tv Anne Will Deutsche Welle January 18, 2021 6:30pm-7:31pm CET
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lead discover the world. live. live subscribe to documentary on youtube. this is news africa coming up on the program they've risked their lives enough but not any more kenyan health workers out on the strike calling other governments to do more to protect them when the job leads die of covert 90 also coming up. more the wind supporters have even been denied access here he says in kampala while himself he remains reportedly hailed his home.
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hello and welcome to the program as well the our nations are racing to vaccinate the appalachians against cove in 19 africa has only one 5th of the vaccination dozes the continent needs the african union says it has secured 270000000 govan 1000 bucks in dozes which will be made available this year this will supplements the 600000000 doses obtained by the world health organization's kovacs alliance for africa but some african nations aren't willing to wait guinea is now testing the russian stock make 5 vaccine and i was ordered 2000000 doses so africa 20000000 doses of the us doesn't like a vaccine and kenya or that 24000000 which should start arriving by the end of next month but that's not soon enough for many health workers who feel exploited they've
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gone on strike to demand better oppy medical cava on adequate protective get. reports from nairobi. oh dorcas loves her job as clinical officer a big part of that though was to work closely with covert 19 patients then one day she got sick herself i saw her call then i went through a lot of problems after i was infected i didn't have a medical problem i didn't find a good source i was supposed to go on oaxaca made both of my sons were infected too it was very traumatising she survived 9 of her colleagues did not and then another shock she had to pay the expensive hospital bill from our own pocket for over a month now she's been on strike with her nurses and medical lab offices more than 30000 health care workers according to the unions their demands include protective health insurance and compensation for families in case of death if any of us is to
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die for want of a nice to. have fun live is going in this edition. and as if that is not enough then they tell you if you do not go back to that and save working environment we are going to start indeed have to work across kenya have lost their jobs for participating in strikes the government says illegal we put the health care workers demands to the cabinet secretary of health. we have more than enough people in this country since october of this year we have got the most generous. insurance package that has ever been given to the civil someone's they do have somebody to meet. up with they have raised me thus for example delays in their payments and so on the reason for those delays says the health minister is the current economic situation. nobody is denying that he should be getting your
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money you should. it's overdue to meet right but we're also saying that when there is this situation in the country let's also visit to get them you know and don't make it look like you are blackmailing the government does weakest point . as dorcas doesn't feel protected by her employer she's awaiting the covert 19 vaccine kenya expects to receive the vaccine through the kovacs facility among other sources but experts say a 60 percent vaccination target is needed to achieve herd immunity on the african continent meanwhile wealthy nations have reserved more than half of the vaccines even though the home to only 14 percent of the world's population so they kind of some selfishness to say live a fuss resign it now for people i think the issue here is that global responsibility issue so you can resolve as many as you want for your country but what is your responsibility to ensuring there while he says to be safe that's also
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doctors wish for herself and her colleagues probably feel about that the plenty on our behalf and countries get the vaccination later yeah i mean we are less you might we feel like we are not going see that letter anywhere but a little never at least we are hopeful we are going to get them up in the. canyons 1st tranche of $24000000.00 vaccine doses is expected to arrive next month dorcas now hopes the vaccine will finally ensure her safety. meanwhile the world health organization has warned of a catastrophic moral failure in the distribution of vaccines and is calling for more equitable distribution aside from the vaccines developed in the west india russia and china also produced in the. correspondence about spoke to kenya's health minister and. tends to directly patches from the i want to. be have been in touch for example as an account as i said we have been in touch with him.
