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tv   Sonnensturme  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2021 3:00am-3:46am CET

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surprise yourself with what is possible who is medical really what moves and also we talk to people who follow along the way at myra's and critics alike how is the world's most powerful woman shaping public good. the mental floss down. what i subscribe to do you go to your books you meet your favorite writer sometimes you do the story calls you and you have to respond to the green book. this is news and these are our top stories donald trump has become the 1st president of the united states to be impeached twice the house voted 523221972 impeach him with 10 republicans breaking ranks lawmakers agree to impeach trump on a charge of incitement of insurrection over the storming of the capitol building by
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his supporters impeachment by the house means a trial in the senate where a 2 thirds majority is needed. italy's former prime min prime minister has a political crisis by pulling his party's ministers out of the ruling coalition that leaves it without a majority in parliament renzi is angry about his government spending plans for billions of euros pledged by the european union for cover 19 release. germany's health minister says the country won't be able to lift its coronavirus restrictions at the end of the month also announced that travelers from covered $900.00 hotspots would have to get tested before entering the country corona virus infections and deaths are still as high levels throughout germany this is g.w. news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram at g.w. news all this is our website d w dot com. it
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was one week ago that a mob stormed the u.s. capitol building demanding blood and ballots and exactly one week this is also where joe biden will be sworn in as the 46th us president and today at the u.s. capitol between domestic terror and a peaceful transfer of power the unprecedented 2nd collision between the president of the united states. and impeachment i burnt off in berlin this is the day. every moment donald trump is in the white house our nation our freedom is in danger certainly january 6th 2021 will live in my memory as the darkest day during my time of service as a member of this house today is a defining moment in our history congress was attacked by
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a mob directed by the president of the united states we're coming off a repeat of that there resulted in 6 this have an opportunity to move forward but we cannot if the majority insist on bringing the country through the trauma of another impeach america was attacked and we must respond even when the cause of this violence resides at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day with history being made on capitol hill in washington d.c. u.s. lawmakers today are writing a sad shameful chapter in american history today for the 2nd time within a year congress is voting on whether or not to impeach the president donald trump securing his place in u.s. history as the only president to face impeachment not once but twice the president
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is accused of inciting an insurrection one week ago terror and tear. gas over took the u.s. capitol building an angry mob of trump supporters demanded that congress threw out the results of the presidential election that will trump remain in power that the will of the people be ignored well they did not succeed but 5 people lost their lives today lawmakers held president responsible for igniting that violence democrats and republicans voting to impeach but not all republicans we know that we faced enemies of the constitution we know we experience the ensor action that violated the sanctity of the people's capital and attempted to overturn the duly recorded will of the american people and we know that the president of the united states inside it this insurrection this armed rebellion against our common country he must go he is
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a clear and present danger to the nation that we all know the gentleman from ohio is recognized and that is the great only times i may consume such on this record thank you madam speaker 19 minutes 19 minutes 4 years ago on inauguration day january 20th 27001000 minutes into present from the ministration at 12900 pm the washington post headline was campaign to impeach president trump has begun and now with just one week week left they're still trying in 7 days there will be a peaceful transfer of power just like there has been every other time in our country but democrats are going to teach president trump again. all right that's the debate going on the u.s. constitution alive working today for all the world to see to put this in context i'm joined tonight by ilya shapiro he is director of the robert levy center for constitutional studies at the cato institute in washington d.c.
