementary school i think schools should remain closed a little longer even though it's difficult for us parents. perhaps we can find
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a good balance with some learning at home and others allowed to be in school. i think that as long as the lockdown stays in place and i expect it will be extended children should stay at home. hope for a return to normal lives with the vaccine as of monday germany had administered almost 266000 jobs but the government is coming under pressure it's vaccination program has been criticized for being slow and chaotic german health minister defended his government's plan. is the vaccine delivery my own tech pfizer have always said they could only produce 50000000 doses worldwide by the end of 2020 that explains this initial shortage the 2nd issue is that those german states that are vaccinating are doing so mostly in nursing homes we have always said that this will take a little longer because of course the process there is more complicated. new cases
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and deaths have remained high over the holiday period now medical experts report germany's critical care units are nearing capacity. let's bring indeed abuse julia so delhi with the latest on this story hi julia there are media reports that lockdown measures could get even tougher in germany so what is going to be decided today what we know is that there is consensus for the current lockdown to be extended at least till the end of january and media reports are now talking about the chancellor on that american wanting to put forward a proposal to sharpen the measures and to introduce a limitation to where people can go outside their homes in the areas that are most affected by the coronavirus this suggestion comes after having spoken to health experts here in the country we will see how that will go down with the state premiers another issue as we saw in the report is schools they will have to decide what to do going forward whether to keep them close open partially or what solution
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to go along with at the same time the infection rates the death toll is still very high in germany where has the government's strategy until now gone wrong. one point that is has been criticized in germany has been how late the harsher lockdown has come into place and only came into place in mid december after a month and a half of a lighter lockdown and even chancellor. said that she would have liked to see tougher measures come in beforehand now with the current harsher lockdown in place at the moment we see numbers still high although over christmas the reporting of these numbers has been lagging so numbers have been fluctuating but experts had already warned that we would see numbers staying high over these few weeks and over christmas there have been gathering small gatherings of families getting together so we will have to see in the next few weeks how this affects the situation the
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numbers in the country and see whether the current measures are enough and julie what about the situation in german hospitals at the moment the situation has been described as a very difficult out of the over 26000 intensive care beds in the country only around 4000 are still free that still gives some leeway but if we look at the different region the situ regions the situation is different for example in more affected regions like of bavaria or saxony a lot of hospitals are reaching capacity and doctors expect the numbers of patients there to remain high over the next few weeks and julie of the vaccination program here has been criticized for being slow and chaotic is that because expectations were unrealistic or did the just not meet targets. according to the german health minister yes on what was promised has been delivered he said that the 1300000
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those that have been expected by the end of 2020 have been delivered by biotech pfizer he said he expects another $4000000.00 doses to be delivered by the end of january he also explained that the issue is not that not enough doses were ordered but that at the beginning of the production it is still slow when not as many doses as needed can be produced and he also said as we saw in the report administering the vaccine in care homes proceed slower as going ahead only with vaccination centers so he has been defending his government's actions while criticism continues to mount. julia delhi with the latest think you. will talk about the impact of all of this on business in europe's largest economy we can speak now to carson just the chief economist germany karsten thank you for joining us we have some numbers coming in today showing that retail figures have
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actually been very strong thanks to online sales so what impact is this prolonged winter lockdown actually having on the german economy. it's just so hard to come up with numbers i think what we know is that. hotels restaurants travel cultures all this actors that have already been hit by the lock down by the been damaged throughout 2020 will also be hit the most this is this time around. when you look at manufacturing sector for example it has done quite well in the 4th quarter and also at the start of the new year here it will really depend on whether schools will reopen are not because we have i think something like like 15000000 parents of of smaller students that if they have to stay at home again this will have an impact on growth so i think in some what you can tell right now is that it's going to be a very weak start to the year 2021 probably another contraction
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a mild contraction of the economy but i think with spring time with the continuation of the rolling out of the vaccine we will also see then the german economy recovering starting 2nd quarter if you look at a comparison across europe in the early stages of a pandemic the german economy was doing better than other european countries is that still the case. not really in august when we need look at the blue lockdown measure that we have seen since november even with the tighter restrictions before christmas it is still somewhat lighter than in other countries compared with france for example compared with the u.k. announced last night to germany is still doing well or better germany is also benefiting a lot from this v. shaped recovery of the asian economies led by china so the journey manufacturing sector is clearly benefiting a lot but we also know that this big bang of fiscal stimulus which had been in
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throughout 2020 has not fully reached the economy yet so if we would need to see more fiscal stimulus this year or at least paying out of the already announced fiscal stimulus to really get germany out of the starting blocks faster than the risk and cost you mentioned looking ahead to the spring so how optimistic are you with that we will see a return towards economic normal normality in 2021 probably not normality but i think we have to look through this high frequency shorto noise offer where are their bets in nations where are there low rates of nations the lockdown will continue but i think i'm very positive that with this 2nd quarter we will see a reviving economy in europe in the u.k. in the u.s. and with a bit of luck and really a good vaccination strategy in the 2nd half of this year we could see for the 1st time in a long while really synchronized global recovery so yes as dark as the short term
