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tv   Projekt Zukunft  Deutsche Welle  January 10, 2021 12:30am-1:01am CET

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to glance through the high performance telescope. tomorrow today. and 30 minutes on t.w. . and david and this is climate change briggs it sex. happiness increase books. this is the book for you. smarter birth free to go where you books on you to. look up. welcome to a special edition of check in. join us and enjoy our flight to germany's 46 world heritage sites by drone. in the 1st episode we visited $23.00 of these landmarks
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this time will be visiting the remaining $23.00 landmarks all of which were named world heritage sites from the year 2000 on words unesco promotes science education and culture that's why every year it selects natural and cultural heritage sites that have extraordinary universal value heritage that should be preserved for present and future generations. the monastic island of haifa now in lake constance southern germany was declared a world heritage site in 2000 the origins of the island's monastery go back to the 18th century in 724 st pierre men founded the monastery it would become an important religious cultural and political center of medieval europe. 3 roman asks churches have stood the test of time the st peter and paul church. nave the
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minister of st mary and mark and the st george church. we fly on to the rules area to see that sold 79 coal mine industrial complex in essen. once the largest and most modern coal mining plant it was in operation for a total of 135 years. protected as a historic site the industrial complex is now a space for cultural production. of the plant's very own swimming pool as a symbol for the structural changes that occurred in the area it represents the shift from an industrial site to a cultural natural and recreational hot spot. in
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the summer that sold behind complex is turned into an open air cinema with an industrial backdrop. at the hoover museum visitors can learn more about the history of this area and the processes involved in coal mining and production. as the sold for high end complex was shut down more than 30 years ago nature has had time to reclaim some of the space this way the complex is not only an industrial landmark but a local recreational area too. the
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hine river is one of europe's most important waterways and one of the continent's biggest tourist attractions the upper middle heim valley which runs for around 65 kilometers from being into copeland's was declared a world heritage site in 2000 to around 40 castles palaces and fortresses are strewn across the valley in the town of saying to go ours house and at the narrowest part of the rhine gorge lies the famous law. legend has it that a beautiful siren below the line would sit on the rock luring sailors to their death upon the rocks with her singing. style zoned and viscera whose historic centers display the wealth of the medieval hanseatic league share the next world heritage sites. they boast of virtually unchanged medieval brick buildings that have been extensively preserved installed zoned the town hall on the old market square is definitely worth a visit it's
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a prime example of architectural heritage from the brick gothic period in northern germany. the city scape of bismarck is marked by late medieval architecture to the market square is a stunning example of this whether you're after gothic architecture or classicism this town has 500 years of architectural history on display. lehmann was part of the hunt sciatic league to the port cities origin's reach as far back as the 8th century to this day the magnificent buildings built in the v.a.'s a renaissance architecture style are a testament to blame as well. and the handy antique was actually. confederation of towns that had pledge to protect
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each other and encourage trade if it covered a large area from as far as novgorod in russia over norway all the way to belgium and became and was a member. of m. and city hall is one of europe's oldest and best preserved town halls. as i thought i was little out on the old town hall is basically a medieval department store with a wine cellar below a market square with a roof and the assembly hall which also served as a courtroom. as an estimate one of the most impressive things about this room are the model shown they are about 400 to 500 years old and are from the period of the hands yet they were made before construction started on the actual ships. back on the market square you can meet serve hall and this statue has been a symbol for blame and freedom and sovereignty for over 600 years.
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we continue on our journey flying to musk our park located in the border region of germany and poland it's one of the few world heritage sites to cross borders. designed by him on 1st fun people a mosquito this landscape ensemble brings together nature and architecture in smaller parks on either side of the border its structure is heavily influenced by english style landscape parts. next stop an ancient roman border fortification despite being 550 kilometers in length the upper germanic ration limas is not a standalone site but part of the unesco world heritage site front tiers of the roman empire.
