tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle January 16, 2021 2:03pm-2:31pm CET
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it does and most of all it offends off what was a very significant group within the conservative c.d.u. who were backing fridley schnapps you know lost in that run off who wanted to go a lot more conservative who was less consensus oriented who also in terms of european politics talked about we should stretch those european treaties to the limit so that would have been a very very different kind of style coming out of the german conservative party that late last big tent party here and many. laughs it is nowhere near being that abrasive let's just have a listen to what he had to say just after his victory. on the norm for and joining us from hope it's not have to cast our votes today. so i want to thank you for the great trust you have placed in me. i am aware of the responsibility that this position and tailless. and i intend to do everything in my power to ensure
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that i get through this year together and that together we prevail in the state elections only weeks away and in the national elections too. that we can show once again that the new chancellor comes from our ranks. you see the. lash there let's go back to our chief political editor. what do you make of that for not being stopped. well it's interesting that he didn't stress that he has to be the leader that his name has to be on the ballot when he goes to general elections in september but that it should be from amongst the rank and file of the conservative c.d.u. so that opens up quite a significant space for maneuver for other potential candidates and there's one riding sky high in the opinion polls which is the various state premier marcos zuda and the leader of the bavarian c.s.u.
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system party there who's quite comfortably sitting on the fence of whether he will throw his hat into the ring in the end and yet. and that's running mates germany's health minister and the face of the pandemic response could also be someone who decides well he has better chances he might do some kind of deal with acid so public opinion polls will matter a lot more from now on words in terms of who will truly get the chance to succeed angela merkel in those key election that september with. the what will now be the main task for. well the main task will be to reunite the party that was a significant rift there still is that has to be healed and to ensure that the c.d.u. actually will have the chance to see who forms the next government because that's by no means a given they are up against particular stiff competition when it comes to the greens who've been able to gain a lot of political ground for now the conservative c.d.u.
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is looking pretty strong particularly also because of the corona pandemic response but a couple of months is a very long time in politics in general and particularly in such unusual times like this corona pandemic we see that the picture can change on a weekly basis so thinking about this newly showed party room will his defeated rivals be on board do you think with this unifying task. well no but what can the global strategist definitely yes he said so when he conceded defeat greatly wished everybody good luck so that sounds a lot less like somebody who wants to stay engaged he hasn't made clear yet what role he would want to play but one thing's for sure if he wants to have a chance to get a seat at the cabinet table if and when the next conservative chancellor is elected he will have to do a lot of the party legwork right now and that is something that he's quite clearly
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avoided over those past months so we'll see who that team that it is pushing for will be in the end so the leadership is clearly the big ticket item but what else is being decided at this party congress. well actually a lot of the rank and file at the top are being exchanged so a lot emanated from who was elected into that top post so yes we're seeing over a new of the conservative party here and partly in terms of who leads it at the same time we see a clear linear continuation of the machall centrist course. chief political editor of many things the electoral commission in uganda has announced the final result from the selection the clearing incumbent president you were a 70 the winner the 76 year old is one of the world's longest serving leaders his
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main challenger singer turned lawmaker bobby wine is accusing 70 of fabricating the results calling calling the poll the most fraudulent in the history of uganda ugandans to reject the results electoral commission has dismissed the other guy sions earlier won and a group of journalists covering the vote said they were forced to flee from soldiers posted to the opposition candidate compound in the capital of temple. ok let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world now rescue efforts are ongoing in indonesia after friday's earthquake on the island of so the ways people are still feared trapped in the rubble of dozens of houses knocked down by the powerful traumas more than 40 people have been killed and 600 injured. are joining us health secretary has announced he will step down citing the recent storming of the taffeta by donald trump supporters of the corona virus pandemic will remain in his post until president elect joe biden is sworn in is announcement
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follows the resignation of several other officials from the trumpet ministration i mean the u.s. national rifle association has filed for bank bankruptcy protection this new york state filed a lawsuit against the influential gun lobby group that putting it out of business but despite the filing it says its finances are still strong and will seek to incorporate texas in state. was the world mourns the 2000000 people worldwide who have died with the 19 governments are starting ambitious immunization drives india faces and enormous task the country i use to inoculate one quarter of its 1300000000 people by july. the moment many indians have waited for. one of the actually rollouts in the world. to go home and plans to reach around 300000000
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people i. carried live on national t.v. prime minister narendra modi and dress the nation by video conference saying every willing indian can get a shot by the end of the year speaking directly to the country's health workers promised they would have priority. the 1st vaccine will go to those who need it most those who must risk catching the disease they will get the 1st japs. india has approved the emergency use of 2 vaccines neither of which requires a story each. with over 10000000 infections india has recorded the 2nd highest number of covert 19 infections in the world after the united states. because of the positive things we have been going through this.
