tv Markus Lanz Deutsche Welle January 15, 2021 9:30pm-10:31pm CET
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happiness in 3 books. this is the book for you. will get smarter for free you know when you books are new to. this you know i mean in your minutes in going us. up a closer but mostly done what i'm focused on is you know what i'm on what i'm book and as you know i'm not going to get them a. bunch here because i see the sassy quote i've only said that i caught going on with her being funded. today just over a year after covered 19 was 1st identified in the chinese city of woo han the worldwide death toll has passed 2000000 but hope is on the horizon vaccines are being developed at record speeds medicines regulators are giving them the green light and vaccination programs being rolled out in country after country so what makes a good vaccination program and when will normal be normal again i'm phil gayle in
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berlin and this is the day. it's got. really. heartbreaking. if you start really believe in this vaccine i also got it. we're determined and really happy that we're getting. a really big. problem today even as countries race to vaccinate their populations the covered 19 death toll continues to rise at an alarming rate the number of people who have died of the disease has just passed 2000000 and that rate is getting faster by early
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march last year as the virus began to ravage northern italy the death toll crept past $5000.00 in less than a month searched 5 fold 250005 september months after the novel coronavirus was 1st identified deaths had reached a 1000000 or just 4 months later that number has doubled to 2000000 we see today. the world's highest death tolls a baby in the u.s. india and brazil but the u.k. fast catching up with more than 86000. $86000.00 germany which had been praised for its efforts during the 1st wave see death rates shoot up with a total now approaching $45000.00. 1 of the country's making headline grabbing progress with its vaccination program is israel the government there says it hopes to be an occupied every israeli citizen around $9000000.00 of them in the next 3 months you don't lose time your credit reports this money miss her dearly and her
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team work almost around the clock to administer the biotech pfizer vaccine here in town south of tel aviv about 150000 people are being vaccinated daily throughout the country. so an e-mail with him i mean obviously so no i mean i really believe in this vaccine or also got it in this week to get the 2nd dose. we didn't have then got any reactions it's like a flu shot it is a very gentle back scene it's good. back then it was so in the mail it will be mail it's still. the culture a center turn makeshift vaccination point is run by clergy to one of israel's 4 house management organizations which provide care through their own clinics as every citizen has to be registered with an agent all using the highly digitalized
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infrastructure has proven decisive for the fast rule out 1st priority where people over the age of 60 health care workers and people with underlying health conditions now it is the turn of the over fifty's. where the organ is great i didn't even feel the shock of a bit i work as a special needs teacher and we're all kind of in the line of fire it's an absolute must to be vaccinated because as a younger people are also called up to receive surplus doses of the vaccine which would otherwise be wasted the early purchase of the biotech pfizer vaccine by the government has contributed to this speedy immunization campaign however corona virus infection rates are still high and the government tightened the country's 30 locked down once again last week while challenges vaccinating and earning enough time so the boxes will start to work in on the other end we have the. 5th 3rd wave
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in israel which has been rising in the huge number of severely sick people hospitalized in the hospitals in the israeli occupied west bank a covert 19 testing center infections remain high as well but here people will have to wait to receive their vaccines the palestinian authority announced this week that it has signed deals with 4 companies to secure vaccines among them also the russian developed vaccine sputnik of what the heck you know how to look in the news they say it is not yet approved and they want to give it to us as we don't know what will happen. but at the end we hope that through the get the appropriate work seen and to be done with this crisis. how do you want all of us to take it to feel psychologically it because we are in a constant state of worry that matter and they will have their options palestinians
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have also signed up to the kovacs program which aims to help low income countries to get a fair share of the scenes for around 20 percent of their population. is a senior fellow at the center for global development and a professor at insead elections in global health and social medicine at harvard medical school in the u.s. and has a particular interest in health care supply chains in operations management the perfect person to give us a snapshot of where the world is in terms of its vaccination programs welcome to you in those countries that have vaccination programs where is it going well and where are you seeing problems. something we as a musician or israel as a country we're receiving very fast rate so that's a nation on earth that has to do with the planning is spent we're going to place before the start of explanation we also have to do with the underlying structure
