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tv   Markus Lanz  Deutsche Welle  January 11, 2021 9:30pm-10:31pm CET

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instead of a deep voice extroverted guy seems absolutely incredible. i realize how language shakes thinking how definitions are not only mental they may just put out a whole perception of the role. does inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became a journalist a mystery talent and i use my words to help with intercultural understanding my name is the one way you can i work in 2000. the mob that stormed the u.s. capitol last week leaving 5 people dead did so with the urging of the u.s. president violence stoked by donald trump that is why u.s. lawmakers plan to impeach the president this week tonight the trump presidency headed for a disgraceful and deadly end next week trump will leave the white house for good but his army they aren't going anywhere. in berlin this is the day.
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i did not foresee this 46 days and i don't think there's time to do an impeachment the president needs us no choice but to act i think the best thing would be a resignation the president has engaged in this instance our undermining our national security and jeopardizing the integrity of our luxury does not look as though. there is the will or the consensus to exercise the 25th amendment option. also coming up she is the only woman sitting on america's federal death row on tuesday lisa montgomery will be executed a convicted murderer her attorneys say that she's mentally ill reason enough for president trump to spare her life but he won't i think it's
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a repeat i think it's a product of hard heartedness by our leaders who are just trying to make a political point instead of being. human about it. but to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you the world welcome we begin the day beginning yet another impeachment proceeding against the u.s. president this week don't trump a set. become the 1st u.s. president to ever be impeached twice this time around support for impeachment is broader and bipartisan the accusation against trump that much graver today democrats in the u.s. house of representatives introduced an article of impeachment accusing trump of inciting violence against the u.s. government the mob that marched to capitol hill last week they did so on behalf of
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donald trump in today's motion lawmakers also attempted and made him aimed at u.s. vice president mike pence either he moves to declare trump unfit for office or congress will impeach but republicans they blocked that measure take a listen house resolution 21 resolution calling on vice president michael our pants to convene and mobilize the principal officers of the executive departments of the cabinet to activate section 4 of the 25th amendment to declare president donald j. trump incapable of executing the duties of his office and to immediately exercise powers as acting president for what purpose does the gentleman from west virginia writes i object objection is heard per se i want to fax in 5 a one being of the house resolution the house stands adjourned to now i am tomorrow all right let's talk about that i'm joined tonight by professor marion
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ziegler she's a legal historian and a professor of law at florida state university professor it's good to have you back on the day this week president trump he could be impeached again or he could be on his way out saying steve his vice president and the 25th amendment what do you say it's going to be impeachment isn't. yeah i think you pietschmann is much more likely a place president has just made pretty clear that he doesn't want to introduce the 25th amendment and i think there's there's been a kind of balancing act here between republicans who i think understand its threat to democracy that's at issue here and understands her ways to transcend a threat to their personal safety this is especially true but who also want to redeem some kind of loyalty or at least toleration out of her top supporters and the 25th amendment option to put responsibility for child sex it squarely on tests shoulders and you might not want that well i mean why not the faster route here why
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not invoke the 25th amendment in strip trump of his powers and vice president pence as you said you know he has reason enough to make this happen doesn't. he certainly does i think that vice president. like many of his republican colleagues disassociate himself for a presidential run in 2024 and assuming perhaps naively that even donald trump a place for meaning that there is there will necessarily be a democracy in an election in 2024 but meeting all of those assumptions i think fans who use it would be politically costly for donald trump's exit to be on his hands if you go to be his response ability and he would like as much as possible to shift the blame from the standpoint of trump's face to people in congress and away from the white house and from his own office you know there's only about 89 days left in the truck presidency why is it so important for the house of representatives to impeach trump. well i think part of it
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just immediately legal effect is that a trump is impeached and convicted in the senate he would no longer be able to run for any public office and that would automatically be hit and miss 2024 presidential aspirations which in theory not be real but it was certainly will that ever i think there's also evidence that in other countries for their spin attempted insurrections like this it's good for the law and for congress and for other branches of government to send a pretty firm message that this kind of thing will stand soon that other people are not encouraged to try again right to have another insurrection that might be more successful this temporary see signs in the united states that they'll be more protests on an occupation day on a day that the house is clearly teach even over weekends for the inauguration so sending a message that this will no longer be tolerated it certainly seems that or did that's a very good point you make the f.b.i. is saying that all 50 us state capitals have been put on high alert for i'm in awe
