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tv   Europe in Concert  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2021 3:00am-3:46am CET

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you are connected to the whole world. experienced standing shopping and dining offers troilus services. guest trends food city managed by for. this is daily news and these are our top stories 2000000 people have now died from covert 19 in the years since the outbreak began governments around the world are racing to vaccinate their populations but have so far failed to stem rising numbers of infections and deaths new variants of corona virus that scientists believe are more transmissible have been blamed for the surge and infections. he was a vaccine maker finds or has informed the european commission that it will not be able to fulfill all of its promise deliveries in the coming weeks because of
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building works intended to boost production at its plant in belgium canada will also face the least those supplies to the united states will not be affected. german chancellor angela merkel c.d.u. party has begun its conference taking place digitally this year due to the pandemic delegates will elect a new leader to replace on a good come kalimba who is standing down 3 candidates are in the running for the job the vote will take place on saturday and the winner will become firm to in a week's time. the state of your news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram add to w news or visit our website w dot com. or. or.
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jewish life in germany can be traced back 1700 years reason enough for a special anniversary celebration in 2021 that highlights the contributions of jews and jewish culture to society over that time and we'll learn more about it and also coming up. french artist executor master has endeavored to free his instrument from clichés and to broaden its once limited concert repertoire. welcome to the show unofficial addict's from the year 321 issued by the roman emperor constantine the great gave permission for a jew to be appointed to the city council in cologne the 1st written evidence of jewish life in the area that we now call germany and important evidence of the coexistence of different religions at that time 700 years later an anniversary year
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aims to let jewish culture in all its diversity shine. some. of the installation of the jewish museum in berlin that's. the big anniversaries being celebrated with events throughout the year here there's a new permanent exhibition focusing on 700 years of jewish life in germany. you might say the central theme is the relationship between jews and jewish society and the dynamic between longing and exclusion.
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and the 18th century radical change prompted by the enlightenment stimulated a life of the exchange of ideas between rights and philosophers hughes and known jews in business science and culture. and physicist albert einstein just 2 examples of jews who had a major impact on german society. i think if you look at world war one lots of jews fought as soldiers at the time that was a sign that they had become part of society because they really felt german. from the beginning of the nazi dictatorship jews were systematically excluded from society disenfranchised persecuted forced into exile and murdered before 933 around half a 1000000 jews lived in germany after 945 there were only a few 1000 it remains
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a blight on german society. and the holocaust just a very important point in jewish history in germany and you know all of europe but what's new in the current exhibition is that it's no longer presented as the of that history and. that's because of a resurgence of jewish life in germany since the 1990 s. jews have been coming from russia. iran and even israel today there are more than 200000 jews living in germany. and joining me now from cologne is underway kovach she's a pianist and entrepreneur and currently managing director of the association 700 years of jewish life in germany and co organizer of this anniversary year welcome mr corvet. we just heard over 200000 jews in germany
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but sadly they are facing increasing levels of anti semitism with that synagogue shooting in holland in 2900 glaring example how significant or crucial even is a celebration like this in this context. yeah this is very crucial specially after these events i mean if you look at it and he said his i'm. older than 1. 1700 years it's like a pandemic virus it existed before it existed after the terrible attack on holland . and the jewish people here in germany we felt that. his and all the time i mean i personally grew up here was always there and obviously you know we saw how this. thinking that anti-semitism in the minds can turn into actually kind of turns on physical violence so now it's very very important to work on that 1700 years of jewish life here in germany and yet many jewish customs are still not
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very well known here how do you hope with this anniversary year to make jewish life and for and jewish intellectual history really more tangible to germans. this is a very complex issue it is just 76 years after the shah and germany still has a kind of a theatrical culture off remember owns and and memorial. and people here naturally i'm all aware of dead and alive jews. and this is not so surprising because many people never talked to a jew here in germany in person it's also very out they meet one on the street. and for many the only way to learn about this is in schools and what you mostly learn in schools locky is about the jewish religion is about how to use well of course the shi'a which is very very important and also about the growing and isn't someone