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in india and even with their pfizer you know we are in touch with all of them the issue is who has got. to sell over and above the demand that has ordered it because don't forget that europe went on board those things even as they were being one foxit so we are playing catch up in walking with the. organizations that i would be desperate in terms of supply wealthy nations have secured 51 percent of all vaccines even though they are only home to 40 percent of the world's population so other countries like kenya or other african countries actually could be waiting for months and even years what do you think is that fair that is not fair but you know kind of for example as a population of about a 1000000 people they have. ordered for 3cww doses you know and they have the money and they can do it it is not fair. but as far as
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i'm concerned it is also it's a wake up call is a week of call for the rest of the world you know we have learned 2 things we've called it 19 number one is that. it doesn't matter how you can self disease going forward is global it doesn't matter what sort of geographical location you give yourself and assume that you can take care of your population and you know you can't. the 2nd thing we have learnt is that we have to be very reliant on vaccines on pharmaceutical commodities or in pharmaceutical products we have to be very self-reliant as a continent as a country it's very important to come to this be a resolution that depending on the western nations for our wellbeing as
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far as. medical issues are concerned is foolish because as we have seen when push comes to shore. people you always do own fasts and then think about the other 2nd and we don't always want to be the 2nd to be thought about. now a few days after controversial elections in uganda opposition candidate bob you wine is said to be blocked from leaving his home and shops have reportedly raided his party's headquarters 1st venture it was a vinnie was declared when i with over 58 percent of the vote while wine received about 35 percent and alleges fraud mr allen fellow ugandans to reject the results. in this democracy the oficial loser of the vote for president has been effectively under government house arrest and not been seen for days the wine seen here in
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archive video said in a telephone interview he believes seventies victory was built on cooked up fraudulent results. maybe they'd. never go back. if you did that. for them that i hope that. reporting from kampala points to a population on edge at the moment as the military makes its presence known whines supporters want to hear a call to action or perhaps a call to no action anything from their leader. come on talk to us until. we lost it will be fighting with us. he really did lose say backers a 6 term president who 75 how did i not clap or what we have won this election we really worked hard for the vote door to door throughout uganda and i've done the
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enough to 5 years in this big celebration with a strong dose of tension in a country where dozens of lives have been lost over political differences in recent months supporters of the oficial luser this time hope the international community can influence what comes next but the latest in uganda correspondent just now joins us from the capital kampala and as we also you wearing a bulletproof vest tell us how tense is the situation on the ground. i mean why the election with some people celebrating on august 37 inches i think the situation around here age around is really inspired by the freedoms of all the while he's freedom to leave his home that is why can't they just 'd know what their next move is going to be while they expect that we'll be watching one of the things we might do research go to court do not know watch though i spoke to some of the supporters
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who told me that they are and see i'm living the lives of our diocese so there's a lot of police and military deployment countries will be wider but we kind of leave this home safely to a lot of tension especially among supposes. that mission done well the winds are still on the some sort of also rest why exactly is that i think it is still because while we spoke quietly i listened to the military spokesperson who was interviewed by the local media and he said that they are doing so because they have some positive story surrounding the opposition candidate both the white actually say that they're doing the scene he's on interest much above the line they say i just told him from speaking to these people were doing was to get 1000 meaty support as an obstacle extended in stepping into caves provincialism a civilian i legations of for treating other police a little over 25 people dead on the same output it will create chaos so what is the situation surrounding the want of
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a soul to formation it was important to know that even in the previous election remain a provision can you get the main challenge of your in the 7 at that time looked at the services just assistance in area immediately after the elections was with allows you to his home. briefly before you go what you think is going to happen next i think what is going to happen if is that the police will maintain the deployment around by the winds all models wearing the strip for 'd the decks i had here about the election results he also the one is likely to go to the courts of law and challenge the result as to delay to fight a constitution on the side of its plans are likely to respond to what their leaders he called like they're going to produce services he doesn't remain calm like he has doesn't before i think they remain calm but the police i'm sure sorry 'd i'm confident that they're likely to keep. to keep overloading the streets especially in areas where they suspect that could really care of. them was that of your
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correspondents and come follow you down that sign for your sign. and that's how you wrap things up for mall vos stories of us about websites to africa you can go to all facebook on twitter pages 5 so you so. what secrets lie behind these walls. discover new adventures in the 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. w world heritage 360 getting out now. to kick off. ghost town atmosphere means listless clay stuff from the. looks of guns and don't
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remember this flight was the sensible. non-stop excitement of the final match to. the seat of heinlein's. v.w. . in the dock 3 minutes well it's finally here the 1st coronavirus film with hollywood a listers locked down is the story of a diamond heist set amidst a tedious video conferences and twilit paper hoarding. among them or on an hathaway's pandemic performance coming up on arts and culture and later on because so am car of meat mickey mouse and the work of german street artist boom ya.