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gratian day for possible violence former california governor arnold schwarzenegger he is a republican he posted a video condemning trump and those lawmakers who have enabled him which take a listen to part of what he said i believe a shaken as you have of the events of recent days we will come out stroll up because we now understand what can be lost minidress forms of course so that this never happens again we need to hold a town that we're the people that brought us to do is unforgivable point and we need to look past ourselves our partisan disagreements and put our democracy thrusts but the democracy 1st but also the consequences how likely do you think it is that we are going to see senators expelled from congress i'm thinking of ted cruz from texas and i'm thinking of josh holly from missouri. that's hard to save he certainly wants you not in till the democrats have the search slim 50
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percent majority might not see it that you there because it is senate will be equally divided at that time with qualifiers breaking the tie in i don't know if the president bite will president elect biden will want to expend political capital getting rid of him there are other forms of accountability that were ironically immune or corporate world just showing a certain to us to deal a lot of corporate donors have announced that they're no longer going to donate to his senate campaigns there are a variety of actors find ultimately accountable ringback but holly interest me will stay in the senate even if there are a lot of other actors in american public life trying to hold them to account yet that is amazing that they probably as you say they will keep their political careers trump being impeached again if that enough to ensure that this attempt to override the will of the people will never happen again to me do you think that the guard rails of the us constitution are they going to hold moving forward.
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well i think what really preserves that democracy in united states and this is a lesson i think for every country isn't really institutions i'm going to get pretty good argument that congress buckled over and over again a few people in the republican party but certainly ahead of the democracy numerous times most notably when shot lost the election people deny that reality what i think saved the democracy is that a relevant actor said internalized the rule of law and when that phone call came from president trump just for the election he refused even republicans so i think that renewing kind of civic education those norms and reinforcing that is really important in the united states and a number of other democracies because there's nothing i think in any institution that would prevent the end of a democracy if it can have the united states of just sort of been a model for democracy so little it really can happen anywhere and i think that's a lesson i mean of course there was
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a sort of an effort in germany rachel ray to rush the right start so i mean there this isn't a problem just in the united states and i think that's another important lesson that it didn't sell us not to wait until the crisis point to think about the places that are democracies need give us a very good point you make of all around the world people thinking if it can happen in the u.s. it can happen anywhere professor mary ziegler legal story and professor of law at florida state university professor as always we appreciate your time in your insights tonight thank you. but we haven't heard much from the outgoing u.s. presidents in the past few days have his accounts on social media platforms especially twitter and facebook they've been suspended permanently trunk's reaction he calls the site's radical left wing propaganda tools to limit free speech today the president found a very unexpected ally of sorts right here in germany chancellor angela merkel says
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that the suspension of trump's accounts is problematic here's merkel's spokesman stephens i to school of the basic right to freedom of speech is a fundamental importance it is possible to infringe on that right but only in accordance with the law and within the framework defined by the legislature not by the management of social media platforms on the dot aspect the chancellor considers it problematic that the accounts of the u.s. president have now been permanently blocked. or i don't want to bring in now matthew feeney of the cato institute in washington he's the director of kate of project on emerging technologies it's good to have you on the day so what do you think has the president president trump says he has his freedom of speech has it been curtailed or violated he. i would say you know this might be
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a very i suppose american view but the freedom of speech is not an entitlement to a certain platform or newspaper the freedom of speech is a value you enjoy when the government is restraint and president trump is not entitled to a twitter account even though he is no longer on twitter he still has access to a lot of press corps that i'm sure would be happy to interview him will fill many of his statements the fact is that although the president was very fond all announcing his thoughts on on twitter he never had a right to that account but you're being the president of the united states i don't think that it's freedom of speech has been curtailed at all yeah you're right he could hold a press conference the white house press corps is there but he's not doing that is . no he's not and i think one of the features of truth that i really appealed to the president of course i don't know the 1st 10 but i imagine is twisted like how the social media companies allows users to type in terms of when they engage who
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they have to engage with and press conferences are not like that and nor are traditional interviews with with journalists so i don't think it's a surprise that since his ban the president has decided to to keep quiet but i don't think that because a private company has decided to sever aleisha ship with the president that it necessarily means that his freedom of speech has been curtailed and you're right it's a private company they have the right to do what they please this decision of the social media platforms to mute trump is it motivated by a concern for democracy or are they just worried that they're going to be regulated by a joe biden presidency especially now that the democrats have won control of both houses of congress. i don't think those on mutually exclusive on my think there are certainly probably people who work out in california who saw what happened last week with justifiable heart and felt like they had to act at the same time we