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it's going to take some time but everyone. it's there i think. it's a good thing they're back seeing us here we should also work in line to go to has been effected because of the coronavirus. india has a lot of experience with mass vaccinations each year tens of millions of children actually did for other diseases through a nationwide immunization program. it is this system the government now hopes will help them fight one of the biggest health emergencies the country has ever faced. u.s. vaccine magnifies a has told the european commission it won't be able to fulfill all of its promise to livery in the coming weeks because building work intended to boost the production at its plant in belgium it's a setback in europe's battle against the pandemic with a new member states dependent on the father product for they vaccine vaccination
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programs. pfizer's plant near where it's from here that every country in the world except the us will be supplied with its vaccine it's a complicated manufacturing process doses have to be kept at ultra low temperatures and the united. kingdom the complete surprise to the e.u. . these are all of course a question that pfizer company has to answer i think it is very important that immediately we make clear that there is a guarantee of a amount of still suspect have to be delivered in the 1st quarter just a week ago the european commission was in talks with pfizer about to every year there was no mention of 82 leaves the company wants to carry 8 works at its plant to adapt the manufacturing process and the that it says would significantly boost production in the coming months several you countries have purge the commission to peer pressure on pfizer they've described italy as unacceptable and c it will have
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a profound impact on the credibility of the whole vaccination campaign. and to some sports news now and in the bundesliga title chasing violet accusing we're here in berlin to kick off match day 16 effaced who have been flying surprisingly high this season themselves it was a hard fought game and destined for stalemates and top said rick tocchet free from time german forward held his nerve to squeeze the ball home for the only goal of the game and strike moods when young up in the heavy hearts of force feels another blow to levy cusins hopes. the match was of the shadow of the incident shortly before the end of the guy by live now the meeting was the target of a remark that involved his afghan background and he's accepted the apology from the young girl in player in question as posted on the club's twitter ameri said he came
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to me in the dressing room unpleasant words were said in the heat of the moment and he's very sorry for them he showed me in a very credible way and therefore the issue is over for me some american football now the new york jets have made history after reaching an agreement in principle to the hiring of robert seiler the new head coach. so the would become the 1st muslim to take charge of an n.f.l. team according to the lobby group the council on american islamic relations the lebanese american was previously a defensive coordinator with the san francisco $49.00 ers helping to turn then into and out of the defense of the 41 year old has a big task ahead the last time the jets my the n.f.l. playoff was during the 2010 cities. are moderate the top story we're following for you this hour germany city utah has a new leader in a close 2nd round but and this shows russia to take over the brands of angela
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merkel's governing party russia hits germany's most populous state and with national elections they had this media is a strong contender to head the ticket shots. at him from me and the team here in berlin don't forget the websites there for all the latest at any time of the day until then. the fight against the corona virus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing. measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus of the coalition special monday to friday on w. in the light of climate change.
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conference mix of. what's in store. is to come for the future to. come for to make your cities to the multi-agency. counter. because of the plague. this week on world stories. conflict on south africa's cape. first torture and then a skate in china. but 1st we begin in italy where hundreds of suspected members of the calabrian mafia are in trial this week as a result the country's highest level of security is a place. he has to move quickly the chief prosecutor of katherine's
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out of new cannot read t.n.t. has powerful enemies italy's number one mafia hunter is leading the fight against the notorious calabrian network then that i'm getting his on all mini they learn that i get that there are men of the internet get there within the public administration by attempt to manage it in whole or in part trying to succeed in dominating not only on the economic level but also on the administrative and political level. means that the you are putting think of it out there he has been fighting them for more than 30 years and he has been preparing a strong message to send to the calabrian families and the public over the next 2 years more than $350.00 mafiosi and accomplices will take the stand in the biggest mafia trial in decades here and especially build bunker courtroom set up to accommodate them together with hundreds of lawyers and witnesses the in the i'm
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getting now operates in the shadows for example by importing tons of cocaine from that america and quietly buying power and influence over europe this and their twisted but strong sense of family are the main reasons why it's so hard to fight the family clans the we haven't who are tells us now working with prosecutors he was raised to become a powerful mafiosi quite adamant that if you start with. guns as a child they make you shoot. they carry guns and you're a kid and it's all a game to you. the other kids have toit guns but your guns are real you're not afraid of being beaten but of disappointing those who are training you. smuggle drugs extorted people and even participated in murders but after the birth of his 2nd child he decided this life was no longer for him and turned against his own family. when it became known that ambushed me twice within 12 hours the 1st time i
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managed to escape the 2nd time i was armed and returned fire 3 people they tried to kill me several times and set fire to my wife's shop since then what i've been told to has helped put hundreds of mafiosi behind bars he welcomes the efforts of prosecutors like. but he is not the only one worried i will fight back. if i understood that if they knock me down all this great work and this great team will stop there are thousands and thousands of people who believe in me and therefore i am the last hope. so this also gives me courage and helps we have to carry on what ever it takes if i pulled out today i would feel like a coward but i made that i mean did that argee missin today really while this trial won't free calabria from the clutches of the mafia it is a real chance to bring attention to the cause of suffering for millions of people
