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tv   ZDF Bauhaus  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2021 4:30pm-5:30pm CET

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it's the same cord to the social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press and corruption who can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and see them why the foals who have decided to put their trust in us. my name is john paris and i work a day 1000. scientists have made incredible discoveries. many light years away and tiny microorganisms all around us. we continually learning more about the origins of the universe and our planet. the complex ways various parts are interconnected as well as mysteries yet to be solved.
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welcome to tomorrow today the science show on d w. time has been around for well it seems like forever. the span of even a long human life is but the blink of an eye in terms of the cosmos archaeologists and palin tonnages stick up amazing stuff that reveals their 5 best our history and prehistory modern humans of the species homo sapiens emerged about 200000 years ago . the earliest traces of animals found so far date back 4000000000 years that's just 600000000 years or so after our son took shape and roughly 100000000 years after the earth itself formed. and that's nothing compared to our galaxy as a whole the milky way it's more than 13000000000 years old. but it all began about
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13800000000 years ago with the big bang at least that's the prevailing theory. a new telescope will soon reveal even more. the james webb space telescope will be able to peer far deeper into space than hubble the primary mirror measures 6.5 meters across the warning that of its predecessor eat. its comprised of 800 segments coated in a microscopically thin layer of gold. dominica village will be among the 1st to conduct research using the new space telescope. her team is one of 13 that have been chosen to begin work as soon as it's up and running.
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when you start to really delve into astronomy and realize that what we see with our naked eye when we look up at the starry sky is only a minute part of what is actually there it does something to you. i still get goosebumps when i think about it. as it stands out and. the astrophysicist is interested in super massive black holes embedded at the center of large galaxies as they devour the material around them they blast out powerful radiation and ultra fast winds. she says these winds can promote or prevent the formation of stars in the galaxy. the link between black holes in the formation of galaxies is one of the most intensely studied fields in astrophysics. among us my last when you think about the for. eyes of
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a super massive black hole and the size of the galaxy that hosts it the difference is huge. it's like comparing a one cent coin with the moon. and yet during their active growth phase these super massive black holes are able to exert such an enormous influence on their galaxy. just how they do that is what she wants to understand after all we need to live in a galaxy the milky way. even as a child domenic of let's began to wonder where the edge of the universe lies and what's beyond it but during her childhood she never got a satisfactory answer. so she went out to study physics specialize in astronomy and slammed her dream job. as open and fast
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as affordable but others i'm just so happy to have the privilege of studying the universe as my profession. and that i get to search out the secrets of the universe has been consulting and soon thanks to word she'll be able to study galaxies that are so far away that hubble can only make them out in low resolution . the new telescope will provide a much clearer view of these objects so might from the distant worlds has taken more than 12000000000 years to reach us so it dates back to a time when black holes were gobbling up huge amounts of material and blasting out powerful winds. the data should reveal what effect that had on the galaxies around them. the data won't just be 2 dimensional picture cut from a larger picture but 3 dimensional. going to die did so in other words
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there is the spectrum hiding behind each and every pixel on that 2 dimensional image for. those spectra will show how much gas is contained in least distant galaxies how fast that gas is moving and even in what direction it's moving. village salic says that data with allow us to understand better how galaxies are formed a filter wheel like this one is also installed in the camera that she will use to study those faraway galaxies it was developed here at the max planck institute for astronomy. as the launch date approaches the sense of anticipation is rising. the james webb space telescope is due to start its mission next october 14 years later than originally planned as a whole just as the launch date gets closer i'll probably start to dream about it right now i'm having nightmares that the whole thing will just blow up. the
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telescope was so big that both of its so-called. wings will need to be folded so that it can fit into the launch vehicle. there's never been a satellite with so many moving parts it will take 2 weeks to unfold everything in that time nothing maaco wrong 6 months after the launch date the new telescope should finally be ready to begin studying the secrets of the universe. humankind has been puzzling over those secrets for millennia schools of smart and brave people rack their brains and bodies to explore the universe sun in space and many be hind the scenes nancy grace roman was a leading astronomer at nasa she celebrated as the mother of the hubble space telescope that yielded breathtaking views from the depths of space.