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should remember that although the president and his allies constantly attack the these companies it's true that the democrats have their own complaint about silicon valley and how it's been treating especially politically crème its views and i think that the the attack on the capitol building will only reinforce many democratic lawyers in that big to amend legislation or increase regulation there's been widespread concern about extremism on twitter and facebook and other social media sites and we saw this in the wake of the pittsburgh shooting and the shooting and in christchurch new zealand so i think if anyone thinks that these companies have nothing to fear under a democratic congress they are mistaken where there's a good argument to be made for regulation when you consider what's happened on these platforms the past 4 or 5 years with the president and now seeing that his accounts have been suspended permanently it's almost admission of guilt of being an
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accomplice to this isn't it. it's a difficult position for these companies to be in because they are in the an enviable position of having to moderate content most of which is legal and you know a lot of the sick stream of speech which is you know the. spread all the political ideas and many people find repulsive and they like the old school speech but it is legal under the american 1st amendment and i think anyone interested in in great policing be these companies for that reason will find themselves up against the 1st amendment which is a pretty robust more in the united states but secondly they will have to figure out a way to i think regulate in this this industry in a way that doesn't become anti competitive we should remember that google and facebook are very powerful market incumbents and i hope that we don't have an environment where powerful marketing companies manage to solidify that position
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yeah i mean it's all about power isn't it i mean think about this you've got apple google you know threatening to cut off apps which do not meet their definition of responsible moderation i'm thinking of parlor for example at the end of the day who gets to decide what is responsible behavior and what isn't is that the mark zuckerberg of the world. well marketable so they get to decide what counts as reasonable on facebook he owns it it's his company's but the internet is much larger than facebook or twitter and there is there are many platforms around the internet where people can post this legal speech what what i hope happens in the next couple of years is that debates about social media get out of this centralized view of how social media should what will be used to these companies coming up with their own rule pens dictating from top down what kind of content should be allowed but we should keep in mind that that's not. feature actimel history that have to be the case there are people around the world working on differential life social
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media platforms and models and so i think we know that thinking about the kind of content people concerned about we should be thinking about the governance all these companies not just not just the speech not just the specie can find a very good point good governance certainly wouldn't hurt matthew feeney with the cato institute matthew as always we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you now i for having. the united states federal government is scheduled to execute the convicted murderer lisa montgomery tomorrow tuesday if it goes ahead she will be the 1st woman to be executed by the federal government in almost 70 years now her attorneys say that mcgovern really is severely mentally ill and that her life should be spared the only person who can intervene now is u.s. president donald trump and he does not appear to be interest.
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her crime was horrific but lisa montgomery supporters say she doesn't deserve to die in 2004 she gruesomely murdered a pregnant woman and took her unborn child who survived it was an act of violence by a woman who experienced much herself starting from her childhood in an oklahoma trailer one gone murray's lawyers say she suffered incest gang rape and brain damage from domestic violence requiring heavy medication people have to understand that children that go through childhood abuse it's changes who they are i went through that any took me years and years to overcome it but i also had a good foundation that helped me over to meet leesa did not have the indication and she was a broken. jewel to die by lethal injection supporters are campaigning for her to be
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spared due to her mental state and for legal representation multiple courts have rejected her appeals now only outgoing u.s. presidents donald trump can intervene. but under trump the u.s. has restarted federal executions for the 1st time in almost 2 decades. 10 prisoners have been killed since july. i think it's repaired and i think it's a product of hard heartedness by our leaders who are just trying to make a political point instead of being. instead of being human about it. it's a political message to kill people montgomery's being held in a federal prison in indiana she's one of 3 inmates should jewel to die before trump's term and his successor joe biden once supported the death penalty but has
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now pledged to end its use. well for more on this i want to bring in sandra babcock she is a clinical professor of law at cornell wall school and if the new york state she's also an attorney on the montgomery case it's good to have you on the program what options are still open to you at this late hour to prevent the execution of your client. well thank you for having me we are still fighting in the courts we are going to the courts arguing that lisa montgomery is does no longer has a grip on reality she is so mentally ill that she lacks an understanding of why she is to be executed and under those circumstances our constitution does not permit us to carry out an execution we are asking the courts to grant her a stay of execution so that her mental health can be taken into account before she