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not system we see considerable hitchers unity in states across that you asked we also see some countries in the european union doing considerably better ask others i think in the end it boils down to how well is a system communicating information in 2 directions one being strong the central planning the federal agencies in a country through here the last clinic which is vaccinating and then information flowing back from the clinics to the planners at the central oh and you know i think there are countries mentioned around is there other countries which have been the 2nd part which is an organ is we focused way too much on just thinking about it or we have some sense of that is all of the same time in the end actually to add up and the techniques for matching the remnants of i want us to think about privatization those reservation in ways that are different then just when
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we're going to ruin this nattie what it's about scarce supply being allocated to known the mad i'm intrigued by this idea of matching matching demand and supply so it's not just a simple as death as much of it out to as many people as we can. yes i think of destroying us we started with. our actual participation which needs real prospects and they got rigs are made based on the very astute and what got us is the number of people who are supposed to show up at a clinic in a day and so being must have extra courses and he figured out what to do with what is instead we do run our son e.t.s. . sounding inspector nation with the priority be all of those who are serious money and allows us to crash the medicine by the 2nd does it mean fragments the demand into multiple smaller clinics then the uncertain demand is high when it's need
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all it and do it in a mass vaccination clinic such as a stadium community center. parking lot a large hospital then i think we all the demand and that's what it's all you've got and actually. ok that's very clear i want to listen now to the executive director of the world health organization mike ryan speaking today in geneva warning that vaccines are not the sole solution to this pandemic and we did. also warn in 2020 that if we were to rely entirely on vaccines as the only solution we could lose the very control measures that we had or disposal at the time of actually his life at the end of the town it is hugely. and it's a massive advantage but it doesn't answer and it won't address every question that we have we have to continue doing the other measures right so suppression that
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they'd sounds like but even if we do have mass vaccination programs and they are successfully rolled out we're still going to have to wait some time for return to a masculist society and put it that way. yes let's keep in mind that rats are most important to all but not the only 2 and we have to continue with what. distancing or better mental mission tree st isolation all of those measures to be. their rate of threats a nation will help us get foster who point. out that and so if the so when does it stop because it sounds like ok the vaccinations that helps us get the number of cases down that helps us to get to the test and traits systems working and so when when when when can we just be noble again.
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very hard questions no answer and i'm not your last year star or are a person who has been training to be answering this but my 1st reaction would be only when you vaccinated a large fraction of the global competition so not just the opposition and not individual countries but globally once you beast 5060 some a global partnership accident that's probably that time written something about become a little bit lax in our monitors and so that that fits in quite neatly with some have been thinking about because we have this kovacs system where less rich countries it can can actually pay for these these vaccines for what you said day it sounds like it's in everyone's benefit in the rich countries benefit for poorer countries tend to have these vaccines because of otherwise no one gets anywhere. yes and it's
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a combination of all 3 are our only in our insubordinate and are also sure of the 1st mobile access to movie not the same idea for gifts going back to back scenes because of house. the world as a whole not just our populations were different in some countries from her own actions and from countries equally among. us and i think thank you so much for joining us oppression tejada from harvard university medical school thank you well united kingdom has been plunged into further crisis by a new variant of the corona virus that the number of cases and deaths has been skyrocketing things december many hospitals are overwhelmed with covered patients and are no longer able to carry out other operations seen w.'s show itself and killed reports this is taking a huge mental and physical toll on the population and on medical workers trying to
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save lives i've never seen save many hundreds is queuing and i've never spent such extended periods of time with people waiting for a space though. over the last before which the work or 2 patients call now rotavirus annoy people every region and that has more people hospital now than they did in the 1st wave in spain. you know basically for a double the number of patients listed in london admitting they can rid of a really big hospital every single day whilst having higher numbers of staff from line staff who are off sick all isolating or tested positive themselves. i've just finished 10 days of isolation because my wife tested positive she's also a paramedic the person potentially period that we were wearing was fallout perspective not quite enough and a number of our friends and colleagues were in the same situation and they've also tested positive over the last few weeks. i think the impact of the new image