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tism and in the society but it is very important but you cannot reduce the reduce jewish life to that incident. and this is why we have a new approach actually. which we're trying to roll out this year and what is that new approach you spoke earlier about empathy. yes that's very important because if i mean we have now it will set 200000 some estimated 150000 jews actually living here in germany around 100000 are registers to the jewish to the jewish community this is like the empirical data that we have and we are all different we have it we are allowed and we want to be part of the society now. most people as i said all know us and if you want to get to know your neighbor it's one way to go and to say you read the c.v. and to learn about him but i don't think this is enough to develop this and them to these are very important because otherwise you will never get rid of the serial
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types in your head is our approach actually yet very sensitive issues there but obviously a lot of joy to impart give us a quickly an idea of the international context for this anniversary are you hoping it will resonate with jews outside of germany and how they perceive jewish life here yes i think the show i mean. brutally said germany is the inventor of the shying away of the systematic killing of jews we have to face and a lot of jews like you know of my surroundings of personal things of all look at them how jews and non jews lived together in germany i think it is an international importance and most of the jewish people here in germany a family outside of the country so i think for us it's very important but also for the jos a society itself and i think and he summoned him is not a job problem and so european problem is a worldwide problem. as i said append i mean i think it's very important to see
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what it doesn't say thank you very much for joining us celebrating 1700 years of jewish life in germany and i call that in cologne. thank you. well the harp is an instrument that comes with some strong associations not only is it difficult to lug around but its delicate music has long been synonymous with angelic nymphs or young girls with long flowing hair and in the romantic period it even became a salon instrument but remained strongly gendered which is why french harpist exam mess is credited with revolutionizing its repertoire. dominguez don't want to change the popular image of the heart. is going to make the heart has always been seen as a sign on instrument that's not so up to date it was supposed to be a women has demanded mean but the instrument does have a clearly defined gender for him. it's definitely feminine.
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does his instrument have a name. and he's been i. know i'm pragmatic and i'm often unfaithful because i can't take my own instrument with me a man can't. demonstrate has been captivating his fans for years with classical pieces pop melodies and even improvised film soundtrack. it all began with a crush on his music teacher. as if very exacting but i liked her and really wanted her to like me so i was very happy to practice.
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and practice she did a lot. i hardly strong for g.q. though instruments demands a lot of passion and dedication. to mr almost shows a very different path in competitive sports. than with it since i had to choose between an international competition for the heart and growing competition i chose the rowing initially and was then disappointed because i had to trade a high. are you saying. this is why. you just music soon to jobs in munich and then. there is only a limited amount of music. composed
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by a musician known as the paganini of the home. seems to have a future creasing least popular choice of instrument among children. because i'm finding it difficult to keep up with demands it's much easier to rent one now so it's becoming more democratic. oh other culture news that was making headlines at the end of the week includes the most expensive batman comic ever the comics dating from the 1940 s. set a world record for batman comics when it sold at auction in the us for more than $2200000.00 . the comic originally sold for just $0.10.
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the most expensive comic ever however remains an original copy of the action comics number one that raked in an incredible $3200000.00 apiece back in 2014. and a rather bizarre anniversary coming up this weekend the 100th anniversary of the sawing a person in half illusion performed here to great effect by the world famous american magician david copperfield 100 years ago on january 17th the illusionist p.t. celibate put a woman in a box in london and sawed right through the board creating a classic magic trick but just from around the world we'll get together online they sunday to celebrate the centenary of that landmark performance. and on that note let's keep ourselves all together this weekend and beyond and until we meet again stay safe and all of us the must.
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be a. fake hair and real story. where i come from a lot of women like me you have fake hair sometimes a hairstyle takes up to 2 of days it's a lot of time that needs to be filled so people at the salon talk about what's happening in their lives and i became a journalist to be a storyteller and i always want to find those real authentic stories from everyday people who have something to share. with others i must find at the salon i know a good quality here when i see it and a good story when i hear it. my name is elizabeth shaul and i work at steve's album .