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is put to death of course we are in a global pandemic and it has never been worse in the united states and the idea that the government will push forward with this execution at a time when mental health experts cannot even go to visit lisa they cannot see her and or take a mental health examination because the risk of contracting coated is so great we are also asking president trump to commute her sentence to life imprisonment or at least to give her a reprieve so that these these considerations can be taken into account under no circumstances should a woman who has been subjected to the kind of sexual torture and rape that lisa montgomery endured be put to death without careful reflection and consideration. for a while a valid points there and i think the fact that lisa the fact that she killed bobbie
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jo stinnett that is not disputed has she expressed remorse for what she did admit you said that she doesn't really understand why she's going to be put to death i mean if she's sorry for killing someone. lisa was psychotic when she was arrested for this crime she was brought into jail she was put on anti-psychotic medications she has been held in a special medical unit and placed on suicide watch there is no dispute about her mental illness like all mentally ill people she is not psychotic 24 hours a day she has moments of lucidity and when she realized what she did she was immediately remorseful she offered to plead guilty to this crime she has never asked not to be punished for the crime she was willing to accept a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of release and the government refuse to accept that life imprisonment would be
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a sufficient punishment for her crime if the things that you that you have brought up of belt what happened to her before the crime occurred were all of these things these horrific things in her wife were they allowed to be brought into the courtroom and given as evidence for her defense. one of the tragedies of this case is that lisa montgomery would not be on death row had she received quality legal representation she was represented by 2 defense lawyers both men who did not ask her the right questions to elicit this information about her traumatic past they did not ask her sister diane whom you heard from at the beginning of the segment about diane who witnessed the sexual abuse that took place who was herself a victim of rape in her family home as
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a result the jury who convicted lisa montgomery and sentenced her to die never knew about the sco the sexual torture that she endured and its impact on her mental functioning that is the real tragedy of this case we are now hoping that the president and the justice department will take the time to consider this evidence that the jury never had access to and we believe that anyone who looks at the facts of this case would recognize that despite the severity of the crime it is simply not necessary to execute lisa montgomery and that given her history of trauma and rape and child sex trafficking that it is more than a severe it's more than enough punishment to to keep her in prison for the rest of her life. got about one minute left here based on what you're saying it sounds like that the conviction and the senate's to the death was based on a court case
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a defense where there was legal malpractise and the can we say that her attorneys just did not do the job they were supposed to do. what we call that is is ineffective assistance of counsel and it is a violation of our constitution it's a violation of human rights when we talk about the death penalty we should have in place heightened procedures that guarantee that the people that we are sentencing to death are truly the most praised the most sadistic killers lisa montgomery is not that person had she received the due process to which she was entitled under human rights lawyer the constitution she would have the jury would have understood the jury would have received this evidence and would have would have understood that her crime was a product of her mental illness and her trauma she should not be sentenced to death this is not the kind of person who deserves to be exterminated from the human race
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and we hope that pretty troubled greece with us send her back off we appreciate your time we appreciate you sharing your views with us tonight it's very important the world hears this thank you thank you so much. well the day is almost done the conversation continues online you find us on twitter either g w news you can follow me and brant go off t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is. another day it will leave you know it's informatic images of the moon in the sun when a total solar eclipse all right just.
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to. me. it's a constant fight for my survival the coronavirus ward at the university medical center in fribourg. since the beginning of the pandemic we've been accompanying workers in the intensive care unit to show the challenges they face on a daily basis. battling the virus doctors on the frontline
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close up. 90 minutes on d w. 2 children to come to the 1st. one giant to cry. i'm unwilling in no limit to see the 1st year you. buy. the chances if you can't get it. how will climate change affect us and our children. and e.w. dot com slash water. can you hear me now yes yes we can hear you and how last year's german sounds now when you bring your uncle out man call and you've never had to have a surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves and what . we talk to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is
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the world's most powerful woman shaping public esteem joe knows the metals last stops and. i'm not proud of them they will not succeed in dividing us about not succeeding taking the people off the streets because we're tired of this dictatorship. taking the stand global news that matters d. w. made some minds. with him had a big gun did go suckers with the highest high you know if i had known that the boat would be that small i never would have gone on the trip to be i would not have put myself and my parents sometimes dangerous but if they do the going to give us leave would. be able to give them i had serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live their lives i'm going to.