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by now we've seen all kinds of creative solutions to make art and performances possible despite social distancing we've seen concerts on balconies concerts on rooftops concerts on tiny islands now a project focusing on the impossibilities of art in isolation is more. than jamming out to the end may not have found an interesting way of visualizing social distancing he's put actors from the high book theater in southern germany inside giant p.v.c. bubbles. for example the musician plays in his piano he is himself and cannot communicate with the other musicians and the actor also only he is himself and i tried to depict these areas of culture and also in the interest for example of an old person. with his photo projects social
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distance stacks may not once to illustrate how social distancing during the covert crisis might affect people and how important closeness is to us social fabric. the actors are all wearing costumes from different plays and get into that bubbles one after the other. that ben has just 15 minutes to take his photos because condensation forms inside it all takes teamwork. every said has its own atmosphere that's just so special in itself you know just the performance and the performance. a few weeks ago phil had me not the musicians from the stuttgart philharmonic to put on my concert attire and then climb into the p.v.c. vel's with instruments. for months he took this. van me not as a conceptual artist 14 he published the video experiment human. tracks on the
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impact of math surveillance and 2015 he photographed refugees to your attention to overcrowded refugee shelters. and in 2019 he photographed young people using smartphones to illustrate the idea of humans is day to roll material and now he's tackling the coronavirus crisis each scene is carefully composed the act of each tell a story during the photo shoot each day acts out of fear to seem so how exactly does it feel to perform inside of p.v.c. bubbles up the acoustic in the acoustics are pretty extreme i actually got a bit of air pressure right now but it was an interesting experience. reminds me of the i'm very excited about the end result. yeah obviously glad for any opportunity we have right now to present ourselves but you know that's until. now because of the pandemic will we end may not is only publishing his photos on his website but
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perhaps one day they'll serve as a testimony to a time when all it could save another bubble. concert halls theatres museums are all shut down for now here in germany and in many countries but my colleague adrian kennedy's been looking at some new movies that deal with the current pandemic and one of them has a pretty big castrator and that's why it has a big name cost this is not down starring anne hathaway and edgy for it's a romantic comedy and they are a couple going through relationship problems and spending far too much time together in that lockdown the solution to not going crazy is believe in the stage heist and steal a free 1000000 euro diamond as well. as one does uncovered crisis
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mode indeed and the amazing thing about this movie is that it was conceived written produced and brought out all in the midst of the pandemic right and we have director doug wyman telling us how he went about that together with screenwriter steven knight steven i set out to do be outrageous and i think it will because of that damn right to sit sit down on july want and say let's write something that will shoot in september and have it done by the end of the year that's that's insane maybe even crazier. the way that you acknowledge your for deciding to ron howard i think it's probably easier than trying to do it steven i just. ok so they made the movie in about 4 months that's pretty quick for a movie of the scale is it any good though what it's got mixed reviews at best though some might say has been patent. some people calling it an irritating
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heist cullman say one reviewer even going as far as to suggest warning the public that they should keep a social distance from this no doesn't sound like mixed reviews adrian this is the us one outlier though that said it did have a message that might resonate that message would be that in order to survive the pandemic it might be necessary to go crazy ok well we're already obviously already practicing that it will be interesting to see people on screen wearing masks and not just the slick where they're wearing a mask but not all the movies that are dealing with this pandemic are this silly there are also some pretty serious cultural respect by one of the 1st out of the block was a way he made a documentary film tributes to the health work in hand who were working in the front line against the pandemic. this film of the nation was the 1st full length documentary dedicated to the pandemic way way directed and produced it
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from europe with the filming done by ordinary citizens in the region and it did provide some very haunting and memorable images welts are very different movies about the current of virus and that make you dream kennedy thanks so much thank you. and more culture news now american music producer and convicted murderer phil spector has died in prison at age 81 spector was sentenced in 2009 for the murder of actress clarkson he rose to fame in the 1960 s. producing a string of hit records and creating a widely used recording technique known as the wall of sound spector's daughter said he died of cove in 1000 complications. archaeologists and egypt have made new discoveries that they say will rewrite the region's history the team uncovered the burial temple of queen near it whose husband king ruled more than 4000 years