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far beyond earth's atmosphere the hubble space telescope has a crystal clear view of the universe. from its vantage point it can see much that is not visible from the ground. in the sky has revealed the beauty of space and changed our understanding of the cosmos. yet the project was almost due when hubble began life short sighted. the catastrophic flaw was only found after march when it sent fuzzy pictures back to earth. fortunately hubble construction allowed the problem to be rectified. a total of 5 servicing regions corrected the optics and installed new instruments. that not only
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extended the life of the orbiting telescope the drilling missions made hubble. the world's best known telescope and help to sharpen the awesome images that captured. hubble silent gaze open the way to trail blazing astronomical discoveries. it showed us that the universe is expanding at a constantly increasing rate a discovery that won the nobel prize for physics in 2011 thanks to hubble we also know the universe is about 12 to 13000000000 years old. by looking deeper into space than ever before couple helped our understanding of how galaxies evolve. the data from the telescope reveals that most large galaxies have a supermassive black hole lurking at their center. hubble has given us
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new insights into the life of stars. how inside clouds of dust they are born. and how they die. images have enabled us to reconstruct these turbulent processes. more recently public has helped find exoplanets planets orbiting distant stars and even ever wise to their atmospheres. if all goes according to plan the hubble space telescope will continue to scan the cosmos until 2025 and perhaps enrich us with more exciting discoveries. hubble can actually be seen with the naked eye but only from certain regions of the earth. the space telescope delivers masses of data.
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respect to one of the people who uses that data to create stunning pictures. feel the scale of the size of the spillers and even on the images transforming it into words we're a nation. you feel so much happening don't feel the light from the stars in these pillars you see in the different layers you see stars on the back of the stars you see these pillars in between it's really a stunning setting out. of this little structures on this little. fingers in the gas it's bizarre that from the from the stars being born which are shaping carving the gas around the. other
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girls of creation it's absolutely stunning. pictures that amaze but also inspire awe. they were created by martin khan under the east coast guard a combination of science and art. oh you have them and we wanted to know just how it's done so we set up an interview with luis posada which due to the coronavirus pandemic was conducted remotely. and the cameras are not like that additional a photographic memories in the sense that they snap and it's a beautiful color for the image of the universe know the hubble the get the data observe the universe through this field they're going to build there is like a little lens that you put in front of the camera that only lets light of a certain wavelength or color passed through. and usually if you want to serve
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the full object we use many many things there's one up to the other and then we combine the filters to make a color image. the colors are very very tightly connected to the real physical processes. after this we start fine tuning in a little bit. that's where the hottest part comes in of course this is kind of like the real they can now and then strongly start adding a little bit more. you know contrast adjustments here and there there's a lot of creative freedom we start with a real date that we combine ins with the real science but then of course there's ways in which we can try to combine this in a more aesthetically pleasing way. the main objective 99 percent of the time and say is to collect danger
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that scientists are going to are going to research on it is not to make beautiful images. that's a side that's a side product you know what i mean. sometimes the images are not very aesthetically pleasing when we get the data the image can come and bits are damaged a little bit with artifacts which the scientists don't share so to speak because they want to they care more about the data they care about the numbers. but we want to use these images for the public want to show these beautiful images for the public sometimes to make this little bridge between what the start of us need and want and what public needs and can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. i can hear martin saying oh if only they would have composed it like this the other service their own thing you might get is just on the data from this region but sometimes we think it's a clear what if b.
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image was a little bit more composed like this a flood tends. to . pull. and so that's going to capture some of these images it feels like oh it's yeah it's just something which is static but but just the spam scales are a bit different from what we humans are used to so whereas a kind of looks like oh just just stop the nose actually just violently you're. changing. in mara's about this it's actually interesting in just the course of a few years then 20 years we actually see a very beautiful the light because of the light is going through the gas it's around the year this binary stars and it's actually shining through and it's revealing more of this kind of like blossoming flower. really interesting to see
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that the entire life of human kind it's a very very tiny blip in the history of the universe. then phoned if gas the sun is safe like a bull so the end of. our world is full of nationally occurring shapes passons and symmetry both below and above was him. it may seem random but native has its own intrinsic geometry. feeling spirit from sydney wants to know more about one shape in particular. one are so many things in nature around could it be some kind of pan galactic code the stars the planets including our own everywhere you look spears and circles are inches coconuts round lentils tomatoes to our eyes blood cells drops of water
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fear of the ground across the universe there's no getting around 3rd round thanks to fundamental physical phenomena. first gravity this is what enables large bodies like planets or stars to hold other objects in their orbit. but the larger the mass the greater the gravitational force and gravity pulls everything towards the center of a mass so when an object has a lot of mass it will tend to form a sphere where all points on the surface are at the same distance away from the center so even our highest mountains will eventually flatten out and literally be brought back down to earth by gravity. another factor in the physics of roundness is the relation between surface area and
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volume a sphere is the most compact shape there is boasting the smallest surface to volume ratio. in other words small on packaging big on context strictly speaking ground shake packets would be far more efficient. here everything from flower stems to tree trunks have a round cross-section of the minimize surface area translates into better energy retention and less water evaporation plus less exposure to the elements roundness means stability which is why so many precious things in nature are more or less round. eggs for example the start of life for countless animals. nature once again delivering an elegant marriage show form and function.