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want to know their story in full migrants terrified and reliable information for more grants. this is g.w. news line from berlin. tonight impeachment 2.0 in the u.s. lawmakers take action yet again to impeach u.s. president donald trump today democrats formally accused trump of inciting violence last week the mall that overran the capital they say on the urging of the president also coming up former california governor arnold schwarzenegger comparing the
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storming of the u.s. capitol to the nazi pogroms against the jews he was a night of rampage against the jews carried out in $1000.00. than the nazis quote will and the crowd voice. says the rioters trampled over america's founding principles and germany talking to 1000 restrictions yet again with hospitals in i.c.u. boards filling up to take a look at why the country still cannot get the virus under control. i'm brinkerhoff it's good to have you with us history repeating itself in the united states today democrats of the u.s. house of representatives introduced an article of impeachment against donald trump they're charging the president with inciting insurrection following that deadly riot at the u.s. capitol last week trump is set to become the only u.s.
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president to be impeached twice and that vote could take place as soon as wednesday . less than a week after protesters stormed. the capital is much changed and the after effects are not just evident outside inside democrats are intent on remaining donald trump they say is responsible for the violence resolution calling on vice president michael r. pence sir says the vice president was urged to use his constitutional authority of the cabinet to activate section 4 of the 25th amendment to declare president donald j. trump incapable of executing the duties of his office and to immediately exercise powers as acting president republicans were quick to temporarily block the move by object democrats then introduced an article of impeachment against trump which could be voted on as early as wednesday it charges him with incitement of insurrection
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referring directly to last week's capitol branch which. even if democrats have enough votes in the house it could be difficult to win over the senate the main issue is not on the house side it's on the senate side the senate is not around they're not scheduled to come back until the 19th and so there's really nothing forcing them to do anything. quicker than that and a trial again if if they wanted they could rush it through but they would not want to do that neither side you have to go with the president having just over a week left in office lawmakers will have to move fast. and meanwhile former california governor arnold schwarzenegger has weighed in on last week's violence at the capitol in a video posted on social media the movie star described president trump as
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a failed leader and said that the riots reminded him of nazi violence against the jews. now i grew up in austria and very aware of kristallnacht or the night of broken glass it was a night of rampage against the jews carried out in 1038 and the nazi equivalent of the proud voice wednesday was that they have broken got us right here in the united states the broken gallows was in the windows of the united states capitol but the mop did not just shout of the windows of the capitol this shattered the ideals we took for granted. they did not just break down the doors of the building that housed the american democracy to trample at the very principles of which our country was founded you know it's once they get there that's not the terminator that we're familiar with my colleague here until he's following this story for us and we have to remember that what's a major he's a republican so this message how is it being received well after you post the video
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it was quickly viewed by tens of millions of people in rather short order and i think it's really kind of tapped into a sentiment out there online in the united states i mean it's not just because our own force their commands extreme star power i mean he really represents a different brand of conservatism he you know he comes from that more traditional camp where they view conservatives him and more traditional values as really being you know their modus operandi what they want to support and he kind of stands in diameter opposition to that new brand of conservatism we've seen under trumped you know conservative and embraced nationalism a native ism and even authoritarianism and what i think we're seeing here is kind of the opening salvo in a struggle between both of these camps the republican party for the fate of the party because you know at the end of the day the year we're seeing this kind of old guard attempt to take back some of the ground that's been seeded to trump over the last several either side of it is the g.o.p. is it the party of trump we know that the terminator did not mince words when it
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came to the us president take a listen what he said i do believe that we must be or we have to die a consequences of selfishness and cynicism president trump sought to overturn the results of an election and of of election you saw the coup by misleading people the law is my father now and he was were misled also with lies and i know with such lies lead president trump is a failed to the he will go down in history as the worst president ever the good thing is to do so will be as irrelevant as an order tweet ever it. how certain can we be that that is true that he will go away just like in tweets you know i hate to say it but i think this isn't wishful thinking on the part of the governor i mean if you really look at it donald trump has reshaped the republican party more than any politician since reagan he's taken it he's put his stamp on it he's made it something completely new and so to think that that would just disappear is you
