tv Sportskanonen 810 Deutsche Welle January 7, 2021 7:30pm-8:00pm CET
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d.w. . what secrets lie be heard is what. discover new adventures in 360. 64 major world characters start. world heritage 360 get beyond. this is did everything is africa on the program today heated political tension in ghana on the day of the president's inauguration parliament's descended into chaos soldiers had to be called in to break up clashes between m.p.'s what is the reason for the tension. and how doctors are improvising in order to save lives in south africa where did the 2nd wave of covert 19 is fiercely raging.
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hello i'm chris even though it's good to have your company and then our crew for our door has been sworn in for a fresh term as president in ghana he narrowly won reelection in the votes on december 7th last year now ahead of his inauguration there were scenes of chaos in the country's parliament clashes between opposing parties erupted after a nor make a seize the ballot box joining a vote for the parliament speaker eventually the army was forced to intervene to stop the violence. and for more on this we've invited esther armand to the program she's a political commentator in gaza and joins us from accra good to see you so as we just saw the clashes breaking out in parliament just ahead of the president's swearing in what is feeling this tension. a challenging and divisive
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political season the. presidential campaigning in the context amid the backdrop. so we have of the devastation of coded the look down the pandemic has absolutely fuel political tensions and so we've seen that explosion on the streets the culminated into scenes that would have triggered trauma for thousands and thousands of ghanians who lived through the military coups of the 19669791981 to see soldiers in battle fatigue coming through into the seat of government and scenes of unrest would literally hearken back to history the ghana has long left behind but it also echoed in some instances what was happening with the military in ghana was happening with the citizens in the united states of america so this global framework of i am ready with politics and campaigning in this moment is
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step the president his inauguration president out of what i do is you know gratian is taking place even as health of the country doesn't accept his election victory. i don't know that half of the country doesn't accept the victory is a fair enough. reality suddenly the contesting of the results is not a new space for us here in ghana we have been here before it is not the contesting that's the issue it's the resolution of that contesting it is the choice finally for the m.d.c. to actually go through the legal framework which is which it is entitle to do and most importantly to desist from the kinds of violence on the streets that is traumatizing for millions of citizens who remember what this violence spoke to and treated is under arrest it's a utility we don't want to get you said it yourself that this was a very divisive election there were reports of violence 5 people were killed how
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did it get service in ghana this is the country hailed as the beacon of democracy in africa. so you know to be clear we always have to talk about nations not in the context of some political democratic utopia ghana is a nation in put in context it's a nation with a history of political violence and thankfully there has been a peacefulness for many many years but we have to put what happened from this election season in the context of a pandemic that has absolutely devastated the economy and made the just the environment much more fruit when you stitch together those realities then the months of this violence are not surprising but it makes them no less disturbing right is to before my next question which is going to take a couple of views from ordinary guy names talking about what they see as the main challenges for the new president. club should. you promise to
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fight against its. 2 mile pinion i think using his best clothes he tell you money in any game he can do everything just for us all with those 4 years we will. he does. you know. job job job you know if. you all want jobs or. jobs. those policies i did president. 3. 3 senior high school. granted. me a lot of i think. he called you know. a lot of people really appreciate. it we should do that we had so we've had a as state jobs corruption education important to the people we've just listened to
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what more can you tell us about what president now before i don't need to prioritize and do in his next 5 years. when we think specifically about the economy i think we need to double down not just on the real importance of jobs but the kinds of jobs that are being created what does it mean to strengthen and infrastructure around issues of health of the mining what does it mean to think about an entrepreneurial power an entrepreneur and economy that centers women 32 percent of ghana's nation and who dominate when it comes to actually employing people but who are also always locked out of access to finance issues that are longstanding and that have been exacerbated by the pandemic so yes jobs corruption is a longstanding issue that always requires being tackled but the pandemic offer is gonna an opportunity to reimagine an economy that center has the absolute