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mr shapiro's good to have you on the show we are witnessing something never seen before in u.s. history i want you to put this 2nd impeachment into context for our viewers around the world i mean just how important it is today well. iraq that no president has ever been impeached twice only 3 presidents have been impeached at all none have been removed today given that the impeachment is supported uniformly by the democratic majority it will pass the question is how many democratic how many republican congressman will join it and then of course it goes to the senate where majority leader mitch mcconnell says the trial won't start until after an auger rationed and there's a lively academic debate about whether that's possible by that point mcconnell won't even be majority leader because the 2 new democratic senators will be seated so is this all just. symbolism that we're watching here because at the end of the
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day it is not going to really make a that much of a difference to donald trump is it. well it it might i mean certainly. being impeached is not a feather in one's cap it doesn't help one's reputation and the the eventual vote in the senate could very well be close i mean there are certain and lay at least half a dozen republicans that will vote to convict they'll need 17 of them to make the the 2 thirds required for the senate to convict and perhaps more importantly for practical purposes he won't be available to be removed at that point but he would be disqualified from future office which there's a lot of speculation about whether he wants to run again in 2024 i'd like to talk about the timing of this impeachment i want you to take a listen to what lawmakers have been saying today about time running out to take a listen. the fact of the matter is mr speaker there is no reason to rush forward
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like this other than the very obvious fact that there are only 7 days left until a new president takes office but what's worse as professor dershowitz is pointed out because of the senate's rules the case cannot come to trial in the senate until 1 pm on january the 20th one hour after president trump leaves office this is an ill advised course in my opinion mr speaker even senator joe manchin a democrat agrees there manchin is quoted this week as having said quote i think this is so ill advised for joe biden to be coming in trying to heal the country trying to be the president of all the people when we're going to be so divided and fighting again let the judicial system do its job and if we vote to impeach the president today and we said over the senate there is there is nothing to prevent the senate from taking it up immediately if senate majority leader mitch mcconnell decides that he wants to proceed number one number 2 we don't want to talk about
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unity i can't think of anything that would unify this country more if there was a big bipartisan vote in favor of impeachment. that's what he would like to see mr shapiro you know there is nothing in the u.s. constitution that addresses that impeachment trial against a u.s. president if that president is no longer in office is a trial in the senate after joe biden becomes president a trial against donald trump is that going to be constitutional. the constitution is silent as you said and as i mentioned there's an academic debate about whether it's proper or not there has been one in each woman and senate trial after a federal officer has left that office that was the secretary of war an $876.00 and the senate did not reach the 2 thirds required there was a majority but not 2 thirds to convict so that will be part of the debate certainly
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i think it's a preventable matter just as the question of whether it's proper to go ahead with the impeachment now given that we're a week away from trump no longer being in office anyway whether that's appropriate the argument for going going ahead is that what trump did were serious offenses and we don't want to say that official presidents or otherwise as long as they're close enough to the end of their term they can do whatever they want without possible consequence so the congress might want to set the standard that oh you're still going to police that and also as i mentioned the possibility of disqualification from future office yeah there is talk of a bifurcation of congress's duties once biden is in office that the senate would split its time between holding this impeachment trial and doing the business of the new administration is there any precedent for this i mean has it been done before do we know it mean is it feasible we know that a senate trial impeachment trial usually consumes all of the oxygen.
