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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 8, 2021 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the few traces that remain of their existence. the. storage journey. d.w. . the state of illinois life from berlin criticized across the world for stoking the storming of the capitol building u.s. president donald trump now condemns the rioters to those who are engaged in the acts of violence and destruction you do not represent your country but that's too little too late for democrats they want the president out now before and all
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curation day also coming up. a grim new milestone for germany the country records its highest coronavirus death toll in a single day since the start of the pandemic. welcome to the show. over 30 hours after an attempted insurrection and 3 months after the u.s. election president trump has acknowledged he will be handing over power to joe biden and a video published on twitter he also condemned the rioters calling the storming a heinous attack a police officer has died of his injuries following clashes with approach. 2 days late fresh fortifications around the u.s. capitol building. after an angry mob invaded the altar of american democracy.
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those who attacked journalists. and police and now being attacked by their leader who himself is under intense fire the demonstrators who infiltrated the capital have defiled the seat of american democracy to those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction you do not represent our country and to those who broke the law you will pay we have just been through an intense election and emotions are high but now tempers must be cooled and calm we store. america's next president joe biden lays the ugly insurrection squarely at trump's feet you know unleashed an all out assault on earth the 2 issues of our democracy from the outset and yesterday was about the culmination of that unrelenting attack for protesters died
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in the chaos one inside the building a police officer also died from his injuries on thursday amid the aftermath democrats and even some of trump's former allies have called for his immediate removal from office. while some normalcy has returned to washington d.c. the city is clearly shaken even trump supporters in the capital were shocked by the violence happening yesterday is it just. i mean i am a trump supporter when they do what you're going to do with a cap that was different we don't support that we don't support that and that is you know they they. overcame police and they overcame barricades that's not a lot order and like trump that we are the party of law and order and for some members of trump's cabinet wednesday's events also went too far several have since
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resigned including the transportation secretary and most recently education secretary betsy device and. i'm joined now by alex on a graph lum stalls deputy leader of the free democratic party in germany's parliament upon the stock he specializes in foreign policy mr lamb soft good to have you with us tell me what do you make of the developments in washington of the past 2 days. well there's bad news and good news the bad news is of course that we have 5 people dead as a consequence of these riots the good news is that. the mob failed to overturn the constitutional proceedings trump failed in his botched that sudoku attempt and as a matter of fact democracy won i mean rule of law won decency won in the end we now have a finalized american election process we have the prospect of joe biden being inaugurated
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as is the due course of the american constitution on january the 20th on the steps of the capitol so this is terrible news for the people who have passed away and their loved ones but there's good news for american democracy that many will say they were shocked but not surprised how bout you. that's exactly the way i feel having listened to donald trump over the years having listened to him in the run up to the election on november 3rd you could see that he was planning things like this when he says emotions are high after the election well he's the one who stoke the flames he is the one who put in doubt the very date of the election he is the one who declared his democratic opponents enemies of the people he is the one who is responsible for all of this and so i you know i have observed elections in many countries across the world in africa and asia and whenever you see author
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a tarion figures trying to create a situation that is not purely constitutional that is not cleanly electoral they do exactly what the american president has done over the last couple of months and then i watched his march his rally earlier prior to the proceedings on capitol hill in the senate chamber and he clearly incited his followers to walk over to the capitol and to start writing so there's absolutely no doubt that mr trump is responsible for what happened there yesterday how do you see these a lens affecting us legitimacy and the promotion of democracy and democratic values around the world. well it's been a shock to the system there's no doubt about that but on the other hand as i just said on the very same day that we saw the riots taking place in d.c. on the steps and inside the capitol in the state of georgia tool opposition senators were elected into office and georgia is a state with
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a republican administration the governors republican the secretary of state is a republican the man who leads the election process is a republican but they generally and correctly certified the democratic winners of their senatorial race which means that joe biden now has a majority both in the house and in the senate to me that says that mr trump will be gone but american democracy will remain strong and with it also american credibility when it comes to talking about democracy yes it was a shock yes it has done some damage but by and large and looking at the bigger picture i see american democracy having come out as the victor of this if this does this terrible images there huge despite it all could you see this incident unfolding right wing extremists in other countries. yes indeed i mean we have seen similar images in germany if you recall in august we had a group of people storming the german parliament building they did not make it
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inside but we had very similar images flags of the right wing extremists of nationalists of populist racist types who were trying to storm the capital to create a story that i started building the german parliament building because they they feel that parliamentary democracy is not you know but what they want they want to from the author of terror in form of government and yes of course democracies are vulnerable around the world every democrat whether you're left center or right needs to be very clear that the other people who compete with and democratic competition and not your enemies they are your legitimate competitors and if we can agree on that if and if we can convince more people in our you know population including those who have been seduced by radical ring leaders then i think democracy could come out strengthened but yes democracy is under pressure and we have to fight back electronica flounced off deputy chair of the f.t.