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it is just. more factions here 50 percent more factious where we were at the beginning of the show the same thing we did with the stored suddenly we had the surge and of those so huge with the proof of the legend that we've been as bad and that's because here it spread so easy expose that while for the score to sort by surprise the new variant just made it absolutely explode and again you know we waited too long to stand down it is still more to come from this wave of the pandemic threat mortality what. we see fall people being admitted seeing intensive care units that are now becoming overwhelmed synopses in the southeast and now canceling a cold 28 day cancer surgeries the people he had to say he's counsel and now having to add knowing that he was grabbing on to some of them by the time safe again they
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might not be operable anymore and that they have lost that wind you know so i mean that to me is a kind of kind of mental toll chat. told a. lot of people that for the very top one of my friends said he was just happen someone having a panic attack the other day that people are having nightmares about really hard thing about big stuck a hospital for 5 hours is that over time you that you're there you're here with your colleagues in the control room hosking for ambulances to be available to get there to other imagine seasons of people that need your help and you can't get that constantly in a situation where they know that not doing the best for the patients that china backs but i just know i position to be able to do that and that's something that people are wrestling with quite a loss of is knowing that you know who they could they might have better to be some more if they had a rifle day they might have been able to. change the outcome for
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a particular patient gunshots how they were told walking down the country i don't think we have a choice we just throughout this. that's true we're trying to do. is to work with people where it is hard and it's taking its toll but we know that we're doing the best we can in a 2nd chance and. if we didn't go out then more people would die and would suffer as a result of not having. people working on the front line. now with a new president in the white house leaders are preparing for a new era in relations with the united states especially given the numerous international crises that need to be resolved so can they expect of relationship resets to the pre trump days the. reports. they've already sent him an invitation to visit and presented
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a plan on joint transatlantic action for europeans joe biden for now gratian is a chance to get relations with the united states back on track here in brussels do you commission has been already working on a new e.u. u.s. agenda managing and overcoming the coronavirus and then it is definitely the most urgent issue that we all have to face and it is clear that cooperating with the united states on this is definitely something that we will promote as possible with the new administration. coronavirus pandemic climate change the rand nuclear deal trade disputes the list is long joe biden has also made it clear that he wants to form united front to counter china he ate urged to europe to delay a planned investment deal with beijing but the you pushed a hat and decision the european lawmakers like to call for believe since washington
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the wrong message is it really was important to demonstrate it. so-called european strategic autonomy towards washington the demonstrators in china that they have to reckon with a reinvigorated transatlantic partnership i think that's just the wrong priorities geopolitically the new e.u. china investment agreement is facing a lot of criticism but after 4 years of donald trump in the white house many europeans believe it's time for the you to put its own interests 1st even if the us doesn't like it. and last week storming of the you asked capitol served as a reminder for you leaders that a deeply divided u.s. will continue to look inward even with a democrat in the white house it can no longer be taking for granted as a benefactor and protector and that's why europe has to enhance its strategic
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autonomy says clement bonn french secretary of state for european if that means that europe should take more responsibility should define its interests its values itself certainly not against the united states we should work together i hope we can work better together was a new light in her recent restriction but it means we have to be clear about what we want as europeans when it comes to nato joe biden is likely to push europe to spend more on defense just like his predecessor trump's goal was to withdraw u.s. troops from afghanistan and biden's decision on that will be crucial for the nato alliance says he unless a vice president of the german marshall fund the objective an exit in afghanistan but i do think this administration absolutely excepts this long held nato idea of in together out together joe biden see now gratian will see the white house become home to a trance atlanticist once again but
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a simple return to hold things were before trump isn't likely america has changed so since iraq. well let's have a closer look at some of the differences with charles coach on who's a senior fellow at the council on foreign relations and professor of international affairs at georgetown university in washington d.c. he's also author of isolationism a history of america's efforts to shield itself from the will welcome to d w is a relationship with the europe pion joe biden's foreign policy list i think it is in part because biden has witnessed along with the rest of us the fragility of the experiment in liberal democracy that americans and europeans have been engaging in for the last couple of 100 years and i think his top priority is to get america's house in order europe's house in order and to rebuild solidarity across the atlantic and let's be honest 95 percent of europeans 55 percent of
