tv Sportskanonen 710 Deutsche Welle January 6, 2021 11:30pm-12:01am CET
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i think with the rest the world is looking. for nearly 2 and a half centuries we the people in search of a more perfect union ever kept our eyes on that common good americans so much better than always seem to be. watching the scenes in the capital i was reminded as i prepared other speeches in the passages in mind of the words of abraham lincoln and examine your message to congress whose work has today been interrupted by chaos is a lincoln said he said we shall nobody say or really lose the last best hope on earth went on to say the way is plain peaceful generous just a way which if followed the world will forever applaud and god must
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forever bless the ways plain here to that's who we are is the way of democracy of respect of decency of honor and commitment as patriots to this nation notwithstanding what i saw today we're seeing today. i remain optimistic about the incredible opportunities there's never been anything we can't do when we do it together and this god awful of the splay today bring it home to every republican and democrat independent in the nation that we must step up this is the united states of america there's never ever ever ever ever been
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a thing we've tried to do that we've done together and i've been able to do it. a president trump step up to god bless america. god protect our troops and all those folks in the capitol are trying to preserve order thank you and i'm sorry to have kept you waiting. president elect joe biden there addressing the nation telling trump to demand an end to what biden. asked see with mexico from on here in the studio what are the main takeaways from. from watch abidance and. he is trying to be very presidential here definitely appears to be more presidential than the actual president at the moment at least if you think about you know what you would expect
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from u.s. president in the past of course trying to calm down the situation try to reconcile the country this is obviously not in a short speech when you look at the divide that is in the united states interesting fact though in that sort of a sentence i stumbled over right at the beginning he said this is not who we are or the exact words were this does not reflect who we are as the united states of america and i you know i thought about that where this is actually true and if you look at what's been happening in the united states in the last 4 years i think that's not entirely true because this is a part of what we've been seeing or at least the result of what we've been seeing of the divide that donald trump has has broadened in the last 4 years of course it's not representative of all americans of all citizens of the united states of america but it is a growing part and it's it's a part of the population that's no longer afraid to do these things that obviously
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has no respect for the democratic institutions and states of america will go as far as to go inside the u.s. capitol to storm the u.s. capitol had you asked anyone in the united states maybe a week ago whether this would happen today than probably most of them if not all of them would have said i can't really imagine that although now in hindsight you know it's not all that surprising if you look at all the anger at all the all the things that donald trump has said at the many many times including today trump has. repeated that this election was a fraud although it has been proven time and again also by the courts i think there were 60 court cases in the united states in the last weeks that this was a fair election international observers have also confirmed that including here in germany some of the most highly valued international election observers have
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given you know their word that this election was fair so if you're watching us in the united states of america at the moment i know you've probably been hearing this from your local media as well that we as an international broadcast from germany not partisan at all you know balanced no part of this game that's been played in the united states we can tell you this was a fair election and what the incumbent president has told you today on television in this preview recorded message is just plain and simply false. important point to make there let's bring in in his poll in washington our washington bureau chief. bring us up to date with what's going on at the capitol hill right now. well police is obviously using flash bang to really bring. to make people go home it's getting dark here the curfew is just half an hour away we see that the masses
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have gun from in front of. the capitol so the big question will be what will happen when it's getting really dog and the curfew is taking place in less than 30 minutes i mean this country is shaken as make said shore people always were kind of worried what would donald trump do with in his last let's say 14 days some people were afraid that he would start a war or a military conflict abroad sure there were stories about militias and about the proud boys who might spread wireless but i think hardly anybody ever really thought that people would be able to storm the capital of the united states to enter the capital of the united states to sure this is in the capital of the
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united states so this united states is is shocked people are in all. and now obviously everybody's waiting what is going to happen during the night here in washington but also in other cities we mustn't forget that. other or many political officials specially from the. democratic party face threats throughout the last weeks and days so we sure now the big story is happening here in the united states but we might just as well also see kaos in riots in other parts of this country. now let's bring in will a group clue kroft d.w. reporter well you covered the u.s. election last year extensively and of course what we've seen today has been unprecedented but does this come as a surprise to you. no it doesn't i mean just listen to the rhetoric sticks and
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stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me this is not a true statement words do have power they have a simple symbolic weight and symbols can lead to actions and we're seeing that you know if if you're calling the other side pure evil if you're calling the other side you know destroyers of the country you hold dear and if you put yourself into the shoes of someone who might be hearing that who might internalize that who might hang on every one of those words then the only logical conclusion is to do something like this to resort to violence because you do feel like you might be you are convinced that the other side is not just your neighbor or fellow citizen but an enemy and for 2030 years now certainly since 911 the united states has had an us versus them mentality looking out to the rest of the world that us vs them mentality has come back to roost where it all started and we're