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outlook seems to be there is clearly light at the end of the tunnel and some positive news there preston jesca chief economist at each germany thank you for joining us. let's look at some other developments in the corona virus pandemic now indonesia will begin a nationwide vaccination program on january 13th president joke we don't know will be given the 1st shot of the vaccine made by a chinese firm brazil is reporting at least 2 cases of the new more contagious corona virus variant one of them after contact with travelers from europe and mexico was granted approval to the astra zeneca oxford vaccine that makes it the 2nd vaccine to get the go ahead there. meanwhile israel has approved the use of the moderna kogut 19 vaccine becoming the 3rd country in the world to do so after the u.s. and canada israel's vaccination program is advanced more quickly than anywhere else in the world well over
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a 1000000 people have received the bio and tech shot around 15 percent of the population officials say they've secured 6000000 doses of the more damning moderna vaccine and 1st deliveries are expected very soon. and let's go to jerusalem now we can speak to journalist some isa whole semi good to see you what does this 2nd vaccine mean for israel as it pushes forward with its rollout. yeah well indeed they are here in israel because the campaign has been so a successful the israeli ministry of health has announced today that already 1000000 that's 370 salo the israelis received the vaccine and just yesterday nearly 160 saw the israelis receive the vaccine so because the campaign has been so successful it is already a high demand and there was a ready a. concern that there would be
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a shortage and therefore the deal that was struck with will deny is important though it might take some time they're talking about maybe another 2 weeks we will get the 1st shipment but they'll be only a few tens of thousands so i think that israel will still be looking at pfizer to get more supply you mentioned the source of the significance of this summit just didn't end there and you mentioned that you know 15000000 people or 15 percent of the population around there has been vaccinated to this point why has that campaign been so successful in israel. yeah well 1st of all the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. facing a elections on the 23rd of march has been if pushing and even his greatest critics here are giving giving credit to the prime minister but i would also say that we have
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a good public ahead system here in israel and especially the h.m.o.'s that are established we have 4 h m o's that are spread out throughout the country each and every a community each and every neighborhood has an h.m.o. and they've been working very hard to give this vaccine including on saturday here are the saturdays usually nothing operates and they've been given vaccines and this has be considered to be quite a success and the government is now talking about issuing green passports after those who will get the 2nd vaccine and with these green passports they'll be able to attend cultural events sports events and they're talking about opening up towards apostles for the upcoming holiday in april journalist sami suttle speaking to us from jerusalem thank you very much for that update.
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now coronavirus restrictions have forced people around the world to rediscover home cooking people who once frequented restaurants have become their own caterers and as our next report from india shows in some cases that's created new business opportunities. god has always found comfort in beacon as in india architect numbers and science makes sense to her as does the precision of being in gradients and baking diamonds she's glad she left her job as an architect 4 years ago to set up home because as simple as buy because it made 2020 defined by the by many a fantastic one i think because i would being from home because if it mean produced by only one posting pony one posting the. level of chaos that plans have with us i actually managed to get through my business before and if not tomorrow just a muslim of god he calls her naughty and nice alcohol biscuits on the one hand and
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foods that big diet do destructions and do a count on the other of her new clients up beyond he turns to what instagram page i'm bored of my god he acknowledges it hasn't been easy. from working 12 to 14 hour days scrambling to find used supplies and now during india's lockdown. but she got hired help in the kitchen yet because more hands on deck could mean more exposure if things get better in 2021 door she hopes to expand put the move one. little margin in a jar and her daughter nicole have had a fantastic 2020 do this on a food delivery service called morden deli named after an ever changing menu inspired by whatever is in the mood to cook. for my loves the kitchen and had always wanted to do something with food do years ago she launched moved on
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instagram with nicole's help cooking dishes from her childhood influenced by cuisines from meat barley butan and to bet. mood started as a once a week soviet after india's lockdown though spiking demand has meant the now also 5 days of to me all those have multiplied 4 or 5 forward. nikolsk job has been updating instagram and shopping the customers she loves sharing believes of used to deceive because so much nicole says mood has been ted a few tick making the months fly by in a year where she hasn't left since early march it was just a huge blessing i would say because you know we we found something we were able to do something that kept us busy that you know reach for that group about this you didn't even miss the outside world and i think some days in that kitchen you almost even forget that everything that is happening is happening you know it's just we're just like we're in a little food with more than nicole and kusa must see they found this week 142020
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and i'm julie looking to expand their fresh food output nicole does have some ideas the frozen foods is one and they're popular because i'm not the. last year was overwhelming the event for the do and the set the dawn 420211 of gratitude and enjoying love for good food. thanks for watching did have you.
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kick up. the christmas season is content in this league and everything is almost back to miami triumphs the minds doesn't stand a chance or a dog wins the day impossible. to get straight winning away improvement and there's just no end to sufism is plenty to ca.
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60 minutes to the. children to come to. one giant problem and nearly there is no need to see the 1st year you. buy in a little secret in a flu shot meeting the last how will climate change affect us and our children by. morning and p.w. dot com slash water. story of prejudice and propaganda. they were called the right mind bastards born after the 1st world war. their mothers were germans living in the occupied drying land their father's soldiers from the french colony. these half of the german children had
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a hard time because they were a reminder of the german defeat. exclusion and control culminated in forced sterilization. under the nazis. the 1st documentary examines the few traces that remain of their existence. the children as she. searched january 11th on d.w. . case your absurd hopes for taking on the tech giants of asia and the us the guy x. cloud service is supposed to be faster and more secure than its international competitors but will it help your paying firms to compete also coming up. google employees unite hundreds of staff.


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