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know it's a little bit naive i have to say you have to remember looking at the general election he got 74000000 people to vote for him and a lot of these people were disciplined effective voters they were not people who identified as republicans previously but he opened the door he brought them into that big tent that is the republican party and now that they're there they're going to want to make sure that their voices are heard so even when donald trump leaves office he's still going to be a power to reckon with because of the caucus he created so no i don't think he's going to disappear like an old tweet you know it's always there and thank you thank you. or let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world german chancellor angela merkel considers the permanent suspension of donald trump's twitter account problematic that's according to her chief spokesman stephens ivers he said that it should be legislators rather than private companies who decide on any necessary curbs to free speech merkel has condemned the storming of the u.s. capitol and she used says that president trump was partly to blame. the trumpet
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ministration has read designated cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism secretary of state mark pompei and made that announcement today slapping new sanctions on havana restoring diplomatic ties with cuba was of on barack obama's biggest foreign policy achievements the move to reverse that is one of a series of last minute policy decisions before trump leaves the white house. world leaders have pledged over $14000000000.00 to help tackle the climate crisis they were attending the one planet summit which oversees the implementation of the paris climate agreement french president emanuel microland says that the money will go to the great green wall project which aims to plant thousands of kilometers of trees to stop the spread of these horror. here in europe stricter on lockdown restrictions have come into force across germany as the country struggles with a 2nd wave of corona virus infections the german could get 90 death toll it passed
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40000 over the weekend more than 80 percent of the country's intensive care beds are now occupied. at this crematorium signs of the high number of coronavirus deaths in germany it hasn't yet reached its limit but the number of coffins arriving here has increased the daily death toll now far exceeds what it was during the 1st wave of the pandemic just last week germany saw a new record number of daily deaths over 1000. that the situation remains serious was confirmed on monday by the german government spokesman. the seal who said very high daily death figures the very high rate of people in intensive care units 5 and a half 1000 people who currently have to be treated in intensive care. this all shows that we are in
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a very very difficult phase and there can be no doubt about that. to further curb the spread of the virus tougher coronavirus restrictions came into effect on monday across germany but with some regional variations schools will mostly remain closed until the end of january people can only meet with one other person from another household in hotspots with the higher incidence of coronavirus people cannot travel further than 15 kilometers from their home questions have been raised regarding the off towards ability to enforce such rules berlin police say enforcement will continue as usual. we will be on patrol within the city both with special police units but also as part of our routine duties. we will act proportionately but if we see people disregarding the rules we will respond accordingly and take appropriate steps.
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the current restrictions are meant to stay in place until the end of january when germany's federal and state governments will meet again to evaluate the situation and decide on the way forward divers are searching the ocean floor off the indonesian island of java looking for the flight recorders from the passenger jet crashed on saturday authorities information contained on the recorders will clarify why the boeing 37 minutes after takeoff from jakarta 62 people were on board. more dead 3 being brought to land along with the belongings of passengers amidst the recovered items body parts are now also being discovered. since sunday we successfully retrieved 14 pieces of human remains from the scene of the accident along with victim's belongings like clothing. over 2000
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people are involved in the recovery effort closure for the families of the victims is now the priority. i have asked this very hard working team to concentrate on finding victims. because the victims' families have been waiting very hope this can be completed quickly. we are also carrying out an intensive search for the black boxes but the focus will also be searching for victims. the 1st victim has been identified by their fingerprints but 29 year old flight attendant the search team believes they know where the black boxes are located but conditions are slowing down their recovery an agonizing wait for relatives who want to know why they left ones died. in many parts of the world snow fall is
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a welcome sight in winter but not in spain this winter storm filomena hit the country on friday blanketing large parts of the country and snow and bringing everyday life to a standstill after a weekend of marveling at the white stuff the cold reality of dealing with it is setting in. standstill in spain the country is simply not equipped to deal with this weather after madrid experienced its heaviest snowfall in 50 years cars were left abandoned on the city's ring road the government activated the military to deal with the situation the capital's airport is now up and running again with bulldozers making up for the lack of snowplows in the country. hospitals already stretched by the coronavirus caseload have remained open with some health care workers tripling their shifts to cover for colleagues unable to make it in. some elderly patients are arriving on foot as ambulances struggle through the
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slippery streets with many roads still closed. while some have enjoyed the unusual weather it has left its mark on vulnerable parts of the population. on the outskirts of the capital the situation in deprived areas is proving particularly difficult where many residents don't want to risk using emergency shelters. in these times with the pandemic going on i'm not going to a shelter i still have a home right now but i don't have electricity. madrid residents hoping for a return to normality will have to wait a further cold spell is set to turn the snow into ice in the coming days as authorities warn roads may not be properly cleared for another 2 weeks. here's a reminder now the top story we're following for you democrats have formally introduced an article of impeachment against u.s. president donald trump they're charging the president with inciting insurrection