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flourishing of indigenous expertise indigenous activity women and youth and those are the specific areas that i think the president needs to focus on not. not more rhetoric but the reality of reimagining that because of the pandemic all right that's esther on the talking to us from the capital thank you esther. south africa has ordered 1500000 doses of the extra vaccine to inoculate the country's help with this and more contagious coronavirus variant in the country is driving a 2nd wave of infections. hospitals this week deaths from 19 so pasta 30000 . visited a hospital in cape town where doctors are having to improvise to save lives. all over the world this isn't a waiting room it's the treatment room for qubits patients at the hospital in
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khayelitsha one patient calls out to us to tell us she'd been sitting and waiting for 3 days waiting for beds to become free next door you've been reduced to going to we see them we're going on distributed to the world who were told to. dr susan you can call it has been working here for 9 years and this pandemic is pushing him to his limits the 3rd of his colleagues here have already had the virus how do you feel to see or feel that sometimes you feel for those who don't have enough streets from from we don't do you know who didn't meet you already and you know the one point in your difficulty doing something you truly . do we do you 1st to be able to do and we should we just stop that sometimes we think it's. on average one person with coverts dies in the hospital every day
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there's a small room next door with somewhat better beds for acute patients waiting for an intensive care bed at another hospital. the low. health minister at mit's that not everyone can get an i.c.u. bed most are already full if that doesn't like what i see. but instead of nobody to give you all i see that is what is. on my so this is actually the waiting all the waiting area off the hospitals where people would normally wait for their treatment but you can see it people who come here with non-college related issues emergencies are being treated here because they need the space on the other side of the building for potential cover cases. south africa meanwhile has reintroduced tougher lockdown measures there's a strict a mosque requirement alcohol sales are banned and beaches have been closed but
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police are overwhelmed with enforcing the rules. only patients over the age of 45 are now being tested at the state clinics the demand is overwhelming. here in viral load just volved on prizes laboratory every 2nd test is positive the peak of the 2nd wave is expected in south africa in mid january but even after that experts anticipate further waves. i fear that neither the current. that we are experiencing know nor the arrival of the vaccine sometime in 2 half way through 2021 for a small proportion of the population will be able to make a big difference the government announced it is already in talks with the manufacturers but there are no details yet. back in ca each hour however there is hope little studies show that during the 1st wave up to 40 percent of residents
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were already infected and possibly even a new social distancing remains impossible for many here. dr cole and his team they are forced to bracing for a tough few weeks ahead of them. now orthodox christians around the world are celebrating christmas today including communities in ethiopia eritrea sudan and egypt but for some today's celebrations will be modded by hardship almost a $60000.00 ethiopians f.a. at fighting in the northern to grad region since november crossing into neighboring so done after months in makeshift refugee camps today they're facing a tough christmas. it's far from a happy christmas for these ethiopian refugees after fleeing violence in ethiopia is no than t. cry reachin they're marking the holiday in a crowded camp in sudan. with people living hand to mouth they'll be little
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feasting this year. on christmas eve prices at the local market sought as people scramble to buy something to mark the occasion. we've come to the market to buy our needs for christmas such as lamb sugar coffee christmas is coming i just want to buy some lamb sugar and milk or anything. i'll buy a sheep or poultry is very expensive it's the same for all the goods this chicken has to 6 people to share. the demand is high the camp is already close to capacity and more refugees keep arriving from t. cry $800.00 people have come to sudan since the new year alone the u.n. says. a 3rd of them children. some people use their savings or club together to buy a sheep chicken or goat for a christmas meal that determined to celebrate despite the circumstances. with no
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idea when they'll be able to return home for many here faith is all they have to hold on to. and that is it for our program today be sure to check out the stories on forward slash africa but also on facebook and on twitter you next time. you do need to keep a date on the road for over a mention home the force on clean. drinking water. through your. books on. how the virus spread. why do we have it and when we'll.