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ago they also found dozens of sarcophagi dating back over 3000 years and a 4 metre long a pirate's with texts from the book of the dead the collection of ancient egyptian spells meant to guide the deceased through the afterlife. another discovery in italy engineers working on the florence cathedral have found hundreds of animal prints dating to the early 14 hundreds that's when the building's terra cotta roof tiles were made and while they were still drying under the tuscan sun cats dogs foxes do your chickens and other creatures all apparently left their marks experts are busy cataloguing the tracks. an american beer company claims to have made art history with a stunt it calls the world's most expensive artwork the installation is made of
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$2600.00 real diplomas from american universities based on the cost of student tuition in the u.s. they say that makes it worth $470000000.00 the installation is titled the devinsky of debt. now to an artist who keeps his prices deliberately low german urban artist boreal shows his work in museums and galleries but he also wants it out in the world as well sometimes he just puts artworks out on the street for whoever wants to take them his work is all about re mixing art history with pop culture. when a boy. likes to mix it up techniques eras and artistic references. one single work can feature a nonstick caravaggio picasso and even digitally. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
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2 2 2 2 2 and from some species a figures from art history from the current media policy and even though you might recognize them they're not in the usual context. yeah allows us to see them through fresh eyes when he takes the mona lisa around the louvre he also takes away some of the reverence with which also is often treated in his work and my donor is shown with the baby jesus who's taking a selfie. with on a boy yet has a clock tick influences he just opposes afghanistan's version of the deposition of christ with a film poster and then he gives it the believe treatment. by jesus for basically it's finished but it's at this point that i start to produce my image to start with i have an idea exactly what size it's going to be what proportions it
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will have how the figures will be arranged and what sort of color scheme i'm off to a card which operative. has what might be described as street art but it's by no means out of place in a museum. exactly as i'm not really a typical street artist he goes out illegally spraying walls and train tunnels and all that. responding on maad. i do like to work in public spaces but in a much more multi-faceted way confucius figures and. take it with them. take it with.
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there. are. 1700 women imprisoned in pakistan's largest psychiatric hospital not all of them suffer from mental illness they are victims of domestic violence discarded by society and forgotten. so. many w. . make them from people make fun about that old social economic and political problems. in mozambique we say that you have to laugh so you don't try to get small people called me a little. in that. by listening to my fellow pushing that i act as fact my day by checking out all
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those jobs finding out what people are talking about what is moving them. my father taught me how to ask uncomfortable questions about my country and about to book that is what i keep doing to state my needs that the suv and i work at. frank food. international gateway to the best connections road and rail. located in the heart of europe connected to the own world. experienced outstanding shopping and dining offers and trying our services. biala gassed at frankfurt airport city managed by from bought.
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the book the be. the best . this is it we lose live from berlin the enemy of the state the kremlin's fiercest critic detained on his return to moscow and hold before a court election abound he says his frequent makes a mockery of justice also coming up tougher coronavirus restrictions are looking for more likely for germany as concerns grow over new and more infectious strains of the virus and a new video emerges of plant samples. rioters inside the senate chamber as the u.s. capitol was being ransacked last week like it drops the day before the outgoing
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president prepares to unleash the waves of presidential pardons. i am. on lilac thank you very much for your company everyone we start off in russia where the kremlin's most vocal critic alexina vali has been jailed for 30 days at a hearing held at a makeshift court in a moscow police station mr avali was detained immediately on returning to russia yesterday while he's been in germany receiving treatment following a poison attack germany has joined many other countries in condemning mr nevaeh whose arrest a spokesman for german chance on the american described it is arbitrary. and one country that has been especially critical of the midst of all these arrest
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and detention is the country of lithuania mr luntz burgas is the lithuanian minister of foreign affairs and he joins us now on the line from the capital of vilnius and mr landsberg welcome your reaction when you heard a judge ordered mr nevaeh the remain in custody for at least 30 days. well i wasn't charged i mean if peter was to be expected because there the whole. the whole charade to west point you know with the plane diverted. a lot of police waiting for most of the army to get to land there and then at the mock trial so obviously we could see a lot of what you might going to happen but now we you know we keep very clear to say that the biggest crime and this is the romney he's accused of is saying you know i. minister you released a statement earlier that the e.u. needs to swiftly imposed with strict of measures if missing