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not just here in italy. the 2nd covert 19 wave has hit south africa which has been affected by the pandemic more than any other country on the continent hospitals are completely overwhelmed. this isn't a waiting room it's the treatment room for coverts patients at the hospital in khayelitsha one patients calls out to us to tell us she'd been sitting and waiting for 3 days waiting for beds to become free next door you can read the signature we think don't want it understood just so. dr susan mccomb caller has been working here for 9 years and this pandemic is pushing him to his limits a 3rd of his colleagues have already had the virus how do you feel to see off the
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bill that sometimes you see it for what it was going to be enough speed something we don't do enough or didn't we need to employ you know the one point to the difficulty did something your true. who do you 1st do it looks just the new should we just stop but sometimes do just that. on average one person with coverts dies in the hospital every day there's a small room next door with somewhat better beds for acute patients waiting for an intensive care bed and another. spittal the local health minister at mit's that not everyone can get an i.c.u. bed most are already full south africa meanwhile has reintroduced tougher lockdown measures there's a strict a mosque requirement alcohol sales are bans and beaches have been closed but police are overwhelmed with enforcing the rules. only patients over the age of
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45 are now being tested at the state clinics the demand is overwhelming. here in viral load just both gun crimes as a laboratory every 2nd test is positive the government announced it is already in talks with the manufacturer s. but there are no details yet 2nd keiichi however there is hope initial studies show that during the 1st wave up to 40 percent of residents will already infected and possibly even immunes social distancing remains impossible for many here dr mccomb call and his team are therefore still bracing for a tough few weeks ahead of them. china is home to more the 98 ethnic groups many of which feel the experience of treasure one consequence fled to turkey after her to live in
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a chinese reeducation country. scenes of a family out with 0. her husband john and their little daughter are in turkey a safe location for now but for a normal life is still far away she says she does not feel safe and we. don't want the cold i still wake up from nightmares in which i see myself in a chinese internment camp again. the images and memories of the interrogations of the beatings and the things they did to him and their haunt me i then feel sick for a few days and i can't sleep i argue with my family i even think about hurting myself. in 201-7000 hon was arrested in sin john china's western most region she is an ethnic cousin born in china and was
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living in kazakhstan at the time on a trip back to china she was detained by police and then hope for a year in several reeducation camps. although they tortured us they had cameras everywhere you were not allowed to pause scratch your head or cry if they saw that they would force you want to a metal chair they would make you sit there for 12 hours 24 hours you were tied to the chair and if you tried to move it would get tighter then they make you repeat chinese words that you didn't know if you forgot them they used electroshock device on your head. back in kazakhstan her family did not know where she was at the same time authorities in china suddenly started to detain large numbers of the region's muslim minorities i traveled to the region to see for myself middle school number 4 counted was one of the camps she had been to in 2018 a high wall was built around the school and shacks were built in the courtyard today the school is back to what it was china has defended the facilities as book
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ational training centers and declared that by 2019 all trainees had graduated but 0 has also told us that many of our former inmates would later transfer to regular prison on the outskirts of 2 more officers. there are now 5 policemen following. a prison with watchtowers and another camp where both built in 2017 when the campaign against ethnic minorities took off or staff left. their home town if you film here we will have to take measures against you on t.v. this place is a state secret rooms and. we 0 was told she was detained because she had been to kazakhstan that was seen as a sign of being disloyal to china more and more service now calling what is happening in the region could genocide after reports of forced birth control
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sterilization and little. in the camp was 0 recalls the inmates were administered injections of an unknown substance. cruzeiros one of the lucky ones she was finally allowed to leave after her husband had complained for her and cars are stuck she has no news from her relatives in the region. germany's extended lockdown is taking a toll on many people parents in particular are complaining about the heavy burden of home schooling on the children. home schooling is especially difficult for beginners like they aren't even used to real school yet with his mother's help leaders learning to read and write in his living room. because we have the ever managed to do everything that is supposed to
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be done that day and. we have i really never wanted to be a teacher i don't know how you get someone to write a letter after 27 times in a row if they don't want to and then i notice after. photos teachers students ashmit and and of a tanker use their own private laptops to remotely support these homeschooling efforts yet they offer question and answer session several times a week via video but teaching 6 year olds to read write and do mass remotely it's difficult. and. you know on monday cannot you that there's some children that we can't reach at all right now they're learning very little and when we try to get them to come into school and then we work with them here at least the tablets provided by the berlin city government can now be distributed to children who have no digital devices at home experts say this should have happened long ago
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back to feed to his home schooling his mom did i do is currently on preventing the right does work there just about coping with homeschooling why. i had to the idea that you can work and teach your kids at the same time is an illusion as if there's me running saying i'm going to tell the world it's that it's impossible to come by home office and 1. everyone in the family knows that this is not how it was meant to be not just hope things will get back to the limo sooner rather than later.
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this man loves to eat his christmas tree. timbers are tourists and know whether it's needles mark or blood and. everything is at a ball. all right. back to the brand. all. summer superhero. my mission is clear. ok antony closely should explore germany. take dives into. everything out there's a lot going on in. germany tried and tested to get to. 60 minutes on. the literature invites us to see people in particular
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