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becomes in the wake of that deadly riot at the u.s. capitol last week. you're watching the news live from berlin up next e.w. business with kate ferguson stick around she will be with you in just a moment. it's about billions. it's about our. it's about the foundation of the new world order the new silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network. but there's
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a sharp morning quiver accept some money from the new superpower will become dependent on that unit because the fate of the chinese state has a lot of money at its disposal a can of coke and that's how it's expanding and asserting its status and position in the world. china's gateway to europe. starts feb 19th w. the consumer electronics show in las vegas this year it's online only 2000 exhibitors are taking part we'll ask our reporter want the event is like real world in kind. also coming up twitter's decision to ban donald trump wants billions off its market value look at what this could mean for has total media is
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freckle a shift in the future. business thanks for joining me the consumer electronics show in las vegas has kicked off on this year it's on the line only organizers have kept the exhibitor number to size and to make sure the tech holds up last year there were more than twice as many as that as well as showcasing the latest gadgets virtually exhibitors are also keeping a keen eye on this developments. busy crowds packed halls tens of thousands in town to check out the latest this used to be the consumer electronics show on display the curious creatures to parrot cuddly computers and other ideas growing in the minds of developers ready to be harvested by fans with open minds and open wallets. but this is what vegas looks like
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this year the casinos the dark the hallways empty the c.d.'s has moved online and it's unclear if it will ever come back as we would. with nothing sir i mean obviously we're well do the best we can we're we have a long runway before 2022 january. and we're looking forward to you know the best way possible. invest a big in a new. platform programmed by microsoft it's a showcase a meeting room and if it lacks the appeal of roaming between booths this year it doesn't matter quite as much the central topic of the show is politics. after all this is new president to be sworn in just a few days after the show a president who could assure in a new time phobic take. the issues where we expect improvement or. from where i think the truck administration deviated was on free trade i
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think trains are very important especially with our allies i think there is support for a tougher view of china and that's something that we've been telling our members and you know you got it you can put all your eggs in china basket policy over products to make sure that in the long run the show will go on. both of. us. are now like thousands of others detail the reporter emily going to has been keeping track of this event digitally hi emily thanks for joining us tell me what are your impressions of virtual c.e.o.'s so far. well it's definitely been a lot more turned down as you said a lot fewer exhibitors so it used to be about 4000 now it's not even half of that and if you compare the numbers there's also when you look at the people who
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actually attend the show the numbers have dropped quite a lot so it is more toned down at the same time. the shows all the keynotes they will be. sort of you can you can take it and that means that until mid february you will be able to watch them on demand so that is definitely something that is quite new so they are trying to accommodate people and at the same time it is clear that it's not the same experience certainly not know this year there's a lot of coronavirus task being showcased tell me about that. yes so on the one hand we're seeing sort of automatically. disinfecting of robots we're seeing masks that have sort of a halo to protect you but also to monitor the quality as well as the. the mask the filter that you have in your mask so as to tell you when you have to
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switch it and at the same time you have gadgets things up like in the report that just goes to show and you have gadgets like little furry. little furry got to behave a little bit like animals that are meant to calm you they're also robots that are meant to help with monitoring the elderly who are maybe at home and overall it's very much it's very sentient centered on coronavirus. helping in helping people out with it but it's medically whether it's in a home office whether it's in the office itself or the air purifying robots. we could all do with a little furry robot friend right that really good deed thank you so much bring us up to date. lost billions of dollars in market value following its decision to ban u.s. president donald trump from its platform the company said it made the move to
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prevent further incitement of violence following last week's storming of the u.s. capitol investors are worried about the prospect of pro trump users leaving the platform and they also fear twitter might be exposed to stricter government regulation in the future. that twitter wasn't the only platform to trump following last week's riots facebook and instagram made similar moves their decisions have highlighted the delicate balance of power between governments and social media to talk about this and more let's bring in financial correspondent yes in new york. what could this mean for how social media companies are regulated in the future. i mean the discussion has been going on for quite some time and how social media companies can be hold liable for the content that's posted on their platforms but it was what happened on generous 6 and this debate