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americans can't wait for january 20th they're all again be a person of integrity in the white house and he is an atlanticist i worked in the obama white house i was constantly on a plane with joe biden to ukraine to the balkans to the nordics he cares deeply about europe let's hear from joe biden's nominee for secretary of state and he blinken speaking in november but how joe biden's foreign policy is going to look now we have to proceed with equal measures of humility and confidence humility because as the president said we can't solve all the world's problems alone we need to be working with other countries we need their cooperation we need their partnership and so the brain can have talking about partnerships could you give us some examples of perhaps of where the united states sees a europe as being
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a useful or indeed an equal partner in any partnership. well i think one of the most destructive aspects of trumps america 1st has been that you don't lateral ism and we will see the united states go back to being a team player i think you can expect us to rejoin the paris agreement to rejoin the world health organization to renegotiate the iran nuclear deal right out of the box and i think biden will look to europe like previous presidents have looked to europe for help on every front i do think that you will continue to see the u.s. pull back particularly from the mediterranean and the middle east as trump has been doing and that's in part because the demand stay at home for investment and demick infrastructure worker retraining will be very high and biden will look to europe to pick up more of the slack whether it's in libya whether it is in the eastern med whether it's in the corner karbala and so i would urge europeans to get ready not
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just to spend more on defense but to really don't but to be ready to do more to be a more equal partner of the united states and listen about china as well which was mentioned in the report as a bit of a tries to slow china's climb towards economic dominance how does the biden white house view this a huge china trade deal. you know as as your reporter said just a couple of minutes ago this is not going to be an easy issue to address across the atlantic in fact if you were to ask me what's the one issue that is going to cause the most heartache i would say it's china and that's because the underlying differences of opinion with china that became apparent during the last few years human rights trade geopolitics those aren't going away europe i think has wizened up toward china become more skeptical over the course of the year but there is
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a strong and powerful incentive on the trade front on the investment front to do more with china and so that's why i think biden will want to start very early on a transatlantic conversation over china and to include japan south korea australia other democracies outside the transatlantic space because in the end of the day listen china will have the words largest economy by the end of this decade if the democracies are going to stand up to china they have to do it shoulder to shoulder a good time to start is after january 20th now you mentioned the middle east new adventure that iran is likely to be right up this far as joe biden is concerned donald trump positive course made some progress and in the region we have the u.a.e. sudan and morocco all establishing diplomatic relations with israel that's not a small thing is it. no and i think the trumpet ministration deserves credit
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it's a big deal to have relationships between israel and the gulf arab countries moving toward normalization in some cases but in better relations more generally and that's going to continue biden will pocket that but i do think that there is in this country exhaustion with what we now call the 4 ever wars afghanistan iraq syria libya and the democrats as well of the republicans have had enough so i do think that the europeans should expect continued pullback including from afghanistan but more diplomacy to trumpet ministration other than on the israel front has pretty much been missing in action on the diplomatic front and so even though i think biden will continue the strategic pullback i think you'll see more america when it comes to diplomacy in the broader middle east and particularly with turkey where that relationship between the u.s. and turkey and between the e.u.
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to the point about the story coming coming out stronger w. . grappling with subjects. expressing felix. i am not very creative yet but i would love to be considered an artist monday looking for new perspectives. to it and not to get replaced by a previous candidate doing things differently. come to the place where we reflect on society constantine looks cool on the job look. passive drama competition rivalry marketing numbers atmosphere public fight that's how intuition love money has fans friends finest fans and fans over to go off on you tube joining us. world. to
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go beyond the obvious. that marine lives. as we take on the world. we're all about the stories that matter to your country but what ever it takes to run a muck a slew of w made for mines. why are people forced to hide in trucks. there are many reasons. to play and there are many answers. and there are many stories.