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for untold thousands of years we have relied on the sun's light and wounds its powerful rays making life and growth in our world possible for this we worship and adore it. however the sun also expels tremendous plasma storms and these eruptions of energy challenged winds potentially capable of disrupting our power supply resulting in a global blackout. in far. to look even the infrastructures and technologies we use are vulnerable to space weather if it. isn't at this course they are grateful for the sun but it also presents a major answered for us securely when there is a solar storms. these storms occur time and again at irregular intervals of up to several years and the last one in 2017 fortunately missed planet earth.
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in order to solve the enigma of solar storms nasa scientists have now developed the 1st probe that can fly to the sun and approach it more closely than ever before. it will listen able scientists to investigate the risks posed by the storms or are we at their mercy. the astrophysicist folk of boat research is the sun and is in charge of the german team working on building this new probe all its sides have to be equipped with sensitive instruments capable of withstanding the extreme forces and temperatures.
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the most crucial component is a camera capable of observing the solar storms and foca boatman is responsible for it. we can give an early warning about solar storms by making the appropriate base observations and there are some observations that can really only be conducted from space you need satellite technology and cameras on board which provide you with lead times and any precautionary measures taken depend on the sleep time. the mission is meant to help provide advance warning unable ng us to better prepare for the storms. but for this purpose research must be conducted on the origins of solar storms and the question as to why they pick up speed so rapidly in fact they reach such high speeds that it takes them just one to 2 days to reach earth where they he says at 7000000 kilometers an hour.
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a comparison of full blown tornado rages at a speed of 500 kilometers an hour after never before has there been a mission that has flown so close to the sun. such an approach is risky and so the probe must also set completely new standards nasa scientists call it the parkers solar probe. will be flying about 6000000 kilometers from the source or for us. if this is the sun earth distance but a sort of appropriate beef like this close to the sun. the parkers solar probe will come 96 percent closer to the sun than earth and the outcome of the sam bishes mission remains uncertain but this is the only way to explore how and when solar storms occur this is there's no question that a strong solar storm will happen in the near future it's just a question of time and we want to be as well protected as possible before. because
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if a solar storm catches us off guard it causes incredibly high temperatures capable of melting even the biggest transformers in substations as occurred in october 2003 in south africa a widespread abrupt power outage would put water works in their pumps out of service. at the same time pipelines would stop conveying oil because they too run on electricity extended power failures caused by transformer damage would bring nearly everything to a standstill since even emergency power generators can only keep operating for so long scientists warn that everything would come to a stop and food shortages would occur. earth normally boasts a magnetic field that protects us from solar particles however when solar winds
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turn into a storm this protection is no longer sufficient. the mass of plasma then presses against the magnetic field compressing it. roman lay on the heart of the conrad observatory i'm in austria has been recording changes in earth's magnetic field for years and such geomagnetic measurements can then be used to detect solar storms. protected from external influences he has ensured optimum conditions for his measuring instruments here 50 kilometers southwest of vienna in a geophysical research facility on travel bad mountain. normally this magnetic field is rather quiet with hardly any movement but when a solar storm hits we see a significant jump in activity. these measurements of earth's magnetic field are
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important in assessing the solar storm data recorded by satellites. the more data available to us about a solar storm the better we can predict where and with how much force it will reach earth and how much a dangerous energy it will unleash the key question is when a solar storm will overload the power grid. professor renna has developed a system enabling him to determine how the extraordinarily high currents will impact the power grid based on geomagnetic measurements taken here in this observatory. solar winds hitting earth are also visible in other ways the magnetic field lines on the side facing the sun connect together and enable electrically charged particles to flow into earth's atmosphere there they stimulate atoms making them glow. so it's actually the effects of solar