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seeing that right now we've been seeing in the rhetoric you know all throughout the trump administration specifically didn't start with the trump ministration but it's certainly been ratcheted up and we saw it you know the inflammatory rhetoric just got more and more vigorous moving into the election and since we're down from making these baseless claims that he somehow want an election that he just did not win this is the stuff you see in other countries and in far far less developed countries and lower income countries you know there have been reporters i'm sure in his nose many of them correspondents for for either the white house or for washington correspondents who many of them have said the last 4 years has been covering i been covering my own home country i've been covering washington like i might cover a foreign country might cover even a war zone and we saw that in the summer with you know stores boarded up all around the country because of black lives matter protests because of fears that were rising about that it's a very scary situation and a very important reminder that despite what joe biden says about being
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a city on the. hill about being the exceptional country that's better than this much like max is just saying that the united states is just as susceptible to all of these you know extreme inclinations like any other society at any other point in history it doesn't take much it takes a few a few instances like this and it's a reminder of just how fragile democracy can be. innes in washington as william said there this is you know this is something that you might expect in in other countries in lower income countries how was this allowed to how was this possible to happen on capitol hill in washington with the what vice president in the building. well this is the outcome of 4 years of donald trump this is the outcome of 4 years of a reverie with makes a distinction between us we trump supporters and them exactly what william
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just described so. i think for me kind of they did that there were people really able to storm the capitol this for me comes as a surprise because i really was expecting this building of all buildings in the world would be protected on a day like that but as william also pointed out in max earlier on this is it was just like building up because of donald trump. because he continues lee nick clegg says reality he continuously kind of brainwashed his supporters by putting out tweets and false information by neglecting the coronavirus in the beginning. so this is kind of all it's really like one step after another that kind of
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many americans lost an understanding of reality of facts of what is really going on and with the speech donald trump delivered earlier today in the beginning or not in the beginning by the you know thousands tens of thousands of people have been gathered here at the mall in the heart of washington d.c. peacefully until donald trump delivered the speech where he again said that this election was stolen from him and he asked his supporters to march towards the capital and this is when you could kind of feel a shift in the mood in the beginning it was fairly peaceful by. after that speech people gathered march towards the capitol shouting this is our house we take it back and we saw the pictures we saw the outcomes this is all coming back to donald trump and the rhetoric he was using over the last 4 years.
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on his visit here in the studio you were a correspondent in the u.s. about a decade ago now you agree with what we'll said earlier that in the last of those 911 the last 6 years the divide in america has widened well overall william is absolutely right if you look at the bipartisan politics of you know of many decades before even even in the eighty's when ronald reagan was president and probably was the 1st really the strength in that that divide it got it grew continuously there were always moments when when it got less you could say it that way and there was great hope for example in 2008 when barack obama was elected but still during each term each time you sort of had the impression that
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things were going the right way if you were someone who was looking for for compromise if you were looking for a united country united states of america there was always a backlash and you could you could say for example that without barack obama there wouldn't be donald trump you know that is the backlash many people have said that without george w. bush the republican back then who was also. president of a very divided country just remember although there was $911.00 there was also the iraq war you could say that without george w. bush there wouldn't be barack obama so it's alls always action reaction and it's just with like anything in the united states is everything is extreme there you know you have. best of the world in the united states and you have the worst of the world and that's just what this country is it's a country of extremes and it's sort of what we see today sort of confirms that it's another extreme that is also part of the united states of america but it's really
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the 1st time that anybody living can remember that something like this is happening the storming of the u.s. capitol a u.s. president just like you know has just described asking his supporters to march towards the u.s. capitol and we don't know what he really thought about this donald trump in spite of the words that he pronounced in this prerecorded message i really ask myself if he wasn't satisfied with how things unfolded because he has refused so far to acknowledge that he lost this election fair and square and so maybe this gives him some kind of satisfaction to see what happened there or at least. the reluctance with which he asked his supporters to go home does point in that direction remember for a long time the only thing we heard from president donald trump was a tweet where he asked everybody to remain peaceful but did not ask anyone to disperse so what does that tell us that tells us that he supports that situation and we don't know what kind of pressure was put on him to actually go on t.v.
