tv Made in Germany Deutsche Welle January 14, 2021 7:30am-8:01am CET
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personal drama competition rivalry marketing numbers atmosphere powered by at intuition love hate money millionaires fans primes 5 spams and found. on you tube joining us. and today is a very polarized world there are still some things we can safely say unite us like food we all have to eat but we're only that simple who sells it and for how much is a deeply disputed topic when it comes to food can cheap be good our focus this week on made. now here's something i've heard
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a 1000000 times but have trouble taking to heart you get what you pay for meaning the more you spend on something the better it will be but that doesn't stop me looking for a bargain and potentially regretting it later but some sellers will have you believe you don't have to compromise by goudie the german supermarket chain with thousands of stores all around the world my colleague chris down for save us went to find out how that could possibly be true. he is one of the world's largest supermarket chains actually it's 2 chains and. they both pride themselves on their rock bottom prices and high quality product how does audi do it. it's 3 30 in the morning and all of compost is already at work he manages an audi north distribution center as big as a football stadium. the company rarely lets t.v.
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crews come to visit this is a rare exception. trucks will be loading here soon and everything has to go very fast it was the same yesterday afternoon and yesterday evening when the goods were assembled for distribution and keep up the pace this morning to. front load his truck and sets off on the 1st of 3 round trips today his 1st stop is the closest 20 kilometers away. there are more than $10000.00 of these around the world. and they all get daily deliveries that stock rooms are small on purpose in order to keep down costs. it's now 6 am store manager and father john bussey 5 colleagues have to restock as much as a 3rd of the shell. every morning the store opens in just one hour. i just i
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like to go to the gym when i have time but working here is fun and i automatically get lots of exercise. the staff tell me they get paid more than the average for the sector but the other day chain has come under criticism for its employees heavy workload and long hours. of giza heads operations for the region in germany the stores report more revenue per square meter shop space than any other discounter. also roast its own coffee. and started very early in the company's history it was probably hard to convince suppliers to sell coffee to what was then called the. coffee it's a really fun so they decided to produce their own coffee coffee and that's been very successful. for some well known brands don't want to be seen to have their goods sold at super low prices at discount supermarkets. to get around that
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problem he sells brand name goods under its own labels. this is where the other story began in essence the 1st store its 2 founders opened is still known as number one. mother had already run her own small corner shop then in 1945 her 2 sons carl until at last opened their 1st supermarket. this used to be the standard look unadorned pretty basic these 2 staff members met one of the brothers the pioneers of no frills grocery retailing. they just lay a ballot on the floor and then lot more pallets with cans of tuna or pineapples or peaches or whatever was available on the market at that time of year. and they just piled them high. price labels cut open the front of the cardboard boxes and that
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was that. i knew mr albert many many years ago he would do his shopping here every fortnight and he would always take the rejects the dented hands since that 1 . 100 going on until the outbreak came along no retailer sold goods out of piles of cardboard boxes at super low prices with a tiny profit margin per item all that coupled with low overheads and high efficiency was a recipe for success. karl until i ran the together overseeing its rapid growth until 1961 then the brothers parted ways each setting up his own company the 2 logos are very similar to you headed not . that 2 decades ago both companies started setting up shop in foreign markets between them they now have more than $10000.00 super markets around the world.
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in recent years more attention has been paid to the design of the book is getting more sophisticated but that doesn't scare away the regulars if i live nearby that's one reason then there's the range of goods and the prices. are some things i'd buy is how the other things i wouldn't buy and how great. i buy most things i'll do the less they don't have something. i want to find out more about the cost of the modernization program i'm invited to an off the record chat at the headquarters of the not in essence the privately held company never reveals much about it in a workings and doesn't give me any numbers. what is public knowledge is that in 2018 it posted an operating loss in germany for the very 1st time reportedly because of high investment costs. but rival legal has more branches the
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competition and the pricing. the pressure of fierce. he is famous for its weekly special offers popular products at extra low prices but that's not at the heart of its strategy. we're market leaders when it comes to pricing because our customers always pay the best price on all our items so we're just. at the lowest possible price. to rise of course other supermarkets and discount chains also customers with great prices in germany the hottest price was probably over meat pork or chicken can end up cheaper than common or garden vegetables is that compatible with humane animal husbandry concern shoppers can scan q.r. codes to find out more about the meat processing plants the farms and the livestock . we aim for transparency customer should know under
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what conditions animals are bred. we require our suppliers to abide by all the relevant regulations and we check up on them. and yes we have a large corporate responsibility department that does regular audits of our suppliers you can meet so you. know what is good. corporate responsibility appears to have become important to know what. it says it receives and answers lots of questions from environmentalists. consumers are becoming more discerning and that's raising pressure on the retailer to show that it takes its responsibility seriously to ensure that cheap can also mean humane. play last year around 10000 farmers with 5000 tractors made their way from across germany to converge here in the center of berlin they came to protest the