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make up your own mind. play w. made for minds. this is newsnight from berlin 2000000 dead as the coronavirus pandemic defies the efforts of government to halt rising infections brazil has the world's 2nd highest death toll i mean we've been in the city well far to save the health care system has collapsed also on the program u.s. drugs. cuts back deliveries of comfort 19 fat seems to take to allow it to increase
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production later in the year. german chancellor angela merkel's conservatives to choose their next party leader possibly the country's next leader. i'm told her welcome to the program 2000000 people have died from conflict 19 in the year since the outbreak began despite governments around the world raising to vaccinate their populations they have so far failed to stem the relentless rise in deaths and infections brazil has the world's 2nd highest death toll with more than 200000 copies fatalities lockdowns haven't turned the tide or thorazine one city in central brazil and now admitting that its health care system has collapsed. the ambulances keep on coming they bring
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a relentless stream of coronavirus patients to the hospitals in the brazilian city of. menow this is the capital of amazonas a state hit particularly hard by the pandemic. overburdened hospitals are now running out of their most vital supply oxygen this growing shortage is costing lives. never more yours my grandmother died today because of lack of oxygen there were 21 patients in the intensive care unit and my grandmother who is 84 years old didn't survive she needed 15 leaders of oxygen and didn't get it. the. protesters are blocking roads and picketing hospitals they're angry at the government and demand answers. you know i've been here since 9 am and seen just how desperate people are i don't even know how to explain what's happening in our country and in our state it's unacceptable for there to be
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a lack of oxygen. and there is absolutely no explanation for this. safe because all the government has responded by flying in additional supplies to the embattled state the shortage has given rise to a new type of crime. police footage shows oxygen cylinders that had been illegally withheld to drive up the price. amazonas has been here before last year's dramatic images of mass graves carved into the rain forest shocked the world. brazil's health minister blames local authorities for the crisis. no one knows did not have an effective action plan for early treatment with clinical diagnosis basic care and that has greatly impacted on the severity of the
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virus also the specialist care hospital infrastructure in manaos is quite small in percentage terms. by the more knowledge. but as the ambulances keep coming in a country 2nd only to the us in corona virus deaths there is plenty of blame to go around well today europe suffered a setback in the battle against a pandemic us vaccine by any facts rough isaiah was told the european commission that it will not fulfill all of its promise to deliveries in the coming weeks because of a bill because a building blocks intended to boost production at its plant in belgium canada would also face delays of supplies to the united states will not be affected. well the european commission president turchynov found alive reacting to the news i got like many of you with the news today that pfizer announced delays i
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immediately called the c.e.o. of pfizer and she explained that there is a production delay in the next 3 weeks but he reassured me that all guarantee to doses of the 1st quarter will be delivered in the 1st quarter he's personally on the case on reducing the delay periods and to make sure that they will catch up as soon as possible and that was very important to convey the message to them that we urgently need to guarantee those this was in the 1st quarter we had to go to. brussels bureau chief alexandra norman welcome alexandra this is bad news what sort of reaction has there been from the. e.u. commission president was a funded lion was very quick to say that she called the c.e.o. pfizer immediately and that he reassured her that all the guarantee duces of the
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1st quarter are going to be deliver delivered in the 1st quarter but of course you can imagine the member states on are happy they are very concerned 6 of them among them sweden denmark and finland stay wrote a letter to the e.u. commission complaining that the situation is not acceptable that it does not only complicate and delay the planned vaccination schedule but also it decreases the credibility of the whole process and germany also called to the delays regrettable and surprising and we have on to understand that the block is now in a very critical phase many states are toughening they are anti covets measures to curb new infections there are growing concerns about the new highly contagious variants of their virus spreading across the european union so
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what the user needs right now is good news not this. what consequence is likely to have will be countries just just fill the gaps with different vaccines from other suppliers. well what is the case is that there are fires there are biotech vaccine is not the only one in the european union. modern a vaccine has also been approved for use in the european union and it's rolled out it's going to start next week and we also have the 3rd candidate oxford's astra zeneca vaccine they have applied for for approval in the european union and the agency in charge is going to decide about that at the end of this month so we don't have a reason to panic but people are of course frustrated and tired of being at home at