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under senate rules when an impeachment article is sent over from the house the senate has to stop all other business and take up the impeachment trial so the senate would have to change its own rules there are complicated processes to do that it's not an easy thing they could change the rules to have that kind of dual track to still be taking up president biden's cabinet officials confirmed them that sort of thing while whole holding the senate trial but it's it's not necessarily an easy thing. do you see the possibility of donald trump maybe suing and trying to take this to the supreme court to have the court decide on the constitutionality of an impeachment trial for him once he's out of office i mean do you see that happening and could that lead to a constitutional crisis courts do not have any role in the impeachment process the
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definition of what is a high crime and misdemeanor error which is what congress has to find in order to impeach and the senate to convict that's a political determination it's a criminal prosecution and so the only way something like this could eventually get into the court is that if there is a vote to disqualify from future office and let's say looking at the criminal code and so even if we talk about and cite it meant of insurrection incitement and insurrection are both legal terms but they're not so relevant here because this is not a trump wants to run again in 2024 and a state puts his name on their primary ballot for the republican nomination and when his challengers might sue and it gets into court in that way it's all right ilya shapiro with the cato institute in washington is disappear every precinct your time valuable insights tonight thank you we live in interesting times yes thank you thank you. one week from today joe biden will be inaugurated as the 46th president of the united states but we
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know that this inauguration will be memorable for 2 noticeable characteristics the number of attendees will be smaller than usual the number of police and soldiers securing the peace will be larger than it any inauguration in recent memory after last week's violence on capitol hill the police and the national guard have been called in we have this report on the preparations for a swearing in that looked more like preparations for war. time to tighten the screws washington is building up in anticipation of the presidential inauguration. victor and his colleagues have their hands full with work they have never seen the city like this everybody is afraid because of the momentum right now so we treat it like this the future of the safety for the people instead of festive celebrations businesses brace for damages. and at the
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capitol security has been ramped up significantly. the atmosphere here at the capitol is very different compared to last week for one and over 2 meter high fence was erected and this patrolled by members of the national guard additional police is roaming the streets all of which to guarantee the safe inauguration of president elect joe biden next week on the steps in front of the capitol the big worry is that approach on supporters will try to disrupt the ceremonies but police wants to be better prepared this time. the city is in a state of emergency buses with national guard troops are right around the clock up to 15000 soldiers could be deployed in this city. meanwhile the stage is set perforations on the go but
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a celebration certainly feels different. you know on the excited for joe biden to assume the presidency but at the same time as i continue to read reports about the potential insurrection here again productions reaction across all 50 u.s. capitals it concerns me to say the least i think now that we saw that the capital was stormed i think there's a high chance that we'll see more people who think that that means that they can just behave like that i feel safe you know i mean this place looks like an armed camp at the moment. will start seize on discouraging americans from coming to d.c. on inauguration day like many others victor will say hold up at home instead. first thing i did for the t.v. was because i want to go. it will be a hot topic for biden to bring the barricades between americans down again. well
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the history being made in the capital today it's about the president yes but it's also about the existential crisis of the republican party will the g.o.p. survive after donald trump is history but we have 2 guests tonight 2 political insiders to talk about that i'm happy to welcome reed galen he is with the lincoln project that is a group of republicans who joined forces during the presidential campaign against the reelection of donald trump rejoins us tonight from park city utah and from washington d.c. i'm happy to welcome you and he is a political analyst author and former deputy executive director of the national black caucus of state legislature tours gentlemen it's good to have you on the program i want to start with the impeachment vote we understand maybe 6 house republicans plan to vote to impeach there were no republicans in the 1st impeachment vote last year really me ask you does this portend well for the g.o.p.
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moving forward or is this bad that you've only got 6 who were willing to vote for impeachment. i think it fortunately does not surprise me i think that what we're seeing here is that the trumpet wing of the republican party is ascendant has the energy it has a lot of funding and the establishment unfortunately for them spent so long saying so little or collaborating with with this president and that although i'm very happy to see that 6 republicans did stand up i think it's in to get indicative of the fact that many republicans do not want to cross donald trump even as he's on his way out the door even as he faces impeachment and even as he you know inciting a riot insurrection at the u.s. capitol so i don't think it portends well at all for the party and is that because republicans are are fearful for their political careers or we've heard today that some are fearful for their own lives in the end the safety of their families if they vote for impeachment well look i mean i think that you know i think