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just 3 of the topics covered and our weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crown of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. science. with. american entertainers are speaking out against president trump after a mob of his supporters stormed the capitol legendary singer stevie wonder tweets i am heartbroken and astounded but this narcissistic and dangerous president would put a lot. i was in danger and encourage violent sedition against our government share rights the trump regime is lawless un-american and is putting all of our lives in danger. well coming up we'll see what other artists are saying about wednesday's
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riot in washington and later on the show. rebuilding beirut after last year's devastating blast the man responsible for preserving lebanon's photographic memory talks about his hopes for the future. welcome to arts and culture american artists and entertainers have slammed donald trump and his followers after radical supporters of the president broke into the u.s. congress on wednesday singer john legend's tweeted anyone who voted for this tragic narcissistic mess of a president that bears responsibility for this debacle has shown you exactly who he was all along you still supported him you are complicit in the attempted destruction of the country and singer pink also spoke out i am ashamed of what is happening in washington this is
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a sad day for america novelist stephen king also joined in the saying the only thing that might stop this is for donald trump to concede the election. just a few of the reactions coming in there and my colleague michael kruger has also been following the responses on social media what are you saying micah 1st of all we could read tweets on and on for hours and also the hollywood celebrity celebrities react with shock and anger also some of those who had sympathies for donald trump in the past they all raise their voice now and as far as i witnessed what's going on on social media right now is that they all. have to do with one question so how could that happen and and we all how could they come and get in so easily and i will have to say we all have off course and we all have this
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pictures and minds of the summer with a like a live mad at meadows movement and so the rep a 50 cent he tweeted this maybe we can have a look for the record this was the u.s. capitol during the protests and we have also qadi be the red pearl the irony is pretty funny when people just wild animals and the some of my. justice and now. and the model chloe kadesh imposed at the pizza me of white privilege how disturbing sick to my stomach but there are also some cry to optimistic people but one of the one of those is political filmmaker michael moore who stayed up all night and expressed some optimism let's hear what he had to say and that's really the i think the core of their anger they know what the country's become it's more diverse they hate this country because it's no wonder the white man's country the
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white man doesn't rule anymore if the sure power and soon it will have to give up the power because white men will no longer hold their majority and hold their power in this frightens them a last cry of white supremacy according to michael moore michael we're also hearing a lot of entertainers calling for social media reforms what can you tell us about that just quickly session baron cohen for example as in the role of baraat and he was also very critical about social media and he posted this facebook and twitter giving trump a little time out is not enough to investigate an act of domestic terrorism against america facebook and twitter have banned other extremists permanently they must bend trump permanently now but to be honest i don't know if this is the solution solution big because they are already so many other alternative platforms right so i like parlor where all the yes the far right have gone my crew got thanks very
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much. and i'm joined by my next guest now american political filmmaker and former white house videographer to president obama around choudary around thanks for coming on arts and culture you have built a career on the emotional and political impact of images so what was going through your mind when you saw these pictures of men and women storming the u.s. capitol yeah really striking images and i think my immediate reaction is probably similar to what a lot of people in which i thought these images really really neat the moment and that when they you know redo textbooks to actually include the trump era these will for sure be those breakout sections where they have. you can just see exactly how it leans into all this stress all this strife and even said the way that you know the different sides of this polarized country interpret images. so these are these
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are according to you the images that we're going to see in history textbooks when school kids learn about the trump era what is it about these images that is so shocking why why are we so shocked is a is it the hero ism almost of these people in their minds. yes yes you put your finger on exactly with the word heroism because this is in caps elation of what trump ism is i think some people give it more credit for having you know a kind of political project to even think michael moore sort of over analyzing what people are feeling more in these photos as they're doing this it is a simple prospect trump is that is proven every expert group every piece of the elite prove them all wrong and the evidence of these pictures when you see these folks who stormed the capitol doing something that's impossible to them resonates exactly with their hero donald trump who you know no one wanted to be president not