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if you know you can break a rule eg by squeezing it the forces dissipated even the around the elliptical form and the fluid inside exists accounts of force if you don't believe us try it. and. many processes in nature the psychic hold. they sustain organisms and the environment but things can get out of sync. would be females do and fail to understand what appears to be a self regulating system. the struggle of life takes us from the cradle to the grave but what may seem like an end can be part of the beginning for other new knife. animals die all the time and everywhere in german forests the corpses of larger animals are usually removed if they're found
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by hunters or foresters ecologist chris johnson home on his interested in what happens when they're left to rot as part of his. research he places dead animals in the forest at a good distance from any hiking trails. this roebuck was hit by a car and has been here for almost a week in the heat strong smell of decay spreads far and wide most humans find it disgusting and many other species find it most appealing and come rushing the 1st arrivals are flying its. equipment out safely they come from up to 3 kilometers away they really can smell it from such a great distance then they lay a large batches of eggs these white specks 200 to 250 eggs in each batch. as. each female lays a badge of and
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a larva or maggot hatches from each egg each maggot eats 2 grams of flesh before it turns into a fly so if the conditions are right it doesn't take long for a deer to be entirely consumed with this is that when there are loads of maggots on a corpse there rub up against each other the temperature and the mass of maggots gets really high up to 30 degrees hotter than the air we once measured $47.00 degrees on a read did the maggots create their own microclimate in which they develop significant. come on lays insect traps next to the dead animals in order to find out which species come to visit. we often find some that had never before been identified here and that the very end forest national park. we found $112.00 species of beetle not usually found in traps with no corpse nearby we call this dark biodiversity the
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species you don't normally catch. beetles tend not to hang around a carcass they come devour some maggots and move on. the maggots congregate beneath the corpses and. the. only species that are already at home in the ecosystem find their way to corpses they only remain there however if there is an adequate supply of dead animals. in the. sun burying beetles for example disappear very rapidly from areas for horses are absent or where there's a lot of human activity. come on has made a surprise discovery here dead flies with fuzzy backsides they've fallen victim to a toxic fungus and a muffler
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a must die in german it simply known as fly killer fungus if you get what the fungus infects the flies and kills it then the fungus grows out of the flies body so that it's rare and looks bigger you can see that with the yellow rings. male flies prefer larger females because they lay more eggs so a male copulates with an infected female gets contaminated with fungal spores and spreads them further into the ecosystem right up. her man also sets up a camera traps near the corpses. they reveal the margarine animals which come by our robot for a meal. that. links frequent corpses and still moves and wild boar. some birds come for the beetles and maggots . ravens go for the flesh as do other
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carrion eaters and birds of prey. we've seen $800.00 species of large bird scavenging off a single corpse all in all including the insects this constitutes an incredible nutritional boost to the ecosystem a dead tree lying in the forest is an extremely important resource over the long term of corpses an extremely important short term resource could one not recurs regularly but the entire system benefits of. dead wood and dead animals they all play their part in the ecosystem giving themselves so that others may flourish. determine ecosystem can be applied even to communities of minuscule creatures in tiny spaces . a few drops of water in a garden hosts so much life. single celled
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organisms. insect love be my elstree and bacteria to name a few. species eat the algae. one creature's excrement is another's dinner. which in turn nourishes the algae. they return the favor by producing oxygen which is lapped up by other microorganisms and so the carousel of life keeps. its outlet is red y. our great i am i believe it. is there a question about science and nature you really want answered send it into us as an e-mail video text ovoid as well if we answer it on the show will save you a little gift as a thank you come on just hours. from our science
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stories check out our website d.w. dot com slash science or look for us on twitter. and. that's all for today join us again next time for more in grossing stories about science and technology. until then by.