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we as americans probably gotten a little too complacent about what it means to have be a democracy and if you're going to go be a u.s. representative of your constituents then that is assault a solemn responsibility and it is service and i think while i don't i do believe that some of these people have probably face threats as many of us have been on the side that we've chosen i think their job is to take those risks in hand and decide what's best for the country but ultimately i think also that they are probably doing this because they know that donald trump and his supporters are not going away and that you know in the primary elections of 2022 they will be a force to be reckoned with. and he let me ask you does the survival of the republican party does it depend on purging the party of donald trump. i think this is more a purging america of a lot of its ills we're going through a virus right here and a pandemic that has claimed the lives of on this for
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a 1000 americans and we see the political mayhem that creates this and donald trump is part of that and you know i want to say just to read thank you so much for the lincoln project in the in the work that you all have done in terms of upholding and inspiring a lot of us to recognize that we are all a part of this democracy whether not riddim oppressor republicans and so what we're seeing we're hearing. legislators right now and caught on various talk about upholding their oath of office and that's what we're seeing an absence of that we don't see enough profiles of courage and the house right now we're not seeing it from republicans and we need to see more of that we need to see more of that not just in terms of how they're going to stand up to a president but how they're going to address a lot of issues that are affect in this country as we move forward president elect biden who's going to become president next week and we want to see what he's going to do in those 1st 100 days of office there was
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a lot to address there's the economy this hope that there's stimulus relief for americans that are unemployed and that are fighting right now this middle class and poor people right now are fighting to hold on to their homes to pay their rents and right now the president inside their insurrection we saw something that we had never i never imagined in my life that i would ever see something like that on a building that we think and felt was protected and we see it's not as protected as we thought but it's up to us the people to come together to make sure that we fortify the strength of this democracy you know that's a good point to make sure it wasn't as protected as people expected that in itself is is a separate story the 3rd ranking republican in the house lynne cheney she issued this statement last night i want to read part of it for our viewers she says she wrote on january 6th of this year a violent man. of attack the united states capitol to obstruct the process of our democracy and to stop the counting of presidential electoral votes this insurrection calls injury death and destruction in the most sacred space in our
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republic much more will become clear in coming days and weeks but what we know now is enough the president of the united states summoned this mob assembled the mob and lit the flame of this attack everything that followed was his doing none of this would have happened without the president the president could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence he did not there has never been a greater betrayal by the president of the united states of his office and his oath to the constitution i will vote to impeach the president so is she speaking as someone who could save in reform the republican party or is she speaking as a member of perhaps a splinter group of traditional republicans who may have to create their own party read what do you say. probably some some of both i won't
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bore you with how hard it is to start parties in this country but it's very difficult specifically because republicans and democrats for so long have not wanted any competition they have basically made it very difficult to create it but what i think we should also remember about congresswoman cheney is a member her father was a member of congress he was secretary of defense he was vice president ited states her mother is a long time public person or persona in this country and so i think she takes it personally not only as a member of congress from the state of wyoming but also as someone who has grown up around sue grew up in that building probably and so i think she has taken the right steps towards this i think it's the 1st step it was a brave step on behalf of a person who is probably going to get nothing but approbation and condemnation from other republicans and i would venture to say that once donald trump is out of office and firmly ensconced in mar-a lago wherever it is he chose chooses to hide that you know mrs cheney will probably not have
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a lot of friends in the republican conference but if there's one thing i've known about her father who i worked for many years ago is that cheney's don't often lack the courage or conviction you know after last week's riot we still saw more than a what was it 130 members of congress republicans they still voted not to recognize the electoral votes in the presidential election i mean the party is still under the spell of donald trump isn't it don't you agree. let's not let's let's let's be clear you know we had the largest turnout voter turnout in the history of this country 74000000 people voted for donald trump more than any other president who's who's been in an election so those numbers are really big and those people have been that this all these things have been happening and has been enabled over the last course of 4 years i was in it early on and there are a lot of other people are saying that the that donald trump that the purpose of his presidency was to destabilize this country he's destabilize it and again in no way