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even the republican party and kind of you know not all be on the way to sort of seize the moment these folks also just seize the moment and i think if you don't think that these pictures you know we're seeing widespread condemnation from both sides of the aisle but i think if you don't see these pictures as feeling heroic to significant portion of the american people you don't get it in fact i'll give you an example in that in that you know people are laughing oh the fellow you know behind the speaker's gavel who is wearing the viking hat or whatever these costumes american conservatism american far right pressure has always been dressed up in costume the klu klux klan or ridiculous outfits they didn't think they looked cool they thought it's are we serious are we not serious is this a good time this is a party is this a movement you can't really tell and i think these pictures are the modern and body image of those k.k.k. pictures in which you see people who seem sort of even in
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a laughable costume. proving them wrong where it's proving the impossible is possible a run talking about the power of images just briefly what kind of new images do you think it will take to restore a sense in the world that the oldest democracy is a stable democracy. you know i don't think this is an image for image thing you know i think a lot of people took comfort in the fact that and i think this is helpful in his making that they senate went back into session they did their work they did it orderly they didn't seem hurried it was 3 in the morning but you know you know what there was a problem here before we cleaned up we moved on with government but i actually think that this these images need to be met with action and we need to. by the administration not just condemn these folks not just seek to prosecute people who have perpetrated real terrorism on america but also make sure that the people of
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this country know that there's something in it for them know that there's something in it for them right in terms of a social democracy in iran getting something because otherwise there will be one charity for the protesters every time around thank you so very much for coming on arts and culture we're going to have to leave it there a pleasure as always. and one more story before we go that deadly explosion that rocked beirut back in august left many people in the lebanese capital feeling a sense of resignation that their country situation and its corrupt politics might never improve well lebanese photographer and filmmaker said his country's people will manage to rebuild. is the co founder of the arab image foundation a group that saves and preserves photographs from across the arab world. beirut . after the devastating bomb blast the city is traumatized more than
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$200.00 die and hundreds of thousands lost. some may never heal. the 1st week. after the 1st. so you go through phases like mourning. goes. gradually. tare collects photos documenting lebanon's past together with the arab image foundation he's working to secure and preserve photos depicting life in the arab world these pictures from a photo that joined the lebanese civil war they tell the story of his country.
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in many of his films he returns to story using pictures and sound files it brings the past into the present into the collective memory prompting a confrontation with history. this is how you read what's happening around you and automatically interpret it in a poetic sense and therefore what you go through becomes a work. the more recent history of lebanon is another dark chapter the country is facing bankruptcy the current virus pandemic has brought the health system to the verge of collapse the crisis was already all around when almost $3000.00 tons of ammonium nitrate blew up in the ports of beirut. back a year after the october revolution mass protests against the government the
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numbers demonstrating for political read your wintering protest now a gesture of defiance with little hope of fulfilment prime minister saad hariri who was forced to resign in the wake of those protests is now back on the political stage and putting together a new government. for many lebanese. the same political power for 2030 or 40 years for the long term something structure than needs to take place and for the country to stand up. on the its. the people of lebanon's ability to prevail in difficult circumstances is legendary but many have had enough they want those responsible call to accounts now are hyper inflation is hitting the middle classes and the poor hard many have given up hope and are leaving if they can back crumbs are tyree says he's staying. who founded the
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government's foundation it was about writing the history of photography in this part of the world how can you do this from abroad the vision of a mediterranean country that unites diverse communities and cultures drives crimes our tyree to carry on. that's it for this edition of. arts and culture scenic stuck .
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to the point of strong opinions clear position on the international perspective such. for the 1st time in its history a member nation is much the european union the question is though can the united kingdom really forge an independent future and washington says it's all going to have on the meat you eat so find out on to the point. to the point cut. through the tomato you. think you know that 77 percent. are younger than 6 pot. that's me and me and you. think you know what it's time all voices 100 on the 77 percent talk about the.
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front porch to flash from housing boom boom town this is where. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend d.w. . emigrants. they know the police will stop them. they know that the road is not a solution. they know their flight could fail. is not an option. and are stuck in the spanish border area. along side other young people there waiting for a chance that will probably never come. shattered dreams starts january 18th on t
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