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storms that cause the northern lights at the poles sometimes in red and sometimes in green. in the event of strong solar storms the lights are visible farther away from the polls as well continuing farther and farther toward the equator. it's as rare to see this phenomenon as a total solar eclipse. when the moon passes in front of the sun we see a bright halo of light around it known as the corona and that's where the parker solar probe is flying because it's where solar winds are created and precisely where something unusual happens if you have a comfort the further away you move from it the cooler it gets but does not work
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for the sort of core when you look at the surface of the sun the temperature is about $6000.00 degrees moved up about 23000 kilometers and the temperature of the plasma would jump to more than a 1000000 degree that is completely counter-intuitive to not it would not be that way but sun magically dust things that are out of the ordinary and one of them is what we call the core hitting the call it is more than $300.00 times hotter than the solar surface. understanding coronal heating is crucial for the scientists and it's why folk of bode miller was determined to take pictures there and equip the probe with a special camera in collaboration with his nasa colleague russell howard in washington d.c. . in. the nasa scientists in washington had not yet decided whether the probe would have a camera on board as its load capacity was limited. both the boatman not
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only had good arguments on hand but also had long been friends with his american colleague russell howard they both shared an affinity for the sun. i call for you good to see you. then oh it was a good trip coming. in the end to russell how would decided to install a camera on board the parker solar probe and began making 1st drafts of his space camera an instrument he would like to take special pictures with i actually love you i've always loved harvey so this is this is amazing. my personal goal was to really to have an instrument that i could see see the sun see the corona not the sun but the cross or corona. the camera needed to have a view angle that would capture the corona around the sun and for this purpose it
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had to be placed at a certain position on the probe. here we have a model of the of the whisper instrument and that we invited to be in this position . of being. on the spacecraft. and just just about so. the camera would be very sensitive to light meaning that boat and how it would have to prevent sunlight from being able to shine on to the camera's lens while it took photos of the corona. i think were said could you switch off like volcker yes and we'll do it all. prettiest it's important for the sunlight to be shielded off because the camera is meant to observe structures in the solar wind and the corona that are millions of times less bright as. the heat of the sunlight is also so dangerous that the camera must
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always be protected by shade. after a long consideration an agreement was reached on the concept and construction of the camera could begin. it owes its unusual shank to the 2 wide angle lenses while the camera cover which protects the lens is installed the need can be opened on the side. but when taking pictures the exposed lenses appointed in the direction of flight and dust particles from space are expected to hit the front lenses at high speed meaning damage is inevitable. it was hard to predict how hard the lenses would be impacted as boatman and how it would breaking new ground. but they couldn't risk the camera being blinded so they needed a glass with a special extra top surface and tried out different variety so think you see any
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with the naked eye yet i can see some spots a lot i want. oh that's interesting and i can compare it with everything with the other 2 types. so much to put small pelts it looks like. what will happen is when one in the bed is coming out we're going to see it and then the spacecraft will run into though that. we're going to be flying through that sort of harsh particle environment i mean that's a risk. it's sort of like dust on your car window that you get these impacts and when if you have a very old car you have a lot of dust impact in and when you drive into the bright sun it's really difficult to say. so. it's the same problem that we have.
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both men and russell howard already have valuable experience building space cameras together on a previous projects they photographed solar winds in 3 d. . what kind of cameras to focused work on board that's never been done before. we don't have such cameras that's correct. in 2006 the missions sent off 2 satellites at once called stereo a and stereo be enabling the solar wind to be photographed from 2 sides at once but only from a very long distance. the grigor solar telescope stands at an altitude of 2400 meters at the foot of pico dealt a day on the island of 10 or if it where almost ideal conditions prevail for observing the sky. as the largest telescope in europe
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this telescope helps compliment observations by the parkers solar probe from earth . usually air turbulence in the atmosphere poses an obstacle to observing the sun from earth but luzzi a client has a special mirror in her telescope that can compensate for such distortions. what's more the swiss scientist can observe the sun around the clock from here. parties all approach the pakistani probe can take measurements they not using certain periods when it's close to the sun well we can take solar measurements every day. the telescope strong point however is it particularly high resolution unable in the astrophysicist to study the sunspots with precision. is on the head and his son has an 11 year cycle meaning that every 11 years it
