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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2021 1:45pm-2:00pm CET

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not all of us well i criticize in the case of parking area east of the system of law concerning. to all. cases of corruption we have cases which take 10 or 12 years. true long. inaccessible and it's a. long time so there it has all something to do with a rule of law that's a one point which i criticise very very not miss that mr chris brown you have massive government corruption this according to independent n.g.o.s you have mafia capture you have democratic backsliding a politically manipulated and almost dysfunctional just system says them is that good so far that what how is that in any way in line to any degree with the pledges that bug area made 14 years ago and yet in 2019
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a spokesman for the commission reported that bug area had made sufficient progress to meet its commitments at accession to the e.u. that cannot be right so why this blind guy being turned towards bug area i visited by a carrier off and. yesterday integrated in the european union and also the procedures of security that makes a difference mr greektown the ngos and various gather government seem to have seen more problems in bulgaria 'd than the e.u. commission the 2900 human rights report from the us state department said officials in all branches of government in bulgaria reportedly engaged in corrupt practices with impunity bribery conflict of interest elaborate embezzlement schemes on top of that you have from the un committee against torture a finding that men. it'll institutions of forcibly administering intrusive and
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irreversible psychiatric treatment on their patients and that torture has become commonplace in that country how do those values fit in with the modern e.u. idea of what countries should be doing what they said they'd live up to and haven't . i know this totally right that it is not acceptable that we have circumstances like that mentioned once but. let me say it's perhaps not a complete picture of the area because sure things have to be developed and the right direction of the other. had to cheat in the us. and nowhere near done. today cannot be compared with at times 203040 years ago so now all these countries have to be developed and they have they argue about it and 1st of all this purpose we have the european commission
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which is serving the developments and sure that there was also a lot of pressure from the european commission to the states and also from the other member states and independent foundations which we have also carry out like on a other now he says that even if. they show another offer they created they criticize a lot more and especially in the fight against corruption they're out of the gate and has the strong arm of the government and of the government is not able to hook to make before and especially progresses then it has to show consequences european union yeah but then there are any consequences bugg area has had 14 years in the european union and it is still torturing people on
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a regular basis so clearly whatever measures the e.u. is applying aren't having the desired effect are they. i think that's not the right . that's not the right picture because people can live free in a buggy area and. we have received and all this is the case but what i'm asking for is more engaged fight against corruption and this is cannot be tolerated because corruption is violating the poorest of the poorest people whine because they cannot join dishtowel full competition to pay for things which we not only start it's not only it's not only to do with law or it isn't the state it starts also daily life in hospitals it's course when you know when their students want to get. a result we have
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this. daily let me say on the other hand i am a corruption. till it will be we will have a result in. the state in. which cannot be tolerated we have to do more in the fight against corruption and this includes that receive years in front of the car have to show results after a few years 10 years that's my own point so this has to be shot at markets where you are remarkably complacent about it the commission is remarkably complacent about things like torture mafia capture and the minute political manipulation of the justice system let me turn to another subject for the time we have left babs it's worth the e.u.
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taking a good hard look at what's going on in america at the moment this is the unfolding story of a populist president staging an insurrection to try and prevent him being ousted in a free and fair election how long before some of that starts to happen in the new and is the concern that this in washington should be a wake up call that it should listen to. well the 1st a remark that we are relieved forward. to the presidency officer because that's not what i asked but it's not what i asked that necessarily to be mentioned because. the dialogue between the united states and europe in stands and so also the respect of rule of law kristie it seems like in america like in europe and share one point that in a former times it was self understanding that was common sense that democracies are
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self understanding and strong and we have to assert today that iraq receives are coming more and more under pressure worldwide and. as we have to observe it. so we have to fight for our own well us we have to fight for democracy we have to fight for rule of law but once again if i touch it was british south understanding today it is not because this will be decisive our question i will leave 10 or expense years finally mr creep on let's come back to germany there's a general election in september angela merkel is retiring and in a few days the c.d.u. your party will elect a new leader while none of the candidates to date seem to be generating much enthusiasm you're most popular politician health minister young span isn't even on
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the ballot don't you want to win elections. and they're optimistic because we have 3 candidates which are. very motivated and i and i don't share which europe you're in for an actual room are. many and i'm sure it will not be easy when i'm going to now that we're leaving because she was our chancellor our earth for a very long period of time since 2005 and a solo that's also quite normal that everybody will live as own style but it's an open race and for me it's very difficult critical were right what will it will it one of the candidates friedrich from outside said that immigrants are to blame for rising welfare costs and unemployment in germany
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do you really want your party to go down that road putting immigrants in the firing line just to woo a few far right voters from the f.t. hasn't there been enough resentment and hatred directed at immigrants that are going to us as not right where you want to mention it melts it should be the right sentences and this is this is it not say what he said it's now concerning the refugees what's the up with the well if you're in bosnia and herzegovina up there it should not be the case that germany will go once again in front of the because now it's also in the responsibility of other european states to take care of her on their own otherwise we'll create a full effect. which we will search in 20152008 is 16
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this should not be a repeat it once so i think. we have also areas. considering for example the law not all of which are states and so it cannot be the solution that you drafted can come. to 'd the european union aren't the states we need a solution we need a solution in the european well because. i think once again all these states signed the declaration. that expiration or protect refugees but in a way germany did not in the past and this can be done down and one time not. going to creep i'm unfortunately we've run out of time we have to leave it there thanks very much for being on conflict zone. you're.
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going. to get.
1:58 pm
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1:59 pm
candidates for the prosciutto war isn't love the war. in those war swallow. the only slow the rules. slow food no love for the wicked. doesn't murder your workers the birds the. can't snoop. couldn't sleep. are murders. the be.
2:00 pm
playing. the but. this is news live from orlando u.s. president donald trump is officially impeached again congress charging him with inciting supporters to attack the capitol building last week calling it an rebellion against the country. is now the only u.s. president to be impeached twice. in uganda begin.


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