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parliamentary group here in germany many thanks thank you. let's now take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world elon musk has become the richest man in the world to according to a bloomberg before the rising share price of musts electric car making company tesla has put him ahead of former number one amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos the report calculated musk's net worth at more than $188000000000.00. the climate monitoring service says 2020 was europe's hottest year on record and also tied to 2016 for the what is your globally the arctic and northern siberia warm more quickly than the planet as a whole scientists have renewed their calls for countries to slash emissions to avoid catastrophic climate change. deaths from the corona virus have reached a new one day high here in germany despite an ongoing nationwide lockdown figures
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from the country's public health agency show 1188 covert related deaths in the past 24 hours almost 32000 new covert 1000 cases were recorded it that's a little less than the previous peak in mid december but health officials warn actual numbers could be higher. our political correspondent joins me now to talk some more about this huns how do we explain this new record death toll . well that their figures are always. did it delayed by a couple of weeks after the infection figures have peaked in other words what we're seeing no other deaths that are the result of the peaks in infections that were recorded in mid december it always takes about a week or 2 before people actually have symptoms then takes a while for them to go to hospital if they do go to hospital and then it takes a while for them to die to die so the figures we're seeing are a factor of the high infection rates that we had in mid december and looking up
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that this means that the infection rates stall. ever to be in the death toll but their figures will continue to be high for at least another 2 or 3 weeks and almost 32000 new infections germany doesn't seem to have a grip on the virus is this the mutant virus strain hitting the country or more testing after the holidays or maybe something else. well the mutant strain hasn't really hit germany as far as we know it there haven't been that many investigations of well to what extent that strain is at the moment present in germany although a couple of cases have been recorded so that's probably not the reason there is a number of factors play a role here partly it has to do with the festive season and the number of cases being reported. is higher because they were not reported in the festive season the wrong new year and there was
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a public holiday 2 days ago also in parts of germany so that's one factor the other factor is that indeed the the number of tests has picked up again since the festive season but in the end it means that infection rates during man high in germany because they locked on measures so far have not been as effective as people had hoped and with this i can casualties the urgency for a roll out of coming back and asians is even more pressing and it seems people here in germany are increasingly willing to get the job hands stay with us we'll talk some more after this report injections to bt infections hopes for progress in the battle against the corona virus focused on the vaccines but success in developing them and the accelerator approvals process will be of little use if people won't come forward to be vaccinated 75 percent of germans now say they are prepared to get one of the vaccines compared with november many more people are
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saying it's not just likely but definite that they will and the number of people not planning to face the needle is dropping it's now less than a quarter of the population some say that for those who do get vaccinated rules should be used who tells in restaurants for instance could be reopened for those with proof of vaccination and others think the idea would create unnecessary division. the german public seems to share that skepticism nearly 3 quarters say the rules should be the same for everybody even if it would prove that vaccination means people cannot infect others which is not yet clear looking ahead everyone is longing for the end of the pandemic when will lock downs masks and distancing be a thing of the past half of germans think restrictions will be lifted this year but a further gloomy i'm not expecting a return to normal until 2022 and some germans think corona measures will not be
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lifted for a long time perhaps never. quite a lot of pessimism here in germany hands what are the hurdles and projections for a return to some kind of normality. well i mean one on the one hand we've seen that the locked on measure so far have not had the effect that the government and everybody else has hoped for so the major hope now concentrates on being vaccinated on a very widely distributed vaccine and clearly that is not possible at the moment because the supply of vaccines is only picking up very slowly recovering meant only expects that enough vaccine for everyone will be available within 6 months or so so the pessimism that we see in these polls there seems to be fairly realistic that the situation is continuing to be serious it will continue to be so for quite a while and it will take months before everyone who wants to be vaccinated even
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though people do want to be vaccinated it will take months before they will be able to get the job and for the situation then to be more relaxed and spend they don't use political correspondent thank you very much. you're wanting to double your news coming up next a look at the inequality crisis in new york city so we some sky know we'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour on the cost really for me and the entire team in the newsroom here in berlin thanks for watching. it go beyond. that. whatever it takes. no running no such. good. job you made for mines.


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