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the reconstructed roman fort hood's our book is located in the town of hills 600 soldiers used to be stationed here to protect the roman empire. in bavaria the city was founded over 2000 years ago and is one of germany's best preserved medieval city. book was a political center for the holy roman empire. the city landmark is st peter's cathedral it's one of the most important gothic cathedrals in germany and was built in the 13th century.
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the drill is famous for its medieval stained glass windows. district of stardom hope is part of the world heritage site it used to be an independent city before it was incorporated into others book in 1924. we are off to our next stop. to this day these modern and social housing estates have been hugely influential in architecture and city planning this world heritage site consists of 6 ensembles designed by other techs like. horn or vodka glorious in the 1920 s. . in.
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the housing estates were well proportioned had modern furnishings and were affordable marking a historic turning point in city planning. the wotton see as one of europe's largest ecosystems an area of 11500 square kilometers connects germany denmark and the netherlands. rule. this world natural heritage site is a unique habitat for around 10000 different species of plants and wildlife.
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in the ancient beach forests of germany were named unesco world natural heritage site in 2011. they present a fascinating picture of the original european landscapes. due to their remarkable adaptability beech trees spread out across the continent in germany there are just a few untouched beech forests left. 5 areas in germany are part of this cross border world heritage site called primeval beech forests of the car pay the ends and other european regions.
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together these 5 beach forests cover an area of $4400.00 hectares and are home to thousands of animal and plant species. among them. bats insects. and mushrooms. these ancient beech forests form a unique woodland ecosystem that is worth preserving.
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the next destination for our drone is the foggles factory and. this should last factory was built in 1011 and is widely regarded as a model for 20th century industrial architecture. it was designed by father colby s. who would go on to become a star architect. the factories glass and steel facade and the huge wrap around corner windows free of supports became characteristic for the noise fall in style and the building is protected as a historical site. the
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prehistoric pile dwellings around the alps. these remains of settlements from the mess olympic and the bronze age were named a world heritage site by unesco in 2011. across the alps there are a total of $111.00 archaeological excavations of pile dwellings. in on to being in on lake constance one of the settlements has been reconstructed. it provides a glimpse into what life was like for early hunter gatherers and fishermen and what they would trade with at the time. the margravine opera house and by voice is a showcase masterpiece of baroque theatre architecture.
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the opera house has remained almost completely unchanged since it was opened in 784 . the highlight of this wooden box theater with painted canvas backdrops is its lavishly stuccoed carved and painted interior decoration. commissioned by margravine vilhelm enough unfun book. it was designed by do set the galley b.b.n. are one of the leading theater architects in his day. our next stop on this drone flight is cause a. rising high above the city vilhelm to a park is one of europe's largest hillside. marks construction on this baroque
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landscape garden started in $1696.00 and the palace was home to the land graves and princes of has a cost of. castles the most famous landmark is the mighty statue of hercules. 70 metres in height hercules has an unparalleled view of the park and the city below. on we go our next destination being put stuff where the former benedictine monastery of course became the 39th location in germany to be awarded the units going world heritage title. founded by french benedictine monks in
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a 22 this former abbey is over 1200 years old. quote i soon became a popular place of pilgrimage and is regarded as one of the most important monastic foundations of medieval germany. the carolingian west work on the church facade is almost perfectly preserved. the historical show by shashank and house district and home book as well as the famous cheetah house have also been named a world heritage site. built on 3500000 oak piles. is an historical collection of warehouses that provided storage space for merchants to keep their goods in the 19th century. coffee. tea and spices were mostly stored
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here. in the office buildings known as contour hoy's or are also part of this world heritage site. the most famous contour house is the chief of house built in the 1920 s. . next up is the vice in the whole housing estate in stuttgart. to model houses designed by local boozy a known as one of the most influential city planners for modernist architecture can be found here.