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government's new policies on the use of fertilizer now those regulations are meant to help protect the groundwater but german farmers say that will affect the harvest and they're furious our reporter karl went to see some of these farmers spoiler alert they're still angry. each of these combine harvesters cuts a 10 metre wide swathe through the fields of rapeseed for most of the year the expensive machines stand idle in the shed but during the harvest they're on the go almost all the time. trucks drive right on to the field to pick up the crop. that's efficient and saves time for the farmer. detail out for employees for people on his 900 hectare farm in eastern germany he may use high tech machinery but he does not accept the label industrial agriculture . or other reasons of i reject the idea of i'm the son of
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a farmer and what we do nowadays is not industrial i don't think you can ever describe farming as an industrial interest i would call this modern agriculture a kind of solution because. once the crop is harvested fertilizer is spread on the field right away and another crop is planted. a regulation specifies how much fertilizer may be used so as to limit the amount of harmful nitrate in groundwater . in order to meet these requirements farmers have to use expensive measuring devices. the authorities check on compliance and penalties for violations can be severe. lover is angry about the fertilizer regulation he says it makes it harder for him to farm the way he thinks is right. and every year the amount he's allowed to use is
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reduced. for dummett 3 let's go into that means a lower yield. then the following year the yield is even smaller. we did defend that yield is the basis for calculate. the amount of nitrogen fertilizer for the year after that. yeah whatever at all minus 20 percent over and over again. it's like giving somebody 20 percent less food every year. for their keep that's how it works our fields are slowly starving. at some point we'll have no yield at all. farmers in the european union receive subsidies from brussels deter france case that amounts to more than $200000.00 euros a year but it's a gift he says he'd rather not receive he says props should command higher prices food is simply too cheap with the machinery equipment is getting more and more
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expensive as his diesel labor costs are rising as well of course that's a major factor in farming and we don't want to be left behind. while the rest of society earns more and more we farmers are less and less we're always being accused of demanding subsidies but we don't want them we want fair prices and that means at least 30 percent more for grain milk and pork then we could do without subsidies. of insulin for. teacher allow for his neighbor is also under pressure financially a new animal welfare law means he has to upgrade living conditions for his picks. to fund d.t.h. and his employee catarina who may keep the south who've given birth confined like this for 28 days so that they can't crush or otherwise injure their piglets. now each stall has to be enlarged that means there won't be room for as many cells
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in total. employs 2 people to look after the pigs now he'll probably have to let one of them go. as is a reasonable make up it looks like we'll have to give up pig farming this shed was built for 185 sound. we now have 120 and i think they each have a decent amount of space what's your if we have to rebuild and reduce the number even further it won't be economically viable like the following i can't do with just one employee what about weekends off and holidays i need at least 2 but i can't afford to pay too if we don't have enough sobs it just doesn't add up with any other body. so cut her greenhorn it is set to lose her jobs as situation death his operation to the new regulations on animal welfare. there's been lots of rain lately and deter loafers combine harvesters have to stop
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earlier in the day. that's an annoyance for the farmer but what really makes him mad are all the regulations that he says are forcing him to change the way he farms are going to give him a light so far we've heard from the producers and sellers and on the other side of the equation there's us the consumers it's our business they want and supermarkets are willing to go to great lengths to get it undercutting each other in the process what we all have to ask ourselves is what are the consequences of these price wars . meat milk fruit and vege who has the lowest prices every cent cows competition is fierce among a handful of retail chains that dominate the global market. the world's biggest retailer is the american company wal-mart revenues this year are expected to amount
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to around $470000000000.00 euros heavyweights among discount stores include germany's group which owns the legal and cult lunch aims with estimated revenues this year of 120000000000 euros followed by algae with 100000000000. in order to sell their goods cheaply retailers often put producers under pressure if you don't give it to me for such and such a price you're out. it's not just discount stores that push down the prices they pay so do more upmarket chains like $80.00 and i think. if their suppliers won't sell to them for less they'll even kick out huge corporations such as nestle coca-cola and unilever. small farmers sometimes find their deliveries of fresh produce turned down agreed price is reduced retroactively for payments delayed by the retail chains tricks like these have brought farmers out onto the streets in protest. but the retailers hit back they say there's no escaping fears
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international competition and in any case many shoppers can't afford to pay more for their purchases. if you ask consumers most say they would be willing to pay more for meat and milk but when it comes down to it the majority still choose the cheapest items. scandals over factory farming and exploitative working conditions on farms that in slaughterhouses have made cheap food a political issue. what's the answer break up the big retail chains have governments dictate prices. but that sounds like socialism. an act stricter laws to protect workers animals and the environment that could raise prices. an equitable system of production and distribution is impossible given the pricing power of major retailers it's a power struggle and the outcome is anybody's guess. if you are like
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me use all of oil in basically everything it's affordable it's meant to be healthy plus it's a key staple in the so-called mediterranean diet which apparently helps you live longer consumers love it but many of those who make the oil can't seem to make a living from it the world's biggest all of oil producer is but the all of all farmers say being at the top doesn't mean much in the face of shrinking profits one farmer and the c.e.o. whose family has made all of oil for a century took it upon himself to take us production into the future. negan khan is passionate about growing olives his trees grow on 100 hectares of land some of them are over 100 years old. they don't start in with this olive grove couple of the field these trees were planted by my grandfather in the 1920 s. . and since then he's restructured the olive groves so that he can live from