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waiting and of being told to be patient to fight your vote on xander from norman in brussels away from kobe here in germany chancellor merkel c.d.u. party is about to elect a new leader it's a key vote that will shape the party's future direction and could represent a 1st step towards electing the next chancellor after more than 15 years in the top job johnson merkel is not seeking another term 2018 she was replaced as c.v. leader by club carabao who failed to start her own story when the party with announced last year that you'd be stepping aside for the leadership appears to be wide open at a 3 candidates on the all male ballots women were necessarily become the next german chancellor but does the current chancellor have a preference. yes i'm going to machall does have a favorite to succeed her watch her try not to show it when asked months ago
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whether the man next to her has what it takes to become tongue. that they have always said that i won't interfere in the succession of the position i have or had and you see do you party leader will be elected said is a candidate and a state premier of north rhine-westphalia he brings many qualifications to the table. by medical standards that's strong praise i'm unless it stands for post medical continuity something he demonstrated in the candidate debates bring him it i bring to the table experience in government as leader of a large state balancing our interests and it might come in handy that i've actually already won an election as these next elections are just sizes. matts wants to turn the c.d.u. back to its conservative roots he wants left politics after losing
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a vote to anger machall a man keen to see the end of machall style centrist politics. we need is competition for the best ideas to define the political center to put it more bluntly i believe that in politics nothing and nobody is irreplaceable no about what ministerial career was also once dented by machall political dominance still the underdog he has carved out a chance at the leadership by pushing his vision of a germany asked her to tick global player. strength is the answer and strength only comes through unity so we need european china strategy and that also means that germany has to stop simply seeing china as just one of its most important markets also market with us. the next party leader will also be in pole position to run as chancellor the latest polls suggest it will be a close call when the 1001 party delegates vote on saturday with mats slightly in
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the lead but when c.d.u. supporters were asked who would be most able to win the federal elections in september and become next chancellor a stunning 80 percent named someone not even on the list marco sudha he leads the c.d.u. sister party and bavaria. and there is another dark horse with potential germany's health minister yet spawn is leaving his options open to so the answer who will succeed america as chancellor may still be months away yet saturday's vote for a new party leader will decide how her c.d.u. defines conservative politics in the future. we'll have more from dublin chief political editor. covering the seaview convention welcome michela so no clear preference from c.d.u. supporters now it's up to the delegates which way are they leaning. that's
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a tricky 11001 delegates voting electronically from the comfort of their own home and that in itself could change results because you have none of the dynamics that you have as an ordinary party gathering as this has to be held digital fast so. difficult to put your money on someone matt certainly is the one who's furthest apart from under the macro style centrist politics he's clearly seen as a favorite and the big question is whether. to stands for kind of a machall to kind of phase or no but it's can can actually clinch a slight advantage to make it into what is likely to be a runoff between the 2 you know saying i'm trying to duck the question tell you right now so one of the biggest problems waiting for whoever takes over as party leader it's uniting the party because there was a bitter contest over the party leadership in the past we've almost forgotten that
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and it's come congo where the woman handing over the office was supposed to take over as party leader and eventually become chancellor candidate that's not happening there were bits of divisions in the party and that's what the party is now afraid of with those looming elections in september that whoever wins needs to demonstrate that they can bring everybody behind them and really live up to the title of the big tent party that's also what we heard from under the macro addressing that gathering this evening that this is a big tent party that has to unite different opinions rather than divide this because conventions about the c.d.u. leadership candidates for chancellor will be decided later this year presumably in march so what will be important to delegates invalid's vote. that's who ever gets into pole position as chance a candidate to truly become the successor of angle americal actually can mobilize
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voters and that means old style conservative voters but also younger voters c.d.u. party really faces the challenge of finding new voters of persuading those who often change i mean there's a big tradition here in germany of of coalition politics and also of switching parties that the green the greens may be an option for a coalition but that the c.d.u. should become the strongest party and here we see very different approaches ranging from free dish mats who says i want to put the conservative back into the c.d.u. kind of a traditional style but also look more geopolitical and germany's role to the other 2 really saying that there has to be younger dynamism also more women although of course all candidates are male. doctors that she was going to serve because she could thank you. that's it you're up to date some more world news at the top of the