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double talk show. strong clear positions from international perspectives. every week we get to the point on our current topic. of oakland's controversial commitment. to the point.
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out on d w. the most shocking emigrants. they know the police will stop thought that is the solution found their flights could be fatal but going back is not an option. it's money i'm on and the coveted are stuck in the spanish border area they're there waiting for a chance that will probably never come shattered dreams starts january 18th on t.w. every journey begins with the 1st step and every language with the 1st word published in the. nico is in germany to learn german why not come with them simple online on your mobile and free to suffer from d w z learning course nikos fake german made easy.
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it's about billions. it's about our. it's about the foundation of the border the new silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network and so. china is promising its partners rich. but in europe there's a sharp morning whoever accept money from the new superpower will become dependent
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on it china's gateway to europe. starts feb 19th on d w. this is deemed to be news line from the u.s. lawmakers convene to consider removing the president from office house speaker nancy pelosi urges vice president mike pence to declare donald trump unfit for office following last week's run packets of the u.s. capitol by chum suppost otherwise democrats say they will impeach the president for a 2nd time also on the program. divers search for the 5 recorders from a crash infamies in passenger jets and find the wreckage believed to be from the
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plane that crashed into the java sea with 62 people on full. time germany tightening south coast with 19 restrictions further with hospitals and i.c.u. is filling up a look at why the country is struggling to get a handle on the crisis. so i'm still gail welcome to the program. the u.s. house of representatives is convening at this hour with democratic lawmakers preparing legislation aimed at removing president trump from office house speaker nancy pelosi says democrats will 1st urge vice president mike pence to activate the 25th amendment declaring the president unfit for office failing valve's miss post pelosi said they would take steps towards a 2nd impeachment trial 5 people including a police officer died when a mob of trump support to storm the u.s.
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capitol last week. let's go straight to washington that we joined i had to use bureau chief in this whole welcome it is so what's likely to happen in these coming hours. right phil so democrats today they are attempting to force wise president mike pence to invoke this 25th amendment to remove donald trump from office after this taken the storming of the capitol i think everybody is still very aware of these images we saw and so when the house gavels in they will try to pass it but we will be very likely to see that it's shot down by republicans and then the next step is that the democrats will submit also because of impeachment possibly on tuesday or wednesday well the clock is ticking there's 9 days left of this trump presidency are the democrats likely to be more successful with their
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impeachment attempt this time the last time. no it doesn't seem likely that they are enough republicans to pas this impeachment removed from from office but we are seeing more and more republicans. who are turning on the president and as we got closer to his last days in office as these images that are coming out of washington are really so damaging that it is hard for the establishment republicans to stand on the sidelines and let trump get away with these actions and on the other side the speaker of the house nancy pelosi right now is in the position that she has she condi excuse the president because. her party the democrats are weak stream langley angry and really want the president to pay for
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invoking his supporters ok so we're not hearing a lot from from president trump given that he sees no longer on twitter so who that has a sense of how he's feeling that. right it's really silence it's a big change from what we experienced over the last 4 or 5 years we don't know what president trump is thinking right now we hear that he might have plans to travel to texas to celebrate. the wall of which he sees as one of his biggest successes and he isn't in his presidency. other than that we don't know what he's going to do and. so people are waiting if he will address the concerns that we will face another night of riots here in the united states but at this very moment it's silence from the white house thank you for that poll in washington.
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let's turn to some of the other stories making news around the world. that considers the permanent suspension of donald trump's twitter account a problematic that's according to her chief spokesman a staffer but said it should be legislators rather than private companies who decide on any necessary curbs on the speech chancellor merkel is condemning the storming of the u.s. capitol and said president trump was partly to blame. and u.s. president elect joe biden has named veteran diplomat william burns as cia director as the birds is a former ambassador to russia and jordan later became deputy secretary of state he tied in 2014 to ron the con the endowment for international peace. divers have been searching the seabed off the indonesian island of java looking for the flight recorders from the passenger jet that crashed into the sea on saturday.