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later on and say to everybody go home and if you analyze that message in the beginning he spent most of his time again falsely claiming that this was a fraudulent election and then spending a couple of seconds asking everybody to go home. right now if you have just joined us you're watching a special edition of g.w. news they covering breaking news from the u.s. with supporters of president donald trump have stormed the u.s. capitol. they entered the chamber where low rank as had been meeting to certify joe biden's election victory will make his i'm now in an emergency recess with several senators confirming electoral college. ballots rescued before protesters and that there are reports of tear gas being used to disperse protesters washington d.c.'s police chief says protesters deployed chemical irritants on police to gain access
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to the u.s. capitol he also confirmed one civilian was shot inside the capitol meanwhile the pentagon has said that vice presidents mike pence and not strum who approved they and national guards deployment which has now been fully activated the man of washington d.c. has issued a citywide curfew to start at 6 pm local time. earlier u.s. president donald trump urged his supporters to go home let's listen to what he had to sent in but you have to go home now we have to have peace we have to have law and order we have to respect our great people of law and order we don't want anybody hurt we have to have peace so go home we love you you're very special you've seen what happens you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil i know how you feel but go home and go home and peace.
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next hoffman is with me here in the studio max your reaction to those words what's really important to remember right here live is that this is only part of what he said donald trump we cut out the rest because it was false in the beginning like i said earlier he spent the majority of his message on claim again that this was fraudulent election that's taken away from him and his supporters we did not want to air this again because it's like i said earlier it's fake it's false or as donald trump would put it it's fake news and we don't do fake news here we do real moves anyway it's important to remember that this sounds this puts don trumpet in much better much better light than he was so that's the flip side of taking away that part i just wanted to make that very transparent here. when we're talking about this in this poll is with us from washington enos did
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trump's woods. have people not just from capitol hill. some have because for many many term supporters he's really the only person on earth whom they listen to so it worked up to a certain extent if they got the message you know the cell phone reception is really poor when so many people come together but yes many people left the areas area but not all of them but police know as we are talking is using flash bang to really like people to take people out of this area and force them to go to their own hotels or homes or leave this country coming back to this little clip what i really find interesting is that donald trump says i understand how you feel so what does that mean this is the calm and of
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a president of the people try to storm the capital he says i don't know how you feel i think we have to kind of repeat that in our inner ear i don't know how you feel i know how you feel. like storming the capital of the united states it is a remarkable day today the 6 generally 2021 i mean on the one have then we have georgia we just learned about the outcome there probably 2 democratic or 2 democratic senate senate candidates one and on the other hand we are witnessing how . one of the most important buildings in this country you know maybe the import most important building is stormed by a mob of trump supporters so it's really difficult to bring that together and. i mean from what i hear and experience being here in washington this this country
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is shocked i mean people never expected to experience that in their lifetime seeing that a mob is really able to enter the capital of the united states. we've just heard that it was indeed the vice president and not president who called in the national guard and talked to us a little bit about the national guard we might remember earlier last year rather. when they were black labs mass protests in in washington there was an incident that left a park by the by the white house where the national guard were used to disperse protesters when donald trump wanted to go to a church for a photo of powell easy is it to bring in the national guard in washington d.c. eunice. well the president can do that but. the city
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of washington which is also. the state of colombia which has actually no senate seat that's also a big discussion they have their own police they have the d.c. police and the moment they are not able the moment they were not able to kind of to get. this situation under control the fence were called in this federal police place a huge role in the history of the united states. it's really like the executive arm if you wish so the president he can really kind of force his will with the help of the of the federal police it has always seen kind of as a very tricky force here in washington since donald trump is an office because as you just said all is trump misused them for his own purposes but at this