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exhibits a particularly large number of carnal mass ejections and sunspots and we've been aware of this cycle for centuries in the past sunspots were seen as somehow evil because every time there current they lead to disturbances and so less storms but we now know that sunspots are actually just cool areas on the sun's surface. around the stance the sun's surface resembles a pot of boiling water with hot plasma rising from the depths cooling down and sinking back down again this results in a vibrant pattern of bright bubbles with dark ages. and investigating them took fine tuning and cooperation. in solar physics we always try to aggregate the data from all telescopes and space probes because only by combining them can we really find out about the sun. if such extensive
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observations had been being carried out back in 1989 canada might not have experienced the devastating power outage that affected 6000000 people. in the winter weather of quebec at minus 7 degrees not only did the district heating fail but the children's hospitals power suddenly went out in the middle of several surgical operations. the transformers couldn't handle the enormous power surges. in austria the electricity grid provide a p.g. and therefore operate special transformers designed to compensate for the hazardous d.c. currents caused by solar wind however it will take decades for these kinds of transformers to become commonplace because due to their prohibitive costs electricity grid operators can only install such transformers here and there
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a solution must be found and follow. when a solar wind heads south it so facts are not limited to a small space but they actually impact a very large area meaning multiple transformers will undoubtedly be hit when you most elements fail at once however this naturally results in power outages and in the worst case even a blackout because. bowker both know wants to make sure that solar storms do not become nasty surprises which is why scientists shouldn't be the only ones privy to the solar data recorded. instead they should be an easily accessible option for anyone to quickly get an idea of the sun's conditions and folk a boat has developed an app that directly displays nasa's observations of the sun.
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since the topic is becoming increasingly important to us and society i wanted to develop a space weather app enabling you to have easy access to information about the sun's activity at any time along with what consequences that might have in the coming days. reading tea leaves to forecast solar storms is no alternative to scientists working with validated data to make their predictions even if they are tested to their limits. of their own as his attorney says complex that you can simulate it as a whole you can imagine it's magnetic field like a rubber band running from the north to the south pole so you will have that the sun rotates faster it's a quite said than at the poles meaning this rubber band gets twisted up which is precisely what leads to solist illness. the magnetic field lines binds tons of plasma to them however if they become so in
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tangled that they burst open by hurtle this plasma out into the void of space. it's still relatively young clay whether solaced on scandal or predicted at all because if there is stones or take a chaotic it will never be able to predict them several days in advance. solar storms not only here planet earth but also the spherical zones around us which are home to orbiting g.p.s. satellites among other things and these form the basis for our navigation systems in this case this case there is the g.p.s. is disturbed by solar storms this alters your determined position you'll certainly
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know you're in europe or america but anyway know if the runway is ahead of you or to you suddenly the navy. imprecise navigation is a nightmare for pilots and aviation safety with accurate signals absolutely mandatory in order for nothing to go wrong but this problem can pose life threatening risks for example when japan temporarily lost control of 2 g.p.s. satellites in 2003. g.p.s. signals move through the i own a sphere that surrounds earth like a shell so if it's deformed by a solar storm this distorts such signals. but if that's not during the last strong solar storm a few years ago about 60 aircraft were not allowed to take off and a flight radar. failed in scandinavia flu called dos it's got. some american airlines are already taking space weather into account and the international civil
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aviation organization recently established a working group to determine when aircraft must remain on the ground. co-creator we need hard space weather data for forecasting and we need appropriate standards enabling information to be passed on worldwide as to what effects can be expected under what space weather conditions and what actions must be taken but that is still in the process of being developed for the coming years. nature has its own struggle with space weather with some birds and insects for example the monarch butterfly relying on their own navigation system based on earth's magnetic field. this normally enables them to reliably find their way to their winter home however if earth's magnetic field is disturbed by a solar storm the sensitive insects get lost.