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has definitely escalated so we have to wait and see with them what they finally is going to mean by the way we did see as you mentioned to those companies under quite some pressure the stock of facebook losing about 4 percent in the monday session twitter at some point down by 12 percent at the end of the session by a good 6 percent to twitter also losing one of their most i'm active users at least for now so but that's the big debate so what do social media companies have to do can they be hold liable on an upside maybe we hear from some of the social media company is that it also actually might be a positive for that if lawmakers make a decision to make a call that eventually they will know what they're have to deal with and yes we also heard today that several companies including taking morgan on american express will no longer be donating to republican lawmakers who oppose certify joe biden's
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election victory briefly if you can has significant is that. well it's clearly a wave that we're seeing by the way microsoft being one of the latest companies on monday announcing that they will also stop the political position contributions and it's not to necessarily a republican lawmakers but them some of those companies actually stop a political a donation said all either to democrats or republicans at the moment i'm not sure what that so how deep that's going to be the next big election saw the midterm elections in a little less than 2 years but definitely there is from all kinds of companies we hear that microsoft a but also mary at morgan stanley and then also those a big banks and thank you very much. time now for a look at some of the other business stories making news the value of it calling it
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tumbled as much as 20 percent on monday raising some of its huge gains in recent weeks the full reflect some profit taking as well as a shift to the u.s. dollar and made the prospect of higher u.s. interest rates. for it to have announced that they will slow down or even to suspend production on their u.s. factories because of a shortage. an increase in demand for consumer electronics has triggered the shortage ford is set to close its factory in louisville kentucky this week. try before you buy is a mantra for many who prefer stopping in person than online but what about purchases so huge and complex they can't easily be sent back to the supplier but for that there are smart glasses allowing customers to inspect perspective by virtually instead especially useful during pandemic travel restrictions. the brand
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new machine is ready for delivery to a customer in southeast asia usually the buyer would fly in germany to inspect the product for delivery but not storing depend demi german machine builders sure that the choice of leaving the one of the half 1000000 euro machine here until after the pandemic or letting the customer visit the plant virtually all they have to do is gone these smart glasses to get a closer look at their expense of new purchase a camera and microphone that the customer see exactly what the technician over in germany is doing all from the comfort of his own office in asia the idea was floating around for a while until the pandemic forced a change of thinking at the company. forces us to invest more in digitalization the customer used to say they had to fly to our planes well they can't do that anymore so we need. alternatives we have. a lasting alternatives
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that even work after the pandemic like servicing machines thousands of miles away with the help of a chore reality germany's mechanical engineering association welcomes such progress . that sort of some of it will bounce back we've never worked from home as much as we do now we've never traveled as little as we do now it won't all bounce back some of what we're doing now is here to stay. metal supply ellen better from kaiserslautern relies on companies that want to invest in automation even during the crisis they snapped up their 1st robot 15 years ago to keep pace with competitors but they didn't stop there soon they were advising other companies and selling them tailor made automation plans a 2nd source of income in the crisis the home side since march customers have made so many inquiries about plant engineering and automation technology we haven't had this many in the last 3 years we think it means that either the customer has been
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forced to think about automation perhaps due to the pandemic or maybe they just have more time at the moment to think about automation the money's even today elon they're at mit's that he himself was scared of the cost of new technology now he has the know how to reassure his customers robots are getting cheaper all the time programming them is easy and no one loses a job even though the robots do most of the work. and that's all for me thanks so much for watching. it's a constant fight for my survival the coronavirus ward at the university medical center in fribourg. since the beginning of the pandemic we've been accompanying workers in the intensive care to show the challenges they face. on a daily basis. battling the virus doctors on the frontline
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close up. in 60 minutes on d w. 2 small acts of conspire change the people making long ago in africa fantastic right. join them as they set out to save the environment to learn from one another and work together for a better future. many thanks to you all for tuning in kolkata for go. on d w. passionate drama competition rivalry marketing numbers atmosphere power fight that's how intuition love hate money. fans friends planetis fans and friends old go to golf on you tube joining us. on emigrants.
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they know the police will stop them down the road is the solution to their flight could be fatal but going back is not an option. it's money i'm on and the coveted are stuck in the spanish border area there they're waiting for a chance that will probably never come shattered dreams starts january 18th on t.w. . this is deja news africa on the program today this is the bobby and journalist at the government critic hopewell chilling all spent the weekend in jail after he was arrested over their latest fake news tweet we'll tell you more about why he ses he well it's applied for bail. but this is nothing new but just if if you from the.


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