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a volley is not relief well now it is apparent that mission of all me will remain in detention for the forseeable future how much support is there in the e.u. for punitive measures against russia. well at the very least i feel that there is a support for debate. i hope that you can be swift and i can make decisions because i fear that that mission of ali's life might be in danger we've seen the case of mr magnitsky who wasn't as. known at the time but his time in jail was very limited and now we just have one. deceased person who was killed in jail so we wouldn't want to see the same thing happening to missteps in the valley that's why we need to be swift mr foreign minister what should be the target of any penalty. i think when we will frankly and
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foremost we must speak about the bersih ill sanction the people who are responsible for detaining far mock trial and the group of people who are actually making the show happen. now russia of course is dismissing all criticism why do you think that sanctions will work this time around. well i think that it's it's always you know it's. one step forward one step back i mean you know we have to react whenever something happens and this is the most concrete things that e.u. can do. and we have we know that in the past we've we've let something slide because we thought that maybe you know if we just don't talk about this maybe you phone escalate but you did this kelly and now we're in integration where a lot of bad things you know during the last last the last decade so that's why i
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think that you know we have these measures we have the law so high. that the regulations that you can impose an act that we should use your country mr foreign minister sharon's a border with russia how would you characterize the bilateral relations. well i think the most most people from our own region i would say not only from the country we see russia as a. breaker of international rules and norms the ones that we've that the whole western society was trying to build up in the 2nd world war and for a time being since $99.00 it seems as if russia will take its part in the. community that is building its relations on the rule of law but now is specially after after georgia in 2006 jaimie in 2014 and all the things that happened
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in between and after we fear that it's not the case. the foreign minister the way india got really lansberg sir thank you for joining us thank you. well we turn our attention now a to the pandemic because a south african via a variant of coded 19 has been found now to be more infectious then other strains of the virus according to one of the nation's top at the demolishes well listen to say the variant of binds more readily and strongly to human cells but there is no evidence it causes a more severe version of the disease the variant is behind a recent surge in cases across south africa scientists are still trying to determine whether current vaccines are effective against this particular strain. meanwhile chance to meet where germany's state premiers on choose day to discuss
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tightening covert 1000 restrictions beyond january although infection rates have improved slightly they are not declining as quickly as was hoped according to germany's robert costa institute december saw a spike in corona virus cases which petes just right before the holidays as you can see here behind me on this graph all the numbers that went down go into the new year but around january 9th they went up again while they now appear to be on a downward trend but the country isn't breathing a sigh of relief just yet there are concerns that new covert $900.00 ariens are more transmissible in germany's southern state of bavaria meanwhile certified and $95.00 mass are now mandatory on public transport jeremy hopes that a new round is even tighter measures will bring down the stubborn spread of infections. another bleak and wintry week in berlin the streets are mostly empty and many who do need to go out where a mosque seems to be helping there's been
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a slight drop in coded 19 infections but it's not enough the government is preparing to tighten restrictions and berlin is saying that's a good thing. i think being strict to make sense and i'm hoping this will finally bring it all to an end. modestly it'd be great if people just realize that it's not getting any better and that they should stay at home. i really hope that we realize that we'll have to put up with these restrictions until at least the summer. the government he said to want to stop office workers from commuting and push them into working from home more that's partly because travelling on public transport poses a particularly high in fiction risk politicians and health authorities are also extremely worried about the threat posed by covert 19 mutations which has led to a steep rise in infections in some countries so. highly infectious variants of the
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corona virus have been detected in germany one very into spread through great britain the other through south africa and at the moment we have further warring reports from brazil. right now the pandemic has a firm hold on germany even though the situation in hospitals and intensive care units is showing signs of easing. we turn our attention now to the u.s. where president is preparing to issue one more than 100 pardons and commutations on tuesday while the trumps a last a full day in office that is where the list of clemencies includes some white collar criminals and high profile convicts but will portably will not include mr trump himself meanwhile video footage house emerged from the new yorker magazine showing rioters inside the senate chamber as the capitol was being ransacked last week. i. know we're going to have to.