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a total of 17 of look called boozy is buildings in 7 different countries for neighbors world heritage sites. we're in the swabian euro now where 6 caves from the ice age revealed a stunning discovery the oldest figurative art made by humans. 6 caves have revealed some items that are more than 40000 years old. the caves in the swabian euro and the ice age are found within them or made a unesco world heritage site and $27.00 team.
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in 2018 the archeological board a complex of high tempo and the down of vehicle fortification line were added to unesco's list. some of the best preserved archaeological material from the viking age was found in the remains of the trading town of high topple. high taboo was one of the most important settlements and a trading hub in northern europe at the open air museum you can see what life was like for the vikings more than 1000 years ago. thus far and living in the now 2 are neighbors surrounded by an idea but they lived alongside it and they were really observant. and i really knew how to use the materials available is there not how to make use of them to create things like houses ships wagons sulk and i also
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produce so many different things it's difficult to grasp for us today come forth and. 7 houses of the former while the trading town have been reconstructed true to the original. as height of all was located on the slesvig is the most it had access to the baltic sea as well as being close to the north sea their strategic location made it the perfect place for trading with weapons precious metals and fur. him to merely a 100 meters high to preserve the viking settlement from the 9th 10th and 11th centrists at 1st glance you might miss it as it's just a green meadow now but the real treasures are hidden beneath the here behind us you won't find a single square centimeter that doesn't contain archaeological findings we like to say hi to blue is archaeologically contaminated. contact me yet.
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the dawn of air which stretches for 30 kilometers is also considered one of the most important archaeological testaments to the viking age. the line of fortification is more than 1000 years old and consists of walls earthworks and ditches it was built to protect the jutland peninsula from attacks. at the drill was also named your next go world heritage site and 28 team.
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look at the drill was built in the 13th century and is an outstanding example of late romanesque architecture. here nick. was appointed as the 1st german protestant bishop by martin luther and 1542. another crossed. order world heritage site is the ets could be
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a mining region located between germany southeast and the czech republic's northwest. for more than 800 years this mining region was an important source of silver or 10 and uranium. the historic hammer mill called for now on hama produced tools for mining and agriculture will work until $904.00 after it was closed it became germany's 1st museum for smith a re. the last destination on this special edition of czech and is the city of book in bavaria it's located at the convergence of the alpine rivers
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of lesh and via top. here people learn to make use of water resources a long time ago. an elaborate canal system supplied the city with drinking and surface water. this led to an economic boom. and there are numerous fountains and canals in the city's old style. the waterworks at the red gate are proof of how intertwined books history is with water for almost 500 years its supply drinking water to the city. the whole stop loss water works started operating in $879.00 providing clean drinking water via a cast iron. to the city's household. borgs
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water management system served as a model across europe. and this is where we conclude our drone flight across germany's world heritage sites. come. to.
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the footman. come. to. the university. the source of all life. that's what astronomers are searching for a few spaces for their work they have a powerful new tool. we mean astrophysicist dominica philosophically he's one of the 1st. people to glance through the new high performance telescope. to morrow
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today. coming up on your. handmade masterpieces with anonymous make the most of. the legendary martin guitars. the invention of a german immigrant conquered the music world. never go from folk land to pennsylvania have agreed martin guitars 200 years of excellence. in 30 minutes on d w. young the rock n emigrants. they know the police will stop but. they
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know that the road is not a solution. they know their flight could be fatal. but going back is not an option. it's one i'm on and property are stuck in the spanish border area along side other young people there waiting for a chance that will probably never come. shattered dreams starts january 18th on t.w. . did early. hours of the morning. can. be froze real or isn't love. in those wars swallow horror. movies.
1:00 am
the rules. for the were. virtually all. our. school. this is deja vu news and these are our top stories indonesia's a navy has sent a search team to the site where it located the wreckage of a crashed passenger plane the jets plunged into the sea minutes after taking off from the capital jakarta officials say the 26 year old boeing 737 was carrying 62
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people. the social media platform twitter has announced it is permanently suspending u.s. president donald.


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