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in autumn when the sun is no higher than 52 degrees in the sky it gives the starting signal for millions of monarch butterflies to begin their 3000 kilometer journey from the higher latitudes of north america down to mexico. every year they land at exactly the same place again within an area of just 20 heck tears for 5 months they take in the sun along the pine trees before starting their return trip. but they lacked the strength to persevere for the long trip and will never reach their distant home in north america. the parkers solar probe also requires a lot of energy for its long flight 1st it must fly to faraway jupiter to pick up extra momentum and be flung by its gravitational pull before venturing onward to the sun. but the concept has been the subject of spirited debate among
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researches because the side trip to jupiter would require the probe to be equipped with its own nuclear power plant entailing an enormous investment even for nasa guys but i wonder is that really the way we think that's progress i think we have to discuss because most of your focus boatman discussed the flight route with the nasa team once again and the costs were too high so a new trajectory had to be found russell howard and folk aboard considered one part might work as an alternative to the jupiter route we're going to change the trajectory of our satellite by hitting venus and then. go directly to the sun. like a 5th of ok so here i am sitting on my rocket i have to get the speed right true.
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in e.-n. to the nasa scientists agreed that the probe should start off toward venus where it will be slowed down by passing by before continuing onward to the sun. this also significantly increases the available measuring times because the parker solar probe will not go around the sun just twice but 24 times. the european space agency e.s.a. is also working on solving the mystery surrounding solar storms and have also been developing their own probe for over 12 years called the solar orbiter. that is. a special thing about a star orbiter is its trajectory which will take us out of the plane of the sound system all our observations so far from the perspective of. and because all the planets revolve strictly within the plane of the solar system like on a record player it would take a lot of effort to escape this ecliptic and we feel what we are missing is data
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from the solar pole about the only way to see the poles there is to fly out of their clip take and observe the poles from above. danielle miller coordinates the various solar orbiter teams and one of their biggest challenges is to ensure that the 1000000000 euro object can withstand the heat in france for example various materials have been tested for years to do just that. new sums i.v. i develop a process we have managed to develop special materials and methods for these instruments enabling them not to melt. metal your foot in a so that the instruments can continue taking measurements and achieve the expected result the only other doctors wanted on. 10 different measuring instruments have been developed for the solar orbiter one is able to detect the x. rays from the sun with this instrument physicist luzzi
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a client utilizes an optical grid that the x. rays pass through. an important stepping stone in the study of solar storms. in say funding visible light you can only see the effects of soda eruptions that through x. rays you can investigate that causes in our instruments we have 2 metal grades and on them you can see a pattern caused by the x. rays on the pattern is highly accurate and varies depending on where the soldier eruption occurred on the sun thus allowing us to determine exactly where the particles came from that fund. this special ability to locate the eruptions is unique to the e.s.a. solo orbiter probe nasa has park a solar probe can't do that so both probes will complement each other. assembly had to be 1st with just a year before launch the probe and all its details had to be finalized.
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meanwhile the start up procedures were being tested in the control center over several months. we. go. in early 2020 the probe was finally ready for launch like. everybody working in the white. and when you're on the other we will be good you know bring cameras and we are going to be off. the solar orbit so we'll spend 7 years collecting data from the sun employing its 10 different on board measuring systems all from different european countries. on either side over to has meant a lot to me because it has shown that you can build a very complex things together with a lot of other people all incorporating their different areas of expertise i've
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seen over the past 12 years how many people have invested many years of their lives giving it their all to make this as good as possible. in. yes to getting solar storms has been a long held dream for many nasa scientists too as early as 958 when nasa was founded there were those who wanted to conduct a mission to the sun at the time assistant professor eugene parker had only just proposed the theory that they might be solar winds for his bold thesis to be verified they would have to organize a mission to the sun you know who the source of the space age was coming and that we would soon test directly whether there was a solar well. i'm going to search for a matter of a few years time. that's it make time for what i'd enjoy the difficult same praising the existence of solar wins lay not only in our inability to launch a space mission but also in the fact that the phenomenon was disputed by respected
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scientists eugene hawkins theory was completely unprecedented and was rejected by many on the referee saying just an eye on a lot of her. career both some are going to make such statements. oh. i don't know why i was so dumb part of her some people are just don't see see things. in a new way one time changes and concepts change there's no change when that there are. changes and. they dislike them pass i already saw. a good rationale change is fun. at over 90 years old mr parker is finally able to reap.


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