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look a lot right the facts and. actually he's going to sell us out all over really where the objects are security. cameras and. we know that for one thing i think i ordered our computers. where her. for. her and i was really. were nice enough coal 7 rules. were told it was going to convict her. yes. well certainly it seems there were earlier i spoke with sherry berman she's a professor of political science at barnard college in new york and i asked her
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what she thinks of the flurry of pardons al going prison doll top is expected to issue on his final day. well presidents are entitled to get pardons but trump is act has made much greater use of this power than others and a lot of his pardons have been seen by folks as not just questionable but quite partisan the key question of course that people had in their minds was whether he would preemptively pardon himself or members of his family as your commentary mentioned earlier it seems he will not do that but that would be the biggest constitutional question of all and the sense that it would be unprecedented and the legality of that is quite unclear let's talk now about his presidency has unraveled in a very spectacular way what will happen after wednesday well that is another excellent question and it's a big debate going on currently within the republican party of course as well as within the united states mitch mcconnell the senate majority leader has given his
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colleagues the green light to both their conscience when discussions of trying to come up when the impeachment trial moves to the senate and republicans more generally are really talking now about what the future of their for it is there is a real question about whether this party will continue to follow in the path of trump even after he is gone from office or whether it will try to shift back to a more standard traditional conservative party i mean this is a this is the big question not just for the republicans but for the united states our democracy cannot survive if one of our parties is dominated by people who really question the fundamentals of our constitution of our elections and of the norms of democracy more generally so i mean will the movement that coalesced around president trump will they just go ahead and and. get their own party i
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mean where do you see this how do you see this developing i mean will he go rogue and start his own political party to rival the republican party well i mean look in the united states unlike in germany and most other european countries we have a 1st past the post majority system which carries a very very heavy bias against their party so should trump try to form his own political movement as opposed to try to maintain control over the republican party he would be a very strong structural of that disadvantage simply because as i said there are a lector old system you know if it's a majority or even system so the biggest party is going to win voting for a 3rd party is generally seen as a wasting your vote however continuing to try to head up a political movement outside of one of the mainstream parties could enable trump not only to maintain a lot of influence but to maintain a level of sort of chaos and divisiveness in the american political system that
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would really stop the country and the biden ministration from sort of recalibrating in trying to get us back on a course where we can solve all our social economic and political problems so what trump decides to do next whether within the republican party without will really obviously have a great impact on how the united states moves forward our professor sherry or burma nuff from that bernard college in new york thank you for joining us. pleasure. some sports now bill roos has been stripped of co-hosting the ice hockey world championship and make the move comes amid growing pressure following president alexander lukashenko his brutal crackdown against opposition protests and just last week ago met with the international hockey federation chief rene face all who had hoped that the tournaments would quote unify rather than the vibe but now i saw his world governing body says quote it's currently in possible to ensure the welfare of the teams and spectators. miter now at the top stories that we're tracking for you
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this hour the kremlin's fiercest critics alex in a valley has been jailed for 30 days upon his return to moscow now opposition leader was immediately arrested and hauled before a makeshift court person of all his says his team it makes a mockery of justice that as a family of little rock and roll and on behalf of all this is thank you so much for spending part of it in. but dusty very muddy tires and drums we deliver urgent lifesaving boxes we give our everything to reach those who need us the most everybody feeding their futures. boxes for the hard hope of life saving food and there's so much more down the roads with no names we've been asleep deliver relentless you know promise
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to make every delivery special. not just next day but every day. thousands of children are still waiting for their delivery sponsor of books today so together we can deliver the features. south africa's tourism sector calls foul after major insurer announces that its limiting covert related payouts to a mere 3 months of the pandemic look at the dispute surrounding insurance firms sun's out. also on the show seals the deal the new car making giant a fusion of p.s.a. and fia chrysler makes its trading debut bringing together a whopping 14 different brands. and samsung's top boss returns to present appeals court sentencing jay widely to 30 months in