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hour up next here on day w. kate ferguson has 0 business updates with a look at u.s. president joe biden's plan to. to revive the u.s. at economy following coming up that's coming up next how their day. it's about billions. it's about power. it's about the foundation of the new world order the silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network. putting up there's
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a short more well for accept some money from the new superpower will become dependent. on it because. the chinese state has a lot of money at its disposal the book and that's how the expanding asserting its status and position in the world. china's gateway to europe. starts feb 19th w. u.s. president elect joe biden unveils his economic rescue plans we'll look at what's inside the $1.00 trillion dollar package and how it will affect millions of americans struggling with during the pandemic. also coming up it's an economic environmental law to deal political controversy we are squats in the pipeline for
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the nearly completed north stream to. introduce you to 2 german brothers determined to make smartphone production more sustainable. business to business i'm kate ferguson thanks for joining me less than a week before his inauguration u.s. president elect joe biden has rolled out his plan to prop up the american economy so what does it involve central to the stimulus package is a direct payment of $1400.00 for every american citizen added to the $600.00 checks already agreed to equals the 2000 daughter checks going president had wanted also in the rescue package $400.00 more per week in on them point and pay target of millions who have lost their jobs in recent months the minimum wage is set to rise to $15.00 per hour they'll also be additional money for states schools and for a national vaccination program as well as expanded testing to combat co fish 19 the
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price tag for the whole plan $1.00 trillion dollars an amount joe biden says needs to be invested in order to ward off further economic disaster. i just described is not come cheap. but still you do so cautious to the consensus among leaders congress is we simply can not afford not to do. for more let's bring in financial correspondent to in new york oh yes what's the reaction been to this plan well i mean wall street was a bit tim hesitant but i guess it's important really to point out that there's this rescue or a picket to not a stimulus program it's really good to get the country from here to there on little things get a bit better especially when it comes to the virus situation in the united states
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and therefore joe biden wants to as you mentioned to make chile have still some extra law and benefits till the end of september the same is true with dictions that should be put on hold all till till the end of september but as you mentioned $1.00 trillion dollars it's quite some money and that comes on top of the $900000000000.00 that congress has just apos as an aid package in december so the question on wall street really is if that might eventually drive inflation higher it's the whole thing will be financed by higher texas so we don't know when that's going to happen but sooner or later it's probably unavoidable and so we did have a wall street ending on a lower and old for the week the market is down by a little less than one percent ok it really is a staggering amount we're talking about here i want to talk about the minimum wage this pond would see it right rise from $725.00 to $15.00 that is a huge chunk what without mean for the labor market. well i mean it's
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definitely quite a game changer when it comes to the workforce here and in the united states adjusted for inflation the minimum wage in the united states is about a 3rd lower than it used to be in the late sixty's and you have millions of people being among the so-called working poor meaning people have a job but they do not make enough money to support their families so that is clearly a big game changer economists it's also always a big debate so if you increase minimum wage might that actually be a drag on the labor market so that come some companies might shy away for employing more people even if there hasn't been really a lot of evidence towards that and we've seen that was a couple of states here in the united states like new york for instance they already have said they're going to have the minimum wage at 15 dollars an hour and we have not seen a big drag on the labor market having that said for mid-size and bigger companies
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it's definitely less of a problem with the higher minimum wage than it might be for small companies was a few employees so that could be a bit of a challenge but overall it might be actually a big boost and it would be the 1st increase of the minimum wage since 2009 so in more than a decade to. move got to thank you very much. the face of the north strain to pipeline that is to bring russian gas to germany via the baltic sea life in the balance the project is highly controversial to united states argues it will leave europe dangerously reliant on russia environmentalist say it will ruin it natural maritime habitats the german government says it will provide affordable energy while coal and nuclear energy are being phased ios those involved in the project have no idea if or when the pipeline will be completed.