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the data on them will clarify why the boeing 737 came down minutes after takeoff from jakarta with 62 people on board. it's a delicate operation for these divers dodging sharp debris to find vital clues. this underwater robot was deployed to help them search the seabed that. authorities are amping up their efforts to recover the plane and its passengers thousands of rescue personnel are taking part in the operation. anything that we can retrieve debris the victims and whatever else we will try to access the quicker we can find the victims the better. hospitals are now examining d.n.a. given by family members of the victims to identify remains. this
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3 week air flight left jakarta airport on saturday bound for a 90 minute journey to pontiac. contact was broken just minutes after takeoff during heavy rain the aircraft lost altitude and plunged into the java sea. it's the 3rd major plane crash in indonesia since 2014 it could take months before relatives of the victims find out why their lives were cut short. while d.w. correspondent peter portree is in the ignition capital jakarta and told us about the concerns about the country's ass safety record yet the incident is the 1st major air crash since $189.00 passengers and crew were killed in 2018 when a light year boys and their 7 backs also logs into the sea and you
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know if we're talking about. safety the expert says that it's due to a combination of economy social and geographical factor have e.s.p. set things improved but we know that even asians fast growing at the asian sector has long been black by 60 concerns even our indonesian airlines were once banned for entering the you asked and the european hears things but specifically talking about like why did the latest when crash i think it's stupid to tell because i'm a portrait of strict a lockdown restrictions have come into force across germany as the country struggles with a 2nd wave of corona virus infections of the nation's covered 19 death toll past of 40000 at the weekend the latest measures have seen the schools and non essential shops close until at least the 31st of january and more than 80 percent of the country's intensive care beds are currently occupied. well let's get more on this
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from databus political correspondent simon you're welcome simon the infection numbers don't seem to be responding to this lockdown why is that that's right phil the infection numbers new infections have continually rather repeatedly been above 30000 a day in recent weeks despite. various types of restrictive measures that we've had in place here since at the beginning of november a lot of people have said that that the lockdown in the run up to christmas was it really tight enough and we may be seeing the effects of that now the chancellor merkel has said that we've yet to see the full impact of socialising over christmas and the new year holiday so i think nobody knows for sure exactly why but infections are spreading and the government says that private meetings between individual socialising is the main problem in germany crossed the the samba threshold of this weekend 40000 covered deaths and these tightened restrictions how
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are germans taking all this bad news. well i of course feel as in many places there is real corona for t.v. game germany people just want this to be over and i think in response to these bad numbers new a new record of deaths. people are not in panic but there's a sense of urgency that something needs to be done new restrictive rules are being introduced from today around germany the federal states imposing restrictions on how many people can meet and think for instance travel restrictions on people arriving in germany and some people places people are only being allowed to go up to 15 kilometers from their hometown in places where infections are high so new ideas are also on the on the horizon people saying that free markets should be
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handed out to everybody or they want more pressure on employers to allow people to work from home and there's a lot of ideas there's a sense of urgency and surveys also show that the number of people willing to follow the rules on unmask wearing and distancing is well over 90 percent so that doesn't seem to be the problem but of course all of that is just what we already have in place and that doesn't seem to be working fast enough and how is germany's vaccination program progressing. well there's some good news there we got more than 600000 people in germany have now been vaccinated and the 2nd e.u. approved vaccine the medan a vaccine is being delivered around europe from the manufacturing site in switzerland from today it's expected that the 1st medan of vaccinations will be administered next week and as you reported by own text says that it can do 2000000000 doses of its vaccine this year so 2 vaccines in very much the hopes of
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beating corona are with the vaccines right now. political correspondent simon young thank you. well those extended coronavirus restrictions are making life difficult for school children and parents and again with new school closures not shadow to last until at least the end of the month a country where home schooling was once illegal is finding itself unprepared even the 2nd time around. homeschooling is especially difficult for beginners like they are used to real school yet with his mother's help readers learning to read and write in the living room. my. schooling i think it's great i like it best friend just the 4 of us. who are he means himself is not only his big sister selma and their mother there's always something going on yes i don't know yesterday we pretended to be in the school cafeteria they serve french fries
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so we made fake rice going to any other white bread and we pretend next that the 3 of them were pupils from the same screen. because we have the ever managed to do everything that is supposed to be done that day and. we have i really never wanted to be a teacher i don't know how you get someone to write a letter after 27 times in a row if they don't want to remind them of the. teacher and students and on of the tanker use their own private laptops to remotely support these homeschooling efforts. here they offer a question and answer session several times a week via video but teaching 6 year olds to read write and do mass remotely it's difficult. and. you can argue that there's some children that we can't read at all right now they're learning very little and when