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a rich. proud of his corruption case. hello welcome to the show i'm seen beardsley in berlin it's good to have you with us 9 months without a real stream of foreign visitors that's the dilemma facing south africa's critical tourism industry since the beginning of the pandemic how important is tourism where it employs 740000 people directly and almost twice as many indirectly and the government banned international tourists in late march 2020 and it prohibited terse overnights at hotels at until rather the end of july 2020 course that would affect mostly domestic tourists not the real focus there for the industry russia wants to force to close for months or restricted only to take away options now many restaurant hotel owners had signed up to sun times contingent business interruption insurance but south africa's biggest insurance company is now challenging their claims and for more on that i'm joined by the philip de vette from your highness
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bert johannesburg rather philip good to see you what is this all about when it comes the sense of not wanting to make these payments. for many companies and i believe for many insurance these policies were kind of nice to haves you know they were the kind of add on that was put on by insurance consultants for a bit of an extra profit no one actually expected them to be insured for so suddenly for the 1st time they being tasted and the issue is that iran or a large amount of money is involved but now and into the future keep in mind you know that the initial costs may be significantly higher and is locked on to continue and there's a lot of legal ease involved here there's a lot of legal interpretation involved now the businesses tell us what they experience from the sometimes side is what they call a stalin grab strategy a legal strategy that says we will give only so much we will only give you a limited and after that you can have to fight us and called for every step of the way and that of course costs money which these businesses probably don't have how much money are we talking about in claims that they expect. a vast amount of money
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unfortunately it's very hard to put a number to us having some calculations done especially on the regulator e. side on what the potential liability can be on the regulators tell us that they are comfortable that it was some time in the industry as a whole can't pay this amount of money that they were going to run out of liquidity but actually been done is extremely hard there is some trading at the moment but because beaches are closed a lot of the competition establishment feeling that restaurants are open but they can't sell it because booze assuming part of their is nice and has a large impact no one can really say how long this thing will actually last and of course then we don't know how soon vaccinations will make it all go away all right phil diverge warning us from johannesburg thank you very much. over markets where a new auto giant made its market debut on monday but still lantus is not exactly unknown it's the fusion of car makers the chrysler and p.s.a.
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and it was made official over the weekend and it's already now the world's 4th largest auto company so what's the expect from salon this is a look. stern says his portfolio in cade's pleasure opel and citroen own which are very popular in europe and hit chrysler has added venerable u.s. brands don't can keep into the mix. the new transatlantic automaker owns 14 brands still mantis is now the world's 4th biggest carmaker after volkswagen toyota and the red no nisson mitsubishi alliance. c carlos to virus hopes the merger will leverage synergies that will save billions of euros including reducing the many platforms its vehicles around to just a handful by joining forces stand and his hopes to make an easier shift into electro mobility. analysts forecasts that the merger could see the closure of underused factories canister virus is notorious for tough cost cutting measures the
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official line however is that all plants will remain open. so how did the markets receive on its 1st day well our financial correspondent chelsea do any of this work. so once the stock market debut was a bit of a blockbuster shares started up trading about 3 percent at one point they were up about 5 percent and trading in paris so and masters are looking at this tie up as a really positive and a deal that gives a lot to really a shot at the future many automakers even the biggest are really struggling right now with the shift to electric vehicles and by pooling their resources that p.s.a. and chrysler should be able to be a bigger competitor in this market in the future one of the big questions though is how they will go about saving money they said they want to save about 5000000000 euros but for now they're saying they don't plan to cut jobs they don't plan to close factories and they plan to maintain all 14 brands that they have analysts and
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investors are a bit skeptical that they'll actually be able to achieve that though. or a deal the financial correspondent chelsea delaney there in frankfurt over asia now where new figures show that the chinese economy grew in the 4th quarter of 2020 underlining its rapid recovery from the pandemic the results to a stronger than expected 2020 for the country with growth of 2.3 percent china appears to be the only major economy to avoid shrinking last year as countries struggle with the impact of cope with 19 or those countries of course is the u.s. which remains in a series of trade and diplomatic disputes with china with global consequences so with the new u.s. president coming into office this week many are wondering where those disputes are headed used to w's. what comes next after america 1st 4 years of donald trump have left their mark on the international trading order torn up deals trade wars tit for tat tariffs and it's hardly been
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a resoundingly success take the trade war with china washington tariffs on billions of dollars worth of chinese products are record amounts are still being spent on them while american exports have only slightly improved china's trade surplus still skyrocketed to over $75000000000.00 exports to the u.s. are still growing. know how to deal with china is a shared question for both the e.u. and the u.s. they both want to be present in the chinese market because it's huge but they also want to get china to play by the rules that means respecting intellectual property and having the same conditions for european and american companies in china as the other way around and they don't want china to have unchallenged technological dominance in the world they just haven't figured out how to achieve those ends yet together or separately put out a timer multi-lateralism has supposedly floundered china has since become