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that i think that it would get to this point but when i'm talking to friends who work on the hill my friend mike mcqueary who works and congressman stacy plaskett office who is going to be one of the house managers should this go to the senate. to talk about the fact that if l.a. better within the halls of congress i think that's kind of a metaphor for the fact that there is the debt limit as being the one not in the halls of congress and in our state legislatures because of this arguments of republicans and democrats and so you know we keep politicizing issues and it's up to us the people 81000000 people voted for joe biden 81000000 people said that they did not like the course that this country was on it's up to us we the people to change that we've keep on it's how the world that we had this example of democracy this is our time this is our moment to do that unfortunately there are some factions that in this country that wish to do harm in order to not change the taint happened but it is up to us to stand up to that and it is up to us we the people to
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show the strength of this is marcus and this one other point is that we keep talking about republicans and democrats i was a registered republican i was elected president i did not want to go on record as a democrat so i became an independent and i'm actually urging hope and there will be more people in this country there will do the same thing because that political party system george washington got it right that the political party system is it just keeps fact it's dividing us and we've got to figure out ways to put the country over the party and look at the fact that what happens here in this country impacts people globally and there is a reason why we're in that position and we don't want to give up that moral ground what are you gentlemen worried what could happen with this impeachment to to do the base of the republican party the people who do support trump are you worried that maybe you're making a martyr out of donald trump. we did learn about it after you started that process yet they've already started that process i mean
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you know with the i mean even before the election he went systematically around deal with jim izing america's electoral system how we vote who votes when we vote how we vote and so this is been something that's been going on since you know even since he took office right trump has always been the thing that he likes to be most which is the victim of his enemies and that's what his supporters have continued to make it this is you know there's no one on the republican side of the aisle with the exception of a very few who say joe biden won the election and it was a close donald trump got beaten badly both in the electoral college and the popular vote but what what trump needs to do is have the myth that it was stolen from him and that's why this whole thing was called stop the steal and so far is to them trump is already a martyr and what i would say to this especially with all these republican members of congress and that in the house and senate saying you know democrats talk about unity but now they're doing this all on the divide is further let's be clear countability is as important as anything and until and unless there's
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accountability for donald trump those people that have supported him those people that support him as elected officials and those people who have funded and served as finance years for this odious movement for the last 4 or 5 years like there will be no unity this movement must be eradicated from american politics and won't be an easy fight and won't be a short one gentleman formular out of time reading and a diva mandyam to both of you with the 2nd time in your insights tonight thanks for taking the time to talk with us thank you thank you. the day is almost on the conversation continues online to find us on twitter either at u.w. news or you can follow me of t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow gives another day we'll see the never.
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cheat me more super food. discounted and inexpensive animals are suffering from environment is crying out. a new trend healthy eating and screaming resources. price more on the plate how good is cheap.
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made in germany. next. to the conflict zone consider. col stroh's democracy. my guest this week from germany is going to include a phone. call if you. knew the 1st clue to the photo fall of the one of the big gap between his rhetoric about rights to move. in parts of the union. conflicts are close to 16. dollars. but it's about billions. it's to come out work. it's about the foundation of the new world order the new silk road. china wants
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to expand its influence with this trade network and so in europe. china is promising its partners rich. but in europe there's a sharp warning ever accept money from the new superpower will become dependent on a. chinese people eating your. starts feb 19th on d w. and today is a very polarized world there are still some things we can safely say unite us like food we all have to eat but we're only that simple who sells it and for how much is
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a deeply disputed topic when it comes to food can cheap be good our focus this week on made. now here's something i've heard a 1000000 times but have trouble taking to heart you get what you pay for meaning the more you spend on something the better it'll be but that doesn't stop me looking for a bargain and potentially regretting it later but some sellers will have you believe you don't have to compromise like l.d. the german supermarket chain with thousands of stores all around the world my colleague chris down for save us went to find out how that could possibly be true. as one of the world's largest supermarket chains actually it's 2 chains not an easy route and they both pride themselves on that rock bottom prices and high quality product how does audi do it. it's 3 30 in the morning and all of compost is already at work he manages an audi
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north distribution center as big as a football stadium. the company rarely lets t.v. crews come to visit this is a rare exception. trucks will be loading here soon and everything has to go very fast it was the same yesterday afternoon and yesterday evening when the goods were assembled for distribution and will keep up the pace this morning to. front load his truck and sets off on the 1st of 3 round trips today his 1st stop is the closest store 20 kilometers away. there are more than $10000.00 of these around the world. and they all get daily deliveries that stock rooms are small on purpose in order to keep down costs.