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selling all of the oil he planted the trees closer together and started watering them which used to be unusual now me again harvests a 1000000 kilos of all of the year between october and february but their value is going down he said there but if you know the price of olive oil has fallen a lot that our profit margin is so small that many olive groves are no longer profitable. in public. at today's market prices a kilo of the finest spanish olive oil only fetches 2 euros in the country 4 years ago it would sell for twice that like almost all the all of growers in the area used to send all of his all of us to one of the many cooperatives in the town of plenty. but with so many other farmers doing the same his own oil was getting lost in the mix which he found disheartening. i decided to return to my roots my
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grandfather pressed the oil himself and sold it directly that's what my family and i wanted to. pass 2 years ago they decided to market the oil themselves in nearby. miguel's brother take care of the business side polio posts ads on facebook and google at 1st they were only for the spanish market. and i had no idea about e-commerce i had no idea how to sell a product online. it was an adventure and a challenge but as a. team we managed to put this beautiful project together we wanted the. business is getting better and better they've employed 2 people to stay in direct contact with the customers at the beginning of the year they started discussing which new avenues they could take and decided they would expand into all of europe while
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spain was in coronavirus lock down the warehouse in plant to fania was receiving more and more orders it was funny we just wondered what would happen if we started taking orders from abroad. and it was an even better outcome than any of them had expected blassie doing it anyway but it was unbelievable and i think i mean within 3 months 30 percent of our orders were coming from elsewhere in europe during the balkan but i've been especially from germany. money. the direct marketing worked out well but they're still not in control of all aspects miguel still stores his oil in the cooperatives tanks and he needs help extracting the oil from his all lives. more still not completely independent from the co-operative we need help from them to press the olives we can't do that without them and we need help filling the bottles.
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but he hopes to soon be fully independent again is already making more money than before the customers can buy quality all of oil directly from farmers in under luciana at a price that can compete with supermarket brands the new business model has already begun to bear fruit. and before we let you go it's confession time for me i. am terrible with plants so i won't likely ever to own any kind of weekend garden house or allotment but for many people these gardens are a source of pure pride and joy this week we handed our orloff krieger a pair of hedge trimmers and told him to go wild he may have taken it literally took one sec one sec this is all has to be trimmed the allotment long arms i
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just want to force him to talk talk talk talk talk. it's about from my he gets away from my hijab area god is she it's ok how he's doing it all wrong i look. at the c.e.o.'s of i don't know what he thought but when you see if you're a much better educated to move on that. just look carefully. you can find allotments all over the world london paris moscow everywhere.
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easy this one is 100 years old house and you know 1000 and it's a pretty year so off the mall. with. the. truth you know really lovely red cherries. sour sherry's. just. did. some things off much shouldn't have been grabbing the shops not as. nearly. this main struggle. but if i have to talk to eric out of the shop because of well this shouldn't be that.
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because most of the democrats and kill what do you do with so many cherries and gooseberries and all the rest it's a lot eat it all. you really want to know yes of course. i'm a jack and maker. serves and i freeze stuff to eat in the winter this is do you know how good a store it tastes in the winter. get i've got i can't imagine what i mean for a black forest gatto with homegrown storm breeze and cherries. i would bet my huts the most important thing i couldn't live without was i was. going to. have always saw me cutting the hatch do you think i have to challenge this in talent yes really thanks ken really and if you want to do it even better i can show you how.
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he often venetians i should i often walk past gardens like the sand wondered what kind of people if they appeal to the us or infant. yet sparse now i know that space is just wonderful to get away from it all right from work in the office and steam on. the system from it's so relaxing. soon there will be pouncey that's growing over that almost potatoes. seems like olaf has a thing or 2 to learn about plants just like me maybe erica can teach us both to grow our own food that's all from this edition of made i hope you enjoy the show by
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god. cold no water elite 10. refuse laughter has been living here for months under imaging mean conditions the situation for refugees in bosnia is escalating local authorities refused to take any responsibility while rescuers offer and many others a week for help in the game focus on europe. and 30 minutes on d w. actually
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regrets just the 1st such breath shows. the but. certain ways to clear cold blood. and you yes yes yes we can hear you and how last year's judgment starts now i want to bring you i'm going to be mad cause you've never been full of surprises yourself with what is possible and who is medical training. and want. to talk to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the world's most
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powerful woman shaping public and joining us from apple's last stop someplace. frege you can see for us implement lead. the ideas islamist way to bring you more conservation play how do we make see the screenplay how can we predict how much of the slate to move to translate to the sublime enter a series of little sleep sounds in the a. place . to play the body
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. play . this is the w. news live from berlin the u.s. congress formally charges u.s. president double trump with inciting his supporters to attack the capitol building last week calling it an homage rebellion against the country means trump will go down in history as the only u.s. president to be impeached twangers also coming up in uganda begin voting in parliament free and the presidential elections after a campaign mocked but widespread violence better at present if you are worried most of eeny is facing a challenge from pop stuff turned politician.
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