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very moment or this very situation the moment we learned that the feds would tell the d.c. police it was a huge relieve because obviously the police wasn't able to control the situation so they got in here and they will help and with their help i am pretty sure they will clear the situation rather sooner than later having that said it's dark no in washington and this is the time of the day when it's getting really dangerous because you can have many many policemen and many many feds out there but many many dog corners and if people really want to do harm to such a huge city there is some danger out there and therefore the mayor announced the curfew from 6 am from 6 pm to 6 tomorrow morning. we've just been watching those incredible pictures really from inside the capitol building we saw process
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this than the rotunda we saw still photos from inside the chamber where security will basically blocking the dole and we have some news coming in now max of on what if you vote for us right doesn't really fit with the pictures we're seeing but just to remind everybody the pictures we're seeing right now from inside the u.s. capitol are not live pictures those are pictures from earlier on because u.s. officials now say that the u.s. capitol building is secure so with together with the pictures we're seeing from outside where people are being dispersed and with like you know just mentioned the curfew approaching and in washington d.c. it seems like the situation is more and more at least under control never know what's going to happen in the side streets of course if you still have some angry protesters but at least one piece of news that seems to be confirmed is u.s.
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officials say the u.s. capitol building is now secure right we've still got william blue cross with us reported you know your reporter who covered the election extensively last year we just got a couple minutes left william what it's nighttime now in washington and it seems that the congress is secured and watch what happens now. yeah and it should be added that there at least you some u.s. media are reporting that the woman who was reported shot earlier one of the protesters has actually died of those wounds that's what u.s. media are reporting right now what happens now i mean we're in an unprecedented moment if you like that's the word of the year aside from corona and pandemic and lockdown i feel like unprecedented is another word of the year that keeps coming up . you know because january 6th today that the counting of the electoral college
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votes. that's fixed in law that's why it happens today so it's unclear what happens you know if there's a protocol for if it gets interrupted for whatever reason. we can only imagine it will take place of course congress will reconvene when it's safe to do so we can only imagine and there will be the count what will be interesting is will the republicans those who has said previously that they are going to object. to repeatedly verify it verify democratic elections to those to those votes again or if they're going to maybe just follow along this time. right william glue crossed d.w. reports also got max hoffman hair and innes poll in washington thanks to all of you that's all for this special edition of the g.w. news phil gallo will be here for short break with the continuing coverage all these events in washington d.c. thanks for watching by snuck.
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into the conflict zone with tim sebastian. china is roiling the west and europe for along with the u.s. in many countries is pushing back all that issue a growing list of human rights concerns including homes new security like yours this week to beijing is one cool yeah quizes country for so many fights these days from where the. conflicts are. 90 minutes on t.w.
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. the power of words. where i come from i never saw the sun when it came to. having gone up in brazil the sun was always a man since the portuguese word for sun it's masculine when i move to germany as a 10 year old i want to come to it on t.v. and it would change how i see the world because into a man the feminine. seeming now but the side of a good listeners time in a ponytail instead of a deep voice exterminate the guy seemed absolutely incredible. i realized how many . it shakes thinking how definition so far not only a mental image just like our whole perception of the world. does inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became i joined a list i'm a storyteller and i use my words to how quick intercultural understanding my name is a limit where you can i work at it out people. in
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as it did over the years line from berlin supporters of us present donald trump of storms the u.s. capitol they reached the inside of the chamber where of lawmakers had been meeting to certify joe biden's election victory. in an emergency very sest there are reports of tear gas is being used to disperse the protesters a matter of washington d.c. has imposed a citywide curfew that starts at 6 pm local time.
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