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a signatory to the world's largest free trade pact the regional conference of economic partnership involves 15 countries making up close to 30 percent of world trade deal cut as much as 90 percent of the tariffs on imports between its members within 20 years of coming into effect. now it's worth noting that the ours was 1st proposed in 2011 and that's quite a long time before the us china trade war even started so it's not as if one person potato the other but the us that you should sit up and take note anyway are said might not mean as much economic glee right now but it means that these countries have agreed on a joint economic venture it is a forum it's a building block. that these countries can and will build up right so it's kind of it's it's a stepping stone if you will and that is kind of the part that should for easy you
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and that should for a the united states the e.u. and the u.s. have a host of issues to deal with before they can repair and eventually strengthen their relationship so that they can counter the outsized ambitions of china which i'm all other ways has cemented its international influence by signing a sweeping free trade deal with its neighbors and beyond i mean that's manageable but it is also of course a special top job i was going to use inheriting a very. you know dramatic. economic situation to basically use there for because of the pad going to be further for both domestic oil reserves and preserve those who really hold the biden ministration is going to our share in a new era of closer transatlantic trade relations i think they're going to have to be patient for the 1st couple of years. while the golden age is hardly to be found in the time of a pandemic there is
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a golden opportunity not to return to the system before donald trump but to make it better he won't make trade great again alone with allies help it can be greater than it was. there all right let's take a look at some of the other business stories making headlines. germany says the arrest of kremlin opposition figure alexina volley will not affect the north stream to pipeline project to bring russian gas to germany for the government spokesman saying berlin's position was unchanged despite what it sees as a rule of law violation of foreign traders have meanwhile dumped russia's currency sending the ruble tumbling. canadian media reporting that joe biden has scrapped the plan keystone x.l. oil pipeline on his 1st day in office current plans call for the pipeline to transfer half. a 1000000 barrels of oil daily from alberta to refineries in texas president trump has been a keen backer of the project. and reports say the troubled ministration has told
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companies including chip maker intel that it is revoking certain licenses to sell to chinese telecommunications giant huawei washington sees while way as a national security threat due to its alleged close ties to the chinese military and communist party. an appeals court in seoul has sent samsung air j. young lead back to prison in a retrial of his 27000 conviction was once again found guilty of bribery and embezzlement and said it's the 30 months in prison today's verdict could have grave consequences for the future of one of the world's leading tech companies for. there was no comment from the man in question on monday leaching young was sentenced to another 2 and a half years in prison. defacto head is accused of driving a confidant of former president park pay to secure political support for controversial dealing. means lawyer said his client was merely acting in his
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company's interest. considering the true nature of this case which is about a company that had its freedom and right to property violated because the act the president abused her power we are disappointed by the court's decision. party and hayes stepped down in 2017 following the corruption scandal. was found guilty and imprisonment. but after serving a fraction of his 5 year sentence he was freed again. today's verdict is untimely for samsung the company has effectively lost its strategic head making its position as leading smartphone money factor a significantly less secure something unveiled its latest models just last week it's not uncommon for south korea to take the heads of its more powerful businesses to course mostar pardoned due to their company's significance for the country's
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economy. however the samsung heir was arrested immediately after the verdict and was taken to a prison on the outskirts of seoul. that's it for me in the business team here in berlin to check us out a lot of dot com slash business also facebook twitter i'm seeing there's a place for watch. they're called the ghosts of karachi. 1700 imprisoned in pakistan's largest psychiatric hospital not all of them suffer from mental illness they are dictums optimistic violinists discarded by society and forgotten. crusoe. in 60 minutes d.w.
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happiness is for everyone schumann penises are very different from primates we have many totally ridiculous amanda sized view of nature and their feet and this is climate change crisis sex how fetus in 3 books you get smarter for free books on. this as d.w. news africa coming up on the program they've risked their lives enough about. kenyan health workers on strike calling on the government to do more to protect them on the job. die of cold at night but also coming up. more b. y. and supports is how we've been denied access here he says in composites while himself he remains reportedly hailed to use home.
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