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about 150 kilometers to go just before the end of the year of the north stream 2 consortium said it had completed laying pipes for the project in german waters work is to continue in danish territory but the project has turned into much more than an engineering challenge. a 1200 kilometer underwater dual pipeline north stream one has been delivering natural gas from russia to germany since 2011 north stream 2 was to start operating last year it's nearly completed but construction work has been disrupted in recent months that's a no small part due to harsh criticism by the u.s. government to trump administration insists north stream to undermines europe's overall energy security and provide to russia with a dangerous amount of leverage also the us is eager to increase its own natural gas sales as a result washington has been threatening to impose sanctions on companies that are involved in north stream 2. in germany the state government of mecca and berg
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western pomerania has created a foundation to promote natural gas as an environmentally friendly bridging technology. but the foundation will also purchase essential equipment from north stream to amy to guard companies that are part of it from sanctions. earlier i spoke to thomas adonal energy expert at the hershey school of governments and berlin he says no it's going to has turned into a highly geo political issue one that is especially important for russian president vladimir putin as we all know putin has designs and ukraine and designs and bella ruse and these pipelines are 80 percent of the gas that germany that russia sense europe goes through these countries and this is a this is a problem because putin has started wars and so forth in these countries so germany has skin in the game and it doesn't want to have skin in the game to put it sort of bluntly they agree with putin he also does not want their guest to anymore go
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through those countries instead of something that he can use for corruption and control for elite capture and that kind of thing because of the resistance in both these countries he wants to get them out because if he's going to proceed to suppress these countries he doesn't want to risk his business with europe and the german leadership has decided that they're not going to take a risk either they agree with them and they'll get out. time now for a look at some of the other business stories making news a top french railway executive says eurostar is in a critical stage following an 85 percent drop in travel between britain and the european continent last year eurostar is currently operating just one service a day between paris and london before the pandemic it offered 2 trains per hour during peak times. germany's health ministry says deliveries of the vaccine developed by biotech and pfizer will be delayed in the coming weeks as pfizer modifies its plans and poor's belgium the company is changing its money factoring processes so it can bolster vaccine production by mid february it's going to
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produce $2000000.00 doses this year. the french government says it will not agree to a nearly 16000000000 euro takeover of supermarket giant 4 by canadian company. french economy minister bruno the mayor said it could jeopardize the country's food security for more than 12000 stores in 30 countries. the global smartphone market is dominated by large asian and american companies that often have complications supply chains and less than sustainable business practices but there are other options out there in our next report will meet 2 german brothers who have set up a company focused on small but solid growth. silicon valley it isn't but the little german village of fell combat is home to high and sustainable mobile phone technology brothers carsten and samuel of all that are media designers
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who are unhappy with the big smartphone makers and so shift was born. in some few dimension people said we were crazy when we started shipping and how they said it won't work it can't you can't make smart phones in such small numbers designed in germany and made on a small their production line in china it's not possible to go inching up with. this new well it's been possible for 6 years now with investors and so far the 2 brothers have sold 60000 mobile phones mainly in german speaking countries your design. we use repair statistics design our gadgets and that's important because we want to make sure our devices last as long as possible shifts battery and components are easily replaced that makes the phones long lasting on top of that shift buys back used phones and sells them on the sustainable model helps the
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company's 40 employees generate 7000000 euros in sales last year well i'm going to do is to move toward not interested in making a stack of money we want healthy growth and if that means operating in his needs then that's fine but we do see that we're gathering a considerable following outside our sustainability bubble and. its mission that could perhaps be because shifts are not pairs well with other brands and if set up right collects far less data than standard google android gadgets. and. that's why we've got shift o. s. lately it's basically the same operating system but without google's services. the regional consumer protection agent philip pelts has come across shift phones a few times the same with fair phone even if the 2 companies are small operations he says they're important. it's really great we've got these 2 phone
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makers they prove it can be done sustainably that the things can be easily repaired that you don't have to rely on android's market dominance that you can impact their sales. of all their brothers have other projects in mind a touch pad with an innovative keyboard hits the market this year and they want to turn their village into a tech. this house will soon be converted into co-working spaces and a shop. an outfit for me thanks so much for watching. to the point. the opinion is clear positions of international perspective such as. after urging on the angry mob the storm's the capital last week donald trump continues to claim he's the victim of a witch hunt how dangerous does he remain that's our topic on to the point.
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to the point trying to. come. down on or d. w. . and you hear me now here's here's we're going to do you and how last year's judgment sounds now when you bring your uncle out machall as you've never had to have before surprise yourself with what is possible who is mad cool bring what a new sat and want. to talk to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike ours the world's most powerful woman shaking her legacy joining us from eccles la stops in. every g campus for us and for our climate. global ideas is on its way to bring you more on conservation. how do we make see the screen. how can we protect have
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a chance to come up with 2 fronts. good morning to you as the environmental series of little 3000 on t.w. daum on. what secrets lie behind. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites that. don't. 360. 2. this is news africa on the program today. saying a peaceful resolution to thursday's election. the media after. presidential win was 70. widespread for. 3 people. in other cases.
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