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we try to get them to come into school and then we work with them here the ones who simply can't learn at home because of the number of siblings and the lack of space mr going to school miss and at least the tablets provided by the berlin city government can now be distributed to children who have no digital devices or top experts say this should have happened long ago. and any better now than i were in march last year because the teachers are simply wired their own devices and figured out what works best with what the government was asleep on the job of i don't hear many of us laughing. do you burnings high infection rates the school will remain closed for the time being. back to feed us homeschooling his mom did i do is currently on preventing the her husband is working just about coping with homeschooling why. do you think you can work and teach your kids at the same time is an illusion as if there's me running saying i'm going to tell the
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world that it's impossible to combine home automation and. everyone in the family knows that this is not how it was meant to be not just hope things will get back to the limo sooner rather than later. that's it you're up to date i'll be back at the top of the hour occurred ferguson has your t.v. business update next. can you hear me now yes yes we can hear you and how it all stands gentlemen sauce and i will bring you i'm going to back off and you've never had to have a 4 surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves them all some who talk to people who follow along the way admirers and critics alike how
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is the world's most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles law stops. for. facebook and twitter. to date and in touch. the consumer electronics show in las vegas goes on line to take a look at what to expect from this year's test it. i was trying to counter will the online be a help or a hindrance. also coming up it's been targeted by sometimes the new goal to bitcoin and other digital off the top dropped sharply as the u.s. dollar regained strength take a look at the long term prospects for cryptocurrency. this is due to be a business i take ferguson thanks for joining me the consumer electronics show in
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las vegas is the event of the year when it comes to showcasing the latest tech innovations and this week for the 1st time ever it's taking place entirely on line it to the pump demick so what can be expected from a virtual c.e.'s news reports. busy crowd spac talls tens of thousands in town to check out the latest this used to be the consumer electronics show on display curious creatures to pet cuddly computers and other ideas growing in the minds of developers ready to be harvested by fans with open minds and open wallets. but this is what vegas looks like this year the casinos the dark the hallways empty the c.s. has moved online and it's unclear if it will ever come back as we were courting 2022 we're planning
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a hybrid of it but nothing certain i mean obviously we're we'll do the best we can we're we have a a long runway before 20 twentieth's in january and our commitments last august and we're looking forward to in a figuring out how to do the best way possible the c.s.s. invested baek in a new platform programmed by microsoft it's a showcase a meeting room and if it lacks the appeal of roaming between booths this year it doesn't matter quite as much the central topic of the show is politics. after all there's a new president to be sworn in just a few days after the show a president who could usher in a new time for big tech. the issues where we expect improvement or. from where i think the truck administration deviated was on free trade i think trains are very important especially with our allies i think there is support for a tougher view of china and that's something that we've been telling our members you
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know you got it you can't put all your eggs in the china basket. policy over products to make sure that in the long run the show will go on. so let's take a closer look at which countries are the big players on this online only event out of almost 2000 exhibitors the biggest chunk this year unsurprisingly perhaps come from the united states with south korea and china the next best represent africa as a continent has a far smaller presence 6 nigerian startups will be exhibiting just one from the go so that's a hear from someone who knows a lot about the tech sector on the african continent knew up the law he is the director general of nigeria's national information technology development agency mr elder law you welcome along that there are 6 startups from nigeria participating in
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c s this year what are they focusing thank you for having me you said weeks from africa friday from nigeria and one from south africa. so for me for everything in there it's a 1st this is the 1st time needs us going to showcase some of our innovative startups ad to see but that does not mean this is the 1st time where have in startups with an a very to groundbreaking in the share teves we've been taking our star tours to different fora around the world we've taken them to sleep on valley before for rod sure we've been participate in. our start of so i've been doing in front tusk early well the competition in different.
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events so looking at what is happening globally today with the current call video 19 pandemic arks know we tune digitization on also the kind of and of a t.v. solutions we are seeing in. we see it as an opportunity to expose our top so that they will start thinking global ok we get it so i know what i don't i can still hear me i said the only yeah i know you have one big aim of c s of course for companies is to troll investors do you think the move online is a help or a hindrance in this regards. for me with the globalization with the pandemic with the trend x.