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it's now 6 am store manager and father john 5 colleagues have to restock as much as a 3rd of the shelves. every morning the store opens in just one hour. i just i like to go to the gym when i have time but working here is fun and i automatically get lots of exercise. the staff tell me they get paid more than the average for the sector but the ultimate change has come under criticism for its employees heavy workload and long hours. i have geezer heads operations for the region in germany only stores report more revenue per square meter shop space than any other discount or. also roast its own coffee. started very early in the company's history it was probably hard to convince suppliers to sell coffee to what was then called the. coffee it's a really fun so they decided to produce their own coffee coffee and that's been
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very successful. for some well known brands don't want to be seen to have their goods sold at super low prices at discount supermarkets. to get around that problem he sells brand name goods under its own labels. this is where the story began in essence the 1st store its 2 founders opened is still known as number one. mother had already run her own small corner shop then in 1945 her 2 sons carl until obliged opened their 1st supermarket. this used to be the standard look unadorned pretty basic these 2 staff members met one of the brothers the pioneers of no frills grocery retailing. they just lay about howard on the floor and then lot more pallets with
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cans of tuna or pineapples or peaches or whatever was available on the market at that time of year later and they just pile them high. price labels cut open the front of the cardboard boxes and that was that. and i wish i knew mr albert many many years ago he would do his shopping here every fortnight and he would always take the rejects the dented hands and sat 1. 100 going on until the outbreak came along no retailer sold goods out of piles of cardboard boxes at super low prices with a tiny profit margin per item all that coupled with low overheads and high efficiency was a recipe for success. karl until i ran i'll be together overseeing its rapid growth until 1961 then the brothers parted ways each setting up his own company for 2 logos are very similar to you had it i think not. 2 decades ago both companies started setting up shop in foreign
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markets between them they now have more than $10000.00 super markets around the world. in recent years more attention has been paid to the design of the book is getting more sophisticated but that doesn't scare away the regulars. if you own guns i live nearby that's one reason and then there's the range of goods and the prices you poison. some things i buy a house all the things i wouldn't buy and how great. it was time by most things i'll do the less they don't have something. i want to find out more about the cost of the modernization program i'm invited to an off the record chat at the headquarters of the not in essence the privately held company never reveals much about it in a workings and doesn't give me any numbers. what is public knowledge is that in
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2018 it posted an operating loss in germany for the very 1st time reportedly because of high investment costs. tribal leader has more branches the competition and the pricing pressure of fierce. he is famous for its weekly special offers popular products at extra low prices but that's not at the heart of its strategy. we're market leaders when it comes to pricing because our customers always pay the best price on all our items so ruthless top quality at the lowest possible price. rise of course other supermarkets and discount chains also leave your customers with great prices in germany the hottest price was probably over meat pork or chicken can end up cheaper than common or garden vegetables is that compatible with humane animal husbandry concern shoppers can scan q.r. codes to find out more about the meat processing plants the farms and the livestock
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. we aim for transparency customer should know under what conditions animals are bred up. we require our suppliers to abide by all the relevant regulations and we check up on them. and. we have a law. corporate responsibility department does regular audits of our suppliers you can see you. know what it's good. corporate responsibility appears to have become important to us. it says it receives and answers lots of questions from environmentalists. consumers are becoming more discerning and that's raising pressure on the retailer to show that it takes its responsibility seriously to ensure that cheap can also mean humane. plate last year around 10000 farmers with 5000 tractors made their way from across
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germany to converge here in the center of berlin they came to protest the government's new policies on the use of fertilizer now those regulations are meant to help protect the groundwater but german farmers say that will affect the harvest and they're furious our reporter karl went to see some of these farmers spoiler alert they're still angry. each of these combine harvesters cuts a 10 metre wide swathe through the fields of rapeseed for most of the year the expensive machines stand idle in the shed but during the harvest they're on the go almost all the time. trucks drive right onto the field to pick up the crop. that's efficient and saves time for the farmer. detail out for employees for people on his 900 hectare farm in eastern germany he