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no weight in fault industrial revolution is not an entrance it's an opportunity so is we need to look at what are the silver lining in need and how can we benefit from it it is easier more you can easly quickly and conveniently part to speak from wherever you are in the world you need you can cut cost in terms of traveling and order trends and also a technology can allow you to quit in person. look and feel for the event because event here in nigeria we are looking at one of our flagship programs to make it a hybrid how can we give people connect in remarkably to a hard day look and feel of in person so for me i think it's an opportunity to expand this to have more participation allow
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people from all over the world to participate as well mr abdullah he will have to leave it there thank you so much for joining us frank use plays. time now for a look at some of the other business stories making news german vaccine maker biotech is set to provide more coronavirus jobs this year than of previously thought the company has increased its production forecast to 2000000000 doses up of some $1300000000.00 on the basis that an additional dose can be extracted from each vial of the vaccine a new factory will also help. j.p. morgan chase is the latest u.s. bank to suspend political donations in the wake of last week's attack on the couple it follows similar steps taken by other businesses marriott international said they would not consent to any republican lawmakers who voted to overturn joe biden's win
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. 2 out of 5 people would be willing to fly unless once condiment frustrations are lifted that's according to a survey from the european investment bank the poll of more than $30000.00 people signed that the change in behavior was driven by concerns about climate change. is winning streak appears to have come to another temporary end at least the cryptocurrency posted a double digit drop today with other digital assets like assyria also posting steep declines the drop comes after u.s. president elect joe biden promised to spend trillions on pandemic really a move that lifted the u.s. dollar despite the well documented volatility of digital currencies the mood among institutional investors appears to be shifting. the american bank j.p. morgan is calling it the new gold but it wasn't always like that the bank c.e.o.
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used to see that crypto currencies were nothing but a fraud even threatening to fire any employees who traded in bitcoin but the bank changed it as the valuation soared now j.p. morgan is watching bitcoin climb to dizzying new highs i think institutional investors are now realizing that this is a real asset class their customers are asking them about it and they had to migrate from saying no don't touch it it's it's bad to ok help you by will help you manage it bitcoin increased 400 percent in value since january 1st it's been reaching record highs since december according to g p morgan because again is gold's loss the bank maintains that many investors saw gold as well as shares and gold funds and i vetted those investments to big point but is because really the new gold opinions in the financial industry differ widely some see because recent
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price gains as a speculative bubble that is set to barstow others see big point as a sensible way to invest their capital effectively. so more and turn by christie plots unfounded of the of business christie what do you think is decline in your goals. yeah i mean it's certainly a question worth asking and a lot of people are obviously talking about this right now the j.p. morgan chase report last week. basically said that they expect that a lot of investment that would normally go into gold will be migrating into big point in the future now we see this big fall today but that's quite typical of big point and i think the conversation about the fact that we've been having this conversation is really the big win for big coin that people are talking about about this possibility. is there is such thing as a typical bit cloying investor i'm assuming it's not our grandparents' right. yeah
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good question and it's pro pretty good guess yeah i mean of course you can imagine that it's really digital natives that are driving a lot of the popularity and interest around bitcoin especially over the last 12 years since it showed up on the scene you know we're talking millennia as we're talking the older parts of. you know that are coming of age right now this is a demographic that's really used to online payments and is comfortable with that now that being said in 2020 we saw a lot of institutional interest pick up around bitcoin and that of course is bringing in a new demographic of bitcoin buyers so then we are starting to see you know people that are have been investing in gold for example who are interested in their diversifying their portfolio to include this exciting new new asset even if they're not quite sure what it is that some of the time. space could see thoughts on from the business thank you so let's. and finally in the
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world of business on politics are rarely far apart a fact that one deodorant brand was quick to realize after last week's storming of the u.s. capitol after this photo of a con of axe body spray discarded by rioters was tweeted the company responded saying it condemns the couple's storming and believes in the peaceful transition of power a notion of reassurance for those wondering how their favorite brand of deodorant feels about the state of u.s. democracy. and a reminder of our top story the consumer electronics show in las vegas has gone online for the 1st time in its history to the kimono virus condemning the eventual cases the latest tech innovations and gadgets this year so has 1800 exhibitors less than the number of us you. ross of i show from where you can visit our website at www dot com slash business or on social media as well for me
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and the team is get back into. the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. how has the rate of infection been developing. measures are being. the latest research says. information and context. the coronavirus update the code special monday to friday on t.w. . with different languages we fight for
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different things that's fine but we all speak up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom of choice global news that matters. made for minds. this is. coming up today from autocrats changes whose total book not theirs to. give droning takes on a new position with his wife but still is dumbs when it comes to the united states he calls of north korea's biggest enemy so what do his words mean for tensions on the korean peninsula.


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