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may use high tech machinery but he does not accept the label industrial agriculture . or the reasons of i reject the idea of i'm the son of a farmer and what we do nowadays is not industrial i don't think you can ever describe farming as an industrial industry i would call this modern agriculture a kind of solution because. once the crop is harvested fertilizer is spread on the field right away and another crop is planted. a regulation specifies how much fertilizer may be used so as to limit the amount of harmful nitrate in groundwater . in order to meet these requirements farmers have to use expensive measuring devices. the authorities check on compliance and penalties for violations can be severe. lover is
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angry about the fertilizer regulation he says it makes it harder for him to farm the way he thinks is right. and every year the amount he's allowed to use is reduced. that means a lower yield. but then the following year the yield is even smaller. we don't defend that yield is the basis for calculate. the amount of nitrogen fertilizer for the year after that. they gave it up at all minus 20 percent over and over again. it's like giving somebody 20 percent less food every year. puts in feeding your food if that's how it works our fields are slowly starving. at some point we'll have no yield at all. farmers in the european union receive subsidies from brussels deter love for his case that amounts to more than $200000.00 euros
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a year but it's a gift he says he'd rather not receive he says crops should command higher prices food is simply too cheap with that machine and the equipment is getting more and more expensive as his diesel labor costs are rising as well of course that's a major factor in farming and we don't want to be left behind. while the rest of society earns more and more we farmers are less and less we're always being accused of demanding subsidies but we don't want them we want fair prices and that means at least 30 percent more for grain milk and pork then we could do without subsidies. have been so in fits. teacher allow for his neighbor is also under pressure financially a new animal welfare law and means he has to upgrade living conditions for his picks. to fund d.t.h. and his employ catarina who may keep the south who've given birth confined like this for 28 days so that they can't crush or otherwise injure their piglets.
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now each stall has to be enlarged that means there won't be room for as many cells in total to treat employees to people to look after the pigs now he'll probably have to let one of them go. as is a reasonable make it looks like we'll have to give up pig farming this shed was built for 185. we now have 120 and i think they each have a decent amount of space or 2 but if we have to rebuild and reduce the number even further it won't be economically viable the wonderful thing i can't do with just one employee what about weekends off and holidays i need at least 2 but i can't afford to pay too if we don't have enough sobs it just doesn't add up all together but it's so cut her greenhorn it is set to lose her jobs as situation adapt his operation to the new regulations on animal welfare.
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there's been lots of rain lately and deter loafers combine harvesters have to stop earlier in the day. that's an annoyance for the farmer but what really makes him mad are all the regulations but he says are forcing him to change the way he farms water when you're giving him a vitamin so far we've heard from the producers and sellers and on the other side of the equation there's us the consumers it's our business they want and supermarkets are willing to go to great lengths to get it undercutting each other in the process what we all have to ask ourselves is what are the consequences of these price wars. meat milk fruit and vege who has the lowest prices every cent cows competition is
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fierce among a handful of retail chains that dominate the global market. the world's biggest retailer is the american company wal-mart revenues this year are expected to amount to around $470000000000.00 euros heavyweights among discount stores include germany's group which owns the legal and chains with estimated revenues this year of 120000000000 euros followed by algae with 100000000000. in order to sell their goods cheaply retailers often put producers under pressure if you don't give it to me for such and such a price you're out. it's not just discount stores that push down the prices they pay so do more upmarket chains like $80.00 and i think. if their suppliers won't sell to them for less they'll even kick out huge corporations such as nestle coca-cola and unilever. small farmers sometimes find their deliveries of fresh produce turned down.


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